bead&button all dolled up

Beadwork turns a small glass
bottle into a whimsical creation
Inspired by the fruit-laden headgear worn by actress
designed by AWMe
Carmen Miranda, this pert and perky glamour gal with
flirty eyes and a pouty mouth emerged as I stitched. When
I couldn t find kiwi and watermelon as ready-made glass
fruit, I designed them in beadwork, as well as the crowning
glory  a whole pineapple in miniature.
© 2009 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form
without permission from the publisher. Bead&Button Online Project 1
materials metallic dark blue iris, color E opaque dark brown, color S
bead-covered bottle 4 in. (10 cm) transparent red, color F opaque bronze or black, color T
" glass fruit, 16 20 mm with end loops transparent amber, color G gilt-lined white opal, color U
(Land of Odds, 615-292-0610, opalescent light green, color I " 9 3 mm jump rings, 22-gauge 6 transparent green, color H " nylon beading thread, size B for face
2 apples 9 opaque white, color J beadwork, size O for ruffle, nose, and
2 oranges 6 opalescent white, color K earrings
2 grapes " 2 g 150 Charlottes in each " beeswax
3 bananas of 2 colors: " beading needles, #13 and #15
" 12 10 12 mm pressed-glass leaves gold plated, color L " glass bottle, 22 mm in diameter by
" 9 12 7 9 mm pressed-glass flowers transparent green, color H 35 mm high with a 12 mm opening
(optional) " 2 4 g 150 seed beads in each of (American Science and Surplus Store,
" 15 20 4 mm round glass beads in each 12 colors: 414-541-7777,
of 4 colors: blue, red, amethyst, light matte opaque tea rose or opaque " two-hole rubber stopper, size 00, or
topaz (Land of Odds) salmon, color B cork to fit bottle (American Science
" 110 cylinder beads, gold silver-lined transparent green, color H and Surplus Store)
" 110 seed beads opaque yellow, color M
5 15 g* in each of 8 colors: transparent amber, color G * You will not use all the beads, but you
white pearl ceylon, color A opaque brick red, color N need a quantity from which to cull selected
matte opaque tea rose or opaque opaque red, color O beads.
salmon, color B opaque light green, color P
opaque tea rose luster, color C opaque medium green, color Q
opaque black, color D transparent dark green, color R
" As you stitch, you will need to cull your beads
for appropriately thick or thin seed beads and
select a bead that will fill the available space.
" Wait to end all threads until you have
completed stitching the face and embellish-
ments. Stitching through some beads may not
be possible because of the number of thread
passes within the beads.
AWMe (aka April Warnock)
lives in Santa Cruz, Calif., in the
U.S. She has been involved with
needle-art projects since she was
a child, sewing, knitting, and
crocheting her own designs. She
began beading in high school, then returned to
beadwork in 1985.  Carmen Miranda is the latest
in a long line of beaded bottle faces  everything
from a court jester to Johnny Appleseed. April
recently began making electroformed copper-plated
jewelry. Contact her at
Bead&Button Online Project 2
a b c
stepbystep first B 110 added in this round (j k). beads of your choice. End the working
Round 5: Pick up a B 110 in each of thread and tails (Online Basics).
These instructions are for a bottle the next six stitches, sewing through
22 mm in diameter by 35 mm high. the two A 110s in the sixth stitch (k l). Face embellishments
If your bottle is larger (photo a), read Repeat, working eight B 110 stitches Turban extension  part 1
the Editor s Notes following the instruc- between the A 110 pairs (l m). Work [1] Add thread (Online Basics), and sew
tions for helpful hints on how to adapt two more stitches (m n), and sew through the beadwork to exit the two
the pattern to fit different sized bottles. through the beads to exit the B follow- side-by-side A 110s in round 3 with the
ing the next pair of A 110s (n o). tip of the needle pointing left. Pick up
Bottle collar 11 A 110s, three color B 150 seed beads,
Rounds 1 and 2: On a comfortable Face and 11 A 110s. Sew through the two
length of conditioned thread (Online [1] Continuing with the same thread side-by-side As at the top (photo c).
