SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite 1 5 Administration Guide

Administration Guide
SAP Business One
Integration Toolkit
for mySAP Business
Suite - 1.5
Document Version 1.50  May 15, 2003
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Typographic Conventions Icons
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Example Text Words or characters that appear Caution
on the screen. These include
field names, screen titles, and
pushbuttons, as well as menu
names, paths, and options.
Cross-references to other
Example text Emphasized words or phrases in
body text, titles of graphics, and
EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the
system. These include report
names, program names,
transaction codes, table names,
and individual key words of a
programming language, when
surrounded by body text, for
example, SELECT and
Example text
Screen output. This includes file
and directory names and their
paths, messages, names of
variables and parameters,
source code, as well as names
of installation, upgrade, and
database tools.
Example text
Exact user entry. These are
words or characters that you
enter in the system exactly as
they appear in the

Variable user entry. Pointed
brackets indicate that you
replace these words and
characters with appropriate
Keys on the keyboard, for
example, function keys (such as
F2) or the Strg key.
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
A: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Target Audience................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Structure............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Further Reading ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
B: WORKBENCH OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 6
C: ADMINISTRATION....................................................................................................................................... 7
Listing Function Modules, Retrieving the WSDL, and Deleting Function Modules .................................................. 7
Uploading Function Modules........................................................................................................................................... 9
Monitoring Server Logs ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Monitoring Session Logs ................................................................................................................................................ 11
D: CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................................................... 14
Logging ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
DI API.............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Sender .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Sender for SAP Exchange Infrastructure  Special Case.............................................................................................. 22
Scheduler ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
SAP XI ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
E: ADVANCED CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................ 28
Web Application Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 28
Persistence Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 30
SAP Business One Sender Configuration..................................................................................................................... 32
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Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
A: Introduction
The SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite  1.5 (SAP Business One Integration
Toolkit) provides an environment for the SAP Business One system to communicate with other systems,
especially SAP systems, using Web Service. This manual explains all aspects of both customizing options of
the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit in order to fit different usage and useful tools to carry out daily
administration jobs.
The examples in this manual are based on our default installation. So they may be a little different from
your installation.
Target Audience
As an administrator or person responsible for the proper operation of the SAP Business One Integration
Toolkit, you should read this document carefully because the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit consists
of several parts which are implemented with different technologies.
This manual is also created for your convenience. For reference in your daily work, you may read only
appropriate sections but we highly recommend that you read it all the way through once.
This manual can be divided into the following sections:
1. Introduction: This part is just what you are reading now.
2. Workbench Overview: This part explains the basic concept and usage of the SAP Business One
Integration Toolkit workbench. 90% of the configuration and administration tasks are completed in
the workbench.
3. Administration: You may learn how to perform all administration tasks in the SAP Business One
Integration Toolkit.
4. Configuration: You may find all the customizing options, their possible values and effects.
5. Advanced Configuration: Here we discuss some advanced configuration topics that may not be done
in the workbench.
Further Reading
1. SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite  1.5  Installation Guide
2. SAP J2EE Engine 6.20  Installation Guide
3. SAP J2EE Engine 6.20  Administration Guide
4. SAP Business One Data Interface API (DI-API)  Installation Guide
5. SAP Business One Data Interface API (DI-API)  Help
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Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
B: Workbench Overview
The SAP Business One Integration Toolkit workbench is a graphical user interface based on web pages.
With the workbench, you can configure the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit in your web browser.
We recommend you to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 1024x768 screen
To access the workbench, simply enter the URL in the browser. In our default installation, you may use the
following URL on the same site where you install the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit:
Normally, a login dialog window pops up. You need enter the user name and password. In the default
installation, the user name is Administrator with no password.
This is the default administrator user and password of the SAP J2EE Engine 6.20. You can create new
users or assign new passwords in the SAP J2EE Engine Administrate Console.
After you log on to the system, the first look of the workbench may be like this:
6 May 2003
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
The main screen of the workbench is divided into two parts. The left part shows the main menu, which helps
you to navigate to different administration or configuration areas. The menu items are grouped as follows:
" Function modules
" Logs
" Settings
The content of the right part changes according to your choices in the left part. The WSDL.... menu item is
selected by default. So the right part displays the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) screen of the
function modules.
