CPA Questioner

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cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people
or organizations are unintentional. CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Anders Niemann & Mathias Vildbrad's
CPA Questioner
Make $25/100 Every Single Day  Quickly And Easily! CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Introduction 3
Hello and welcome to CPA Questioner. First off, I would like to thank you for picking up a
copy of this brand new report. The information that you are about to read will allow you to
generate hundreds of dollars per day thanks to the immensely HUGE power of CPA, plus a
never-ending source of targeted traffic that I will reveal in the following pages.
You see, unfortunately, everyone is too busy trying to set up complicated and slow SEO
campaigns, syndicating articles that only get a few clicks here and there, losing their shirts
with PPC and the list goes on and on.
I do not know you, but I am a big fan of simplicity and I often spend my good amount time
researching new and untapped traffic sources exclusively for CPA purposes.
Nowadays everyone is craving traffic to their CPA offers (and for a good reason), but often
times people get stuck and do not really know how to drive the kind of traffic they are
almost desperate for.
Fortunately for you, in this report I will show you an exclusive way to profit from a traffic
source that not only generates me a lot of money with little effort, but will also do the same
for you. As I was saying, you do not have to complicate your life  leave that to other
Internet Marketers  instead, all you have to do is think outside of the box.
Of course, it is okay to stick to the basic strategies, but always keep an eye on the new trends
and websites because, as you might already know, the Internet evolves, and you need to be
prepared to experience (and profit) from those changes.
Today, I will show you exactly how you can profit from CPA offers quickly and almost
effortlessly. I will even explain which kind of offers you should go after. Now, do not go on
believing that you will generate money just by pressing a button, when I say  almost
effortlessly , I mean that there is at least some effort involved.
Now, you might be asking what kind of rewards you are about to get in exchange for that
effort, right? Well, as with anything in life, the more time you spend, the better and greater
the rewards you are going to receive.
What is more, I will even show you how you can escalate everything by unleashing the
power of outsourcing. Now, this is something that I definitely recommend because not only
will it save enormous amounts of time that you can spend the way you like, but it will,
eventually, generate more profits.
I am sure that you are eager to start, so  without further ado  let us get to work and make
some quick, life-changing money straight into your CPA accounts.
Thanks again,
Mathias Vildbrad. CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Step 1  Getting Your CPA Account. 4
The first ingredient of this cash-generating recipe is, obviously, a CPA account (if you
already have one, please skip this chapter and go to page 5.) If you do not have a CPA
account, do not worry, I will show you how to get one in a matter of days.
In the past, if you wanted to apply for CPA networks, you had to have a website. This is not
strictly necessary today, although if you have one the process will be much easier and you
will manage to get into the best networks.
If you have a website, all the better, but in case you do not have one you have two choices: a)
create a simple blogspot blog ( or b) create a website in your favorite niche in
order to speed up the process and get approved by the best networks.
Both options are perfectly doable, although I would recommend you to have a website.
Unfortunately, in this report I do not show how to create a website, as this is Internet
Marketing 101. You will find tons of information on this, if you just do a simple Google
We usually used PeerFly as they were converting very well for us, however we have had
some trouble with them lately and will therefore not recommend them. We re currently
using the following networks to bank it with Formspring:
(Note: These are affiliate links, but feel free to use any network you like Jð)
This list should be sufficient to get you started. Once you apply to some of these CPA
networks you might have to call them (in some instances, receive a call) in order to explain
how you are going to drive traffic to their offers. Just simply say that you have a great
budget to spend on PPC and media buys (even if this is not true, it will help you to get an
account really fast.) CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Step 2- Creating Your Account At Formspring.
Welcome to the new traffic source that will generate you a lot of money each and every day
thanks to their users
For those who do not know what formspring is, let us just say that it is a highly trafficked
website that allows users to share their point of view on literally any existing topic  by
simply asking and answering questions. It is sort of a social platform, and as with any other
social media platform, there is lot of money to be made.
Let me emphasize again, that Formspring is a tremendously HUGE platform, and highly
trafficked (currently at number 1,727 of Alexa's traffic rank). Now, if you are wondering
whether this type of website is worth your time, let me tell you something: the traffic here is
really, really targeted and highly converting.
Now, the first step in order to use our money-generating method is to create an account in
Once you create your username (if you want you can create a pseudonym, that is perfectly
fine), fill in your email and select your birthday. You will see several steps, just click on
 skip on each of them. Once you do this, you will be asked to upload a photo.