Basics), pick up 36 color A 110 seed from the collar, work in one- and two-
beads, and drape them around the neck drop tubular peyote (Online Basics).
of the bottle. If the ring is too tight, Follow the face pattern working from
restring the beads using thinner A 110s. the top downward to complete the three
If they are too loose, restring using faces (figure 2).
thicker A 110s. Tie the beads around the [2] In the round following the last
neck of the bottle with a square knot round of the pattern, make a
(Online Basics) to form a ring, leaving a decrease in the center of each face
6-in. (15 cm) tail. Sew through the first section, by sewing through two B FIGURE 1
A 110 again (figure 1, a b). 110s without adding a bead. At the
Round 3: Working in tubular peyote pair of color E 110 seed beads, pick
stitch (Online Basics), pick up an A 110, up a color F 110 seed bead instead
skip an A 110 in the ring, and sew of two Es (photo b). The Fs will be
through the next A 110. Repeat once the anchor points for the ruffles.
(b c). Pick up two A 110s, and sew [3] Cover the bottom of the bottle g
through the next A 110 (c d). Repeat this with decreasing rounds of circular
pattern around the ring. Step up through peyote stitch (Online Basics) using
the first A 110 added in this round (d e).
Round 4: Pick up a color B 110 seed
bead, and sew through the next A 110.
Repeat once, sewing through the first
A 110 in the next pair (e f). Pick up an
A 110, and sew through the second
A 110 in the pair (f g). Pick up a B 110
in each of the next three stitches, sewing
through the first A 110 of the pair in the
third stitch (g h). Pick up two A 110s,
and sew through the second A 110 in the
pair (h i). Pick up a B 110, and sew
through the next A 110 (i j). Repeat
this pattern twice. Step up through the FIGURE 2
Bead&Button Online Project 3
3 4
[2] Using a square stitch thread path Turban extension  part 2
(Online Basics), connect the side-by-side [1] Continuing with the same thread,
pairs of A 110s. Anchor the embellish- pick up nine color U 150s, and sew
ment A 110s to a pair of base A 110s in upward through the first A 110 added in
every other row. Sew through two B 150s step 1 of  Turban extension  part 1.
at the bottom of the turban extension. Sew downward through the adjacent
A 110, and back through the last U 150
Earrings picked up in this step.
[1] Continuing with the same thread, [2] Using a square stitch thread path
pick up 13 color L 150 Charlottes. Sew (Online Basics), secure every second or
through the B 150 your thread exited at third U 150 to every other A 110, work-
the start of this step, and the first three ing down the turban extension.
L Charlottes picked up (figure 3, a b). [3] Sew back through the row of U 150s Sew through the first three B 150s
[2] Pick up seven L Charlottes, skip and the beadwork in a face section to picked up in this step. Pick up a B 150,
seven L Charlottes in the first ring, and exit bead 1 between the eyes in figure 5. and sew through the next three B 150s.
sew through the next three L Charlottes Sew through beads 4 and 5, stitching
and the B 150 (b c). You will now have Nose right to left.
two side-by-side loops  an inner loop [1] Pick up a B 150 and two B 110s. [5] Pick up a B 150, and sew through
next to the face and an outer loop. Skip the second B 110, and sew back the third B 150, the nose tip bead, and
[3] Sew through the first three L Char- through the first B 110, the B 150, and the fourth B 150, all picked up in step 4,
lottes in the first ring, and the first two sew through bead 1 in the same direc- stitching left to right. Sew back through
L Charlottes of the outer loop (c d). tions. Sew through the beadwork to sew the B 150 picked up in this step. Sew
[4] Pick up two L Charlottes, and sew through beads 2 and 3 (figure 5). through bead 5, stitching right to left,
through the middle three L Charlottes [2] Pick up a B 150, and sew through the B 150 picked up in this step, the
at the bottom of the inner loop (figure 4, beads 2 and 4. This places a bead on third B 150, and the nose tip bead
a b). the left side of the nose as you look at picked up in step 4 (photo d).
