subject index

Subject Index, C++ FAQ Lite

Subject Index
(Part of C++ FAQ Lite, Copyright © 1991-98, Marshall Cline,

"A" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

ABC (see also Inheritance) ... [22.2], [22.3]
Access rules

protected: and private: inheritance ... [24.6]
protected: and private: members ... [19.5], [19.6]

Acronyms ... [5.1]
Ada vs. C++ ... [6.4]

Aliasing of const and non-const pointers ... [18.9], [18.11], [18.12], [18.13]
References are aliases for objects ... [8.1], [8.5]

All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) ... [27.5]

ANSI-C ... [6.10]
ANSI-C++ ... [6.12]
ANSI-C++ committee "X3J16" ... [6.11], [27.1]

Arity ... [13.7]

Arrays are evil ... [10.5], [13.6], [16.16], [17.3], [21.5]
Specifying length at runtime ... [16.18]

Assignment operator ... [12]

Check for self-assignment ... [22.5], [25.8]
Return *this ... [25.8]
Self-assignment ... [12.1], [12.2], [12.3]
Use const in parameter ... [25.8]

Associative array (see also STL) ... [31.1]
Associativity ... [13.7]
Author (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [1.1]
auto_ptr ... [17.2]

"B" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Backtracking ... [5.3]
bad_alloc (see also Freestore) ... [16.5], [16.6]
Bag of Apple vs. of Fruit ... [21.3]
Base class ... [19.3]
Beautifier, Code (see Pretty printing) ... [35.2]
Beginners books ... [26.8]
Big Picture issues (see Managerial issues) ... [6]
Big Three, Law of ... [16.16], [22.5], [25.8]
Binary compatibility between vendors ... [33.7]
Binding: Static vs. dynamic ... [20.2], [20.3]
Book (see C++ FAQ Book) ... [3]
Books on C++ ... [26]

Beginners ... [26.8]
Design ... [26.7]
Legality issues of C++ ... [26.4], [26.6]
Morality issues of C++ ... [26.4], [26.5]

BTW (Acronym) ... [5.1]
Business criteria dominate technical criteria ... [6.4]

"C" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

C++2LaTeX (see Pretty printing) ... [35.2]
C++ books ... [26]
C++ FAQ Book ... [3]

Available only in bookstores ... [3.3]
Is 500% bigger than this Lite document ... [3.4]
ISBN ... [3.1]
Not same as the on-line ("Lite") document ... [3.2]

C++ FAQ Lite ... [3]

Author ... [1.1]
Availability on-line ... [2]
Book is 500% bigger ... [3.4]
Chinese translation ... [2.5]
Copy permissions ... [1]
Copying permissions ... [1.3]
Copyright notice ... [1.2]
Downloading ... [2.2], [2.3], [2.4]
HTML version ... [2.2]
Mirror WWW sites ... [2.1]
No Warranty ... [1.4]
Not same as C++ FAQ Book ... [1.6], [3.2]
Plaintext version ... [2.3], [2.4]
Portuguese translation ... [2.6]
Recent changes ... [4]

C language

Accessing C++ data members from C ... [29.9]
C++ backward compatibility ... [6.10]
C++ is higher level than C ... [29.10]
C vs. C++ ... [6.4]
Calling C from C++ ... [29.5]
Calling C++ from C ... [29.6]
Coding standards different from C++ ... [25.3]
Common linker errors ... [23.4], [29.7]
__cplusplus ... [29.4]
extern C ... [29.3]
Including C headers ... [29.2], [29.3], [29.4]
Linking must be directed by C++ ... [29.1]
main() must be compiled using C++ ... [29.1]
Mixing C and C++ code ... [29]
Newsgroup comp.lang.c ... [5.8]
Not an efficient way to learn OO/C++ ... [26.2]
Passing C++ objects to C code ... [29.8], [29.9]
static at file-scope ... [7.5]

C++ Libraries FAQ ... [32.8]
Changes to this document (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [4]
char*: Use a string-like class instead ... [13.6], [17.3]
Chinese translation of this document ... [2.5]
Circles vs. Ellipses ... [21.6], [21.7], [21.8], [21.9]
class ... [7.1], [7.8]
clone() methods ... [16.22], [20.5], [22.5]
Coding standards ... [25]

