
Fullscreen Editor
body { margin: 0px; border: 0px; background-color: buttonface; }

// if we pass the "window" object as a argument and then set opener to
// equal that we can refer to dialogWindows and popupWindows the same way
if (window.dialogArguments) { opener = window.dialogArguments; }

var _editor_url = "../";

var parent_objname = location.search.substring(1,location.search.length); // parent editor objname
var parent_config = opener.document.all[parent_objname].config;

var config = cloneObject( parent_config );
var objname = 'editor'; // name of this editor

// DOMViewerObj = config;
// DOMViewerName = 'config';
// window.open('/innerHTML/domviewer.htm');

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
Function :
Description :
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function _CloseOnEsc() {
if (event.keyCode == 27) {

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
Function : cloneObject
Description : copy an object by value instead of by reference
Usage : var newObj = cloneObject(oldObj);
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function cloneObject(obj) {
var newObj = new Object;

// check for array objects
if (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf('function Array(') == 1) {
newObj = obj.constructor();

for (var n in obj) {
var node = obj[n];
if (typeof node == 'object') { newObj[n] = cloneObject(node); }
else { newObj[n] = node; }

return newObj;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
Function : resize_editor
Description : resize the editor when the user resizes the popup
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function resize_editor() { // resize editor to fix window
var editor = document.all['_editor_editor'];

newWidth = document.body.offsetWidth;
newHeight = document.body.offsetHeight - editor.offsetTop;

if (newWidth < 0) { newWidth = 0; }
if (newHeight < 0) { newHeight = 0; }

editor.style.width = newWidth;
editor.style.height = newHeight;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
Function : init
Description : run this code on page load
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function init() {
// change maximize button to minimize button
config.btnList["popupeditor"] = ['popupeditor', 'Minimize Editor', 'update_parent(); window.close();', 'fullscreen_minimize.gif'];

// set htmlmode button to refer to THIS editor
config.btnList["htmlmode"] = ['HtmlMode', 'View HTML Source', 'editor_setmode(\'editor\')', 'ed_html.gif'];

// change image url to be relative to current path
config.imgURL = "../images/";

// generate editor and resize it
editor_generate('editor', config);

// switch mode if needed
if (parent_config.mode == 'textedit') { editor_setmode(objname, 'textedit'); }

// set child window contents
var parentHTML = opener.editor_getHTML(parent_objname);
editor_setHTML(objname, parentHTML);

// continuously update parent editor window
window.setInterval(update_parent, 333);

// setup event handlers
document.body.onkeypress = _CloseOnEsc;
window.onresize = resize_editor;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
Function : update_parent
Description : update parent window editor field with contents from child window
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function update_parent() {
var childHTML = editor_getHTML(objname);
opener.editor_setHTML(parent_objname, childHTML);


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plugin fullscreen
old fullscreen
old fullscreen

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