CH3 (2)

Chapter III
processing, and interpreting data to provide
1. Background
reasoned judgments to decisionmakers.
At the operational level of war, the joint
intelligence system concentrates on the c. IPB. IPB is an analytical methodology
collection, identification, location, and employed to reduce uncertainties concerning
analysis of strategic and operational centers the enemy, environment, and terrain for all
of gravity that, if successfully attacked, will
types of operations. IPB builds an extensive
achieve joint force objectives. At both the
database for each potential area where a unit
operational and tactical levels, intelligence
may be required to operate. The database is
provides the basis for planning, synchro- then analyzed to determine the impact of the
nizing, and conducting joint force operations.
enemy, environment, and terrain on
operations and presents it in graphic form.
2. Terminology
IPB is also referred to as  Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield in Army
Joint Pubs 1-02 and 2.0, Doctrine for
doctrinal publications.
Intelligence Support to Joint Operations,
define the key terms and concepts that serve
3. Intelligence Responsibilities
as the foundation for discussion throughout
this text. Key terms and concepts include
The following discussion highlights
intelligence operations, intelligence system,
intelligence responsibilities for the respective
and intelligence preparation of battlespace
intelligence organizations of the joint force:
a. Senior Intelligence Organization. The
a. Intelligence Operations. Intelligence
senior intelligence organization
operations are the variety of intelligence
tasks carried out by various intelligence
(1) Establishes plans, policies, and
organizations and activities. Predominantly,
overall requirements for the intelligence
it refers to either intelligence collection or
activities of the command.
intelligence production activities of the
intelligence cycle. When used in the context
(2) Ensures interoperability and
of intelligence collection activities,
responsiveness of intelligence structure.
intelligence operations refer to collection,
processing, exploitation, and reporting of
(3) Articulates, reviews, and monitors
information. When used in the context of
intelligence priorities.
intelligence production activities, it refers to
collation, integration, interpretation, and
(4) Provides subordinate commands
analysis, leading to dissemination of a
with a single, coordinated intelligence picture
finished product. The concept for intelligence
by fusing available intelligence into all-
operations, tailored for the operational
source estimates and assessments.
mission, results in the availability of all-
source intelligence that supports JFC and
(5) Coordinates the intelligence plans
subordinate commander decisionmaking.
and operations of subordinate commanders.
b. Intelligence System. Intelligence
system is any formal or informal system for (6) Coordinates the collection plan and
managing data collection, obtaining, employment of joint force collection assets.
(7) Identifies/requests external assis- facilitate targeting. IEW operations assist
tance for intelligence resource shortfalls the commander to understand the battlefield,
critical to accomplishing assigned missions. support decisionmaking, and effectively
execute combat operations by
(8) Establishes and supervises intel-
ligence liaison, coordination, and communi- a. Providing indications and warning.
cations requirements with subordinate,
lateral, superior, and national intelligence b. Performing intelligence preparation of
organizations as appropriate. the battlefield.
c. Performing situation development.
(9) Prescribes intelligence security
requirements for the entire force.
d. Performing target development and
b. Subordinate Command Intelligence supporting targeting.
Organizations. Subordinate command
intelligence organizations collect, process, e. Supporting force protection.
produce, and disseminate intelligence to
support respective commanders in the f. Performing battle damage assessment.
employment of their forces to accomplish
assigned missions. Within their assigned AO, See FM 34-1, Intelligence and Electronic
Warfare Operations, for detailed discussion
subordinate command intelligence
organizations of Army IEW principles, tasks, and doctrine.
(1) Assess threat capabilities and 5. DRB IEW Organizations
provide intelligence estimates.
The DRB is supported by a variety of
military intelligence (MI) and non-MI units
(2) Develop supporting intelligence
plans. capable of gathering and reporting
information. Non-MI assets include
battalion scouts, counterbattery radars,
(3) Support target development and
weaponeering. observation posts, and MP patrols. Brigade
MI assets consist of a brigade S2 section and
(4) Task organic collection assets with a DS MI company from the divisional MI
special focus on reconnaissance and battalion. Additional tactically tailored IEW
assets from division, corps, and theater Army
surveillance operations.