Assignment operators check assignment-to-self ... [12.1], [25.8]
Assignment operators return *this ... [25.8]
Assignment operators use const ... [25.8]
Avoid arrays whenever possible ... [21.5]
Avoid dynamically typed libraries ... [32.4]
Avoid global variables ... [34.2]
Avoid hiding nested identifiers ... [34.2]
Bloodshed, Jihads, and Heat vs. Light ... [25.1]
Coding standards are never sufficient ... [25.2]
Coding standards are sometimes necessary ... [25.2]
Copy constructors use const ... [25.8]
Declare near first use ... [25.5]
Design classes from the outside-in ... [13.9]
Don't base C++ standards on C standards ... [25.3]
Don't test for NULL after new ... [16.5]
Don't test for NULL before delete ... [16.7]
Explicitly calling destructors (Don't!) ... [11.5], [11.6], [11.9]
Explicitly calling destructors (OK sometimes) ... [11.10]
Header filename extensions ... [25.7]
Identifier naming conventions ... [25.9]
Initialization lists ... [10.6], [25.8]
Law of the Big Three ... [16.16], [25.8]
Operator overloading ... [25.8]
Source filename extensions ... [25.6]
static at file-scope (Don't!) ... [7.5]
The Ellemtel coding guidelines ... [25.10]
Todd Hoff's coding guidelines ... [25.10]
Use a string object rather than a char* ... [13.6], [17.3]
Use delete[] for arrays ... [16.11]
Use of the ternary ?: operator ... [25.4]
virtual destructor coding standard ... [25.8]

Combinations ... [5.3]
Committee Draft (CD) for ANSI/ISO-C++ ... [6.12]
Compatibility, Binary ... [33.7]
Compiler dependencies ... [33], [33.4]

Benefits compared to freestore ... [28.4], [28.5]
Compared with private inheritance ... [24.2]
Criteria for composition vs. private inheritance ... [24.3]
Inlining virtual functions ... [28.5], [28.6]

const_cast ... [18.10]
Const correctness ... [18], [18.1]

A form of type safety ... [18.2]
Aliasing of const and non-const pointers ... [18.12]
Coding standards concerning ... [25.8], [25.8]
const_cast ... [18.10], [18.11]
const member functions ... [18.9]
Fred& const x is nonsense ... [18.7]
Fred const& x — use const Fred& x instead ... [18.8]
Immutable (const) pointers ... [18.5]
mutable ... [18.10]
Pointer-to-const ... [18.4], [18.5]
Pointer-to-const aliasing ... [18.13]
Reference-to-const ... [18.6]
Retrofitting const correctness is hard ... [18.3]

Construct On First Use Idiom ... [10.11], [10.12]
Constructors ... [10], [16.9]

Build objects from dust ... [10.1]
Calling a virtual from ... [23.1]
Calling another constructor ... [10.3]
Coding standards re. copy constructor ... [25.8]
Default constructors ... [10.4], [10.5]
Init methods ... [10.3]
Initialization coding standard ... [10.6], [25.8]
Initialization of static data ... [10.10], [10.11], [10.12]
Member objects should be self-managing ... [17.2]
Named Constructor Idiom ... [10.7], [16.19], [16.22]
Throwing exceptions ... [17.1]
Virtual Constructor Idiom ... [16.22], [20.5], [22.5]

Containers ... [31]

Container of Thing vs. of Anything ... [21.4]
Heterogeneous ... [31.2]
Iterators ... [31.3]

Copy constructors

Should use const ... [25.8]

Copy on write (see Reference counting) ... [16.21], [16.22]
Copy semantics (see also Value semantics) ... [28.1]
Copying permissions (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [1], [1.3]
Copyright notice (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [1.2]
Crash at runtime without any warning ... [11.5], [11.6], [16.2], [16.4], [16.11], [16.12], [17.3], [20.4], [21.1], [21.4], [21.5], [34.2]
create() methods (see Named Constructor Idiom) ... [10.7], [16.19], [16.22]
Ctor (see also Constructors) ... [10]

"D" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Dangerous programming practices ... [11.5], [11.6], [11.10], [13.6], [16.2], [16.4], [16.11], [16.12], [16.16], [17.3], [20.4], [21.1], [21.4], [21.5], [23.3], [34.2]

Declare near first use ... [25.5]
List x(); declares a function, not an object ... [10.2]