There is no logoff function from the workbench. If you close the main screen and all its subscreens, you
log off automatically. Therefore, remember to close the workbench screen after you finish your work.
C: Administration
You can perform the following administration tasks in the workbench:
" Listing function modules, retrieving the WSDL of the function modules, and deleting function
" Uploading new or updating function modules
" Monitoring server logs
" Monitoring session logs
We will explain these one by one in this chapter.
Listing Function Modules, Retrieving the WSDL, and Deleting
Function Modules
Selecting WSDL... in the menu, you will see a list of function modules:
There are two tables in the function module list. The upper table lists the unchangeable system function
modules. The lower table shows the customizable function modules. These customizable function modules
may be the reference function modules coming with the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit installation.
Your development team may also create additional function modules.
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In each table, you can read the following information regarding the function modules:
" Function Module Name: logical name of the function module
This name is used by external system to use the function module.
" Function Module Class: full qualified name of the main class of the function module
For example:
" Function Module Package: name of the JAR file which contains all the classes of this function
System function modules do not have this information.
" Last Update: last time when the JAR file of this function module was uploaded
System function modules do not have this information.
Currently, a JAR file can only pack one function module. There must be only one main class in the JAR
file as the main entrance to the function module.
In the table of function modules, you can see the WSDL in a new browser window by clicking the hyperlink
on the name of the function module.
In the Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can right-click the hyperlink and select Save Target As& to save
the WSDL as XML file.
When you want to remove a customizable function module, click the icon. Then a dialog box appears to
let you confirm the operation. If you choose OK, the function module is removed immediately. Any further call
of the function module returns the error message Object not found.
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There is no way to undo the delete operation. To recover the function module, you can upload the same
JAR file with the same logical name again. See the following chapter for details.
Uploading Function Modules
Selecting Upload... in the menu, you branch to the upload screen:
To upload your customizing function module, you need to fill in all the blank fields:
" Function Module Name: logical name of the function module
This name is used by external systems to call the function module.
For example: VMIFunctionModule
" Function Module Class: full qualified name of the main class of the function module
For example:
" Function Module Package: name of the JAR file which contains all the classes of this function
You can use the Browse button to open a dialog box for file selection.
Then choose the Upload button to do the uploading.
After the screen refresh, you should receive a message of either success or the reason of failure. If the
upload was successful, you see the WSDL of the uploaded function module as indicated in the previous
Uploading a function module with an existing logical name will override the respective old version. Refer
to the Last Update column for the last update of this function module.
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Monitoring Server Logs
Selecting Server in the menu, you will see the list of the server logs.
Each log file is listed with its last change date and time. By clicking on the hyperlink of the log file, the content
of the log file is displayed in a new pop-up window.
Server logs are an important means to trace system problems of the SAP Business One Integration
Toolkit as well as problems in your customizable function module.
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Monitoring Session Logs
Selecting Session in the menu, you will see the table of session logs. Session logs record each HTTP
request received and every HTTP reply sent out.
The initial screen only shows the last 5 requests. To view all requests, choose NEXT >>. In the request table,
you can read the following information:
" Receive Date: date and time when this HTTP request arrived
" Status: process status of the request
Possible values are:
o New: request has just been received and finished persistence
o Processing: request is in process
o Done: request has been processed successfully
o Canceled: request has been canceled for some reason
o Failed: an error occurred when the request was being processed and an error message has
been created
For more information, drill down to the response content.
" Last Try Date: time when it has been tried last to process the request
" Close Date: time when processing the request was completed, regardless of whether there was
an error or not
" Remote Peer: logical name of the remote communication peer who sent the request
This logical name is configured in properties of the sender.
" Remote Host: actual IP address of the remote communication peer who sent the request
" Request URI: actual URI requested by the remote peer
In our default installation, the URI of /SBOWebService/dispatcher is used for the
standard headless web service and the URL of /SBOWebService/xi is used for the SAP
Exchange Infrastructure integration web service.
" External ID: ID referenced by the external system, for example, R/3
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By clicking << PREV and NEXT >>, you can see the previous or the next 5 requests.
Using the request filter, you can display requests with a specific status or that were received during a specific
time period.
When entering a date in the Request Filter you must adhere to the syntax yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or
yyyy-MM-dd. Any other input may cause an error message.
You can drill down the request by clicking on different icons:
" Clicking the icon, the HTTP request head information is displayed in a new window.