[5] Pick up two L Charlottes, and sew the face. [6] Sew through the second B 110
through the middle three L Charlottes [3] Pick up a B 150, and sew through picked up in step 1 and the nose tip bead
at the bottom of the outer loop (b c). beads 2 and 3. This places a bead on again. Sew back through the three beads
[6] Sew through the first L Charlotte the right side of the nose as you look at picked up in step 1 and bead 1, stitching
of the pair picked up in step 4, pick up the face. Sew through the B 150 added in the direction of the next unembel-
three L Charlottes, and sew through the in step 2, the second B 110 added in step lished turban extension. Sew through the
first L Charlotte of the pair picked up in 1, and the B 150 added in this step. Sew beadwork, and exit at the top of the
step 5 (c d). through beads 4, 2, and 3, stitching next unembellished turban extension.
[7] Sew through the L Charlottes in the from right to left. [7] Repeat the face embellishments two
first loop, two of the B 150s, and two of [4] Pick up six B 150s, and sew through more times, ending and adding thread
the L 110s in the turban extension (d e). beads 4, 5, and 3, stitching right to left. as needed.
Bead&Button Online Project 4
a b
h g
a c d
a f
Base indicated (f g). Repeat to complete the
Add thread, and sew through the round (g h).
beadwork to exit an A 110 two rounds Round 8: Pick up one cylinder in the
below a single F 110. Work in peyote first stitch, and sew through the two
stitch as follows: cylinders in the previous round. Pick up
Round 1: Pick up a cylinder bead, and one cylinder in the next stitch, and two
sew through the next A 110 in the same cylinders in the following stitch (h i).
round. Pick up a cylinder for each stitch Repeat to complete the round. Step up
to complete the round. There should be through the first cylinder added in this
18 cylinders in the round. step, and sew through the next three
Round 2: Work this round toward the cylinders (i j).
outer edge of the circle of cylinders, Round 9: Pick up one cylinder in the
sewing through the cylinders added in first stitch, and sew through the next
round 1. Pick up two cylinders in the two cylinders. Pick up one cylinder in
first stitch, and one cylinder in the next the next stitch, and sew through the
stitch. Repeat this pattern to complete next four cylinders (j k). Repeat to
the round. Step up through the first complete the round (k l). End the
pair of cylinders, and sew through the working thread and tail.
next cylinder in round 1 (figure 6, a b).
The ruffle will be anchored to round 2. Ruffle
Round 3: Work this round toward the Add thread, and sew through the
inner edge of the circle of cylinders, beadwork to exit a pair of cylinders
sewing through the same cylinders you below an F 110 marker bead. Work
sewed through in round 2: Pick up one the beadwork pattern beneath each face
cylinder per stitch, stepping up through section, starting over at every marker
the first stitch in the round (b c and bead. Step up through the first stitch in
photo e). The remaining rounds will each round unless otherwise indicated.
form the pedestal of the beaded bottle. Round 1: Pick up three Fs, and sew
Rounds 4 and 5: Pick up one cylinder through the next cylinder in the base
per stitch. Round 5 will start to flange (figure 7, a b). Pick up an F in the next
Create your own
outward from the bottom of the bottle stitch, a cylinder in each of the next
version of this
(c d). two stitches, and an F in the next stitch
Carmen Miranda-
Round 6: Pick up two cylinders in the (b c). Pick up three Fs in the next stitch
inspired beadwork
first stitch, and one cylinder in each of (c d). Repeat this pattern twice to
by personalizing
the next two stitches (d e). Repeat to complete the round (d e).
her signature fruit-
complete the round (e f). Round 2: Pick up an F, a G 110 seed
laden hat.
Round 7: Pick up one cylinder in the bead, and an F, and sew through the
first stitch, two cylinders in the next next F in the previous round (figure 8,
stitch, and one cylinder in the following a b). Pick up an F, and sew through the
stitch, sewing through pairs of beads as next seven cylinders in the base (b c).