Choosing your photo is a very important part. You can upload almost anything 
backgrounds, people, animals, etc.  but I had the best results when uploading royalty-free
images from people smiling (women or men, it does not matter really).
I do not know, but it seems that this type of photo always gets more response from the
users in there. Here you are directed to three cool websites where you can download royalty
free images (for free, of course): CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Step 3  Selecting The Offer You're Going To Promote
This is one of the most important parts of the whole process. The reason for this is that you
need to select the right offer to promote, if you want to generate money thanks to  CPA
You see, I have seen a lot of CPA doing it wrong and subsequently complaining about why
they are not getting the results they are looking for. My recommendation is always to search
for those hot offers that are proven to convert.
In just a few moments I will show you exactly the type of offers that I am going after, and
WHY I choose them in order to add them to my special arsenal of high-converting CPA
But, before getting into that, I would like to share a few tips that I am sure are going to help
you in the process of deciding which CPA offers we are after. The first thing that you should
know is that my system uses worldwide CPA offers  this is because, as you will discover
later, we are going to promote them to users whose nationality we do not know.
I know that some of you might say that these offer pay less, but trust me, once you see how
they add up really fast you will see exactly WHY I use them almost religiously.
The type of offers that are HOT right now are email submits (most of them offer free
iPhones as prizes) and I recommend that you use them as much as you can.
Email submits are wonderful because you get paid every single time that someone submits
their email! Think about this, we are not only helping people have a chance to win a brand
new iPhone, we are also making money by doing this.
Now, this is what I call good karma! ;)
As I said before, we will not know the nationality of our target audience, so it is better to
stick to offers that can be promoted worldwide (payouts are less, but that is the price we
have to pay in order to run a profitable system).
Now, I do not want you to limit yourself to promoting CPA offers. Although the title of this
eBook is  CPA Questioner , you can expand your marketing horizons and promote digital
and physical products (Amazon or Clickbank do really well).
Although I am 100% focused on promoting CPA offer (it's my passion), I did have good
results promoting some Clickbank products as well, and might try to intensively promote
digital products.
So here is a very quick recap:
1. Choose general offers just as emails submits (iPhone offers are HOT right now)
2. These offers must be worldwide (VERY IMPORTANT)
3. If you cannot find iPhone related offers, just use any other offer, but remember that
it must be international. CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Step 4  Implementing The Method 7
We have all of the elements now, and the only thing that is left to do is to actually
implement the  CPA Questioner method so we can generate profits as soon as possible.
The method is really easy  we are going to post simple messages to large groups of people
in formspring. For those who think that this might be spamming, let me tell you one thing:
we are actually going to leave messages in spam groups on Formspring so that we are not
breaking the rules here.
Also, the good thing about Formspring is that they do not have captchas, so you can leave
messages without killing yourself by filling in those annoying captchas. As you can see, the
method is really easy to implement, but I will show you some tricks and tips that will help
you to finally make realistic money thanks to Formspring.
The first step it to head over to Formspring and click on  Browse Tags :
The following section will appear: CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Now, click on  Spam.
I know that it seems weird for a social media platform to have a  spam section, but that is
all for us to use. Remember, we are not doing anything wrong here, because the people who
hang out in here are  browsers and bored users that are looking for something to do. We
will have the perfect offer for them to kill their boredom! :)
There are a lot of different tags here, so- for example  if you would like to promote a food
related offer, then you might do it in the  Food section. I think that this is more than self-
Alright then, here is when we must use our copywriting skills. Although posting messages is
something easy, the real challenge is to get people to actually click on our links and visit our
offers. We are not here to entertain people, but rather, to make money  keep that in mind.
I do not usually use a template, but  for example  you can use the following message as
 Guys, do you think that I should take chances and try to get a brand new
iPhone for free? Or should I stay away from this...[INSERT YOUR LINK
HERE]. Any response is appreciated!
This is a very under-the-radar approach, as people would never designate you as a
spammer, but rather a regular user that is asking a simple question. This approach is really
effective, so you might give it a go. I do not recommend you to copy and paste it, come up
with your own ideas instead.
