install new src

{{{b2evo package}}}: {{{Installing b2evolution from scratch}}}

{{{Multilingual multiuser multi-blog engine.}}}

{{{b2evo package}}}:
{{{Start page}}} ·
{{{Install}}} ·
{{{Blogs}}} ·
{{{Admin}}} ·
{{{Manual}}} ·

{{{Available translations for this page:}}}

{{{Installing b2evolution from scratch}}}

{{{Before you begin, please note that some network features of b2evolution require you to agree our simple Terms of service.}}}

{{{Once you have unzipped the b2evolution distribution:}}}
{{{On your server, create or locate a mysql database for b2evolution. (For example, you can call it "b2evolution")}}}

{{{Note:}}} {{{Unless you changed the config, all tables created by b2evolution are prefixed with evo_ . Unless you already have an application using the same prefix, this makes it safe to install b2evolution in a database shared with other applications. Your existing tables will not be affected in any way.}}}
{{{Upload the b2evolution files to your website.}}}

{{{Note:}}} {{{Only the contents of the /blogs directory need to be uploaded to your site. If you want b2evolution to handle the homepage of your site, upload the contents of the /blogs folder to your website root. Otherwise, it's best to upload the files to a subdirectory of your webserver. You can keep the /blogs subdirectory name, but you can also choose another.}}}

{{{Let's assume you install the contents of the blogs folder to ...}}}
{{{Run the installation script on your server. It is located in . Then, simply follow the on screen instructions.

The installer will ask you a few questions, create required database tables and configure b2evolution for you.}}}
{{{Check to make sure the new installation works.}}}
{{{On production servers, it is recommended that you delete the /install subfolder.}}}
{{{After basic install is done, there are a few tricky things you may need to take care of (online manual).}}}

{{{official website}}} ·
{{{GNU GPL license}}} ·
{{{contact}}}: François PLANQUE


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