Bead&Button Online Project 5
c f
a e
f e
f a
Pick up an F, and sew through the next Pick up two G 110s, and sew through
F in the previous round (c d). Pick up the next G 110 (b c). Pick up a G 110,
an F, a G 110, and an F, and sew and sew through the next G 110 (c d).
through the next three Fs in the previ- Pick up two G 110s, and sew through
ous round (d e). Pick up an F, a G 110, the next G 110 (d e). Pick up a G 110,
and an F, and sew through the next and sew through the next G 110 (e f).
three Fs in the previous round (e f). Pick up two G 110s, and sew through
Repeat this pattern twice to complete the next G 110 (f g). Pick up a G 110,
the round (f g). and sew through the next G 110 (g h).
Round 3: Sew through the first three Pick up two G 110s, and sew through
beads added in round 2. Pick up a the next 12 beads (h i). Repeat this
G 110 and an F, and sew through the entire pattern twice, and step up
next seven cylinders in the base (figure through the second G 110 added at a ring with a square knot (Online
9, a b). Pick up an F and a G 110, and the beginning of the ruffle. Basics), and sew through the first P
sew through the next F-G-F trio in the Round 5: Pick up two color H 150 again (figure 12, a b).
previous round (b c). Pick up a G 110, seed beads, and sew through the first For the remaining rounds, after com-
and sew through the middle F of the G 110 in the pair of G 110s in the pleting a round, step up through the
F trio in the first round (c d). Pick up a previous round (figure 11, a b). Pick first bead or beads added in the round.
G 110, and sew through the first F of up an H, and sew through the second Round 2: Pick up a color T 150, and sew
the next F-G-F trio in the previous G 110 in the pair (b c). Pick up two Hs, through the next P. Repeat around the
round (d e). Pick up a G 110, and sew and sew through the next single G 110 ring (b c).
through the G in the next F-G-F trio (c d). Repeat this pattern twice (d e). Round 3: Pick up two color R 150s, and
in the previous round (e f). Pick up a Pick up two Hs, and sew through the sew through the next T. Repeat around
G 110, and sew through the last F in first G 110 in the next pair (e f). Pick the ring (c d).
the next F-G-F trio in the previous up an H, and sew through the second Round 4: Pick up two color G 150s,
round (f g). Pick up a G 110, and sew G 110 in the pair (f g). Sew through and sew through the next pair of Rs
through the middle F of the F trio in the next 11 beads (g h). Repeat the (d e). Repeat around the ring (e f).
the first round (g h). Pick up a G 110, entire pattern twice, and end the Round 5: Pick up two Gs, and sew
and sew through the next F-G-F trio in working thread and tail. through two Gs in every stitch (f g).
the previous round (h i). Repeat this End the working thread and tail.
entire pattern twice, and step up Beaded fruit Set the slice aside.
through the next 11 beads, exiting the Kiwi fruit [2] Repeat step 1 to make a second
first G 110 in the next ruffle. [1] Make a slice of kiwi fruit as follows: kiwi slice. End the tail, but do not end
Round 4: Pick up a G 110, and sew Round 1: On a comfortable length of the working thread.
through the middle G 110 of the next thread, pick up five color P 150s, leaving [3] Align the edge up-beads of the two
F-G-F trio in round 2 (figure 10, a b). a 6-in. (15 cm) tail. Tie the beads into kiwi slices. Using the working thread,
Bead&Button Online Project 6
sew together the edge beads with a the rind rows, alternating Ps and Rs
square stitch thread path. End the (figure 16). End the working threads
working thread (photo f). and tails (photo g).
[4] Repeat steps 1 3 twice to make [8] Repeat steps 1 7 to make two more
two more pieces of kiwi fruit. pieces of watermelon.