" Clicking the icon, the XML content of the HTTP request will be shown in a new window.
" Clicking the icon, the related response batch and the items in the batch will appear.
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The response of a request normally contains one response item. But the response batch may also contain
several items when the function module is being called asynchronously. In this case, only the last 5 items are
listed. Use << PREV or NEXT >> to see the previous or the next 5 response items.
In the ResponseBatch table, you can read the following information for each response batch:
" Create Date: date and time when this response was created
" Status: return status of the response
Possible values are:
o New: response has just been created and finished persistence
o Processing: response is being sent
o Done: response has been sent successfully
o Canceled: sending the response has been canceled for some reason
o Failed: an error occurred when returning the response
Because the response sender is a standard Windows service, it saves the log information
as Windows Event. For more error information, refer to the Windows Event Viewer.
o Confirmed: remote peer has confirmed the receipt of all items in the batch
" Last Try Date: time when it has been tried last to send a response
" Close Date: time when sending the response has been completed, regardless of whether there
was an error or not
" Remote Peer: logical name of the remote communication peer who will receive the response
This logical name is configured in the properties of the sender.
" Expire Date: date and time when the response will expire
" Max Retry Time: maximum retry times to send back the response
" Communication Type by which means to send back the response
Possible values are
This means that the response is sent back in one HTTP request/response round
This means that the remote peer will only get an acknowledgment after having sent the request.
The real response will be sent by other HTTP request(s) from the sender service.
To receive the asynchronous response, the remote peer must listen to the HTTP request on a
certain port. Therefore, the IP address, port number, and URI of the remote peer to receive the
asynchronous response should be configured in the properties of the sender.
" Dispatch Type in which order the response will be sent back
Possible values are
In Order
This means that the response items in the same batch should be sent back one by one.
This means that there is no order limitation.
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In the ResponseItems table, you can read the following information of each response item:
" Status:return status of the response
Possible values are:
o New: response has just been created and finished persistence
o Processing: response is being sent
o Done: response has been sent successfully
o Canceled: sending process of the response has been canceled for some reason
o Failed:an error occurred when sending back the response
Refer to the Windows Event Viewer for detailed error information
o Confirmed: remote peer has confirmed the receipt of all items
" Create Date: time when this response was created
" Last Try Date: time it has been tried last to send the response
" Close Date: time when the sending process of the response was completed, regardless of
whether there was an error or not
" Internal ID: ID referenced by the external system to confirm the response
You can drill down the request by clicking on different icons:
" Clicking the icon, the response head information is displayed in a new window.
" Clicking the icon, the XML content of the response item will be shown in a new window.
Session logs are an important means to trace problems of customizable function modules and runtime
D: Configuration
You can perform the following configuration tasks in the workbench:
" Logging
Logging level and format
Configuration that is required for the Data Interface API
" Sender
the remote communicating peers
" Scheduler
We will explain these configuration tasks one by one in this chapter.
Changes to the configuration seetings will take effect with the next reboot of the SAP J2EE Engine 6.20,
except for the scheduler settings.
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Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Selecting Logging in the menu, you will see the logging properties.
The logging function in the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit uses SAP Logging API. SAP Logging API
provides a tracing and logging solution with several additional features as compared to open source
packages such as Log4J or the upcoming Standard Logging API of JDK 1.4 (formerly known as JSR47). The
Java expert group has decided that this package is the official tracing and logging solution within the SAP
A configuration file is used to control its behavior. The file looks as follows:
.severity = INFO
.logs = log[File]
log[File] = FileLog
log[File].pattern = log/sbotrace%g.log
log[File].formatter = TraceFormatter
log[File].limit = 1048576
log[File].cnt = 10
log[Console] = ConsoleLog
log[Console].formatter = TraceFormatter
Our workbench provides the GUI to change this property file. Use the Save option to save your modification
or Discard to cancle your changes.
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Normally, you only need to change the logging level:
.severity = INFO
Different levels of severity are shown in the table below in ascending order:
Severity Details
MIN Minimum restriction
DEBUG For debugging purposes, with extensive and low level
PATH For tracing the execution flow, e.g. used in the context of
entering and leaving a method, looping and branching
INFO Informational text, mostly for echoing what has been
WARNING Application can recover from anomaly and fulfill the
desired task, but requires attention from a developer or
an operator
ERROR Application can recover from error, but cannot fulfill
desired task due to an error
FATAL Application cannot recover from error and the severe
situation causes fatal termination
MAX Maximum restriction
Further configuration options can be found under
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Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Selecting SBO API in the menu, you will see the properties of the SAP Business One Application Data
Interface API (DI API).