Another great alternative is to target those users you see in certain categories. For example,
if you go to the  fashion tags, you are likely to find a lot of people interested in this subject. CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Therefore, it is always a good idea to send messages promoting your CPA offers related to
Remember, you are not here to spam people, but rather help them to get those things they
want  be it an iPhone, a brand new Mac, etc. Also, your messages should not sound
commercial at all. You should approach people without being too obvious, or else they will
not pay attention to you (let alone click your links). Now, you are probably asking;  That's
great Mathias, but how could I check the statistics and see how many people clicked my
links and actually visited the offer I'm promoting?
That is a great question. This is a little trick that I learned a while ago. All you have to do is
head over to and shorten your affiliate link (please see image below to see how it
is done):
Once you pasted your affiliate link, all you have to do is click the  shorten button. After
pressing the button you will get your own link, very similar to the following one... CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Now, just go to your browser, and paste this link. After doing this, at the end of the link add
the  + symbol.
Press  Intro and you will get all of the statistics of clicks that your link received (number of
clicks, country, etc.) This is useful data that will allow you to get the exact metrics that will
indicate how effective your message or post is. Obviously, the more clicks you receive, the
better chances to get paid.
·ð Go to popular groups (tags), preferably in the SPAM group. You can use other groups
as well  do not limit yourself.
·ð Ask intelligent questions, while promoting your CPA offers.
·ð Post more messages to users that are interested in certain groups related to your CPA
·ð Track your links to check the effectiveness of your posts.
I would like to emphasize that you never, ever have to blatantly promote your CPA offers.
Not only will nobody visit your offers, but you will also be labeled as a spammer. You can
make money while still providing some value to the people you are promoting your CPA
offers to; the more value YOU provide, the more money you will make.
I mean, you can ask intelligent questions, give your point of view on certain topic and
maybe even enlighten someone with your knowledge. I get better results when I do this, and
I am sure that you will too!
Now, let us talk about numbers...
I am currently making over $50/100 per day. On bad days I can make $25-$35  not too
shabby is it? The beauty of this system is that you do not have to complicate your life, and
you can easily make more money. Also, it is of extreme importance for you to know that this
method can be also outsourced  you only have to hire someone on oDesk, show how this
method works and pay him (or her) $0.90 per post/question. From one post you can reach
the $100 mark so the paltry sum of $0.90 is a really great investment if you decide to take
the outsourcing path. CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)
Conclusion 11
By now, I am sure that your head is full of ideas that you can implement with the  CPA
Questioner method  and that is precisely the beauty of my method, it can be twisted and
expanded into more complex ventures.
For example, if you have an affiliate blog you can send targeted traffic to it right away, as 
believe it or not  Formspring is full of potential buyers. The reason behind this is
statement is that you only have to check out all of the popular groups/tags to see that the
users here are highly motivated by their hobbies and passions.
One example could be gamers  I make a lot of money promoting CPA offers related to
gaming, and in order to understand why I make money, just go to the gaming section and
you will immediately realize that a place like this  full of potential buyers  is a literal
There are a lot of possibilities with Formspring, and you only have to think outside-of-the-
box and take massive action. When I say  thinking outside of the box , I really mean it. Try
to come up with original ideas and I can assure you that you are going to make money in
almost no time.
You see, a lot of marketers always get stuck because they follow the  herd ; they are copying
others' ideas and that is never good. I am offering you a simple method that will help you to
generate money; I am giving you  on a silver platter  something that works, but the thing
is, you have to be original.
I did not provide many examples of posts or questions mainly because that would be setting
myself to fight with more competition that could take away some of my profits. Now, do not
get me wrong,  CPA Questioner will NEVER get saturated, because Formspring is
receiving massive amounts of visitors, but my ideas are exclusively mine.
At the beginning, I was not sure if I was going to share this method with you. It was making
me so much money that I hesitated for a moment, but truth is, that it does not matter if
100's of Warriors use my method, there is so much room for everyone!
If you spend 10 minutes of your spare time reading, interiorizing and systematically
applying this method, I guarantee that you will turn a profit. And once you do this, you will
never want to leave your computer screen again. Making money this easy is addictive. I
know that from experience.
You have now the map of the treasure, all you have to do is to take action, work a little and
claim your own personal treasure. But, in order to protect our personal  goldmine , I
personally ask you for a favor; do NOT over spam Formspring or else there will be
problems. I would like to thank you again for picking up a copy of this, and I truly wish you
all the best.
Talk soon,
Mathias Vildbrad. CPA Questioner (by Mathias Vildbrad & Anders Niemann)


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