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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication




Protect and Defend
ISBN 9781419920042
Protect and Defend Copyright © 2009 Francesca Hawley
Edited by Mary Moran.
Cover art by Dar Albert.
Electronic book Publication January 2009
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.
Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.  ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Protect and Defend

Francesca Hawley

This book is dedicated to my mom. She was my number-one cheerleader and my bestest friend in the whole wide world! She believed I could write long before anyone else thought I could. Even me. Without her support, my life would have been very different. She’s gone but still loved and much missed.
“Honorary Aunt” Valda. When Mom left this world, you stepped into the shoes of best friend and cheerleader. You’ve encouraged me and told me I was important, even when there were times I wasn’t sure it was true. Valda, you’re the best!
Heide. You are a super sister and I thank you for your love and friendship through the years.
Gwen, you’ve been the sister of my heart and I learned tons about writing an entertaining and hot story from you through our fun with fan fiction. Thanks for your friendship through the years.
Misty Simon, author, friend and critter extraordinaire. Without your help, I probably wouldn’t have gotten Protect and Defend down on paper. Thank you for your honesty and friendship.
Paris Brandon, author, buddy and sounding board. Thank you for listening to my woes then either sympathizing or kicking me in the butt, whichever was warranted. Thanks for our Sunday-night chats. I’m honored to call you friend!
Friends and readers—Cara, Deana and Elaine. You guys see me almost daily yet even when I whine, you offer support and friendship. Thanks for your enthusiasm and encouragement. It means a lot.
To my friends and colleagues at the library. Thanks for letting me share great news and being happy for me, even when your eyes probably wanted to glaze over. I enjoy working with all of you.
Iowa Romance Novelists, RWA Chapter #128. To all the members—you are a joy. You’re a funny bunch of folks and you always bolster my spirits. You’ve read my work, offered critique and made me a better writer. Thanks to each and every one of you.
Passionate Ink, RWA online Chapter #207. It has been wonderful to interact with the many friends I’ve made through PI. I’ve learned much about the craft of writing and the day-to-day slogging as a writer from all of you. Thanks!

Author’s Note
I’ve recently attended a local Citizen’s Police Academy. While a couple of Lieutenant Diarmid Redwolf’s actions are not technically correct, I had fun writing them and Diarmid had fun doing them.
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
“All About Soul”: Impulsive Music

Anal Pleasure and Health: Jack Morin
Denver International Airport: City and County of Denver Municipal Corporation

Denver Post: The Denver Post Corporation
“Femme”: Femme Productions
Ford Fiesta: Ford Motor Company
Good Vibrations: Open Enterprises, Inc.
Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
“Let’s Make Love”: BMG Music Publishing, Inc., Silverkiss Music Publishing, Dreamworks, Warner Tamerlane

MacGyver: Parmount Pictures Corporation
Mack Truck: Mack Trucks, Inc.
Martha Stewart: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc.
“Men”: Warner Brothers Records, Inc.
“She’s Got a Way”: April Music, Inc. & Impulsive Music

Star Trek: Parmount Pictures Corporation
The Beach Boys: Brother Records, Inc.
“Wedding song” a.k.a. “There is love”: Noel Stookey

Chapter One
If just one more crazed driver cut her off in traffic, he was dead. After that, getting to her appointment at the Crime Lab on time would cease to be an issue because Lieutenant Diarmid Redwolf would come to her. The homicide would be very bloody but highly satisfying. Mikaela Laughlin heaved a sigh of relief when she turned onto the street the Crime Lab called home. Yes! She pulled into a parking spot smack in front of the door to the lab in the visitor parking lot. What a stroke of luck!
Traffic seemed extra heavy this morning, as if God were trying to prevent her from making this appointment. She wondered if he knew something she ought to. Naw. The powers that be were just amusing themselves at her expense. Miki climbed out of the car, pausing briefly to smooth down her suit jacket and skirt. She had just one shot at getting this tour and interview with Lieutenant Redwolf. If she was late, she was screwed. He was not a man to be kept waiting.
Miki trotted up to the entrance and entered the lobby. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this nervous to meet anyone. Miki had been cool and collected the first time she met her agent. She and her editor had hit it off immediately and her fans were a joy to talk to. Yet she was jittery as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs about finally meeting Diarmid Redwolf.
There was just something about those laser blue eyes when he was interviewed by the press that made her breathless. Miki first saw him on TV over a year ago and she hadn’t been able to get enough of him. Ever since, she’d read his interviews in newspapers and watched for him on the local news. It made her uncomfortable, like a teenage girl dreaming about a hunky actor or famous singer. Miki couldn’t understand why she’d been so obsessed with Diarmid Redwolf, but she couldn’t seem to help herself.
This was the first time she’d taken a chance to try to make contact with the second-in-command of the Denver Crime Lab. She took the risk because she needed information she couldn’t get from a book. When she’d bemoaned her lack of information, one of her closest friends Serena Goldwolf set the wheels in motion for today. Serena actually knew the lieutenant, in fact he was her cousin. Not only was she related, but her husband was Redwolf’s former brother-in-law. Sometimes it really was about who you knew. Talk about serendipity!
Of course, once Serena had found out how obsessed Miki was with Diarmid Redwolf, she refused to rest until her husband Damien arranged this tour. Serena just loved to play matchmaker, but Miki thought her friend was barking up the wrong tree. Just because Miki had the hots for “Delicious Diarmid”, it didn’t mean he’d look twice at her. As a consequence, Miki’s stomach was fluttering as if she had a whole colony of butterflies in there and she’d barely slept last night.
“Get a grip, Miki,” she whispered to herself. She didn’t want to blow her credibility acting like some sort of starry-eyed Crime Lab groupie when she met him, even if that was how she felt. This was research, not a holiday. Miki approached the female officer at the main reception desk with a pleasant expression on her face.
The very efficient-looking blonde looked up from her work with a brisk smile. “How may I help you, ma’am?”
“I have a 10 a.m. appointment with Lieutenant Diarmid Redwolf of the Crime Lab. Could you direct me where to find him?”
The young officer’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped in a slight “O” of surprise. She snapped her mouth shut, blinked and nodded. “Yes, of course. If you would take the elevator to the third floor, you can check in with reception there and they will page the lieutenant for you, ma’am.”
Miki nodded. “Thank you.”
In the elevator, she closed her eyes to give herself an internal pep talk. You can do this, Miki. Just be friendly. Ask intelligent questions. Redwolf promised you an interview and a tour. He won’t go back on that. Whatever else he is, he’s a man of his word, your research told you so.
After what seemed like an eternity, the elevator doors parted. Miki opened her eyes, immediately drawn into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen, like falling into a pool of cool water. It was him. Diarmid Redwolf. Damn it, he’d met her elevator.
She blinked to break the spell, forcing her gaze to take in the rest of him as he stood in a relaxed pose in front of the reception desk. Except for his dark blue shirt, he was dressed in black from head to foot—a man armored against intrusion. Not a single red-gold hair was out of place. His black shoes shone like mirrors. His perfection was designed to put her off her stride, but she wouldn’t let it happen. She smiled, walking forward and extending her hand.
“Lieutenant Redwolf. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Mikaela Laughlin.”
He took her hand, lighting her body up as if she’d been struck by lightning. She kept her face as neutral as possible as she shook the large, warm hand that engulfed hers. Miki’s nipples tightened immediately, so she fought her intense, immediate reaction.
Miki forced her eyes to focus on the golden undertones in his skin and light reddish hairs at his wrist to keep herself in control. What she really wanted to do though, was flatten herself against him so she could kiss those full lips. His touch went all the way to her toes. Damn, damn, damn!
She should have known this would happen because he’d been “Delicious Diarmid” among her and her friends for too long. Miki had to take control of herself. She would not allow him to overwhelm her, so she met his laser-bright, piercing gaze head-on. The lieutenant smiled slightly, lowering his eyes before meeting hers again. Was it an acknowledgment of her refusal to let him daunt her? Maybe. She’d have to wait and see.
“Hello, Ms. Laughlin. I understand you have some questions about lab procedure for me.”
She studied his face with narrowed eyes. He looked amused, as if he expected her to be a nit…not enough wit for the full title. We’ll see about that handsome, Miki thought to herself.
“I have many questions, Lieutenant,” Miki said aloud.
“Let’s begin the tour and you can ask as we go.” He released her hand, gesturing down the hall. His tone was brusque, as if he mentally checked this appointment off his to-do list for the day.
Miki hid her dismay and irritation. Redwolf intended to whip her through here with minimal attention to get her out of his rather spectacular red-gold hair quickly. She smiled at him showing all her teeth. She wouldn’t allow this man to reduce her to stammering like an adolescent schoolgirl with her first crush, nor would she allow him to dismiss her as if she lacked intelligence. Yeah, this helped. She could use her irritation to keep herself from turning into an adoring devotee.
“Yes, Lieutenant, let’s begin.” She took a deep breath. If he was going to be a pain, she’d volley back. She decided to start with a softball question before she zinged him.
“I’ve done some research on you. Your first name is Diarmid, correct?” He nodded, faint amusement changing to amused condescension. Grrrrr… Still she maintained her smile. “The Scots and Irish pronounce it deer-mid, rather than dare-mid as you do, don’t they?”
“Yes. Most Americans pronounce it correctly, by mispronouncing it. Any person of Scot or Irish descent invariably pronounces it right for them and wrong for me.”
“Why is that?”
“You’ll have to ask my…father that question. He named me.”
Miki restrained a grin. She could see by his smirk he expected her next question to be equally trivial. “I understand you joined the police department right out of college while taking night classes to obtain your PhD in chemistry. Is that correct?” He blinked, surprise registering on his face. Miki wanted to laugh because she had yet to deal him a whammy, but she would.
He quickly collected himself, providing a cool response. “Yes, Ms. Laughlin. I entered the Police Academy after graduation with the intent of working in the Crime Lab, so I busted my…hump to get my classes completed while I worked as a cop.”
His attitude about her writing might irritate her, but in spite of herself, Miki was incredibly impressed with his determination. Diarmid didn’t seem the sort of man to let anything deter him from his goals.
“Your supervisor when you first started here is now your captain, isn’t he? Did he begin grooming you to take over then, or did that evolve over time?”
All amused condescension disappeared to be replaced by consternation. She’d done it! Miki wanted to dance because she knew she’d startled him after her first question about minutiae. His eyes reassessed her quickly, his smirk disappearing as if it had never been.
“You aren’t with the press?”
Miki smiled reassuringly at the cautious tone in Diarmid’s voice. She’d really managed to astonish him. Miki wanted to jump up and down and scream “Score!” but addressed her attention to his obvious concerns. Maybe now he’d drop the crap and take her seriously.
“No, I’m not a reporter. Nor am I intending to do a feature piece in a local magazine or for some TV station. My next novel is set in a crime lab and I want to understand how my hero arrived at his position. Is it typical for a superior to see potential and groom a successor?”
She met his gaze as he studied her, trying to read her intent. Jeez, no wonder criminals confessed when he interrogated them. Lieutenant Redwolf’s gaze should be registered as a lethal weapon. Miki raised her brows at him as he smiled slightly with genuine humor this time.
“Superiors often mentor junior officers. I wouldn’t necessarily say it is with the intent of grooming a successor, however.”
“Fair enough. Was it true in your case?”
“You’ll have to ask Captain Osborn whether he saw potential in me when I was a raw recruit.”
“Perhaps I’ll do that when you introduce me during our tour.”
Miki bit her inner lip to keep from chuckling at the dismay that passed through his eyes at the idea of introducing her to the captain, but she had trapped him into it and he knew it.
They turned down a side corridor with glass walls on all the rooms. Miki noted individuals wearing lab coats and latex gloves bent over microscopes, a light wall with gruesome photos of a crime scene under investigation and evidence laid out for examination in carefully sterile conditions. It looked just how she expected a well-funded crime lab to appear. As Diarmid led her through trace, DNA and ballistics, he occasionally shot a probing glance her way. He seemed amazed when she asked him, or one of the investigators, a relevant question about the process of investigating a crime. Diarmid didn’t seem to have a terribly high opinion of romance writers so she hoped her professionalism would change his outlook.
As soon as they met, Miki knew he’d never accept her use of a tape recorder for the interview, so she left it buried in her purse. Not having a recorder meant she had to take good notes to write from, or she would be in deep shit when she sat in front of her computer to start her story. To compensate, she fiercely scribbled notes to make sure she picked up everything she needed.
Diarmid watched Mikaela writing in her notebook about any and everything. She was not what he’d been expecting. Romance writers were supposed to be frilly and feminine, but this one was all business. He’d been expecting silly questions like the first one, but her inquiries were spot on and clear. Mikaela was also tough as nails. She had to be or she wouldn’t have a chance at challenging him, but challenge him she did. It was refreshing.
The only unwelcome aspect of her presence here was their mutual reaction when they shook hands. He’d wanted to grab her and drag her off to his office to kiss her until she was a blithering idiot. It had taken every ounce of his willpower to control the initial urge to mount her the way a wolf does a Mate. The shapeshifter in him called to her, but there was just no way. Diarmid refused to believe it because it was crazy.
However, he was a logical male, and he knew damn well she responded to him too. Her heartbeat had picked up as he’d held her hand, her face flushing with arousal. Her scent had tantalized, which shocked the hell out of him. If she were a wolf shapeshifter as he was, then he might wonder if she was his True Mate, but she was a human woman. Chosen Matings sometimes happened between a wolf and human, but True Matings? He didn’t think so.
Diar couldn’t imagine his True Mate being human. Hell, he couldn’t imagine having a True Mate at all because he’d been alone for ten long years. In fact, he expected to be alone for the rest of his life. Diarmid knew most of the people he worked with thought of him as a lone wolf, which was doubly true. A True Mate was the last thing he needed or wanted.
Diarmid swallowed hard when Mikaela threw back her head with a laugh at a bad joke told to her by one of the ballistics investigators. He fought back an instinctive snarl, dismay spreading through his gut. If the investigator didn’t stop flirting with her, he was going to lose a limb because Diar was likely to chew it off.
Shit! She wasn’t even his type, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She wasn’t very tall, maybe five foot four. The top of her head would just rest in the curve of his shoulder. He estimated her weight at about one hundred and sixty pounds, and it was very well distributed—a curvy hourglass. Damn, she was sexy as hell, even in the boring brown suit jacket and skirt she wore.
Her soft, light brown hair was pulled back into a knot, so he had no idea how long it was, but he’d guess it was a little longer than shoulder length and as curvy as the rest of her. Stray strands escaped her severe style to curl around her face, making his fingers itch to brush it back. She glanced at him, arresting him with eyes as green as a fine emerald. He focused on her eyes. Nope. They weren’t contact lenses. Mikaela Laughlin might not fit his usual taste in females, but he still wanted to taste her. He wanted to savor every damn inch of her luscious, well-rounded curves.
Diar knew he shouldn’t be this obsessed with her. She was not his True Mate, damn it. He’d seen True Mates in action because his parents shared a True Mate relationship. They were irrevocably tied to one another, body, mind and spirit. Two halves of one whole. Although he’d had issues with them all his life, he knew the love between them was stronger than anything else, even stronger than their ties to him and his sibs. When he was little, he’d often wondered if one were cut, would the other bleed? It seemed like it.
He didn’t want someone to be so tied to him, for both their sakes. What if he was killed while on duty? She’d die too because she wouldn’t want to live without him. A True Mate sometimes suicided when their love died. Diar didn’t want the responsibility—he had enough blood on his hands.
He led Mikaela to homicide, standing behind her as she interviewed a police detective. He inhaled deep. Diar could still smell her, and her scent was as intoxicating as it was erotic. Damn. It was just lust. It had to be. He’d just been too long without a lover. After leaving homicide, Diar led her down the hall lost in thought. It was six months since he last allowed himself to care for a female of any kind, human or wolf—six very long months.
Shit, he still missed Carly Wilson’s smile. Unable to suppress the memory the last time he saw her face, the vision of her on a slab in the morgue danced through his brain. He shuddered to a stop with his hands clenched, focusing on the tile floor at his feet to draw him back to the here and now. Baseball. Football. The shooting range. Think of anything but Carly to make the mental picture go away. She was gone, and he couldn’t change it. An image of Jerome sitting in the interrogation room settled in his head. Bastard. Diar still hadn’t caught the son of a bitch who killed Carly, but he would. Jerome would pay.
Diar’s head snapped up. Mikaela froze, staring into his eyes like a doe sighting a predator. He took a deep breath to calm himself, trying to smile, but it didn’t seem to help because she remained tense. She forcibly relaxed, taking a deep breath herself, offering him a tentative smile.
“Lieutenant, what’s wrong?” Her soft question soothed him, which seemed damn strange to him. How could anyone soothe him?
“I’m sorry, I was thinking about a case.”
Diar looked around them, thankful none of his people had witnessed his lapse. He shrugged his shoulders and relaxed his tense muscles. There were times anyone with understanding would recognize the predator in him. Thinking about Jerome Sanders, the serial killer who had murdered Carly, brought out the wolf in him. With a vengeance.
She blinked before her tentative smile became a gentle one as she touched his arm briefly. “I’m almost sorry for the bad guy. He’ll regret crossing you.”
“Yes, he will.” He grinned, unable to help himself. “Shall we continue?”
“Maybe you can introduce me to Captain Osborn if he’s free,” Mikaela suggested. Her smile was just short of a taunt. He found a laugh building but suppressed it. Damn, not only did he want her, but he liked this sassy woman too. His day was just getting weirder and weirder.
He couldn’t get over her ability to make him smile. In spite of the intimacy of their relationship, Carly hadn’t been able to draw laughter from him in the two months they were involved, yet Mikaela Laughlin had nearly managed it twice in barely an hour.
“Let’s see if he’s available.”
Diarmid led her to the captain’s office, his long stride eating up the floor. Maybe Ossie’s intuition about the woman could bring things into perspective for him. Diar glanced beside him, crinkling his brow when he discovered Mikaela missing. Damn her, had she gone off on her own? He turned to see her running to keep up with his pace. He colored as he realized he’d walked off and left her, slowing to accommodate her shorter stride.
He rubbed the back of his neck, ducking his head. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Her forgiving smile did little to make him feel better about leaving her in the dust.
“No, it’s not. Let’s go.” He made damn sure he didn’t outpace her this time.
Captain Osborn’s door was open when they reached it. Diar glanced in to see his captain reviewing files at his desk, so he knocked softly on the open door. When Ossie looked up and nodded, Diar asked, “Captain, are you free for a few minutes?”
“Sure, Diar. What’s up?”
Ossie was a distinguished, handsome black man just shy of sixty. He was one of the few humans Diar trusted absolutely, and he was also the only human who knew with certainty Diarmid was a shapeshifter, though by the time Diar finally told him, Ossie had already figured it out. Diar had never told any of his human lovers about his unusual genetics. He couldn’t quite picture most of his women accepting him if they knew he was a part-time wolf.
Diarmid motioned Mikaela forward. “Captain, this is Mikaela Laughlin. She’s touring the lab today and would like to meet you.”
Mikaela stepped around him, entering the room as Captain Osborn stood, his face lighting in welcome. She shook the captain’s hand cordially. Diarmid analyzed their exchange because Ossie was a tough bird, no one could put anything over on him.
“Captain, it is truly a pleasure to meet you. While I prepared my research for the tour today, I heard, and read, a lot about you.”
“I’m glad to meet you too, Ms. Laughlin. Has the lieutenant been informative regarding the lab?” Ossie’s dark eyes teased Diar.
“About the lab, absolutely, I’ve learned a lot about how you all operate here. He’s been less informative about himself, but I rather expected his reaction. Perhaps you could fill me in?”
Ossie caught the arch expression Mikaela sent Diar’s way. His expression questioned Diarmid. “I didn’t feel qualified to speak for you, Captain,” he explained.
Ossie studied him, pursing his lips in thought. “Ms. Laughlin, please have a seat.”
“As long as you both join me, I will be glad to. Do you object to me continuing to take notes?” Mikaela flashed both men a querying look.
“Take all the notes you like. Diar, why don’t we join the lady?” Ossie gestured her to one chair, Diar to the other as he seated himself across the desk from them both. She took a seat and started writing. Diarmid reluctantly took the other chair. The one right next to her. He’d been successfully staying out of her body space during the tour, but it would now be impossible. Damn.
“So, what did Diarmid choose not to respond to?”
Ossie steepled his fingers. He leaned his chin thoughtfully on them as he assessed Mikaela. Diar was always impressed by the way his captain was able to shift mental gears to observe a situation with objectivity. Ossie accomplished it with such finesse, sometimes Diar wondered if there was a Blackwolf somewhere in Ossie’s family background.
Mikaela seemed to note the captain’s change as well, her eyes narrowing. “When the lieutenant first joined the force, you were his superior then too. Were you not?” Ossie nodded, waiting for her to continue. “So I asked him if you began grooming Lieutenant Redwolf to take over then, or did that evolve over time? He is your presumptive successor at the lab.”
“Diarmid’s response?”
“Senior officers often act as mentors but not necessarily intending to select a successor. I asked if it was true in his case. His response was I should ask you if you saw talent in the lieutenant when he was a new recruit. Did you, Captain?”
Ossie’s face altered slightly as respect for her entered the captain’s eyes. “He was definitely talented and I recognized it. I wouldn’t say I was grooming him to take over.”
“Of course not.” Mikaela looked down to write, but the dry note in her voice said it all.
She didn’t buy it, and frankly, neither did Diarmid. He exchanged looks of shared remembrance with Ossie while she scribbled. It was an encounter with his captain when he spoke to a science class about forensics that set Diarmid on the path to the police force in the first place. Ossie seemed to single him out at the lecture, and over the years Ossie, had been more of a father to him than his own sire.
“So why the interest in my lieutenant?” Ossie asked. Mikaela lifted her head from her notes to meet the older man’s eyes.
“I’m a writer…”
“I know,” the captain countered dryly.
She grinned, acknowledging the obvious. “The hero of my next novel will be a lieutenant in a crime lab working on a homicide investigation. I need to know how he achieved his rank, what motivates him to handle extremely unpleasant situations and how he deals with the daily stresses of the job. Every person I have met today has provided me puzzle pieces to help me build my hero, including you. Conveniently enough, sitting beside me is a lieutenant in a crime lab.” Mikaela’s green eyes arrowed into Diarmid’s. “If I learn about Lieutenant Redwolf, I can get a handle on my own lieutenant.” She cocked her head. “Simple enough, isn’t it?”
Diarmid knew her question was directed at him. “It would seem simple, but nothing in life is ever simple. Is it?”
“You don’t trust much, do you?”
“I trust, but I corroborate. If I can’t substantiate a statement, then no, I don’t trust it.”
“Interesting, but it must make life rather lonely,” she noted.
“It can be,” he affirmed, refusing to fall into her trap and elaborate.
“So, I understand after completing your B.A. in criminal justice, you entered the Police Academy. Did you immediately join the Crime Lab after graduating the academy?”
“There weren’t any openings, so he started out as a beat cop,” Ossie interjected, drawing her uncomfortably intent gaze back to the captain. “He also needed to complete his graduate work at that point. Once he’d completed his PhD in chemistry the head of the Crime Lab was happy to have him.”
Diar took a breath of relief. The woman was going to drive him around the bend. She tested, teased and taunted, but her attitude was energizing. Damn, she unsettled him. When Mikaela studied his face, Diarmid could swear she was reading his mind.
“I doubt you enjoyed it though. No follow-through on cases, correct, Lieutenant?”
“It was certainly a drawback, in my opinion. I did my duty.”
“But not with great joy, I would think. Hmm?” she asked.
Diar smiled, but it was his only answer. Let her make what she would of his response, or lack of one. His silence elicited a decisive nod from her as she made a note on her pad.
“I thought not.” Mikaela definitely liked to poke the wolf with a stick he decided, but instead of being annoyed, Diarmid found he was enjoying himself. Go figure.
She returned her emerald eyes to Ossie. “If my research is correct, you had joined the bomb squad and asked Lieutenant Redwolf to join your team.”
“I did. He’s a good officer. Thorough and smart.”
“So I understand.” Mikaela looked back at Diarmid.
He waited for the question he knew was coming, he could see it brewing in her eyes. No one who’d ever interviewed him could resist asking about his last case with the bomb squad—the case that cost him his family. A car bomb meant for him had killed his Chosen Mate Ileana and their two sons ten years ago.
Ileana Blackwolf hadn’t been his True Mate, so his grief hadn’t crippled him, but his guilt increased correspondingly. True Mates were the other half of the soul, so the connection between him and Ileana had been of love and friendship, not a soul bonding. After losing Ileana, he’d been grateful they chose to be together, but in the years since he’d healed, which wouldn’t have been the case if he had lost a True Mate.
The death of his pups though, was a festering, open wound that would never heal. Those boys had been the best of him, and their lives had been cut far too short by his own arrogant shortsightedness. He’d found the bastard responsible for the bombing, tried to bring him in, but been forced to shoot him. Diar had wanted the asshole to pay, but killing him had let him off easy. Killing him hadn’t balanced the scales—not even close. When would it ever be enough?
Diarmid blinked, returning his eyes to Mikaela, but he kept his face still. There was no way he’d put his pain on display for the curious, so he waited with his cop’s face on. She examined him, her brows crinkled in consideration. Her eyes changed, softening, then she looked down at the notebook on her knee.
Mikaela cleared her throat. “From the bomb squad you moved to homicide. Still no openings here?”
“Not immediately,” Diarmid answered, steeling himself for the inevitable question.
“Within six months of joining homicide you were part of the lab though. Your first homicide was also your last, at least as a homicide detective. Subsequent investigations have been as a member of the lab.”
“Must have been like starting over when you moved to the Crime Lab.”
Ah, there it is, he thought to himself. Wait for it. “It was.”
“Did you find it tough trying to catch up on the science side of things? You were already a detective, but many of your coworkers hadn’t yet made that rank.”
“True.” Diarmid wondered when she’d toss him the question about his family.
“Did they resent you?”
He furrowed his brows. What the hell? “Some did. Others just preferred to razz the newbie.” She nodded, taking notes. “Where are you going with this?”
Mikaela met his eyes when he voiced the sharp question. “Establishing history. I think my guy will have transferred in late as well, but without the tour of the bomb squad. A background in homicide will work best. What do you think?” She raised her brows inquiringly.
She grinned. “Thank you for your considered opinion.”
Diarmid laughed. He couldn’t help it, there it was. He laughed. Well, shit. She winked at him. He couldn’t restrain his answering smile, and she still hadn’t asked him about his family.
“So, I would guess odd things can happen at a crime scene, like some gawker slipping in and running off with a piece of evidence?” Again with the raised eyebrows. How the hell had she heard about it?
“Ms. Laughlin, why would you think something like that might happen?” Captain Osborn asked her. She turned to smile at the captain. “It was in last evening’s newspaper, buried on page twelve. Of course, if it had happened on Lieutenant Redwolf’s watch, it would have been page-one news.”
Diar shot his captain an aggravated look. Somehow someone had leaked information from the lab. Ossie nodded in recognition. “Well, we should go—” Diar began.
“You know, the oddest things can be found for sale at online auction sites,” she commented idly. Both Diarmid and Ossie turned to stare at her.
She waved her hand. “You can buy nearly anything at an online auction service. Clothes. Dishes. Knives… It’s amazing how many people are forensic wannabes. I was doing some research last night. Did you know someone is trying to sell some knife they claim was involved in a homicide? I think the bidding ends today. Shocking idea, isn’t it?”
“Damn,” Diar swore under his breath. “Excuse me a moment.” He left the room. In the corridor, he pulled out his cell to call the investigator working the stabbing. “Stirling? Diarmid. Check for the knife on at one of the online auction services.”
“You’re joking, aren’t you, boss?”
“Just check. If you don’t find anything, let me know.”
Diarmid hung up and put his cell into his jacket pocket. Time to have a talk with Ms. Smartmouth. He returned to the room to find her nearly shoulder-deep in books. Her books. She looked up from the one she was signing. “Mrs. Osborn is a fan. Isn’t that nice?” She returned to her signing.
Diarmid shot a look at his captain who gave him a sheepish look. He shook his head, stiffening when his cell phone rang. He pulled it out. “Redwolf.”
“There was a knife for sale online. It was near the end of the auction, but I outbid the highest offer and won the damn thing. It looks like the knife from the scene. It even had the strange markings on the handle. The ‘owner’ emailed me immediately, so I’m setting up a meet with them. They’re local and they want cash.”
“Good work. Keep me posted.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Diarmid took a deep breath as Stirling hung up, looking over at Mikaela. She happily signed books, chatting with Captain Osborn. Sensing his gaze, she turned to him. Diarmid realized he owed her. Mikaela didn’t have to tell him about the knife, though she could have also told the press…
“I didn’t.”
His forehead creased at her cryptic comment. “I beg your pardon?”
“I didn’t tell the press about the knife, Lieutenant.” Diar paused, considering her. She practically read his mind. Mikaela laughed at his consternation. “No, I didn’t read your mind, but I am getting to know how your brain works. Your expression revealed an internal debate, so I guessed.”
His cell rang again. “Redwolf.”
“Lieutenant. Detective Rafferty here.”
“What’s up, Raf?”
“A body. Not a mark on him but he’s dead.”
“Text me the address. I’m on my way.”
“Got it.”
Diarmid hung up, making a snap decision. He glanced at his captain, receiving a quick nod of permission and approval.
She gathered her things and stood, holding out her hand to him. “Thanks for the tour. I hope I can contact you again for further information.” When Diarmid left her hand hanging, she frowned at his rudeness.
“You can contact me for more information, but you might learn more if you came with me.”
“What?” Mikaela’s hand sank to her side as her mouth dropped open.
“I owe you and I always pay my debts, Mikaela.”
Her mouth snapped shut and she cocked her head. “I merely did what a good citizen should.”
“Maybe, but you didn’t have to tell me. Do you want to ride along or not?”
Her grin was like the sun coming out. “You bet.”
“At least one dead body is involved. If you aren’t used to it…”
“I’ll try not to empty my stomach and contaminate your crime scene.”
“One other thing. You obey me implicitly. You stand where I tell you to and you don’t move if I tell you not to. If you can’t handle that, stay here.” The last thing he needed was a civilian getting hurt at a crime scene.
“I can handle that.” Her grin was saucy. “I bet you are going to enjoy being bossy, aren’t you?”
“With you? Definitely.” He laughed when she winked at him.
“Captain, it was nice meeting you. Tell your wife I’ll be happy to come and talk to her mystery reader’s group if they want me to visit.” She turned to head for the door, pausing when Diarmid didn’t immediately follow. “Coming, Lieutenant?”
“Yes, I am.” He met Ossie’s eyes. The captain would get to the bottom of the leak.
Ossie nodded before cracking a smile. “Have fun, kids. Don’t stay out late.”
“Funny, Cap. Very funny,” Diarmid sighed. His day had just passed weird and taken a left turn into surreal.

Chapter Two
Mikaela ran to keep up with Diarmid as they retraced their steps, but she didn’t care. She was going to watch Redwolf work a crime scene. Did it get any cooler? She caught up with him at the elevator, fighting to catch her breath. Miki met his contrite blue gaze.
“I’m sorry. I keep forgetting it takes you two steps to my one.”
“I’ll do my best to keep up. If I’d known I was going out to a crime scene with you, I would have worn track shoes instead of heels.”
He nodded as the door opened. Diarmid paused and she realized he was waiting for her to enter first. Hmmmm. A gentleman. She kind of liked it. Miki entered the elevator with him following. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as the elevator descended to the ground floor. He was deep in thought, his brows tightly knit. Something was bothering him, but it wasn’t the knife for sale online or the leak at the lab. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she did. Miki followed him from the elevator then out of the building.
Diarmid headed for a large SUV, motioning her toward the passenger door. Damn, how in the hell was she going to scramble into the monster? Miki heard the door unlock. She opened the door and set her feet, hauling herself clumsily inside. Miki hated looking like an idiot, but she wasn’t even sure the lieutenant noticed.
“So you keep your gear in your vehicle?” Miki’s question brought him out of his thoughts.
“Yes. I restock every time we deal with a crime scene.”
“You’re careful about it?” She belted herself in as he started the vehicle.
“I can improvise if I have to, but I’d rather not have to.”
Miki studied his profile as he backed out of the parking space and moved easily into traffic. “Are you as meticulous about your weapon?”
Diarmid shot her a glance with a raised brow and a slight smile. “A cop’s gun is his life. I maintain it carefully.” Miki blushed as she realized her comment was a double entendre. She hadn’t meant to flirt, yet she couldn’t seem to help herself when it came to this man.
“I’m sure that’s a good thing,” she responded, turning to look out the windshield in front of her. Miki needed to get herself under control. She wouldn’t impress him by acting like a giddy teenager on her first date with a boy. She shuddered to a mental stop.
Why in the world did she want to impress him? He was just a guy, for heaven’s sake. He wasn’t a god. He might look like one, but he wasn’t one. She still couldn’t figure out when she started to think red-haired guys were hot. Redheaded men all used to remind her of Ron Howard. While he was a great director, he was Opie, for Pete’s sake! Diarmid Redwolf was definitely not Opie. Miki shifted in her seat, finding herself aroused by the close proximity between them. She couldn’t remember the last time a man made her this hot this fast. She cleared her throat.
“So what’s the first thing you do when you get to a crime scene?” Miki took notes the rest of the way in an effort to keep her mind off the man driving the vehicle. Diarmid’s deep voice made her nipples tight, but she was doing her best to ignore it. Damn it, every single time he spoke it was like someone stroked her clit. She was wet and getting wetter. This was just wrong, but she didn’t know how to stop it. If they didn’t talk, she had to look at him. If they talked, his voice stroked her like an invisible tongue.
As he drove, she noted the foothills rising around them. West, they were going toward the mountains. Her arousal lessened slightly as she looked around. Whenever she went into the mountains she was awed by them. Even now, when she was trying to keep from jumping the lieutenant, she was soothed by the green of the hills as they drove into the high country near Denver.
When they arrived at the crime scene, Miki breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn’t completely embarrassed herself. Yet. Miki’s body had responded to every word he uttered, but she could hope he didn’t notice how hot she was for him. As the SUV stopped, Miki unbelted and started to throw the door open.
“Hold it.” His voice sounded like the crack of a whip. “You have orders to obey me, Mikaela. I expect you to honor your word.”
His words sounded rough, almost raspy, so Miki looked over at the lieutenant. His face was tight and flushed. When she met his eyes, his pupils were dilated, which made his blue eyes look huge. Was it her imagination or was he turned-on? It had to be her imagination. Wishful thinking. “I understand, Lieutenant. So where do you want me?”

I want you right here, right now. Miki blinked, staring into his eyes mesmerized. She could have sworn she heard his voice speak inside her head, but no. She looked away from those intense eyes of his. She had to stop building fantasies before she embarrassed herself, or him, or both of them.
He cleared his throat so she looked back at him. “Stay outside of the tape. Keep your eyes open and don’t step on anything relevant. It is possible we may have to expand our investigative perimeter.”
“How do I know if it’s relevant?”
“Just watch your feet, Ms. Laughlin. If anything looks out of place, tell me.”
Miki nodded. “I will. I won’t compromise your case. You have my word.”
Diarmid nodded. They both climbed out of the vehicle. He grabbed his kit out of the back while she went to the front of the vehicle to watch the process unfold. The victim was situated in the middle of a clearing of trees. She could see a little-used bridle path to the right of the crime-scene tape. The grass in the clearing seemed tramped down, as if this were a favorite picnic spot for tourists.
Miki observed the investigators’ slow, methodical attention to every minute detail, taking notes as they numbered and photographed elements of the crime scene. The female officer used tweezers to put items collected into evidence envelopes. The ground looked normal as she floated at the perimeter of the crime scene. Still, she kept an eye on her feet so she wouldn’t step on anything important.
She never would have worn heels if she had known she was going to be standing by an SUV in a grassy field before the day was out. Damn, her feet hurt. Where to sit? The grill on the SUV was climbable and the hood didn’t look filthy. Yeah, that’d work. Miki set her bag on the hood and hoisted herself up, settling cross-legged on the hood. Thank God for the pleated skirt she chose to wear today or she’d never have made the climb. After digging paper and pen back out of her bag, she returned to her notes.
At one point, she lifted her eyes from her notes to meet the inquiring stare of Lieutenant Redwolf. Unable to resist, she sent a pert smile his way. He shook his head, heaving a mock sigh of exasperation. Diarmid sure was fun to tease, but no one else seemed to kid around with him, which seemed odd. Granted his sense of humor was pretty dry, but he did have one.
Maybe if she watched the other investigators, her body would cool off. It was possible, wasn’t it? The woman processing the crime scene was tall, dark and stunning. She looked as if she would be more at home on the catwalks of Paris or Milan than a muddy field in Colorado. Miki had always wanted to look like her, but her genetics hadn’t gone there.
The other crime scene investigator was a blond man who could be a stunt double for Brad Pitt. Definitely hot, but he didn’t appeal to her the way Redwolf did. The investigator knew he was sexy and went out of his way to let others know too. He might be focused on the crime scene, but he noticed when she arrived with the lieutenant. Since then, he’d shot flirtatious glances her way, winking once or twice. She couldn’t help but grin at his cockiness because he was so over the top.
Miki hadn’t met either of the two investigators during her tour, but she could tell they were part of Diarmid’s crew by their easy familiarity with Lieutenant Redwolf. Why hadn’t he introduced them?
Miki sat up and stretched. For the past two hours she observed their work, taking notes but growing bored out of her mind. She’d expected more excitement, not this methodical painstaking procedure. If only Lieutenant Redwolf would let her go over to look now that they had things cataloged, she might learn something she could use. Hell, the only “interesting” part had taken place when the ME arrived to pick up the body. The ME murmured something to Redwolf about blunt force trauma to the skull, but since the body went to the morgue, there hadn’t been much for her to see. A crime scene seemed to be a boring place for a spectator.
At least her lust for the lieutenant had eased off a little. It was fascinating to watch him work the crime scene, heck, it was nice watching him walk from point A to point B. Miki let her eyes drift back to where “Delicious Diarmid” was carefully examining the flattened grass from under the body. Even in the midst of being a science geek he was hot.
The early afternoon sunlight made his hair glow like a halo around his head. God she loved his hair. Miki wanted to run her fingers through it because she was sure it was soft to the touch—probably the only part of him that was. He picked up a camera to photograph something before he retrieved it to put it in an envelope. Someone called to him, so he stood then walked over to them. Miki’s lips curved as she watched him move. His stride was distinctive, almost animallike, it was so smooth. Maybe his narrow hips and long legs gave him his glide. The few times he’d bent over, Miki caught her breath at the gorgeous ass he presented. Sweet. She loved full, muscled asses like his. But his appeal didn’t stop with his butt.
His shoulders were broad, filling out his black suit jacket as well as any male model. His face was too tough to make it as a model though. It wasn’t a pretty face but rather a strongly masculine one. Masculine with lines of experience creasing his cheeks. Miki had the strangest urge to brush her fingers over those lines to smooth them and to soothe him. She didn’t know where the tender feelings were coming from. She’d expected the lust, but tenderness? That was just bizarre.

Get a grip, girl.
“Delicious Diarmid” isn’t going to look twice at you.

She nodded her head to set the thought in her mind and rein in her hunger for him. Miki dragged her eyes away from him to look around the edges of the crime tape. Off to her right she noted a break in the underbrush. The body had been found in the middle of a clearing of trees. On the right side of the clearing, as she faced it, she could see the bushes had been broken as if someone had gone through there. None of the detectives or investigators focused on the disturbance. From their angle near the body, it wasn’t visible. Miki wanted to go look but she’d promised the lieutenant she wouldn’t compromise his crime scene. She’d just have to wait to see if anyone noticed the breakage.
“Seen all you need to?” Diarmid’s quiet question almost made Miki jump off the hood of the SUV. She looked to her left where he now stood. She hadn’t even heard him move. How did he do that?
“I’d have learned more if I could have gone in there.” She gestured vaguely toward the investigators, disgruntled at sitting on the sidelines.
“Maybe, but a lawyer would try to get the evidence tossed if you did anything questionable.”
“You mean like wander off into the broken undergrowth,” Miki taunted. Damn, the man could irritate her.
“Broken undergrowth? Where?” Miki smiled slightly in reaction to his sharp question. He sighed. “Right. There isn’t any.”
“Yes, there is, Lieutenant. None of you have noticed it though.”
“Mikaela, if you don’t spill it…”
Miki relented. “Off to the right of the tape over there. It isn’t really visible from where the body was found, but from the hood of the vehicle you can see branches have been broken by someone moving through there.” Diarmid frowned at the area she pointed at, unable to see what she meant. She sighed. “Step up on the bumper and hold on to the grill. I didn’t notice it until a couple minutes ago.”
Diarmid followed her suggestions, tracking her line of sight. “Colier, Pilar. I need you,” he called to the two investigators. Diar stepped down from the bumper. “Thanks for seeing it and telling me.”
“And not investigating on my own since it’s outside the tape?”
“That too.”
“You’re welcome.” Miki grinned at him. He shook his head, obviously fighting a smile building on his lips. Diarmid headed over to where the broken branches were located. Miki sighed. They’d probably be here for another couple of hours now. She stretched her legs straight out in front of her to lean her back against the windshield. She’d be lucky to be mobile when they finally completed their investigations. On one hand, she was glad to see they were so thorough. On the other, she wanted to get down so she could watch from a closer perspective, but she knew she’d catch hell from Redwolf if she did.
Miki stared up at the blue sky, figuring it must be about 2 p.m. by now. Her stomach was definitely growling. Did these people never stop to fulfill their minimal bodily requirements? Food…urination… A major drawback to this little joyride was the lack of a bathroom because she would need to relieve her bladder. Soon. Miki heard the click of a camera shutter nearby and turned toward the sound. The blond guy was taking her picture.
She raised her brow inquiringly. “I haven’t been off this car, so there is no way you are taking pictures of evidence.”
“You just looked so bloody contemplative I had to capture it.” Not only was he cute, but his upper-crust British accent would have women swooning in the aisles if he were on the big screen. He didn’t do as much for her as Redwolf, but he was definitely eye candy. His blond hair was short and tousled, and those wide shoulders were yummy. His narrow hips and tight ass definitely didn’t hurt the overall presentation. He was much prettier than Diarmid though. Miki appreciated eye candy as much as the next woman, so she took in the view while not taking the man providing it very seriously.
“If you want to take pictures of a gorgeous female, I suggest you focus on your coworker,” Miki suggested dryly.
“Pilar? God, no! She’d club me with her nightstick if I looked sideways at her. Of course her husband wouldn’t be pleased either. I think he’s a linebacker with some professional team of bruisers. I value my hide too much to look twice at the woman.”
“Do you have a name, pretty boy?”
“Colier. Colier Langston, at your service, lovely lady. And you are?”
“Mikaela Laughlin.”
He peeled off his latex gloves, holding out his hand. She took it. No fireworks or electricity here. Colier stepped forward to drop a kiss on her knuckles, retaining her hand in his, lightly stroking her fingers. He gave her a roguish grin, which he obviously thought would devastate her. Miki almost laughed in his face but restrained herself. Colier sure liked being the bad boy. Miki could tell just from looking at the twinkle in those blue eyes of his.
The funny thing was Colier’s blue eyes didn’t wreak havoc on her senses the way Diarmid’s did. It just figured. Colier might only be good for a one-night stand, but he was interested in her. She doubted the lieutenant even remembered she was here.
“Col, I believe I said you were needed over there. Not standing here and flirting with our ride-along.” Diarmid’s voice was dry, but Miki could hear the bite underneath. It was a damn peculiar reaction on his part. Miki decided he must be a slave driver with his team even though he didn’t seem the type.
Colier bussed Miki’s hand again, giving her a wink. “Certainly, Diar. Far be it for me to notice the woman’s exhaustion and boredom.” He gave his boss a nod then returned to Pilar over by the underbrush as he snapped on a new pair of latex gloves.
Diarmid turned a stern expression on Miki as Colier resumed working. “Please try not to distract my team, Mikaela.”
Miki sat up. She could not believe it. How dare he take a scolding tone with her as if she were a five-year-old in need of correction? “Look, fella. I was sitting here minding my own business, such as it is, when lover boy popped over to take my picture and say ‘hi’. Take a chill pill.”
“A chill pill?” The lieutenant’s voice was icy cold, so he probably didn’t need a chill pill.
Miki raised her brows at him. She was damned if she’d back down from his accusation. “Yes, Lieutenant. It means relax. You do know how to relax, don’t you?”
“Not particularly.”
When Miki realized he was serious, she lost some of her irritation with him. “No, you probably don’t. You need someone to teach you. You’re wound tighter than a calf at branding time.”
“A what?”
Miki laughed. She liked the way his red brows arched in surprise with his question, disappearing under the long strands of red-gold hair falling over his forehead. It made him seem more human, less automaton.
“Sorry, it’s one of my daddy’s colorful descriptions. He’s a rancher. Be glad I didn’t use the other one.”
“What is the other one?”
Miki grinned at him. “Wound tighter than a bull at castration time…” He winced and she burst into laughter. “Vivid image, isn’t it?”
“Very. Thank you for not using it to describe me.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So you’re a country girl?”
“Well, country girl, are you ready to return to civilization? My team can clean up here and I need to go check on the autopsy.”
Miki grinned at him. “I am definitely ready to get off this vehicle. I just hope my legs still work.” She grimaced when she tried to move.
“Slide down here and I’ll lift you to the ground.”
Miki blushed looking at her lap. “You don’t have to…”
“Just do it. You did promise to obey me.”
Miki’s head shot up and her mouth opened to retort when she realized he was teasing her. Her mouth snapped closed, her lips twisting in a self-conscious smile. “Nice one, Lieutenant.”
“Thanks. Now let’s get you down from there.”
Miki slid toward the front of the hood, but her skirt started riding up her legs. Every scoot caused her to stop to pull her skirt back to her knees.
Finally he caught her ankles. “Hold on to the skirt.”
Miki grabbed her skirt just in time because with one jerk, he tugged her right to the edge of the hood. Her legs dangled as the blood rushed painfully back into them, drawing a groan from her. “Remind me never to sit on top of anything for two hours again,” she moaned as she rubbed her thighs to try to restore sensation.
When Diarmid tensed, Miki looked up from her legs to his face. His blue eyes had darkened and she gasped as a sudden vision of herself sitting on top of him for two hours filled her mind followed by seeing Diarmid rub her bare thighs to bring circulation back. She could almost feel him inside her. She stared into his eyes. From the expression, it was as if they both saw the same thing in their mind’s eye. Miki looked away from the fire she saw reflected in his blue eyes. God, was she going nuts? Two people could not share a vision of seriously hot sex.
“Let me lift you down.” Diarmid’s voice seemed hoarse to her ears.
His hands settled at her waist, sending heat arrowing to her clit. Miki set her hands on his shoulders as he pulled her into his arms, settling her against his chest. She gasped, feeling on fire as her body slid over his, shivering as he slowly lowered her to the ground. Her legs refused to support her at first so Diarmid steadied her. Heat from his touch continued to shoot through her body like electricity completing a circuit.
How in the world was she going to ride in the close confines of his SUV for the next half-hour back to the lab? It might be longer if the traffic was bad and Miki refused to make a damn fool out of herself. She knew she had a vivid imagination. She wouldn’t be a writer if she didn’t, but this was just crazy.

