x 087 2 iface binaries

Installing the BinariesLinux Network Administrators GuidePrevChapter 5. Configuring TCP/IP NetworkingNextInstalling the BinariesIf you are using one of the prepackaged Linux distributions, it will contain the major networking applications and utilities along with a coherent set of sample files. The only case in which you might have to obtain and install new utilities is when you install a new kernel release. As they occasionally involve changes in the kernel networking layer, you will need to update the basic configuration tools. This update at least involves recompiling, but sometimes you may also be required to obtain the latest set of binaries. These binaries are available at their official home site at ftp.inka.de/pub/comp/Linux/networking/NetTools/, packaged in an archive called net-tools-XXX.tar.gz, where XXX is the version number. The release matching Linux 2.0 is net-tools-1.45.If you want to compile and install the standard TCP/IP network applications yourself, you can obtain the sources from most Linux FTP servers. All modern Linux distributions include a fairly comprehensive range of TCP/IP network applications, such as World Wide Web browsers, telnet and ftp programs, and other network applications, such as talk. If you do find something that you do need to compile yourself, the chances are good that it will compile under Linux from source quite simply if you follow the instructions included in the source package.PrevHomeNextConfiguring TCP/IP NetworkingUpSetting the Hostname


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