spiral bead ring

Spiral Bead Ring
Wire rings are hot this season!
This is one of my favorites and is
sure to attract attention.
" 1 foot 18g wire, soft
" 1 handmade bead with hole large enough to fit 2 pieces of 18g wire. (Rondell
shape works best)
" Wire cutter
" Chain-nose Pliers
" Ring Mandrel or dowel in desired ring size
Mandrels can be purchased through jewelry
supply outlets and dowels can be found at your
local hardware store.
Step One:
Place center of wire against your form and wrap twice around leaving the
tails long.
Step Two:
Bend the tails up sharply.
Step Three:
Place the bead onto both wires and slide down to the base of the ring.
Step Four:
Bend the wires to a right
angle directly on the top of
the bead.
Step Five:
Spiral the wires on top of the bead. This can be a bit tricky, start by making
a small circle with one of the wires where it emerges from the bead, then
push the other wire behind and against it being careful not to overlap the
wires. If you see the spiral start to puff up use a small block of wood and
press gently, but firmly on the spiral to push it against the bead as you turn
the wires. Continue spiraling until the desired size is achieved. Be sure to
leave a tail of at least 2" on each wire to complete.
Step Six:
Bring the tail wires down to
the ring shank on opposite
sides of the bead and wrap
around the base of the ring to
Step Seven:
Tuck the wire ends down and you are done!