MI units can augment the brigade if required
to support split-based intelligence
(5) Perform battle damage assessment.
operations, provide additional capabilities
such as ground-based electronic warfare
(6) Recommend force protection and
systems, or support other mission
counterintelligence measures.
4. DRB Intelligence Operations
a. Brigade Commander. The brigade
DRB intelligence and electronic warfare commander focuses the IEW effort by
identifying, clearly articulating, and
(IEW) operations provide the commander
with the tactical intelligence needed to prioritizing intelligence and targeting
requirements. The commander must be
successfully plan and execute combat
responsive to IEW requirements of
operations. The commander uses priority
intelligence requirements (PIR) to focus the subordinate commanders and, when
necessary, broker those requirements with
brigade IEW effort and leverage higher
echelons to support decision making and higher echelons. The commander must
integrate IEW support into the total
BICC develops and manages the execution
combined arms effort to effectively of the brigade reconnaissance and
accomplish the mission and exploit the full
surveillance (R&S) plan. The BICC also
potential of the intelligence system.
reviews subordinate battalion R&S plans,
integrates subordinate plans into the brigade
b. Brigade S2. The S2 is the com-
plan, and forwards the consolidated R&S
mander s senior intelligence officer and
plan to the next higher echelon. The BICC
principle advisor on the enemy, terrain, and
maintains current status of all brigade IEW
weather. The S2 s first and most important
assets, processes incoming intelligence
responsibility is to provide the intelligence
reports, and disseminates information to
the commander needs for sound and timely
subordinate elements.
decisions. The S2 takes full advantage of
intelligence and targeting information
d. Direct Support MI Company. The DS
available from direct broadcast systems,
MI company maintains a habitual training
special purpose intelligence communications,
and operational relationship with the
and automated processing systems to meet
brigade. The company provides organic
the commander s requirements. With the
automated intelligence processing, enemy
staff support, the S2 plans and controls the
prisoner interrogation, counterintelligence,
brigade IEW operation. To synchronize IEW
and ground surveillance radar support.
support with the operation and satisfy staff
Future capabilities will include unmanned
requirements for intelligence, the S2 works
aerial vehicle (UAV) control and Joint
closely with other staff elements and
Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
supporting MI units.
(J-STARS) imagery processing. The comany
does not possess organic signal intelligence/
c. Battlefield Information Coordination
electronic warfare systems; it relies upon
Center (BICC). To supply the commander
higher echelons for this support. The
with intelligence and targeting information,
the brigade BICC provides the S2 with an company consists of a headquarters element,
organic collection management, analysis, an analysis and control team (ACT), and an
production, and reporting capability. The operations platoon as depicted in Figure III-1.
The functions of the ACT and operations operation. This reduces the possibility of
platoon are
intelligence shortfalls that could arise during
the deployment phase from reliance on
(1) ACT. The ACT provides the
brigade S2 automated intelligence processing, evolving intelligence organizations or
analysis, and dissemination capabilities.
relationships. The DRB can continue to
Using its ASAS workstation, the ACT
receive support from the division ACE in
provides access to sensitive compartmented
addition to support from intelligence
information (SCI) databases, reports,
organizations within the theater. Intel-
graphics, and other intelligence products
ligence support from the ACE includes
from higher echelon intelligence
analysis and production of tailored
organizations such as the division ACE.
intelligence products; maintaining accessible
When augmented with the TROJAN Special
Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence intelligence databases needed by the DRB;
Terminal (SPIRIT), the ACT can support
and other intelligence operations that
split-based intelligence operations with an
support the DRB. The intelligence support
intelligence support base located outside the
base may also provide the follow-on IEW
area of operations.
assets and the deployable intelligence
(2) Operations Platoon. The opera-
support element (DISE) if the operation
tions platoon provides support and conducts
involves follow-on Army forces. The
asset management of the company s
intelligence support base complements the
counterintelligence team, interrogation
theater or JTF intelligence structures; it is
team, and ground surveillance radar squad.
not intended to circumvent theater or task
The platoon will possess a UAV section and
force tasking and reporting channels
an imagery processing section when
established by the higher echelon
supporting systems are fielded. Table III-1
summarizes the capabilities of the operations Intelligence Director of a joint staff (J-2)
or G-2.