Chapter Three
How in the hell was he going to survive being in close proximity with this woman for the next half-hour or more? Diar wanted to drag her off into the underbrush, strip and mount her until she begged for release. The drive to the crime scene had almost killed him as the scent of Mikaela’s arousal curled around him like the coils of a snake. When they’d stopped, she heard him in her mind when he told her he wanted her here and now. Diar knew it. Just now they’d both shared a vision of her riding him for two hours and him rubbing the blood back into her legs. He knew that too.
When Colier flirted with her, Diar had wanted to morph into a wolf to rip the kid’s throat out for touching his woman. Connections like this only happened with True Mates. Diar wanted to swear. Why now? And how had it happened with a human? He couldn’t explain it to himself. How did he explain it to her? How could he tell a human woman he was a shapeshifter? Even telling Ossie hadn’t been as tough as it would be to tell Mikaela.
“Can you walk now? We should go back to the lab.”
Mikaela looked up at him, confusion evident in her green eyes. “I think everything is operational again. Thanks for helping.” She turned to head to the passenger door. He automatically followed her, but she paused looking up at him in confusion. “Why are you following me?”
“To open your door and help you inside.” It seemed obvious to him, but she looked nonplused.
“Oh. Okay,” she shrugged.
Diar pulled open the door. He swallowed, catching her by the waist to lift her up to the seat, settling her gently inside. “Belt up, Mikaela.”
She nodded, but the questions in her eyes haunted him. He shut the door and trudging around the SUV, trying to take some deep breaths so her scent wouldn’t assail him as soon as he climbed into the seat beside her. It would though. Diar had the smell of her memorized so her scent would never leave him as long as he lived.
God, she was his True Mate. How was he going to handle this? He opened the door, climbed in and belted up then started the engine. Diarmid wished he could just walk away, leaving their connection unacknowledged, but it wasn’t in his nature. He protected what was his to the best of his ability, though he had done a piss-poor job of it with Ileana and the boys. He would do better with Mikaela—he had to—because losing her would destroy him.
Diar noticed her watching him curiously before he returned his gaze to the road. He’d been afraid he’d find fear in her eyes, but it was patently absent. Some of his human lovers had been slightly scared of him, no matter how gentle he was with them. Carly had. She’d been a tough criminal defense attorney, but as a woman, she always seemed fragile to him. Mikaela was a completely different kind of person. Strong of spirit, even forceful, yet she hadn’t pressed him about his family when she interviewed him. He’d sensed a gentleness and sensitivity in the careful way she stepped around the issue.
“So how will you proceed when we get back to the lab?”
Her voice seemed all business, but he caught the strain under the matter-of-fact tone she affected. Mikaela shifted in her seat as he glanced at her. She was still as aroused as he was…thank God. He’d be damned if he was the only one suffering this fire all over his body. Diarmid took a deep breath, which sent her question careening out of his head. The smell of her desire completely flooded his senses. It took all of his considerable concentration to keep the SUV on the road. He turned his head, noticing her wide green eyes fixed on him. Diar raised an eyebrow in query.
“You growled. At least I think you did. Maybe it was your stomach…or mine. I’m starved. Don’t you cops ever stop to eat food like normal people?” Mikaela was chattering to fill the silence because he’d growled at her.
What in the hell was he thinking? That’s the whole problem. He wasn’t thinking. He was feeling and all of his emotions were completely out of control. Damn it, this was why he hadn’t really wanted to find his True Mate. When shifters found a True Mate, they reverted to their basic wolf self until they could claim her. He’d be useless until he mounted Mikaela, but it wasn’t a good enough reason to seduce her. She deserved better. She deserved the truth.
Diarmid saw a drive-through burger place coming up on the right side of the road. “Will a burger do?” He jerked his chin toward the place to draw her attention.
“Yeah, I love their burgers.”
Diar turned into the restaurant pulling into the drive-through lane. “What do you want?”
She started digging around in her purse, stopping suddenly to glare. “Will you please quit growling at me? It’s starting to tick me off.”
He dropped his eyes. Damn it, his animal nature was coming to the fore. “I’ll pay for the food. Just tell me what to order.”
“Cheeseburger, onion rings and a chocolate shake,” she harrumphed, putting her purse on the floor again.
“Cheeseburger, onion rings and a shake?” He couldn’t remember the last time he was with a woman who actually ate when she said she was hungry.
Mikaela scowled, her arms crossed over her chest. “Yes, do you have a problem with that?”
“No. Although the onion rings will do a number on your breath.”
“Well, if you get rings too, they’ll cancel each other out,” she snapped.
Diar grinned at her. “You mean when I kiss you?”
Her green eyes widened as she gawked at him. “Kiss me?”
His grin turned wolfish. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“I… I…” Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.
Diarmid faced forward to focus on driving as they advanced in the line. Still, he couldn’t suppress the smirk lurking on his face. How in the hell did the woman infect him with pleasure like this? He’d felt like crap so long he’d forgotten what it was like to feel any other way. For years he’d lived in a mire of guilt and pain, but Mikaela filled him with joy. Getting used to happiness would be as difficult as getting used to having a True Mate.
When they reached the microphone speaker, he placed their orders, pulling the vehicle forward in line to wait. Diar returned his gaze to find her lips pursed, her body tense and her arms still crossed over her chest. Not a good sign.
“Lieutenant Redwolf, you don’t seem the type to make fun of someone,” Mikaela began, but he cut her off.
“Lieutenant? My name is Diarmid, and I suggest you use it. And why do you think I’m making fun of you?”
“My preoccupation with you has been evident all day. I’m sorry. I don’t normally act like a hormonal teenager. For God’s sake, I’m thirty-eight years old, well past the hormone stage. Of course it could be early menopause…” She paused in thought.
“I don’t think so.” His dry retort brought her eyes back to his.
“Regardless, I’ve made my interest in you obvious. I’m sure it has made you uncomfortable and I’m sorry, but there’s no excuse for you to suggest you actually want to kiss me when it isn’t true,” she halted her little speech, shooting him a fiery glare. “And quit growling at me, damn it!”
“That’s it.” This time, he knew he’d growled.
Diar threw the gear shift into park, leaning across the seat to enfold her in his arms. His first instinct was to master her, but as soon as he touched her, he wanted to cherish her instead. He gently tilted her face up, lowering his head to explore her lips with his. Finally, he fully covered her mouth, savoring the taste of her kiss. With a moan, Mikaela wrapped her arms around his waist under his jacket, instinctively avoiding his weapon and badge. She dug her fingers into the muscles of his back and he arched toward her to deepen the kiss. They jumped when a car horn honked behind them.
“Neck like teenagers later. We want our food!” An angry male voice shouted from behind them.
Diarmid reluctantly released Mikaela, putting the vehicle back in gear to pick up their order. While he paid for the food, she was quiet. Their eyes met when he handed the order to her. Her green eyes were soft with yearning but filled with confusion.
He smiled gently at her. “I’m confused too.”
She laughed, sorting out which food belonged to whom. She gave him a sideways look, coloring slightly.
“Um. Can you pull into the parking lot for a minute?” He raised his brows and her color deepened. “Please.”
He realized she needed to use the restroom and bit back a smile as he pulled into the lot. “Don’t be too long.”
“I won’t. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.”
He grinned as she opened the door to slide out, running quickly inside. Diarmid’s mind returned to the interview with the captain. Why the hell hadn’t she asked him about the bombing? He knew she’d been primed for it, but she held back. He really needed to know what made her hesitate.
When she came back out, Diarmid climbed down from the SUV to open her door for her. “Need a hand in?”
She looked up into the vehicle staring at the high step before reluctantly nodding. He assisted her inside, making a mental note to have running boards installed. When he climbed in again, she handed him his bacon double cheeseburger then set his onion rings and chocolate shake on the console. He backed out and they started back into traffic. She unwrapped her own burger to nibble at it. Mikaela took one of her onion rings, sucking it into her mouth with a sigh of pure pleasure. Diar had to look away because he could imagine her sucking at him, which made his body ache in anticipation.
Diarmid cleared his throat as he turned the car onto the highway. “Can I ask you a question?”
She met his eyes as she finished chewing the onion ring. “Sure. I’ve been shooting questions your way all day. Turnabout is fair play.”
“Why didn’t you ask me about my family?” She looked down, a blush highlighting her cheeks. She shrugged. “Mikaela, I know you were going to ask. I could see it in your eyes when we were in the captain’s office. But then you stopped to ask something else. Why?”
She looked into his eyes. “I didn’t want to open the wound. You so obviously steeled yourself for the question. I just…” She turned her gaze out the window before meeting his eyes again. “I couldn’t hurt you.” She shrugged, returning her focus to her food.
Diarmid nodded. “Thank you.”
Mikaela leaned toward him, her gaze earnest but hesitant, her fingers grazing his forearm to offer comfort. “Sometime, if you want to tell me, I’ll be happy to listen. I just didn’t…don’t…” She took a deep breath, leaning back. “Until you want to talk about it, I won’t ask.” Mikaela picked up her shake, drawing on the straw while she stared out the front window.
She amazed him. Only a True Mate would sense his pain and seek to ease it. Diar glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. She deserved an answer…and an act of trust from him. It was difficult for him to share his feelings with others, but he wanted her to understand.
“It was ten years ago.”
“You don’t have to…” Mikaela set her hand on his arm again, gently squeezing.
Diar shook his head, so her hand dropped. “I was working a serial bombing and had started to get into the bomber’s head. I knew his signature. His twisted reasons for the bombings. When he contacted me directly, I should have realized it changed everything.”
He shook his head in self-disgust. “I was so damn elated to draw him out I missed the danger signals.” He took a bite of his burger, chewed meditatively and swallowed. “The bombs got personal but relatively harmless—small, contained blasts. He’d bomb places he knew I’d been or would be, choosing abandoned cars as his weapon. When a bomb went off near my home, I should have put my family in protective custody but I was so arrogantly sure I could protect them.” He sighed, continuing to drive. Diar could hear Mikaela’s soft breaths beside him. “He blew up my police vehicle but still I didn’t get it. I thought he’d just go after me. He didn’t.
“The night they died, I met Ileana and my two sons Ian and Craig for supper because the boys had baseball games and I had to work.” He set the burger down on the dash, swearing under his breath as he remembered. “We’d been laughing as I walked them out. They all piled into the car and Ileana backed out. Everything seemed fine, but when she put the car in drive, it blew up.” He took a deep breath. Damn, he should have pulled over to tell this story because it always ripped him up. Even after ten years. “He must have rigged the car while it was in the lot. I don’t know why I didn’t see it…”
“Oh Diar…” Her choked whisper drew his gaze. He met her damp eyes briefly. “You were there?”
He nodded, looking away. “I stayed through the whole thing. I wouldn’t leave. I couldn’t. It was my fault they were dead.”
“It was the bomber’s fault they were dead, Diarmid.”
“My arrogance caused them to be killed.” Diar glanced at Mikaela.
Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked, but she didn’t even seem to know they were there. She shook her head, but he could see by the expression in her eyes she wasn’t going to argue with him. God knows the police shrinks had, but he knew what he knew. It was his fault his family died. Maybe one day he might even the balance, but he doubted it.
He picked up an onion ring. “You better finish your food. It could be a few hours before you see anything edible once we get back to the lab.”
“I’m so sorry. I know it doesn’t help at all, but I really am.” She patted his shoulder softly, offering consolation.
“Thank you.” Her agonized whisper did help while her touch soothed him. Mikaela shared his pain and it lessened his grief somehow.
Diar had never really believed the crap about True Mates halving the burdens and doubling the joys before, but he was beginning to. The woman beside him provided all the evidence he needed.

Chapter Four
Miki stared at the man beside her. She had sensed waves of guilt and pain rolling off him like a tsunami as he told her about losing his family. She wanted to do something to ease his grief, but she didn’t know what. Miki took a bite of her burger, praying the food would stay down when she swallowed.
The moment he’d told her about how the bomb went off, she’d seen a vision of it. The vision of a beautiful, dark-haired woman, one serious, dark-haired boy, and one adorable, scruffy little redhead waving had played through her mind. Then she’d seen the fireball the car became as it started forward. Miki tried to blot it out, but she also saw the shattered and burned bodies in the wake of the explosion.
She couldn’t explain it, but Miki was sure she saw what Diarmid witnessed the day his family died. How did he go on? How did he deal with it? She marveled at him because his emotional strength must equal the physical strength of Hercules. Miki wiped her eyes as the tears welled again. She wanted to comfort him, but she knew he wouldn’t accept it. She ate mechanically, trying to take in what he’d told her.
Miki jumped when he began to speak again. “When we get to back to the lab, I’ll head to the ME’s office to check on the autopsy. There was blunt force trauma to the victim’s head. It could be an accident or it could be foul play. Vasha should be able to give me some clues by his examination.”
She blinked as Diarmid told her about following the evidence as though he’d never told her the heart- and gut-wrenching tale of his family’s murder by a psychopath. How in the hell did he do it? Just drop it and move on?
“I’ve had ten years to deal with it, Mikaela. I have to move on or I won’t be able to function.” Diar turned his blue eyes to her smiling slightly before turning his attention back to the increasing traffic as they neared the Crime Lab. “Being a cop and catching the bomber was the only reason I stayed sane during the whole mess. I couldn’t be the primary investigator but they let me help with it.” His expression was wry. “Probably to keep me from cracking up.”
Miki nodded in understanding. “My daddy said the only reason he kept going when my mama died was because of my brother Rik and me.”
“You keep going because people depend on you,” he agreed.
Miki swallowed. If she found him attractive before, she was utterly lost now. Not only was he hot, but he was a genuinely good man, and stand-up, decent guys were as scarce as hen’s teeth in her experience. She could easily find herself falling in love with the guy, and that would definitely be bad.
If Miki’s vision of his wife was correct, then he went for women who looked like Pilar, the gorgeous investigator at the crime scene. He didn’t go for short, round women like her. Colier might think she was hot but she doubted Diarmid did. Of course Diarmid did kiss her. Naw. He was just yanking her chain.
“I don’t yank chains,” he growled at her.
Miki met his intense blue eyes in surprise. “How the heck did you know what I was thinking?”
He focused on the road, color flooding his cheeks as he negotiated traffic to reach the parking lot where they’d started out. “Your expression was revealing, Mikaela.”
Miki shook her head. Her expression might have shown her skepticism, but there was no way he could guess the exact phrase going through her mind. This was just seriously weird. Miki ate her last onion ring, grabbing her shake to finish inside the lab.
“Just wait there while I come around to help you down,” Diarmid ordered. Miki bristled at the tone of command in his voice.
“I am perfectly capable of getting out of a vehicle myself.”
“Indulge me.” Diarmid grabbed his garbage, shoving the SUV door open.
He stalked around the vehicle where Miki waited for him. She didn’t know why she waited, but she did. He opened her door and lifted her to the ground. He grabbed her garbage along with his and she moved out of the way so he could close the door. He stopped at the back of the SUV to grab his kit then headed for the front entrance. Miki ran to keep up as he crossed the street. He slowed to accommodate her shorter legs and from that moment on, she didn’t have to run anymore.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
“No problem.” She glanced at his kit. “You weren’t kidding about keeping it stocked were you?”
“No, Mikaela, I wasn’t.” Diarmid raised a red-gold brow at her as his lips twisted into a wicked smile. “I keep my weapon clean and ready for use whenever it’s needed too. You’re welcome to inspect it at length if you’d like.”
Miki blushed a fiery red from his suggestive banter, almost tripping up the stairs as they climbed the steps to the entrance.
“Yeah. Um… Right. I’ll take your word for it, Diarmid.” Miki could almost visualize his weapon ready for use and had to look away when he chuckled at her as he pulled open the entry door to allow her to precede him.
“Too bad. I was looking forward to showing it to you.”
His gravelly voice sent chills down her spine making her clit throb in response. Damn him, he was enjoying this. She stopped to slug him in the shoulder before breezing past him through the doors. His laughter echoed behind her.
Half a dozen cops stared at her as if she had two heads when Diarmid followed her inside. He tossed the garbage into a trash can, motioning her toward the elevators. Miki sucked down the last of her shake and threw it away. She glanced around the lobby. Miki had the impression the cops in view wondered how she was still alive after whacking him. She raised her brows at one or two of them. They looked away, pretending they had other business to conduct. She shook her head.
“Do they think you’re a god or something?” Miki asked curiously after the elevator doors closed behind them.
“No, but I do outrank them.”
“Your rank wasn’t the reason they looked at me like I’d just taken my life in my hands by smacking you, though I think you will admit you deserved it.”
Miki turned to him. Diarmid pressed the stop button, set his kit on the floor and stalked her into the corner of the elevator.
“All I did was offer to let you inspect my weapon.”
His grin teased her as his hand went to his waist. He unsnapped his holster and rocked his gun out then he pulled the clip and emptied the remaining shell from the chamber leaving the slide open, then Diarmid handed the unloaded weapon to her for her perusal.
Miki blushed because she’d been thinking about something else and she knew he’d meant something else when he’d said it. She took the gun from him, blinking because it was heavier than she expected. She lifted it in his direction, but he gently, but firmly, pointed the muzzle at the floor.
“I never point my weapon at someone unless I intend to use it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” She eyed the weapon, deciding two could play this game. “It isn’t as big as I expected, but I suppose it gets the job done. After all, it isn’t the size of the weapon that counts, but how it’s used, so they say.” She lifted her eyes to Diarmid’s, raising her brows tauntingly.
His suggestive grin widened as he leaned closer. “It isn’t the size of the weapon but the caliber of the ammunition that does the job. I can assure you, my shot can do any job you need doing.”
Miki couldn’t stop a flirtatious laugh from escaping. “I’ll let you know if I have any jobs I need you to do for me, Lieutenant.”
“I can think of one or two I’d be happy to volunteer for.” Diarmid took the weapon from her hands, reloaded it and reseated it in his holster.
“Really.” Diarmid leaned toward her to nuzzle her neck, taking a deep breath of her scent. He nibbled her earlobe. “I can show you how to shoot a weapon, how to clean it, and I think we’d both enjoy the process of holstering it deeply and thoroughly. Over and over.”
“You don’t just put it in once and leave it there?”
“Oh no. You have to slide it in and out to make sure it’s seated just right. Do you want me to teach you?”
Miki groaned arching toward him, sliding her hands over his chest and up around his neck. “Yes, I think I might like that part the best,” she whimpered when his hands cupped her bottom lifting her toward his hips.
He slid a leg between her thighs. Miki ground herself against his leg just as he caught her mouth with his. She opened her lips so they could taste one another. His tongue dueled with hers until they were both breathless. Diarmid lifted his head and Miki stroked his cheek softly.
To ease the sexual tension, she joked, “I told you if both of us ate onion rings it would cancel out.”
Diarmid smiled, dropping an affectionate kiss on the tip of her nose. “So you did, but I think we’d better stop now because the security officer on duty is probably tired of staring at the ceiling.”
Miki gasped as she realized there was surveillance in the elevator. “Oh my God.” She found the camera easily and wanted to sink through the floor. She buried her hot face against his shoulder.
Diarmid caught her chin gently in his hand. “Don’t be embarrassed, Mikaela. After all, I’m the one who works here. I can assure you they’ve never seen me seducing a woman in an elevator before.”
Miki giggled. “Poor baby. How will you ever live down the damage to your reputation as a hard-ass?”
Diarmid threw his head back and laughed; Miki felt as if she’d won the lottery. “I’m sure I’ll survive it somehow. You’ll just have to find a way to console me.”
He gave her a wolfish grin, waggling his brows at her then stepped over to the control panel to set the elevator running again. He picked up his kit, winking at her when the doors opened. The reception officer stared at them both, blinking and speechless.
Miki chuckled as Diarmid escorted her down the hall. “So, where are we headed first, Lieutenant?”
“Let’s go visit Vasha in the morgue.”
On their way to the medical examiner’s office, Captain Osborn stopped them. “Diarmid, can I talk to you a minute?”
“Yes sir. Ummm…” Diarmid glanced at her, looking uncomfortable but unsure how to extricate himself.
Miki hid a grin and gave him an opening. “Why don’t I pop into the restroom, shall I?”
“Fine, Mikaela. I’ll wait here for you.” Both men relaxed, glancing at one another. Obviously they wanted to talk cop business but Diarmid didn’t want to leave her running loose. Miki headed for the bathroom.
Diarmid watched her go, relieved and pained at the same time. He wanted her with him, but he had a feeling Ossie had discovered something about the press leak. He turned to his captain.
“Found it.”
“You’re kidding, right? Shit, he’s the primary.”
“I know. He now has two assholes to shit through.”
“Vivid but deserved. Why?”
Ossie shook his head, disgust all over his face. “He had a date last night and he tried to impress the girl.”
“Was she a reporter?”
“No. But they ate at Piccola Italia.”
“Jeez, not even a quarter mile away from the Post,” Diarmid gave a bark of laughter.
“No shit.” Ossie glanced toward the ladies room then back at Diar. “So, what’s the deal? You’ve never taken a ride-along.”
“I owed her, Cap.”
“Yeah, but you’ve been together a long time.”
“She’s good company.”
“Good company. So that’s why you frisked her with your tongue in a stopped elevator?”
“It won’t happen again.” Diar colored, stiffening. Ossie snorted.
“Fuck that. I’m your friend as well as your captain, Diar. What’s up?”
Diar flushed looking away. “Mikaela’s special. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is.”
“Special? How special? Like Carly special?”
“No. More.”
“Like Ileana?” Ossie brows drew together as he tried to understand.
“She’s…more.” Damn it, he couldn’t say it. Ossie knew about the concept of True Mates, but Diarmid didn’t want to say it out loud. Voicing it made it real.
“How much?
Ossie’s dark eyes bore into his—his face deadly serious. “She could be in danger if she’s important to you.”
Diarmid groaned. “I know. I haven’t nailed Jerome yet. He’ll go after Mikaela.” He rubbed his hands over his face, terrified for her safety.
“She’s your True Mate?”
Ossie took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Keep her safe. But then, I don’t need to tell you, do I?”
“Hell no.” Mikaela rejoined them, cutting their conversation short. He smiled at her. “Ready to view an autopsy?”
She crinkled her nose. “Yup. I can handle it. Let’s go check it out.”
“You’re game, I’ll give you that,” he teased, drawing a grin from her.
“Yeah. We’ll see if my stomach survives or if I revisit my onion rings.”
Diar laughed, turning to Ossie. “Anything else, Cap?”
“No. We covered it all. Later, Diarmid,” Ossie clapped him on the shoulder, winking to indicate acceptance of Diar’s Mate.
“Later,” Diarmid sighed in relief, pleased his friend and mentor approved.
Miki glanced back and forth between the two men curiously. They must have had some conversation. They seemed grim until she joined them. It must be about the leak. She couldn’t think of anything else they’d find so disturbing. Miki would not want to be in the shoes of the criminalist with the loose lips. Ouch.
For the next several hours Miki trailed Diarmid all over the lab as he followed up on cases. Miki waited for him to tell her to go home, but he never did. As long as he let her follow him, she did, but she swore she would never wear heels when she was with him ever again because her feet were killing her.
Finally they stopped at the trace lab to follow up on the crime scene Miki had seen. Diarmid opened the door, allowing her to precede him. The evidence was laid out on the table for examination, scrupulously documented, while the photos from the scene were up on a light board. Miki studied the photos, cocking her head. Those breaks were awful high to be made by a man unless he was really tall.
She glanced over at the lieutenant as he snapped on a pair of latex gloves. Diarmid turned to inspect some brown hair laying on the table before shooting a questioning look at the pink-haired woman in a lab coat. “Ally, why is this hair here? Wasn’t it sent to DNA?”
“It was. It’s not human. I was just getting ready to test it.”
Miki looked curiously at the hair and spoke without thinking. “It’s horse.”
Diarmid turned to her with raised eyebrows. “How do you know?”
“I don’t know, but it sure looks it to me. If you look at the photos taken at the scene, you see the breaks in the shrubbery are pretty tall for a human to make. Now if your vic was sitting on horseback, he might have come out there then ridden into the clearing. Did you find any hoof prints at the scene?”
Diarmid eyes twinkled in approval. “We did.”
“I wonder if the horse spooked and threw him. Any rocks he could have hit his head on?”
Miki grinned, basking in the approval in his face. He was already proceeding with the theory the deceased had been thrown, which explained the lack of urgency she sensed with this case as opposed to others he’d checked on with her tagging along. Still, she sensed he was waiting for the evidence to confirm things so he didn’t make an incorrect assessment and let a murderer walk free.
“Ally Forrester, this is Mikaela Laughlin. I think you wanted to meet her.”
“Oh…wow! Mikaela Laughlin! I have all your books. The lieutenant said you’d be here today. Damn, all my books are in my locker. Diarmid, could I go…”
Miki held back a grin at the younger woman’s effusive comments. Underneath her lab coat Ally was dressed in black, looking as Goth as a girl could and still be a cop. Her hair was a vivid pink and spiked up with gel. The look Ally gave Diarmid was not unlike a teenager asking her dad if she could borrow the car. Miki bit the inside of her cheek to keep from bursting into laughter. Initially, Diarmid’s expression could have stripped paint, but when he glanced at Miki, his expression changed. It was as if he’d been infected by her humor. He glanced down a moment before settling his gaze back on Ally.
“No. Test the hair first. Get autographs later.”
Ally gave a long suffering sigh. “Yes, Dad… Oh right, Diarmid.” As she turned back to the table, Miki spun around, bringing her hands up to muffle her laughter with fake coughs.
“Mikaela, I know you’re laughing so you can quit pretending to cough.”
Miki twisted toward him. His face was bland, but she could see the humor lurking in his eyes. Someone in the lab dared to tease Diarmid, and he let her. Miki knew she and Ally were going to get along just fine.
Colier walked into the room and straight to Miki. “Ah, the lovely ride-along. A pleasure to see you again.” He bowed slightly, affecting gallantry.
“Hello, Colier.” Diarmid’s dry tone held a note of warning.
The younger man’s turned a cheeky grin to Diarmid. “Diar. You must’ve fed the girl. She was fading fast when we were in the field.”
“We grabbed burgers.”
“And onions, if my nose is right, and it always is.” He sighed, turning to Ally. “Ally, lass, what’s the brown stuff then?”
“Mikaela was right. It’s horse.” She stared into a microscope.
“The blood on those branches wasn’t human, Diar. I wonder if the horse left it riding in or running off.” Colier scratched his chin thoughtfully.
“Any evidence of a snake?” Miki questioned, her curiosity aroused.
“Snake? Bloody hell, no. If there had been, I wouldn’t have stayed. Can’t abide the things.”
Miki walked over to the photos looking up at them. There were definitely hoof prints. She studied them. A few prints were deep, as if all the horse’s weight had been on them. She pointed. “I think he reared, see how deep those prints are compared to the others?”
Colier grinned at his boss. “You should sign her up. She’s good. Righto then. I’ll go back to the photos. See what I can pull out of them.” Colier headed out the door and down the hall.
“His specialty is photography and video enhancement. If anyone can get more out of the photos, he can,” Diarmid clarified.
Miki nodded thoughtfully as Diarmid and Ally discussed the rest of the evidence they had. Miki listened curiously. Their analysis fascinated her because it was like solving some vast jigsaw puzzle, fitting the pieces together until the big picture emerged. During the discussion, it became obvious Diarmid had already concluded much of what Miki observed. She felt a little silly until he glanced her way to give her a wink. After all, he did have ten years experience doing this stuff, so he ought to be good. At least she had the consolation she’d mentioned the online auction thing earlier. He definitely hadn’t thought of it before she suggested it.
Diarmid tested the blood from the tree branches confirming it was equine. A tech brought in the results from DNA. The blood on the rock they’d found at the scene was human and matched the victim. When Pilar came into the lab half an hour later, she verified the stone was the cause of death because it fit the impact injury in the skull. Now it was a matter of figuring out if the victim hit the stone or the stone hit him.
After delivering her findings, Pilar turned to Miki. “So, you are Mikaela Laughlin, the writer.”
Pilar’s close scrutiny made Miki uncomfortable. “I am, and you’re Pilar…”
“Santos,” Diarmid interjected from his place at the table. He was going over pieces of evidence with Ally.
Miki held her hand out and Pilar shook it. Pilar had long dark hair pulled up in a neat chignon. Her dark eyes studied Miki the way she’d reviewed the crime scene earlier, like a specimen under investigation. Finally, Pilar smiled at her as if Miki had passed some test she didn’t know she was taking.
“So, do you sign your books?”
“I do.”
“I’ll get mine. They’re in my locker.” Pilar exited the room as quietly as she’d entered. The woman’s cool demeanor was a little unnerving.
Ally frowned at Diarmid. “I think I’ll go get my books too.”
“Diar, if I don’t get them now she’ll forget to sign them.”
Diarmid walked around the table gently nudging Miki to her right with his hip so he could study the victim’s clothing. “No, she won’t.”
Just then, Miki’s stomach growled…loudly. She blushed when Diarmid looked up from the table to her face, sending an inquisitive look her way. Glancing up at the clock, Miki groaned, no wonder it was making noise. It was seven o’clock at night, yet the man was still single-mindedly following the evidence. She glanced at Ally, sensing a comrade in arms.
“So, it’s Friday night and he’s still slaving away here. Does he never take a break like normal people?”
“Not in my experience, no.” A grin slowly spread over Ally’s pixie features. “He has to this weekend though. Captain Osborn ordered him to stand down for forty-eight hours.”
Diarmid flashed Ally an irritated glare. “I’ll stand down when I’m ready.”
“You’ll stand down when ordered, Lieutenant,” Captain Osborn directed from where he stood in the doorway. “You’ve been on for ten straight. You need some down time.” He sighed when Diarmid growled at him. “You were supposed to leave at 5 p.m. It is now 7 p.m. Check in with Maddox, update him and then…go home.”
“That’s an order, Lieutenant.” Captain Osborn shook his head.
“Ten straight? Ten hours or ten days?” Miki wondered aloud.
The captain raised his brow at Diarmid, who sighed reluctantly, answering. “Ten days.”
Miki blinked. “You’ve been on duty for ten days straight? Have you slept at all?”
“Yes, of course.”
Miki guessed his sleep had been the bare minimum, and from the way Ally and Captain Osborn’s eyes avoided hers, they were in agreement with her assessment. “Get the lab coat off. I’m taking you to dinner,” she demanded, unable to help herself.
“Mikaela…” His face darkened as he straightened to his full height, which had to be in the neighborhood of six foot two. She could hear the warning in his tone, but she was damned if she was going to let him deter her.
“You wouldn’t have eaten earlier if I hadn’t complained. So I will drag you out of here to get some supper, if I have to. You can’t function this way—you’ll burn out. Good God, if one of your team was doing what you are, you’d rake them over the coals and you know it.” His lips tightened but she could tell he wasn’t able to deny it either. “Ally, grab the books fast. I’ll sign them while he is updating…”
She looked over at the captain questioningly. Was he pissed at her for bossing his lieutenant? Captain Osborn’s expression was sober, but the light in his eyes was gleeful. Nope, he loved it. She winked at him. His lips quirked slightly as he fought to hide his smile.
“Sergeant Maddox is the head of second shift,” the captain informed her.
Miki nodded. “Excellent. Why don’t you go update the sergeant, Diarmid, while I sign Ally’s and Pilar’s books. Then we can meet out in the reception area and I’ll take you to dinner. Like Italian? I know a great little place. It’s even near here.”
“I like Italian, but I have work…” Diarmid’s frustration level was rising, she could hear it in his voice. Before she could respond, his captain spoke.
“Diarmid, I appreciate your dedication, but I would prefer you not have a heart attack before you turn fifty.” Captain Osborn motioned Diarmid toward the door with a jerk of his head. Diarmid stepped away from the table peeling off the lab coat.
“We’ll discuss this later. At length, Mikaela.” She almost ducked, expecting lightning bolts to fly from his eyes as he headed for the door.
Miki heard the threat in his voice, so she gave him a toothy smile calling out just as he reached the captain’s side. “Yes, Diarmid. We will discuss this at length later. I look forward to a long conversation on the matter.”
He glared at her then stalked from the room. She took a deep breath as he strode down the hall. Diarmid was seriously pissed. Oh yeah, good going, Miki, she thought to herself.
“Thank you, Mikaela. I’m not sure even I could get him out of here until he was good and ready to go,” Captain Osborn sighed as he rubbed his neck tiredly.
“He’s one of those obsessive types,” Ally agreed as she ran for the door, presumably to grab her books for signing.
“Is it because he has no one to go home to?” Miki asked the captain softly when the room was empty except for the two of them.
Captain Osborn looked through the glass to where Diarmid talked with a man who could best be described as a cowboy. He wore boots, jeans, a sheepskin coat and a cowboy hat. If his face wasn’t completely different, she would have thought her daddy had stopped in to pay her a visit.
The captain turned his dark eyes back to her, assessing her for several minutes. Miki just managed to keep herself from squirming. Jeez, his look was as lethal as Diarmid’s. Finally he nodded as if deciding something then he cleared his throat.
“When his family was killed, his grief was unbelievable. I’ve seen pain before, but I’d never seen it so bad.” Captain Osborn turned to watch Diarmid update the sergeant, his dark eyes filled with sorrow and friendship. “Ten years should have dulled it some, but I don’t think it has. So yes, I think he stays here because he has no reason to go home. I know he spends nights here sometimes,” he chuckled dryly, turning back to her. “At least he has a comfortable couch.”
“It’s not healthy.” Miki soft remark drew a smile from the captain.
“No. He needs a reason to go home. Maybe you can give him one.”
“Me?” Miki blushed under the older man’s wise gaze. Captain Osborn must see the attraction between her and Diarmid. Probably everyone did.
“Give it some thought, Mikaela. He’s not a bad man, though he’s a pain in the ass sometimes.”
“I can definitely agree with your assessment of his character. Pain in the ass doesn’t quite cover it, but it comes close.” Miki eyes were drawn back to Diarmid like iron filings to a lodestone.
As if he knew she were watching, he turned to look at her. Those blue eyes were like arrows, but she could see the outrage had departed. He smiled slightly before returning to his conversation. The door to the lab opened. Pilar and Ally arrived with half a dozen books apiece. She found an empty table well away from any evidence so nothing could be contaminated, grabbed a pen and started the work of signing all the books.

Chapter Five
Diarmid wanted to be outraged and enraged. Instead, he was pleased the woman cared enough to boss him around. How bizarre was that? He might want to fight it, but only a True Mate could have made the impact with words Mikaela did. Ally and Pilar both told him he needed to rest. Even Lily Osborn, the captain’s wife, told him to take some time off before he dropped. He’d always smiled, said nothing while he kept working. But when Mikaela growled at him, he wanted to make her happy more than he wanted to have his way.
If Mikaela wanted him to walk through fire, he’d figure out how. Well, shit. He just hoped it went both ways because it wouldn’t be long before he started sending orders her way. He might as well paint a bull’s-eye on her back and wait for Jerome Sanders to start targeting her. He knew she’d be in danger from the deranged serial killer as soon as Jerome realized she was Diar’s woman. The thought ripped out his heart, because if anything happened to Mikaela, he wouldn’t survive the loss. Worse, he’d endanger others before he died. He took a deep breath to regain his calm.
Twenty-four hours ago, he only knew the woman’s name. Forty-eight hours ago, he’d never even heard of her. Now he not only knew her name, he wanted her and needed her with every fiber of his being. The connection between them was so incredibly strong, it awed him. He knew True Mates shared emotions and eventually thoughts, but the two of them had been connecting on both levels within hours of meeting. He tried to remember his training about True Mates from when he was a young wolf, but just being with Mikaela wiped everything else away.
Diar finished updating Maddox on cases under investigation then headed back to the lab. He knew the sergeant would do a good job. He always did, but Diarmid found it difficult to let his cases go when he wasn’t on duty. Before the bombing, he’d been able to leave the job at work when he left for the day. Most of the time. After his family was killed, his ability to distance himself from his cases went by the wayside. There wasn’t any reason to let things go.
Even when Diar had lovers, they’d never really impinged on his obsession with getting the bad guys. Diarmid liked the women, and in one or two cases he loved them, but he’d never shared ties with any of them as he did with Ileana. His growing bond with Mikaela dwarfed them all. How did other shifter males deal with True Mating?
Diar ran his hand through his hair as he reentered the trace lab where Mikaela was finishing up her impromptu signing session. He might have to go talk to his former brother-in-law Damien. Irony sure bit him in the ass.
When Damien Blackwolf stopped by the lab to set up this tour, Diarmid had half envied and half pitied Damien’s tie to his True Mate Serena Goldwolf. He didn’t get the guy. Of course he never had, but Damien and Serena’s relationship had Diar shaking his head. Maybe Diar was old-fashioned but he expected Mikaela to take his name after they legalized their relationship so he didn’t understand why Damien didn’t push Serena about taking his name. Damien seemed content though. Or he had been when they’d talked yesterday. Jeez, was it just yesterday? It was. Today, Diarmid’s growing link to his own Mate was driving him crazy. Damien would laugh his ass off.
Mikaela lifted her head when he entered the room. Her expression, which had been pleasant with her fans, changed to genuine welcome when she saw him. Her smile hit him like a bullet, spreading through his body, leaving warmth in its wake. How long had he been cold inside? It seemed forever.
“Are you ready to go, Diarmid?” Mikaela’s soft voice was warm and gentle. He nodded, not trusting himself to speak as he assimilated the new sensations. She turned to his team and his captain. “Thank you all so much for your time and help today. I really appreciate all of you letting me tag along to learn as much as I could for my writing.” She shook hands with each one of them.
Colier took her hand in both of his, planting a lingering kiss on it, tossing a taunting gaze at Diar before he released Mikaela’s hand. He liked to take chances. Diar hoped he hadn’t growled, but from the Pike’s Peak-sized grin on Ossie’s face, he was afraid he had. Ossie was enjoying this way too much.
Mikaela crossed to him, taking his arm, smiling up at him. She placed her hand on his wrist to gently stroke the bare skin there. She was trying to calm him, and he probably needed calming right now because it seemed as if his entire world were exploding.
“Good night, everyone. I’ll see you on Monday, but call if you need me this weekend.”
“They won’t need you, Lieutenant, and they won’t call,” Captain Osborn assured him. Diar wanted to swear at his boss, but refrained.
Mikaela tugged on his arm, all but dragging him out the door of the lab and down the hall. “Do you need anything from your office before we go?”
“Case files…”
“I mean personal stuff. Coat, wallet, keys… You do not need case files.” Her exasperation with his assertion elicited a chuckle from him. Mikaela relaxed, giving him a smile. “I just hope they didn’t tow my car. I haven’t been out to plug my meter since I came in here this morning.”
“I think the captain took care of it,” Diarmid responded as they entered the reception area. He pressed the button for the elevator. The door opened as if it had been waiting for them. Diar selected the first-floor button, waiting for the doors to close before he pushed her against the wall to wrap his arms around her waist, capturing her lips with his. Damn, he needed this. Her arms snaked around his neck as she clung to him.
“Diarmid, the camera…”
“Fuck the camera,” he murmured, tracing the inside of her lips with his tongue. Mikaela’s sigh of pleasure brought a groan from his lips. Every hair on his body stood up, his skin tingling with the need to claim her. The elevator doors opened and someone cleared their throat. Diar stepped away from Mikaela before turning to the intruder. Bree Blackwolf held open the doors while she waited for them to get their act together. Just what he needed right now, a coworker who was also Damien’s cousin. At least she wasn’t a gossip and wouldn’t be on the phone to Serena the minute he and Mikaela walked away.
“Bree,” Diar greeted her as he and Mikaela exited the elevator. Bree let the doors close.
“Hello, Diarmid. Here late, are you?”
He winced at Bree’s dry tone. She knew he was often here a whole lot later than 7 p.m. Mikaela’s expression confirmed she’d caught the irony in Bree’s voice.
Mikaela frowned at him. “He’s on his way out and won’t be back until Monday.”
“Interesting concept.”
Diar sighed, knowing he would hear about this later. “Bree Blackwolf, this is Mikaela Laughlin. Bree is a second-shift crime scene investigator.”
Mikaela held out her hand, but Bree paused, studying it. “Your hand was on the outside of his clothes, wasn’t it?” Mikaela blushed with a nod. Bree grinned, taking the offered hand. “Nice to meet you, Mikaela. If you can keep him out of here until Monday, you’re a much better woman than those in his past.”
“Were there many?” Mikaela’s biting smile was directed at him. Oh shit.
“A few. He’s not like Colier Langston, whom I think you’ve met. Diar’s a serial monogamist, whereas Colier is just a serial.”
“I gathered. I didn’t take Colier seriously.”
Bree nodded. “You’re a smart girl. No female should take Colier seriously.” Bree’s dark eyes scrutinized Diar, humor evident. “If you are heading out together, you might want to straighten your tie and shirt. You look groped.”
He looked down to find his shirttail pulled out in front. Blood rushed to his face. How in the hell did a woman fifteen years his junior manage to make him blush? Diar rolled his eyes at Bree, adjusting his shirt and tie. “Better?”
“Well, for appearing in public, yes. If you wanted to get groped, then no.” Bree grinned, pushing the elevator button. The doors reopened and she held them as she turned back to Mikaela. “Good luck with him. He needs managing.”
“I’m up to the task.”
Bree looked Mikaela up and down. She did the same with him before nodding at Mikaela. “Yeah, I think you are. Congrats, Diar.”
“Thanks.” Diar’s dry tone widened Bree’s grin as the elevator doors closed. Bree had recognized a True Mate bonding between them or she wouldn’t have congratulated him. Was it so obvious? He hoped it was only obvious to other wolves of the shapeshifter kind and not the human kind.
They went out to their vehicles. Mikaela said she’d lead so he drove behind her, groaning as they pulled into the parking lot of il Lupo Nero, the restaurant owned by Bree’s family. Diar should have realized, but it hadn’t even occurred to him she would go there. Bree’s family knew him well, they’d catered a family party after he and Ileana had chosen to Mate. Bree’s parents—Roberto and Erika—wouldn’t give him grief, but their children were another story. Bree, at thirty, was the youngest. Most of the males were near Mikaela’s age.
Diarmid parked beside her. He walked over to her vehicle as she climbed out. He held out his hand and Mikaela took it without a word. Damn, it was good to walk hand in hand with a female. The contact ran along his nerves, heightening his sensitivity. If he didn’t know how hungry she was, he’d have grabbed her and dragged her to his bed. To hell with food.
When they reached the door, a line of people waited. Diar smiled because it meant the restaurant was busy tonight—too busy to fit them in without a reservation.
“I hope we can get a seat.” Mikaela sounded worried, so Diarmid tried to feign concern. He’d rather eat anywhere but here. She tugged him behind her, pushing through the mob to the reservation area. Stefano, manager and eldest son, was holding down the fort. He saw Mikaela and stepped forward.
“Belissima! What a pleasure to see you!” Stef cried exuberantly, hugging Mikaela warmly as he kissed her on both cheeks, releasing her with a smile. Diarmid clenched his teeth as Stefano’s dark eyes devoured her. Stef was a handsome wolf. He was Diar’s height but was more muscular—Diar knew he was a bit wiry. However, good looks didn’t grant the SOB staring and groping rights to his female.
“Diarmid, you don’t need to growl,” Mikaela hissed as she all but jumped away from Stefano, returning to Diar’s side. Shit. He didn’t remember growling, but the wary look in Stef’s eyes told him the truth.
Forcing a pleasant smile to his lips, he shook Stef’s hand. “Good to see you again, Stef. How are your parents?”
“Very well, thank you.” Stef pulled back quickly, as if worried about having the hand bitten off. If Diar didn’t claim Mikaela soon, he’d be unmanageable.
“Do you know everyone?” Mikaela’s disgruntled tone brought a smile to his lips.
“We’re only a few blocks from the station, Mikaela.”
She gave a long-suffering sigh, wrinkling her nose at him. He bent down to kiss it, unable to help himself. Damn, she was cute. When Diar looked back at Stefano, Stef was grinning. No, he was gloating, damn him.
“Congratulations, Diarmid. It couldn’t happen to a better…man.”
Diar winced at the acerbic laughter in Stef’s voice, and he’d definitely caught the hesitation before “man”. “Thank you, Stefano. May you be as fortunate…soon.”
Stef’s face tightened in horror. “No, I’ll never be as lucky as you and Damien, my friend. Speaking of Damien, he and Serena are here tonight. We are short of tables but they may let you join them.”
Mikaela set her hand on Stefano’s arm. “Oh Stefano, could you check?”
“For you, belissima, anything.” Stef’s taunting look galled Diarmid, but he couldn’t very well tell Stef not to go and ask when Diar’s Mate wanted to join them.
“Why are you so tense, Diarmid?” Mikaela sounded confused and a little hurt as Stef went to check on a table.
Diar lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles in apology. Shit, now he was copying Colier’s smooth moves, but Mikaela’s reaction was gratifying as she leaned into him, a delicate blush coloring her cheeks. “It’s been a long day, Mikaela, that’s all.”
Her soft look vanished as she told him tartly, “And you’ve been on duty ten days straight. You really need to stop it. You’ll make yourself ill.”
He looked down in an attempt to hide his expression. Having someone worry about him was nice but annoying, and he wasn’t yet used to a Mate placing constraints on his behavior. “I’ll consider it.”
Mikaela frowned, opening her mouth to continue when Stefano rejoined them, which effectively silenced her…for now. “Serena and Damien would be pleased to have you join them. Follow me.” He grabbed two menus motioning them to follow.
Some of the other patrons grumbled. One guy grabbed Diar, causing his jacket to flip back which revealed his gun and badge. Like magic, the disgruntled patrons quieted. Diar sighed as the guy grabbing him released his arm and held up his hands as if he expected to be put under arrest.
Mikaela saw the interchange, raising her brows at him. “Why are you still wearing the gun and badge?”
“I only take them off when I’m at home, Mikaela. I’m not required to have them off duty, but you never know when you might need to intervene as a cop.” He shrugged.
Serena stood as they approached and hugged Mikaela. “Miki! I had no idea you’d be here tonight.”
“It was unplanned. I had my tour of the lab today. We just finished. We were starved so I suggested dinner here. I’m just glad to find you because I hadn’t thought to call ahead for a table.”
Diarmid held Mikaela’s chair so she could seat herself. Damien stood and did the same for his Mate before reseating himself while Diar pulled up a chair.
“You both just got done at the lab? Long tour.” Damien’s dry tone grated.
Because of the ten year age difference, Damien usually acted subordinate when they were together. Not tonight. Diar’s former brother-in-law had outright laughter in his eyes and a changed attitude. Damien knew. It figures. Today just had to be the day for Damien to grow up and act like an Alpha…while he grinned like a hyena. Shit.
Serena scrutinized Mikaela then Diarmid, then Mikaela again, returning her green eyes to Diarmid. He barely held back a groan. Serena knew too. Did he have “Mated” tattooed on his forehead or something?
“Oh Serena, it was so cool. We toured the lab this morning, and then Diarmid took me along when he and his team were called to a crime scene. When we returned to the lab, he let me trail around after him all afternoon…and evening.” Diar knew the “and evening” was delivered in his direction.
“Diarmid let you go with him to a crime scene?” God, did Damien have to sound quite so astonished?
Mikaela frowned at Damien then turned her gaze to him. “You don’t take visitors to crime scenes?”
“Not usually, no.” He bit his lip and ducked his head as Mikaela studied him. Finally he met her eyes. “I told you I owed you.”
“So you did,” she turned to Damien. “Thank you for asking Diarmid to allow me to visit the lab today.”
Damien nodded before glancing at Serena, his brows raised in query. Diar tensed, clenching his hands. They were talking telepathically. He just knew it. Watching True Mates converse intimately had always made him feel shut out, going back to his parents. They had always closed ranks against him and often his brother and sister too, never really having time for anyone but each other.
Mikaela took his hand in hers, stroking the back of it. Diarmid stared at the way her hand stroked his. Her eyes were moist and gentle as he gazed into them, which eased the tightness in his chest. She’d sensed his distress and offered comfort. It felt good to know she cared whether he was upset or hurt. Diar brushed a light kiss on her soft lips, savoring the feel of her.
When he lifted his lips from Mikaela’s, Serena and Damien were inspecting him as if he’d sprouted horns. Damn, he knew he wasn’t this affectionate with women, but he couldn’t help himself. He needed to touch his Mate constantly to affirm their connection, and Diar wanted her smile to always hold the joy he saw reflected there at this moment.
“Excuse me, I’ll be back in a minute,” she whispered, blushing. Diar stood and slid her chair out, his gaze following her as she rose to make a beeline for the bathroom.
When Serena didn’t follow for some girl talk, Diarmid stiffened. Serena and Damien wanted to talk to him. Fuck. He didn’t need a lecture right now and Serena’s frown indicated he was in line for one. They stared at him, as if waiting for an explanation, but he’d be damned if he started the conversational ball rolling.
“She doesn’t know, does she?” Serena finally asked him. Her voice soft.
“Know what…specifically?” Diarmid glanced around, noting they were seated far enough from the other diners not to be overheard.
“Anything. Miki doesn’t know you two are True Mates. She doesn’t know you are a wolf.”
“We haven’t had a lot of time for heart-to-hearts, Serena. We met today.”
“You have to tell her. She has a right to know.”
“You have a gift for the obvious.”
“Don’t insult my Mate,” Damien growled.
Diarmid laughed, and Damien’s surprise was comical. “At least I’m not the only one who does it. I thought I was going nuts because I’ve been growling at people all day. Damned annoying if you ask me.”
Serena shot an exasperated glance at Damien as if telling him to shut up and let her handle it. From the way Damien’s lips tightened, it was probably exactly what Serena told him mentally.
“She’s my friend, Diar. I don’t want to see her hurt.”
Diarmid shook his head. “Her? What about me? Do you think I relish trying to explain this to her? Oh, and by the way, Mikaela, I’m a shapeshifter who changes into a wolf. You’re okay with that, right?” Diar grabbed Damien’s glass of wine and took a swig. He needed something to settle him. “She’ll run screaming into the night, Serena.”
“Miki’s made of sterner stuff, Diar.”
“Her name is Mikaela, not Miki.”
Serena frowned at him, shaking her head over what she considered a triviality. “You aren’t giving her enough credit.”
“When was the last time you told a human you’re a shifter?” Serena lips twisted with guilt so Diar knew she’d never told any human she was a shifter. He snorted.
“You do plan to tell her.”
“Yes, when I figure out how.”
“Don’t wait too long. The longer you wait, the more hurt she’ll be.”
Diar glared. “Do you think I don’t know that?”
“This is the first time you’ve cared what a female thought of you, isn’t it?” Damien’s quiet question startled him.
“I cared what your sister thought.”
“What she thought, yes. What she thought about you, no. Ileana always knew she had to take you as you were because you wouldn’t change for her, but you care what Mikaela thinks about you. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t, you’d still be at the lab.”
Diar shrugged uncomfortably. How the hell did Damien understand so much? “Did Ileana talk to you about it?”
“Once. I was pissed about how you took off on a case leaving her alone with the kids. She told me she loved you as you were and you wouldn’t change. I think I was sixteen.”
“I never meant to hurt her, Damien.”
Damien shook his head. “It’s water under the bridge. She accepted and loved you. That’s what matters.” He took a deep breath. “Mikaela is different though. Her voice carries more weight because she’s your True Mate.”
Diarmid nodded, taking another swallow of the wine. “It doesn’t make it easier. It makes it harder.”
“Don’t I know it.” Damien smiled in agreement, wincing, before shooting an irritated glare at his Mate. “Don’t kick me, Serena!”
“I won’t if you don’t deserve it.”
“They get violent, don’t they? Mikaela slugged me earlier.” Diarmid laughed.
“It was probably due to you,” Serena assured him.
“She thought so, certainly,” Diar sighed. “If you have any idea how to explain it to her, let me know.”
“Explain what to whom?” Mikaela asked as she rejoined them. Diar stood to pull out her chair then helped her settle in before reseating himself.
He paused, hunting for an answer before finally blurting out the only thing he could think of at the moment. “Explain to you a cop’s life is demanding.”
Mikaela glowered. “Demanding yes, but you are working extra shifts and late nights, plus you take crap duty no one else wants. It’s not demanding. It’s masochistic!”
“What makes you think…?”
“Your captain responds well to inquiry.”
“If I didn’t love the bastard, I’d kill him,” Diar growled, his irritation rising. How could Ossie spill it to her? It was the truth, but it wasn’t her business.
“If it’s not my business, whose business is it?” Mikaela asked, poking him in the chest before blinking in confusion. Her brows tightened as she tried to decide how she knew what he’d thought, and then tried to determine why it was her business. To her mind, they were on a first date, but he knew better. Ossie spilled his guts because he knew Mikaela was Diar’s True Mate. Diar sighed. He took her hand, gently opening her fist to drop a tender kiss onto her palm. Her eyes became soft and dewy again. If she gazed at him lovingly for the rest of his life, he’d die happy. “Why don’t we order? Your stomach was growling when we were at the lab.”
“You can change the subject, but I’m not going to forget, Diarmid.”
“I know you won’t.”

