language basic syntax comments

CommentsPHP ManualPrevChapter 5. Basic syntaxNextComments PHP supports 'C', 'C++' and Unix shell-style comments. For example: 1  2 <?php 3  echo "This is a test"; // This is a one-line c++ style comment 4  /* This is a multi line comment 5  yet another line of comment */ 6  echo "This is yet another test"; 7  echo "One Final Test"; # This is shell-style style comment 8 ?> 9  The "one-line" comment styles actually only comment to the end of the line or the current block of PHP code, whichever comes first. 1  2 <h1>This is an <?# echo "simple";?> example.</h1> 3 <p>The header above will say 'This is an example'. 4  You should be careful not to nest 'C' style comments, which can happen when commenting out large blocks. 1  2 <?php 3  /* 4  echo "This is a test"; /* This comment will cause a problem */ 5  */ 6 ?> 7  PrevHomeNextInstruction separationUpTypes


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language basic syntax comments
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