The SAP Business One Data Interface API is provided by SAP Business One as a uniform interface for
communication between an external system and SAP Business One. Before using the API, some logon
information is required.
A configuration file is used to provide SAP Business One logon information. The file looks as follows:
Connection.min = 1
Connection.max = 3
db.server = (local) = SBODemo_US
db.username = manager
db.password = bWFuYWdlcg==
db.trusted = true
db.language = 3
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Below, you will find an explanation of each line:
Property Name Default value Description
Sboapi.connection.min 1 Initial number of connections of the SAP Business
One Data Interface API (DI-API)
Sboapi.connection.max 3 Maximum number of connections of the SAP
Business One Data Interface API (DI-API)
Sboapi.db.server SAP Business One Database server host or IP SAP Business One Database name
sboapi.db.username SAP Business One Database username
sboapi.db.password SAP Business One Database password
sboapi.db.language SAP Business One Database language settings
sboapi.db.trusted True or false if Windows NT trusted login is used
Our workbench provides the GUI to change this property file. Use the Save option to save your modification
or Discard to cancle your changes.
For security reasons, the password in the configuration is encrypted. You cannot enter the password in clear
text. Instead, you must enter an encrypted string. To get the encrypted string of the password, you need the
Password Encoding Toolkit:
When you enter the clear text password and choose Encrypt, you will get the encrypted string. Then copy
and paste the string into the configuration file.
Before choosing Encrypt, you better save your changes first. Password encoding will refresh the web
pages and discard any unsaved changes.
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Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Selecting Sender in the menu, you will see the properties of the SAP Business One sender.
The properties have several functionalities:
" For security reasons, only HTTP requests from remote peers with associated IP addresses listed
in the properties are accepted. Other request clients will receive a deny error.
" The SAP Business One sender is a standalone Windows backend service. It needs the properties
to translate the remote peer logical name to the respective IP address. And it also needs to know
other information of remote peers who are listening to the asynchronous responses, for example,
port number, URI, user name and password as well as proxy information.
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A configuration file is used to provide this information. The file looks as follows:
# Global sender configuration:
# Keystore The path and name of the keystore file for digital certification
# Peers The name list of communication peers, separated by commas, e.g.
# peers=subsidiary1, subsidiary2, partner1
# The default proxy host
# proxy.port The default proxy port
# proxy.username The default proxy user name
# proxy.password The default proxy password
# Keystore = c:\temp
# Peers = localhost
# =
# proxy.port =
# proxy.username =
# proxy.password =
# Configuration of each communication peer, where the [name] should be replaced with the peer name
# from the peer list:
# [name] Trusted remote host IP address that is allowed to communicate
# [name].protocol Peer protocol in HTTP or HTTPS
# [name].host Host to receive the asynchronous response
# [name].port Port number to receive the asynchronous response
# [name].uri URI to receive the asynchronous response
# [name].username Peer user name
# [name].password Peer password
# [name] Proxy host name or IP
# [name].proxy.port Proxy port number
# [name].proxy.username Proxy user name
# [name].proxy.password Proxy password
# localhost
# =
# localhost.protocol = http
# = localhost
# localhost.port = 5555
# localhost.uri = /invoke/
# localhost.username =
# localhost.password =
# =
# localhost.proxy.port =
# localhost.proxy.username =
# localhost.proxy.password =
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Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Global sender configuration:
Name Description
Keystore The path and name of the keystore file for digital certification when
SSL is being used
Peers The name list of communication peers, separated by commas, for
example, peers=subsidiary1, subsidiary2, partner1 The default proxy host
Proxy.port The default proxy port
Proxy.username The default proxy user name
Proxy.password The default proxy password (encrypted)
Configuration of each communication peer, where the [name] should be replaced with the peer name from
the peer list:
Name Description
[name] Trusted remote host IP address that is allowed to communicate
[name].protocol HTTP or HTTPS protocol to send the request
[name].host Peer host name or IP
[name].port Peer port number
[name].uri Peer URI to receive the request
[name].username Peer user name
[name].password Peer password (encrypted)
[name] Proxy host name or IP
[name].proxy.port Proxy port number
[name].proxy.username Proxy user name
[name].proxy.password Proxy password (encrypted)
Our workbench provides the GUI to change this properties file. Use the Save option to save your
modification or Discard to cancel your changes.