Chapter Six
Miki finished her spaghetti with a sigh of contentment. Diarmid smiled at her, his lasagna long gone, while he sipped his coffee. “You certainly wolfed supper down, Diarmid.” He swallowed wrong, coughing roughly. Miki frowned, patting him on the back. “If you ate more often, you wouldn’t be so hungry.”
“Right.” He nodded as he quit coughing.
“You’ve known him a long time, Damien. Doesn’t he ever take care of himself?”
“Oh no. I’m not touching that one with a ten-foot pole. Nope. Uh-uh.” Damien shook his head.
“Men, you can’t live with ’em and you just can’t shoot ’em,” Miki teased, winking at Serena.
Serena laughed. “You couldn’t have put it better.”
“One of my favorite songs by the Forester Sisters and so accurate,” she agreed.
“Country music,” Damien groaned.
“You’ve been training him, Serena. He actually knows it’s a country song.”
“What else would it be? I have to listen to it at work because one of my law partners plays it on the radio, then I come home and she’s dancing around the living room to Tim McGraw.”
“Smart girl. I’d dance around the living room to Tim McGraw, or with him, if it came to it, but he’s taken.” Diarmid growled. “Would you quit it? Sheesh.” She rolled her eyes at Serena, fixing a narrowed gaze on Diarmid. “Do you have a problem with country music?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Diarmid cocked his head. “I don’t listen to it much, but I don’t dislike it.”
“Good, but I’ll have to educate you about country or Rik will give you grief.”
“Rik? Who’s Rik and why would he give me grief?”
His sharp question made her laugh. She patted his arm, trying to figure out why the flare of jealousy pleased her. Possessive guys normally turned her off—but not Diarmid.
“Rik is my brother. He plays in a country music band on the weekends. He’s really good and all the chicks think he’s hot. It’s his favorite part. By the way, what music do you like?”
“Classic rock, especially Billy Joel.”
“Well, that’s all right then.”
Diarmid leaned over to kiss her, a wide smile on his face. She really liked it when he kissed her. His affection was so spontaneous, as if he just couldn’t help himself. Staring into his blue eyes, only inches from hers, melted her into a puddle. He turned her on, but it was more than just lust. Miki was falling for him in a big way, though she didn’t understand how this could be when she’d met him only today. What she felt was so much more than love at first sight, yet it made no sense at all.
Diar leaned close to her ear to whisper, “You’re thinking too hard, Mikaela,” he kissed her earlobe as he drew away. A shiver of excitement traveled from her head to her toes, and she bit her lip.
The need to touch him, kiss him, taste him was starting all over again. She’d never been the kind of woman to sleep with a man on a first date, but if Diarmid gave her any indication he wanted her, she’d drag him into her bed tonight. It was a little embarrassing, as if she were a bitch in heat. She wanted him so intensely it almost hurt. Other relationships seemed tepid by comparison.
Diar’s eyes widened and he licked his lips, knowing she was aroused. It was also evident when she glanced at his lap he shared her desire. For a moment, his hands tightened on his coffee cup before he consciously loosened his grip. Seeing him so hot made her feel powerful and sexy. Diarmid’s face was slightly flushed, his eyes dilated and his muscles were tense. His expression wasn’t just sexy, it was carnal, and it matched hers completely. She wanted him to grab her, carry her off someplace private, and slam his body into hers. Miki looked away from him when she realized she was almost panting with need.
Serena cleared her throat, which made Miki jump. Her irrepressible friend caught her eye, giving her a wink of approval with an expression that said, “You go, girl. Get him!” Miki wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to, but she was almost scared of the intense passion between them. She was no virgin, but her past lovers had never affected her this way.
Miki tried to imagine ripping her last boyfriend’s clothes off and couldn’t. Jason had been a history professor at the local university, who couldn’t have been more of an academic had someone built him from a kit labeled “college professor”. As different from Diarmid as night from day. A man of action versus Mr. Cerebral.
She couldn’t conceive Jason suggesting he show her his weapon for inspection, cleaning and holstering. Miki glanced at Diarmid, a grin playing over her lips. Diar frowned repressively, as if he knew she were thinking about another man, but her smile brought a spark of humor back to his face. He was so damn cute, Miki leaned forward to pat his knee. Diar raised his eyebrow at her, his gaze filled with both query and sexual challenge.
“Do you want dessert, or are you ready to go, Mikaela?” Diarmid’s soft voice wove a seductive spell.
“I’m stuffed.”
Miki wished she could leave her car in the parking lot so he could drive her home, but didn’t want to suggest it because she didn’t want to seem easy, even if tonight she was. When Diar leaned toward her, she set her hands on his thighs, loving the feel of the firm muscles shifting against her palms. She was off balance and needed to brace herself, she decided. So she set her hands on his fit thighs. Yeah, right…she could lie to herself all she wanted, but what she really wanted was to stroke his legs.
He pressed his lips to her ear, purring softly, “You will be stuffed, sweetheart.” His promise surprised a sexy giggle from her. Miki rubbed against him, thinking she would love to be stuffed as long as it involved him. “It will definitely involve me,” he growled, nipping her earlobe before tracing the whorls of her ear with his tongue. Miki whimpered, her fingers tightening on his thighs.
“Ahem.” Damien cleared his throat…loudly. Miki and Diar turned to glare at him. When Damien quailed slightly under Diarmid’s glare, she was stunned. What was up with that? He was one of the most alpha-type guys she’d ever met, but Diarmid seemed to make him nervous. Bizarre. Damien frowned, maintaining eye contact with Diar. “You are in a room full of people, Diar. You’ll have to seduce her later.”
Miki blushed, burying her face in Diarmid’s shoulder. Oh my. Someone just cover her over with leaves so she could hide.
“My love, your motive was pure, but your words sucked,” Serena sharp tone was filled with disgust. “Now you pick up the check.”
“But…” Damien began to sputter, but Serena stared him down, daring him to disagree. He sighed. “Fine. We will discuss this later.”
“Good. I look forward to it,” Serena assured Damien, a teasing grin parting her lips.
“I bet she does.” Diarmid laughed. He kissed Miki’s cheek, taking her hand in his. He stood, easing her chair from the table, assisting her to stand. She wanted to sigh at his chivalrous actions. They just didn’t make men like him anymore. Solid, decent and gentlemanly—he really was a knight in shining armor. All he needed was the chain mail.
Miki started to leave, but Diarmid didn’t budge. She met his eyes. He seemed stunned by something but she didn’t know what. In fact, his eyes seemed moist. “Are you okay, Diarmid?”
Diar blinked rapidly, clearing his throat. “Um…yeah. I’m great. Let’s go.”
Miki squeezed his hand, tugging him toward the front of the restaurant. He looked kind of shell-shocked. She wondered if he’d had some moment of intuition about a case or something. Miki shrugged mentally. His expression was so odd—moved almost. Nothing in their conversation could have caused it, and it wasn’t as if he could read her thoughts.
When the four of them reached the front yet another Blackwolf brother of the family was at the till. Mikaela didn’t know him, but by the expression on Diarmid’s face, he did.
“Moonlighting, Dom?” Diar’s voice dripped sarcasm.
“Funny. I’ve been in the family longer than I’ve been on the force.” His nametag read Domenico.
“You don’t work here often though.”
“Sandro was called out to deliver a baby and it was his night on here. Family businesses are like that. If Bree wasn’t on at the lab tonight, she’d be here instead of me.” Dom shrugged as he took Damien’s money.
“Probably why she wanted second shift.”
“I just figured she didn’t want you as a direct supervisor. I wouldn’t.”
“Is that why you take nights?”
“I’m homicide and you’re Crime Lab. You wouldn’t be my direct supervisor.” Dom gave Damien his change and winked at Miki. She tried to suppress a grin but couldn’t. Miki glanced at Diarmid, biting her lip to hide her laughter when she saw the look of death he aimed at Dom.
“I’m surprised you aren’t SWAT. You seem to thrive on risking your life,” Diarmid rumbled.
Dom raised his brows. “I have no idea what you mean. You need to get some rest, my friend, you work too hard.” He paused, leaning toward Miki. “He just doesn’t take care of himself, you know.”
Diarmid growled, so Miki debated how to sweeten his disposition. Since Diar was too tall to kiss on the cheek, she decided to distract him by leaning over to kiss his neck, barely noticing when he froze. The skin of his neck was warm and he smelled good. Miki wondered what cologne he was wearing because she wanted to keep sniffing it. Damn, it was intoxicating…so was he.
Miki leaned back to meet his eyes, blinking as she caught the expression on his face. It was like being the prey of a wild animal waiting to be pounced, and Diar was that wild animal. He didn’t scare her because his eyes flared with the hunger of desire, not dinner. She’d lit a fire in Diar with her innocent kiss, and the fire was burning in her as hot as it was in him. Miki licked her lips while he watched, his body tense.
“We’re going.”
“Now, Mikaela,” Diar barked.
Miki stiffened, narrowing her eyes as she leaned away from him. “Hey, fella.” She poked him in the chest. “Don’t you order me around.”
He leaned close to whisper, “If we don’t leave I’m going to be all over you in the middle of this restaurant. It’s your choice, sweetheart.” A slight flush of desire colored his cheekbones and he held himself tense as if he were just barely in check.
Miki swallowed, considering the alternative. “Um… Yeah. We should go now.”
“Yes, we should. Good decision.” He slid his arm around her waist to urge her to the door.
Miki glanced over at Serena, Damien and Dom, all of whom were suppressing outright laughter. She stuck her tongue out at Serena, who finally lost it, laughing as Diarmid dragged her from the restaurant.
Diarmid directed her over between their two vehicles, pressing her up against the side of his SUV. Miki gasped when his mouth descended to cover hers. His arms circled her, his large hands cupping her ample buttocks to lift her off her feet. Miki wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist since she couldn’t reach the ground anymore anyway. Her hands grasped his hair, running through it as he plundered her mouth. He tasted of lasagna, coffee and man. He was yummy.
Diar lifted his mouth from hers, nipping at her jawline. Miki moaned, tilting her head back so he could kiss her neck. His groan had a growl to it, so animalistic her pussy dampened further. She’d been wet earlier, but it was nothing like this. She whimpered when his hands slid under her skirt and up to her waist. When he stroked the bare skin at the small of her back, it sent electricity through her. She rolled her hips against him while Diar ground his forward. Her soft whimpers seemed to inflame him.
Diarmid nipped at her neck. His teeth seemed so sharp against her soft skin, but it only turned her on more. Holding his head in her hands, she urged him lower. Miki wanted his lips on her breasts, her nipples in his mouth.
“Hey, you two! Get a room!” Someone shouted from across the parking lot.
Diar froze as if someone shot him, lifting his head to look into her eyes, his expression contrite. Miki smiled tenderly at him. She leaned forward to drop a light kiss on his mouth, making him smile with relief. Diarmid lowered her softly to her feet, helping her straighten her clothes.
“I didn’t mean for things to get so out of hand, Mikaela,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.
“I don’t recall complaining.”
Diar chuckled, eyes searching the shadows of the parking lot. “No.” She wondered if all cops were as edgy as Diarmid.
Miki cupped his cheek, drawing his attention back to her by running her thumb lightly over his lips. He smiled down at her. “I’ll let you know if I don’t want something, Diarmid.”
“Will you?”
“Good.” He kissed her palm, taking her hand in his. He tugged lightly, walking her to her car. When she pulled out her keys, he took them to unlock her door before returning them to her. Miki looked down at her feet, trying to hide her smile. “What?” he asked her, his brows crinkling in confusion.
“I love it when you do that kind of thing.”
“What kind of thing?”
Miki laughed, standing on tiptoe to kiss his lips. “Don’t worry about it.” She settled herself in her car while he stood by the open door. When he didn’t close her door, she looked up, raising her brows in inquiry.
“Start the car, Mikaela, because I’m not leaving until I know you’ll be fine.” She shrugged, put the key in the ignition and turned it. Nothing. It clicked but it didn’t turn over. It didn’t even cough.
“Oh shit,” Miki groaned aloud. She realized what she said, peeping up at him through her eyelashes with her cheeks fiery red. Diarmid was studying the toes of his shoes, but his shoulders shook as he fought the need to laugh. She leaned over to thump him on the hip, which made him laugh out loud. Miki started giggling because his laughter was infectious.
“Pop the hood, Mikaela.”
“I’ll call the auto club.”
“Mikaela, pop the hood.”
“Don’t go all macho on me, Diarmid.”
Miki sighed and popped the hood. Diarmid went around the front of her car to inspect things. When she wanted sex, she got MacGyver. Great. Just great. She debated getting out to check what he was doing, but just then he came out from under her hood. He wiped his hands on a handkerchief, pristine white no more.
“Your battery is dead and the alternator has lost its charge. Have you been having trouble with it?”
“Yeah, it’s been hasn’t worked right for me lately. I’m not mechanical.”
“No kidding?”
“Watch it, fella.”
He smiled with a shrug. “Do you need anything from your car?”
Miki shook her head. “My notebook is in my purse.”
“I’ll take you home.”
Miki wanted to scream Yes! She never thought she’d be happy her car crapped out on her. “I’d appreciate the ride. Thanks, Diarmid.” She was proud she’d managed to maintain an even tone in her voice even though she was elated. Miki scrambled out of her car and set the lock. Diarmid closed the door, sliding his arm around her waist.
“We need to tell Stefano so they don’t have it towed.”
Diarmid and Miki returned to the restaurant. Stefano was sympathetic, telling her she could arrange to have her car picked up in the morning. It probably didn’t hurt to have Diarmid fasten his glare on Stefano to enforce compliance. Diar could be very fierce without half trying. Damn, he was sexy.
Diarmid escorted her back outside to his vehicle, opening the door to the SUV. He caught her by the waist, lifting her easily into the vehicle then settled her on the seat. He waited for her to belt up then gently closed the door. She’d never get over how easily he lifted her. Miki wasn’t huge, but she was a big girl, and he lifted her as if she weighed nothing. She took a deep breath, trying to keep from visualizing his bare chest and how muscled it must be. His door opened startling her so she almost jumped out of the seat.
“Are you all right, Mikaela?”
“Yeah. Fine,” she squeaked. She tried to keep from groaning because she couldn’t believe she’d squeaked. Was she a woman or a mouse?
“All woman,” Diar assured her as he started the vehicle backing it out.
How did this keep happening? They kept finishing each other’s thoughts. Miki wasn’t psychic. She had no special abilities she was aware of, yet when they’d met, it seemed as if some cord had bound them together and it would never let either of them loose until they died. It was exciting yet terrifying.
Miki looked over at Diarmid. “Yes?”
“I don’t know where you live.”
Miki blushed to the roots of her hair. How dumb was she? He started to frown as if he sensed her castigating herself. To distract him she gave him her address, providing directions to her apartment. As they pulled up outside, she took a deep breath.
“I had a great time tonight, Diarmid.”
“Stay there, I’ll come around to help you down.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. I’m going to walk you to your door to say goodnight, Mikaela.”
Miki smiled as he climbed out of the SUV, circling the vehicle to assist her. She loved his solicitousness. Diarmid was such a gentleman, and he didn’t even think about it—he just did it. He pulled open her door, lifted her down and took her arm.
She led him to her front door where he paused to look into her eyes. His hands settled at her waist and he leaned forward, brushing her lips with his. Miki sighed into his kiss, grasping his arms. Under his gentle exploration, her mouth opened like a flower seeking sunlight. Diar’s tongue flicked against her lips, tasting her. Miki twined her tongue with his, moaning softly. She didn’t want him to stop, but he lifted his head.
Diar held out his hand so she put her keys into it. He unlocked her front door, waiting for her to flick on the light. He scanned the room to make sure it was secure before returning his gaze to her face. Diar handed her back her keys then cupped her cheek in his palm to drop a gentle kiss on her lips. God, she didn’t want him to go, but he would if she didn’t do something. Now. He opened his mouth to say good night, but she jumped in before he could talk.
“Would you like to come in for coffee?” Oh…so lame. Miki hid the wince as he smiled down at her.
“It’s late.”
“I’m not tired and it is Friday night. People are supposed to be up late on Fridays.”
Diar studied her face, trying to assess what she wanted. Finally he whispered, “I’d like to, if you’re sure.”
“I’m very sure, Diarmid.”
Diar smiled, nodding as he motioned her to precede him. Miki was so glad she’d cleaned house, put fresh sheets on her bed and shaved her legs. Of course he could be staying to have coffee, but she didn’t think so. The door closed, the lock clicking in place.
His heat warmed her back then Diarmid set his hands on her shoulders. Miki leaned against him as he whispered, “I don’t really want coffee, Mikaela.”
Miki turned around. “Neither do I,” she breathed, sliding her arms over his chest and upward until she was able to stroke his neck lightly with her fingertips. Green eyes met blue and fireworks ignited, sending sexual sparks everywhere. Sparks zinged along her nerve endings as his hands slid down over her back, coming to rest on her bottom. Diar drew her closer, their eyes still locked.
Miki wanted him to hurry, yet she loved the slow, sweet tension building between them. Diarmid lowered his head, maintaining eye contact. His mouth opened so he could nip gently at her pouting lips. Miki whimpered when fire shot along her veins. She let her mouth fall open for him, and Diar tenderly took her bottom lip between his teeth, tugging on it. It was so soft yet so erotic Miki almost melted into a puddle at his feet. Her eyes slipped to half-mast as she let him take the lead.
Miki stroked his throat, her thumb lightly caressing the skin to feel the strong, fast beat of his heart. His skin radiated a heat she could luxuriate in. Cold winter nights in his bed would be a pleasure on many levels. She flicked her tongue at his upper lip so he dropped her lower lip from his teeth, leaving her mouth throbbing with arousal. Miki’s fingers slipped down from his neck to loosen his tie and pull it off. She tossed it on the end of her couch then began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt slowly…sensuously. If he could move leisurely, then so could she.
“Yes, Diarmid?”
“Where is your bedroom?”
Miki chuckled. Diar’s voice was raspy with need and his erection pressed against her lower belly. It was definitely bigger than his gun. “Let me lead you there, Lieutenant, then you can provide your weapon for my inspection. After I inspect it, I’ll help you holster it.”
Miki raised a brow at him, making him grin wickedly. “It will be my pleasure, Ms. Laughlin.” Diar kissed her hard and quick before motioning her to lead the way.

Chapter Seven
This was how it was supposed to be, Diarmid realized. Hot sex mixed with shared humor. He sighed, enjoying the view as she walked ahead of him down the hallway. Her hips swayed enticingly and all he could think about was mounting her while her sweet ass rubbed against his belly and he made her his. He may never have realized how hot a well-rounded ass was before, but he had no doubts now. How could he have missed it?
He bit his lip, controlling his impulse to jump her in the hallway, wanting to relish this first time with his Mate, not rush through it like a ham-handed adolescent. Miki entered her bedroom and turned on several small lights around the room, enough to provide a sexy glow, but little more. She strolled back over to where he waited, leaning against her dresser, then stopped in front of him, pressing against his body. Sweet. Her hands stroked his chest on her way to his jacket. Mikaela eased it off one shoulder then the other, letting it fall. Diarmid caught the jacket on the way down, tossing it into a nearby chair.
“You should take off your gun, so I can get at your weapon,” Mikaela teased him, eyeing his erection straining against his suit pants. Her face was flushed and she licked her full lips as if she wanted to taste him.
“I do want to taste you, Diarmid,” she whispered.
Her voice was hoarse and he could smell her arousal. Mikaela shivered, but he knew she wasn’t cold because waves of heat were flowing between them. She looked up to meet his eyes. “I want to taste you, explore you, caress you and savor every inch of you, Diarmid, and it still won’t be enough.”
Diar groaned, picturing her doing all of those things to him. “Then you know how I feel, Mikaela. No matter how many times I make love to you, it will never be enough.” He pulled her close, catching her mouth with his and kissing her deep.
The world was spinning apart, Miki thought to herself, and it was because of Diar. What was happening to her…to them? His mouth left hers to trail over the sensitive skin of her neck. Her pussy grew wet with desire as his breath skimmed over her skin. It was so crazy. She’d met Diarmid today, but there was such familiarity between them. Miki was sleeping with him on their first date, but what if she woke in the morning to find him gone? She could still become a one-night-stand statistic.
Diar bit her earlobe then breathed into her ear, “We’ll never be a one-night stand, Mikaela.” Miki sighed as he lifted his head. She slowly opened her eyes, meeting his serious gaze. “And I have never left a woman’s bed without telling her goodbye first.”
Miki knew the smile she gave him was hazy with desire, but she liked hearing his voice. She didn’t like thinking of him with other women, but she should have known a gentleman doesn’t run away from a lady, and Diarmid was definitely a gentleman.
“Good,” she breathed, stretching up to press a kiss on his firm chin. Diar smiled at her.
Miki reached for his shirt buttons then focused her attention on undoing them so she could finally see his bare chest. She moved unhurriedly, relishing every inch of flesh revealed to her gaze. When she had all the buttons down to his waist undone, she pushed his shirt open, sighing with pleasure. Oh my, yes. He was beautiful.
“Males aren’t beautiful, Mikaela.”
“You are,” she whispered.
His skin was pale and golden, though a flush of pink was building under his skin with his arousal. He didn’t have the body of a typical forty-five-year-old man. He was taut and muscled, which made Miki lick her lips with a sigh. His crowning glory, in her opinion, was the light covering of hair on his chest, darker than the hair on his head but still red-gold. Miki looked forward to finding out where else the hair grew.
She looked up into his eyes and lifted her hands, laying them gently on his collarbones. Diar’s warm skin, just slightly rough with his chest hair, aroused her so she could barely think, she just wanted to feel. So she did. With the tips of her fingers she trailed over his pectoral muscles, teasing him with her nails. When Miki looked up at him, his eyes were blazing with need, but he didn’t move from her touch or push her to hurry. His pectoral muscles tightened as her caress spiraled toward his nipples, tight with longing. Her nails lightly traced his pebbled areolas then she rubbed the pads of her thumbs over his rigid nipples.
Diar hissed and dropped his head back, arching his neck and closing his eyes. “God yes, Mikaela.” The muscles in his neck strained and she could actually see the fast beat of his heart against his skin.
Miki sighed, staring at her beautiful man, circling his taut nipples with her fingertips. He shivered under her touch. Her hands drifted down his body again, tracing his tense abdominal muscles. She delighted in the ripple of his stomach muscles under her hands and his groan of pleasure. It was almost like petting a fierce animal, the way his skin undulated at her touch, and it was damn sexy.
Her gaze slipped lower to where his cock pressed forward eagerly. When Miki looked back at his face, she found his eyes watching her every move. She gave him a seductive smile, caught his shirt in her hands then gradually pulled his shirttail out of his pants. She completed unbuttoning the shirt, pulling it away from his body.
She trailed her palms over his chest, standing on tiptoe to press a kiss to his throat. Miki lapped at his skin, enjoying his strong heartbeat throbbing against her tongue, before she lightly nipped his flesh. Diarmid groaned, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight.
Miki winced as his gun pressed into her side but couldn’t hold back a grin. “Is that your gun, or are you just happy to see me, Lieutenant?”
“Both, Mikaela. It is my gun and I’m very happy to see you.” His husky voice sent chills down her spine as he kissed her earlobe then sucked on it gently. How did he know having her earlobes sucked drove her crazy, she wondered with a moan? “I know about your sensitive earlobes the same way you know how responsive my neck is to your touch.”
“It’s crazy.”
“Life is crazy. Why fight it?”
Diarmid asked as he took her open mouth with his, their tongues twining together. Miki pressed closer, but this time it was his badge nipping at her side making her flinch. He groaned, pushing her back from him.
“Sorry, Mikaela. Let me get the damn stuff off.” Diarmid looked down, unfastening his belt and slid the badge, ID and holstered weapon off quickly. He set them on the dresser. He grabbed his jacket and pulled out his cell phone, studying it while he tossed the jacket back onto the chair. “Mikaela, I can’t leave it off, just in case I get a call.”
“I know, Diar. Set it on the nightstand.” Miki smiled as he set the cell phone on the nightstand beside her bed. She followed him across the room and caught his belt in her hand as he turned back to her. Miki drew the belt inch by inch off his pants before tossing it over to join his jacket on the chair across the room.
“Lose the shoes, Diarmid,” she ordered as she kicked her heels off and sighed with pleasure at standing on solid ground again. He toed his shoes off, sliding his arms around her again.
“You’ve been in a suit all day too, Mikaela. Time for it to come off.”
Diarmid eased her suit jacket off and tossed it over on top of his on the chair. He gave her a half smile as he inspected her white blouse then he began to unfasten her shirt. It was so sexy to see his large hands working to release her small buttons. Miki smiled as she noted it took him much less time to reach her waist than it had for her to reach his.
Diarmid parted her blouse, licking his lips when he saw the lacy demi-bra she wore. Color flooded her checks and the rise of her breasts under his hungry gaze. Miki didn’t know why she’d gone for the sexy underwear today, but now she was glad she had. Her garter and panties would have him drooling. He pulled her blouse out of her skirt, finished unbuttoning it and pulled it off her. He threw it and she didn’t care where it landed.
Diarmid started to growl while she whimpered with excitement. Miki reached for his shirt, loosened the buttons on his sleeves and pushed the shirt off his shoulders. He shrugged out of it, grabbed it, and it went flying across the room. Miki sighed at the breadth of his form, leaning toward him. She wrapped her arms around his waist to press heated kisses to his neck and shoulders. He had a round scar just above his left pec. She traced it with her fingertip, noting it wasn’t a gunshot wound. Miki found herself staring at it, frowning. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t noticed it as soon as she peeled off his shirt, but now it almost screamed at her because it shouldn’t be there. He shouldn’t be marked. He was hers.
“Why is this here?”
Miki pointed at the scar on his chest, wanting to shake herself because she sounded so pissed at him, but she was enraged. How could he have done it? Her gut was tight, as if he’d cheated on her, but it made no sense. She pulled out of his arms and walked away from him, unable to look at the scar anymore. She leaned against the chair holding half of their clothes. He crossed to her, leaning toward her without touching her.
“Ileana,” he whispered.
Miki turned around and looked up at him, finding his eyes shadowed. “She marked you?”
“Yes, Mikaela.”
Miki took a breath, not understanding why she was so upset about an old scar his wife had given him. “I’m confused,” she whispered to him.
He cupped her face gently and kissed her lips. “I know, Mikaela.”
“Why is this happening?”
“It will make sense in time. For now, try to forget about it.”
Miki stared at the scar. “I’ll try, but it shouldn’t be there.”
Diarmid wrapped his arm around Mikaela, trying to comfort her. When he and Ileana chose to mark each other, they hadn’t expected to find their True Mates. True Matings were a rare thing and most pairings among shifters were of the Chosen Mate variety.
He knew if Mikaela’s shoulder were marked he’d be as angry and hurt as she must be. She was at an even greater disadvantage because she didn’t understand her emotions. She didn’t know why she was angry and hurt, but he did. He never thought he’d regret the decision he and Ileana had made so many years ago, but seeing his Mikaela walk away from him had almost killed him.
“I’m sorry, Mikaela. I never expected to find you.” Diarmid kissed her softly, caressing her gently and coaxingly. Mikaela looked up at him. Her green eyes were moist with unshed tears, but she smiled at him, and it tore at his heart. She astonished him with the forgiveness he saw there.
“I never expected to find you, Diarmid, but being with you makes me think anything is possible now that we’ve found each other.” She laughed and wiped away tears. “That sounds so corny.”
Diar sighed with relief and shook his head. “No, it doesn’t. I feel the same way, Mikaela.”
He leaned down, lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down and followed. Diarmid intended to make sure Mikaela never doubted she had his heart and soul, and he would start by worshiping her the way humans talked about in their weddings.
“With my body, I thee worship,” he whispered into her ear, nibbling lightly.
“Oh Diar, yes…”
Her moan of arousal brought his cock to full alert. Diarmid nipped the soft skin of her neck just below her ear, and she twisted in his arms, arching her neck yearningly toward his mouth. He focused his teasing on her ear and the curve of her neck while he sent his hands on an exploratory mission over her bare skin. Mikaela’s shoulders were amazingly soft to his touch and her smell was driving him wild. She was slightly spicy with a hint of musk. No other female would ever smell so enticing to him.
Diar looked into her face. The desire he saw transfigured her and intoxicated him. Mikaela glowed with beauty and sexiness, and damn it, she was his. He was the luckiest wolf alive. She slowly opened her green eyes, drugged with desire, and he smiled tenderly at her. Diar lowered his head to lick her lightly parted lips so she opened her mouth encouragingly. He foraged farther, dipping inside to taste her, learning all the contours of her moistness. Diar lifted his head, but Mikaela’s arms encircled his neck to keep him close.
“Don’t go.”
“I’ll never leave you, Mikaela,” Diar promised her with the fervor of a religious vow. “Only death will ever take me from you.”
“Then you can never die, Diarmid.”
“I guess I won’t then, will I?” He chuckled softly and covered her mouth once more, delving deep and exulting when she actively began to tease him back. Meanwhile, his hands found the softness of her ribs and traced his fingertips over the flesh, making her shiver.
Diar caught the waistband of her skirt, pulling it over her hips and off her body, tossing it beside the bed. He gasped as he got his first look at all of her. God, she was hot. To go with her lacy bra, she had lacy panties, garters and stockings. He groaned and lowered his head to place a kiss on the curve of her belly, sliding his hand between her soft thighs to cup the bare skin above her stockings. He dropped soft, nipping kisses against her ribs and the rise of her breasts. He placed teasing caresses along her thighs, smiling as she parted them to allow him ease of passage. Her cries of excitement increased his arousal. This was his Mate. Mikaela was a gift. A gift he would treasure forever and open with great care now.
Mikaela gasped as Diarmid stroked her inner thighs. His touch was making her crazy and her juices flowed, further dampening her panties. Diarmid’s finger pressed against her swollen cunt lips, stroking the silk against her gently. The pressure of his fingers and the roughness of the silk against her sensitive clit had her gasping with pleasure. She shuddered and sighed, lifting her hands to his chest to stroke the muscles of his shoulders.
Diar lowered the strap off her shoulder and placed his open mouth on her collarbone, running his tongue over her skin. Miki raised her chest to encourage him to pay more attention to her breasts. Diarmid licked the curve of her breasts, wringing a sigh of pleasure from her. While one of his hands released the clips of her bra, the other settled over her belly, stroking her lightly. Miki held her breath as the hand resting on her bare stomach dipped into her panties and petted her hungry flesh, his fingers easing downward with each caress.
Miki whimpered in excitement, stroking his neck. Diar used his teeth to tug her bra lower, baring her breast to him. He growled, and grabbed the bra, pulling it off her and throwing it over his shoulder. His breath tantalized her aching nipples. Miki marveled at his rapt expression, as if he’d never seen such spectacular breasts before, but she knew he had.
He looked up at her, a frown in his eyes. “No, Mikaela, I haven’t.”
“You haven’t what?”
“Ever seen such spectacular breasts before.”
“How did you…?”
Instead of answering, Diar lowered his mouth and licked along the edge of her areola. Miki’s cry brought a smile to his face and his blue eyes lit with an inner fire. She always used to think blue eyes were cold, but there was nothing cold in his eyes as they stared at her. Just then his fingers dipped into the honeyed flesh between her legs. She whimpered and lifted her hips in silent supplication, her fingers tightening on his neck. Miki wanted more, needed more.
Diarmid’s fingers teased her cunt lips, circling without going for the sweet spot that would take her to heaven. As his fingers spiraled below, his tongue circled above, tracing her areola but leaving her nipples straining for more. She ran her hands into his hair, pressing his head closer.
“Diar, please.”
“Please what, Mikaela?”
“Suck my nipples, stroke my clit. Oh God, make me come.” Miki twisted in his arms, trying to get satisfaction but finding none. She sensed him exult in her need, savoring it like fine wine.
Diar continued to stimulate her breasts with his tongue, leaving her nipples untouched by anything but his breath. Miki slid one hand down his chest, reaching for his cock. He caught her wrist before she reached below his waist and lifted it above her head. He caught her other hand as well, carrying it to join the first. She opened her eyes to find a question in his—he seemed to be asking permission.
Miki considered letting him control her pleasure. Did she want him to? Diar was waiting, doing nothing but staring at her for her consent. Suddenly, Miki realized she trusted him implicitly and would be utterly safe with him, no matter what he wanted to do. She nodded in agreement. The smile on his face was humble yet impish. Oh Lord, what had she just agreed to? Was she nuts?
“Yes, you are nuts, sweetheart, but I promise you’ll enjoy it,” Diar whispered, licking his lips as he surveyed her body. The look on his face was almost like a violinist handed a Stradivarius on which to play—reverent, yet imagining how incredible it would be to take it in his hands and bend it to his will.
“Just don’t get the cuffs out this time,” Miki warned him, her juices flowing with excitement as she anticipated his plans.
“This time?” Diar paused and grinned wickedly. “No, not this time.”
“Oh God.” She just put ideas in his head. How foolish was she?
“Very foolish. I have a good imagination, but feel free to suggest. After all, when a man plays a Stradivarius, he wants to sound like Paganini out of the gate.” Diar chuckled at her look of consternation. “Of course practice makes perfect.”
“How do we keep doing that?”
“It will make sense in time. Leave your hands above your head, Mikaela.” His words were a gravelly order. Diar pulled his hands away from her, lightly grazing her arms, tracing her breasts and belly before focusing his touch on her legs to release her garters and stockings.
Damn him, she wanted his mouth on her breasts. Miki decided she had some weapons at her disposal too. She arched her back so her breasts were tilted. With her arms above her head, she looked like a Fifties pinup model. Diarmid glanced back up as he lowered her stocking, his gaze freezing on her arched back and tipped breasts. She heard a growl emanate from deep in his throat. Oh yeah, she got him. He pulled the stocking off and completed the same task with her other leg, his gaze still fastened on her breasts. She spread her legs slightly and licked her lips. Miki worried it was too over the top, but it had a salutary effect on Diarmid. He pounced.
Diar’s hands pressed gently down on her elbows while his mouth captured a nipple in his mouth. As he sucked, his tongue tormented the captive nipple, swirling around then flicking against it. He held the suction and allowed it to pop out of his mouth, making Miki shudder helplessly with a sob. Diar trailed kisses to her other nipple and drummed against the taut nipple with just the tip of his tongue. Miki lifted her hips to collide with his where they now rested between her spread thighs, rocking her hips in time with his tongue. She wrapped her thighs around his waist, trying to get enough pressure on her clit to come.
“Yes, Diar! Oh, I’m so close!” Miki cried. She twisted her head back and forth, her eyes closed tight, focusing on the maddening pleasure he was giving her. She opened her eyes and found him watching her face. “Diarmid, I need more.”
“Not just yet, Mikaela. Enjoy this. Luxuriate in our first time together.”
“God, Diar, I just want to come.”
He chuckled. “I know.”
“Payback is hell, Diarmid Redwolf. You just remember that!” Miki threatened.
“I look forward to it, my sweet.” Diar leaned over her and dropped a light kiss on her lips.
He rubbed the rough hair of his chest against her straining nipples, teasing her further while he ground his hips into hers. Miki whimpered as his thick erection pressed against her through his suit pants. She wanted him buried in her to the hilt, but he was still dressed, which made her want to scream in frustration. Miki surged up, securing his mouth with hers in a searing kiss that left him gasping then she arched her chest so her tight nipples enticed his. She sighed when his mouth left hers and began to explore her ear and the curve of her neck.
Diar trailed his tongue over her sensitive skin, returning to worship at the altar of her glorious breasts. After he paid homage, Miki was gasping. He took a leisurely trip southward, stopping to investigate her bellybutton. Miki raised her lower body encouragingly, but he kept his attention on her tummy. He swirled his tongue around and nipped at her before lifting his head and looking down between her legs with a smile.
Diarmid grasped her garter and eased it over her hips and down her bare legs, leaving her in nothing but her very wet, and now due to the dampness, nearly see-through lace panties. From between her parted legs he took a deep breath, his mouth open. He closed his eyes as if to enjoy the bouquet of a fine wine. He reopened his eyes, settling his hands on her hips. His hands skimmed lower, trailing rough fingertips over her quivering inner thighs.
She gasped, trying to catch her breath. Diar was driving her wild with need, but not giving her satisfaction. It was painful, but it was also delicious. Miki couldn’t remember any past lover getting her this excited without being inside her. She jumped when he pinched her inner thigh.
“Hey!” Miki yelped, looking down into Diar’s serious blue eyes.
“Never think of another man when you’re in my bed, Mikaela.”
“Even if it is complimentary to you?”
“Even then.”
Miki could see by his expression he was hurt. She smiled softly at him and reached down to cup his face. “Never again. I promise,” she swore softly.
He pressed a kiss into her palm then she put her hand back above her head. Diarmid smiled at her voluntary yielding of control and returned his attention to her body. His smile turned into an unholy grin. “As you said, Mikaela, payback is hell.”
Miki froze. “Diarmid… What are you going to…?” She started to lower her hands, but a look from him stopped her and she settled them back above her head.
She was both nervous and anticipating what he’d do next. Diar rested his large palms on the bones of her pelvis, putting thumbs directly over her throbbing clit. Miki couldn’t relax as she stared while he lowered his thumbs to her body incrementally. One rested on each side of her clit and she almost screamed because he wasn’t stroking it.
Miki was right on the edge of an explosive orgasm and all it would take was just a gentle nudge—literally. He moved his thumbs to the edge of her panties and under the silk. Diarmid carefully pulled her swollen cunt lips apart so she was open, but the fabric was still a barrier to his direct touch. Miki groaned as he lowered his head closer to her pussy. Oh please let him sweep his talented tongue over her hungry clit. She gasped, and mewling in anticipation, unable to say a coherent word.
The heat of his breath teased her trembling clitoris. When Diarmid finally fulfilled her need and stroked her clit with his tongue, Miki’s hips bowed off the bed and she shuddered, howling as her body shook with the force of her orgasm. She grasped the pillow above her head to keep from reaching for him, shaking her head as her body quaked with the series of orgasms ripping through her.
Diarmid didn’t stop there. Payback was both heaven and hell because he opened his mouth over her painfully sensitive clit and sucked it into his mouth through the silk. The roughness of the fabric combined with the suction and movement of his tongue released a flood of juices from her body. While he tormented her clit with his mouth, he slipped his thumbs in to graze the outer lips and finally her clit in combination with his mouth. Miki bucked against his mouth, her belly muscles rolling with the intensity of it.
Diarmid growled and ripped her silk panties off her body and threw them. He stared at her bare pussy and licked his lips. Her red, swollen labia held his intent gaze before he half sobbed and buried his mouth against her. Miki wailed as he slipped fingers into her soaking inner sheath and his tongue licked her juices like a bear after honey.
“Not a bear, a wolf. Wolves like honey too.” Diarmid assured her before burrowing back between her legs to drink deep from her body.
Miki gasped as three of his fingers easily penetrated her dripping pussy. She clamped down on them, unable to prevent her body from rippling in yet another orgasm. He lifted his head as she lay panting. Diarmid rose to his knees then stood beside the bed, reaching for the button and zipper on his fly. Oh God, now when she could barely move, he was finally going to give her the view she’d been anticipating all day. She wondered how accurate her fantasies were.
His slacks dropped to the floor and she swallowed as she saw his cock pressing against his shorts. He was long and thick. God, she had to see him. As if he knew what she wanted, he smiled and taunted her, running his hand over his erection.
“Diarmid, damn it! Take the shorts off now!” Miki shouted. He laughed, easing them off his hips and letting them slide to the floor at his feet before kicking them aside. Miki groaned, staring in wonder, he was better than her fantasies. Diarmid was magnificent. His cock was long, hard, thick and deep rose in color with a nest of red-gold hair at the base. His balls were drawn up tight to the shaft, testifying to his excitement. It wouldn’t take much to put him over the edge, but he had to be inside her when he came or she’d die.
Miki spread her legs wide in invitation. He groaned and leaped onto her like a predator taking down prey. She reveled in being Diarmid’s quarry and wrapped her arms around his chest as he settled over her, her fingers digging into the muscles of his back. He was stunning and he was hers. If he touched another woman while she lived, she’d kill him.
Diarmid chucked into her ear. “That goes for me too, Mikaela. Don’t even look at other males or they will be in grave danger.”
Miki giggled, yet she knew he was serious. “Take me, Diarmid. I want you inside me!”
Diar groaned, adjusting his body against hers as she wrapped her thighs around his waist. She gasped as he pressed the blunt tip of his cock against her cunt then eased into her body. It was so right to have him inside her at last. When Diarmid slid home, she whimpered with pleasure. Her sheath began fluttering with a rising orgasm, but she wasn’t quite there yet.
Diarmid gently withdrew his cock from her pussy before taking the slow plunge back into the depths of her. Miki met his thrusts eagerly, unable to close her eyes because Diarmid held her gaze with his. Gazing into his eyes while he penetrated her was easily the most intimate experience she’d ever known. Not only was their connection physical, it was mental and spiritual too.
Miki anticipated his slight increase in speed as his pleasure mounted. They both moaned. Miki rolled her hips against Diar’s, and he made countermovements to increase her pleasure, grinding against her clit. Miki hissed, trying to get enough air, but she couldn’t. Every stab of his body into hers robbed her of breath. Her clit and cunt were pulsing with need, clasping and unclasping around his erection as he pierced her.
He was as out of breath as she was, almost wheezing as he picked up his pace. She could see the muscles and tendons in his neck tighten, allowing his veins and arteries to be displayed in sharp relief. A flush ran over his chest and up to his cheeks while sweat dripped down his skin. Miki raised her head and licked the beads from his neck, enjoying the taste of him.
“Give me more, Diar. Harder! Oh please, take me deeper!” Miki cried. She was so close to climaxing. Diarmid dipped his head and took her mouth with his, his tongue mimicking his cock’s actions. Their tongues dueled, pleasure radiating from mouths to genitals.
Diarmid grunted, increasing the rhythm of his lunges into her. He lifted his head and his gaze mesmerized her. Miki was unable to look away as he growled. “Mikaela, you are my Mate, now and forever. Do you understand?”
“I do, Diarmid. I’m yours and you’re mine.”
Diar picked up his pace again and Miki cried out as he pounded in and out of her body, closing her eyes as she neared her climax. Her cunt clenched tight on Diarmid’s shaft. Her muscles twitched as waves of excitement coursed through her. She opened her eyes just as Diar roared, threw his head back and his seed exploded deep into her womb. His cock jerked as his come shot into her, increasing the intensity of her orgasm. She screamed with the force of her release. As she came, her cunt milked him, clasping rhythmically along his cock, wringing every last drop of pleasure out of him.
Diarmid finally collapsed against her, fighting to catch his breath with his damp forehead resting on her shoulder. Miki cradled his head and began to weep. She laid her head against his, trying to control her tears because men never did understand women sometimes cried because they were moved, not because they were sad. Making love to Diarmid was the most beautiful event of her life. Miki had met him today, but she was in love with him. It made absolutely no sense, but she couldn’t deny it.
Diarmid lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Whether it makes sense or not, Mikaela, I love you too. You complete me. You are lightness to my dark, day to my night.” Diarmid gently kissed her lips and her tears flowed. He kissed them away, smiling tenderly at her. “It was just as beautiful for me but I don’t express it the same way.”
He started to lift his weight off her, but she clasped him close. “No, don’t leave me.”
Diarmid grinned. “I think we had this conversation before. I’ll never leave you now, Mikaela. You’re stuck with me, but I’m too heavy to lie on top of you all night.”
He rolled onto the side, but Mikaela kept herself wrapped around him so they ended up on their sides facing each other but still intimately engaged. Diarmid drew a blanket over them.
“Your leg will fall asleep,” he told her.
Miki eased the leg from under him but kept one hitched over his hip. He’d slip out of her soon enough as his erection softened in the wake of his orgasm, but Miki wanted to hold him close as long as possible. Diarmid wrapped his arms around her and she pressed one hand to his chest while the other rested on his shoulder. Diarmid gently caressed her as they both drifted to sleep.

