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Creating the Package Specification
Package Specification Syntax To create packages, you declare all public constructs in the package specification.
Specify the OR REPLACE option, if overwriting an existing package specification. Initialize a variable with a constant value or formula within the declaration, if required; otherwise, the variable is initialized implicitly to NULL. The package specification should contain procedure and function headings terminated by a semicolon, without the IS (or AS) keyword and its PL/SQL block. The implementation of a procedure or function that is declared in a package specification is done in the package body.
CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE package_name IS|AS public type and variable declarations subprogram specificationsEND [package_name]
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE hr_pack IS PROCEDURE raise_salary (p_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_percent IN NUMBER); FUNCTION get_sal (p_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER;END hr_pack;