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F4Menu v0.15 - for Total Commander 7.0 or above

About F4Menu
F4 is the shortcut key of Total Commander/TC for opening and editing
files, it invokes the specified editor to open the selected file.
Unfortunately, in TC only one editor can be assigned to F4, so it is
impossible to choose other editors for different file types, or to
select different editors for one specified file type.

F4Menu is the right tool to solve these problems.

As the name implies, F4Menu pops up a context menu upon pressing F4,
the user then chooses an appropriate editor for the selected file.
Certainly, it is also possible to run F4Menu in the background
without showing the menu and automatically open a file with its
associated editors.

1. Press a single key and choose the best suited editor to open your

2. Use different editors to open different files at the same time.

3. Selection menu supports drag-and-drop for easy reordering of items.

4. Easy to use and configure to meet your most challenging demands.

How to use
1. Press F4 on a file in TC to launch F4Menu in foreground mode and
show the selection menu.

a. The first menu item is current file name, if it is shown as
"*.xxx", that means there are several files with the same
extension. Choose this item to open the files with the system
associated program. This item is shown in grey if no program
is associated.

b. The second menu item is the default editor, which is used to
open all unassociated files in background mode.

c. Common editors are shown in bold if they are associated with
the current file, and in grey if the path is invalid.

2. Shortcuts

Space - Open the file with the first matching editor. Common
editors are searched first, if none is found, the default
editor is used.

Enter - Open the file with the selected editor.

Ctrl+Enter - Associate and open the file with selected editor.

3. Press ESC+F4 or CapsLock+F4 on a file to launch F4Menu in foreground
mode and automatically open the file without menu.

4. Modify the configuration of F4 editors through the setting dialog:

a. The editor's path supports all system environment variables, such
as "%ProgramFiles%", "SystemRoot", "COMMANDER_PATH", etc.

b. The extension supports wildcard '*' and '?', the former is used
to match any string, and the latter to match any single charactor.

1. Download (31kB, Unicode) from

2. System requirements: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008,
Total Commander 7.0 or above.

3. Unzip F4Menu to any folder.

4. Set F4Menu.exe as F4 Editor of Total Commander. (TC -> Configuration
-> Options -> Edit/View -> Editor for F4)

5. OK, press F4 to launch F4Menu now!

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it possible to associate an editor with empty extension, such as

A: Yes, just leave the extension field empty, for example, "txt,,"
associates with "txt" and empty extension.

2. In the settings dialog, I removed the first line of editors, but the
following lines did not go up, is it a bug of F4Menu?

A: No. The first line is the default editor, if the default editor is
removed, this line will be empty, but F4Menu does not promote the
next editor to be default. You can also drag-and-drop to sort
editors in the list.

3. Can F4Menu run VBScript or JScript?

A: Yes, just set wscript.exe as the editor and the script as parameter.

4. I selected several files in an archive, but F4Menu only opened one,
is this a bug?

A: No. Actually, TC cannot open files in archive directly, it must
unpack the files to a temporary folder before opening them.
TC only unpacks the file under cursor instead of all selected files,
so F4Menu can only open the one TC has unpacked.

5. Inside an archive, a "User abort!" message is shown while pressing
ESC+F4 to launch F4Menu, why?

A: As mentioned in question 4, TC unpacks the file before opening it,
during this time, ESC key may be treated as a command to abort,
this triggers the message in question. In this case, you can use
another shortcut key: CapsLock+F4 (depends on setting).

6. Is it possible to remove the default editor?

A: Sure, you can drag & drop it down the list or remove it in both
the pop-up menu and the setting dialog box.