Watermelon slice Pineapple
[1] On a comfortable length of thread, [1] Make a pineapple as follows,
pick up an R 150 and a P 150, leaving a repeating the first stitch to complete
6-in. (15 cm) tail. Sew through both the round, and stepping up at the end
beads again, and position them side by of each round through the first bead or
side (figure 13, a b). set of beads added in the round unless
[2] Continuing in ladder stitch (Online otherwise indicated:
Basics), work seven more ladder Round 1: On a comfortable length of
stitches, alternating the Rs and Ps (b c). thread, pick up four color M 150s,
[3] Pick up a color O 150, a color S 150, leaving a 6-in. (15 cm) tail, and sew
and two Os, and sew under the thread through the first bead again to form
bridge between the second and third a ring (figure 17, a b).
beads in the previous row, and back Round 2: Pick up two Ms, and sew
through the two Os. Sew through the through the next M (b c). Allow the
four 150s again (figure 14, a b). Working first round to expand as you add the
in brick stitch (Online Basics), follow the second round.
pattern to complete the row (b c). Round 3: Pick up two Ms, and sew
[4] Follow the pattern to complete through the next two Ms in the
the watermelon slice (figure 15). Do not previous round (c d).
end the working thread or tail. Set the Round 4: Pick up an M, a color N 150,
slice aside. and an M, and sew through the next
[5] Repeat steps 1 4 to make a second two Ms in the previous round (d e).
watermelon slice. Round 5: Pick up three Ms, and sew
[6] Using a working thread, sew the through the next M-N-M in the
two pieces together along the red- previous round (e f).
colored edges with a square stitch Rounds 6 21 form the sides of the
thread path. pineapple. Pick up four 150s in each
[7] Add a row of beads between
Bead&Button Online Project 7
h i
b d
j k
stitch in the following pattern, and snug have a rigid shape. To reinforce the
up the beads after each round: beadwork, zigzag between the rounds
Round 6: M-N-N-M (figure 18, a b) (figure 19), connecting the four-bead,
Round 7: four Ms (b c) three-bead, and two-bead stitches. Con-
Round 8: N-M-M-N (c d) tinue to the base of the pineapple. Do
Round 9: N-M-M-N not end the working thread (photo h). [1] Insert the bottle top or cork into the
Round 10: four Ms If you want the pineapple to retain its bottle. Tie a comfortable length of Fire-
Round 11: M-N-N-M shape, you may choose to stuff it with line or thread around the cork with a
Round 12: four Ms facial tissue. square knot where the cork meets the
Rounds 13 22: Repeat rounds 8 12 rim of the bottle, leaving a 6-in. (15 cm)
twice. End and add thread as needed. Pineapple leaves tail. Wrap the Fireline or thread around
Round 23: To begin decreasing, pick up [1] Add thread at the top of the the cork three or four times, and tie a
an M, an N, and an M, and sew through pineapple, and exit a P in the last round second knot (photo i).
the four 150s in the previous round. of the pineapple. Pick up eight color R [2] Remove the cork from the bottle.
Round 24: Pick up three Ms, and sew 150s. Skip the last 150, and sew through Sew beneath the strands of Fireline,
through the three 150s in the previous the next 150 (figure 20, a b). looping the Fireline around the strands
round. [2] Pick up six Rs, and sew through the to gather them together (photo j).
Round 25: Pick up an N, an M, and an 150 your thread exited in step 1 in the Repeat around the cork.
N, and sew through the three 150s in same direction (b c). [3] Position the Fireline over the top of
the previous round. [3] Zigzag through the R 150s (c d). the cork, and loop the Fireline around
Round 26: Pick up two Ns, and sew Sew back through six Rs, and the next the strands of Fireline opposite the
through the three 150s in the previous P in the pineapple (d e). starting point (photo k). Pass the Fireline
round. [4] Repeat steps 1 3 seven times to back over the top of the cork, and
Round 27: Pick up two Ms, and sew make a total of eight leaves. End the anchor it to the bundled strands of
through the two Ns in the previous working thread and tail. Fireline at the point from where you
round. started this step.