For security reasons, the password in the configuration is encrypted. You cannot enter the password in clear
text. Instead, you must enter an encrypted string. To get the encrypted string of the password, you need the
Password Encoding Toolkit:
When you enter the clear text password and choose Encrypt, you will get the encrypted string. Then copy
and paste the string into the configuration file.
Before choosing Encrypt, you better save your changes first. Password encoding will refresh the web
pages and discard any unsaved changes.
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Sender for SAP Exchange Infrastructure  Special Case
For the SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) special case, an example of sender settings can be as
# Global sender configuration:
# Keystore The path and name of the keystore file for digital certification
# Peers The name list of communication peers, separated by commas, e.g.
# peers=subsidiary1, subsidiary2, partner1
# The default proxy host
# proxy.port The default proxy port
# proxy.username The default proxy user name
# proxy.password The default proxy password
# Keystore = c:\temp
# Peers = localhost, xiserver
# =
# proxy.port =
# proxy.username =
# proxy.password =
# Configuration of each communication peer, where the [name] should be replaced with the peer name
# from the peer list:
# [name] Trusted remote host ip address whom is allowed to communicate
# [name].protocol Peer protocol in HTTP or HTTPS
# [name].host Host to receive the asynchronous response
# [name].port Port number to receive the asynchronous response
# [name].uri URI to receive the asynchronous response
# [name].username Peer user name
# [name].password Peer password
# [name] Proxy host name or IP
# [name].proxy.port Proxy port number
# [name].proxy.username Proxy user name
# [name].proxy.password Proxy password
# localhost
# =
# localhost.protocol = http
# = xiserver
# localhost.port = 50024
# localhost.uri = /sap/xi/adapter_plain
# localhost.username = XIUSER
# localhost.password = U0sREk=
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# xiserver
# =
# xiserver.protocol = http
# = xiserver
# xiserver.port = 50024
# xiserver.uri = /sap/xi/adapter_plain
# xiserver.username = XIUSER
# xiserver.password = U0sREk=
Here we assume that the SAP XI server is called xiserver with IP address Note that there are
two peers in the sender settings, localhost and xiserver.
The xiserver peer uses the normal configuration:
Name Description Trusted remote host IP address of the SAP XI server,
xiserver.protocol HTTP or HTTPS protocol to send the request,  http Host name of the SAP XI server,  xiserver
xiserver.port Port number of the HTTP adapter on the SAP XI server,  50024
xiserver.uri If you use the default HTTP adapter URI on the SAP XI server, the
syntax is  /sap/xi/adapter_plain .
If you do not use the default HTTP adapter URI on the SAP XI
server, the syntax is  /sap/xi/adapter_plain/ .
xiserver.username User name of the SAP XI server,  XIUSER
xiserver.password Password of the SAP XI server,  U0sREk= (encrypted)
Regarding the HTTP adapter URI, you can create a new service in XI to replace the default HTTP adapter.
Thus, the URI of the HTTP adapter will be  /sap/xi/adapter_plain/ plus service alias name. For example, if
you have created a service named SBOHTTP in XI with transaction SICF, the URI of the HTTP adapter will
be  /sap/xi/adapter_plain/SBOHTTP .
For the peer localhost, the configuration is different. The server issuing the request is different from the
server to receive the response. Here, the local host will issue the request, but the SAP XI server will receive
the response. See the table below for details:
Name Description Trusted remote host IP address of the local host,
localhost.protocol HTTP or HTTPS protocol to send the request,  http Host name of the SAP XI server,  xiserver
localhost.port Port number of the HTTP adapter on the SAP XI server,  50024
localhost.uri If you use the default HTTP adapter URI on the SAP XI server, the
syntax is  /sap/xi/adapter_plain .
If you do not use the default HTTP adapter URI on the SAP XI
server, the syntax is  /sap/xi/adapter_plain/ .
localhost.username User name of the SAP XI server,  XIUSER
localhost.password Password of the SAP XI server,  U0sREk= (encrypted)
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The settings for the peer localhost are required for the scheduler server because the scheduler is running on
the local host in the SAP XI integration. The scheduler issues the request to the SAP Business One
Integration Toolkit. But the scheduler itself is not the destination of the response messages. The response
messages should be sent to the SAP XI server. Above settings for the peer localhost are required to achieve
this goal.
