Unit Test 2 B

B Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Unit 2
Score: ____________________ /50 points
Vocabulary 3 Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi do podanych pytań.
1 Were you at school yesterday? (')
1 Dopasuj liczebniki porządkowe do ich słownych
No, I wasn t.
2 Were your friends at home yesterday? (')
1 24th a twenty-second
2 22nd b twenty-fourth
3 Were your parents tired this morning? (')
3 21st c twentieth
4 20th d twelfth
4 Was Brad Pitt on TV last night? (')
5 23rd e twenty-first
6 12th f twenty-third
5 Were you and your friends at the party on
Friday? (')
2 Napisz daty słownie.
6 Was your birthday good? (')
1 2/3 the second of March
2 10/8
3 11/11
4 5/9
5 13/7
1 Napisz zdania o tym, kiedy urodziły się te osoby.
6 31/10
1 Brad Pitt  18/12/1963
He was born on the eighteenth of December,
nineteen sixty-three.
2 Emma Watson  15/4/1990
1 Wpisz w luki was lub were.
3 Bill and Tom Kaulitz  1/9/1989
1 It was my birthday last Saturday.
2 You _______ in school at 9 o clock.
4 Matt Damon  8/10/1970
3 My father _______ at work last night.
4 We _______ on holiday two weeks ago.
5 James and Oliver Phelps  25/2/1986
5 Joe and Phil _______ at home yesterday.
6 My parents and I _______ at the theatre last week.
6 Keira Knightley  26/3/1985
2 Napisz zdania, używając podanych wyrazów /10
oraz to be w czasie Past simple.
1 I / born / in June.
I was born in June.
2 My father / not / at work / last week.
3 The women / not / teachers.
4 My brother and I / at the shops / yesterday.
5 you / sixteen / last year?
6 My parents / not / at the beach / last weekend.