Round 28: Pick up one P, and sew Hat [4] Sew around the bundled strands of
through the two Ms in the previous Bottle tops and corks differ in height Fireline, and position the needle a quar-
round. and circumference. For this reason, the ter of the way around the cork. Pass the
Round 29: Pick up one P, and sew hat is a free-form piece of beadwork. Fireline over the top of the cork, loop it
through one P in the previous round. The following instructions apply to any around the first strands over the top,
[2] At this point, the pineapple will not bottle top or cork you may use. and anchor it on the opposite side. Pass
Bead&Button Online Project 8
l n
the Fireline back over the top of the
cork, loop it around the first strands,
and anchor it to the bundled strands
of Fireline at the point from where you
started this step. This will prevent the
bundled ring of Fireline strands from
sliding off the cork (photo l).
[5] Pick up an even number of A 110s
to circle the cork, culling the beads for
ones with widths that create an even-
o p
number bead count. Sew through the
first A 110.
[6] Anchor the ring of beads to the
bundled strands of Fireline by sewing
under the Fireline ring (photo m) and
through the next three or four A 110s.
Repeat around the cork until you reach
the point where you started anchoring
the bead ring (photo n).
[7] Work in peyote stitch for four or
five rounds (photo o), making three
evenly spaced increases. To figure out
where to place the increases, divide the
number of A 110s in your ring by three.
The result is how many beads there and pick up a pair of A 110s in a stitch. Depending on the height of your
should be between the increases. This [11] When the bottom end of the cork, you may need to add or omit
will shape the hat so it lines up with the diagonal line of Es reaches the center rounds. Modify the number of Es added
turban sides adjacent to the three faces. of the face section, work the subsequent in each round as appropriate (photo p).
[8] After you have worked round 5, rounds in the following pattern if the [12] Sew through the beadwork, and
place the cork on the bottle, and mark beadwork extends to the top of the exit a single A 110 above the column of
where you will place the pairs of A 110s embellished bottle: side-by-side A 110s.
to line up with the turban sides. Sew Round A: Place an E on each side of the [13] Pick up enough A 110s so the
through the beadwork to exit an A 110 E in the previous round. Work all other turban embellishment is one pair of A
preceding one of these points. stitches in the round using A 110s. 110s longer than the column of side-by-
[9] As you work round 6: Pick up two Round B: Work all stitches in the round side A 110s (approximately 18). Sew
A 110s in the next stitch. Pick up a color using Es, but sew through the three Es through the A 110 your thread exited
E 110 in the next stitch. Pick up an A in the center of each section rather than at the start of this step in the same
110 in each stitch until you reach the work a stitch. direction. Using a flat herringbone stitch
next marker for a pair of A 110s. Repeat Round C: Work all stitches in the round thread path, connect the A 110s in the
to complete the round. In subsequent using Es. Sew through the five Es in the loop. Anchor the embellishment A 110s
rounds, place the E one stitch to the center of each section. to a pair of base A 110s in every other
right of the previous E as you look at Round D: Place an E in the stitches round (photo q).
the hat. preceding and following a pair of A [14] Repeat steps 12 and 13 twice.
[10] For the next several rounds, sew 110s. Sew through the seven Es in the End the working threads and tails.
through the pair of A 110s as one stitch, center of each section.
Bead&Button Online Project 9
Cone base and
fruit embellishment
When you have completed the lower
portion of the hat, you can construct
the base to which you will attach the
glass fruit beads, the beaded fruit, the
glass leaves and flowers, the round glass
beads, and seed beads.
[1] Add thread, and exit an A in the
first ring surrounding the cork.
[2] Working in tubular peyote stitch,
pick up a color I 110, skip an A 110,
and sew through the next A 110. the remaining portion of the cone to lower portion of the design. They
Repeat around the ring, and step up which you will attach the fruit. function as finger pads for gripping
through the first I added in this step. [5] Stitching above the top of the cork, the hat to remove it from the bottle.