For the sender in the SAP Exchange Infrastructure, one SAP Business One Integration Toolkit instance
can only support one SAP XI server at runtime because only one localhost peer can be set at a time.
Selecting Scheduler in the menu, you will see the list of the scheduling tasks.
The scheduler defines various scheduling tasks in the SAP Business One Integration Toolkit. The scheduling
information is stored in the scheduler table of the SBO-INT database.
When you want to remove a scheduling task, click the icon. A dialog box appears to let you confirm the
operation. If you choose OK, the scheduling task will be removed immediately.
There is no way to undo the delete operation. To recover the scheduling task, you must create it again.
You can edit the scheduling task by clicking on the task name or the icon. You can also create a new
scheduling task by clicking on the Create New Task hyperlink. Both actions will lead you to the following
24 May 2003
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
The following table lists the meaning of each field in the above screen:
Name Comment
Task Name The name of the task - information purpose only
First Run
First time the task was executed
Adhere to the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
Any other entry may cause an error message.
Interval The interval in which the task is to be repeated
If the task is not to be repeated, leave the field
Interval Unit Unit in which the task is to be repeated
If the task is not to be repeated, leave the field
blank. The allowed values are:
" Second(s)
" Minute(s)
" Hour(s)
" Day(s)
" Week(s)
" Month(s)
Command Line The command line to execute the task
Description Task description - information purpose only
Status Task status
The allowed values are:
" Inactive
" Active
In the above screen, use the Save option to save your modification or Discard to cancel your changes.
Choose Return to Scheduler to return to the previous screen.
Unlike other configurations, any changes to the scheduler takes effect immediately after saving.
The following types of command lines of the schedule tasks are supported:
" Dial-up task
This task dials a number to open up a connection.
Command line setting:
dialup  t -p -d -c
For example, you want to dial up number <12345678>. The user will log on to domain
with password . Then the remote server will call back with number
 87654321 . The command line may be as follows:
dialup  t 12345678  u guest  p guest123  d wdf  c 87654321
" Hang-up task:
This task closes the current dial-up connection.
Command line setting:
For example, if you want to disconnect the current dial-up connection, use the command line:
If no dial-up connection is found, this task does nothing but log the application event.
May 2003 25
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
" Send HTTP request task: this task sends out the HTTP request to the SAP Business One
Integration Toolkit web service on the local host.
Command line setting: sendhttp
The property file determines what kind of HTTP request will be sent. The property file should be
located under the sub-directory HTTP_Requests of the directory where the SBOScheduler.exe is
installed. The content of the property file is as follows:
Each line in the property file presents one XML file. The XML file contains the data that will be
embedded in the HTTP request body. If the =0, the XML file is inactive. The inactive
XML file will not be sent. If the =1, the XML file is active. The active XML file will be
sent by the task. The specified XML files in the property file should be located under the subdirectory
HTTP_Requests of the directory where the SBOScheduler.exe is installed.
For example, the SBOScheduler.exe is installed under C:\Program Files\SAP\SBO Integration
Toolkit and there is a property file named in the directory C:\Program
Files\SAP\SBO Integration Toolkit\HTTP_Requests.
The content of the property file is as follows:
The files example_request_1.xml, example_request_2.xml and example_request_3.xml are also in
directory C:\Program Files\SAP\SBO Integration Toolkit\HTTP_Requests.
The scheduled task command line setting is as follows:
The above scheduled task will sent two HTTP requests to the web service on the local host at each
time period. The HTTP request contains the example_request_2.xml or example_request_3.xml in
the body (example_request_1.xml is disabled in the properties file).
" When you execute any external command task: besides above types of command lines, you can
specify any valid external command line to be executed by the scheduler. For example, if you
want to run a batch job example.bat (located in c:\temp) on the local host, you can set the
command line as follows:
Note that you should use the full path name in the command line. Then the scheduler will run the command
26 May 2003
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Selecting SAP XI in the menu, you will see the properties for the SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI).
The properties for the SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) are used for the communication with the SAP
XI server. They construct the routine information of the message from the SAP Business One Integration
Toolkit to the SAP XI server.