e. Intelligence Support Base. The
6. MEF (FWD) Intelligence Operations
division G-2 and MI battalion form the DRB s
intelligence support base. The support base
MAGTF intelligence operations provide
is the principle organization in a split-based
intelligence support of the decisionmaking
intelligence operation from which the
processes of the MAGTF commander and
deployed DRB commander pulls intelligence.
subordinate commanders down to the
It is located in the division garrison or
smallest unit level. MAGTF intelligence
another location outside the AO. The
operations focus on generating tactical
intelligence support base allows the DRB to
intelligence (i.e., intelligence that supports
pull intelligence from its normal intelligence
the planning and conduct of tactical
source between the predeployment and
operations). Intelligence supports the
operations stages of a force projection
decisionmaking process by
a. Describing the battlespace. is currently undergoing reorganization. In
the future, MEF intelligence assets currently
b. Identifying key factors in the battle-
assigned to the SRIG may be consolidated in
space that influence operations.
an intelligence battalion. In that case,
intelligence and radio battalion detachments
c. Defining and evaluating the enemy s
vice SRIG detachments would support the
MEF [FWD].) In addition, the GCE, ACE,
and CSSE all have organic intelligence
d. Assessing enemy intentions.
sections and assets to satisfy their unique
intelligence requirements as reflected in
e. Identifying the enemy s center of grav-
Figure III-2.
ity and critical vulnerabilities.
a. MEF (FWD) G-2 Section. The MEF
f. Reducing uncertainty.
(FWD) G-2 section plans, coordinates, and
integrates intelligence operations. It
Intelligence, operations, and
provides centralized collection, production,
decisionmaking are linked throughout the
and dissemination capabilities for the CE and
mission execution cycle. Intelligence shapes
subordinate elements. In addition, it
the plan and provides the knowledge that
provides connectivity to national, joint, and
facilitates execution. It identifies changes
supporting force intelligence assets. Figure
in the situation that modify the plan or
III-3 depicts the organization of the MEF
trigger decisions during the conduct of the
(FWD) G-2. The intelligence operations
operation. MAGTF intelligence operations
branch serves as the focal point for MAGTF
satisfy the commander s critical information
intelligence operations. It contains the
requirements about the environment and the
collections unit, the MAGTF all-source fusion
enemy, facilitate the commander s under-
center (MAFC), and the target intelligence
standing of the battlespace, identify key
unit. During combat operations, the
enemy vulnerabilities, and enable the
intelligence operations branch staffs the
planning and execution of successful
combat information center (CIC). The CIC
collocates with the MEF (FWD) COC in the
main CP. The CIC receives support from a
7. MEF (FWD) Intelligence Organizations
surveillance and reconnaissance center
The MEF (FWD) G-2 section serves as the
(SARC) that controls the operations of
focal point for MAGTF intelligence
organic collection assets and from a radio
operations. The MAGTF G-2 section,
battalion operational control and analysis
supported by a task-organized detachment
center (OCAC) that manages SIGINT and
from the SRIG, provides all-source
ground EW operations. For additional
intelligence support to the MAGTF
information on MEF G-2 organization and
commander and the major subordinate
operations see FMFRP 3-28, Tri-MEF SOP
elements. (Note: MEF intelligence structure
for Field Intelligence Operations.
b. SRIG. The SRIG, depicted in Figure air/naval gunfire platoon detachment and
III-4, is organic to a MEF. The SRIG of the the headquarters and service company
parent MEF provides a task-organized detachment. In addition, personnel from the
detachment to a MEF (FWD). The intelligence SRIG augment the G-2 s SARC, automatic
frequency control (AFC), and signals
assets from the SRIG detachment consist of
some or all elements depicted in Table III-2. intelligence electronic warfare coordination
The table does not reflect the nonintelligence center (SEWCC).
assets of the SRIG detachment to include the
c. GCE. GCE intelligence efforts focus on operations hinge on the clear articulation of
the planning and execution of ground service intelligence expectations, capabilities,
operations, with particular emphasis on and limitations. The intelligence cycle
locating, identifying, targeting, and attacking described in Joint Pub 2-O and service
targets of interest to the commander. intelligence doctrine provides a common
Organic reconnaissance, surveillance, and framework for addressing these issues as they
target acquisition assets assist this effort. apply to Army and Marine Corps IEW
These assets include- operations.
