5 5 Differential Form of the Co

Differential Form of the Continuity Equation http://edugen.wiley.com/edugen/courses/crs2436/crowe9771/crowe9771...
5.5 Differential Form of the Continuity Equation
In the analysis of fluid flows and the development of numerical models, one of the fundamental independent
equations needed is the differential form of the continuity equation. This equation is derived in this section. The
derivation is accomplished by applying the integral form of the continuity equation to a small control volume
and taking the limit as the volume approaches zero.
A small control volume defined by the x, y, z coordinate system is shown in Fig. 5.15. The integral form of the
continuity equation, Eq. (5.24), is
where V is the velocity measured with respect to the local control surface. Applying the Leibnetz theorem for
differentiation of an integral allows the unsteady term to be expressed as
where Vs is the local velocity of the control surface with respect to the reference frame. For a control volume
with stationary sides, as shown in Fig. 5.15, Vs = 0, so the continuity equation for the control volume can be
written as
Because the volume is very small (infinitesimal), one can assume that the velocity and densities are uniformly
distributed across each face (control surface), and the mass flux term becomes
and the continuity equation assumes the form
Figure 5.15 Elemental control volume.
Considering the flow rates through the six faces of the cubical element and applying those to the foregoing form
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Differential Form of the Continuity Equation http://edugen.wiley.com/edugen/courses/crs2436/crowe9771/crowe9771...
of the continuity equation, results in
Dividing Eq. (5.30) by the volume of the element ("x"y"z) yields
Taking the limit as the volume approaches zero (that is, as "x, "y, and "z uniformly approach zero) yields the
differential form of the continuity equation
If the flow is steady, the equation reduces to
The expression V = 10xi - 10yj is said to represent the velocity for a two-dimensional (planar)
incompressible flow. Check to see if the continuity equation is satisfied.
Problem Definition
Situation: Velocity field is given.
Find: Determine if continuity equation is satisfied.
Reduce Eq. (5.33) to two-dimensional flow (w = 0 and substitute velocity components into equation).
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Differential Form of the Continuity Equation http://edugen.wiley.com/edugen/courses/crs2436/crowe9771/crowe9771...
Continuity equation for two-dimensional flow
Continuity is satisfied.
And if the fluid is incompressible, the equation further simplifies to
for both steady and unsteady flow.
In vector notation, Eq. (5.33) is given as
where is the del operator, defined as
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
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