Decompiling executables back into C++ source code ... [33.3]
Default parameters ... [10.3]
#define macros (see also Inline functions) ... [9.1], [9.3], [26.2], [27.3], [29.4], [30.5], [30.6]
delete ... [16.1]

delete p actually deletes *p, not p ... [16.1]
delete this ... [16.14]
delete[] uses magic ... [16.13], [33.5], [33.6]
delete[] vs. delete ... [16.11]
delete[] vs. delete for builtin types ... [16.12]
Deleting an array with delete[] ... [16.10]
Mixing with malloc() ... [16.2]

Derived classes ... [19.3]

Can access protected parts of Base ... [19.7]
Can't access private parts of Base ... [19.6]
Derived* to Base* conversion ... [19.4], [21.2]
Derived** to Base** conversion (invalid) ... [21.2]
Derived* to private Base* conversion (invalid) ... [24.4]

Design books ... [26.7]
Destructors ... [11], [16.8], [16.13], [33.5], [33.6]

Base class subobjects are automagically destructed ... [11.12]
Calling a virtual from ... [23.1]
Can't be overloaded ... [11.4]
Coding standards concerning ... [25.8]
Controlling lifetimes of locals ... [11.6], [11.7], [11.8]
Explicitly calling them (Don't!) ... [11.5], [11.6], [11.9]
Explicitly calling them (OK sometimes) ... [11.10]
Last rites ... [11.1]
Member objects are automagically destructed ... [11.11]
Order of destruction for array elements ... [11.3]
Order of destruction for locals ... [11.2]
virtual destructor coding standard ... [20.4]

Dijkstra ... [5.3]
Directory separator: use "/", not "\" ... [15.10], [34.1]

HTML version of C++ FAQ Lite ... [2.2]
HTML version of this document ... [2.1]
Plaintext version of C++ FAQ Lite ... [2.3]
Why it's done via email ... [2.4]

Dtor (see also Destructors) ... [11]

Dynamic binding ... [6.7], [20.2], [20.3]
dynamic_cast ... [31.2]
Dynamic length arrays ... [16.18]
Dynamic typing ... [20.2], [27.2], [27.3], [32.4], [32.5]

"E" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Ellemtel coding guidelines (see also Coding standards) ... [25.10]
Ellipses vs. Circles ... [21.6], [21.7], [21.8], [21.9]
Encapsulation ... [6.7], [7]

Definition ... [7.4]
Hides stuff from code, not from people ... [7.6]
Not necessarily violated by friends ... [14.2]
Security vs. Encapsulation ... [7.7]

End-of-file (see Input/output) ... [15.2], [15.4]
Equation parsing in C++ ... [5.3]
Etiquette (see also Netiquette) ... [5]
Exceptions ... [17]

Constructors can throw exceptions ... [17.1]
Example of throw; to re-throw current exception ... [16.9], [17.3], [33.5], [33.6]
Example of try ... catch ... [16.9], [17.3], [33.5], [33.6]
Member objects should be self-managing ... [17.2]

Executables — decompiling back to C++ source code ... [33.3]
extern C (see also C language) ... [29], [29.3]

"F" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Features of C++ from a business perspective ... [6.7]

Extensions for header files ... [25.7]
Extensions for source code files ... [25.6]
Using "/" rather than "\" for directories ... [15.10], [34.1]

find_if ... [32.2]
Floating point ... [34.5], [35.5]
for loop ... [34.2]
FORTRAN vs. C++ ... [6.4]
free() (see also Freestore) ... [16.2]
Freestore ... [16]

Allocating an array with new T[n] ... [16.10]
Automating a NULL test ... [16.6]
bad_alloc ... [16.5], [16.6]
delete handles NULL automatically ... [16.7]
delete has two steps ... [16.8]
delete this ... [16.14]
delete[] uses magic ... [16.13], [33.5], [33.6]
delete[] vs. delete ... [16.11]
delete[] vs. delete for builtin types ... [16.12]
Deleting an array with delete[] ... [16.10]
Mixing malloc() and delete ... [16.2]
Mixing new and free() ... [16.2]
Multi-dimensional arrays ... [16.15], [16.16]
new has two steps ... [16.9]
new never returns NULL ... [16.5]
Placement new ... [11.10], [16.9]
Prohibiting local objects ... [16.19]
realloc() ... [16.4]
Reference counting ... [16.20], [16.21], [16.22]
Runtime costs of heap ... [28.4], [28.5]
set_new_handler ... [16.6]
Why use new rather than malloc() ... [16.3]

