tn health and medicine

HEALTH AND MEDICINE  matura rozszerzona
Teacher s Notes
by Aleksandra Prochalska
Type of activity: individual work 4. to lose weight = to lose kilograms /
to gain weight = to become fatter
Focus: to check and revise vocabulary concerning HEALTH
AND MEDICINE based on  Revise ForMatura  5. a scar = a permanent mark on your skin /
Repetytorium a cut = a temporary mark on your skin
Level: Intermediate  Upper Intermediate
Time: 20  25 minutes 3. Write down the missing word. / 15 points
Preparation: 1. A(n) blister is a swelling on your skin containing
1. Photocopy the test. clear liquid, caused for example by a burn or
continuous rubbing.
2. To cough means to suddenly push air out of your
1. Explain the tasks in the test if necessary.
throat with a short sound, often repeatedly.
2. Set the time limit.
3. A(n) rash can be described as a lot of red spots on
Extension / Follow-up:
someone s skin, caused by an illness.
You may discuss marked tests with the whole class.
4. A(n) outpatient is someone who goes to a hospital
for treatment but does not stay for the night.
5. When liquid is coming out of your nose, usually
The key just provides suggestions, there might be
because you have a cold, we say that you have a
other possible answers.
runny nose.
6. A pain in your head and a feeling of sickness that you
get the day after you have drunk too much alcohol
1. Translate into Polish / 15 points
is called a hangover.
1. herbal therapy  terapia ziołowa
7. The feeling that you have when you think you are
2. drug abuse  nadużywanie narkotyków
going to vomit is called  nausea.
3. compulsive gambling  nałogowy hazard
8. An illness in which waste from the bowels is watery
and comes out often is called  diarrhoea /
4. mint tea  herbata miętowa
5. pneumonia  zapalenie płuc
9. Someone who spends a lot of time sitting and
6. painful joints  bolÄ…ce stawy
watching television is called a couch potato.
7. to sneeze  kichać
10. She was suffering from a serious disease.
8. to lose consciousness  tracić przytomność
11. She is off colour. She is slightly ill.
9. high blood pressure  wysokie ciśnienie krwi
12. My children are as fit as a fiddle. They are healthy
10. chest  klatka piersiowa
and fine.
11. X-ray  rentgen
13. The doctor gave me a prescription for sleeping
12. fatal disease  śmiertelna choroba
13. mental breakdown  załamanie nerwowe
14. Alternative medicine such as acupuncture is the
opposite of conventional medicine.
14. appendicitis  zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
15. The surgeons operated on me last year.
15. lung(s)  płuco, płuca
4. Translate into English. / 10 points
2. Explain the difference. / 10 points
1. spuchnięty  swollen
1. a plaster = a piece of material stuck on your
skin to cover a small wound /
2. wzrok  eyesight
plaster = a substance which hardens around
3. tabletka do ssania  lozenge
your leg or arm, used to treat broken bones
4. ofiara  casualty
2. a burn = an injury caused by fire, heat /
5. skręcona kostka - sprained ankle
a scald = a burn on your skin caused by hot
6. opatrunek  dressing
liquid or steam
7. poczekalnia  waiting room
3. an injection = putting a drug into someone s
8. siniak  bruise
body to help this person to recover /
9. położna  midwife
a vaccine = putting a drug into someone s body
to protect them against a particular disease
10. ugryzienie przez komara  mosquito bite
© Macmillan Polska 2010 PHOTOCOPIABLE


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