a. Plan and Direct. Several issues
(1) Light armored reconnaissance
influence effective planning and directing
IEW operations. These include-
Reconnaissance companies and
(1) Liaison. Intelligence liaison is
critical to the success of the integrated IEW
effort and requires early establishment,
Scout/sniper platoons.
particularly between units that have not
routinely trained together and possess
(4) Counterbattery radar platoons.
differing capabilities. As a minimum, liaison
teams are exchanged between the MEF or
FAC and forward observers.
corps G-2 and the subordinate DRB S2 or
MEF (FWD) G-2, respectively. If the DRB is
d. ACE. ACE intelligence operations
subordinate to the MEF GCE, liaison is
facilitate friendly air operations and counter
established between the MEF GCE G-2 and
enemy air and air defense capabilities. The
the DRB S2. Additional liaison may be
ACE contributes long-range reconnaissance
necessary to facilitate joint force collection,
and surveillance capabilities such as fixed-
production, or dissemination requirements.
and rotary-wing aircraft, UAVs, and air
Liaison teams
surveillance radars.
(a) Support planning and control of
e. CSSE. CSSE intelligence operations
IEW operations.
focus on intelligence requirements
concerning the terrain, infrastructure,
(b) Ensure timely two-way flow of
medical threat, and rear-area threat. CSSE
critical intelligence between commands.
subordinate elements provide valuable
information on terrain, the transportation
(c) Broker IEW intelligence and
network, key facilities, and the indigenous
resource requirements of the subordinate
population in the AO.
8. AMCI Intelligence Operations (d) Advise the commander on
service IEW capabilities, limitations, and
IEW support to integrated operations employment.
builds upon the strengths and similarities of
(2) IPB. Commanders and staffs use
service IEW operations and organizations.
IPB to understand battlespace and develop
The Army and Marine Corps share the
operational plans. Both Army and Marine
common objective of providing the combat
Corps intelligence organizations follow the
commander the intelligence needed to
IPB process as described in FM 34-130,
accomplish the mission and conserve fighting
strength. Service IEW doctrine, organi- Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield.
Some important issues to consider when
zations, and systems provide significant
developing and disseminating IPB products
degrees of compatibility and interoperability.
Effective integration and execution of IEW
(a) MEF or corps G-2 develops IPB
(c) Intelligence requirements are
products on the entire battlespace with
satisfied first by organic assets.
particular focus to the main effort.
Requirements that exceed the capability of
organic assets are submitted to higher
(b) DRB S2 or MEF (FWD) G-2
refines the IPB products provided by the
higher echelons to satisfy the requirements
(d) Battle damage assessment
of their commanders, staffs, and subordinate
requirements must be included and
prioritized against the commander s other
intelligence requirements.
(c) IPB products exchanged
between echelons ensure a common picture
(4) Additional intelligence planning
of the battle space and estimate of the
considerations include
(a) Planning for intelligence com-
(3) Intelligence Requirements. The
commander s intelligence requirements, munications transition to facilitate execution
concept of operation, and intent drive the of branches or sequels to the plan or to
intelligence effort. The commander and staff accommodate shifting of the main effort from
use IPB to identify knowns and unknowns
one force to another.
about the enemy, AO, and other factors that
influence an operation. The gaps in
(b) Identifying and establishing
knowledge identified by the commander and
procedures and protocols for information that
staff become intelligence requirements, The
exchange between processors (databases,
commander designates some of these PIR.
text, secondary, imagery, voice, and video).
Joint Pub 2-0 and FM 34-2, Collection
Management and Synchronization Planning,
(c) Identifying databases each
discuss how intelligence requirements are
service possesses or has access to;
generated and the roles they play in directing
determining which database(s) will support
the intelligence system. Considerations in
the operations, and if necessary, merging
developing and satisfying intelligence
them into a single database and ensuring
requirements for integrated operations
access by the entire force.