Friends ... [14]

Choosing between members and friends ... [14.5]
Definition of friend ... [14.1]
friend doesn't necessarily violate encapsulation ... [14.2]
Friendship privileges aren't inherited ... [14.4]
Friendship privileges aren't transitive ... [14.4]
istream operator>> ... [15.7]
ostream operator<< ... [15.6]
ostream operator<< (virtual) ... [15.8]
Pros and cons of friends ... [14.3]
Virtual Friend Function Idiom ... [14.3], [15.8]

From: line of a posting (see also Netiquette) ... [5.4]
FTP sites ... [32.5] ... [32.1] ... [32.1] ... [6.12] ... [35.2] ... [6.12] ... [35.4] ... [6.12] ... [35.2] ... [5.8] ... [5.8] ... [5.9] ... [35.2] ... [32.1] ... [35.2] ... [32.1]

FWIW (Acronym) ... [5.1]
FYI (Acronym) ... [5.1]

"G" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Generalization (see also Inheritance) ... [19.3]
Genericity (see also Templates) ... [31.8]
Global variables: Just Say No! ... [34.2]

emacs ... [35.3]
g++ ... [5.8]

Graphics ... [5.8]
grind (see Pretty printing) ... [35.2]
Growth of C++ ... [6.5], [6.7]

"H" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Has-a (see also Composition) ... [19.2], [24.2]
Header filename extensions ... [25.7]
Heap-sort ... [5.3]
Heat vs. light ... [25.1]
Heterogeneous containers ... [31.2]
Hiding inherited public features ... [21.1], [21.6], [21.7], [21.8]
Hiding rule ... [23.3]
Homework problems ... [5.2], [5.3]
Homogeneous containers ... [31.2]
Hostility ... [29.10]
How to learn OO/C++ ... [26]
HTML version of C++ FAQ Lite ... [2.2]
Hybrid OO programming languages ... [26.3]
Hype ... [6.3]

"I" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]


Construct On First Use Idiom ... [10.11], [10.12]
Named Constructor Idiom ... [10.7], [16.19], [16.22]
Virtual Constructor Idiom ... [16.22], [20.5], [22.5]
Virtual Friend Function Idiom ... [15.8]

IMHO (Acronym) ... [5.1]
Immutable (const) pointers ... [18.5]
IMNSHO (Acronym) ... [5.1]
IMO (Acronym) ... [5.1]
Imperfect programming languages ... [6.2]

Including C headers ... [29.2], [29.3], [29.4]
Use forward slash "/", not backslash "\" ... [34.1]

indent (see Pretty printing) ... [35.2]
Indirection, Extra layers of ... [28.5]
Infix operators ... [5.3]
Inheritance ... [6.7], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23]

Abstract base classes (ABCs) ... [22], [22.2], [22.3]
Access of private: by derived ... [19.6]
Access of protected: and private: ... [19.5]
Access of protected: by derived ... [19.7]
Array of Derived vs. of Base ... [21.4]
Calling virtuals from constructors ... [23.1]
Circle vs. Ellipse ... [21.6], [21.7], [21.8], [21.9]
Derived* to Base* conversion ... [19.4], [21.2]
Derived** to Base** conversion (invalid) ... [21.2]
Derived* to private Base* conversion (invalid) ... [24.4]
Differences between C++ and Smalltalk inheritance ... [27.4]
Hiding inherited public features ... [21.1]
Hiding rule ... [23.3]
How to code inheritance ... [19.3]
Importance of inheritance ... [19.1]
Is-a-kind-of ... [19.2]
Multiple inheritance ... [6.7], [11.12], [24.2], [29.8], [29.9], [33.7], [33.10]
Old code calls new code ... [6.9]
Parking-lot of Car vs. of Vehicle ... [21.3]
private inheritance ... [24], [24.1]
private inheritance access rules ... [24.6]
private inheritance vs. composition ... [24.2], [24.3]
protected inheritance access rules ... [24.6]
protected vs. private inheritance ... [24.5]
Pure virtual functions ... [22.4]
Redefining non-virtuals ... [23.2]
Smalltalk differences ... [27.5]
Specification device ... [19.2]
virtual constructors ... [16.22], [20.5], [22.5]
virtual data ... [28.2], [28.3]
virtual destructor coding standard ... [20.4]
virtual functions ... [20.1]
virtual functions are central to OO ... [6.8]
virtual inheritance ... [11.12], [29.8], [29.9], [33.7], [33.10]
What your Mother didn't tell you ... [23]
When to use inheritance ... [19.2]

