Powtórzenie słownictwa struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne. SPORT 1. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. 1. 2. 3. C 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 (across): serious sleigh sport 2 (down): popular water sport 3 (down): you need it to play hockey 4 (down): at the beginning 5 (across): when you do sports, you get it 6 (down): when teams compete 7 (down): where you play tennis 8 (across): jump into water 9 (across): to shape up and slim down 10 (across): a place to train inside 11 (down): what a winner gets 12 (across): when there is no winner 13 (across): Eastern form of fighting 2. Dobierz odpowiedni rodzaj wydarzenia do sportu. 1. rally A. basketball 2. match B. tennis 3. tournament C. car racing ANSWER KEY SPORT 1. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. 1. 2. 3. B O B S L E I G H WC 4. 5. S F I T N E S S TM K 6. 7. 8. M A C M D I V E 9. A E R O B I C S T T U N 10. 11. CR G Y M 12. H T I E E 13. J U D O A L 1 (across): serious sleigh sport BOBSLEIGH 2 (down): popular water sport SWIMMING 3 (down): you need it to play hockey ICE 4 (down): at the beginning START 5 (across): when you do sports, you get it FITNESS 6 (down): when teams compete MATCH 7 (down): where you play tennis COURT 8 (across): jump into water DIVE 9 (across): to shape up and slim down AEROBIC 10 (across): a place to train inside GYM 11 (down): what a winner gets MEDAL 12 (across): when there is no winner TIE 13 (across): Eastern form of fighting JUDO 2. Dobierz odpowiedni rodzaj wydarzenia do sportu. 1. rally A. basketball 2. match B. tennis 3. tournament C. car racing 1C, 2A, 3B