A configuration file is used to control its behavior. The file looks as follows:
# Configuration of the XI communication partner:
# The logical name of the business system partner
# xi.namespace The namespace of the interface
# xi.qos The asynchronous (EO) processing QOS flag for the HTTP adapter
# xi.interface.error The interface name of the error messages
# = subsidiary1
# xi.namespace =
# xi.qos = EO
x# i.interface.error = GeneralError
May 2003 27
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
The following table lists the SAP XI configuration properties:
Property Name Default Value Description
The logical name of the
business system partner
The namespace of the
xi.qos EO
The asynchronous (EO)
processing QOS flag for the
HTTP adapter
xi.interface.error GeneralError
The interface name of the
error messages
E: Advanced Configuration
Besides the workbench configuration, there are some advanced configuration options. You can flexibly adapt
our solution to your application environment using these options, though these options do not need to
change in most installations. These options are divided into the following areas:
" Web Application configuration
" Persistence configuration
" SAP Business One Sender configuration
Web Application Configuration
In the Web Application configuration, you can do the following:
" Set the path and file name of other configuration files
" Customize the Web Application features, such as security and resource
The configuration of the Web Application is stored in the web.xml file. You can find it in the /WEB-INF
directory to which you deployed the Web Application. However, we do not recommend you to change the file
directly. The customizing tasks of the Web Application should be done before deployment. SAP s J2EE
Engine 6.20 provides a deploying tool with which you can do the customizing and deployment via a graphic
user interface. Refer to the related document on how to use this tool.
28 May 2003
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
The screen where you can modify web.xml looks as follows:
Below, you will find definitions of the options fot the context parameters
Name Default value Description
sboapi.configuration /conf/ The path and name of the SAP
Business One Data Interface API
configuration file
log.configuration /conf/ The path and name of the log
service configuration file
persistence.db.reference jdbc/sbointegration The name of the database
connection resource reference in
persistence.db.implementation Full name of the implementation
essageDAOImpl class of the persistence layer
sender.configuration /conf/ The path and name of the sender
configuration file
webservice.functionmodule /conf/FunctionModules.x The path and name of the function
ml module configuration file
webservice.functionmodule.jar. /lib The path of the function module
path JAR files
webservice.datamarshal /conf/MarshalDescription The path and name of the data
.xml marshal configuration file
i18n.configuration SBOWebServiceResour The name of the
ce internationalization resource file
plugins.configuration /conf/Plugins.xml The path and name of the plug-in
service configuration file
May 2003 29
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Besides the context parameters, you can change the standard Web Application options to fit your needs. For
example, if you want to define a security role:
For more information on the standard options of the Web Application, refer to the Java Servlet API
Specification 2.2.
Persistence Configuration
The SAP Business One Integration Toolkit needs persistence service of the container server to keep
persistant for incoming HTTP requests and outgoing HTTP responses. In the SAP J2EE Engine 6.20, the
setup will create a database pool entry by default. This entry points to the database created on the same
SQL server of the SAP Business One. If you want to change the database pool settings, such as user name
and password or you even want to move the persistence to other place, you can change the persistence
configuration in the SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 Administrate Console.
30 May 2003
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
The interface looks as follows:
The database pool must have the same name as specified in the web.xml. By default, the name is
sbointegration. In the Web Application configuration, a parameter points to the JNDI for the persistence
service resource. You can find the context parameter in the web.xml:
Name Default value Description
persistence.db.reference jdbc/sbointegration The name of the database connection
resource reference in JNDI
Note that the prefix jdbc/ is required in the context parameter.
May 2003 31
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
See the SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 Administration document for details on how to configure the database pool.
SAP Business One Sender Configuration
Because SAP Business One Sender is a standalone Windows service, there is a separate configuration file
in its installation directory to link property settings of the SAP Business One Sender.
SAP Business One Sender uses the SBOSender.ini file to determine property information. The file
looks as follows:
32 May 2003
Administration Guide: SAP Business One Integration Toolkit for mySAP Business Suite - 1.5
Below, you will find a definition of each line:
Name Description
SAP Business One Sender properties configuration file path and
Time interval for new asynchronous response check
SQL server host name or IP address
SQL server login user name
SQL server login password
Persistence database of the HTTP request/response
Default maximum retry times to send an asynchronous response
May 2003 33


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