Initialization lists (see also Coding standards) ... [10.6], [25.8]
Initialization of a static member datum ... [10.8], [10.9], [10.10], [10.11], [10.12]
Inline functions ... [9]

Better than #define macros ... [9.3]
Can degrade performance ... [9.7]
Defined outside class body ... [9.5]
Defined within class body ... [9.6]
Inlining virtual functions ... [28.5], [28.6]
Like a #define macro ... [9.1]
Member functions ... [9.5]
Non-member functions ... [9.4]
Safety without loss of speed ... [6.7], [9.2]

Input/output ... [15]

Binary mode on MS-DOS ... [15.9]
istream and eof ... [15.2], [15.4]
istream and invalid input characters ... [15.2]
istream and while (cin >> foo) ... [15.3]
istream operator>> ... [15.7]
istream remembers bad state ... [15.5]
ostream operator<< ... [15.6]
ostream operator<< (virtual) ... [15.8]

Inspector methods ... [18.9]

A simplified view in the user's vocabulary ... [7.3]
Abstract base classes (ABCs) ... [22.2]
Design interfaces from the outside-in ... [13.9]
Goal of interface design ... [7.4]
More valuable than implementation ... [22.1]
protected interface ... [19.7]
Separate from implementation ... [22.2]

Intuition isn't always correct ... [21.3], [21.4], [21.6], [21.7], [21.8]
Invalid input characters (see Input/output) ... [15.2]
iostream.h ... [15.1]
Is-a-kind-of (see also Inheritance) ... [19.2]

ISO-C ... [6.10]
ISO-C++ ... [6.12]
ISO-C++ committee "WG21" ... [6.11]

Iterators ... [31.3]

"J" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Java vs. C++ ... [6.4]

"K" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Kind-of (see also Inheritance) ... [19.2]
Kruskal ... [5.3]
KUTGW (Acronym) ... [5.1]

"L" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Language wars ... [6.4]
Large executables ... [32.7], [33.8]
Last rites (see also Destructors) ... [11.1]

C++2LaTeX pretty printer ... [35.2]
Macros for "C++" ... [35.1]

Law of the Big Three ... [16.16], [22.5], [25.8]
Layer of indirection ... [28.5]
Learning OO/C++ ... [26]
Learning OO/C++

How long does it take ... [6.6]
No need to learn C first ... [26.2]
No need to learn Smalltalk first ... [26.3]

Legal mumbo jumbo

Author ... [1.1]
Copying permissions ... [1.3]
Copyright notice ... [1.2]
No Warranty ... [1.4]
Trademarks ... [1.5]

Legality books on C++ ... [26.4], [26.6]
Length of time needed to learn OO/C++ ... [6.6]
lgrind (see Pretty printing) ... [35.2]
Libraries FAQ ... [32.8]
Libraries ... [32]

Dynamically typed C++ libraries ... [32.4], [32.5]
Large executables ... [32.7], [33.8]
Numerical Recepies ... [32.6]
STL ... [32.1], [32.3]

Lifetime of objects

Controlling lifetime of locals ... [11.6], [11.7], [11.8]
In heterogeneous containers ... [31.2]
New rule for for loop variables ... [34.2]
Order of destruction for array elements ... [11.3]
Order of destruction for locals ... [11.2]
Register liveness ... [28.5]
Using friend classes to achieve separate lifetimes ... [14.2]

Linker errors ... [10.9], [23.4], [29.7], [35.5]

"M" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]


(See also Freestore) ... [16.2]
Why new is preferred over malloc() ... [16.3]

Managerial issues ... [6]

Business-centricity vs. Techno-centricity ... [6.4]
C++ is a practical tool ... [6.1]
C++ is not a perfect tool ... [6.2]
Growth of C++ ... [6.5]
Length of time needed to learn OO/C++ ... [6.6]
Some advantages of OO ... [6.3]
Standardization of C++ ... [6.11], [6.12]

map<Key,Value> (see also STL) ... [31.1]
Maseratti ... [27.5]
Matrix subscript operator ... [13.8]
Mentoring ... [6.6], [26.1]
Merge-sort ... [5.3]