(d) Considering balancing avail-
(a) MEF and corps intelligence
ability of service-unique systems or
requirements must support and be sensitive
capabilities between echelons or services.
to needs of subordinate commands. For
This may require the provision of additional
example, the MEF commander may need
resources by each service. Ultimate
additional information on the enemy s
responsibility for allocating resources rests
antiarmor capability against Ml Abrams
with the senior commander. Resources and
tanks to support the DRB mission. Similarly,
capabilities are distributed based on the
the corps commander may ask for more
needs of the total force. For example, the
intelligence on enemy air defense threat to
bulk of Marine radio battalion assets may
Marine AV-8 Harrier aircraft supporting the
be committed to support the DRB when the
DRB is designated the main effort.
Conversely, it may be appropriate to employ
(b) Intelligence requirements
should address the priority for processing, the DRB s single J-STARS ground station
production, and dissemination as well as module (GSM) at the MEF level during a
collection. particular phase of the operation.
(5) Maximize available linguist cap-
(e) Providing the focal point for
subordinate command access to national or abilities. Shortages of military linguists
joint intelligence. The senior commander will trained in the target language may require
request and allocate resources required to
cross-leveling Army and Marine linguists
support this access.
between CI, interrogation, and signal
intelligence units of the other service.
b. Collect. The integrated collection
effort must
Tables III-3 and III-4 portray the
collection capabilities for both the DRB and
(1) Coordinate IEW operations to
optimize capabilities of collection assets and the MEF (FWD) respectively.
reduce duplication of effort.
c. Process. At the tactical level,
(2) Integrate supporting national and
processing, and producing intelligence are
theater intelligence collection assets into the
often indistinguishable. Where processing
collection plan.
can be separated, the G-2 or S2 must
prioritize by focusing on the needs of the
(3) Establish procedures for tracking
commander. For example, when processing
and handing off high payoff targets between
film or transcribing intercepted com-
services and echelons.
munications, personnel must understand
(4) Establish procedures for cross- which portion of the film or recording must
cueing Army and Marine collection assets. be completed first and why.
Table III-3. DRB Collection/EW Capabilities
d. Produce. The intelligence production e. Disseminate. The ability to move
information and disseminate critical
effort must
intelligence between commands is essential,
(1) Establish reporting criteria and
The intelligence communications and
thresholds that produce timely and relevant
processing architecture require developing
intelligence keyed to the commander s
and resourcing before operations begin.
intelligence and targeting requirements. The
Additional communications equipment,
intelligence synchronization matrix, attack
intelligence broadcast terminals, and
guidance matrix list, and high payoff target
personnel may be required to balance
list are examples of tools used to support joint
capabilities between services and fully
targeting efforts,
exploit the full potential of IEW systems.
Considerations include
(2) Establish common methodology
and criteria for producing the battle damage
(1) The MEF CE or corps G-2 assumes
assessment and supporting the combat
responsibility for establishing a com-
assessment function.
munications and processing architecture that
(3) Minimize the number and ensures rapid exchange of critical, time-
frequency of periodic reports such as sensitive intelligence, and targeting
intelligence summaries and reports. information.
(2) To support reporting perishable Deployable Intelligence Support System
information of immediate value, the
commander establishes communications
(4) Connectivity and capacity must
paths and procedures. For example, to
support the flow of SC I and GENSER
facilitate timely and effective target
requirements. These requirements include
engagement, long-range reconnaissance
voice, text, data, and graphic intelligence
reporting of high payoff targets in the enemy
reports and products.
rear area or signal intelligence reporting of
enemy artillery targeting friendly forces are
(5) The JFC must resource and/or
linked with specific attack systems.
allocate limited systems between Army and
(3) Processing requirements must Marine Corps units; that is, J-STARS GSM,
address interoperability between the Army, UAV ground control stations (GCSs) and
Marine Corps, joint, and national intelligence remote video terminals (RVT), Digital
Terrain Analysis and Mapping System
processing systems such as the Army ASAS,
(DTAMS), Tactical Remote Sensor System
Marine Corps Intelligence Analysis System
Suite, and TROJAN SPIRIT to accomplish
(IAS), Joint World Wide Intelligence
operational objectives.
Communications System (JWICS), and Joint


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