Chapter Eight
Diarmid sighed with pleasure, lifting his hips. A tongue was slowly gliding up his shaft. As the tongue reached the tip, a hot mouth engulfed the head of his straining cock while the maddening tongue swirled slowly and sensuously around it. He groaned with pleasure. He couldn’t remember having a sex dream this vivid before, but damn it was good. A soft hand grasped his shaft while the mouth continued its teasing. Strong suction was applied to the head of his cock. The hand stroked up and down. He opened his eyes to look around the room. This wasn’t his bedroom, but he knew the place. As he tried to puzzle out where the hell he was, the mouth from his dream encompassed his cock to torment him. What the fuck?
Diarmid moaned, his arousal growing as much as his cock. “Mikaela…” With a single word, all sense returned and he remembered he’d found his True Mate. He looked down, meeting her mischievous eyes. Mikaela had taken him deep into her mouth and was sucking on him while her magical tongue pleasured his glans. She lifted her head, flicking her pink tongue tauntingly along the underside of the shaft then licking at his balls with the flat of her tongue before going back over the same territory with the pointed tip. She gently nipped at his balls and dick. Diar sighed when she pulled her mouth from him.
“Come up here, Mikaela.” Diar reached a hand for her and she crawled up to him. She pressed kisses to his abdominal muscles, pausing to lap at his nipples. She lightly bit one, tugging on it. “Mikaela!” He moaned as electricity traveled straight to his straining cock in an unbroken circuit.
She chuckled, but lay down on his chest. Her skin was on fire and it was red, as if she were sunburned. A light film of perspiration covered her as if she had a fever. He gently cupped her cheek, gasping at the heat emanating from her flesh. She lunged onto him to catch his mouth in a deep kiss. She captured his tongue with hers then lifted her head to bite at his lip. Hard.
Diar pulled back. “Damn it, Mikaela, that hurt!”
“You didn’t finish before!”
“Finish? Didn’t finish what? We made love and it was amazing!”
“You didn’t mount me. I need you, Diarmid.”
He blinked. Wait a minute, she wasn’t making sense. He looked into her eyes and realized she was fevered. “Mikaela, are you all right?”
“No! I need to you to fuck me, Diarmid!” Mikaela pulled away, turning to face the foot of the bed on her hands and knees, her ass arched upward.
Diar’s cock jerked hard with his sudden shot of arousal. She was presenting like a wolf bitch in heat. He growled and nearly jumped her but paused when he realized she shouldn’t be doing this. She was human. How in the hell did a human female experience heat?
Diarmid pulled away, stumbling off the bed. Mikaela looked over her shoulder at him with a snarl. Shit. She snarled at him! She reached between her legs to stroke her swollen, wet cunt. She curved her back and spread her knees farther apart, affording him a stunning view of her sex. He grabbed his cell phone and hit the speed dial button.
“It’s three in the morning, this better be good!” A gruff male voice barked down the phone line.
“Drew, it’s Diarmid. I need to speak to Ginger. Now!”
Diarmid heard the phone change hands while Mikaela’s fingers slid in and out of her dripping pussy. He licked his lips. His cock was screaming at him to hang up the fucking cell, pounce the bitch and mount her good and proper.
“Diarmid, what’s wrong?” his cousin Ginger’s sleepy voice asked. Serena’s mother was a wolf midwife and she’d know what was going on if anyone would.
“I have a wolf bitch in my bed,” he ground out, trying to control his need, clenching his hand to keep it off his cock. Jacking off while on the phone with your first cousin was a definite no-no, but Mikaela was driving him nuts.
“Well, congratulations, Diarmid. You called me at 3 a.m. to tell me that?”
“She shouldn’t be here!”
“Escort her to the door, Diarmid, and say good night.”
“No, you don’t understand.”
“You’re right, I don’t.” Diarmid could hear suppressed laughter in her voice as his grew increasingly desperate.
“She’s human, Ginger. She can’t be in heat!”
“You didn’t say she was in heat.”
“Well, she is, but she can’t be. She’s human.”
“Diarmid, you better not be on the phone with a woman or I’m going to kill you, and Colier will have to inspect the crime scene.” Mikaela’s voice was harsh with need and threat. Son of a bitch.
“She’s not a woman, she’s a nurse,” he told Mikaela.
“Thanks,” Ginger muttered over the line.
“I don’t care if she’s Mother Teresa. Get your ass over here and mount me!”
“Well, Diarmid. I suggest you accommodate her.” Ginger was laughing out loud now.
“She can’t be in heat! What the hell is wrong?” Diar knew he sounded panicked, but he couldn’t help it. His Mate shouldn’t be acting this way.
“Who is this female in your bed, Diar?” Ginger’s concern colored her voice.
“My Mate.”
“Your what?”
“This is all Serena’s fault,” Diarmid groaned.
Mikaela rolled onto her back, spreading her thighs wide. She tugged at her cunt lips with her fingers before rubbing her clit with two fingers. With her other hand, she began a steady in and out penetration with her fingers. When her dresser hit him in the ass, Diarmid realized he’d been backing across the room.
“Why is this situation my daughter’s fault?”
“Mikaela is her friend. Serena arranged to have her come to tour my lab today. No, yesterday.”
“Are you saying Mikaela is your True Mate?”
“Yes! Damn it, Ginger, she’s human. She is not supposed to be in heat! She wasn’t in heat earlier, why now? How is it possible?”
“For God’s sake, don’t panic, Diar.”
“I can’t help it. I need to know why this is happening before I mount her. Shit, I might hurt her!”
“Breathe, Diar. You won’t hurt her. You’ve mounted bitches before. Don’t tell me you never took Ileana when she was in heat.”
“Of course, I did. But she knew what was happening to her. Mikaela doesn’t have a clue. I’ve never initiated a wolf bitch through her first heat before!”
Diarmid heard Ginger sigh. “You were the pack leader’s oldest son. Didn’t your father ever have you initiate females?”
“Hell no! Anyway, it was never something I really wanted to do. I like mounting a bitch, but untried females were never my cup of tea.”
“Well, you don’t have a choice. Just do what you’d normally do with a wolf bitch, Diar. You have to lead her through it.”
“But she can’t be in heat! Her last name is Laughlin. Her father is a rancher!”
“There is a way a human woman can experience heat.”
“By mating a wolf?”
“No, if she has wolf in her bloodline. For it to manifest this strongly it would have to be a parent or grandparent who was full wolf. More likely a parent.”
“It can’t be her father.”
“Then her mother was probably a shapeshifter. You should go meet her mother.”
“Her mother died when she and her brother were young.”
“I see. Well, the father may know.”
“Diarmid Redwolf, get off the damn phone and get over here! Now!” Mikaela rolled back onto her knees, lifting her ass high.
Mikaela shuddered as an orgasm ripped through her body, but Diar knew that until he mounted her she’d continue to suffer through heat. Shapeshifter wolf females didn’t pass out of heat as dogs and normal wolves did. A shapeshifter wolf bitch had to be mounted by a male.
“I can’t call him on the phone tonight.”
“No, you can’t. Go do your duty and ease her through her first heat. Is she ovulating?”
Diarmid took a deep breath, both relieved and disappointed. “No. I think she’s off cycle.”
“Then pregnancy isn’t an issue. She may experience her next heat early if she is due to ovulate soon. Just take care of it. From now on, she’ll experience heat with her cycle like any wolf bitch does.”
“Okay.” He closed his eyes, his gut muscles tightening with need. “Thanks.”
“Try not to call me at 3 a.m. about your sex life again and I’ll be more than grateful.”
“Who else would I call, Ginger?”
“Point taken. Go mount your bitch, I’m going back to bed. Drew, stop! Just because Diarmid is horny…”
Diarmid hung up on Ginger’s groan and Drew’s growl. Shit, that was just too much information. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He’d never wanted a bitch this bad before, so he prayed he wouldn’t hurt Mikaela when he took her. His cock was so hard, he could use it as a nightstick and knock out a perp with it. Shit! If he froze like this as a cop he’d be put on suspended duty, but he couldn’t seem to make himself move forward.
Meanwhile, Mikaela was driving herself frantically toward another orgasm. The juices of her arousal coated her thighs and she was swollen with need. He groaned as she pistoned her fingers in and out of her clasping cunt and used her other hand to massage her clit frenziedly. She arched her hips and screamed as she came again. Mikaela didn’t stop masturbating even then. She pushed herself through it toward an even higher peak.
He had to do something to ease her, and God, he needed to fuck her. He staggered across the room, tossing the cell on the bedside table. He settled his hands on her hips and she calmed slightly. She looked back at him and he could see fear behind the desire.
“It’s all right, Mikaela. You’ll be all right,” Diar spoke in deep, gentle tones, but he knew she wouldn’t be able to stop driving herself to orgasm after orgasm until he mounted her.
“Why am I feeling like this, Diarmid? Oh my God, I’m coming again!” She shrieked and he stroked her lower back as she arched and her body spasmed uncontrollably.
Just watching her orgasm had pre-come oozing out of the head of his cock. He wanted to slam home and drive into her until she couldn’t move, but he had to control himself. He might scare her or worse, hurt her. He grazed one of his hands over her back and the muscles under the skin shivered at his touch, making her whimper.
“Diarmid, please help me.”
He saw the plea in Mikaela’s dazed green eyes when she looked over her shoulder again. He moaned, compelled to respond to his Mate’s call. He reached around her body and massaged her breasts before arrowing the attention of his fingers on her nipples. Now was not the time to tease her. She needed relief and only he could truly provide it. He plucked at her nipples, increasing her arousal, then trailed one hand down over her belly to push away her fingers which were tormenting her clit. He replaced her hand with his and rubbed her aching clit with his large fingers.
“Yes, Diarmid. So good.” Mikaela pressed herself into his hand, gasping with need. “Harder. Rub my clit harder.” Diarmid caressed her clit, bringing his other hand down from her breasts. He pulled her fingers out of her cunt, lifting her hand away from her body. She cried, “No, I need…”
“Hush, Mikaela. Let your Mate ease you.”
She sobbed but moved her hands so they supported her. Diarmid reached between her legs and slid a finger into her. She tightened her internal muscles down on his invading finger immediately, growling her need for more. She widened her knees and lifted her ass, allowing him greater access. Diar bit his lip to keep himself in control. With Ileana, he’d have mounted her by now and been pounding away, but it was too soon for him to take Mikaela.
She froze under his touch and hissed. She looked back over her shoulder and the rage in her eyes told him he’d better appease whatever made her so mad or he’d get his throat ripped out. “Don’t you ever think of another female when you’ve got your hands buried in me, you son of a bitch, or I’ll gut you like a fish!” Mikaela shrieked.
Diarmid swallowed, realizing where his mind had gone. Her rage was legit. “I’m sorry, Mikaela. Never again, okay?”
“Never! First you let her mark you then you think about her when you mount me. Don’t you ever do it again!”
When she shouted at him, Diarmid gasped because he realized her teeth had elongated as a wolf bitch’s would when in heat. Mikaela’s mother had to have been a wolf—it was the only explanation.
“Do you hear me, Diarmid?”
He blinked and nodded. “I hear you, Mikaela.” She wasn’t going to let him forget another wolf bitch had marked him first.
“No, I’m not,” she snarled. “Now fuck me, Diarmid, before I do rip out your throat!” She dropped her head and lifted her ass, making him lick his lips. God, she was sexy.
Diar eased his finger out of her tight crevice. Mikaela was tight enough to cut off his circulation, and damn, he could hardly wait to bury himself inside of her, but right now, she needed to be primed so she could accept being mounted by a wolf. He eased two fingers into her, stroking her internally and stretching her. Mikaela thrust back onto his fingers, gripping tight as he probed her body. She was moaning ecstatically, reveling in his touch as he continued rolling the fingers of his other hand over her sensitive clitoris.
“Yes Diarmid. Harder, please. So good…”
As he penetrated her sheath with his fingers, he found the subtle internal differences of a shapeshifter bitch, but he didn’t understand why he hadn’t noticed them the first time they made love. Of course he hadn’t been looking for them then and the differences were slight, easy to miss. He eased a third finger into her body, spreading them slowly to stretch her farther. Mikaela screamed, thrust back onto his hand and shattered. Her climax took her over, driving her to push back hard, taking more of his hand into her body. Diarmid groaned, careful not to hurt her despite her frenzy. He licked his lips as her juices flowed out of her body. He stared, mesmerized by a droplet of come as it glistened against the inside of her leg. His bitch was ready for him, and damn was he ready for her.
Her head hung between her shoulders, and he knew she was growing tired even though she was frantically trying to gain release. Diarmid ran his tongue over his extended teeth and prayed she wouldn’t lift her head and look back at him. He couldn’t take it if she became terrified of him, especially now. Diarmid pulled his fingers out of her pussy and she started to weep.
“No Diarmid. Don’t leave me. I need you!”
“I’m not leaving you, Mikaela.”
Diar looked down at his cock. It was longer and thicker than normal, coated with his pre-come. He stroked his cock, using the hand covered with her juices to spread their combined natural lubricants over his shaft in order to ease his passage into her tightness when he entered her. He settled against her and began to enter her slowly. Mikaela screamed and tried to impale herself on him. He’d anticipated her and held her hips in his hands to prevent it.
She whimpered. “Diarmid, please…”
“Sssssh, love. Relax and let me in. I don’t want to hurt you.”
As the head of his cock slipped into her sheath, she gasped. She was so fucking tight he wanted to ram himself home, but if he did, he might tear her. Diarmid raised his head and howled his frustration. Her inner muscles relaxed slightly and he eased forward gradually. He had to drive her up to orgasm again before he hilted in her, so he could be sure when they locked together her heat cycle would pass. He was a little more than halfway inside when he paused.
“Don’t stop! Oh God, Diarmid, fuck me! Please, babe, fuck me hard!” Mikaela was weeping with need, anxiously trying to thrust back at him.
He slowly, agonizingly withdrew from her then he pressed forward again. Diarmid growled his pleasure, staring at the back of her neck and her right shoulder muscle. He needed to mark her, but not without her marking him first. He licked his lips. Knew if he fucked her human style, face-to-face, they wouldn’t lock because of her internal shape. Mikaela had to be mounted from behind for them to lock together. If he took her face-to-face, she’d also be in a position to mark him, then he could flip her over and take her the way they both needed. Diarmid pulled out of her.
“Roll over, Mikaela.”
“On your back. Now.”
“Now!” Diarmid barked.
Mikaela obeyed without thinking because an Alpha female obeyed her Alpha male Mate whether she wanted to or not when they were Mating. Mikaela looked into his face and Diarmid froze. Mikaela frowned, studying him, but she showed no fear and he nearly collapsed with relief. Diar had forgotten his teeth had gone wolf. Her gaze dropped to his cock and her eyes widened.
“Oh my God, you’re huge. You weren’t that big before. Were you?”
Rather than answering, Diarmid grasped her thighs and spread her before him like a banquet then he slid his cock home with a groan of pleasure. First slow then increasing in speed, he pierced her with his larger-than-usual cock. Driving deep into her body without fear of hurting her left him shuddering with pleasure, and this position allowed him the freedom to really take her. Mikaela wrapped her arms around his shoulders and drew him down to her, pressing fevered kisses to his neck while she lifted her hips to meet his lunges.
Miki gasped, her cunt muscles milking him as she grew close to another mind-blowing orgasm. This whole situation seemed surreal to her. His cock was huge and he had fangs. She should be terrified, but this was her Diarmid. Was she having a really bizarre dream where she’d wake up in the morning and they’d laugh about it? Somehow she didn’t think so. Miki looked into Diarmid’s eyes and saw an intense possessiveness there but also an abiding love.
Miki smiled up at him, wrapping her legs tight around his waist and throwing herself onto his raging cock. She needed this and the near violence of it. Diar threw his head back and she found herself staring at his scar. With every pulse of his cock deep in her pussy, the scar offended her. She loved this man and he belonged to her, so it was crazy to be jealous of a dead woman. He’d been married many years, and Miki could accept that without pain. But seeing a scar on his chest made her heart ache and her stomach turn.
He cupped her face in his hand and tilted her to look at him. “I know, Mikaela. I understand. Make me yours—now.” Diar drove his cock hard and deep, and she sobbed as her orgasm engulfed her like a wave pulling her under.
Miki yowled her gratification then leaped upward, sinking her teeth into his left pectoral muscle directly over the old scar. She bit deep, tasting his blood in her mouth. She worried at it, gnawing on him. He moaned and held her head to his chest, encouraging her savagery.
Good God, what was she doing? Miki opened her mouth and released him, licking the bite to try to stop him from bleeding. She stared in amazement as the blood slowed to a seep under her tongue bath of the wound. Before she had time to think twice, he pulled abruptly out of her cunt, caught her by the hip and flipped her over onto her knees as if she weighed nothing.
She caught herself on her hands and knees, crying out when he launched into her pussy from behind. Diar angled his cock into her with short, shallow jabs. A climax built in her and she knew this was the one she’d been waiting for. Her cunt undulated on him and her clit throbbed painfully. Miki’s nipples were tight and aching, but the pain gave her pleasure. She clenched down on his invading cock, pushing back onto him with each thrust.
“More. Diarmid, give me more!” Miki moaned as he pounded into her. “All the way, Diar. I want you all the way inside of me!”
Despite her begging, he wouldn’t seat himself in her to the hilt. Miki arched and threw her hips onto him, hoping to get him where she needed him. She glanced behind her and saw him clenching his teeth as though in agony. As if a wall tumbled down, she was overcome by an onslaught of emotion.
Miki sighed and took it in, knowing she and Diarmid were completely meshed mentally. How it happened, she hadn’t a clue, but she was aware of the knife edge of the pleasure-pain he was experiencing as he held himself back so she would get what she needed. She didn’t know what it was she needed, but it was important to him. Miki reached for him mentally and it was as if her hand fit in a glove.
His eyes flew open and met hers, filled with wonder, pleasure and need. “We’re one, Mikaela.”
Miki nodded, her orgasm erupting from her body. Her cunt seized tight around him then began to ripple its entire length, squeezing his cock rhythmically. He roared, pressed his cock home and his head came forward, fangs sinking into the muscle of her right shoulder. Miki shrieked. It hurt, and yet having his teeth sink into her flesh increased her arousal. Her stomach spasmed and her clit throbbed as wave after wave of pleasure surged through her body. Each surge took her higher, wrenching intense explosions from her aching and tired body.
Miki gasped as Diarmid’s cock expanded inside her, her cunt clamping down on him as his erection swelled. Diar’s seed spurted into her cunt, but he wasn’t thrusting anymore, he was locked in her body. Miki didn’t understand it, but she was sure he wouldn’t be going anywhere for a while, neither of them would. Her cunt continued to ripple around his swollen member as they both dropped onto the bed in a heap. Little aftershocks left her twitching as tiny spurts of come ejaculated from his cock where it was trapped inside her.
Diar retracted his teeth from her shoulder and lapped gently at the wound to stop the bleeding. He settled soft, gentle kisses on her neck and dropped his damp forehead to the back of her neck. He held her close in his arms, his weight off her. Diar rolled both of them onto their sides, cradling her in his arms. He waited for her response.
“What are you waiting for, Diar?”
“I know you have questions, Mikaela.” He sighed as his cock twitched again, squirting more come. Miki whimpered as her pussy shuddered around him. It was as if her body weren’t going to let him go until it was damn good and ready, regardless of what either of them might want. He kissed her earlobe, lightly stroking his palm over her arms to soothe her. He nestled one thigh between her legs and drew her hips in tight to his. Diarmid’s touch was gentle, almost worshipful. Miki sighed happily, yet she was so confused.
“What just happened, Diarmid?” The question was inadequate to her mind, but it was all she could think of.
“You were mounted by your Mate while you endured your first heat cycle.”
“I’m not a dog, Diarmid.”
“No, you’re a bitch.”
Miki stiffened and turned her head to look at him, ready to slug him for calling her a bitch. “Now you listen here…”
Diar stroked her, a slight smile on his face. He kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear, “Relax. It’s descriptive, not an insult.”
Miki frowned. “What do you mean?” He bit his lip, as if trying to figure out how to word it. In fact, she was sure he was. “Just say it, Diarmid. Don’t make it pretty.”
“You noticed my teeth, didn’t you?”
“Are you a vampire or something?” Miki was unable to keep the skepticism from her tone.
He laughed. “No, I’m a shapeshifter of the wolf variety.”
“You’re a werewolf?” Miki’s voice rose despite trying to keep it under control. She stiffened in his arms. Diarmid continued petting her, trying to soothe her fears, though he winced.
“I am not a werewolf. Werewolves are Hollywood. I am a shapeshifter. I can become a wolf if I concentrate.”
“For how long?”
“How long have I been one?”
“Yes, but how long can you stay one, if you change?”
Diarmid shrugged. “If I wanted, I could stay wolf indefinitely. You pay a price for it though, because you start to become more animal than human,” he sighed. “As to the other, I was born a shifter.”
“Were you born as a wolf?” Miki imagined giving birth to a puppy, which was a little nauseating. She loved dogs, really, but she didn’t want to give birth to one. Miki looked at Diarmid to find him laughing at her. She thumped his arm. “Quit it!”
“I’m sorry, but the look on your face was priceless.”
“When you came out, were you human or wolf?”
“I was human. Shifters usually aren’t able to fully shift until they hit puberty, though youngsters will try earlier to see if they can. I think I was twelve when I was able to sustain my form after I shifted.”
“So it’s conscious?”
“Not the first time it happens. I got scared when I was about eight because I was cornered by some boys who were bigger and older than me. I shifted, howled at them and they ran home screaming. I have to admit it was very gratifying.” Miki laughed at the reminiscent look of sweet revenge on his face. Diarmid smiled into her eyes.
Miki ran her hand over his muscled forearm, enjoying the sensation of the hairs on his arm under her fingertips. “You’re holding something back, Diar. You called me a bitch.”
“You are.”
“You’re a wolf bitch.”
“Because I’m your woman?”
“You’re my True Mate, not my woman. Those two things are poles apart.”
“Well then, how can I be a bitch? I’m human.” His silence spoke volumes. Miki turned her head and looked back at him. He was trying to avoid her eyes. “Diarmid Redwolf, omission isn’t acceptable.”
“Omission is still a lie.”
“Yes, it is.”
Diarmid nodded and took a deep breath. “You were kind of fevered at first, what do you remember about my phone call?”
“Other than the timing of it seriously sucked?”
“Other than that, yes.”
“You were talking to another woman.”
“A female.”
“Excuse me?”
“Humans are women, wolves are females.”
“You were on the phone with another female.”
Diarmid met her eyes. “I called Ginger, Serena’s mother. Ginger is a wolf midwife and healer. When you showed signs of being in heat, I panicked.”
Miki’s eyebrows rose to her hairline. Lieutenant Diarmid Redwolf, unflappable cop, panicked?
“Yes, I did. Totally.”
“How do we keep doing that? You aren’t psychic, are you?”
“No, I’m not. It’s part of the True Mate bond. We are able to connect mentally. Eventually, I think we’ll be able to talk entirely mind to mind.”
“You mean telepathy?”
“Yeah. It can be uncomfortable to be around. My parents were…are True Mates.”
Pain fleetingly crossed his expression. “You felt left out of their closeness, didn’t you?”
Diarmid nodded. “I don’t know about my sibs, but I did. My parents are so tied to each other.” Miki leaned back and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, offering comfort and he smiled. “They were the only couple I knew who were True Mated until I was much older. All the Chosen Matings around me were content and their young seemed happy and close to their parents. I envied them.”
“So you chose to Mate with Ileana?”
Diarmid laughed. “She was chosen for me, but I agreed.”
Miki frowned. “Care to explain?”
“My father wanted to cement a bond between Ileana’s pack and ours. Her father and my father threw us together to see if we’d agree. We liked each other and eventually loved each other, so we agreed to become Mates. Neither of us expected to find our True Mate.”
“What would have happened if you had found me back then?”
“Ileana and I would have split up. You can’t keep True Mates apart once they find each other. It’s morally wrong, for one thing. Even if you tried to prevent it, they wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other. It’s an instinctual tie.”
“Even though you had Ian and Craig?” Diarmid looked down and bit his lip. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned them,” Miki apologized for bringing up the memories.
Diarmid shook his head. “I will never forget my boys. Ian would be nineteen if he’d lived, and Craig would be seventeen. They’d be young men, trying to decide on careers and chasing females.” Diarmid laughed a little sadly.
Miki took his hand in hers and stroked him, trying to offer what comfort she could. He looked back at her. “Even so, had I met you then, I would have left them to be with you. None of us would have really had a choice because a True Mate connection is too strong. The boys might never have forgiven me, but Ileana would have understood. There’s no saying she wouldn’t have found her True Mate first.”
“No, but you’re avoiding the question I asked first. Why did you call me a bitch?”
“A bitch is a female wolf.”
“I’m aware of that, Diarmid. Just get to the point. For a ‘just the facts, ma’am’ kind of cop, you sure are avoiding the topic.”
“I called Ginger because you shouldn’t have been in heat, being human. She told me the only way for you to experience heat, and the two of us to lock together the way we are now, is if you have shapeshifter wolf in your bloodline.”
“My father is not a werewolf,” Miki growled. She looked back and caught Diarmid’s wince. “Sorry, shapeshifter wolf.”
“No, he probably isn’t. However, he isn’t your only parent, is he?”
Miki’s mouth opened and closed. Her mother. “But Daddy never said anything about Mama being a wolf.”
“What was her name?”
“Her maiden name?”
Miki opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Her brow crinkled in thought. “You know, I have no idea. Daddy never said.”
“Perhaps we should go ask your daddy.” Diarmid’s voice was dry.
Miki smiled. She could tell he thought it was funny she called her father Daddy rather than Dad. “I was raised a country girl, and in my family it was Daddy and Mama.” Diarmid’s expression was thoughtful as he absently caressed her hip with his fingertips. His cock jerked and her cunt shuddered, making both of them shiver.
“How long are we stuck together like this?” Miki asked him.
“A half-hour or more. If you were ovulating, I’d probably keep fertilizing you for almost an hour. It’s a peculiarity of shapeshifters to connect so long with True Mates and it ensures pregnancy.”
“How do you know I’m not ovulating?”
“I can smell it. You’re off cycle.”
“This is going to take some getting used to. I mean, I just can’t believe I have wolf blood in me. I can’t believe you have fangs.”
“I don’t anymore. It is usually in the midst of mounting a Mate, and your teeth extended too, sweetheart.”
“No way.”
Diarmid started laughing. “Does this bite on my chest look human?”
Miki looked at the wound she gave him and recoiled. “I’m so sorry, Diarmid. I don’t know what came over me.”
Diarmid tipped her chin up so she could look in his eyes. “I do! Please don’t apologize for doing what came naturally, Mikaela.” Diarmid growled and closed his eyes. “It was incredible. You were incredible.”
“But I hurt you.”
“I bit your shoulder and I hurt you too. When you bit me, the pain aroused me. What about you?”
Miki blushed as he reopened his blue eyes to meet her gaze. “Me too,” she whispered.
“It’s the nature of the beast.” Diarmid chuckled, teasing her. He kissed her temple, and Miki sighed, enjoying their closeness.
The sweat on her body was drying, making her cold so she shivered. Without her saying a word, Diarmid grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them both as he had earlier. He cuddled her in his arms and sighed with satisfaction. His satisfaction resonated in Miki’s mind and soul because being curled together in bed was so right. Diarmid was growing drowsy, as she was, so she laid her head back against his shoulder as he curved protectively around her.
“I love you, Diarmid,” she whispered to him.
“And I love you, my Mikaela,” he murmured back.

Chapter Nine
Mikaela sat in the front seat of Diarmid’s SUV as they drove out of Denver toward the grasslands of northeastern Colorado. She still wasn’t quite sure how she’d let him convince her to go “have a chat with her daddy”. She glanced over at Diarmid as he negotiated traffic along Interstate 76. It was funny but he looked more relaxed than he’d probably been in months.
“Years actually,” he confirmed. “I haven’t felt this good in years.”
“Good sex will do that for you,” Miki joked, looking out the window.
Diarmid touched her arm and squeezed lightly before returning his hand to the steering wheel. “It’s a hell of a lot more than just ‘good sex’, Mikaela.”
Miki blushed at the earnestness in his eyes when she looked at him. It was the same for her, but it was so new. She’d met the man yesterday, yet today she was in love with him. It scared her to need him this much because this terrible love could take an awful toll. Her father was an open wound.
“Your parents were probably True Mates, Mikaela.”
Diarmid shrugged. “I don’t know, but it does happen. It’s rare though.” Diarmid frowned as he puzzled at something. “I wonder how he managed to keep going when your mother died. If I lost you, I’d walk in front of the first bullet I could find.”
Mikaela looked over at Diarmid, expecting him to be kidding. He wasn’t. He was absolutely serious. “Diar, you can’t commit suicide.”
He looked at her. “Without you, there would be no reason to go on, Mikaela. Your father had his pups to remind him of your mother. I don’t have that blessing from you…yet.” Mikaela blushed at the intensity of his stare before his eyes dropped and settled briefly on her belly. She knew he wanted to plant a baby there. “A pup actually,” he clarified.
“I thought you said I wouldn’t give birth to puppies.”
Diarmid laughed. “You won’t, but we use the animal identifiers for our young. Wolves use ‘pups’. Cats and Bears use the word ‘cubs’, and all the Avians use ‘fledglings’.”
“Wait a minute. Cats? Bears? Avians?” Mikaela tried to process the information as they traveled northward.
“Yes. Different species often live together and may even mate with a lower case ‘m’.”
“Which means?”
“Dating and very hot sex, but few crossbreeds produce young. Because of the lack of young, most don’t choose to take other species as Mates. Only humans seem able to match up with any of the species to produce children.”
Mikaela shook her head. What a bizarre culture she was discovering. “The exit is coming up next. We’ll have to drive back roads to get to the ranch.”
Diarmid pulled off at the exit she indicated and she pointed right, continuing a northeasterly direction. “How do you know where anything is out here? It all looks the same.”
“You’re definitely a mountain boy. How do you tell one tree from another up there?”
Diarmid frowned. “Landmarks of course.”
“Same here. Landmarks. Your interpretation and mine are different.”
He shrugged, looking around at the rolling grassland around them. “If you say so, Mikaela.” They passed few cars on the road. “So how did your mother die?”
“She was accidentally shot by one of our neighbors.” Diarmid slowed and abruptly pulled off the road. Mikaela turned to him, blinking in surprise. “What is it?”
“Could you please explain this for me?” His look was intent on her as if this could solve a mystery.
“Daddy dragged Rik and me out of bed in the middle of the night and put us in the truck and drove us out onto the ranch. It was one of the far pastures. He ran right to her as if he knew where she was and picked her up, carrying her to the bed of the truck. I don’t remember much, I was only five at the time.”
“You remember the blood,” Diarmid said quietly.
“Yes, I remember the blood. Daddy was covered with it, sobbing as if his life were over. He kept begging her not to leave him.”
Mikaela wiped tears out of her eyes as she remembered her strong father rocking her mother in his arms, crying like a baby. She tried to stop the tears, stop the memories, but they came flooding back to her. She gulped back a sob, looking out the window to hide her pain.
Diarmid released her seat belt and pulled her into his arms. The dam broke and she collapsed weeping in his arms. “Oh Diar. I’d never seen him like that before.” She looked up at him, her eyes swimming in tears. “It’s why when you told me about losing your family I could understand. Your grief reminded me of Daddy.” She cupped his face.
“Have you ever grieved the loss of your mother, or were you trying to help your brother and daddy cope?” He stroked tears off her cheek, his touch gentle.
Miki laid her head on his shoulder as he stroked her hair. “I had to be strong. I’d always been a daddy’s girl, but Rik was a mama’s boy. He was a mess for a very long time and he still is in a lot of ways. Except for me, he doesn’t really trust women will stay,” Miki sighed. “Of course he tends to pick unstable women, so it’s something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“And your daddy?”
“He just sat and stared out the windows for a long time. He didn’t want to work the ranch, didn’t want to eat. He didn’t want to do anything.”
“What did you and your brother eat?”
“A lot of cereal and toast at first. I wasn’t a real good cook at five.” Miki shrugged and gave a watery laugh.
Diarmid shook his head. “He must have turned around. What did it?”
“I think it was my grandfather.”
“His father?”
“No, Mama’s father. He was tall with shoulder-length blond hair streaked with white. Rik looks a lot like him except his hair is darker. Cameron told Daddy he was unfit to raise offspring. He said he was going to take us away to be raised among our own kind since Daddy wouldn’t care for us properly.”
Mikaela could still see her father spring from his chair, grab his rifle from the mantel, cock and aim while screaming at the older man. “You won’t take her babies from me, you son of a bitch, or I will hunt you down like the dog you are and shoot you dead!” Miki shuddered. Her father had been so enraged and out of control, he’d frightened her. Then Cameron started to laugh and clapped Daddy on the shoulder.
“Finally you show some life. My girl would expect no less from you. Raise her young right or I’ll hunt you down.” Without a backward glance, the blond man walked out the front door and never returned.
“Hmmm?” She looked up to find Diarmid’s eyes on hers. She realized he’d seen her memories as she’d relived them. “Oh this is so strange.”
He smiled, dropping a light kiss on her lips. “Welcome to my world.” He eased her back into her seat, belted her in and started down the road. “Cameron Goldwolf. I should have known.” Diarmid was chuckling to himself. “Priceless.”
“You know him?”
“Oh yeah. I know the old bastard. He’s Drew’s father…Serena’s grandfather.”
Mikaela opened her mouth to speak then closed it. She turned to look at him, a frown marring her brow. “Are you saying Serena and I…”
“You’re first cousins. What’s worse is I think Ginger realized it when I called her on the cell. She has a dangerous sense of humor.”
“Are you and I related?”
“Not directly, no. Ginger is my cousin, Drew is your uncle.”
“It sounds very redneck.”
“Redwolf actually.”
Miki laughed. “Very funny. Turn right on this crossroad coming up here.” She started to grin. “Hmmm. You know you’re a Redwolf if your family tree doesn’t fork…” Diarmid groaned and Miki started to giggle. “You started it, Diar.”
“And I’m going to finish it. Is this it?” He pointed at the gates coming up on their right.
Miki nodded. “Pull in and I’ll hop out and get the gates.”
“I’ll get it.”
“No, you won’t. I open and you drive through then I close it behind us and get back in the vehicle. That’s how it’s done. You don’t leave gates hanging open when you have slightly stupid cattle in pastures out here.”
“What about if you’re alone?”
“Then you do it the other way, but not if you have a choice.”
Mikaela slipped down from the vehicle and opened the gate. There was a good wind and she could smell the ranch already. It smelled like home. Diarmid drove past and she closed the gates and headed back to the vehicle to find him waiting at her door, the SUV idling. He opened her door and lifted her in so she didn’t have to scramble up then closed the door behind her. Miki smiled slightly as he walked back around and climbed in on the driver’s side.
“Are you aware you have a dimple?” Diar asked her, raising his brow at her.
“Are you aware I adore it when you take care of me?” Miki traced her fingers over his cheek and stroked his lips with her thumb.
“I am. I think you’ve been taking care of other people too long and it’s time for someone to take care of you sometimes.” He put the SUV in drive and moved slowly down the road to the ranch house.
“I can take care of myself, Diarmid.”
“I know, sweetheart. But don’t you enjoy having someone look after you for a change?”
Miki grinned. “Yes. Did you like me taking care of you this morning?”
Diarmid laughed at her teasing. They’d almost come to blows in her kitchen earlier when she was determined to fix him a proper breakfast. He was used to taking care of himself and didn’t want to be waited on, but she’d ordered him to a chair, fixing him a packed omelet and bacon to go with his orange juice and coffee.
“I have to admit it was nice to have you cook for me. However, I can take care of my own meals. I’m not here because I want a waitress.”
“I’m not here because I want a servant to lift and carry or open doors for me. Nevertheless, you do those things, and you do them because you want to.” When Diarmid said nothing she knew she’d won that round. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you to take a flying leap if I don’t want to do something.”
“No doubt,” Diar responded dryly.
Miki looked up and sighed happily as they approached the ranch house. It was a big old Victorian with turrets on the corners. “I love our house.”
“It’s huge.”
“It was definitely too big for us, but in old family pictures some of the families had ten kids. They needed a house this size just to sleep them all.”
“Do you want to fill a house with young?”
Miki looked over at Diarmid as he studied the road ahead of them, trying to appear nonchalant. “You want quite a few, don’t you?”
Diarmid bit his lip. “I’m not the one who has to carry them and give birth.”
“I know I want at least two, but since my family tends to have multiples, we may end up with more,” Miki commented dryly. She held back a laugh when the vehicle swerved slightly.
“What do you mean, multiples?”
“Mikaela, if you don’t explain…”
“My brother and I are twins. Daddy has six siblings, and of them there are two sets of twins. Granddaddy came from a family of ten and there were three sets of twins there.”
“Oh Lord,” Diarmid breathed.
Miki laughed. “You better want babies, mister, ’cause you’ll probably get a houseful.”
He took a deep breath and blinked. Miki realized he wanted kids. Lots of ’em. Just then she caught a flash of him with the two boys she’d had a vision of earlier. They were alive and playing, both boys jumping on their daddy as he growled at them. She smiled and looked at Diarmid’s face. A tear slipped down his cheek and he wiped it away as if it had never been there. He must have been a very good daddy.
“I wasn’t. I tried to be, but I wasn’t because I was too obsessed with my career. I won’t make the same mistake again.” It was a sworn oath he made, and she knew it.
“I know you won’t, Diarmid.”
They pulled up in front of the house and came to a stop. Diarmid climbed out of the vehicle and walked around to her side to open the door. As he lifted her down, she could feel the tension in his muscles.
“What is it, Diar?”
“We’re being watched.” He was looking around, trying to find the watcher. He seemed to be looking for someone specific.
“It’s probably just Daddy or Rik. My brother can be a bit unnerving.”
“I doubt he will bother me.”
They rounded the front of the SUV and looked up onto the porch. Daddy and Rik stood side by side cradling rifles, grave expressions on their faces. It was just so bizarre. She stepped forward and Rik set down his gun so she ran forward to leap into his arms. He caught her and cradled her close.
“Riky! Hey, what’s the deal with the firepower?” Miki thumped him on the shoulder then bussed him on the cheek. He dropped her softly to her feet.
By then her father, still armed, had climbed down from the porch. She wrapped her arms around her father for a hug, and he kissed her on the temple, pulling her into his side.
“We don’t welcome armed strangers on our lands, Mikaela.”
“Strangers?” Miki’s brow crinkled, staring at her daddy. “Oh.” She turned, pulled out of his arms, running back to take Diar’s hand in hers, smiling up at him. His stance was loose, but she sensed he was ready to draw his weapon if she didn’t diffuse the situation fast. “Daddy. Rik. This is Diarmid. He’s…well, he’s mine.”
“Yours?” They asked in unison.
“Yes.” She looked up at Diarmid, trying to figure out what to say. She didn’t know if they knew about Mama. It might be an assumption. Did she call him her fiancé? Her Mate? Diar met her eyes and smiled at her, letting her hand go. He turned his gaze to her daddy.
“She’s my Mate.” Diar strode directly to her father and held out his hand. “My name is Diarmid Redwolf, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Miki exhaled in relief when her daddy held out his hand and took Diar’s. Rik relaxed too. “James Laughlin.” Her father’s hazel eyes started to twinkle with a bit of mischief. “You’re a brave one. We don’t tolerate any guns but ours here. Our neighbors know it and always leave their weapons in their trucks.”
“I don’t really have a choice. I’m a police officer and I don’t choose to go anywhere unarmed.”
“Mikaela didn’t warn you?”
“I didn’t think of it. I mean, he’s with me!” Miki sighed. “Men are so…male,” she sighed in irritation.
Rik studied them both then looked into her eyes. “You know what it means to be Mated, Miki?”
Miki’s face flooded with heat and she knew she had flushed as red as Diarmid’s hair. “Yes, I do, but I’m not about to discuss it with you!”
Rik started laughing. “I didn’t mean mated, Miki. I meant Mated—as in tied to a True Mate.”
“Thanks ever so. Yes, I do know.” She cocked her head, staring at her brother as the truth registered. “You’re like Diarmid, aren’t you?”
“You mean I can shift? Yeah. I shifted for the first time when I was about fourteen. After that I worked really hard to consciously change and hold it.”
“And here I thought you’d disappear on your own just to jack off.” Diarmid tried to keep from laughing aloud as Rik blushed but he was unsuccessful. Since her father was also unsuccessful in withholding his mirth, Rik didn’t get too bent about it.
“Bitch,” Rik muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Payback is hard.” Miki slugged him in his oh-so tight gut. “Jeez, so is your gut. Have you been working out or something?”
“Or something.”
“You play weekends in honky-tonks, Rik. You’re supposed to be getting a beer gut.”
“You have a gig tonight?”
“Yeah. Daddy was going to keep me company on the drive.”
Miki looked over at Diarmid and raised her brows. He gave a long-suffering sigh and she laughed. “Now you sound like Damien. Get used to listening to my brother sing. Anyway, he’s good!”
“I’ll let you know after tonight.”
Miki reached over to take Diarmid’s hand. “Come on, let me show you where I grew up.” She tugged him up the stairs and into the house.

Chapter Ten
Diarmid knew he was decidedly out of place as he escorted Mikaela into Howlin’ Bill’s Saloon. The only reason he didn’t draw stares from everyone was because his Mate had ransacked her brother’s closet to find him boots, jeans, shirt and a jacket he could wear over his badge and weapon. She even dug out one of her daddy’s string ties for him so he’d feel more comfortable. Diar appreciated the effort, but he didn’t fit in. Three or four men had already looked him over and marked him as a cop.
Diarmid hid a smile as Mikaela ran over to the bar to chat with a woman she obviously knew. The day had been eye-opening, he’d give it that. From confirming her mother had been a wolf, to finding out her brother Rik had inherited the ability to shift, it had been a day of discovery. Mikaela’s eyes found him, her smile widening. She waved him over to the woman at the bar. This could not be good.
“This gorgeous hunk of man is my fiancé Diarmid.”
Diarmid had argued during the planning session in the ranch kitchen early this evening she should introduce him as her husband, but he’d been rudely shot down in flames. James informed him the entire area would know if his baby girl had gotten married because he would have thrown the biggest blowout northeastern Colorado had ever seen. After watching the three of them all day, he found himself reluctantly agreeing.
James, Rik and Mikaela were so close, he’d been afraid they wouldn’t let him into the family, but he’d been pleasantly surprised. James accepted him immediately once he’d realized Diarmid was his daughter’s True Mate. Rik’s was a slower welcome, but when Diarmid had been willing to help out with the animals, Rik relented. It was worth it, but his shoes would never be the same.
Mikaela’s friend eyed him like a prize stallion put to stud. She was short and blonde and looked as if she’d have trouble staying upright with the double Ds she was sporting, but he had an inkling they were natural and hadn’t been manufactured.
“This is Eloise Jackson.”
The little blonde waved from her barstool. “Nice to meet you, but I’m not climbing down. I just got up here and I can tell you with these flotation devices it’s no easy task.”
“A pleasure to meet you.”
“We’ll see,” Eloise grinned, taking a pull from her bottle of beer.
Mikaela groaned. “Be nice to him. He’s not used to you yet.”
“Well, he better get used to me, honey. After all, if he survived your daddy and Rik, he can handle me,” Eloise teased, nibbling at the popcorn sitting in a basket on the bar.
“We don’t need to go there, Elly.”
“Did you tell him what they did to Jason when you brought him home two years ago?”
Diarmid frowned. He didn’t like finding out his Mate had been serious enough to bring a man home to her family.
Mikaela winced. “It really isn’t relevant.”
“Not relevant? You told me your daddy and Rik tormented and terrified the man,” Eloise chimed in.
Diarmid turned to Mikaela, who was biting her lip looking guilty. He delivered his “get the perp to confess” stare. She broke under it, giving him a penitent look. “Jason didn’t tell me what they did until the drive home. Really!” She turned to glare at Eloise. “Some friend you are!”
“I love you, girlfriend, but you better warn him what they might do to him.”
“Diar, I swear I was going to tell you.” Diarmid looked down into her far-too-innocent green eyes, knowing full well she would have done nothing of the sort. She sighed. “This Vulcan mind-melding stuff sucks sometimes,” she muttered so only he could hear. Diar laughed at her disgruntled tone, catching her around the waist and dropping a hard kiss on her pouting lips.
She started to kiss him back, but the sound of applause erupting made them both pause. Diarmid lifted his head to find everyone in the room clapping. Eloise whistled. James was trying to hide a grin. The only one not enjoying the spectacle was Rik, but Diar wasn’t sure why.
“He’s afraid I’m leaving him too,” Mikaela whispered into his ear. She turned to her friend. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Mikaela tugged him toward the table where her father and brother sat. The table was tucked well away from the traffic flow and the sound speakers so they’d be able to talk, even when the band was playing. Diar remembered what Mikaela had said about Rik’s fear of women leaving him, and he felt a little sorry for the guy. Just a little.
“Do you need help testing the sound system?” Mikaela asked her brother as Diar pulled her chair out for her. She sat, smiling a thank you at him. Diar pulled out the chair beside her and made sure there wasn’t anything gross on it then sat too.
“Naw, the guys came out earlier and took care of it. I called ’em and asked for the favor since you’d brought a male home to meet the family.” Rik took a drink of beer from a longneck bottle.
A tall man with silver white hair came over from the bar. He was wearing a bar towel tucked into his waistband. When he reached their table, Diar realized the man was a lot younger than he looked because of the hair. “What can I get you two to drink?”
Mikaela grinned at him. “Hey, Bill. How are you tonight, hon?”
“I’m just fine, darlin’. Who’s this?”
“Diarmid Redwolf, meet Howlin’ Bill Whitewolf.” Mikaela cocked her head, and studied both of them, realizing Howlin’ Bill was a shifter. Diar knew as the man was walking over from the bar. The loose-limbed stride of a wolf was unmistakable to another one.
Diar shook the man’s hand, saying quietly. “I’m her Mate.” Howlin’ Bill nodded thoughtfully in acknowledgment. “I want a cup of coffee. The lady would like something sweet.”
“I’ll get you your usual, hon. Congratulations.” Howlin’ Bill grinned and winked at Mikaela then glanced at Diarmid, raising his brows. Diar nodded because he could see acknowledgment from Bill that he realized Mikaela now knew the truth about shifters. Bill sauntered back to the bar to get their drinks.
Diarmid glanced at his Mate. She was studying her fingers, but he perceived the hurt she was trying to bury. He knew the hurt was directed at her family, not him, but it made him ache for her. He took one of her hands, bringing it to his lips and lightly pressed a kiss to her palm. Mikaela met his eyes. He could see the tears she was blinking away, which generated a desire to snarl at her father and brother for making his Mate cry. He restrained it, but only just.
“You’re upset.” James’ comment was dry and Diarmid rolled his eyes.
“Why shouldn’t she be?” Diar snapped at the older man.
Mikaela squeezed his hand so he subsided. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth, Daddy? Why was only Rik privileged to know?”
“I explained to Rik when he changed the first time. He was confused and scared, thinking he was going crazy.”
“Then why not tell us both?”
“’Cause you were showing no signs,” Rik answered. “Daddy didn’t want you upset or jealous of what I could do.”
“So, you had one keep a secret while living a lie and kept the other in ignorance? I don’t think that’s what Cameron meant by raising them right,” Diarmid growled.
“How did you…?” James leaned forward, his face twisting with anger. He froze, looked back and forth between Diar and Mikaela then shook his head. “What one knows or feels so does the other. I’d forgotten.” He rubbed the back of his neck, giving his two children apologetic looks. “I shouldn’t have done that to you both. You drew away from each other then. I thought it was normal because of your age.”
“No, Daddy. I couldn’t tell her things, so it was hard to talk to her,” Rik told his father, taking a pull on the bottle, pretending it hadn’t mattered. Rik should never play poker because he didn’t guard his expression well enough. The pain was evident to someone trained to detect it.
Mikaela wiped a tear away. “I would rather have known the truth, even if I didn’t have any of the genes. At least this explains why you were so adamant with our neighbors about guns.” She studied her father and sighed.
“I’d lost my Mate, no way in hell was I going to lose my son because some idiot decided to shoot a wolf on my lands. Not again,” James agreed gruffly.
Diarmid felt his temper rise, his heart rate picked up and his face felt hot as he realized the danger they missed. “And what if she’d gone into heat and the only wolf near enough to relieve her was her brother?” Diarmid snarled the question, leaning toward his father-in-law to make his point.
Mikaela’s eyes widened. Her sudden fear and revulsion made his chest hurt. “Could it have happened?”
Diarmid took a deep, calming breath, turning away from the horror in James’ eyes. He steeled himself to meet the fear in his Mate’s eyes. “Yes, sweetheart, it could have. Maybe it took your Mate to trigger it because you’re half blood, or maybe it took you awhile for those parts of your makeup to mature, I don’t know. Most females have their first heat at eighteen or so.” Rik began to look a bit green. Diarmid guessed the other male had been around a female in heat before and knew what would have happened even before he heard Mikaela put the question into words.
“And if I’d gone into heat?” Mikaela whispered, but he knew her father and Rik heard it.
“You’d have stayed in heat until a male mounted you. Unfortunately, heat affects males like it does dogs or wolves. You want to mount a bitch in heat. Rik might have ended up mounting you, even though neither of you would have wanted it.”
“Oh my God, I had no idea. Maggie never explained it. Hell, neither did Cameron when he left you both with me,” James groaned.
“In packs, it’s usually the eldest son of the packleader or the packleader’s second who pulls initiation duty for wolf females. Cameron probably expected you to get in touch through the years so he could explain bit by bit.”
“The bastard knew where we were. He could have contacted me,” James argued.
Diarmid groaned. “Your ignorance could have seriously injured both Rik and Mikaela, so put it away, James. Cameron did what he did so you’d care for your pups instead of wasting away or actively killing yourself. We all know how hard it is for Mates to lose their love. Cameron better than most.”
James eyes flashed to Diarmid. “What do you mean?”
“Drew told me his mother, Cam’s Mate, died of cancer when he was in his teens. She would have been Maggie’s mother too. Cam knew what you were going through, James. You lost your Mate abruptly, but Cam endured the slow, painful withering of his Mate. It probably killed him to walk away from his grandpups.”
“I didn’t know.” James wiped his hands over his face.
“And you weren’t thinking clearly enough to ask. The only thing worse than having her brother relieve her heat would have been if she didn’t know what was wrong and went into heat somewhere alone. She’d have drawn wolves from all over the place. They would have taken her and she would have let them just to get relief. There’s a reason we protect our young the way we do, James.”
Mikaela paled, staring at him because he knew she was envisioning being used by a line of males, He pulled her close to kiss her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have frightened you, but this is important. Your family has been rogue too long. If Rik ends up with a Mate or a wife, he needs to know, especially if he has daughters. I’ll be around to make sure you find out the truth, and protect any girls we have.”
“Thanks. I think,” Rik told him as he downed a swallow of his beer.
“You needed to know.” Diarmid frowned at both males. “Anger doesn’t protect your family. Knowledge does.” He sighed, thinking of his own boys. Mikaela stroked his face and he kissed her hand.
Rik stood abruptly, and Diarmid tensed, relaxing only when Rik turned to Mikaela. “I’ve need to talk to the guys to formalize sets. You want to sing tonight, Miki?”
Diarmid turned to his Mate at this revelation. She ducked her head. “I hadn’t thought about it.”
“You sing?” As he stared at her, a flush rose in her cheeks and she looked a little embarrassed.
“Both my kids have great voices. I met Maggie when she was singing with a band in a dance hall. I walked in with some buddies when I heard this angelic but sexy voice start crooning a Patsy Cline song. I fell at first sight. First note, really.”
“You never told us why you loved her music so much, Daddy. It’s because of Mama?” Diarmid watched his Mate brush away a tear at the yearning and love in her father’s voice as he talked of Maggie.
James nodded. “It’s hard to talk about her because I miss her so much. I guess I should have told you more, you and your brother. I may have explained the basics to Ulrik, but I didn’t tell him about our life together any more than I did you.”
“Ulrik?” Diarmid asked, unable to keep the laughter out of his voice.
“You’ll forget you ever heard that name if you know what’s good for you,” Rik told him dryly, taking one last pull on the bottle.
“Sure thing, Ulrik.”
“Shit. I’m going to talk to the band. We’ll work you in if you want to sing, Miki.” Rik stalked away in irritation, shaking his head.
Women licked their lips, hunger in their eyes as he walked past. Several flirted openly with him, and Rik grinned, stopping to chat once or twice on his way backstage.
Mikaela sighed. “Yes, I sing.” She watched her brother cross the room, shaking her head. “Rik may well be sharing some other warm bed tonight since Daddy could ride home with us. At least the women know it’s a no-strings thing. He never lies to anyone about his intentions.”
“Grandbabies. You two should work on giving me some grandbabies.”
Mikaela jumped, glaring at her father. She raised her brows when she saw his expression. James Laughlin was grinning and all but rubbing his hands together. “Give us time, Daddy.”
“The usual amount, girl.”
“I have to fertilize her when she’s ovulating, James.”
James frowned at him then shook his head. “You and your nose. You’re sure she wasn’t?”
“I’m sure.”
“Well, damn. But you keep your nose to the grindstone and give me some grandbabies soon.”
“My pleasure,” Diarmid assured him, repressing laughter.
“Daddy, really!”
“You don’t want babies, girl?”
Mikaela looked down at her hands and said nothing, but Diar sensed her yearning for children to hold. He picked up her hand to kiss it, enjoying the familiar gesture. Her eyes met his, filled with uncertainty as to what his response might be.
“We’ll have babies when we have them. I look forward to intense practice and preparation,” Diarmid growled, leaning over to press a hot, wet kiss to her neck. Mikaela giggled.
“Good. But I don’t want to hear it. No sex in the house tonight,” James ordered them both.
“How do we make grandbabies for you if we don’t make love?” Mikaela asked her father.
“He just said it isn’t your fertile time. You have plenty of time for that business.”
“But we just met yesterday, Daddy,” Mikaela groaned. “I won’t be able to be with him without…you know.”
“Girl, I do not want to know.” James fixed flinty eyes on them both, but sighed in dismay. “This soon, you won’t be able to keep your hands off each other. Well, damn.” He downed his shot of whiskey. “Just make sure I can’t hear it, and I’m a damn light sleeper.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” Mikaela grinned at her father. His Mate was a little tease, but he had to admit he enjoyed her sassiness.
“Don’t thank me. You do realize we have to have a wedding for the two of you soon.”
“I know,” Mikaela answered with a glowing expression.
“A wedding. Why?”
What an appalling thought, and his feelings were in his tone of voice. Wolves Mated. Period. Then they were together. A family might have a reception-style celebration after the fact, but there was no ritual associated with it. Diarmid looked at Mikaela to discover her studying the stage intently, but he knew she was holding back tears. This time it was he who had hurt his Mate.
“I’m sorry, Mikaela. I didn’t mean it the way you took it.”
“How did you mean it?”
“We’re already committed in my mind. I don’t see a reason for a ritual.”
“I see. Well, whatever.” She pursed her lips, still not looking at him.
He tried to mentally connect to learn why she was so hurt, and it suddenly made sense as he caught the edges of her thoughts. She’d been raised human and until last night, she’d been a human woman with a human woman’s dreams. One of those dreams was walking down the aisle on her father’s arm, wearing a white dress while friends and family looked on with happiness for her. She wanted and needed him to publicly acknowledge her place in his life.
“It’s important to you,” Diarmid whispered into her ear, putting his arm around her. She shrugged, saying nothing. “Mates need to be honest with each other.”
Mikaela looked into his eyes and he saw her heart there. “Yes, it’s important to me.”
“Then, Mikaela, would do the honor of becoming my wife? I love you dearly and if you want this, then I want it too.” Diarmid couldn’t believe he was saying it, but he spoke the truth. From now on, they were one. If she needed a human ritual to formalize it, then he would make it happen.
Joy lit her face and he realized it was worth any price to share it with her. “I love you, Diarmid, and yes, I will marry you.”
Diar dropped a kiss on her lips, holding her tight in his arms. He noticed James wipe away a tear, and Diar smiled at the older man. Mikaela wasn’t the only person to whom this ritual was important.
James cleared his throat, though his voice remained hoarse with emotion. “Must observe the legalities. Without them, children won’t have your name and my girl won’t have the protection of your health insurance or pension.”
“Daddy, that isn’t why I want to marry him.”
“I know, girl. But what I said is true too. I don’t want to see anything happen to him, God knows, but he is a cop. You won’t be his widow without a wedding.”
“Daddy! I will never be his widow,” Mikaela cried, tensing in his arms. Diarmid rubbed her arms gently, trying to soothe her fears away.
“Your daddy is right, sweetheart. I want our young to have my name and all of you covered under my health insurance. We won’t have to worry about the other for years. Decades.”
Mikaela relaxed and nodded. “No. True.” She turned, wrapping her arms around his waist to hold him close, setting her head on his shoulder and kissing his neck.
Losing her mother had her thinking about losing him. It would be something she would be dealing with for the rest of their lives, especially with him being a cop. Crime scene investigators usually didn’t draw fire, but it was possible. If he did get fired upon, he could be injured or killed in the line. He closed his eyes, praying he’d never leave her alone.
“You can’t, Diarmid. You promised me.” Her voice brought him out of his reverie and he opened his eyes to meet hers.
“Right. I can never die, can I?” He chuckled, dropping a kiss onto her nose.
“No, you can’t. I forbid you to die. Ever.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He laughed and kissed her again.
“Good.” Her satisfaction brought him pleasure. The last time anyone wanted him around on a permanent basis was probably Ileana and the boys, more than ten years ago. Her love was all he’d ever need in life. Money, security and all the rest were just dressing for what was really important—Mikaela.
As Diarmid absorbed this revelation, a chant arose from the crowd in the bar. It started low and slow and increased in volume and speed. “Wolf Men, Wolf Men, Wolf Men!” Diarmid was amazed as he looked around the room and frowned at Mikaela. Did these people realize he and Rik were wolves? Mikaela leaned over to talk into his ear because the noise was almost deafening.
“Rik and the Wolf Men is the name of my brother’s band.”
“I am struck by the irony.”
Mikaela laughed at his dry tone, kissing him again. She cocked her head thoughtfully. “Oh wow.” Even though she whispered, he heard her.
“What?” Diarmid asked her.
Six guys came running in from backstage. He recognized Rik easily, but the others were all wolves. He looked down at his Mate. She was looking at all the guys with new insight, and now Mikaela recognized they were all wolves as surely as he did. As Diarmid looked them over, he was happy to note he wasn’t related to any of them, other than Rik.
Mikaela caught his eyes questioningly, asking if she was right. He nodded. “Double wow,” she muttered. “Rik never told me. I feel like I’ve been living in a half world.”
The band members picked up their instruments and settled in to entertain the cheering crowd. Rik stood front and center, a guitar cradled in his arms. “For anyone who doesn’t know, we are Rik and the Wolf Men! Come on and howl with us tonight!”
The entire bar erupted into howls, and Diarmid fought a laugh. Rik counted off and the band started to play a cover of a Tim McGraw song. The dance floor in front of the band quickly filled as the guys played. Diarmid was pleasantly surprised because the band was good.
“Told you.” Mikaela leaned over and shouted into his ear. Mikaela tugged on him. “C’mon. Let’s dance!”

