patanjali bk2 26

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - Sutra 26

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - The Steps to Union

26. The state of bondage is overcome through perfectly
maintained discrimination.A word here on discrimination will be of value as it is the
first great method of attaining liberation [171] or freedom from the three worlds. Based
as it is on a realization of the essential duality of nature, and regarding nature as a
result of the union of the two polarities of the Absolute All, spirit and matter,
discrimination is at first an attitude of mind and must be sedulously cultivated. The
premise of the duality is admitted as a logical basis for further work and the theory is
tested out in an effort to prove the truth. The aspirant then definitely assumes the
attitude of higher polarity (that of spirit, manifesting as the soul or inner ruler) and
seeks in the affairs of every day to discriminate between the form and the life, between
the soul and the body, between the sum total of the lower manifestation (physical, astral
and mental man) and the real self, the cause of the lower manifestation.
He seeks in the affairs of every day to cultivate a consciousness of the real and a
negation of the unreal and this he carries into all his relationships and into all his
affairs. He accustoms himself, through persistent unbroken practise, to distinguish
between the self and the not-self, and to occupy himself with the affairs of spirit and
not with those of the great maya or world of forms. This distinction is at first
theoretical, then intellectual but later assumes more reality and enters into the
happenings of the emotional and physical world. Finally the following of this method
eventuates in the entrance of the aspirant into an entirely new dimension and his
identification with a life and a world of being dissociated from the three worlds of human
endeavor. [172]
When this is so the new environment becomes familiar to him so that he knows not only
the form but the subjective Reality which produces or causes the existence of the forms.
Then he passes on to the cultivation of the next great quality which is dispassion or
desirelessness. A man may be able to distinguish between the real and the true, between
the substance and the Life which animates it and yet desire or "go out" towards
the form existence. This too must be overcome before perfect liberation, emancipation or
freedom is attained. In one of the old commentaries in the archives of the Lodge of
Masters, the following words are found:

"It suffices not to know the way nor to feel the force which serveth to extract
the life from out of the forms of maya. A moment of great portent must take place wherein
the chela breaketh by one act and through a word of Power the illusory sutratma which
bindeth him to form. Like the spider which gathereth up the thread again within himself
whereby he ventured forth into unknown realms, so the chela withdraweth himself from all
the forms in the three realms of being which have hitherto enticed."

The above merits close consideration and can be linked to the thought embodied in the
occult phrase: "Before a man can tread the Path, he must become that Path

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