[+]added [!]fixed [*]changed
[2007-10-02 v0.15rc1]
+ Language: Polish (thanks to dong@tc)
+ Ability to Drag&Drop file and shortcut to setting dialog to create
new entries. (thanks to lancaster@DRL, icfu@tc)
+ Show editor path & param in tooltips (thanks to lancaster@DRL)
+ New selection menu position: right of current file/opposite panel/
center window (thanks to sergeich28@tc, icfu@tc)
+ Editor support relative path (thanks to redgiant@DRL)
+ Editor support start path (thanks to eaglesky@DRL, byblo@tc)
+ Can open all files while selected amount exceed the limitation
+ Add manifest file (thanks to SanskritFritz@tc)
! Cannot realize non-native unicode file name (partial resolved)
! Cannot open the file in an archive or FTP server
! Cannot set the "maximum number of open files" to larger than 16
! Cannot open the file in network neighbor (thanks to leepg)
! The entry of setting dialog may automatically move (thanks to icfu@tc)

[2007-09-23 v0.141]
+ Danish Readme (thanks to petermad)
+ Substitute current undefined language string by internal English string
! crashed when trying to open multiple files in an archive (Raymond@tc,
* Remove the mnemonic-prefix chars for "OK", "Cancel" in language files
(thanks to icfu@tc)

[2007-09-22 v0.14]
+ Language: German (thanks to icfu@tc)
+ Language: Russian (thanks to bayarookie@tc)
+ Language: French (thanks to byblo@tc)
+ Language: Romanian (thanks to eugensyl@tc)
+ Language: Hungarian-magyar (thanks to SanskritFritz@tc)
+ Language: Spanish (thanks to dott@tc)
+ Treat leading char of menu item as an implicit mnemonic-prefix char,
and its priority is lower than ampersand(&) mnemonic-prefix char.
(thanks to zhuangv@newsmth)
+ Ability to unselect opened files (thanks to TucknDar@tc)
+ Window option: normal/maximize/minimize (Fantast@DRL, byblo@tc)
+ Add new shortcuts for Setting listview: Del removes editor, Shift+Del
removes editor without confirmation (thanks to icfu@tc)
+ Add version info in file property (thanks to roentgen@tc)
! The foreground color of InfoText is not consist with system. (thanks
to icfu@tc)
! Cannot work in the invisble folder which protected by Universal Shield
(thanks to Fantast@DRL)
! Append a stange terminating char for Language name (thanks to petermad@tc)
! In Danish, the initial language name is not consist with setting. (thanks
to petermad@tc)
! In French, Selection menu appears at the position of the [Current file] &
[Mouse cursor] are inverted. (thanks to byblo@tc)
! Crash when set Winrar as editor (thanks to roentgen@tc)
* Revise english language file & readme (thanks to frank@newsmth)
* Removed mnemonic-prefix char &A &O &S for selection menu in internal
English language.

[2007-09-16 v0.13]
In this verion, the format of ini file is changed.
Please run INI_to_v013.exe to update ini before starting F4Menu.

+ Highlights single file selected by F4, un-highlights it when F4Menu
exits. (thanks to zhuangv@newsmth, xuanqing@newsmth)
+ Use FileDescription as default editor name. (thanks to nevermind@DRL)
+ Update ini format. (thanks to icfu@tc)
+ Add language file Danish.lng. (thanks to petermad)
+ Add language file Dutch.lng. (thanks to RolandD)
! Cannot work on the search result list.
* The default ini file is renamed to F4Menu.ini.template, and use
%programfiles% as initial path. (thanks to icfu@tc)
* Use "MS Shell dlg 2" as default dialog font. (thanks to icfu@tc)
* Remove three mnemonic-prefix chars from selection menu (&A, &S, &O).

[2007-09-15 v0.12]
+ Highlights single file selected by F4. (thanks to zhuangv@newsmth)
+ Open mode: Open each file separately / Open all file as a list.
(thanks nevermind@DRL)
+ Selection menu position: Current file/Mouse cursor. (thanks to
render@newsmth, zhuangv@newsmth)
! Cannot work on Vista/2008.

[2007-09-13 v0.11]
! F4Menu cannot work if file size displayed in dynamic mode.
(thanks to BillGates@newsmth)

[2007-09-12 v0.1]
Initial release

License Agreement
F4Menu is a free software and is provided "as is" without warranty of any
kind, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Should the program
prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair
or correction. This program can be freely copied/distributed without
breaking distribution package integrity.

Shao Shanny (PRC)


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