Frequently Asked Questions

About Our Brain Wave Audio Programs

1. Do I need to use headphones to listen to the audio programs?

Stereo headphones are required to experience the benefits of the brain wave frequencies.

2. How much should I listen per day?

We recommend one half hour to an hour.

3 Please explain the reason underlying your recommendation to limit headphone listening to your CDs and tapes to only 30-60 minutes a day.

Some people have listened to Brain Sync programs for hours straight and then called wondering why they didn't feel right. Brain Sync programs alter the electrical activity in your brain. It is a powerful change that only requires 30 to 60 minutes per day to reap benefits. Depending on which program you're listening to you can be slowing down or revving up brain activity. Too much of either state can interfere with normal daily functioning. Listening to delta programs for a few hours in the morning might make you feel spaced-out during the day - which is not a good thing if you need to be focused and alert. Too much beta can make you hyper or interfere with sleep and so on. It is fine to use any program in the morning for 60 minutes and another 60 minutes in the evening. You may also listen to Sound Sleep all night long.

With the subliminals, track 1 can be listened to all day. Ultimately only you can know what works best for you. Feel free to experiment, but if you're not liking the results, limit your use to the recommended times.

4. When can I expect to see results?

Each person's experience will be unique to him or her. Some people have reported profound experiences following their first listening. Listeners do generally experience some immediate results with the guided meditation programs. Since the audio programs have a cumulative effect, we recommend you listen daily for the first 6 weeks, then as needed to achieve your desired state of mind. Experiment with the audio programs you've selected to find what works best for you.

5. Some of your audio programs are music and brain wave frequencies only. Which also include a guided meditation?

All of these audio programs contain a guided meditation led by Kelly Howell:
Guided Meditation
Guided Relaxation
Healing Meditation
Inner Fitness
Total Fitness Yoga
Breakthrough Training
Power Training
Running Meditation
Walking Meditation
Slim Naturally
Healing Arthritis
Healing Chronic Pain
Healing Headaches
Healing High Blood Pressure
Healing Insomnia

6. Are there any subliminal messages?

None of our guided meditation programs contain subliminal messages. We do offer audio programs with subliminal messages those are all clearly marked so that you'll know you're selecting a program with subliminal messages. And, the precise wording of the messages contained in each program is listed on its packaging.

7. Can I use these audio programs while working or driving?

We recommend you DO NOT use the programs while working or driving.

8. How do I listen to audio samples?

Audio samples of Brain Sync programs are available in MP3 formats. You may use any current audio player that supports MP3 files.

9. Where can I get an audio player?

Download your FREE Windows Media Player at

10. Can children listen to Brain Sync?

Yes, but under the supervision of a health care professional. Biofeedback or neurofeedback therapists are an excellent place to start exploring possibilities for resolving learning, sleep, concentration and focusing disorders. Specific and correct frequencies (programs) may then be prescribed after a child's brain wave patterns are analyzed.

11 Do you have any tapes or CDs for babies or toddlers?

We do not recommend our programs for toddlers or infants.

About Our Subliminal Audio Programs

1. Do I need to use headphones to listen to your subliminal audio programs?

No, this is not necessary, except when you want to receive the added benefits of the brain wave frequencies.

2. How much should I listen per day?

As much as you like! When using headphones, we recommend one half hour to an hour of listening time.

3. When can I expect to see results?

As is true for all of our products, personal experiences vary. Many people experience results after the first listening. Since our subliminal audio programs do have a cumulative effect, we recommend you listen daily for the first 6 weeks, then as needed to achieve the results you desire. Experiment with the programs you selected to find what works best for you.

4. Can I use your subliminal audio programs while working or driving?

Yes, but do not use headphones while driving.

5. Do your subliminal audio programs have spoken words?

Yes, but the messages are not consciously audible to you. All you'll be aware of hearing is the music.

6. What are the messages that I will be getting?

All the messages contained in each program are written on the card enclosed with the tape or CD.


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