Chapter Eleven
Diarmid reluctantly let his Mate drag him onto the dance floor, but it didn’t take long for him to enjoy dancing with her. Mikaela moved well and her exuberance was infectious. From dance to dance, she followed his lead. Diarmid hadn’t laughed this way in more years than he could remember, and it was because of the impish lady in his arms. The band segued into a slower tune, so Diar pulled her close. He loved the way she sang along with the band, and she did have a wonderful voice. He could almost see her holding his pup cradled in her arms, crooning a lullaby.
Mikaela’s face softened. “We have to make the baby first, Diar.”
“Well, practice makes perfect.”
“What if I’m never on cycle? Can I get pregnant?” Diar could hear the worry in her voice.
“If you ovulate, we can get you pregnant, sweetheart. Rest assured I’ll smell it when you’re fertile.” He took her mouth with his for a slow, intense kiss of promise.
“I love it when you kiss me,” she said when he lifted his head.
“I’m kind of partial to it too,” Diar teased.
“Now, boys and girls, we have a special song we want to do tonight. In the tradition of Garth, we are going to borrow a Billy Joel tune and make it country.” Hoots and hollers burst out from various pockets of people around the room. “This song is for the woman I love best…” Women in the room sighed breathlessly hoping he intended to sing for them. “This is for Mikaela and her new…fiancé Diarmid.”
A spotlight hit them both and Diar blinked uncomfortably. “I’m gonna kill him!” Mikaela muttered, with a smile on her face.
“Turn off the light. We don’t need to blind them!” Rik shouted, and the spot went off. “Listen to the words, you two. I think they’ll make sense to you.”
Diarmid recognized the tune the band struck up immediately. It was one of his favorite Billy Joel songs, “All About Soul”. He pulled Mikaela close as he tried to remember all the lyrics. It didn’t take long for him to realize Rik couldn’t have picked a better song for them. Diar looked up at his new brother-in-law and saluted as Rik nodded and sang the lyrics.
Diarmid stroked her face as Rik sang to them, and her eyes filled with tears as she listened because she could see in his eyes he meant every word her brother sang. He made sure his love was reflected in his eyes. Diar brushed her lips with his, while she caressed his cheek with her fingertips. Her soft touch conveyed a world of love to him and his eyes grew moist too. His Mate definitely had soul. He’d never felt so blessed in his entire life as he did in just then. Without missing a beat, the band moved into “She’s Got A Way”.
“Your smile does heal me, Mikaela. I love you.”
“I love you too, Diarmid.”
At the end of the set, he and Mikaela went back to the table. James nodded at him, approval in every line of his face. “You’ll treat my girl right. That’s all I need to know.”
“I will, sir,” Diarmid vowed.
As Rik joined them, Mikaela threw herself into his arms. Rik dipped his head, trying to hide his emotion as he hugged his sister. Diar envied this family’s closeness. He was fairly close to his sibs, but it had been years since he’d had the kind of loving relationship with his parents he saw between James, Mikaela and Rik.
“Enough of the hugging, Miki. You’re gonna cramp my style,” Rik told her gruffly.
Miki laughed, knowing he was pleased. “Well, sit down and join us, brother of mine.”
Rik sat down and took a deep breath. “I come with requests from the guys. They want you to come up and sing the next set with us.”
“But I haven’t rehearsed…”
“Doesn’t matter. You know the songs because we made the set with you in mind.”
Mikaela bit her lip uncertainly. Diar could tell she wanted to sing, but she didn’t want to leave him alone. He leaned over so she looked into his eyes. “Sing, sweetheart. You have a beautiful voice and I’d enjoy hearing you entertain this crowd tonight.”
“You’re sure?”
Her grin lit their corner of the room and she gave him a big, fast hug. “Okay, let me see the set list and I’ll tell you if I like it.”
Diarmid watched them consider and dicker over which songs to sing in amusement. James ducked over to the bar to avoid the brewing argument between his pups. Finally, they agreed on all but one song.
“I’m not singing ‘Let’s Make Love’ to you, Rik. It’d just be gross.” Mikaela’s face twisted.
“We could pull someone out of the crowd to sing to.” Rik leaned back in his chair, a mischievous grin lighting his face.
She shook her head at her brother. “I really don’t want Diar to pick me up and carry me out of here at the end of the song.”
“What makes you think I’d do that? I can control myself.”
Mikaela frowned at his deeply offended tone. “You’d have to be made of stone not to be affected by the song, Diarmid. Trust me you don’t want me to sing it to you in front of a crowd of strangers.” Mikaela leaned into him and whispered into his ear, her voice breathy, “If we’re alone, it’s different. I’ll be glad to sing it to you then.”
Desire curled in Diarmid’s belly and slightly lower. “I look forward to it, Mikaela.” She leaned back, a siren smile on her face. Rik snorted and she turned to her brother, who rolled his eyes at her so she kicked him under the table. Diarmid laughed. “As least her violence is directed at you instead of me.”
“For now.” Rik grinned at his sister unrepentantly, winking at Diar.
Mikaela went through the rest of the set list until she and Rik agreed about what to perform. He took the set list over to his band members, who sat two tables over flirting with any woman passing close. Mikaela shook her head. “I always knew they were wolves, but I didn’t know they were really wolves.”
“Are they avoiding you for some reason?”
“I’m not sure.” Her head cocked at an angle as she considered it. “I supposed they might be hesitant to get too friendly with me because you and I are Mated now. You are older than they are. Wouldn’t that make you higher in the pack structure?” He nodded. “Rik is the oldest member of the band and he’s thirty-eight.”
“You lousy bastard!”
Diarmid stood abruptly reaching for his weapon at Rik’s shout, trying to determine where the trouble was coming from. His eyes scanned the room looking for Rik because he wasn’t at the table the band had been occupying earlier.
“Oh damn,” Mikaela muttered, her gaze zeroing in on her brother’s location. Diarmid followed her line of sight, noting Rik being restrained by a couple of band members as he threatened a man in jeans and a cowboy hat.
“What’s going on?”
“Brad Tilden is what’s going on.”
Rik slipped away from his band members and threw a vicious punch into the midsection of a smirking cowboy. The cowboy doubled over as if he hadn’t been expecting the strength of the blow. He probably hadn’t. Shapeshifter wolves were quite a bit stronger than humans, particularly an angry male wolf.
The two bouncers move in to the edge of the fight but didn’t wade in. Diar tensed, feeling the need to stop the fight. “The bouncers aren’t stopping the fight.”
“No, Brad deserves a beating and they all know it. He stole two of Rik’s songs and sold them as his stuff, getting a record deal out of it.”
“Rik’s pissed about some guy getting a record deal?”
“No, Rik doesn’t want to go to Nashville and tour or anything. Rik’s pissed because some second-rate songwriter stole his music. Rik’s a talented songwriter, which Brad definitely is not.”
Brad leaped at Rik and threw some punches of his own, but they barely fazed Rik. Rik punched him in the midsection repeatedly, landing a solid hit to the jaw. It went against all of Diarmid’s training to allow this to continue but no one else was joining the fight and it wasn’t spreading into a general bar brawl. The bouncers had it carefully contained, and Brad dropped like a stone after he took the hit on the jaw.
“Damn glass jaw,” muttered one of the men sitting at a table near theirs.
The bouncers picked up a pitcher of water dousing the man on the floor who started to come to. Brad sat up and tried to rise to his feet but he swayed. No one helped him. The place was uniformly hostile to the newcomer. The bouncers watched carefully as Brad staggered to his feet then they grabbed him by the arms, escorting him outside while members of the crowd booed and hissed.
“Tough room,” Diarmid murmured to Mikaela.
“They all love Rik here. He’s a hometown boy, Brad isn’t.”
“Neither am I.”
“You’re with me.” She winked at him. “I’m glad Rik didn’t land any blows to Brad’s lips and nose.”
Diarmid frowned. “Why?”
Mikaela caught his jacket, pulling him down into his chair to whisper to him. “Rik can’t abide blood. It makes him deathly ill.”
“He gets lightheaded and throws up. He even fainted once.” Diarmid raised his brows in disbelief, and she nodded, her face was very serious. “It goes back to Mama. Blood upsets me but doesn’t make me sick. If Rik sees blood, he remembers Mama. I don’t know if he knows he’s remembering Mama, but it goes back to that. He can’t even help with the animals. If it draws blood, forget about it.”
“Is it the smell?”
Mikaela shrugged. “I don’t know, and I don’t ask him about it. He doesn’t want to admit it to anyone, but both Daddy and I know.”
Diarmid filed the knowledge away, knowing this wasn’t something Rik was ever teased about by his family. It was good to know there was respect between them as well as love. Diarmid watched Rik curiously. The band members congratulated him on getting a good punch in on Tilden. Rik turned to meet his gaze. Diarmid nodded and Rik grinned at Diarmid’s acceptance of the situation.
Diarmid sat down with Mikaela. “Are you going to say anything to him?”
“Nothing to say. Rik won the fight, and he won’t thank me for dredging it up again.”
Shortly after the fight, James rejoined them. Nobody discussed the fight, so Diarmid let it rest. They chatted, but every so often she would look over at Rik and the band members. At some silent signal, Mikaela gave Diar a kiss and moved up to the stage, nodding at the guys as she passed. They followed her up.
When the crowd saw Mikaela climb up on the stage they started shrieking, “Miki, Miki, Miki.” She waved and motioned them to be quiet so the band could play. He leaned back, enjoying his coffee as the band swung into a slow song. As she launched into the lyrics, Mikaela’s voice arrowed straight to his cock. He shifted in his chair, uncomfortably aware he was going to have a raging hard-on in next to no time. Her voice was deep with a sexy vibrato.
James sighed. “She has a cry in her voice, just like her mama did. Just like Patsy.”
As Diarmid listened to the words, he realized what Mikaela was singing.
“Are you okay with it?”
“It’s my favorite song. Always will be.” James smiled mistily, watching his pups up on the stage. “When they first started singing together, I always requested it. Now it’s just one Mikaela always sings for me.”
“Even though it reminds you of Maggie.”
“I love it because it reminds me of Maggie.”
Diarmid fell silent to enjoy Mikaela’s smooth vocals. As she sang, sliding from one love song to another, Diar swallowed. She was singing to him, right to him, and he knew it. He couldn’t utter a single word if anyone spoke to him just then because he was so choked up. He blinked tears away as he realized Mikaela was as moved as he was. Every once in a while her voice was strained and broke a little while she blinked away moisture. Having a True Mate might be a complication in his life but it was a complication he welcomed with open arms.
Miki looked at her feet as the band swung into another love song. She hoped she’d make it through without breaking down in tears because the words were true. When they planned the set, she figured she’d be fine singing love songs, but she meant every word of every love song she sang, so it was like being naked on stage. At least she knew it was affecting Diarmid as forcefully as it was her. She never expected a man as tough and fierce as her lieutenant to be so gentle and sensitive, but he was. God, she loved him.
Miki finished the set with her favorite John Denver love song. At the end, she had tears on her cheeks and a smile on her face. The room paused in a performer’s greatest accolade—a moment of silence—before erupting in cheers. The band bowed and Rik helped her down from the stage, catching her in a hug.
“You’ve never sung better, Miki.” Rik dropped a kiss on her forehead, and she saw his eyes were moist.
“I’ve never meant the words more.”
He nodded. “Diarmid is a lucky wolf.”
“I’m a lucky woman. I refuse to call myself a bitch, even for him.”
Rik threw back his head in laughter as he escorted her over to her Mate. “I return her into your keeping, brother. Take good care of her. I have some hunting to do tonight.” Rik smiled at the females in the room and many of them straightened up, smiling back.
Miki snorted. “You’re such a hound dog.”
“You betcha, honey. I’ve gotta find some place to spend the night cause you two will be howling all night long.”
Her face felt hot as the blood rushed to it. “Well, really.”
Rik laughed at her then wandered toward a group of women at the bar. She sat down at Diarmid’s side and looked at him. Devotion shone in his eyes so she took a deep breath to keep from bursting into tears.
“I love you too, Mikaela. I always will.” Diarmid tilted her chin up and pressed a tender kiss on her lips. It reminded her of the night before when he promised to worship her with his body.
Miki jumped and frowned at her father. “What is it, Daddy?”
“You have your house keys with you?” Miki nodded. “Good. I’ll be staying in town tonight and catch a ride home with Rik in the morning. You two go to the house and enjoy yourselves.”
“You don’t have to, Daddy.”
He smiled. “I know, girl, but Bill’s mama invited me home for a late supper.”
Miki opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. She looked over to the bar. Bill was frowning fiercely at his mother, but Emma stared him down until he backed off. “Um. Daddy, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Emma and I have been friends for years, honey. She was widowed about eight years ago and I sat up nights with her to help her through it.”
“They were True Mates?” Diar asked her father.
“Yeah. For the last five years, we’ve been keeping company. It’s nice to have some friendly arms to be in sometimes. She’ll never be Maggie and I’ll never be Thomas, but it feels good to have someone who understands and doesn’t expect more than you can give.”
“Bill doesn’t like it?” Miki asked.
“None of her boys do, but they don’t realize the alternative was to lose one parent or both of them. She was ready to end it when Thomas was killed in a car accident. The boys think she came to my bed immediately. She didn’t.”
“Shouldn’t someone correct them?”
Her daddy grinned at her. “Yes, baby girl, they should. But Emma made me promise not to tell.”
Miki laughed, stood up and walked over to her father. “You’re devious, Daddy, but I love you.” She hugged him.
“I love you too, baby girl.” He held her close then stepped away. “I’m gonna ride home with Emma. I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t leave before Rik and I make it home.”
“We won’t.” Miki paused. “Give us a call before you leave town, okay?”
Her daddy laughed out loud. “We will. We don’t want to walk in and catch the two of you any more than you want us to walk in on you.”
Miki sat down in her chair as her daddy sauntered over to the bar. Emma grabbed her jacket with a smile, motioning him to follow her. He waved at Rik as he went out the door with Emma. A fist crashed on the table beside her and Miki almost jumped out of her chair.
“You tell your daddy to stay away from my mama!” Bill growled at her.
“They both lost the love of their lives. Who are we to tell them not to seek what comfort they can find?” Miki leaned toward Bill and met his icy glare.
“He came sniffing around my mama days after Daddy was killed. She went to him like a lamb to the slaughter.”
Miki opened her mouth to speak, but Diar spoke before her. “James did no such thing.”
“You don’t know squat.”
“I know no male or female who loses their True Mate hops into bed with anyone else for a while. It’s all they can do to get out of bed in the morning knowing their Mate isn’t there. You besmirch your daddy’s memory suggesting any different, not to mention your mama’s honor,” Diar told him.
Bill’s face reddened, but Miki couldn’t tell if it was anger or embarrassment. “Bullshit!”
“I can assure you, if Diarmid was killed, I wouldn’t want another man to touch me unless it was Rik or Daddy, and we met yesterday. Your mama and daddy had years together and three sons. What makes you think she’d welcome another man within days of your daddy’s death?”
Bill crumpled into the chair across from them as he considered it. “She didn’t? They didn’t?”
Miki looked at Diarmid. Should they tell Bill the truth? Diar nodded, saying, “Not at first, no. They’ve both had True Mates and they know there can never be another love. What they have now is comfort, friendship and kinship. Both have survived a nearly unsurvivable loss and lived through it. You’re damn lucky your mama didn’t take a car and drive it off a mountain or into an abutment after your daddy was killed. It happens a lot.”
“Not possible.”
“Damn, another rogue pack,” Diarmid groaned. “Yes, it does happen. If not for James, she probably would have killed herself or willed herself to die. Active or passive, she’d still be just as dead.”
Bill swallowed. “Oh my God.”
“I’m willing to bet the fact you and your brothers believed her capable of betraying her True Mate didn’t help.”
“Shit.” Bill buried his fingers in his white blond hair and pulled at it. “I didn’t know. I really didn’t know.”
“Maybe not, but you can make it right. And you should.”
“Yeah. We’ll go over to see her.”
“Tonight would not be a good choice,” Miki told him with a wince.
Bill laughed. “I gathered that one, darlin’. Ah well, I better go tell the boys so we can figure out how to fix things. Why the hell didn’t Rik tell us?”
“Maybe your mama or my daddy swore him to silence.”
“Or maybe he just didn’t notice. He seems rather interested in his own pleasures,” Diar suggested dryly, motioning toward a nearby table where Rik sat, nuzzling the neck of a woman with a catlike grin on her face.
Miki laughed. “Could be.”
“Let’s take off, sweetheart. I’m getting tired.”
Miki grinned. He wasn’t tired, he was horny. But then, so was she. “Me too. Let’s go.” They rose and headed for the door.
Diarmid wrapped an arm around her and she settled into his side as if she were made to fit there. Maybe she had been. She called out to Rik and waved. He blew her a kiss as she and Diarmid walked out the door of the saloon.

Chapter Twelve
As they crossed the parking lot, Diarmid paused and tensed. He looked around them as if scenting danger.
“It’s not Brad, is it?” Miki asked him.
“No. Damn it, I think we’re being watched again.” He hustled her over to his vehicle and lifted her inside. He came around to his side and popped the hood.
“Diarmid, what’s wrong?”
“Just a hunch.” He climbed up to look under the hood for a few minutes then slammed the hood and stalked back to rejoin her. He scowled as he climbed in.
“Did you find something?”
“No. The engine was fine but…” He shook his head.
She could understand his fears after someone blew up his family, but she could sense him trying to block her mentally. “Diarmid what is it? Remember what we said about omission?”
He sighed and leaned back in the seat. “Six months ago, the woman I was dating was murdered.”
“Oh Diar, I’m so sorry.” Miki set a hand on his arm in sympathy. “I don’t remember that from my research.”
“We were able to keep it out of the press, and to my knowledge it hasn’t been leaked to anyone.” He clasped her hand in his and squeezed gently. “There’s more. Carly was murdered by the serial killer who was my first and last case with homicide. I didn’t nail him then, and I didn’t nail him this time. He’s still free, Mikaela.”
Miki remained silent, trying to take in what he was saying. “You’re afraid I’m a target.”
“I know you’re a target. Jerome Sanders stabbed Carly and tried to implicate me as the murderer. He lifted my prints, blood, he even found semen and planted it.”
“Oh God,” Miki breathed, putting herself in his place. He must have been angry, terrified and sad all at once. “How did he get semen?”
“The best we could figure, he got hold of a used condom from Carly’s place.”
“He must be really obsessed to steal a used condom.”
“He is.”
“How did you get cleared?”
“There was evidence of preservatives in the body fluids and the prints were hinky. My team was all over this case. Hell, the whole damn lab was. It killed Ossie to put me in lockup, but he didn’t have a choice.”
“But you were cleared.”
Diarmid nodded. “I was, but we couldn’t hold him. Jerome walked away on a technicality and was in the wind within hours when they tried to pick him up again.”
“Why has he fixated on you?”
“Jerome is the younger brother of the bomber who took out my family, Kyle Sanders. Kyle raised a weapon and refused to lower it, so I shot the bastard.”
“Suicide by cop?”
“Yeah. Exactly. Jerome blames me for his life after Kyle’s death.” Diarmid took a deep breath and turned troubled eyes to her. “If you see anything strange, Mikaela. I need to know. In fact, I want us to move in together right away.”
“But, Diar…”
He shook his head adamantly. “I am not taking no for an answer.”
“This isn’t a good reason to live together.”
“It is a very good reason but not the only one.” Diarmid’s blue eyes were earnest. “I’ve been alone for a lot of years, Mikaela. I’ve finally found you and I’ll be damned if I have to be away from you for even one night unless I’m at work.”
“Oh,” Miki said softly, tears filling her eyes. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight.
“I never want to be alone again, love.”
“Me either,” Miki whispered, pressing a kiss to the heartbeat she felt in his throat.
“Just for the record, if Jerome succeeded in killing you, I’d have no reason to go on once I took him out.”
“Arrested him?”
“Arrested or killed. It wouldn’t matter. I wouldn’t have a vestige of humanity left. I’d hunt him down like a wolf and I’d rip his throat out as messily as possible.”
“I see.” Miki could hear the grimness in his voice and knew he was telling her the absolute truth, whether she liked it or not.
“I’m going to take you to the gun range tomorrow.”
Miki sat back and looked up at Diarmid. “No.”
“I can understand if you don’t like weapons.”
“I know how to fire both a rifle and a shotgun, Diar. Hell, I grew up on a ranch and you saw the casual familiarity my father and brother have with weapons, but I don’t want to carry a pistol. I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to fire at a human being. I can’t put an animal down, so there is no way I’d be able to defend myself with a gun.”
“Mikaela this is important.”
“Yes, it is. A man who was familiar with weapons would easily be able to disarm me and use my own gun against me. Why give him access to a weapon?”
Diarmid pursed his lips in thought. “All right. But I want you to enroll in self-defense classes. If it isn’t Jerome, there might be someone else down the road who would want to hurt you. I don’t want to take a chance of losing you because of my job. It’s bad enough to worry about accidents, health issues and the other potential hazards of life.”
“I’ve taken self-defense classes at the local community center several times.”
“Are they rigorous?” Miki gave him a look and he laughed nodding at her. “All right. But I want to practice with you. If you can get away from me, then you’ll be able to get away from a human.”
“We are going to wrestle around?”
His smile turned wicked. “Sounds fun to me.” He turned serious again. “Your safety is vital to me, sweetheart. Are you willing to practice with me?”
“Yes, we can work on self-defense together. You can hone what I already know, okay?”
Miki could see his satisfaction with her compromise. Living with and loving a cop was going to be a challenge for her. Diarmid lived in a dangerous world and it would touch her for the rest of their lives together. Still, she wouldn’t give up a minute of their time together, no matter what the danger.
“Let’s go home.” She hugged him again and he held her tight, his fear for her safety transmitted in his physical and mental touch. “Weren’t you tired,” Miki teased him, determined to lighten his mood, and his blue eyes lit with inner fire. “Not so tired after all?”
“Definitely not.”
Twice during the drive back to the ranch, Diarmid suggested pulling over for a quickie, but Miki vetoed the idea. She wanted the privacy and warmth of the house. The ranch was much safer than making love in a vehicle on the side of the road. She trusted Diarmid’s instincts for danger and if he thought Jerome might be out there watching them, then she was not stopping where he could get close.
When they pulled up to the ranch gate, Miki started to unbuckle her seat belt to get out and open the gate. Diar set his hand on hers. “No way. You are not getting out of this vehicle.”
Miki could feel his fear Jerome might get to her and he wouldn’t be able to protect her. “Then you get out, I’ll slide into your seat and drive through and you can close it again. I can get back into my seat and you can climb back into the vehicle.”
He nodded. “All right.”
“Just make sure he doesn’t surprise you out there, if he’s around.”
“He’s human, Mikaela. I can smell him when he’s close.”
“Is that why you stilled earlier and at the saloon?”
“Yeah. I smelled him.”
Miki grabbed his arm. “Would he hurt my father or brother?”
“I don’t know. We can warn them both tomorrow when they get home. Jerome is more likely to want to get to you than your family. My tie is to you not them, and he knows it.”
“You’re sure?”
“No. But serial killers have a pattern of behavior. Jerome’s pattern is personal contact with a female whom he then brutally murders. He doesn’t seem to go after any male but me, and he has a perceived reason for trying to injure me.”
“His brother.”
“Yeah. When I broke him down in custody after Carly’s murder, he admitted Kyle kept his father off him. Kyle was in his early twenties and Jerome was in his teens back then. After I killed Kyle ten years ago, their father had free rein to abuse him. I can almost pity him, but not when he kills the way he does.”
Slipping into the driver seat, she waited for Diar to open the gate while she stewed about her father and brother then pulled through to wait for him. She’d never felt as relieved as when he hopped back in so she could slide back to the passenger side. He started the vehicle down the road to the farm house.
“Are you sure he’s never gone after men?” Diarmid looked at her after a couple of minutes as they pulled up to the farm house and he turned the SUV off. His expression revealed conflicted emotions in the twist of his mouth and his frown. She also sensed ambivalence in him. “Diarmid…”
“No, I’m not sure. I think he murdered his own father a few years back, but there was very little evidence of the killer at the crime scene. It’s an unsolved.”
“So he could go after other men.”
“He has no reason to go after your father and brother. They don’t hold any attraction for him.”
Miki’s brows crinkled in confusion. “Attraction? Were we talking about attraction?”
“No. Never mind. Forget I said anything.”
“Diarmid, be straight with me.”
He laughed oddly. “I’m very straight, sweetheart. I’m just not sure Jerome is.”
“He’s gay?”
“I don’t know. Not really. He said a couple of…personal things to me when I was questioning him. Things I took as strange but no one else found odd.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t get a bead on his reaction to me.”
“What do you mean?”
“He watched me as if he wanted to memorize the way I move. His gaze…was almost hungry.”
“Hungry? As in sexual?” Miki studied her Mate curiously. “Was he flirting with you?”
“Shit, I don’t know. Gay guys have flirted with me before but I was able to handle it gracefully. Jerome’s behavior creeped me out.”
“Well, most gays, like most straights, aren’t psychopaths either. Jerome is.”
“Point taken. I don’t know what his sexual orientation is. We didn’t discuss it specifically, but I didn’t like the way he acted around me.”
“And he did steal used condoms. Creepy.”
“Yeah. Tell me about it.” Diar shuddered and took a deep breath. He looked over at her. “Jerome had motive to murder his father, but he has no motive to go after your father or Rik. Don’t borrow trouble, Mikaela. I’ll warn Rik. He has a sensitive nose, so he’ll know if a stranger comes near the ranch.”
“All right.” She agreed to set Jerome’s behavior with Diar aside because she could see and feel how disturbing he found it.
Lights were on in the windows of the lower floor because she hated coming home to a dark house and her family knew it. She dug out her keys while Diarmid turned off the vehicle and came around to open her door. He lifted her down, slammed the door and pressed the lock. He put his arm around her shoulder and she put hers around his waist as they walked up to the house.
“You seem relaxed. No bad smell on the wind?”
“All I smell is normal ranch smells. If he’s around, he followed us from town so he’s still at the gate.”
“Should we call Daddy and Rik?”
“They wouldn’t thank us, you know.”
She handed him the house keys when they stood in front of the door. He unlocked it, opened the door then escorted her inside. Miki knew she’d probably keep worrying all night.
Diarmid sighed. “All right. Do they have cell phones?”
“Dial their cell numbers, and I’ll run down a quick explanation for them both. I just hope I don’t interrupt them mid-grope or something.” Diar shuddered.
Miki laughed as she led him over to the big leather sofa in the living room. She picked up the phone and dialed her daddy first. Diar explained the situation quickly and succinctly before doing the same for Rik when she called her brother. Afterward, Miki relaxed.
“Thank you, Diarmid.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart, but now you owe me. What is this song you refused to sing in public?”
Miki met his inquiring blue eyes, licking her lips. “It’s called ‘Let’s Make Love’.”
She rose and crossed to the stereo system and found the right CD. She put it in the player, queued it up and the soft sounds filled the room. She held out her hands to her Mate.
“Come dance with me.”
He joined her in the open space of the living room and took her in his arms. Miki sang softly along as she wrapped her arms around Diarmid. She cupped his cheek with her hand, drawing his face down to hers to brush his lips with hers. She removed the string tie she’d found and dropped it to the floor as they slowly circled to the strains of the song. She reached under his jacket to smooth her hands over his chest. He shrugged the jacket off and looked for someplace to put it.
“Toss it,” Miki purred, pressing her mouth to his neck.
“It’s not my jacket and I don’t want to piss your brother off.”
Miki laughed. “If the situations were reversed, he wouldn’t give it a second thought, my love.”
Diarmid stepped away to lay it over a nearby chair. He sat down on the big sofa to pull the cowboy boots she’d found for him off with a sigh of relief. “I think I finally understand your aversion to high heels.”
She crossed to where he sat, kneeling in front of him. Miki pulled his socks off and gently massaged the arches of his feet. “In spite of wearing those things your feet don’t stink. I’m impressed.”
“It’s a wolf thing.”
“No, it’s a new boot thing. Why do you think Rik nearly went through the roof when I dragged you downstairs earlier? These are brand-new boots I ransacked from his closet.”
Diarmid laughed, a fully belly laugh. “Only a sister can get away with that.”
“Yup.” She continued to massage his feet, drawing groans of pleasure from him.
“Or a Mate,” she teased.
“Yeah. Or a Mate.”
He cocked his head, listening to the music continuing to play in the background. “This is a different artist.”
“Uh-huh. This is my love scene CD.”
He raised his eyebrows at her. “Love scene CD?”
“I burned my favorite love songs on a CD for when I’m writing a love scene. I turn it on and I’m inspired. It puts me in the mood.”
“You call those love scenes?”
“What would you call them, Diarmid?” She slowly started stroking his calves and shins, leaning toward him slightly. He licked his lips looking down at her.
Miki smiled wickedly up at him, moving her “massage” to his thighs. He should be relaxing, but he was tensing instead. She licked her lips and he groaned softly.
“A sexually submissive female really turns you on, doesn’t it?”
“It’s part of being an Alpha male, regardless of species, sweetheart.”
His voice was rough, his face flushed as she pressed her fingers into the muscles of his inner thighs. She pressed his knees apart, stroking him. She noted his cock straining at the zip of his jeans and grinned at him. They had all night and she intended to take her time.
“You like me on my knees?” Her voice was husky with need as she leaned forward to ease down his zipper.
“I like you in any position, Mikaela.”
After she opened his zipper, she slipped his stiff cock out of the fly, smiling at the way it glistened with arousal. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you?”
Diarmid’s eyes followed her thumb as it started at the base of his cock and with painful slowness caressed her way up the shaft. She captured his gaze as she lowered her head, opening her mouth. She could tell he expected her to take him all in, but at the last minute, Miki lapped at him with her tongue, making him jump and moan.
She used the tip of her tongue to trace the edge of the glans before enclosing him in her mouth, applying suction. Miki took him deeper into her mouth, drawing a gasp from him as she combined her talented tongue with the vacuum she applied. She grasped the shaft with one hand and caressed his balls with the other.
“God, Mikaela, yes. Oh God, yes.”
He lifted his hips to her mouth as she gradually drew back. She loved the power she had over his pleasure. She might be in a subservient position, but she was the one in control. She hummed as she slid back down, smiling around his cock as he ran his fingers through her hair.
“Lick me, sweetheart,” Diarmid’s words were both an order and a plea.
Miki released his cock from her mouth and began flicking her way down his erection. At the base, she swept her tongue over his tight balls. She took one into her mouth, sucking lightly, giving him tiny nips. His hips jerked under her mouth. She watched his face twist as if he were in pain as he strained toward her mouth, but she knew it was pleasure.
Miki reached for him with her mind and found a connection. She felt his pleasure as if it were her own. He was close to coming, so she sucked his cock back into her mouth. When she ran her fingers across the underside of his balls, he almost lost it. She lifted her head off him, moving her mouth to his sweet spot. She lifted his balls gently, licking and lapping at the underside.
“Shit, yes.” He groaned and tensed as he neared orgasm. “Mikaela, stop.”
“You don’t want me to stop, Diarmid.” She growled, sucking at the sensitive flesh, making him squirm with need.
Along their link she sensed he wanted her to keep teasing him. She fisted him, slowly stroking his shaft as she focused her tongue work on the underside of his balls. She sucked gently there, and his whimper as he fought his orgasm had her clit throbbing in sympathy. She was close to coming herself, just from feeling his pleasure.
“Let go, Diar. Give yourself to me, babe, please.”
He moaned, rocking his hips toward her seeking mouth. She stroked the underside of his balls with her fingertips while she engulfed his cock with her mouth, sucking him in. He roared and erupted into her mouth. She swallowed his salty offering. Sliding her free hand under her skirt, she pressed against her clit and came with him, shuddering as he spurted repeatedly into her mouth. She drank in his essence with enjoyment, licking gently at the head drawing out his satisfaction. She could sense how sensitive he was so she kept her stimulation gentle to give him pleasure, not pain.
He slowly opened his blue eyes. She met his dazed look as she continued gently milking his cock with her mouth and hand. He groaned and shuddered. “You amaze me, Mikaela.”
“I love you too, honey.” She teased him with a smile, running her tongue over him again.
He laughed weakly. “Didn’t you tell me payback is hell?”
“You paid me back last night. Tonight it’s my turn,” she agreed, dropping a light kiss on the head of his cock before climbing up to straddle his lap. He caught her waist in his hands then slid them down to the hem of her skirt and up her bare thighs underneath.
“Why did you wear a skirt tonight?”
Miki laughed, leaning forward to kiss his mouth. “Because you prefer me in skirts.”
“It wasn’t a country thing?”
“Women wear skirts or jeans to the saloon, and I really didn’t plan to perform…there…tonight.” She bit his chin, turning it into a kiss. “But when I was going through my closet, I could feel you wanted me to wear this skirt. It’s hard to explain.”
“It makes perfect sense to me, Mikaela.”
She leaned back meeting his eyes. “Why do you always call me by my full name?”
“Because it’s your name, sweetheart.”
“My brother and friends call me Miki.”
He shook his head, catching her neck gently in his hand he drew her forward to press a kiss to her lips. “You’re Mikaela.”
“You sound like my daddy.”
“He’s a wise man, Mikaela.”
She laughed. “But you answer to both Diar and Diarmid, even though Diarmid is your name.”
“When I was a boy and teen, I was wild…”
“No!” Miki teased him, faking a shocked expression.
He grinned at her. “If someone dared me to do anything, I’d do it. For a while they called me Diarmid the Dare King, but eventually it was shortened to Diar. A combination of the two.”
“Dare King, huh?” Miki looked down at him and raised her brows. “Wanna play Truth or Dare?” She leaned forward and licked his neck, making him sigh.
“Is sex involved?”
“It wouldn’t be a good game if it wasn’t.”
“How true. Who starts?”
“Truth or Dare?” He raised his brows at her question. “Hey, if you had to ask, you deserve the question.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
Miki giggled then lean forward with a purr. “I dare you to do a striptease for me.”
He blinked in surprise. “You want me to what?”
“I’ll turn on some music and I want you to strip for me.” She could practically see his brain turning, trying to decide if he wanted to go there.
“What’s the forfeit if I say no?”
“I guess we have to decide, don’t we?” She kissed his nose.
“Don’t forget, Mikaela, payback is hell.”
“Or heaven.”
He chuckled. “True. Money?”
“No. Chores. You want us to move in together, right? Household chores will be the forfeit.”
Diarmid groaned. “You are a cruel, cruel bitch, Mikaela.”
She shook her head. “I am going to have to get used to that word,” she told him with a sigh.
He ran a finger over her lips. “You don’t want me to use it?”
“I’ve been human a lot longer than I’ve been wolf.”
“All right. You are still a cruel, cruel female, love.”
“I can live with that. Are you gonna take the dare, or do the chores?”
“Which chore?”
She reached for him mentally catching the “no dishes” thought. “Dishes…for a week.”
He growled. “Get off me, I’m going to go strip now.”
Miki burst into laughter. “The Vulcan mind-meld thing goes both ways, lover.” She climbed off his lap and went to find him music to strip to, grinning as he eased himself back into his jeans.
“How long do I have to do this?”
“You have to get naked during the course of one song.”
“Stripping generally does involve nudity unless you’ve got a g-string hidden under those jeans.” She started to flip through CDs, looking for a long, but not too long, sexy song.
“Don’t I get to choose which song I want to dance to?” he asked, coming up behind her, sliding his hands around her waist and nuzzling her neck.
“Mmmm, feels good, but it won’t get you out of the dare, babe.”
He caught one of the CDs, handing it to her. “Play this one.”
“I like this song.”
“Me too.” He turned her, pressing his open mouth over hers. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, knowing full well he was trying to distract her but enjoying his devious attempt to stop the game before it began.
She eased back from his kiss. “Dance for me.” Her voice was husky with need, but she wanted to play this out. Miki had a feeling they would learn a lot about each other from this game. She put the CD in the player and picked the track.
“Press this button when you want the music to start,” she indicated.
“I’ve used CD players before, sweetheart.”
“You might want to take off your gun, ID and badge before you get started, Diar.”
“Yes, dear,” he growled. “Go sit down on the sofa.”
Miki grinned as she went to sit on the sofa, but as she settled down, he was following her suggestion. She reached for him mentally, blinking in surprise at her discovery. He was nervous about stripping for her and looking like an idiot.
She sat up, growing serious for a minute. “No matter what you do, babe, I’ll enjoy it. Just relax and turn me on.”
Diarmid looked down. When he lifted his head, he was smiling and she felt his nervousness disappear. She leaned back to enjoy as he turned the music on. At first he danced a bit stiffly, uncertain what to do. Miki licked her lips, taking down her mental barriers to let him feel how much he turned her on. When he felt her desire hit him, he took a deep breath and his movements relaxed, flowing with the music. He unbuttoned his shirt and she mimicked his movements by slowly starting to unbutton her shirt too, stroking her throat and collarbone.
He licked his lips, spinning around easily. Miki grinned as he loosened up then began to tease her with his stripping.
“You are so hot, babe. Do it for me.” She moaned in exaggeration, doing her best porn star voice.
He burst into laughter, but she could see he was turned-on too. He turned to face away from her, rolling his hips, easing his shirt off his shoulders. He gave her a sexy look over one shoulder. She clapped and whistled in appreciation as he eased the shirt down to his waist, dropping it to the floor behind him. He spun back so she enjoyed the great view of his muscled pecs and tight abs. She couldn’t stop herself from licking her lips in appreciation.
“So hot,” she whispered, not needing to fake a porn voice anymore because her words were husky with hunger.
He reached for his waist, pulling the leather of his belt out of the loop, easing it undone. After unbuttoning her blouse, Miki reached under her sexy bra to play with her nipples while he danced. She was soaking wet and getting wetter with anticipation. Desire curled through her body as he rolled his hips, imagining him moving between her legs the same way. She was so turned-on she had trouble catching her breath.
“Oh yeah. More, Diar,” Miki moaned.
Diarmid’s grin grew wicked and taunting as he felt her arousal spike. He took full advantage of the fly already being unzipped by reaching in to rub the firm erection pressing against his shorts. He turned away to taunt her with his exquisite ass, edging the jeans down over his hips.
“I love your ass, Diarmid.”
“I know, sweetheart,” he murmured.
He pushed the jeans to his knees, letting them fall to the floor and stepping out of them. When he turned around, he scooped them up on his foot and kicked them to her. She laughed delightedly, catching them before they covered her face. She buried her face in his jeans, breathing deeply of his scent then lifting her eyes to his as he danced in his underwear. His eyes glowed with arousal, his face was flushed with desire, and his erection was drawn tight toward his belly. Miki knew it turned him on for her to scent him.
“It’s a wolf thing,” he growled, spinning around for her pleasure.
“It’s a sex thing.” Miki licked her lips, enjoying the breadth of his shoulders and the light covering of hair on his reddened chest.
“That too,” Diar agreed.
“Take it all off, babe. Show me your package,” Miki crooned, grinning at him.
“You want to see me, sweetheart?” He ran his fingertips over his straining cock, still covered by his shorts.
“All of you, Diar. Give me all of you. I can take it.”
She heard a throaty rumble from him in response to her plea as he lowered the elastic down his abdomen and over his taut erection. She pulled up her skirt, playing with herself which drew a moan of need from him. The flush spread from his face to his chest with the force of his rising need. His cock was so hard and thick, she had to have him inside her. It was all she could think about.
Miki slipped her fingers into her panties, stroking her clit—she was so close to coming. Diarmid pulled his shorts off quickly, striding over to her. He dropped to his knees, pulled her skirt off, throwing it over his shoulder. He ripped her panties off, dropping them beside the sofa. Gathering her hips in his hands, he buried his mouth between her legs, and it only took one stroke of his tongue to have her shuddering in orgasm. He lifted his face from between her thighs then eased his cock into her clasping cunt before she was even aware of his intent.
“Oh God, Diar. Yes, babe. Fuck me!” She cried, taking him deep, wrapping her legs around his waist.
He drove into her deep and hard. “Mine. You’re mine!”
“Yes, Diar. I’m yours. Oh take me, babe. Harder.”
Miki arched into his thrusts, knowing he was right on edge. He rocked his hips once, taking her over the brink so she came again. Diarmid shuddered and groaned, burying himself to the hilt as his come shot deep into her cunt, taking her even higher. She sobbed, clinging to him, holding him tight. As their mutual orgasms passed, they lay gasping together, enjoying the physical and emotional closeness they shared. Miki loved the way he buried his face in her neck at times like these, as if trying to get even closer to her. She ran her hand over his damp face lovingly. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Hmmm. Nice.” She pressed a kiss to his sweaty shoulder, licking him, savoring his taste.
“Just nice? I’ll have to try harder next time.”
Miki laughed. “If you try too much harder, I’ll pass out.”
“Hmmmm. Yeah. Interesting idea.”
“You are so bad.”
“It’s your turn.”
“My turn what?”
“Your turn, Mikaela. Truth or Dare?”
“Yes, oh. Did you think I’d forgotten?”
“A girl can hope. Okay, truth.”
Diar grinned. “I knew it. How old were you when you lost your virginity, how did it happen and how did you feel about it after?”
“That’s more than one question.”
“It is a typical Truth or Dare multipart question.”
“What’s my forfeit if I won’t tell you?” Miki teased, knowing she’d answer but enjoying the bartering over forfeits for the game. He shifted slightly, which drew a sigh from her. She cherished the feel of him still inside her because it increased their intimacy.
“You wash my clothes for a week.”
“So tell me the truth, and I’ll know if you lie.”
“I would never lie to you, Diar.” He nodded in acknowledgment, pressing a gentle kiss to her brow. When he leaned back to look into her eyes, he raised his brows inquiringly. Miki laughed. He was relentless. “I was twenty.”
“Answer the rest.”
“I’m not terribly proud of it and it places me in a really poor light,” Miki frowned, remembering.
“I won’t judge you.”
“Are you sure?” Miki raised a brow in skepticism. He was a cop. It was part of his nature to evaluate the evidence.
“I am.” Diarmid’s vow was firm, so Miki relaxed.
“He was my college professor.”
“Your college professor?”
She stiffened at his tone of voice, which was definitely not approving. “You promised.”
“I’m not judging.” He pressed a kiss to her brow, caressing her skin gently.
“Harrumph. We’ll see.” Mikaela bit her lip meeting his eyes. “I can hear you thinking of scenarios, Diarmid. Just let me tell you what happened, okay?”
“Sorry, cop instinct.” He pressed an apologetic kiss to her neck.
“Turn it off for the night.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Miki relaxed again, running her fingertip over his nose as his deep voice oozed around her to offer comfort.
“Anyway, I was a sophomore and it was fall semester. I was taking a forensic anthro class—”
“Wait. Forensic anthropology?”
“Yes, Diar. I was trying to decide what area of anthropology I wanted to major in, so I took forensic anthro.”
“What did you decide on?”
“I ended up with a B.S. in archeology. Finding a tenured position did not prove easy, however, hence the Masters in Library Science.”
“You have a Masters degree?”
“I thought you would have researched me before you let me in the front door.” Miki laughed, because he was utterly stunned. “Did you really think I could live off my writing? I’m not Nora Roberts, even if I’d like to be.”
“You work in a library?”
“A public library. My background is better for academic, but I prefer the environment in a public library. I started full-time, but was cut back to three-quarter time due to budget issues. I get my health insurance but my salary just barely covers my bills. It’s embarrassing to have to go to your daddy for a loan at the age of thirty-eight,” she shuddered—both from her need to ask for the loan and the movement of Diarmid’s cock, which was still inside of her.
“We seem to be off topic.”
“You noticed. Bummer.”
He chuckled. “So, your first was your forensic anthropology professor?”
“Yeah, and twenty years my senior.”
Diarmid blinked at this revelation. “He was in his forties.”
“Yup. I’ve always gone for older men,” she teased him. After all, Diarmid was seven years older than she was.
“Thanks for the reminder.”
“Older men have staying power, babe.” As he frowned at her, she nipped his lips, which made him smile again. She clenched him internally and he groaned. “Anyway, Wardell cast his eyes over the class on the first day and started flirting with me.”
“Wait. Wardell? Wardell Lyman?”
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“I know him. Shit.”
“Damn it, is there anyone in this state you don’t know?”
“Few. At least not in the criminalist field.”
“Well, Ward cut me from the herd the first day and I basked in his attention. I was young and naïve. I didn’t have a clue he was married, and I didn’t know he picked one girl every semester to conquer. For all I know, he still does it, the dirty old perv.” Miki was disgusted by her youthful naiveté, she should have known better.
“Honey, I’m sorry. It sounds like it has a bad ending, you don’t have to finish.”
Miki shrugged. “You asked, I’m telling. Now hush.” He subsided, stroking her thigh. “Anyway, I did well in the class. Not because I was doing the prof, but because I was trying to impress him and studied hard so I would do well.”
“Sounds like you heard the accusation.”
“I did. One day a couple of guys in the class, who had failed the most recent test, asked me if I gave head well enough for A’s or did I have to let him between my legs to get those. I was mortified. I stomped over to them as everyone was laughing and told them I studied to get A’s and if they studied instead of jacking off every night, they might get better grades.”
Diarmid hooted. “Good girl.”
“It didn’t help. The damage was done, but later no one said anything. Not where I could hear them, anyway. Hell, Ward hadn’t even tried to seduce me yet.
“When he heard the gossip, he asked me to his office. I thought he was going to read me the riot act for besmirching his reputation. Instead, he used it as an opportunity. He hugged me and told me he was sorry I was having problems with the jealousy of the other students. He said he thought I had real potential as a forensic anthropologist and he offered extra help. I was thrilled and accepted, all starry-eyed. Damn, I was so stupid.”
She still couldn’t believe how foolish and trusting she’d been. Ward had ruined her ability to trust men for a long time after their disastrous encounter. She hadn’t really trusted any man until Diarmid.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this would hurt you, sweetheart.” He kissed her eyelids, brushing his fingers along her cheek. Miki smiled at him.
“You told me about losing your family and this is much less traumatic and painful an experience.” She sighed for the inevitability of what she’d tell him next. “I started going to Ward’s apartment to study. It looked like a typical bachelor pad with no evidence of a woman’s touch. I just assumed he was single or divorced. He was a smart man. He waited until after finals and grades were in and he invited me over to his place again. I was so comfortable with him, I was like a lamb to the slaughter, as Bill called it earlier tonight.”
She laughed grimly. “He started making moves and I responded with all the excitement and tentativeness of an untried virgin, which I was. He asked me if I’d been with anyone before. When I told him no, he was thrilled. I think I was worth more points in his mental scorebook. The worst part was…he wasn’t very good. It hurt, he was selfish and I didn’t feel anything. I pretended to enjoy it which was enough for him. He took me a couple more times during the night, and I let him, thinking it would get better. It didn’t.”
“What happened?”
“I went home the next day and waited for him to call. He didn’t. I tried to stop by his apartment but there was no one there. Finally, I asked for him in the department office. The secretary told me he’d gone home to spend break with his wife and kids. I burst into tears and she clucked over me like a mother hen, taking me into a private office. She told me, ‘Oh, I didn’t realize he’d chosen you this semester, dear. I’m so sorry.’ It was horrible.”
“They knew he was doing this?”
“Yeah, but they couldn’t nail him on it because he never bedded anyone until grades were in at the end of a semester. I did get an A, at least. God knows I’d earned it.”
“You stayed in the department?”
“No, I was so mortified, I found another school and transferred.”
“It was for the best, and I’m glad I did. My archeology prof was the best. I went on several digs with her. I traveled the world during my school breaks. I’ve been to sites in Israel, Africa, South America and Europe. It was amazing.”
“I’ve been to conferences around the U.S. but I’ve never gone to Europe.”
“You should go to Scotland and Ireland, babe. You’d love it, even if they’d pronounce your name wrong.”
He laughed. “They’d pronounce it right, I just wouldn’t answer to it.” He kissed her, pulling her into a sitting position. “My back isn’t what it used to be.”
She massaged the small of his back, licking his neck. “Hmmm, want to keep playing?”
“Let’s suspend the game for tonight. We can revive it another night.”
“Good idea.” Miki ran the pads of her fingers over his nipples when he leaned back, easing out of her.
“Feels good, but you’re wearing too many clothes.”
“I’m naked from the waist down.”
“Don’t I know it.” He surveyed her below the waist, licking his lips. “But you have a shirt and bra on, sweetheart.” He slipped the shirt off her and reached behind her to unhook her bra. He pulled it off and tossed it onto the couch. Her nipples were peaked in the cool air. “Gorgeous,” he growled, running his palms over them and making her gasp. Miki noticed his cock twitching, still half hard.
“You’re forty-five, right?”
He looked up from his absorption in her breasts, a frown marring his features. “Yeah, why?”
“How the hell do you keep…?” She pointed at his half-erect cock.
“You inspire me, Mikaela,” he responded with laughter.
She grinned, leaning forward to kiss his mouth. “I’m honored to provide inspiration for such an amazing masterpiece.” His stomach rumbled. “Hungry, Diarmid?”
“Supper was a long time ago.”
Miki stood and took his hand, urging him to stand. She led him to the kitchen. “Let’s find some leftovers to enjoy.” They wandered into the big ranch kitchen and crossed to the refrigerator.
“This is so odd. I can’t remember ever wandering around the house butt naked before,” Diarmid commented while he rifled through the cupboards.
“Not even with Ileana when you first…Mated?” Miki faced away from him, looking through the fridge when she asked the question, trying to hide her feelings.
Diarmid came over to caress her tense shoulders gently, and she realized he knew it had cost her to ask that question. “Even then, Mikaela. Ileana was very shy at first. She’d been with males before, all females get initiated when they experience heat for the first time, but she didn’t have a lot of experience and I wasn’t the most sensitive of Mates.”
“You use the same word for True Mates as you do for Chosen ones?”
“Yes. It prevents confusion. But shifters can detect when two individuals have recognized a True Mate bond. People have been congratulating us for the last two days. It shows somehow.”
“Bree knew?”
“Yeah. So did Serena and Damien. Remember Stef’s little jab? He saw it too.”
“Oh wow.”
“Yeah. Right.” Miki dragged out some of the leftover roast she’d made. They put together roast beef sandwiches and sat down at the kitchen table. She realized she was hungry too but tried to hide it by nibbling her sandwich.
“Eat, Mikaela.”
She met his eyes with a smile. “Okay.” She tore into her sandwich with a sigh of pleasure.
“You’re a good cook.”
“Neither Rik nor Daddy had much interest, so if we wanted to eat, I cooked.”
“Do you like to cook?”
“Yeah, I do. When I was young, I hated it, but now I like the creativity it allows me. I’ve even taken some gourmet cooking classes through the years. I am a very good baker. When I make bread, Rik and Daddy worship at my oven like I’m Demeter.”
“The Greek goddess of Earth?
“Yes, she’s usually pictured with sheaves of wheat or some sort of grain. They think I’m the goddess of bread.”
“Fanciful.” Diarmid took a good size bite of his sandwich.
“You haven’t tasted my fresh bread yet.” Miki grinned, deciding she had a project for the week. He raised his brows as if he’d heard the thought. She was possessed by an imp of the perverse, and breathed, “Once you’ve had my buns, you never go back.”
He covered his mouth as he started laughing, merriment in his blue eyes. He finished chewing. “I look forward to relishing your buns over and over again however you want to present them to me.”
“Hard or soft? Sweet or savory?”
“Do your buns take all those forms?”
“Oh yes. And many more.” She licked her lips to tease him, and she could tell she was turning him on, even with their silly jokes.
“I’m going to enjoy experiencing them every way imaginable.”
“Would you like to help me knead my buns?” Her nipples were tight, not only due to the cool air, but as they shared a vision of some very hot sex. She knew now the vision she saw was shared, and it turned her on even more.
“I’d love to, as long as I get to eat them in the end.” His voice was hoarse.
Miki giggled. “I definitely want you to eat my buns, babe. Their flavor is unique and you’ll groan with pleasure when you bite into one.”
“I can almost taste them now.” Diarmid licked his lips. As the double entendres flew fast and furious, his cock rose to full attention like a good soldier.
“Maybe you can provide some special sauce to spread over my buns. Hmmm?”
“Shit, yes,” he growled, catching her hand and pulling her over to straddle him on the kitchen chair. His cock pressed into her damp pussy, rubbing against her clit and making her moan.
“Is your sauce savory or sweet?”
“I’ve never tasted it, but you have. What did it taste like?”
“It was salty, but sort of savory too,” Miki made her voice breathy as she rocked her pelvis against him, teasing her clit with his shaft. He cupped her ass in his hands, guiding her movements while his head dipped and sucked a nipple into his mouth.
“Is salty and savory a good complement to your buns?” he asked as he squeezed them rhythmically. He slid his fingers between her cheeks, sliding over her asshole. Pressing lightly against her there, testing.
Miki moaned. “Oh yeah. I love your sauce, babe, but I love the way you knead my buns even better. That’s so good, Diar.”
“I’m doing it right?” He reached under her body and picked some of their combined juices onto his fingers, bringing his fingers back to her ass. He pressed gently, rimming the hole with his finger.
“Yes. You’re a natural,” she breathed, holding his mouth to her breasts as he sucked and nipped her sensitive nipples. She ran her fingers through his hair, grinding her pussy against the base of his shaft, drawing a groan from both of them. “I’m close, Diar. Fuck me, please.”
He reached over to the table and pushed the plates out of the way and stood with her in his arms, moving to lay her down on the table.
“No! Not here!”
“What? Mikaela, don’t tease.”
“Rik will kill us if you take me on the kitchen table, and he’ll know. You know he will.”
“Why will he kill us?”
“We eat here.”
“Well, where then?”
“The dining room.” Diarmid looked at her as if she were nuts.
“The dining room?”
“We never use the dining room for eating.”
She pointed through a door tucked away across the kitchen. Diar grumbled but carried her through a swinging door to a large paneled room with a huge dark table set with silver in the middle. He knocked a chair out of the way and laid her down on the smooth wood. She lay back, knowing she resembled a gourmet buffet to him. He moaned, easing his painfully erect cock into her sheath.
She clamped down on him. “Yes, Diarmid.”
Miki ran her hands over his chest and down to his belly. His gut rippled under her touch as he hilted in her, and she whimpered. He leaned over, teasing her taut nipples with the tip of his tongue and nips of his teeth. He caught her ass in his hands again, massaging the ass cheeks as he gradually withdrew from her tight cunt. Miki twisted under him, trying to hurry him, but he wouldn’t be rushed.
When he thrust slowly forward, one hand continued to massage her ass while the other slipped between her ass cheeks teasing her sensitive asshole. Miki was quivering with need, relaxing under his manipulation of her ass. She wanted his fingers inside her while his cock penetrated her cunt. He caught her thought and accommodated her. She whimpered as he leaned forward.
“We’ve got all night, sweetheart,” Diarmid’s voice in her ear made her shiver, especially when he began teasing her ear with his tongue. The slide of his fingers and his cock were driving her crazy. She didn’t know whether to slide forward to meet his cock or back to meet his fingers. He paused both, holding her on the knife-edge of pleasure.
“I need you now,” she cried, clawing at him, trying to draw him back into her body.
“Then have me,” Diarmid growled, taking her mouth with his.
He drove back into her body, his fingers easing in and out of her ass. Miki heaved up under him encouragingly while their tongues dueled and teased. The slide of his cock and fingers in and out of her had her whimpering with need as her body strained toward orgasm. Diar lifted his mouth from hers so he could press his open mouth to her neck to taste her skin. She arched her throat giving him full access. When he bit her neck, her clit throbbed, making her gasp.
“Harder, Diar.”
“Do you want me to bite you harder or fuck you harder?”
Diar chuckled and bit the rise of her breast, marking her. As he bit, he thrust deep, grinding his hips into hers. Miki’s eyes flew open, she cried out, shattering in his arms. Her eyes closed as she twisted in his arms, bucking hard against his body, her fingers clenching in his hair.
“Take more, Mikaela.”
He kissed her, nipping at her lips as he plunged deeply into her. Each lunge of his cock into her body drove the wave of sensation higher. His fingers teased her, adding another dimension to her pleasure. Her pussy undulated as another orgasm, almost painful in its intensity, ripped through her. Miki reached for him, mentally feeling his need. Diar was close to the edge, so she rolled her hips counter to his to increase the pleasure for them both. He moaned vigorously, stabbing into her, which triggered her to shudder as another climax swept through her.
Her pussy clamped down, rippling around him, and Diarmid howled, his cock jerking shooting his seed deep into her. They clung to one another, sharing each other’s ecstasy both physically and mentally. He lifted his head, kissing her gently. Miki’s eyes fluttered open.
She stroked his face lovingly with a smile. “I wonder if we’ll ever get tired of lovemaking.”
“Maybe when we’re a hundred or so, but I’m not betting on it.” He kissed the mark he left on her breast. “Did I hurt you?”
Miki laughed. “No.” She looked into his eyes as she pressed a light kiss to his lips. “I love you tender and I love you rough. I’m not sure you could do anything I wouldn’t enjoy.”
“Even playing with your buns?” He waggled his brows at her but she could tell he was serious. He eased his fingers out of her ass, making her gasp.
“Babe, you can play with my buns anytime.”
“Did you bring any lube?”
Miki laughed. “You’re insatiable. Are you sure you’re forty-five?”
“Yes, dear.”
Miki had the feeling “yes, dear” would always be sarcastic from him. She liked it and she liked his humor. “I like insatiable just for the record, Lieutenant.”
“Good. But you didn’t answer the question, or didn’t you mean it?”
“I meant it, but it would be best to wait until we are in our own bed to do such intimate explorations. Plus, I don’t have any lube with me.”
He dropped his head onto her shoulder, sighing with exaggerated disappointment, which made her chuckle. “All right, sweetheart. We’ll play hot cross buns once we get moved in together,” he agreed with obvious reluctance.
She kissed his neck. “I look forward to it, babe,” she purred in his ear.
Miki caught an image in Diar’s mind of him sliding his cock up her ass, and she tingled. She wanted him to take her anally, but she was nervous about it. Miki laid her head against his shoulder, lightly stroking his back. She’d always fantasized about being fucked in the ass, but she’d never done it before. She’d never felt close enough to any of her lovers, and even more, she’d never trusted any of them enough to share such intimacy.
“You’ve never done it?” His voice was a soft whisper, gentle with a bit of awe around the edges.
Miki lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “No. I’ve wanted to but…”
“I understand. You have to trust a lover to be gentle and take it slow.”
“Trust being the operative word.” Miki ran her thumb over his lips. “You’re the first man I’ve ever trusted enough to want to make love anally. I want to share everything with you.”
His blue eyes lit with happiness. “I feel the same, sweetheart.” He brushed her hair off her face, his smile turning sexy. “I want plenty of time when I finally have the pleasure of taking you anally. No rush, no hurry. Just slow and deep until you beg for more. And you will, Mikaela. I promise.”
Miki shivered in anticipation. Her nipples were tight and her pussy throbbed in response to his words. He could drive her crazy just by murmuring in her ear. She didn’t have any doubts he’d make her beg. She was ready to beg right now. In fact, she was ready to look for makeshift lube so she could have him take her now.
Diar smiled slightly, kissing her. “Nope. We’ll do it right. No haphazard lube job.”
Miki laughed. “Are you going to put me up on the rack to administer the lube job?”
Diarmid grinned. “I love it when you’re silly. I haven’t had the luxury of silly in a very long time.”
Just then, something hit the window of the dining room. Diarmid pulled her off the table and they both crouched on the floor. “Son of a bitch,” he hissed. “Stay here.” He slipped across the room, staying low. He turned out the light then returned to her side. The bay windows were lit by the outdoor lights. Clearly silhouetted against one window was the shape of a man. Miki gasped, opening her mouth to scream. Before she could, Diar covered her mouth.
“Don’t scream. I’m going out to investigate, stay under the table.” He uncovered her mouth, easing over to the door and opening it.
“I’m not staying here with him on the other side of the window,” she whispered, scuttling after him. He scowled at her as she trailed him from room to room watching and waiting as he turned out lights before following his lead. When they arrived in the living room, Diarmid turned off the light and caught her in his hands, lightly shaking her.
“Dammit, Mikaela, this isn’t a game.”
“I know.”
“I’m going out there to investigate and I want you to stay inside. Do you understand me?”
“No argument, Mikaela. I’m a cop and this is my job, but I can’t concentrate if I have to worry about your safety. Promise me you won’t come out of the house.”
“What if he gets inside?”
Diarmid took a deep breath. “He won’t get inside, but if he does, you can go outside. But only then. Don’t press me, sweetheart.”
Mikaela nodded. She hated the thought of Diar going outside without backup. It just seemed wrong. He pressed a hard kiss to her lips as he headed for the door. She frowned because he wasn’t getting dressed and he wasn’t taking his weapon. She grabbed his gun and followed him to the door.
“Here’s your gun.”
He smiled slightly. “The way I’m going to investigate, I won’t have a way to use it. If he gets in here, use it on him. Just don’t shoot me. Lock the door behind me and stay down.”
He crouched by the door, let himself out, closing the door quietly behind him. Miki hesitated in locking the door until she heard him hiss her name. She locked the door. She ran to the window, kneeling in front of it so she could peek outside. He was still in the shadows, so she couldn’t see him very well. He looked strange, as if he were all curled up into himself. When Diarmid reached the edge of the porch Miki gasped.
It wasn’t Diarmid. There was a red wolf standing there, ears forward and alert. He lifted his head, scenting the night. She blinked. Miki knew a bit about wolves and he was awful large for a red wolf, built more along the lines of a gray wolf, except the outdoor lights showed the red-gold of his fur. He turned his head to look at her, and her brain clicked into place. Her Mate had shifted into his wolf form. Miki smiled in appreciation because he really was a beautiful animal. He winked at her then slunk down the steps, dropping low to stalk. In spite of the situation, she giggled. It was just bizarre to see a wolf wink.
Miki tried to follow him with her eyes but lost sight of him as soon as he slipped into the bushes around the house. She wanted to run around the house to find him, but it was a stupid idea, so instead, she closed her eyes, trying to mentally connect with her Mate. They’d been making contact more and more, so maybe she could actually see through his eyes. Hell, it was worth a shot.
Miki closed her eyes, focusing on her link to Diarmid. Suddenly she saw the night through his eyes and almost fell over. It looked like daylight, she could see so well. Every movement drew her attention, distracting her. She swallowed as she sank more into Diarmid’s mind. He wasn’t distracted by the random movements because he was used to them. Miki was surprised to see in color because she didn’t think wolves saw color.