FAQ ... [33.1]
Status bar ... [33.2]

Microsoft Windows ... [5.8], [15.9], [35.4]
Minimum Spanning Trees in C++ ... [5.3]
Mirror sites (see also This document) ... [2]

Mixing C and C++ code (see also C language) ... [29]
Mixing malloc() and delete ... [16.2]
Mixing new and free() ... [16.2]

Monolithic class hierarchies ... [32.4], [32.5]
Morality books on C++ ... [26.4], [26.5]
MS-DOS ... [5.8], [15.9], [35.4]
Multi-dimensional arrays

Using pointers ... [16.15]
Using specific classes ... [16.16]
Using templates ... [16.17]


Multiple encapsulated instances ... [6.7], [7.5], [31.3]
Multiple inheritance ... [6.7], [11.12], [24.2], [29.8], [29.9], [33.7], [33.10]

mutable ... [18.10]
Mutator methods ... [18.9]
MYOB (Acronym) ... [5.1]

"N" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Named Constructor Idiom ... [10.7], [16.19], [16.22]
Netiquette ... [5]

From: line of a posting ... [5.4]
General netiquette ... [5.4]
Getting and reading other FAQs ... [5.9]
Posting code ... [5.7]
Reply-to: line of a posting ... [5.4]
Selecting an appropriate newsgroup ... [5.8]
Subject: line of a posting ... [5.6]


Advantages over malloc() ... [16.3]
Allocating an array with new T[n] ... [16.10]
Mixing with free() ... [16.2]
(See also Freestore) ... [16.1]

New handler (see also Freestore) ... [16.6]
Newsgroups ... [5.8]
comp.lang.c ... [5.8]
comp.lang.c++ ... [5.8]
comp.lang.c++.moderated ... [5.8]
comp.object ... [5.8] ... [5.8]* ... [5.8]
comp.os.msdos.programmer ... [5.8], [35.4]
comp.os.msdos.programmer.turbovision ... [5.8]
comp.programming ... [5.8]
comp.sources.wanted ... [5.8]
comp.std.c++ ... [5.8]
comp.sys.mac.oop.* ... [5.8]
comp.sys.mac.programmer.* ... [5.8]
comp.unix.programmer ... [5.8], [35.4]
comp.unix.solaris ... [5.8] ... [35.4]
gnu.g++.bug ... [5.8] ... [5.8]

NIHCL (National Institute of Heath Class Library) ... [32.5]
No Warranty (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [1.4]
Nuclear submarine ... [21.2]
NULL ... [16.5], [16.6]
Numerical Recepies code ... [32.6]

"O" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Object ... [7.2]
Object-oriented: So what? ... [6.3]
Old code calls new code ... [6.9]
OO design books ... [26.7]
?: operator ... [25.4]
Operator ?: ... [25.4]
Operator overloading ... [6.7], [13]

Assignment operator ... [12], [22.5]
Can't invent new operators ... [13.7]
Can't replace behavior on builtins ... [13.6]
Coding standards ... [25.8]
Does help the users of a class ... [13.2]
Does not help the developer of a class ... [13.4]
Examples ... [13.3]
operator!= ... [13.9]
operator() ... [13.8]
operator++ ... [13.9]
operator[] ... [13.8]
operator delete(void*) ... [16.8], [16.11]
operator delete[](void*) ... [16.11]
operator* (dereference operator) ... [13.9]
operator>> (istream input) ... [15.7]
operator new(size_t) ... [16.9]
operator<< (ostream output) ... [15.6]
operator<< (ostream output; virtual) ... [15.8]
Purpose of operator overloading ... [13.1]
Self-assignment ... [12.1], [12.2], [12.3]
Which operators can be overloaded ... [13.5]


const_cast ... [18.11]

Order of static constructors ... [10.10], [10.11], [10.12]
OS/2 ... [15.9]
OTOH (Acronym) ... [5.1]

Can't overload by return type ... [34.3]
Operators (see Operator overloading) ... [6.7]

