function mb strtoupper

mb_strtoupperPodrÄ™cznik PHPPoprzedniNastÄ™pnymb_strtoupper (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0)mb_strtoupper -- Make a string uppercaseDescriptionstring mb_strtoupper ( string str [, string encoding]) mb_strtoupper() returns str with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase. encoding specifies the encoding of str; if omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used. By contrast to strtoupper(), 'alphabetic' is determined by the Unicode character properties. Thus the behaviour of this function is not affected by locale settings and it can convert any characters that have 'alphabetic' property, such as a-umlaut (ä). For more information about the Unicode properties, please see PrzykÅ‚ad 1. mb_strtoupper() example$str = "Mary Had A Little Lamb and She LOVED It So"; $str = mb_strtoupper($str); print $str; # Prints MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB AND SHE LOVED IT SO See also strtoupper(), mb_strtolower(), mb_convert_case(). PoprzedniSpis treÅ›ciNastÄ™pnymb_strtolowerPoczÄ…tek rozdziaÅ‚umb_strwidth


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