Wolves don’t. Humans do. Shifters are still human even in wolf form, so we see color.

Miki blinked. Diarmid just talked to her telepathically. She focused her mind and tried to send a message to him the same way. Have you found anything?

It’s not Jerome. I know his smell, and this isn’t it, but he has Jerome’s smell on him.

Miki sank into his mind as a rider, fascinated by her Mate as a wolf. Diarmid was running with his nose to the ground, tracking scent. He lifted his head occasionally to catch sight of his prey running ahead of him. As he neared the edge of the property, he saw the man climbing a fence. Diarmid broke into a sprint with a snarl. The dark-haired man looked back in terror, scrambling frantically for the top of the fence. He boosted himself over and landed hard on the other side. He jumped to his feet and ran to a waiting car.
As Diarmid neared the fence, he leaped, landing lightly on one of the wood posts, jumping down on the other side to continue his pursuit. The dark-haired man squealed as he pulled the door open.
“He’s coming. Hurry!” The dark-haired man had a Hispanic accent. As he threw himself inside, he blocked the doorway so Diarmid couldn’t see Jerome sitting in the driver’s seat, but he could smell him.

Jerome! I’ve got you, you son of a bitch.

The dark-haired man slammed the door on the vehicle as it peeled out. It was a beat-up ten-year-old Ford Fiesta. The car pulled away but Diar gave chase long enough to memorize the plate number so he could run it later.
He slowed, snarling in rage. If only he’d been a bit faster he could have torn Jerome’s throat out. He growled, disgusted with himself as he turned around to head back to the ranch house. He looked out at the vista. He’d come a good distance and he was surprised how far the man had run to catch his ride. It had to be nearly a mile. Diarmid broke into an easy lope, anxious to return to his Mate.

Oh my.

Diarmid blinked at the soft exclamation from his mental rider, remembering Mikaela was linked to him. He winced mentally, worried what her response to him as a wolf would be. He slowed as he neared the house so he could catch his breath. As he climbed the porch steps, Mikaela opened the door, holding his gun in her hands. He froze and swallowed, unsure of what she might do.
Miki looked down, realizing she held his gun as she felt Diarmid’s uncertainty. She turned to set it on the table just inside the door. She looked at the hesitant wolf curiously. He stood about three feet high at the shoulder. No wonder the intruder looked so horrified as he ran away. If Diar snarled at her in wolf form, she’d be scared too. He was huge, and those teeth, oh my. He cocked his head, approaching her slowly. Miki realized she was still naked and shivered with both cold and fear. Normally, she was never frightened of dogs, no matter the size, but this was different.
Diarmid paused two feet from her. Their eyes met and she stepped back to let him enter the house. He passed her as she held the door open then closed it behind him, locking the door for the night. When she turned to him, he stood staring at her. Just waiting. He visibly swallowed and she realized he was as scared as she was. He didn’t know if she’d accept him in wolf form. She might be afraid of him or even repulsed. Miki smiled softly walking over to him. She knelt in front of him, reaching out to touch him. She paused when he tensed. Did he want her to touch him?

Yes, Mikaela, I want you to touch me. Wolf or man, I love your touch.

Miki laid her hand lightly on the fur of his neck. It was thick and the undercoat was soft to the touch. She began to pet him then remembered he wasn’t a dog. She met his eyes, which were the same blue color as Diarmid, the human. There was a human expression in his eyes. The look of a man intrigued by a naked woman stroking him so she started to laugh. She threw her arms around him, hugging him. This was her Diarmid, all right. She leaned back and he licked her face the way a dog would. She pushed his muzzle back, laughing.
“Stop it. You only get to lick me in human form.”
Diarmid looked disappointed, so Miki hugged him again then leaned back. “I love you, babe. But I only want to make out with you when you’re human. Okay?”
He nodded, winking at her. Okay. Maybe one day you’ll be able to change to wolf. Then can I make out with you in wolf form?
“If I ever change to wolf form, then yes, I would prefer to make out with you wolf to wolf. But no mixing the species, please.” She could feel his mental laughter.
Miki went back to stroking his fur while he sighed and leaned into her caress. She loved the color and texture of his magnificent fur. Miki surveyed his wolf form with pleasure. He was a well-built wolf—compact and muscular. Miki stopped her mental musings with a jerk. Oh, this was curious because she was thinking he was sexy. He nudged her with his muzzle.

You’re supposed to think I’m sexy.

But you’re in wolf form. It’s kinky in a bad way.

If I were a full wolf, I’d agree with you. However, I’m not. I’m still me, no matter what form I wear. I hope you think I’m sexy.

I do. She laid her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him, and he pressed his head to hers. His touch was gentle and loving. I bet you’re really warm to sleep with in the wintertime.

Hey! He butted her with his head.
Miki laughed, looking into his eyes, unable to resist teasing him. I love you, Diarmid.

I love you too, Mikaela.

Are you going to stay in wolf form all night?

Do you want me to?

She met his eyes, shaking her head as she licked her lips. “No, babe. I want you in human form.”
He growled, his eyes reflecting shared desire. He took a couple steps back, accepting she didn’t want to be mated by him in wolf form. Miki leaned forward, fascinated as his form began to shimmer. For a moment she saw both the wolf and human in the same space then he was Diarmid, kneeling on the floor in front of her. When his light blue eyes met hers there was an intense fire blazing there. Miki moaned in excitement. Chasing the bad guys had his blood up and he wanted to fuck her. She wanted it too.
Diar sprang at her, bringing her down on the soft carpet in front of the fireplace. His mouth and hands roamed her bare flesh, raising shivers in his wake. Miki moaned, arching into his touch as she spread her legs. Diar dropped his head between her legs to bury his mouth in her, feasting on her pussy. His tongue was doing things a human tongue shouldn’t be able to do. When she looked down, he was still Diarmid, so she relaxed to let him send her over the edge. With every flick of his tongue against her clit, her muscles tightened in anticipation, her hips lifting to his mouth.
Diarmid growled as she bucked under the ministrations of his mouth. Just as she hovered on the edge of orgasm, he bit her clit and she toppled over with a shriek. In less than a heartbeat he was on her, sliding his cock home in her tight pussy. Miki clung to him as he hammered into her dampness. She wrapped her legs around his plunging hips as his mouth found hers. Miki met his thrusts eagerly and mewling cries of pleasure escaped her whenever he lifted his lips from hers.
“Yes. Don’t stop.” Miki moaned as her body tightened for yet another orgasm. She clamped around him, milking his cock with every lunge he made.
Diarmid nipped her neck. “More?”
“Then take more.” His guttural growl sent quivers down her spine. He lifted her legs to his shoulders, penetrating even her even more deeply.
Miki shuddered, her body shattering in yet another climax. Her orgasm took him over the edge, and Diar roared with his own pleasure as he shot his seed into her womb. They collapsed together in a tangle of limbs. Miki pressed her forehead into Diar’s shoulder as his head dropped to her breast. She stroked his damp shoulders as he trembled against her, pressing a gentle kiss to his collarbone then kissing the base of his neck. She sighed happily. God, how she loved this man.
“Do you, Mikaela? Wolf and all?”
He lifted his head and she looked into his eyes. She could see worry reflected in his eyes. She sensed he was afraid he’d been too rough or too animalistic. Miki cupped his face in her hands. “Yes, Diarmid. I love you. Wolf and all. I don’t want anyone else and I never will.”
His smile transformed his face from somber, even stern, to happy and carefree. “You’re all I’ll ever need, Mikaela. Thank God for sending you to me.”
Diarmid lowered his head and took her mouth in a reverent kiss. Miki sighed, agreeing with her Mate completely. She cuddled in his arms, feeling truly safe and cherished.

Chapter Thirteen
Miki stood in the middle of her seriously overcrowded apartment living room with her hands on her hips and realized they wouldn’t be able to stay here very long or they’d kill each other. She’d helped him pack up some of his stuff, which was now sitting in several boxes in her living room. She sighed. At least she hadn’t been the one who carried them up here.
Earlier in the day they’d woken together in her old childhood bed. Miki had been surprised to find Diarmid had carried her upstairs sometime during the night. They’d made love again before showering and getting dressed to wait for her father and brother to make it home. Once they had, wedding plans came up. A formal wedding date for three months away was finally agreed to by all parties, but Diarmid growled unhappily all the way back to the city. He wanted to get married within the week, but it wasn’t possible to plan a service and party so fast, but somehow, she knew he wasn’t going to let the legalities rest though.
When they reached Denver, they’d stopped at his place first to decide if they wanted to live there. His apartment was larger than hers but painfully sparse. If she just brought over her clothes, she’d hate living there and he’d known it. It would take a long time to get enough of her stuff packed up to be happy. Looking into his eyes, Miki had understood he’d barely noticed his surroundings since the death of his family.
Viewing his space through her eyes had frankly appalled him. There was a TV and music system and DVDs up the wazoo, some of which now sat in the boxes, but he had nothing to make the place homey. No pictures. Nothing. The bedroom was bachelor-pad sterile, just a bed and a bedside table. All of his clothes were in his very large walk-in closet.
Miki knew they were probably going to have issues about living together because his place was streamlined and she was the clutter queen. She had art, knickknacks and stacks of books all over the place. Her kitchen was the only tidy spot in her home. Diar’s kitchen had been a mess—well a mess for him. Unwashed dishes in the sink and a garbage can overflowing with fast-food bags. They’d both have to make adjustments.
She heard him coming down the hall with another load of clothes. Diarmid Redwolf, clotheshorse. Who would have known it? He had suit after suit and tons of shirts. He even had bunches of shoes. Shoes, for God’s sake. She expected that from Damien, but not Diarmid.
“Are you going to open this door?” He called through the locked door.
Miki sighed. She’d wanted to leave the thing unlocked while he unloaded, but he rejected the suggestion outright after their unpleasant visitors last night. She offered to help him carry, but the look he’d given her left her singed around the edges. She opened the door as he hauled his stuff past and into her bedroom. Her closet was not going to hold all his stuff. She closed and locked the door then followed him down the hall. Diar threw the stuff on the bed and opened her closet door to survey space. He frowned.
“Damn. My stuff isn’t going to fit in here. Do you need all this stuff?”
“Excuse me? I told you when you were hauling all your stuff into the SUV it wouldn’t fit in my closet, but you kept on loading.”
“All right, all right. Sorry,” he sighed as he stared into the already full closet, as if looking for a hidden button to push to make more space there.
“We have to find someplace to live, Diar. Someplace big enough for your huge, honking plasma screen TV, the exhaustive DVD collection, the closet full of clothes, plus room for me. If there was room for our children, that would be a bonus,” she informed him dryly.
“In other words we need a house.”
“I would say so, yes.”
“The best way to qualify for a home loan is to be married.”
He turned toward her and the argument she’d been waiting for was all over his face. “We can have the formal wedding later. I don’t have a problem with it, but I want you to belong to me legally, now. I want you as my beneficiary and me as yours. I want us to be able to buy a house together, apply for a home loan together, and share title to everything, Mikaela.”
“We have time.”
“I know we do. But I don’t want to wait. I want us to go to the courthouse and get a marriage license tomorrow because we already belong to one another. The marriage license is a formality for the human world.” Miki opened her mouth to speak and he held up his hand. “I realize you might have to take some time off work, so will I.”
“No, I won’t. I told you I was only working thirty hours. I don’t work Mondays, I work eight-hour days Tuesday through Thursday with Wednesday being my evening to work. Then I work six hours on Friday. If I’m scheduled to work a weekend, then the whole schedule is thrown off because I end up with most of my hours on Saturday and Sunday.”
“How often do you work weekends?”
“One week in four.”
“What do you do?”
“What is always the first thing cut? Outreach. I teach classes and handle library programming. I love doing it, but politicians always consider it unimportant. Community outreach is like the arts in a school system. According to the pinheads, those things are a luxury and aren’t as important, so they are the first things cut.” Miki shrugged.
“They couldn’t be more wrong.”
Miki smiled at him. “Good answer.”
“So we go to get the license tomorrow?”
She bit her lip. He wasn’t going to let go of this, and she knew it. Reluctantly she nodded. “Yes, but then I want to start house-hunting too. Take some time off from work, Diarmid. I need your input with this.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialed, which had Miki blinking in surprise.
“Hey, Ossie, sorry to bug you on a Sunday.” Miki smiled at him, and Diar winked at her. “Yeah. It has been a good weekend. Um… What do things look like for tomorrow?”
He paused and listened, nodding occasionally. Mikaela walked over to her closet to see if there was any way to make room for some of his stuff. She had her winter clothes hung up and she wouldn’t need them for a bit. She could pack the bulky stuff down and it would make room for some of his suits. Not all of them by any means, but at least one a day for a week.
“So, nothing urgently needing my attention?” He listened and chuckled. “Yeah, I do need to take a personal day tomorrow. I need to get a marriage license and start house-hunting.” Miki whipped around, shocked he would tell his captain they were getting married and moving in together. “Thanks, Ossie. I’m happy…really happy for the first time in a long time.” Miki bit her lip as he met her eyes. His voice was hoarse with emotion and he blinked to settle the moisture there.
She smiled gently at him, crossing over to him to kiss his cheek while she mouthed, “Me too.” He grinned at her.
“How do I add Mikaela to all my paperwork for the department?” He cocked his head. “Yeah, the whole nine yards—health benefits, insurance and anything else relevant.” He paused again. “Okay, when I come in on Tuesday, I’ll fill in the paperwork for everything. Thanks. Have a good Sunday.” He hung up and looked down into her eyes.
“Diarmid, won’t he think it’s strange we are getting married after two days?”
“Probably not, though I am sure everyone else will.”
“Why won’t he?”
“He knows.”
“He knows what?”
“He knows I’m a shapeshifter wolf, Mikaela.”
“I told him, though he’d already figured out there was something unusual about me before I finally told him. Once or twice someone reported seeing a wolf at a crime scene. Also, and I’m not proud of it, I purposely scared the crap out of some punk by half morphing. For most shifters, you either are human or wolf. A rare few of us can hold characteristics of both. I can hold a wolf muzzle, teeth and fur while remaining on two legs instead of four.”
“So you can be a werewolf.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I can. The one really good thing about my loss of temper just then was the SOB was high as a kite so no one believed him when he tried to tell them I was a werewolf and they should shoot me with a silver bullet.”
“How long ago was that?”
“I was still in uniform walking a beat then. I think it made Ossie think.” Diarmid sighed. He went to the closet to hang up some of his stuff. “When my family was murdered, at first I was numb, but then some of the detectives began to ask me to act as an eyewitness and tell them what happened. Ossie had arrived at the crime scene by then, and a couple of the bastards were completely insensitive and began to prod me just as the ME pulled the bodies out of the wreckage. I completely lost it and started howling with grief. I couldn’t stop. Ossie came over, jerking me away from the car and pulled me away from everyone. It pretty much clinched it for him. I didn’t realize my teeth had elongated.”
“The way they did when we mated?” she asked, crossing to the closet to hug him from behind. He rubbed his hands over her skin, leaning back into her hug.
“Yeah. Strong emotion can make it happen. Lust, happiness, grief, rage. If you lose control of your emotions, you lose control of your physical self as well.” Diarmid stepped away from her, frowning at the closet as he looked for space for more of his stuff. Miki winced as he squished her clothes together to make room for his suits.
“So he saw the fangs.”
“He wasn’t the only one, but he made the others think they’d been seeing things. They were only too willing to believe it, but those guys won’t come within ten feet of me now. Particularly when there’s a full moon.”
“But your captain accepts it?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t believe it. I thought my career was over, but Ossie was great. Shifters fascinate him and he’s a good friend. Not just to me but others as well.”
“Are there a lot of shifters in the department?” The closet was going to explode with fabric soon. Diarmid had some shirts in his hand and was trying to get them to fit.
“A fair number. Tomorrow, we’ll go to the courthouse as soon as they open to apply for the license. We can solemnize the ceremony ourselves then file the certificate with the court. When we find a real estate agent and start looking for a place, it better have a bigger closet than this one.” His growl of frustration made her smile.
Miki moved past him dragging her sweaters out of the closet. He sighed with relief and straightened his suits and shirts in the space she was providing. “I like your plan. So what kind of house do you want?” After seeing his apartment, she wasn’t sure their tastes would mesh. His place was all modern—chrome and leather furnishings in dark colors.
“I really like the home you grew up in.”
Miki paused in her efforts. “Your place didn’t look homey.”
“After my family died, I sold our house, along with most of the contents. I couldn’t bear to be there.”
“It hurt too much?”
“Yeah. It was homey, like your place, but the style was different. Ileana liked French country with lots of soft blues.” He shrugged. “I always felt too big for all the furniture.”
“I don’t suppose you feel too big for my furniture.”
“No, I love this old stuff. It’s all Victorian, isn’t it?”
“Some of it’s earlier, but I like the heavy wood pieces with upholstery in vibrant colors.”
“If we can find a house we can afford, we could get one of those grand old ladies.” Diarmid grinned at her.
“With turrets? I love turrets.”
“Yeah. With attic and basement space for storage. I love the wood floors and paneling at the ranch. It’s too bad we can’t find a dining table like the one in the dining room.”
Miki looked at the floor. “It’s mine.”
“It’s what?”
“All the dining room furniture was my mama’s and my daddy said when I married and had a home to put it in, it was mine.” She went back to hauling sweaters out of the closet while Diarmid filled in with his stuff.
“What about when Rik marries?” he asked.
“Daddy said Rik’s woman could put her own touches on the house then. There are several rooms of furniture that belong to me.”
“All the furniture from my bedroom, the dining room and one of the parlors we don’t use.”
“Wow.” Diarmid’s stunned expression had her restraining laughter. “It’s incredible stuff!”
“I’m rather fond of it. Though I will say, we need to put a new mattress on the bed. The damn thing is lumpy as hell!”
“You weren’t complaining at dawn.”
“I didn’t notice until I was nodding off after we made love. You were sleeping in my spot.”
He grinned and winked at her while he hung up his stuff. Miki looked at the heap of clothing on the floor with a sigh, picking it up.
“You know…” Miki looked at him. He had a faraway look on his face. “We can change out the mattress, but the bed is gorgeous and it’s huge. We can do a lot with the bed.”
“In it too,” Miki commented dryly, laughing when he raised his eyebrows suggestively at her. Her bed was a four poster canopied bed in a heavy dark wood. It currently had no canopy but Miki could see it covered in red velvet. “How do you feel about red?”
“For what?” His mind obviously on other things.
“The canopy.”
“Oh. A deep, rich red?” When she nodded, so did he. “I can go for that. Red is my favorite color.”
“Mine too. I can see a lot of greens, rusts and rich browns in our home too.” She sighed happily, visualizing what she’d like to have. “It’s a good thing I can sew, or we wouldn’t be able to afford to decorate the way I want.”
“I have a bit of a nest egg. I think we’ll be able to do what we want.” When he hung the last of his stuff up, he turned to her. “Let’s not wait until tomorrow. Let’s look at places today. I know a real estate agent we could use.”
“Is it someone you and…”
“Yeah, but Kate is a shifter, so she understands about True Mate bonds. Let me call her and see if she’s free.” He pulled out his cell and dialed a number.
“Hi, Kate. This is Diarmid,” he paused. “Life is good, which is why I’m calling. I need to find a house, are you free today?” He listened for a minute. “Sounds great. My Mate and I… Yes, I did say Mate. Thanks. We’ll be over to your place as soon as possible, okay?” He paused again. “Great. Bye.”
“I swear you were born with your cell attached to your ear,” Miki grumped. He hugged her, making her smile.
“C’mon. We can head to her office to get started.”
Diarmid was like a tidal wave, Miki decided as he swept her out of the apartment and across town to an elegant home with a large sign in front which read Black Bear Realty. The logo on the sign was a stylized black bear dipping his paw into a beehive. They parked out front, and as Diar walked around the vehicle, Miki noticed a dark SUV parked around the corner. She wasn’t sure why she noticed it, except it looked a lot like Diarmid’s department-issue vehicle. Maybe another cop lived in the neighborhood.
He opened the door grinning at her. “You’re getting used to me coming over here for you.”
“Yeah. Sometimes it’s nice to have a man carry you around,” she teased as he lifted her to the ground. He shut and locked the vehicle, taking her hand to lead her up the steps to the agency. Diarmid opened the door for Miki. She was getting used to his thoughtfulness, and as she looked into his eyes, she realized how much pleasure it gave them both. The interior of the office was decorated in warm tones with a great deal of wood.
“Kate, it’s good to see you.” Diarmid walked forward to shake the hand of the woman seated behind the desk. Miki blinked at the woman’s beauty. Kate might be mistaken for a close relative of Sophia Loren, curves and all. When she stood she was just shy of Diarmid’s height. Miki thought she must be wearing heels, but when she came around the desk, she was wearing comfortable flats and her legs were up to her armpits. She was most men’s fantasy woman come to life. Miki just hoped she wasn’t Diarmid’s dream girl.
“Kate, this is my Mate, Mikaela. Mikaela, this is Kate Blackbear.”
Miki shook the woman’s hand, soothed by the warmth exuding from her. This was not a manstealer. Kate was a shifter, and her last name meant she was a bear. Interesting. “Hi. I’m glad to meet you and thanks for helping us out on a Sunday.”
“Surprise True Mating?” Kate asked with a kind smile.
“I met him Friday, so you could say that.”
Kate gave Diarmid an arch look. “Fast worker, aren’t you?”
“She’s mine, Kate. We need to be together.”
“I’m happy for you, Diar. Let’s all have a seat and try to figure out what kind of home you want to find.”
Miki wanted to ask her what it was like to be a bear, but didn’t really know what the protocol was for talking about shapeshifting and didn’t want to embarrass Diarmid, so she left her question unasked. Kate asked them both questions about what they wanted in a house, how much they could spend and the usual sorts of questions realtors ask.
“Well, I have a fair number of homes. Some might work, but I don’t have something to meet all your preferences. Do you want to look at a few to get an idea?” Kate asked them, though it seemed to Miki the woman was debating something internally.
Kate’s expression seemed conflicted somehow. Miki and Diarmid agreed to check out a few places and Kate took them out to look at properties. A couple times Miki almost laughed out loud as she and Diar made the same comment about a house or finished each other’s sentences. It was the oddest thing she’d ever experienced, but she found it reassuring on a deep level. Just knowing the two of them had the same requirements for their home eased her mind about the speed they were approaching their relationship.
As they left yet another house that was close but just not right, Kate sighed behind them as she locked the door. They paused on the large porch and looked around the neighborhood.
“If only there was a yard.” Miki groaned. The house had been beautiful with gracious rooms, but the property was the size of a postage stamp. Talk about zero lot line.
She met her Mate’s eyes and he smiled at her, leaning down to drop a kiss on her lips. “Yeah. I like this one too, but the kids would trip over the neighbors and so would we.”
“Are you already with pups, then?” Kate questioned them.
“No, but I hope they’ll be along soon,” Miki told her.
“Good luck.” Kate smiled at Miki, pausing to look at Diarmid consideringly. “Knowing how you feel I hesitate to suggest this, but you should speak to your father.”
Diarmid straightened abruptly, his face becoming utterly expressionless, but Miki could see fire in his eyes. “Excuse me?”
“Damn it, I knew you’d react like this.” Kate sighed, putting up her hands placatingly. “About three weeks ago, he bought a place from me as an investment. Spending the last couple of hours with the two of you, I realized it is perfect for you both. He might be willing to part with the place.”
“For a price.”
“What kind of price?” Miki asked him, knowing Diar wasn’t talking about money.
“I don’t know—a pound of flesh or a piece of my soul come to mind.”
Miki winced at his sarcasm. “Is he that bad?”
“Yes, he is. What’s the line from the movie Scrooge? ‘They’d skin Jack Catch alive and he’d never know they’d done it…’ well, the phrase describes my sire.”
“He isn’t so bad, Diar,” Kate argued.
“My father’s idea of deal making makes Donald Trump look like a wimp. Unfortunately, the bastard has the money to show for it.”
“Wait a minute. Redwolf Construction? Redwolf Aviation? Redwolf Communications Corporation?” Miki asked him, fearing the answer.
“Oh shit. I can’t marry you.” Mikaela backed away from him. “No wonder you said you had a nest egg.”
Diarmid followed, grabbing her hand. “Don’t you dare put up a wall over this!”
“Can you imagine his reaction to me? He’d think I wanted you for his money.”
“He can think what he wants, but he won’t argue with a True Mate bond, sweetheart. Damn it, we glow with it and I refuse to lose you because you are worried about whether he will approve of you or not. I don’t give a bloody damn!”
He pulled her into his arms, planting a kiss on her that made her forget her own name, let alone his. When he finally lifted his head, Miki opened her eyes, smiling dreamily up at him then she frowned.
“You don’t play fair.”
“It’s about the only thing I learned from him I’ve applied to life.” He lightly kissed her again. “Are you okay now?”
“I still think this is weird.”
“Life is weird. Roll with it.”
“You can be such a…”
“I love you too, Mikaela.” He turned to Kate. “Can we drive past this perfect home?”
“I can do better. He hasn’t picked up the keys yet. I can take you both through it.” Diarmid raised his brows at Kate and she grinned. “You are his son, Diar. It’s not like you’re a stranger or anything.”
“Did the bastard put you up to this?”
“Do you think either of us could anticipate a True Mate bond would set you house-hunting, Diarmid?”
“With my sire, you never can tell.”
“Follow me and I’ll show you the place. There is a gate, but I have the security code to get through.” Kate turned heading for her own car.
Miki watched Diarmid as they drove into a district on the outskirts of one of the upscale suburbs of Denver. He looked grim. “Diarmid, we don’t have to go and look. It won’t be the end of the world if we offer on one of the other houses.”
“But the others aren’t the home we want, and we know it. I want to see if this place is worth tackling my sire in his lair.”
“And if it is?”
He gave her a blue-eyed glare. “Then I’m not going into hostile territory alone.”
She swallowed. “Where you go, I go. I’ve got your back, Diarmid.”
He nodded. “Good.”