"P" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Paradigm shifts ... [6.6], [29.10]
Parameterized types (see also Templates) ... [31.7]
Parking lots ... [21.3]
Part-of (see also Composition) ... [19.2], [24.2]
Pascal vs. C++ ... [6.4]
Passing parameters

By pointer ... [8.1]
By reference ... [8.1], [28.8]
By value ... [28.8]

Perfect programming languages ... [6.2]
Permissions to copy this document ... [1]
Permutations ... [5.3]
Persistence ... [32.4], [32.5], [34.4]
Placement new ... [16.9]
Plaintext version of C++ FAQ Lite ... [2.3], [2.4]
Pointer semantics (see also Reference semantics) ... [28.1]
Pointer-to-const ... [18.4], [18.5], [18.13]
Pointer to function (see Pointer to member) ... [30.1]
Pointer to member ... [30]

Address of a C++ method ... [30.4]
Array of pointer-to-member ... [30.6]
Contrast to pointer-to-function ... [30.1]
Converting to pointer-to-function ... [30.2], [30.3]
Passing as pointer-to-function ... [30.2]

Polymorphism ... [6.7]
Portuguese translation of this document ... [2.6]
Postfix operators ... [5.3]
Posting code (see also Netiquette) ... [5.7]
Pragmatics ... [6.1]
Precidence ... [13.7]
Prepare to die! (see also Destructors) ... [11.1]
Pretty printing

C++2LaTeX ... [35.2]
C-Clearly ... [35.2]
GNU indent ... [35.2]
tgrind ... [35.2]

Prim ... [5.3]
private inheritance ... [24], [24.1]

Access rules ... [24.6]
Compared with composition ... [24.2]
Criteria for private inheritance vs. composition ... [24.3]
Derived* to private Base* conversion (invalid) ... [24.4]
private vs. protected inheritance ... [24.5]

private: members ... [19.5], [19.6]
Proficiency in OO/C++: How long does it take ... [6.6]
protected inheritance

Access rules ... [24.6]
protected vs. private inheritance ... [24.5]

protected: members ... [19.5]

The protected: interface ... [19.7]

public: inheritance ... [19], [20], [21], [22], [23]
public: members ... [19.5]

The public: interface ... [19.7]

Pure OO programming languages ... [26.3]
Pure virtual functions ... [22.3], [22.4]

"Q" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Quick-sort ... [5.3]

"R" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

realloc() (see also Freestore) ... [16.4]
Recent changes to this document (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [4]
Redefining non-virtuals ... [23.2]
Reference counting

Copy on write ... [16.21], [16.22]
Pointer semantics ... [16.20]
Reference semantics ... [16.21]
Reference semantics for a hierarchy ... [16.22]

Reference semantics ... [28], [28.7], [28.8]
References ... [8]

Assigning a reference ... [8.2]
References to const ... [18.1], [18.6]
References vs. pointers ... [8.5]
Reseating a reference ... [8.4], [18.7], [18.8]
Returning a reference ... [8.3]

Reply-to: line of a posting (see also Netiquette) ... [5.4]
Return type ... [34.3]
RTFM (Acronym) ... [5.1] ... [5.9]
Runtime crashes without any warning ... [11.5], [11.6], [16.2], [16.4], [16.11], [16.12], [17.3], [20.4], [21.1], [21.4], [21.5], [34.2]

"S" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Security vs. Encapsulation (see also Encapsulation) ... [7.7]
Self-assignment ... [12.1], [12.2], [12.3], [25.8]
Self-cleaning member objects ... [17.2]
set_new_handler (see also Freestore) ... [16.6]
Short-courses (one 40 hour workweek) ... [6.6]
Shortest path in C++ ... [5.3]
Smalltalk ... [27]

Differences with C++ ... [27.1]
Dynamic type checking ... [27.2]
Inheritance differences ... [27.4], [27.5]
Language wars vs. C++ ... [6.4]
Not an efficient way to learn OO/C++ ... [26.3]

Smart pointers ... [13.3], [16.20], [17.2]
SO (Acronym) ... [5.1]
Solaris ... [5.8]
Sorting in C++ ... [5.3]
Source filename extensions ... [25.6]
Spanning Trees in C++ ... [5.3]
Specialization (see also Inheritance) ... [19.3]
Standardization issues ... [5.8], [6.11], [6.12], [27.1]