[3] Repeat step 2 until you have make decreases at intervals to taper the [7] Attach the pineapple to the top
covered the top portion of the cork, cone. You can also taper the cone by of the cone, using the thread on both
but sew through an I in each stitch using wider 110s in the lower rounds of the pineapple and the cone to secure
(photo r). You may need to make the cone, and gradually incorporate the pineapple to the cone.
increases in one or two rows to thinner 110s into the rounds. End [8] Attach the beaded fruit slices, round
accommodate the flange of the cork. the tails. beads, and seed beads with Fireline or
[4] The height of the hat is propor- [6] Plan a design for your hat using thread. Attach the glass fruit beads with
tional to the height of the base. The glass and beaded fruit (photo s). You jump rings. Slide the jump ring between
height of the glass-fruit-covered hat, not may choose to design a random and under the seed beads in the base
including the pineapple, should be 1D 4 in. arrangement that covers the entire hat, rather than through them. Fill in the
(6 mm) less than the height of the base. or repeat the same design three times gaps with glass leaves and flowers,
Measuring from the base of the hat, above each face. round glass bead clusters, and seed bead
note how high you will need to stitch Place the watermelon slices in the tendrils (photo t). w
Bead&Button Online Project 10
u v
EDITOR S NOTES: will not distort the features. You might
need to widen only one or two of the
When you select a bottle for this faces to make the beadwork fit your
project, try to find one that has a bottle. There must be an odd-numbered
diameter as close to 22 mm as possible. bead count between the turban exten-
It is easier to adapt the pattern to a sions to keep the face symmetrical.
bottle with a different height than one " If you widen the beadwork, you may
with a different diameter. choose to stitch the face in flat peyote
Do not use a bottle that has a stitch (Online Basics) (photo v), sew the
diameter smaller than 22 mm or a edges together, and then stitch the collar
height shorter than 35 mm. of the bottle, decreasing as needed for
My bottle has a diameter of 24 mm your adjusted bead count (photo w).
and is 44 mm high. The hat covers the collar of the bottle
so this adjustment will not be noticed.
To modify the width " If you adjust the width of the face,
Here is a quick way to check if the you will need to modify the bead
three-faces beadwork will fit around counts for the base and ruffle. For the
your bottle: base, try to position the increases so
" Pick up the first two top rows of the that you can stitch a decrease beneath
face pattern. Position the beadwork the chin and the pair of beads that sep-
around the bottle. If the beadwork arate the faces. For the ruffle, refer to
encircles your bottle, you will not need the illustrations and note that the ruffle
to adjust the width of the pattern. design repeats for each face section. It
" If the beadwork does not fit around will be easier to increase the number of
the bottle, determine the number of beads in the base you stitch through
beads you will need to fill the gap, indi- rather than changing the pattern of the
cated by the green seed beads (photo u). ruffle design. You will also need to
" The least conspicuous place to add a expand the base of the hat so that the
flesh-colored bead is on each side of the turban extensions align with the turban
face. This will make the face wider but extensions on the face.
Bead&Button Online Project 11
To modify the height
" If you do not need to modify the
width of the beadwork, you may
choose to stitch the beadwork on the
bottle. Start as indicated, but be sure to
check whether the beaded collar reaches
the shoulder of the bottle in the allotted
rounds. If it does, start to stitch the
face. It it does not, add an even number
of rounds of A 110s before starting to
stitch the first round of the face.
" If you need to elongate the face to fit
a taller bottle, there are three sections
where you can add rounds of beads 
the area above the eyebrows, beneath
the chin and mouth, and at the bottom
of the bottle. These sections are marked
on the pattern in yellow (figure 21), but
would be stitched with flesh-colored
" To keep the face in proportion, add
most of the rounds to the bottom of the
bottle. You will be able to camouflage
the extension with the ruffle at the edge
of the base.
" If you elongate the face, you will also
need to elongate the turban extensions
and embellishments.  Lynne
Bead&Button Online Project 12
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ojects for spring
Make 20 new jewelry pr
April 2008 Issue 84
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eave easy
p. 42
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p. 52
step by
Stitch and li
beaded loops
p. 94
3 ex
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to mak
p. 104

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rap hour


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