Chapter Fourteen
For the third time in four days, Mikaela found herself seated beside Diarmid for a long drive. When Kate had taken them to the house the day before, both she and Diarmid had been overwhelmed. The grounds were expansive—a perfect place for young wolves to run shielded by old-growth trees. The house was a huge, grande dame in the Queen Anne style with not one but two turrets and a huge old wraparound porch. There was a two-car garage, but it was disguised to fit seamlessly into the original house design.
The interior rivaled the exterior for beauty. The rooms echoed with the wood floors, high ceilings and sheer space. The kitchen was a cook and baker’s dream, recently updated with new appliances, a cooking island and butler’s pantry. The bedrooms were large and plentiful, and the master had an en suite bathroom. It really was perfect, but it must have been a multimillion dollar home. They’d never be able to afford the place.
Diarmid had been silent throughout the tour, growing grimmer and grimmer as her heart had filled with longing for the place. She had done her best to mask her hunger to make this house their home, but she hadn’t done well enough. When they left, he told her they’d be making this trip after they obtained their marriage license, solemnized their marriage and filed their marriage certificate with the clerk of court. She hadn’t even argued with him about completing the paperwork because of his demeanor. She looked down at her left hand. She’d been shocked when he’d presented her with a diamond and gold ring during the ceremony. She hadn’t even thought about wedding rings. The rock sparkling on her finger looked like an engagement ring, but it had the feel of something more permanent.
The night before, Diarmid had been quiet and introspective, even brooding. It didn’t seem like typical behavior for her Mate. Their lovemaking had been just as explosive as it had been previously, but she’d felt separated from him which bothered her. Miki tried to comfort him last night and this morning, but he was blocking her mental access to him. She had no clue why he and his sire didn’t get along, and he wasn’t inclined to tell her. She was even mystified by the fact Diarmid refused to refer to the older man as his father.
They had been driving into the mountains for over an hour and the scenery around them was stunning. Every turn along the road revealed something that belonged on a postcard advertising the beauty of Colorado. Diarmid slowed the vehicle, turning off the main highway onto a paved road hidden by vegetation. It was one of those blind turns the driver had to know was coming or it would be missed. The road was two vehicles wide…just. Every damn house they drove past along the winding road they were on was a mansion. This was “Rich People Land”. Despite bad years in ranching, her family did well enough because they diversified, but they didn’t have this kind of money. The higher into the mountains they drove, the more worried she became.
What if his family hated her? Diarmid said it wouldn’t matter to him, but it would matter to her. Family was important. For so long she’d had just her daddy and Rik, and it had been enough, but she’d always hoped when she married she’d have an extended family. She realized it wouldn’t happen with Diarmid’s immediate family in the state it was in.
Her family liked Diarmid immediately, which was a relief to her. They hadn’t liked any other male she’d brought home, so their immediate acceptance was unusual. She knew it wouldn’t be long until he was embedded in her family. She was glad Diarmid would enjoy visiting her family regularly, rather than tolerate them, especially after they had kids…pups…together.
Diarmid’s tension about his family left her confused and uneasy. It seemed as if he didn’t like his parents much, but what caused this enmity? He often spoke of his sire, with anger, yes, but he did discuss him. Miki knew Diarmid’s mother was alive, but he never spoke of her at all, which struck Miki as damn odd. She blinked. She didn’t know their names. She didn’t know what to call them when she finally met them.
“What are your parents’ names? You haven’t told me.” She started to breathe faster, feeling panic setting in. “And your siblings. Will I be meeting them? What are their names? I’m not ready for this!”
“Mikaela, relax. They are just people. My sibs are decent and you’ll like them. My brother’s name is Lachlan and my sister is Fiona. Lach will probably be home, but Fi may not be.”
“What do they do? Do they work in one of your father’s companies?”
“Lach runs Redwolf Construction. RC takes over buildings and does specialized renovations of old homes, reclaims derelict commercial space and stuff. When our sire ran the place, it was all about developments. Lach has changed their mission considerably and for the better in my opinion.”
“Not in your father’s?”
“For my sire, the bottom line is the almighty dollar. RC doesn’t make the multimillions it used to make, so it isn’t a ‘successful’ company. Also, Lach has partnered with Habitat for Humanity on a number of low-cost housing projects. My sire is all about pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps and not taking handouts, as he refers to them.” Diarmid shook his head.
“But Habitat has people do work on their own place. It isn’t a handout.”
“I know.” His angry growl had Miki stroking his arm, trying to offer him some understanding and love because the bitterness in his voice shook her. She could feel the edges of his rage at his father bite at her and it saddened her to see him so lacking in the kind of parental closeness she was accustomed to receiving.
“Your sister, Fiona? Why won’t she be home?”
“She might be. She took over Redwolf Aviation a few years ago, and she is a hell of a pilot. She loves to fly.”
“Your father encouraged your sister?”
“Hell, no. He wanted her to find a nice wolf and start making pups. After all, that’s what females do, according to my sire. Fi was having none of it. She’s got a backbone of iron.” Diarmid laughed. When Diar spoke of his brother and sister, she could hear the love and pride in his voice. It emanated from him. But with his parents things weren’t right.
“So Fiona might be out flying?”
“Yeah. She has issues with some Blackhawk efficiency expert my father just brought in to try to increase business. Fi’s pissed our sire would overrule her and make her look like nothing but a peon, but as I said, money is the bottom line with him.”
“My daddy would never do something like that,” Miki muttered.
“I know,” Diarmid agreed, his voice dry with irony.
Diarmid slowed the SUV because they were coming to what looked like a fork in the road but was actually a driveway. The road they’d been following continued around a curve, but this straight section led to a large security gate. He came to a stop by the gate. He opened his window, leaning down to the keypad to key in a series of six numbers. The gates swung ponderously open and Diarmid drove through. Miki took a deep breath, unaccountably frightened. She looked out the back window as the gate slid shut and it felt as if she were caught in a trap. It wasn’t a good feeling.
Diarmid stopped the SUV, putting it in park. He took her hand, pulling her gently over to him. He lowered his head, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to her mouth. “It will be okay, sweetheart. We’ll survive the visit, see what the old wolf wants for the house and decide if we want to pay his price. If not, we go home. Simple.”
She looked up at him and lovingly cupped his cheek in her hand. “It would seem simple, but nothing in life is ever simple. Is it?” she asked, quoting him to himself.
Diarmid laughed ruefully. “Touché, my love. Nothing with my sire is simple.”
“What about your mother?” Miki asked, mentally open to him to catch his reaction. She felt a wave of gut-wrenching pain sweep over him, and his face twisted bitterly before he completely shut down his emotions and all expression disappeared.
“She’s not simple either.” Diar kissed Miki, setting her over in her seat as he put the vehicle in gear and began to drive.
His mental and physical withdrawal hurt. Miki sensed it would be risky to ask about his mother, but she hadn’t expected him to pull away from her like this. The risk had paid off because she’d gained information, but the cost was high. She looked out the window, wanting to bawl like a baby. She needed his support to deal with her fear, but right now she didn’t have it and it hurt.
“My father’s name is Kincaid Redwolf, but his friends call him Kin.” He told her, relenting slightly.
“Do I qualify as a friend?” She fought to keep her voice from quavering, turning to face him.
“I think so. You’re my Mate and I call him Kin.”
He glanced at her and she smiled slightly at the message in his words. He was there for her. Miki contemplated what he’d said. He called his father by name? She couldn’t imagine calling her daddy by his name. She waited a moment to see if she’d have to prompt him about his mother’s name.
“My mother’s name is Jeanine. My father calls her Jeanie.”
“And you?”
“I call her Jeanine.”
Oh boy. Not good, Miki decided. “I see.”
“My mother is…high-strung.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s emotional.”
“I’m emotional.”
“You wouldn’t jump to assumptions about a person’s character based on your own insecurities and failings.”
“No, I would try not to,” she agreed, shivering because his tone had become so cold.
There was more to this than just his words, which were telling enough. His mother must have decided something about him once. Something hurtful. Something he’d never forgiven her for. This visit would be like walking through a minefield blindfolded.
Miki concentrated on the beautiful landscape around them. It was vividly green, with more trees than she’d seen in a very long time. As they came around a final turn, the road opened into an upper mountain valley. There was one huge home overshadowing the rest, but there were many homes here. There seemed to be a main street. Directly to east there was a large tree-filled park area. As they drove forward she could see a half-dozen wolves frolicking there.
“Are they…?”
“Yes. Youngsters mostly. Two of them are older teens though.”
“You know them from here?”
Diarmid glanced over at her with a smile. “Can you tell your father and brother out of a group of men standing together?”
“Yes, of course.” He raised a brow at her, and she frowned at him. “But…I mean they are wolves.”
“A wolf is as distinctive as a human, Mikaela—color of fur, stance, eye color, ear position and especially smell.”
“The windows are closed.”
“But the air vent is set to let outside air inside. I can smell all of them, so I know who’s down there playing.”
“I have a lot to learn about all of this.” Miki sighed as she watched the young wolves mock fight with one another.
“You’ve got time, love.” Two of the wolves pulled away from the group as Diarmid drove past. They ran at the vehicle, barking with excitement. Diar laughed as he pulled into a parking space along the main road. “I have to stop or they’ll never forgive me. I’ll come around and get you.”
“Okay.” Miki was a bit nervous about dealing with wolves. She knew Diarmid was a wolf because he’d shown her the whole of him Saturday night, but it was still new to her.
Diarmid rounded the vehicle and opened the door, lifting her down and pulling her close. As he kissed her, she sensed a lightness in him that wasn’t there as they were driving in to the compound. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he settled his hands at her waist. Miki looked into his eyes, the tightness in her stomach easing. She could see he loved her and it wouldn’t change, even if she asked him about subjects he found upsetting.
“C’mon, let me introduce you to the boys.”
“Who are they exactly?”
“Younger cousins. Their father is one of my first cousins.”
Miki realized the boys probably knew Diarmid’s sons, so their presence was both a pleasure and a pain for him. He smiled slightly, letting her know she was right. She kissed him, offering comfort. When he lifted his head, he winked at her then stepped away from her.
Diarmid turned as the young male wolves leaped at him. He burst into laughter as they took him to the ground licking his face exuberantly. Miki watched, unsure how to react. Diar grinned, but it frightened Miki to see them overwhelm him physically. He caught the larger of the two wolves in his arms rolling on top. The wolf yelped like a puppy then growled. The smaller wolf leaped onto Diarmid’s back nipping his ear. She could see her Mate carefully holding back his full strength so as not to hurt the young animals, but he easily flipped the younger wolf off him. He eased back then stood up.
“Boys, this is my Mate. Let me introduce you.” Diarmid waved the two young wolves over to where she stood. The older wolf walked over, slipped past Diarmid and pressed his head into Miki’s crotch to get a good scent of her. “Kade, get your head out of my Mate’s crotch, now!” Diarmid’s bark had the young wolf backing off fast with his tail between his legs, whimpering apologetically, his head bowed in appeasement.
Diar walked over and stood in front of the chastised young red wolf, his hands on his hips. “Never put your nose near an Alpha male’s Mate. Not unless you want your throat ripped out.”
The young wolf rolled over onto his back, exposing his belly and neck submissively. Diarmid knelt, pressing his hand at the young male’s throat. He grasped the fur tugging gently but firmly then he stood, shaking his head at young wolf. The wolf rolled back to his feet. Miki slipped into Diar’s mind to discover if she weren’t there, Diarmid would have shifted to wolf enough to put his teeth on the young wolf’s throat instead of his hand to chastise the young male. Since she wasn’t used to it yet, he didn’t.
She took a deep breath, looking at the expectant young males. “Um…hi.” It was remarkable to talk to these wolves as if they were people. She had been known to talk baby talk to dogs, but except for her talk with Diarmid on Saturday, she couldn’t remember having an intelligent conversation with anything canine before.
“Boys, shift to human please. My Mate isn’t comfortable with wolves yet.”
Miki watched them shift, as fascinated now as she’d been when Diar changed. It was almost like her eyes couldn’t see them, then there were humans crouching on the ground. This would take some getting used to, but at least she’d have time before it was their children…pups…shifting.
Miki turned her attention back to the boys. They had red hair. One looked about sixteen and the other a little younger, maybe twelve. Blood rushed to Miki’s face as she realized both boys were naked. She forced herself not to look below the waist, but she could easily see they were related to her Mate, red hair and…all. Any other teenage boy she had ever met would be embarrassed to be standing naked in front of an adult female, but they didn’t seem to even notice they weren’t wearing clothing. The older boy wasn’t completely oblivious, however. He was grinning wickedly and all but waving his youthful enthusiasm at her. She looked at Diarmid, raising her brows at him. He laughed and smacked the youth lightly in the back of the head, which made Miki laugh out loud.
“This cheeky lad is Kade.”
“Hi!” Kade waved both his hand and his cock at her. He winked at her flirtatiously, and she could tell he definitely liked her because he was about half hard. She really didn’t need to see that.
“Kade, you are pushing me. Don’t,” Diarmid growled at the teen.
Kade frowned at Diarmid. “She’s cute.”
“Yes, she is, but she’s mine.”
“Sorry, Diar.” His arousal didn’t immediately drop, but he quit waving it at her.
Diarmid nodded his acceptance of the apology. “And this scamp is Malcolm.”
“Mal. All my friends call me Mal. It’s cooler than Malcolm.” His voice went between the upper registers of boyhood and the deeper voice of an adult male. His adult voice would have the girls swooning because it reminded her of Diarmid’s deep tones.
“It’s good to meet you both.”
“This is my Mate, my True Mate. Her name is Mikaela.”
“You guys can call me Miki.”
Diarmid sighed. “Her name is Mikaela.”
“Don’t be stuffy, Diar.” Miki told him, walking over to take his hand. She needed contact with him and was starting to feel a little bereft without his touch. He smiled down at her.
“Can we call her Miki, Diar?” Mal asked his older cousin.
“Yes, you may.”
“Cool! Hey, Miki, what do you do? Are you a cop like Diar?”
“No. I’m a librarian and a writer.”
“Sounds kind of dull.” Kade’s taunt had Mal bristling.
“I like libraries and I like to read,” the younger boy defended. Miki could see a fight brewing so she decided to head it off.
“I write mysteries, which is how I met Diarmid. I went to have a tour of the Crime Lab where he works.”
“How long have you been Mated?” Kade’s question was directed at them both. Kade was still challenging Diarmid for her. Diar was getting pissed because he was starting to scowl.
She reached for her Mate mentally. Sixteen-year-olds think with the head below their waist, not the one above it. Diar started coughing so he wouldn’t laugh in the boy’s face, but she could see the amusement when he turned his blue eyes to her.
“We met Friday night and she is not tired of me yet,” Diarmid assured the younger male.
“I can do it more,” again Kade countered.
“But Diar can do it longer,” Miki told him. He opened his mouth to respond then closed it again with a blush, shooting a look of respect at Diarmid.
“We need to talk, cousin.” Kade’s cool comment had Miki pressing her lips together. Obviously the sixteen-year-old wanted sex tips.
“Would Graeme approve?”
“My father is turning into an old man before his time. He’s the one who used to get the job to initiate the new females, but I’m not supposed to mate a female. What a hypocrite.”
“Would you guys please quit talking about sex? It’s boring,” Mal grumped, not happy to be left out of the conversation.
“Within a year or two, it won’t be boring and you’ll wish you’d listened,” Kade told his younger brother.
“Well, then I’ll come and ask you,” Mal replied.
It was good to see the boys were close and she could imagine two red-haired boys sometime in the future having a similar conversation with Diarmid, except they’d be calling him Daddy. She looked at him with a smile because she could tell he’d shared the vision with her. He pulled her close into the shelter of his arms, so she laid her head on his shoulder. He dropped a kiss onto her forehead.
“Well, lads, I have to go pay my respects to my sire. Tell Graeme I’ll catch him before I leave.”
“Okay, Diarmid. I still want to talk to you.”
“Only if your father approves because I refuse to tick him off.”
Kade nodded unhappily and shrugged himself back into a wolf. Mal grinned at them, following his older brother into wolf shape then both boys bounded away.

Chapter Fifteen
Miki looked up at Diarmid. “Are you ready for this?”
He took a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be. This is going to be uncomfortable for you because I’ve seen how you are with your daddy. My parents and I aren’t close. We barely tolerate each other.”
“That could change.”
Diarmid laughed dryly. “Probably when hell freezes over. But knock yourself out, sweetheart.”
Miki grinned because he saw right through her comment. Diarmid took her hand to walk her back to his vehicle then he lifted her in. The short drive to the big house at the far side of the compound grew tense. Diarmid was doing his best to put up fortifications of protection around himself, but at least this time those fortifications included her. She was still connected with him and she needed the connection like plants need the sun. He pulled up, parking in the driveway. He took a deep breath then climbed out and came over to lift her down.
As they’d pulled up she’d been unable to tear her eyes away from the house. It wasn’t just a big house…it was a damn mansion! An arched, recessed colonnade made up the front portico and was decorated with elaborate stone work. Some of the stone looked like marble and two of the front windows were stained glass. It looked like something out of the days of the robber barons. Holy shit.
“You grew up here?”
“Yeah. Real homey, huh?”
He chuckled, looking up at the windows as if he were facing the enemy. “The old wolf knows we’re here. He knew from the time we entered the gates.”
“How? A camera?”
“Yes, but each individual has their own code to those gates. When I entered my code, he knew I’d entered the grounds up here.” He took her hand in his. “C’mon. Let’s go face down the wolf in his lair.”
They climbed the steps to the portico. When they reached the top, a handsome redhead near Miki’s age straightened from where he’d been leaning against the wall. He shared blue eyes and red-gold hair with Diarmid, but his hair was shoulder-length. There was a similarity in their facial features. Miki surmised he was Lachlan. Unlike Diarmid, he wore a short mustache and goatee. Lachlan was an inch or two shorter than his brother but just as well built.
He smiled at them. “Father and Mother are waiting inside.”
Diarmid strode forward, catching his brother in a hug. Both grinned at one another and pounded each other’s backs. “Lach, it’s good to see you.”
“And you. So, who is this?”
Diarmid held out his hand to her and she came forward, taking it. “This is my True Mate Mikaela. Mikaela, this is my brother Lachlan.”
“True Mate? Congratulations, my brother.” Lachlan nodded to Diarmid, moving forward to give Miki a hug. “Welcome to the family.”
“Thanks.” The hug was comfortable and his acceptance felt good. She stepped back, meeting his eyes.
“You may want to rethink that after meeting our parents.” His tone was dry. He sent an amused look at his brother, who nodded his agreement.
“Is Fi here?”
“Not at the house, but somewhere on the grounds. She went out for a run because she and the old wolf had a fight about Rafael Blackhawk. She hasn’t even met him yet, but she’s made up her mind she hates his guts.”
“I don’t envy Rafael. Fi can be a cold bitch when she wants to be. The old wolf handled the whole thing poorly,” Diarmid muttered with a sigh.
“Did I?” asked a quiet voice.
Diarmid stiffened. Miki was amazed how much his father sounded like Diarmid, and when they turned around, she blinked. She now knew exactly what Diarmid would look like in twenty some odd years because her Mate was the image of his sire. The only difference was the eyes—Kin Redwolf had red brown eyes.
“You handled things poorly,” Diarmid told him.
Kin raised his brow, giving his eldest son a half smile. “Are you going to introduce me?”
“This is my True Mate Mikaela.” Diarmid took a breath, sending a toothy smile his sire’s way as his father started forward to shake her hand. “We completed the paperwork today,” Diarmid added.
“Paperwork?” The older man asked, dropping his hand before shaking Miki’s.
“We are legally married.”
“Did you have her sign a pre-nup?” The older man asked with a frown.
Miki stiffened. She hoped to help her Mate develop a better relationship with his father, but the old man just seriously pissed her off. “No, he didn’t have her sign a pre-nup. I don’t think you heard what Diarmid said, so perhaps you should turn up your hearing aid, old man. He said I am his True Mate,” Mikaela bit out.
Diarmid looked down at the ground, his shoulders shaking with restrained laughter. He looked back up at his sire, his eyes brimming with laughter as the old wolf frowned at her.
“You’re a disrespectful female.”
“I give respect to those who earn it. So far, you haven’t and the crack about a pre-nup was provocative to say the least.”
“Perhaps, but I won’t have my son marry some female who wants his money. How are your finances?”
“They suck. I just had to borrow money from my daddy to pay my bills.” She smiled thinly at the old bastard.
“Kin, quit acting like an ass. It’s obvious our son has finally found his True Mate. Welcome the wolf bitch with good grace.”
A woman’s cool voice made the older man pause. Kin turned to the woman standing just outside the front door. Miki surveyed Diarmid’s mother curiously. She was a tall, thin, elegant blonde, and her hair was pulled back in a classic chignon. Her dress reminded Miki of a casual Jackie Kennedy outfit, but in looks she was all Grace Kelly.
“Jeanie…” Kin growled warningly.
“Give it a rest, Kin,” she told her Mate, turning to her eldest child. “Congratulations, son. I’m happy for you.”
Diarmid leaned forward, dropping an air kiss on the smooth cheek his mother presented. As she turned, Miki met her mother-in-law’s ice blue eyes. At least now she knew where her Mate and his brother inherited their unusual eyes. The older woman seemed restrained and formal but friendly.
“I’m Mikaela Laughlin.” Diarmid cleared his throat. “Um…Redwolf.”
“I’m pleased to welcome you to our home Mikaela.” She embraced Mikaela, kissing her cheek. “I’m Jeanine Redwolf. This rather boorish male is my Mate Kincaid. Kin, say hello.”
The older man frowned at Jeanine. “Hello, Mikaela.”
“Hello, Kincaid.”
“Shall we go inside?” Jeanine suggested dryly.
“An excellent idea,” Diarmid agreed, taking Miki’s hand and tucking it into his elbow. He looked into her eyes and winked, making her grin. He opened the front door, ushering her inside.
The furnishings in the house were like the woman who followed them inside—classic and formal. This was definitely not a place to lounge around, and Miki felt underdressed in her light sweater and slacks. Still, she refused to apologize for who she was. Diarmid loved her and she loved him, the rest could go hang. Diarmid caught her hand and brought it to his lips. He placed a kiss in the center of her palm, meeting her eyes. Miki blushed, realizing Diar had caught her thought.
“Let’s sit and get to know each other,” Jeanine suggested.
She went to a phone and picked it up, calling someone to ask for refreshments. Miki glanced uncertainly at her Mate. She’d forgotten how rich these people were, though looking at the house, she didn’t know how. Nerves were doing crazy things to her head. Diarmid nodded encouragingly as he led her to a loveseat. His parents settled onto a sofa near them while Lachlan flopped into a wing chair. His father gave him a disapproving look, which Lachlan ignored.
“Tell us about yourself, Mikaela,” Kin asked her, leaning back and putting his arms on the back of the sofa. Miki wanted to groan. Did he think she was interviewing for the position of daughter-in-law? Probably.
“I’m an instructional and programming public librarian who also writes romantic suspense fiction.”
“Really? How…fascinating.”
Miki restrained herself from bristling. The older man might look like her Mate, but he couldn’t be a more different male. She couldn’t imagine Diarmid going out of his way to make his son’s Mate uncomfortable—his daughter’s Mate, yes—but not his son’s. “It is fascinating. I enjoy teaching readers to better utilize the library while assisting to make the library a community center. Public service work is very rewarding, as I’m sure Diarmid can verify.” She glanced at Diarmid and he nodded slightly, approval evident in his expression.
“So what does your writing do for you?” Kin snapped.
“It allows me to make sure my villains get what’s coming to them.” Miki’s sharp retort had Diarmid laughing out loud and his father scowling.
An older woman came bustling into the room carrying a tray. Diarmid stood and crossed to her, taking the heavy silver tray out of her hands. “What are you doing carrying this, Bridgie?”
“My job, Master Diarmid.”
Diarmid set the tray onto a table in front of his mother, turning back to the short round, woman. Bridgie looked like the quintessential mother hen, and it was obvious Diarmid adored her.
“You don’t look a day older. Do you have a painting in the attic somewhere?” Diarmid gathered Bridgie in a huge hug.
“Flatterer,” she told him, hugging him back and planting a kiss on his cheek.
Miki happened to be watching Diarmid’s mother during this exchange. Jeanine bit her lip and looked down at her tightly clasped hands. Miki noticed Kin stiffen and set his hand onto his Mate’s hands in comfort. Kincaid might be a jerk, but he loved his Mate enough to console her. Bridgie released Diarmid, shooing him away so he reseated himself beside Miki. The older woman poured out the coffee and cold drinks then left the room.
Kin looked up from his distressed Mate with his eyes filled with fire. Shit, he was going to direct his anger with Diarmid at her. Screw that. Miki raised her brows at the older man, daring him to say a single word to her. If Kin was pissed at Diarmid, he could direct it at his son, and not her.
“How did you meet my son and when?” Kin’s sharp question might as well accuse her of being a stalker. Damn bastard.
“I met him Friday. A friend of mine set up a tour of the Crime Lab because the hero of my next book is a crime scene investigator, as Diarmid is. Diar agreed to provide the tour.”
“Friday? Three days ago?”
“Do True Mates need more?” Miki challenged.
“No, they don’t,” Jeanine responded, looking at her Mate. “As I remember, I met you on a Monday and by Tuesday evening you’d moved me into your apartment.” Her cool words made Kin growl but settle down a little.
“So the males in this family tend to move fast, do they?”
Jeanine smiled at her. “They do.”
Mikaela sensed Jeanine would like to be her friend, but their Mates might make it impossible. It was damn sad because Miki had never really had a mother before. Now, when she could have one, it might not be possible. Miki reached over, taking Diarmid’s hand. He brought her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles absently. It was a comforting action between them. Unfortunately, it placed another irritant in Kincaid’s view.
“I see you gave her my mother’s ring,” Kincaid commented to his son.
Diarmid turned to glare at his father. “Yes, I did.”
“Did you ever relent and give it to your Mate?”
“She’s wearing it.”
“I mean the mother of your pups. Ileana.”
“Nanna told me I should give it to my True Mate, if I ever found her. When I found Mikaela, I gave her Nanna’s ring.”
“Ileana must have been very understanding.”
“She never would have known about the ring if you hadn’t told her, you bastard, and it was a bone of contention all the time we were together. By telling her, you hurt her in a way she didn’t deserve to be hurt.”
“My mother should have given the ring to me for Jeanie.”
“It was Nanna’s ring to give to whom she chose. She chose me and I didn’t have a damn thing to do with it. I never asked her for it.”
“You didn’t have to. She knew Jeanie liked the ring so she was determined to hurt my Mate.”
“It seems to me you and your mother have a lot in common.” Miki covered her mouth as soon as the words left her lips. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud, even if it was the truth.
“Listen you smart-mouthed bitch…”
“Do not call me that.” Miki jumped to her feet, seeing red. “You and Diarmid have for some reason used Jeanie as a rope in some misguided tug-of-war for years. It hurt her because she loves you both. But I refuse to be that rope because I don’t love you, I love Diarmid. If you have issues with your son, then deal with them and with him, but do not use me as a punching bag or a weapon. I won’t tolerate it.”
“How dare you speak to me that way? I am the Alpha of this pack…”
“A piss-poor Alpha if you ask me. An Alpha should care for his pack, not set them at each other’s throats.”
“Diarmid never showed proper respect.”
“Perhaps you never earned it. You certainly haven’t earned my respect.”
“Mikaela…” She couldn’t place her Mate’s tone but she was too angry to listen.
“No. The atmosphere in here is pure poison and I need some fresh air.” Miki looked at her mother-in-law. “Jeanie, would you care to join me for a walk and leave these children to their pissing match?”
Jeanie smiled at her and stood. “An excellent idea,” she echoed her son’s earlier words.
Miki stalked across the room, putting her arm around her mother-in-law’s waist, which surprised the older woman. Miki led them out of the room then Jeanie steered them onto a sunny deck with chairs and tables. Jeanie sat down while Miki paced in agitation. She wanted to strangle her Mate and his father.
“I’ve never met such stubborn, obnoxious men in my entire life. Even my daddy and Rik were never so bullheaded!”
“Kin and Diarmid are both bullheaded and they always have been. For a while, I was able to smooth things between them.”
Miki heard the regret in Jeanie’s voice. If Diarmid wouldn’t tell her what was going on, maybe Jeanie would. “What happened?” She crossed the deck to sit down beside the older female.
“I gave birth to Lachlan.”
“Diarmid would never be jealous of a baby brother…”
“No, he wouldn’t, only I didn’t realize it in time.” Jeanie brushed a blonde curl from her forehead, pain in her blue eyes. “I suffered severely from postpartum depression after my second son was born. Back then they called it the baby blues and it wasn’t taken seriously. Kin bore the brunt of my depression. He could feel the waves of blackness hit me.”
“So he had to keep your depression from overwhelming him while he tried to draw you out of it.”
“What does that have to do with Diarmid?”
Jeanie sighed, blinking back tears. Miki clasped her mother-in-law’s hand in consolation. “Diarmid and I had been close when he was a young boy, close enough Kin was sometimes jealous of all the attention I gave Diar.” She smiled slightly, shaking her head. “After Lach was born, I withdrew from Diar and he didn’t know why. Didn’t understand and he was hurt. I also had problems bonding with Lachlan because he was a colicky baby. He would cry and cry and I couldn’t deal with it. I’d leave him alone, which upset Diarmid.
“Diarmid decided to play big brother and began to care for Lachlan. He bathed him, changed him and took Lach in a carrier on his back or a sling in front of him when he went out to play. By the time I would force myself to go looking for my baby he was always back in his crib—happy and sleeping.”
“So what happened?” Miki could sense something big hit the fan and it didn’t bode well for Diarmid.
“One time, Diarmid didn’t get him back in time. I panicked, and in my disturbed mental state assumed Diarmid wanted to hurt the baby because he was jealous. My panic infected Kin and he instituted a search. When Diarmid was found with Lachlan, he was dragged through town.” Jeanie pulled her hand away, covering her face. “I should have known better, but I was hysterical and feeling guilty. I accused Diarmid in front of everyone. He denied it, telling me a few home truths about my parenting skills, or lack of them.”
“Oh my.” Miki could see where this was going. No wonder Diarmid was so cold with his mother. It must have hurt him on a soul-deep level to be accused of harming a child. Jeanie lowered her hands, wiping tears away.
“Yes. ‘Oh my.’ I burst into tears and Kin lost it. If I hadn’t intervened, he probably would have beaten our son. It’s one of the problems with a True Mate bond. My hysteria had Kin on edge, and both of us were a mess. It wasn’t pretty so our eldest son was desperately hurt as a result.” She shrugged. “I can never make it right. Diarmid won’t even let me try.”
“Did Ileana know?”
“Heavens no. I think only another True Mate could possibly understand.”
“Yes, I think I do understand,” Miki sighed.
“He may resent you for coming out here with me.”
“Yeah, he might. On the other hand, he should try to get some perspective. He’s an adult now not a hurt eight-year-old. He may never be able to get past the pain, or forget, but he should learn to forgive. I just hope he doesn’t end up with firsthand knowledge of dealing with a depressed Mate.”
“Are you…?”
Miki smiled as Jeanie perked up happily, she caught Diarmid’s scent on the wind realizing he’d joined them. She blinked as she realized she knew his smell, even though she didn’t see him. Interesting…
She returned her attention to her mother-in-law. “Not yet, but we both want to get started as soon as possible. After all, we aren’t getting any younger.”
“I pray you don’t suffer as I did. Postpartum depression is horrible. I almost refused to try for another child after Lachlan because of my fear of the depression.”
“But you did?”
“Yes, and with Fiona, I had no depression and it was an easy pregnancy. This time when Diar wanted to take care of the baby I let him, even encouraged him. It was too little, too late.”
“Maybe not. Did you ever talk to him about it?”
“Talk to him?”
Miki cocked her head, knowing she was talking to them both. Diarmid came from a really strange family, from her point of view. “Yes, talk. As in, Diarmid, I know I hurt you when you were little and I’m sorry. I can’t make it go away, but I’d like to try to build our relationship again.”
Jeanie opened her mouth then closed it again. “I never thought it would do any good.”
“It might not help a lot now, but if you’d done it back then, it probably would have made all the difference in the world. Even so, it might be important to him to just have you acknowledge it, even at this late date.”
“I wonder…”
“As a cop, Diar has seen a lot. I’m sure he’s dealt with a depressed woman at least once.”
“The depressed woman I handled was Ileana, not a suspect or victim,” Diarmid said quietly from the doorway.
Jeanie froze then slowly turned and looked at her son. “Ileana suffered from postpartum depression?”
“With Craig but not Ian.”
“I’m going to leave you two to talk. You don’t need interference right now.”
“The old wolf will be along soon to break it up.”
“Well, where is the old bastard? I’ll go punch him out, which ought to keep him occupied for a while.”
“Kin really is a good man, Mikaela,” Jeanie assured her.
“He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s your Mate. You have to love him.”
Jeanie laughed. “I wish I’d had your guts to deal with Kin’s mother. That woman hated me.”
Miki patted Jeanie on the shoulder then headed over to her Mate. She looked into his eyes, trying to ask him to go easy on his mother. Diarmid accepted her message, so she smiled at him and gave him a hug and a kiss.
“Thanks,” he whispered in her ear.
She nodded, patting his arm. “Where is he?”
“Last I saw he was still in the parlor annoying Lachlan.”
“Okay. Time to go annoy him.”
Miki left her Mate and his mother out on the deck in the sunshine. It was possible Diarmid and Jeanine might be able to at least develop a friendship again. She would like to have a woman to talk to about these wolf males. She wandered down the hall and back into the front parlor. Kin stood at the front window staring outside, but Lachlan was nowhere to be found.
Kin turned around and his anger at her seemed to be greatly diminished. “Thank you.”
Miki froze and looked around, trying to decide if he was talking to her. He was. “For what?”
“Jeanie has been hurting for years over something that happened when Diarmid was eight. It isn’t fixed, but maybe…” He ran his fingers through his silvered-red hair. “I’m surprised she told you. She doesn’t even like to talk about it with me.”
“I’m his Mate, Kincaid. I needed to know.”
Kin nodded with a chuckle. “I would say he deserves you, but you might take it wrong.”
Miki laughed. “But we both know that’s how you’d mean it. Yeah, he deserves me and I deserve him. He has the strength I sometimes lack while I have the flexibility and give foreign to him. It’s probably the way you and Jeanie balance each other.”
“Diarmid and my mother always thought she was cold.”
Miki shook her head, crossing the room to a chair and sitting down. “Elegance can be mistaken for coldness, and so can shyness. I guess your mother was out there? Kind of like you?”
Kin grinned. “My mother was a bitch on wheels in every sense of the phrase. She seemed to rule my father with an iron fist.”
“Were they True Mates?”
“Then I doubt she ruled him any more than you rule Jeanie, or Diarmid rules me.”
“I suppose not.” He crossed the room and sat down across from her. “Why did the two of you come?”
“House-hunting. My apartment is too small and his is…sterile.” Miki shuddered.
“I don’t imagine he wants to move up here.”
“No, but Kate Blackbear took us around to look at old Vics.”
He leaned back. “Ah. The place I bought from her.”
“She took us through and we liked it. So what’s the price?”
“It won’t cost you a dime.”
“What’s the price?” Miki shot back.
“Redwolf Communications Corporation needs a president.”
“I like my job as librarian, but thanks for the offer.”
He shook his head. “You know what I want.”
“If you are expecting Diarmid to leave the force in order to take over the job, the answer is no.”
“Perhaps you should let him answer for himself.”
“He was right about your price, but you don’t want just a piece of his soul, you want all of it,” Miki growled. “Is Lucifer your brother?”
“Very funny. I just want him to do his duty.”
“He does, every damn day. There’s nothing wrong with business if that’s where your heart is, but Diarmid needs to protect and serve. He was born to be a cop, to survey a crime scene and find the evidence to take someone evil off the streets.”
“Are you prepared to be a target?”
“Two of his females have been killed because of his profession.”
“Damn it, Kin. Enough,” Jeanie ordered from across the room.
Miki looked over and saw the anger and hurt in Diarmid’s eyes where he stood behind his mother. Miki smiled at him, holding her hand out to him. Diarmid crossed the room to her, took her outstretched hand, seating himself at her side.
“The deaths had nothing to do with Diarmid, Kincaid. It had to do with two twisted men who became sick because of an abusive father. Diarmid has put the bad guys behind bars for years, and I’m proud to say he’s my Mate. I will never ask him to be anything other than what he is. And what he is, is a cop and a crime scene investigator.”
Kin’s expression had been as blank as a poker player’s during her impassioned speech, but now he broke out into a huge grin. “Thank God,” he sighed.
Miki raised her brows while Diarmid gave his father an incredulous look. “What?” Diarmid asked.
Kin looked inquiringly at Jeanie. Miki understood their look now because she and Diarmid were starting to have those silent conversations. Kin was asking his Mate if he should explain.
“You might as well, Kin,” Jeanie sighed, she gently stroked the hair off the back of his neck.
Kin turned back to look at them. “Ileana asked me on several occasions to try to convince you to leave the department.”
“Your father refused, by the way,” Jeanie told her son dryly as she set her hand on Kin’s shoulder. He reached up to cover her hand with his.
“You could have fooled me. You’ve been trying to get me to come on at RCC for years.”
“There’s convincing and there’s convincing. I asked you repeatedly, but I’ve never attempted to force the issue. Ileana was frightened for you, especially after you joined the bomb squad. She felt you got an adrenaline high from it.”
“She wanted you to pressure me.”
“Not you, she wanted me to pressure the police chief.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have told you. She asked me because she wanted you home with your boys more and she didn’t want to lose you to the job.”
Miki reached for Diarmid mentally and they meshed easily. Diarmid wasn’t overly upset. She reached over and turned his face so she could look into his eyes. “You suspected, didn’t you?”
“I don’t want to lose you, but I’m not going to ask you to quit the force, Diar. You’d lose a piece of yourself, and I couldn’t live with it or myself if that happened. I love you too much.”
“I know. I love you too.”
“The house is yours,” Kin told them.
Miki looked over at her new father-in-law, wondering what the catch was. “Say again?”
“I’ll give you the house as a wedding gift.”
Diarmid shook his head. “We’ll buy it from you in the price range we were planning to pay. It isn’t nearly what the place is worth, but the reduced price can be the wedding gift.”
Kin nodded. “Done. Kate has the keys. I’ll call her and have her give them to you so you can move in as soon as possible.”
“I’d appreciate it.”
“I’ll have Rhys arrange to pack you both up and move your stuff over to the house.”
“Rhys? Rhys Redwolf?” Miki asked, raising her brows at her Mate.
Diarmid nodded. “Yeah, his mother got alliterative. He’s another cousin. He runs Redwolf Transportation.”

Chapter Sixteen
If Miki thought Diarmid was a tidal wave, it was nothing compared to the whole Redwolf family with a mission. A mission to get them moved before the day was through. By nightfall, both Diarmid’s stuff, her stuff from her apartment, and her furniture from the ranch had been packed into vehicles and unpacked at their new home. Kin had paid off both of their rental leases so they could get out of them with no penalty. Diarmid hadn’t wanted him to, but he wasn’t given a choice. Miki had been surprised when Diarmid accepted his father’s intervention, but she sensed letting his father help them was a peace offering on Diarmid’s part.
When they arrived at the ranch, Miki expected her father to be surprised to see them, but he took one look at the two of them and all the redheaded people, sighed and pointed at the appropriate furniture to be moved. He’d even raided the family attics, which Miki hadn’t expected. Rik had no complaints because he told her the attics were groaning with stuff needing to be used. Most of it hadn’t seen the light of day for years but was truly stunning.
Miki wandered into the front parlor of their new home two days later and she still couldn’t quite grasp all the changes in her life. The entire process had been swept out of her control except where she wanted things to be placed. The day of the move, she only had to point to have someone there to move an item for her. At least Jeanie had joined them so she hadn’t felt completely hopeless. She asked her mother-in-law’s advice many times during the day, and since Jeanie’s taste was impeccable, the house seemed homey, not jumbled.
Diarmid had left a lot of the layout to her while he worked with the rest of the males to get things the way she wanted. He only acted pissy when his mother said his big honking plasma screen didn’t belong in the front parlor. He won the argument, so it now held pride of place along one wall along with his huge collection of DVDs.
Her daddy and Kincaid had decorated the room they both designated “the baby’s room”, arguing about placement of baby furniture her father had dug out of their attic. There were two beautiful cradles, a changing table and a pair of high chairs. Kincaid asked why they needed two of everything and her daddy looked Kin in the eye and actually said, “Laughlins birth litters.” Kin had looked at her then Diar and started to grin. It was a damn evil grin that had her and her Mate exchanging looks, swallowing nervously.
Her life had changed all out of recognition in the last few days. She hadn’t yet assimilated everything except how she loved Diarmid with a passion she never expected to ever feel in her life. The best part of the day had been the end of it when all the unpacking had been done. She and Diarmid had been standing just where she stood now and listened to their fathers argue their way down the stairs. She smiled in memory.
“The babies will be fine across the hall,” James stated as the older men trooped into the front parlor.
“They should be in their parents’ bedroom,” Kin argued.
“It’s too early to put cradles in the bedroom. They have to fill the cradles first.”
“They’d better do it soon.”
“Your son assured me he’d smell it when she was fertile.”
“Daddy!” Miki had cried.
“What? I want grandbabies.”
“No worries, Jim. Diarmid managed to get Ileana with pups twice, so I know he’s not shooting blanks.”
“Oh God,” she’d groaned, burying her face in Diarmid’s shoulder.
“Okay. Stop! I appreciate the help from everyone, but it’s time you all went home.” Diarmid waved at them while he patted her shoulder consolingly.
Jeanie laughed. “You two old men have all the subtlety of a Mack truck.”
“I want grandpups too, Jeanie,” Kin assured her.
“We’ll have them when we have them. Their relationship is still new, and they need to get to know each other before you throw pups into the mix.”
“Um…hello? Go home. I am not going to get her pregnant while you all watch and offer commentary, so go home.” Miki smacked his arm. He’d looked very offended at what she considered to be a normal reaction. “Ow! What?”
“Men!” She’d pulled out of his arms to give Jeanie a hug. “I’ll call you soon. We can go shopping for some of the accessories we talked about.”
Happiness had radiated from Jeanie. “I’d enjoy that.” Jeanie caught Kin’s arm and dragged him toward the door.
Her daddy came over for a big hug goodbye. “I wish your mama were here to see you, baby girl. She’d be as happy for you as I am.”
“I know, Daddy,” Miki answered, giving him a kiss.
Miki remembered catching a glimpse of Kin’s expression and saw a yearning she hadn’t expected. He wanted a similar closeness with his children but didn’t know how to make it happen. Miki had led her daddy over to the older couple. She grabbed Kin in a hug before he had the opportunity to back off then she kissed his cheek. He was stiff at first before hugging her back. She looked up into his eyes and dared him to say anything. He grinned at her.
“He really does deserve you, Mikaela.”
She smacked his arm, laughing. “You bet he does.” She turned to her Mate, who looked nonplused.
Diarmid unbent enough to hug his mother goodbye. “We’ll visit soon…Mother.”
Jeanie’s smile at her son could have powered all of Denver and its suburbs. “Please do.” She cleared her throat.
Diarmid turned to his father, holding out his hand in a conciliatory way. The older man took it, pulling his son close to give him a hug before stepping abruptly away. Diarmid looked as if he’d been hit in the back of the head with a board.
“We’d better go,” Kin said to the room in general.
“Drive safely…Father,” Diarmid told the older man.
Kin nodded. “C’mon, Jim. We’ll give you a lift home.”
Her daddy winked at her. “Coming.”
He followed the couple out the front door. All the various Redwolf relatives who’d helped with the move converged on the vehicles in the parking area, piling inside.
Miki sipped her orange juice with a smile, turning to get ready to head in to work. Seeing her Mate and his parents unbend enough to show their affection for one another had been worth everything. Diarmid seemed happier these past two days, and not just because they were together. Miki thought it made a difference to him to have the relationship with his parents on the mend. It wasn’t perfect and never would be, but it was so much better than it had been.
Diarmid had already left for work this morning, but it was her evening to work so she was lazing around the house. She smiled as she thought about the last two days living together. She had expected them to drive each other nuts, but they were adapting to one another quickly. It was weird, but in a good way. They’d only been together since last Friday and yet she couldn’t imagine being apart from him ever again. Sleeping by his side each night had been wonderful.
Diar did have a strange concept of romantic gifts though. Miki had arrived home before him the night before to start dinner, knowing he was hungry for a steak dinner. It was a definite advantage to have mental contact so whoever got home first could get dinner. Diarmid had arrived home just as she was putting on the steaks, which had nearly burnt because neither one could wait to make love after their first full day apart since becoming Mates.
Fortunately, they’d both climaxed before their steaks had turned into leather. The meat was more done than Diarmid liked, but Miki liked her steak medium well done, so it was just right for her. They hadn’t even gotten their clothes off. She’d unzipped his pants and he’d thrown her skirt up and they’d made love on the couch in the front parlor. Miki laughed as she put her empty orange juice glass in the kitchen sink. They were insatiable and she liked it.
During dinner, Diarmid had taken a fancy box out of his pocket and handed it to her to open. She’d been expecting a piece of jewelry. When she’d opened the box, she saw a sterling silver key chain with an engraved silver canister on the end.
“What is it?” Miki asked him.
“It’s police-strength pepper spray.” Diarmid told her with a warm smile.
Miki had looked at the present blinking and trying to think of something to say. “Um…how…romantic.”
He’d looked down and she realized she’d hurt him. She reached for him mentally and understood. He wanted her safe, and since she wouldn’t take a gun, this was one thing he could give her she might use, so it was a gift of love. Miki had taken his hand and he’d looked up at her.
“It is romantic coming from you, isn’t it, my love?” she asked softly.
He smiled, happy she knew the gift was from his heart. “Yes, sweetheart. I want you safe and this can help keep you that way.”
She leaned over to kiss him. She had transferred all her keys to the new key chain last night. He’d shown her how to point the pepper spray so she didn’t get hit and where to aim on an assailant for maximum effect. He’d drilled her about looking around her when she was out and studying the area around her vehicle as she walked up to it. He’d even taken her to the space where he’d had mats delivered to practice self defense moves with her. At least she’d managed to turn his self-defense class to her advantage. He was pretty easily distractible.
Miki sighed. Diarmid’s obsessive worrying was wearing on her. Even this morning as he dressed for work, he threw test questions at her. She acknowledged his fear because his last girlfriend had been murdered, but it was tough to take. She had come close to telling him she wasn’t five and didn’t need him to worry so much, but she could feel his fear beating at her so she didn’t.
She prayed Diarmid would catch Jerome Sanders soon because the longer Sanders was in the wind, the more Diarmid would fear for her safety. Every day they were together melded them as a tighter unit, and she no longer doubted he would want to die if anything happened to her because she knew she’d want to die if she lost him.
Diar hadn’t smelled any sign of the serial killer since Saturday night. Miki hoped it was a good sign, but Diarmid was skeptical. Miki looked at the clock, she needed to leave for work or she’d be late. She grabbed her stuff and headed out the door, locking it behind her.
Diarmid had talked her into the habit of wearing her purse across her chest and resting on one hip with her keys in her hands before she left the house or the library. She slid into the car and locked her vehicle, grateful her Mate had arranged for it to get fixed and brought to their new home.
It was nice to have a male around to do man things. He’d even killed a spider in the laundry room last night. Miki laughed as she started the car and headed down the drive. The look on his face when she’d called him really had been priceless. It was a mix of annoyance and gratification only a woman could truly understand. Heap Big Hunter had been called upon by his Mate to protect her, but she’d called in the middle of a movie. Miki pressed the new shiny button on her dash to open the gates then she drove through, waiting for them to close behind her before she pulled away.
She took the shorter route to the library Diarmid had recommended after she complained about her commute yesterday. Since he knew his way around the city, she followed his direction, and just her luck he was proving to be right. Irritating male, she thought with affection. Part way to the library she noted a dark SUV following a distance behind her. She remembered seeing one yesterday both going to work and coming home. It reminded her of the one she’d seen out in Kate Blackbear’s neighborhood.
Miki shook her head in disgust. She was going to give Diarmid hell about this. It was bad enough he was quizzing her at breakfast, but he didn’t need to have an unmarked police vehicle following her around to make sure she made it to work and home okay.
Miki turned into the parking garage near the library, lucky to find a place to park then walked in to the library to get started on her day. The library was a zoo all day. She was run off her feet helping patrons with reference questions. It was gratifying, but there were a couple of library readers she wished would have gone home early, especially the really rude guy.
“Really Rude Guy” had been in on Tuesday during her shift. He’d been demanding and condescending. It had taken all her skill and training to maintain a smile and keep from knocking him in the chops. Last night, she’d made a story of it to entertain Diarmid. He was so sure only cops had it rough dealing with rude people she had to assure him differently. She had him laughing out loud with her description.
Today RRG all but dragged her away from someone else she had been helping. He stood beside this elderly lady, tapping his fingers on the desk, making obnoxious sighing noises because Miki was the only librarian available. The older lady’s reference question was just as important as RRG’s question, but he made the woman uncomfortable enough to hurry off. Miki turned to the obnoxious SOB, forcing a smile to her lips.
“How may I help you, sir?”
“I need you to find some information for me.” RRG was about six foot tall, slender and had a pale complexion. His stare unnerved her, but other than his rudeness, she couldn’t attach her unease to anything specific.
“What sort of information can I help you find?”
“I’m looking for information about werewolves.”
Miki’s stomach knotted slightly but she maintained a smile. His question hit closer to home this week than last. Normally, she would slot the patron into the mental bin of horror fan, except his tone was insinuating rather than interested.
“Are you looking for a book or would you prefer magazine articles?”
“I want a book I can check out. I have some research to do.”
“You are looking for nonfiction materials, then?”
“Yes,” he bit out, as though she were an idiot for asking.
Miki nodded, looking at the computer to complete a search on werewolves in the library catalog. As a reference librarian, she ought to try to query him for more information, but this was one guy she just wanted gone, both for rudeness and outright creepiness. Normally, she would lead a patron to the stacks if the reference desk wasn’t too busy, but in this case she wrote down call numbers, handing them over and directing him where to look. He nodded and left.
Miki caught him shooting a look in her direction before he left her range of sight. The look was predatory, and not in a good way. His stare made her feel as if she were the mouse and he was the cat at the mouse hole waiting for her to pop her head out.