Common linker errors due to static data members ... [10.9]
Define static data members explicitly ... [10.8], [10.9]
Initialization order fiasco ... [10.10], [10.11], [10.12]
Named Constructor Idiom using static ... [10.7], [16.19], [16.22]
static at file-scope (Don't!) ... [7.5]
Static binding ... [20.2], [20.3]
static create() methods ... [10.7], [16.19], [16.22]
Static typing ... [20.2], [27.2], [27.3]

Status bar with MFC ... [33.2]
stdio.h ... [15.1]
STL ... [32.2]

Access to on-line help ... [32.3]
FTP sites ... [32.1]
map<Key,Value> ... [31.1]
vector<T> ... [10.5], [16.18], [21.4], [21.5], [32.2]

string: Better than char* ... [13.6], [17.3]
struct ... [7.1], [7.8]
Style guidelines (see Coding standards) ... [25]

See also Inheritance ... [19.3]
Subclasses that aren't subtypes ... [27.5]

Subject: line of a posting (see also Netiquette) ... [5.6]
Submarines, Nuclear ... [21.2]
Subscript operator for Matrix ... [13.8]
Substitutability ... [21.3], [21.4], [21.6], [21.7], [21.8]
Subtypes that aren't subclasses ... [27.5]
Superclass (see also Inheritance) ... [19.3]
Syntactic sugar ... [13.1]

"T" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

.tar.gz (see Downloading) ... [2.2], [2.3], [2.4]
.tar.Z (see Downloading) ... [2.2], [2.3], [2.4]
Templates ... [31]

Basics of templates ... [31.4]
Class template is a family of classes ... [31.6]
Function template is a family of functions ... [31.5]
Genericity ... [31.8]
Multi-dimensional arrays ... [16.17]
Parameterized types ... [31.7]

Ternary operator: ?: ... [25.4]
TeX macros for "C++" ... [35.1]
tgrind (see Pretty printing) ... [35.2]
This document (see also C++ FAQ Lite) ... [3]
throw ... [16.5], [16.6]
To-the-power-of operator** (Can't!) ... [13.7]
Todd Hoff's coding guidelines (see also Coding standards) ... [25.10]
Trademarks ... [1.5]
Training ... [6.6]
Transitivity ... [14.4]
Type safety

Comparison with Smalltalk ... [27.2]
Const correctness ... [18.2]
Static vs. dynamic typing ... [20.2]

typeid() ... [31.2]

"U" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Uncompiling executables back into C++ source code ... [33.3]
Unix ... [5.8], [35.4]
Unresolved external (see also Linker errors) ... [23.4]
Usenet newsgroups (see also Newsgroups) ... [5.8]

"V" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

v-pointer (see also virtual) ... [20.3], [33.7]
v-table (see also virtual) ... [20.3], [21.4], [23.4], [33.7]
Value semantics ... [28], [28.7], [28.8]
vector<T> (see also STL) ... [10.5], [16.18], [21.4], [21.5], [32.2]
Version numbers to the "language" ... [33.10]

Binary compatibility of virtual functions ... [33.7]
Calling virtual functions from constructors ... [23.1]
Calling virtual functions from destructors ... [23.1]
Inlining virtual functions ... [28.5], [28.6]
Pure virtual functions ... [22.3], [22.4]
Redefining non-virtual member functions ... [23.2]
v-pointer (virtual pointer) ... [20.3], [33.7]
v-table (virtual table) ... [20.3], [21.4], [23.4], [33.7]
Virtual Constructor Idiom ... [16.22], [20.5], [22.5]
virtual data ... [28.2], [28.3]
virtual destructor coding standard ... [20.4], [25.8]
Virtual Friend Function Idiom ... [14.3], [15.8]
virtual functions ... [20]
virtual functions are central to OO ... [6.8]
virtual functions let old code call new code ... [6.9]
virtual functions, purpose of ... [20.1]
virtual inheritance ... [11.12], [29.8], [29.9], [33.7], [33.10]

Visual Basic vs. C++ ... [6.4]
Visual C++

FAQ ... [33.1]

"W" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Wars ... [25.1]
WWW sites of this document ... [2.1]

"X" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

X3 Secretariat ... [6.12]

"Y" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

Yaccable grammar ... [33.9]

"Z" [ Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Bottom]

.zip (see Downloading) ... [2.2], [2.3], [2.4]
Zombie objects ... [17.1]

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