Okay Miki, this is definitely what Diarmid meant by telling him about abnormal stuff. As soon as she got home tonight, they’d have a talk about RRG. He was alarming and disturbing, but he hadn’t done anything more than look at her funny so there was no way she was going to tell Diarmid about it during the day. He’d probably race across town to take a swab from the guy’s cheek or something. Miki shuddered at the response of her coworkers to Diarmid in overreaction mode.
The rest of her day and evening was calm to the point of boring. She could live with boring. She almost thought she was making too much out of “Really Rude Guy’s” behavior, but figured if she didn’t tell Diarmid and it was important he would be seriously displeased with her. A displeased Diarmid was definitely not one she wanted to handle. She loved him, but she knew he was a real hard-ass when he was confronting a suspect or a combative witness. She couldn’t imagine him ever assuming the “good cop” part in a good cop-bad cop scenario.
When she and her coworkers closed the doors for the evening, she breathed a sigh of relief. Day was done and she could go home to her man to relax. Miki had a gut-deep feeling her lover was still at the lab but would head home now that she was. She was going to give him grief, she thought, shaking her head.
Her friends at work were stunned when she’d told them she eloped on Monday. She chose to let them think she’d been dating Diarmid quietly for a few months. It was much easier than trying to explain how she met a man on Friday and married him on Monday. Now, as they walked out together, several were teasing her about going home to a horny husband. She blushed but laughed because they couldn’t be more right about it.
The group who closed the library usually tried to leave together because there was safety in numbers. Her drawback was in coming in so late she was usually parked farther up in the parking structure than they were. Tonight was no exception. Most of them had found their cars on the first two levels, but she had to go all the way to the top. The parking gods had not smiled on her today. Hers was often the only vehicle up here when she worked her evening. Not tonight. There was some event happening in the same area so the parking ramp was nearly full.
Her keys were in her hand and her purse over her body just as Diarmid had been drilling her for the last two days. She felt a bit silly, but better safe than sorry. She walked toward her car, looking around for other people lurking. No one appeared to be near, though she worried “Really Rude Guy” might have been here. She laughed at herself as she walked up to her car, reaching for the lock with her key.
From nowhere a man was behind her, pressing a knife to her neck while his other hand rested at her waist, in a curious caress. She froze.
“Scream and you’re dead.”
Miki closed her eyes briefly. She recognized his voice. It was “Really Rude Guy”. “What do you want?”
He pressed the blade against her neck. “I just thought it polite to introduce myself to Diarmid’s new woman.”
“Your new husband, Mrs. Redwolf. Surely, he told you his name.”
He didn’t have to tell her who he was now. She knew. It was Jerome. She had to start thinking because this animal had killed Diarmid’s last girlfriend and there was no way she was going to let him kill her. She unobtrusively adjusted the pepper spray in her right hand so she could aim carefully.
“How do you know Diarmid?” she asked him, trying to keep him talking while she figured out how to get out of this situation. She knew she couldn’t mentally scream for Diarmid because she was sure he was too far away to do her any good. She’d have to save herself, and by saving herself, she’d save Diarmid.
“He and I are old friends, Mrs. Redwolf. My name is Jerome Sanders. Has he mentioned me?” His voice was oily, which turned Miki’s stomach.
“He may have, Mr. Sanders.”
“May have?” Jerome laughed. It was a very ugly sound because of its nasty edge. “I bet he’s mentioned me. His eyes were probably spinning counterclockwise when he did.”
“I’ve never seen Diarmid’s eyes spin.”
“You’re a real funny bitch.” She could feel his breath against her ear while he pressed against her back and rubbed his crotch against her ass. “I bet he rubs against you like this, doesn’t he? He’s a horny bastard. At least his last girlfriend said so. Does he fuck you in the ass? Carly said he liked anal sex. You think he might be a closet fag?”
Jerome’s cock was hard, but in spite of his obscene actions, Miki felt strangely calm, as if she were standing outside herself, watching the situation. She forced herself not to react to his words because he was trying to get to her. She felt as if she were sitting at a chessboard viewing moves against an invisible opponent, and Miki was determined to win this game.
Miki set her left hand over the one he rested on her waist. If anyone passed them in the back, she knew they would look away, assuming the two of them to be a couple, but the place was deserted. There was an odd echo associated with no humans in a structure. Jerome held her almost as if he were embracing her, but there was no affection in his hold. If anything he seemed almost repulsed by her, which was odd since his erection was still pressed to her ass.
“I don’t think he is homosexual or bisexual, Jerome, and our lovemaking is none of your business.”
“Everything about him is my business. I own him and I always will. He belongs to me.”
“Not anymore, Jerome. He’s mine now.”
“Shut up, bitch.” He pressed the knife to her throat, cutting her. She winced with pain as she felt blood run down her neck. Damn, he was going to ruin one of her favorite sweaters and she hated having him call her a bitch. Unfortunately, she wasn’t really in a position to prevent it just now. “Move to your car and unlock it. We’re going for a ride together.”
Miki didn’t need to be told if she entered her car with him she’d end up dead. She was going to have to try to end this now and escape. She started to walk toward the car, and as she did, a plan formed in her head. She didn’t know if Diarmid was floating around back there helping or if it was all her, but she thought it would work. Just as they got to the car, she turned her head away from him and toward the knife. She didn’t want to do it, but she also didn’t want to get pepper spray in her own face. She lifted her hand, turning it abruptly, spraying him. At the same moment, she dug her nails into the hand at her hip, clawing deep.
He screamed, lifting his hands to his face. She heard the knife clatter to the pavement but not before he sliced her shoulder. The minute he released her, she dropped to the ground and rolled under her car and out the other side. She crawled two cars over and huddled under a car, barely breathing. She could hear him swearing loud and long while she dug her cell phone from her purse. She dialed 9-1-1, lifting the phone to her ear.
“This is 911 emergency. How can I help you?”
“My name is Mikaela Laughlin and I’ve been attacked. I got away when I pepper sprayed him. My assailant is still in the parking structure.” She gave the operator the address and the parking level in a hoarse whisper, listening for Jerome’s footstep.
“We’re dispatching police to your location.”
“My assailant identified himself as Jerome Sanders.”
“I’ll pass your information to the officers, ma’am.”
She looked down at her left hand. His blood was all over her fingers, making her smile. She had the bastard, as long as he didn’t catch her before the police arrived. “I need a crime scene investigator sent here. I have some of his blood on me.”
“Ma’am, I can’t…”
“Bree Blackwolf. If she’s not out on a case, ask her to come here to take evidence. Sanders is a serial killer.”
“I’ll see if Ms. Blackwolf is available.”
She heard footsteps, but she didn’t hear sirens yet. “He’s coming,” Miki whispered.
“Stay with me, ma’am.”
“I’m here.” She turned the phone slightly so the operator would be able to hear anything Jerome said to her.
“I know you’re here, Mrs. Redwolf,” he called out to her. “I’m going to make you pay for the pepper spray, you bitch. You are going to beg me to kill you.” He started muttering and swearing, walking slowly in her direction.
Miki closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing so she wouldn’t pant with fear. His footsteps slowed as he neared the vehicle she hid under, and she bit her lip. Just then she heard sirens, blinking her eyes to keep from bursting into tears in relief.
She jumped when he pounded on the car above her. “I’ll get you yet, bitch. I promise you. Dirty animals like him shouldn’t be allowed to live among humans. My brother gets murdered by one yet no one does anything about it. It sucks!” He hit the hood of the car one last time, shouting one last threat before she heard him running away from her. “Tell Lieutenant Redwolf I’ll be paying his wife another visit very soon.”
She started to breathe again as the sirens reached her level of the parking ramp.
“Did you hear him?” Miki asked the operator.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Did you get it on tape?”
“Yes, I think we did.”
“Send a copy of the tape to the Crime Lab.”
“Are you really Lieutenant Redwolf’s wife, ma’am?”
Miki smiled. Her Mate’s name carried weight even at dispatch. “Yes, I am.”
“I’ll make sure he gets a copy of the tape.”
“Thanks. Thank you for helping me tonight.”
“Yes, ma’am. Have the police arrived?”
Miki heard several vehicles pull to a stop near her. Doors slammed open. “Mikaela? Mikaela? Where are you?”
It was Diarmid, so she started crawling out from under the car where she was hiding. “The police are here,” she told the dispatcher.
“Good luck, ma’am.”
“Thank you.” Miki hung up her cell and rolled out from under the car. She slowly rose to her feet. Diarmid saw her stand and headed for her at a run. God she wanted him to hold her, but he couldn’t. Not yet.
Miki shook her head. “No, Diarmid. You can’t hold me yet. Is Bree here? I asked them to send her.”
He frowned and she sensed his hurt. She looked into his eyes. “I got a piece of him, Diar.” She showed him the blood on her left hand. “Blood and tissue. I dug in deep and marked him.”
He nodded starting to smile, finally understanding her caution not to touch her. “Good girl.” He turned to the other SUV that had pulled up. “Bree, we need you to take evidence.”
Bree joined them. “What happened, Mikaela?”
“Jerome Sanders is what happened. He came up behind me and held a knife to my throat.”
“How close was he to your back?”
“He was pressed right against me. He…” She looked at Diarmid knowing what she said would inflame him and she didn’t need him losing his cool.
“Go ahead, Mikaela,” he encouraged her.
“He ground himself against me in back. He may have left fiber evidence.”
Bree nodded, tape lifting fibers from her back. “Run it down from the top, Mikaela. Pierson, take notes, will you?”
Miki looked over at Diarmid, as Officer Pierson poised his pen for her recounting of the attack. Diarmid’s eyes were blazing and his face was tense as he studied her. She could see him noting every injury Jerome had left on her. His rage made her shiver. Diarmid would make an accounting and one day Jerome would regret his actions. Every muscle in Diarmid’s body was tight with tension—the need to act. To do something. She could feel he wanted to run Jerome to ground, but he wouldn’t leave her when she needed him. She began at the beginning, giving Bree, and Diarmid, a rundown of her evening.
“It was ‘Really Rude Guy’, Diarmid.”
“Shit. I should have known.” His growl of anger was directed at himself not her as his hands clenched with the need to punch something.
“Excuse me? Who?” Bree looked back and forth between them, irritation crinkling her brow.
Mikaela met Bree’s confused dark eyes. “A library patron. He asked a reference question both yesterday and today. He was rude to me and to our other readers. I told Diar an elaborate story about him last night. Frankly, RRG…uh…Jerome just creeped me out when I was helping him. You get odd people sometimes, so I just chalked it up to a full moon. When he had me restrained, growling in my ear, then I knew it was him. I recognized his voice.”
“Does the library have surveillance cameras?” Diarmid asked, trying to think like a cop, even though he wanted to act like a Mate and protect Mikaela.
“I’m not sure. I think so.” His Mate crinkled her forehead, trying to think.
“I’ll check with the library director,” Bree assured him.
“She’ll require a warrant.” Mikaela warned.
“For God’s sake why?” he growled.
His Mate stiffened. “The Patriot Act, that’s why. It sucks.”
He nodded, smiling slightly. Damn he loved his radical, militant librarian. “Bree get a warrant for the tapes.”
Bree nodded. “I’ll need to know when he was at the desk, Mikaela, so we don’t waste time going through tapes we don’t need to review. Go ahead with your story.”
Mikaela glanced at him in query. He nodded so she continued. Diarmid looked down to concentrate on his breathing while he listened. Her ability to get her back up about the Patriot Act relieved some of his tension, but his Mate knew he was still ready to kill something, or rather someone. He had to stay calm for her…to be her rock, even though he wanted to hunt Jerome down for daring to touch his Mate. Jerome didn’t realize what kind of genie he let out of the bottle, but Diarmid did. A shifter whose Mate was threatened was far more dangerous than any human, even if the human was a serial killer.
His Mate was amazing. He smiled encouragingly at her as she recited the exchanges between herself and Jerome with careful attention to detail. Mikaela started with her two interactions in the library, progressing to her cautious approach to her car. She looked apologetically at him.
“I really did look around, Diar. I didn’t see anyone. Where could he have been hiding?” Her voice began to shake, making him want to take her in his arms as she blinked back tears, but Bree was taking the blood evidence from her hand.
“You did great, Mikaela. As soon as Bree is done with you I’m going to hold you until you get tired of having my arms around you. I promise.”
“I never tire of your embrace, Diar.”
“Good. Now what happened next, love?”
“Suddenly he was there, behind me with a knife at my throat. I didn’t even hear him. I should have heard a footstep or something. But I didn’t.” She started to come apart. He could feel it—feel her. He sensed she’d been utterly cold and analytical during the attack, but with the danger past, she was losing control.
“You’re okay, Mikaela. Just go slow and tell us the sequence of events.”
She swallowed, nodding as Bree continued to go over her with a fine-tooth comb, lifting trace evidence. “He knew you and I were married. He called me Mrs. Redwolf. Then he told me who he was and ordered me to get into my car because we were going for a ride.” He watched Mikaela take a calming breath. “I pretended to comply and oriented the pepper spray in my hand. I turned my head away, brought my right hand up to spray him and clawed with my left. He sliced me when he pulled his hands away from me and dropped the knife. I hit the ground, rolling under my car and crawled two over before calling 9-1-1. I asked them to send Bree because I had blood evidence. I think it was hearing Jerome call me Mrs. Redwolf that clinched it for them.”
Diarmid smiled warmly at her. “You are amazing, Mikaela. Very few people could have maintained their cool in the same situation.”
Bree looked over at Diarmid. “I’ve gotten the evidence off Mikaela. I’ll get started around the vehicles.”
Diarmid barely nodded before he ran to Mikaela to gather her into his arms. Normally, they would take her clothes as evidence, but this was his Mate. He just wanted her close. He dropped kisses all over her face, brushing her hair off her face. She clutched him and burst into tears. He held her close, rocking her gently, his eyes closed. Thank God she was alive. If Jerome had killed her, he wouldn’t have been able to control himself, and no one else could have controlled him either.
Diarmid clung to Mikaela as surely as she clung to him. When she started gulping and gasping in her tears, he tenderly lifted her head dropping a kiss on her lips. “Breathe, sweetheart. You’re all right now. You’re safe.”
She nodded, trying to catch her breath. He connected with her to find her mind seething with chaos and fear. He soothed her mentally, kissing her forehead. She sank into him and her breathing regulated. As she relaxed in his arms, he could sense her calming down as she started to feel safe. She buried her head in his shoulder, and he continued to rub her back gently.
“I’m so sorry. I really did look around, Diar. I was being cautious. I don’t know how I missed him.” She sounded miserable and he could hear the guilt in her voice as her hands clenched in his shirt.
“Sssh. You have nothing to apologize for, my love. You did everything you could. An attack is not the victim’s fault.”
“But you warned me.” Her agonized whisper brought tears to his eyes.
“It was not your fault.”
“Are you angry with me?”
“God no.” He clasped her tighter, opening mentally to her.
He could almost feel her turning his thoughts over to examine each one carefully, looking for blame. She would find none because he was thankful she was alive. His memory of Carly on the slab in the morgue floated through his mind, but Carly’s face was briefly replaced by Mikaela’s. It almost brought him to his knees so he clenched her tight.
“I’m okay, Diarmid. Really.”
He smiled as she tried to ease his mental pain. “I know you are. He isn’t going to get the chance to hurt you because you are going into protective custody.”
She stiffened. “No! I’m not going to let him do this to me. I am staying in our home, that’s protective custody enough.”
Diarmid felt his body heat up, trying to keep anger and fear at bay. “I made the mistake of not protecting my family once. I will not do it again.”
“Did you ask Ileana to go into protective custody before?”
“No. I thought I could handle things.”
“Now you know better. I know there is danger, but I am not going to let him disrupt my life.”
“And how long do I stay locked up somewhere? It might take you guys a long time to capture him and I’m stuck in prison until you do. No, Diar. I love you, but I won’t do it.”
She was tense, shaking her head emphatically. They were still connected mentally and he could feel her desire to be with him not locked away somewhere. He kissed her forehead, terrified for her safety.
Memories from earlier flooded him. He’d been on his way home when a wave of panic flooded him. He realized it wasn’t coming from him, so he’d reached for her mentally. He’d felt her terror as she was trapped in Jerome’s arms, a knife at her throat. He’d kept himself mentally still so he wouldn’t frighten her further. As her brain had been frantically looking for a way to stay alive, he slipped a course of action into her thoughts then he’d flipped on his siren. He’d called for backup as he headed for the parking ramp, fearing he’d be too late and find her dead. Diarmid sighed, pulling her close again, running his hands over her to assure himself she was alive and well.
Mikaela looked up at him. “The idea came from you, didn’t it?”
Diarmid nodded. “It was risky, but if you’d gotten into the car…” He shuddered.
“I know, Diar. I know,” she whispered.
Bree stopped by them. “Diarmid. Take your…wife home. I’ll finish going over the crime scene and we’ll tow her car out of here and take it to the lab.”
“I have to go to work tomorrow,” Mikaela argued.
“No you don’t. You can stay home.” Diarmid ordered.
“Alone? I’ll go crazy sitting and staring at the walls, plus I have a class to teach tomorrow morning.”
He sighed. “All right, but I’ll drive you.”
“You go to work at dawn, Diarmid!”
“I’ll go in later. You aren’t going anywhere alone until we catch Sanders, Mikaela. If you won’t go into protective custody, then you won’t be alone. I’ll drive you to work and pick you up at night.”
Mikaela frowned at him but she nodded in concession after reading the implacable determination in his face. “It’s not as if you weren’t keeping an eye on me already.”
Diarmid froze. “What do you mean?”
She looked confused as he waited for an answer. “The unmarked police vehicle you’ve had following me around for the last two days.”
Diarmid swallowed. “I haven’t had anyone following you, Mikaela. I need you to tell me exactly when and where you saw this vehicle and why you thought it was with the department.”
All the color left Mikaela’s face and she swayed slightly. He held her close. “I’ve had a dark-colored SUV follow me to and from work yesterday and to work today. In fact, I saw a vehicle like it near Kate Blackbear’s place on Sunday. I just thought a police officer lived in the neighborhood.”
Diarmid closed his eyes. He wanted to be angry at her, but he couldn’t. He should have seen the vehicle on Sunday, and he should have noticed it outside their home the last two days, but he didn’t. He was losing his edge.
“No, you aren’t.”
“Yes, I am. I should have seen him. Damn it, this is my fault.”
Mikaela lifted her right hand to his cheek, turning his face to hers. He didn’t want to meet her eyes. “Diarmid, do not blame yourself. We’ll get through this and you’ll find Sanders and arrest him. All right?” Reluctantly, he nodded, as she said, “Let’s go home.”
He met her green eyes. She was smiling gently up at him. He kissed her palm. “Yes, let’s go home.”

Chapter Seventeen
Miki sighed with relief as Diarmid lifted her into his SUV and closed the door. She reluctantly belted up while she watched him stop and talk to Bree for a few minutes. He gave Bree his set of her car keys and headed for his vehicle, and her. She didn’t want to think about what would have happened if she hadn’t escaped. Diarmid opened his door, climbed in and looked over at her. She smiled, setting her hand on his arm. She froze as she realized her hand still had Jerome’s blood on it, and she started to shiver at how close a call she’d had. She lifted her hand, watching it shake as if it belonged to someone else.
Diarmid released her seat belt and gathered her in his arms again. “Ssssh. It’s all right, love,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.
Miki buried her face in his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m sorry I’m so clingy. Normally, I’m much stronger than this,” she whispered.
“You were strong when you needed to be, Mikaela. I can live with your tears as long as I can live with you,” his voice was low and hoarse.
She could feel his fear crashing into her like the tide coming in, so she rubbed his back with her right hand. She really wished she could wash the blood off her left because she wanted to be free of Jerome.
He set her back into her seat and belted her in. “We’re going to find some place you can wash your hands.”
“Thank you. Having his blood on me is grossing me out.”
“I’m glad you marked him. I hope it makes him think twice.”
Miki relaxed as Diarmid drove them out of the parking lot and to the nearest fast-food place. He parked and they went inside. He led her to the bathroom hallway.
“I can go to the bathroom alone, Diarmid.”
He crossed his arms, leaned against the wall and raised his brow at her. She laughed, shaking her head and went inside. Miki looked in the stalls and took a deep breath, glad to be alone. She soaped her hands and washed them thoroughly then soaped and washed again. She kept washing her hands, even after the water hitting the white porcelain ran clear. The thought of having Jerome so close to her made her ill and she wasn’t sure she’d ever feel completely clean again.

You’ll feel clean again, sweetheart. You’ll feel clean, when I put the bastard in a deep dark hole, Diarmid’s voice growled in her mind.

You better be referring to a jail cell, my love. I don’t want this to turn you into a murderer. She could feel reluctant agreement, but he didn’t respond with words.
She leaned over, splashing water on her face and the cut on her neck. It wasn’t deep but it sure did sting. The door behind her was pushed open and she jumped a foot, spinning around, almost crouching in a defensive move. In her mind, she felt Diarmid straighten his stance outside the door as the older woman looked fearfully at Miki then quickly backed out again. Miki dropped her head into her hands, swearing under her breath as she took a deep breath, trying to get her heartbeat back under control. She shook her head. What an idiot.

If your hands are clean, come out of there, sweetheart. Don’t beat yourself up for a very natural reaction to being startled. I’m sorry I didn’t think to warn you but she looked harmless to me. Diarmid’s mental voice was apologetic and concerned.

She was. I think I scared her.

Miki looked at her hands and under her fingernails to make sure the blood was gone. She even studied her ring, to make sure it sparkled. She sighed, exiting the bathroom and walking directly into Diarmid’s arms. He kissed her, sliding his arm around her waist.
“Let’s leave.”
She nodded. Miki could feel Diar’s frustration as they were caught in a traffic snarl on the way home. Whatever event had filled up the parking lot must have let out because the area was awash with cars, so she leaned back in her seat, thankful she didn’t have to negotiate the vehicular nightmare.
She rubbed her brow, beginning to feel warm. She peeled off the sweater she’d been wearing at work. It always seemed cold in the building she worked in, but right now she was starting to sweat. She could feel beads of perspiration on her forehead. It was as if a wave of heat was washing over her. Maybe she was hitting menopause because she felt as if she were having a hot flash. Not only was she hot, but her skin felt tight. She groaned, wanting her bra off in the worst way. Miki reached under her shirt and unfastened the front-hook bra and slid it off before putting her arms back into the sleeves. She threw the bra over the seat.
“Mikaela, what are you doing?”
“Getting comfortable. It’s so hot in here! Diar, could you turn off the heat?”
He looked at the settings with a frown. “The heat isn’t on.”
“It has to be. I’m hot and my skin feels funny.”
She looked over at Diarmid, staring at the planes of his face. Damn, he was good-looking. She watched him swallow, licking her lips as she imagined running her tongue over his throat. She loved his neck and the way the veins stood out prominently, especially when they were making love. His concentration was on the traffic, but Miki’s eyes followed the curve of his mouth. She shifted in her seat, her clit starting to throb with need as her nipples tightened against the light sweater she wore.
She unhooked her seat belt and leaned over to her Mate, running her fingers over his crotch. “Have you ever had a woman go down on you while you were driving?” She breathed huskily.
“Not while I was on the clock in a government-issued vehicle.”
“Mmmm. There’s always a first time.” Miki started to lower her head to his lap, he stopped her, pushing her gently but firmly back to her seat.
“Sweetheart, as much as I enjoy having your mouth sucking my cock, now isn’t a good time. Please sit up and put your seat belt on.”
She laughed. “It’s not like you’re going to get pulled over for violating the seat belt law, Diar.”
“Maybe not, but I’m supposed to set an example here.”
“Fuck that. I want you.”
“We’re almost home, love.” The look on his face reflected concern until he took a deep breath. He seemed to freeze for a moment then he looked into her eyes, growling deep in his throat.
She smiled at him. “C’mon, Diar. Fuck me.”
“As soon as we’re home.”
Miki looked around. The neighborhood was growing familiar. Diar started driving faster, but she needed his cock now. She reached under her skirt to pull her panties off then tossed them into the back seat to keep her bra company. She lifted her skirt to her waist, spread her legs and slid her fingers into her wet pussy. She tilted her pelvis, pushing her fingers into her cunt with a moan. She turned her head, laughing wickedly when she found Diarmid staring at her mesmerized.
“I thought you were driving us home…”
“Shit!” He snapped his eyes front bringing the vehicle back into their lane. “Mikaela, you need to stop distracting me.”
“I need you to fuck me. If you won’t fuck me, I’m going to take care of myself.”
“I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk once we’re home if you want, but I need to get us there in one piece.” He kept turning his head to watch her play with herself. A flush rose in his cheeks as his upper lip grew moist. “Mikaela, you’re driving me crazy.”
Miki chuckled wickedly, lifting her shirt to tug on her tight nipples while she kept up steady penetration between her legs. She closed her eyes, focusing on her pleasure. She teased her clit with her thumb, rocking her hips with the motion of the vehicle. Her pussy was dripping with need and she groaned, trying to ease the overwhelming need she felt. The compulsion to come was drowning her. She went from one finger penetration to three and came immediately, but it wasn’t enough.
While she thrust her fingers in and out of her clasping, tight sheath, she put her other hand to the task of teasing her clit. Miki lifted her hips as a swell of pleasure shimmered through her, but she needed more. She wanted Diarmid. She turned fevered eyes over to him, smiling as she noted the rock-hard cock straining against his suit pants. He might be fighting it, but he wanted inside her pussy in the worst possible way. Good, he should suffer too if he wouldn’t fuck her when she needed to be fucked.
“Oh, I’ll fuck you, sweetheart. Have no fear, and you’ll wish you’d been a bit more respectful to your Mate.”
His growl sent her over the edge of another orgasm. She loved the sound of his voice—the vibrations went between her legs like a cock. “Keep talking, Diar. Talk dirty to me,” she moaned.
“Spread your legs wider, so you can get deeper.” Diarmid’s deep voice was strained. Miki laughed, but she obeyed his heated order, turning in her seat. She set her back against the door so he could watch her play with her pussy. She opened her eyes to find him watching her hands drive into her wet, dripping cunt.
“You might want to pick one side of the road or the other, Diar,” she teased.
“Damn it…” he muttered, adjusting the vehicle. He drew a deep breath while she paused, waiting for his direction.
“What do you want me to do next?”
“Reach inside and press against the front wall of your pussy.”
“You want me to find my G-spot?”
“Yes. Probe for it. If I can find it and make you scream, you can find it.”
Miki probed her body, easing her fingers in and out, pressing into her hungry flesh, looking for her sweet spot. She brought her other hand over to play with her clit.
“No, Mikaela. Leave the clit hungry for now.”
“No. Find your G-spot and massage it.”
Miki kneaded herself internally, gasping when she found the swollen spot. She massaged deeply, nearly climbing off the seat with the intense arousal it produced. She whimpered, increasing the pressure while she slid her fingers in and out. She thrust her fingers deeper into her body as flames surged through her. Her nipples were so tight they hurt, but the pain was welcome.
She used her free arm to pull her shirt over her head and throw it on the floor. She began to play with her tense nipples as she finger-fucked herself. She walked the razor edge of orgasm with finesse, enjoying the pleasure-pain of riding the crest of climax. Miki groaned helplessly, briefly opening her eyes. Diarmid’s entire attention was focused on her as he slowly rubbed his erection through his tight pants. She blinked as she noticed how sharp his canine teeth had grown, giving him a siren’s smile.
He unfastened his seat belt when she realized they’d come to a stop in front of their new home. It was dark outside. She couldn’t see the winking of light from their nearest neighbor. Miki was glad their home was in the center of nearly an acre of land because she liked the privacy it granted them—especially tonight.
Miki closed her eyes and probed her pussy, massaging the G-spot with the sole purpose of turning him on more. Her abdominal muscles rippled in her excitement. She moaned, pleasuring herself to turn her lover on. Miki opened her mind to his, his craving for her enveloped her mind, increasing the intensity of her arousal. Diar growled then he grazed the tight bundle of nerves in her quivering clit with his thumbnail. She yelled as she toppled over the edge, jamming her fingers deep into her G-spot to take her to the next level. His mouth fastened over her pussy just as juices erupted from her body in an orgasm so fierce it hurt. He drank her in, sucking on her clit to prolong out the pleasure-pain until she was screaming and bucking against him.
When he finally lifted his head, his face was wet. “It’s time for me to fuck you, Mikaela.”
“Yes.” She lifted her hips invitingly, needing to be penetrated even though she’d just endured an almost unbearable climax. Her body was still throbbing and tight with need.
“Not here. There isn’t enough space for me to take you the way I want.” He lifted his head, easing back to open the door. He climbed out.
“Where are you going?”
“We’re home, sweetheart. I’m coming to get you.”
Miki laughed, but her body claimed her attention as another flood of heat overtook her. She stroked her clit, tormenting her pussy again by piercing her core with her fingers. Just then the door behind her opened, completely unprepared she dropped to the seat like a stone. She lay with her back on the seat arching her neck to find herself face to crotch with her Mate.
“Oh yeah.” She reached for him, intending to lower his zipper to take him in her mouth.
He caught her wrists, preventing her from going for him. “No, Mikaela. I don’t want your mouth, I want your pussy.”
“I want to taste you, Diar.”
“Later. I need to fuck you now.”
She wanted to pout, but she wanted him inside her more, so she scrambled around in the seat so he could lift her down. Miki smiled wickedly into his blue eyes, running her hands over his shoulders and easing off the seat into his arms. He caught her close, so she rubbed her sensitive nipples against the rough silk of his jacket. The silk should have felt smooth, but nothing felt smooth on her skin right now.
The cool night air made her shiver, but she loved the way it caressed her skin. She stepped away from Diarmid on the rough asphalt, pulling her skirt off and pitching it into the SUV. She stood before him wearing nothing but a garter, stockings and shoes. She leaned against the side of the SUV, giving him a sexy pose, then she cupped her breasts, offering them to him like fruit on a plate. He groaned and almost against his will, his head descended. He took first one then the other nipple into his mouth. He sucked and nipped at them with his sharp teeth so that she arched her back to make them more prominent. Miki sighed with enjoyment as his teeth teased her.
She’d always wondered what it would be like to have her nipples pierced, and as he bit her, she imagined him piercing one with his razor-sharp canines. He lifted his head as she met the fire of lust in his eyes.
“Don’t imagine it if you don’t want me to consider doing it, Mikaela,” he warned her.
She moaned at his intensely possessive look. Moisture dripped out of her pussy onto her thighs. God, she was wet and so ready to be taken by him. She needed him inside her because only he could fill the void.
“Fill it, I will.” Diar sounded near the end of his tether, and she reveled in it. Thrilled she could make him fly so close to the edge with her. He lowered his zipper and his cock sprang out, ready for her.
She lifted her leg, hooking it around his hip. “Take me, Diar.”
With one thrust he speared her. She moaned, shuddering with the unexpected orgasm rippling through her body. Diarmid caught her under her legs, lifting her so she was pressed to the side of the SUV but spread open for him to take, and take her he did.
She arched in his arms, clinging to him as he plunged repeatedly into the core of her sex, driving her crazy with need. Miki tried to move, but his grasp prevented her from doing anything but receiving him. He draped her legs over his forearms, which allowed her to press her feet to his ass in encouragement. She locked her arms over his shoulders arching her neck, inviting his kisses.
Diarmid pressed his open-mouth against her neck, marking her with tiny bites. His lips roved upward to tease her ears the way she loved as he pounded into her. She tightened, preparing for yet another orgasm. Miki sobbed, clinging to Diar with both her arms and her pussy. Every time she clenched her internal muscles on him, she increased her pleasure in time to his groans.
The slap of his body into hers was an erotic accompaniment to the night sounds. She ran her hands through his hair, holding his head against her neck then she turned her head to kiss him. He met her lips and the teasing of his tongue mimicked the thrust of his cock. She savored his mouth, enjoying the taste of him. He always seemed to taste of coffee and she was starting to really love his flavor. His hands teased her bottom, sliding enticingly between her cheeks.
She whimpered with need, wanting his fingers to penetrate her there. She wanted to be completely filled by him…everywhere. He dipped his fingers down to catch some of her plentiful body fluids to use for lubricant teasing his way back up to rim her asshole with just the tip of his forefinger. She panted with excitement, biting at his neck and clawing at his shoulders.
“Yes, Diar. Do it. Please…”
He eased a finger into her while he sank into her tight pussy. She whimpered, clamping onto his cock and fingers as both probed her body expertly. Every muscle in her body contracted as she shuddered through yet another orgasm. She couldn’t get enough, but her need wasn’t ebbing, it was growing. Each climax drove her higher and wound her need tighter.
Miki clung, kissing him, running her tongue over the skin of his neck. Diarmid dipped his head, sucking her nipples into his mouth while he teased the sensitive tips with his tongue and teeth. He drove into her, increasing his speed as he panted with his own arousal. She consciously clamped down on him as he inflamed all her most responsive tissues. She could feel him swelling inside her, the throb of his erection acting almost like a vibrator—teasing her, pleasuring her, tormenting her. It was too much sensation. She cried out arching in his arms as yet another peak of pleasure stole her breath away. This time, Diarmid went with her, howling as he came. He clung to her, their bodies pulsating together in mutual ecstasy.
Miki gasped as he pressed his weight against her. His breathing was harsh, overpowering the other night sounds. In fact, she could almost swear small animals held their breath in anticipation of the predator’s next move, hoping he would ignore them. She kissed his cheek, stroking his hair. She wanted to laugh at her fanciful thoughts, but the night seemed tense, hushed and waiting.
“You aren’t wrong, Mikaela.” His raspy whisper startled her into looking into his eyes. His eyes seemed to glow and his teeth were still fangs.
“Not wrong?”
“They wait to see if they are safe because they smell the wolf in me.” He eased his fingers out of her ass.
“Do they?” she panted.
“Oh yes, don’t you?” She mewled as he slid his cock out of her pussy and set her feet on the ground. Flames engulfed her body like a flashover at a fire. She clawed at him to pull him back to her. “They also smell the wolf in you, my love.” He growled, holding her close, the sound of his voice drawing her nipples into points.
“I need you again,” she marveled. How could this be?
He ran his fingertips over her taut nipples. “You’re in heat, Mikaela.”
She blinked in surprise as he looked up from his caress of the vulnerable tips. “But it’s not possible, Diarmid. I just went through heat on Friday night. It can’t happen again. Not so fast.”
“Your last heat was off-cycle, remember? Ginger told me your next heat would coincide with your cycle, and tonight, you’re on-cycle, Mikaela.”
She had trouble taking it in. Her skin was on fire. It felt tight, almost crispy. Her damp stockings were irritating her thighs—her garter belt was scratching her. She looked into his eyes for guidance. “I don’t understand, what do you mean?”
He smiled slightly, dropping a gentle kiss on her lips while he continued to caress her skin. It aroused her, but it hurt too because her skin was overly sensitive to any contact.
“Think about it…” Her brain wasn’t working, making her want to snarl at him for tasking her like this. “That’s part of it. You want to feel, not think.”
“Yes, I do. So just fuck me again.”
“It won’t ease you. Only one thing will ease you, love.”
“I need you to mount me.”
“You do.”
She turned, pressing her breasts against the cold side of the SUV, pushing her ass toward him. “Then do it. Mount me.”
“I’m not getting locked inside you out here. We’re too vulnerable to attack.”
Miki tensed, half turning toward him. “Do you smell Jerome?”
Diarmid was staring at her ass, licking his lips. “No, but he isn’t the only danger.”
“Do you have other enemies?”
“No one active, but every cop has people who would be happy if he went down. We’re going inside.”
Miki groaned, not sure whether she could walk with her pussy throbbing so intensely. He leaned inside the vehicle to grab her sweater and skirt then pulled her close to lift her into his arms. He kicked the door of the SUV closed and headed for the porch. Miki wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him as he carried her. Her body burned with the yearning to be mounted by her Mate, and it was growing like a fire finding fuel and plenty of oxygen. Every touch of his body and every smell associated with him heightened the flames licking at her.
When he set her on her feet by the door in order to reach into his pocket to grab his house keys, she kicked off her shoes, unfastened the garter and started to remove her stockings. They were sticking to her, making her uncomfortable.
“Mikaela, you can strip inside.”
“No. Now.”
She set a foot on the railing and rolled the stocking down, leaned forward and pulled it off her toe. She lifted her other foot and did the same, looking over at her Mate. He was watching her every move, his tongue wetting his lips. She chuckled wickedly then shimmied out of her garter belt. Once she had it off, she tossed it to Diarmid. He caught it easily, scrunching it ruthlessly in his hands. She walked to the railing and bent at the waist, leaning her elbows on it.
“Mikaela, damn it, get inside.” Miki reveled in the hoarseness of his voice. He wanted her, and he was just barely holding on to his control.
She reached between her legs, easing her fingers into her while she rubbed her clit with her thumb. “I want to feel the breeze on my skin. I’m so hot, Diar…” She cried out as she suffered another flashover—fire flooded her bloodstream taking her to a state of frenzy.
Miki focused on her body, driving herself to yet another mind-shattering orgasm. Diarmid caressed her back gently. “I was afraid of this,” he muttered.
“Afraid of what?” She plucked at her nipples while she teased her pussy, nearly bent double over the railing on the porch in her need for another climax.
“Afraid you were going to ovulate before we went inside.”
“Ovulate? That’s what you meant by on-cycle? You can get me pregnant?”
“Then mount me, Diarmid. I want you to get me pregnant!”
“We’re too vulnerable out here.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her away from the railing.
“But if you wait too long, I won’t get pregnant!” Miki shrieked at him, grabbing at his clothes, trying to strip him.
He dragged her through the front door, slamming it and locking it behind them. She sank to her knees, pulling off his shoes and socks while he stripped off his jacket. They both peeled the rest of his clothing off in a frenzy of need. In spite of the low light, Miki could see him as if it were daylight.
His beautiful cock arched from his body rigid and hard like a skyscraper, and equally impressive. She took him in her hands, stroking him, fascinated by his intense response to her touch. He groaned and arched his neck, shivering with desire. His skin was already glistening with sweat while his cock gleamed with pre-come coating the tip. She smoothed his natural lubricant over his cock then leaned forward to taste him. Miki nibbled his cock as if it were a gourmand’s delicacy, savoring his unique flavor. He tasted a little different tonight, almost tangy. She liked it, so she sucked him into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down the length of his shaft.
She looked up and saw him fighting the pleasure, his abdominal muscles clenched tight to hold himself back. He looked down and his eyes opened, meeting hers. She’d never seen the look in his eyes she saw now, and it caused her juices to flood her pussy. He caught her hair in his hands to hold her head and pumped into her mouth, watching her with the eyes of an Alpha wolf. She sensed he was at the edge of his control, and it filled her with excitement to know she could push him so far. It made her wonder what an out-of-control Diarmid would look like.
“Don’t push me any further, Mikaela.” His growl was guttural, just barely human.
The wolf bitch in her wanted to push him. The bitch wanted him out of control, but the human half of her was terrified yet aroused. He let go of her hair and pulled out of her mouth.
“On your back, my sweet bitch.”
Miki didn’t need to be told twice, not when he was in this mood. She scrambled away from him and lay on her back, bending her knees and spreading them so he could do what he would with her body. She leaned back on her elbows so she could gaze up at him as he walked over to her and dropped to his knees. Miki licked her lips as Diarmid stared into her eyes. No man she’d ever been with prepared her for her Mate like this. He scared and excited her both. Her other lovers had all been so mild by comparison, but Diarmid was a force of nature.
Diarmid frowned at her. “Do not think of another male right now, Mikaela. I’m on edge as it is. Don’t push me over or you might regret it.”
She bit her lip and nodded, focusing her thoughts on Diarmid. He settled between her legs then looked up at her with a wicked smile on his face. He clasped her hips in his arms, effectively imprisoning her in his grip.
“I’m going to make you beg, sweetheart. When you’ve begged enough, I’m going to plant my pup in your womb.”
Miki whimpered, fluids seeping out onto her swollen cunt lips. “I’ll beg right now. I want you to plant your pup in my womb!”
“You aren’t ready yet. I’ll know when it’s time. Hold on, Mikaela, because this will be one wild ride.”
With barely any warning, he buried his mouth in her engorged folds and sucked. When he fastened his mouth over her already aching clit and applied suction she bowed off the floor and screamed, shuddering with a fierce orgasm. Simultaneously, he eased his fingers into her pussy, teasing the front wall. She shook her head, knowing he was looking for her G-spot, and Diarmid would find it. He always found it.
Miki shook with a moan as he massaged the enlarged spot inside her. She reached for his head and tried to pull him away. It was too much sensation for her, but he shook his head as if he were shaking off an annoying gnat, holding her hips in place while he forced her to endure the pleasure he was giving her. She mewled, bucking in his arms as her nipples tightened painfully, climaxes licking at her like a backdraft seeking oxygen.
He pressed deep into her, inserting more fingers to stretch her clenched pussy. When the three fingers he had in her pressed into her sweet spot, she arched and jerked, losing her hold on sanity. She came and he drank her in, flicking his tongue over her quivering clit, increasing the intensity of her climax. He continued to massage and suck her, and she barely dropped from one high before she experienced the next and another and another.
“Diarmid…please…no more.” Miki wasn’t sure if she even said it aloud, but he paused then flipped her onto her belly.
She held herself in readiness because she knew he was going to take her finally. She wanted him in her pussy, needed him there. She felt his fingers probing her to ready her for his possession. Miki had never been more ready to be taken in her entire life.
“Fuck me, Diarmid! Do it now,” she howled at him.
His hiss was accompanied by him stabbing deep into her cunt with his oversized cock. He stretched her painfully, but it felt so good. He paused, but she pushed back onto his cock. He caught her hips so he didn’t impale her. She wanted him in her all the way, but he wouldn’t take her.
“Damn it, quit teasing me! Fuck me, you bastard, and do it now!”
She thrust back again and again he caught her. He managed to turn her thoughts as he started short, shallow jabs into her aching cunt. She rode his cock, clenching on it, milking him. Every spasm in her cunt tightened her down on his cock, still he withdrew and thrust back inside. Each time he thrust inside her, she opened then slammed closed like a Venus flytrap trying to prevent his escape. He laughed in her ear as he drove repeatedly into her body.
“Please, Diarmid. Oh God, please,” she whimpered brokenly.
She needed to have him thrust home, but he kept up the tight, short strokes wrenching climax after climax from her. Each orgasm he wrung from her tightened her abdomen until her body was a constant wave of rippling shudders. She barely noticed Diarmid’s intense arousal as orgasms overwhelmed her.
“Now, Mikaela. Now you’re ready for me to plant my pup in you.”
She mewled as he plunged his swollen cock deep into her body. She felt them lock together then Diarmid jerked as his seed spurted from him, settling deep in her womb. He buried his canines in her shoulder as he continued to shoot come from his spasming cock. His bite made her pussy clamp even more tightly around his cock, imprisoning him more certainly in her body. Diarmid collapsed on her, rolling to the side at the last minute and pulling her close. He licked the wound he inflicted in her shoulder and she knew it would quit bleeding almost instantly.
Their tangled sweaty bodies clung together and she relaxed in the safety of Diarmid’s strong arms. She turned her head and looked at his beloved face. Miki reached up and caressed him as he opened his eyes. He looked a little worried until he saw the love in her eyes. He smiled and kissed her palm. They both shuddered as residual orgasms forced more semen from Diarmid’s straining cock.
“I hope you weren’t in a hurry, sweetheart. We’re going to be here a while.”
“I am a little hungry.”
Diarmid chuckled. “So am I, but we are going to have to suffer. I really don’t want to try to waddle into the kitchen to dig food out of the cupboards or the refrigerator with us locked together.”
“I can wait half an hour.”
Diar shook his head, dropping a kiss on her shoulder. “Better plan on an hour, maybe more.”
Miki frowned. “Why?”
“Because you are on-cycle. I could smell the pheromones and it made my body respond slightly differently. When you tasted me, you gobbled me up.”
“Yeah. You tasted really good.” She licked her lips in memory.
He laughed, dropping a kiss onto her mouth. “My glands were secreting different hormones to stimulate ovulation. We both tasted different tonight. Trust me, sweetheart, you are sweet as candy right now.”
“How does it affect the length of time we’re hooked together?”
“My juices stimulated you, and yours did me. When we ingested and smelled those changes, it affected things. I’m not a medical person so I don’t know all the facts. I just know that in order to assure impregnation, your body will keep milking me until you are pregnant. No matter how long it takes, and it usually takes a while for the sperm to make the trip to the egg and penetrate it.”
“I’m hungry,” Miki pouted.
Diar kissed her. “Try to fall asleep. We’ll eat later.”
“I’m hungry now.”
“Well, I guess I could help you get your mind off food, if you aren’t sleepy.”
He took her mouth in a deep kiss while he slipped his fingers between her inflamed pussy lips and lightly teased her sensitive clit. It didn’t take more than a few strokes before she came, shuddering helplessly. Her orgasm milked his cock where it was locked in her body and they both climaxed again.
He grazed her nipples with his finger tips and she arched into his body. She closed her eyes as he played with her. Each stroke of his fingers on her clit or her nipples had her cunt clenching down on his cock so she came internally as well. She reached back and grasped his thighs in her hands, holding on for dear life. Miki closed her eyes and gave herself over to pleasure, surrendering herself to her Mate. She heard his growl of desire, but it barely registered as he continued to tease and torment her with his fingers and his mouth.
Miki lost track of time as Diarmid played her body like a virtuoso violinist. He was definitely Paganini and she was the instrument and beneficiary of his talent. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but she jerked again in his arms, shivering as she sensed the urgency easing. Her cunt started to loosen its death grip on Diar’s cock. Diar could pull out right now, but it would probably hurt them both if he did. He stayed put, easing her arousal with his gentle touch. He continued to please her but without the driving imperative of procreation which characterized their earlier encounter. She caressed his arm and thigh with a sigh of content. There was something to this forced afterglow she really liked.
He chuckled and kissed her temple, holding her close. “Me too.”
“Am I pregnant now?”
He took a deep breath, and sighed. “I think so. I’ll know for sure in the morning, but this kind of Mating usually assures it.”
“How will you know?”
“You’ll smell different.”
“I will?”
“Yes. You smell different now, sort of like both of us combined, but the smell will increase the more the fertilized egg divides and grows in your body.”
Miki smiled contemplating it. “You like the way I smell?”
“You are the best smell I’ve ever known.” He kissed her, easing his cock out of her. Miki sighed a little sadly—it made her melancholy when he wasn’t a part of her anymore. “I’m a part of you, sweetheart, and I always will be if we planted my pup in your womb just now.” He kissed her shoulder.
“Did we?”
“I think we did.”
Miki smiled and looked back into his eyes. “Let’s go get some supper.”

Chapter Eighteen
As the morning light filtered through their bedroom window, Diarmid ran his fingers through Mikaela’s soft hair, a gentle smile on his face. He couldn’t ever remember feeling this content before. Mikaela muttered in her sleep, cuddling close to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He’d woken this morning, taken a deep breath and wanted to climb up to the roof and shout to the world his Mate was going to bear him a pup. He knew now. Her scent was rife with their child growing inside her. In fact, he was amazed at how pungently she smelled of her pregnancy. Ileana had never broadcast scent so strongly, but perhaps it was the difference between Chosen Mates and True Mates.
He looked down into her face, smiling as she wrinkled her nose and buried her face in his shoulder. Diarmid never expected to love anyone the way he loved Mikaela. He hadn’t known it was possible. After last night, this love terrified him as the realization of losing her became his constant companion. He ran a finger over her cheek and into her hair. What if Jerome had been able to kidnap her last night? He didn’t want to think about it, but it was ever present in the back of his mind.
When they received her car back from the lab, he would put a GPS locator on it, even if she didn’t want him to. It was doubly important for her to be safe now. He kissed her forehead, which made her smile in her sleep. Of course, he’d have to tell her about the tracker or she’d freak out when she finally did find out. She was too linked to him not to realize what he’d done.
He chuckled to himself as he contemplated the implications of their closeness. They would never be able to have secrets from one another, not even birthday or Christmas gifts. She didn’t realize it, but she could already wander around in his head with an astonishing ease, and he even liked it. That shocked him more. He’d been put off by the thought of mentally meshing with a True Mate. He had always believed sharing his mind so intimately with someone would be intrusive, but it wasn’t. It was as if he’d found the missing piece of his soul, and only now could he be at ease in himself.
Mikaela sighed, causing Diarmid to look into her face as she blinked her deep, green eyes open, unfocused until they met his as she yawned. She smiled warmly and brought her hand up, running her fingers over his lips.
“Morning,” she murmured.
“Good morning, love.”
“Are we?”
“Are we what?” He raised his brows, pretending not to know what she was asking.
“You know. Are we pregnant?”
He chuckled. “Yes, love. You are carrying my pup in your womb.”
She shrieked and threw her arms around him, showering kisses all over his face. He grinned, catching her in his arms and kissed her back.
“I can assume you’re happy about this, Mikaela?”
“Oh yes!” She bounced on the bed. “I’m pregnant! Wooo hooo!!” Diarmid burst into laughter. Happiness he’d expected, but her exuberance was refreshing. “You bet your ass I’m exuberant! I’m ecstatic! I’m over the moon!” She tossed their pillows into the air, laughing joyfully. She plopped onto his chest and kissed him. “Boy or girl?”
“I produced boys before.”
“Then its time for your girl sperm to catch up.” Her kiss was gentle as she worried about how he would feel now, remembering his boys. Her kindness and sensitivity humbled him.
“Maybe so. If we have boys, then we have boys. I’ll love them as I love Craig and Ian. If we have girls, then I can learn how to be a daddy to girls. It’s all good.”
Mikaela grinned down at him. “Please tell me if you…” She frowned, trying to express what she wanted to say.
“If I feel grief more than usual, and it could happen, it’s merely for what might have been. I will never be unhappy we found each other and are starting a family. Never, Mikaela.”
She nodded, kissing him. “Neither will I, Diar. Neither will I.”
“Um, Mikaela…I’d really like you to stay home from work today.”
“Because I’m pregnant?”
“No, you need time to recover from the attack, sweetheart.”
“Will you stay home with me?”
Diarmid felt his heart contract. “I can’t, I have to follow up on last night.”
“Then I don’t want to stay home. I’d sit here and wallow in fear and worry all day. It isn’t recuperative. You said last night you’d drive me to work.”
“I will if you really want to go,” Diar frowned at her. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I don’t want to sit around and stare at the walls.” Mikaela looked down at her belly again then started to grin. “I’m pregnant, so nothing can ruin this day.” She giggled, dropping a kiss on his mouth, and he pulled her close for another kiss.
“I agree. Nothing will ruin this day.”
“I have to tell my daddy. He’ll be over the moon!”
Diarmid laughed. Mikaela’s joy was boundless and Diarmid was caught up in the whirlwind that was his Mate. She called her daddy almost as soon as her feet hit the floor beside their bed, setting the phone for speaker so when she told him about the baby, they could both share his reaction.
“’Bout damn time!” James grumped, but Diarmid could hear the happiness hiding under the teasing of his daughter.
“Daddy! I had to go into heat on-cycle first. These things take time.”
“I had you and your brother planted in your mama’s belly the day we met because I know how to get the job done.”
“Well, the job is done now, James,” Diarmid assured his father-in-law dryly.
“Good. So, are you gonna tell me about last night, baby girl?”
“Daddy! You don’t tell me about your visits to Emma!”
“No. I don’t mean that. I don’t want to know the details about your Mating. I want to know how you are this morning. Did the bastard hurt you?”
Diarmid groaned silently. If James knew, the press had it.
“Daddy, Diar never hurts me no matter how passionate he is.”
“I am not talking about your Mate. I know he wouldn’t harm a hair on your head. I’m talking about the nutcase who attacked you last night. Are you all right, baby girl?”
Mikaela sat down on the edge of their bed with a plop. “How did you find out, Daddy?”
“It’s all over the news this morning. ‘Police lieutenant’s wife attacked in downtown parking structure.’ Why did I have to find out from the news?”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. It happened and then I went into heat. We just thought to call you now.”
“Have you called the Redwolf family? I bet Kin is pulling his hair out over this ’cause he’s very fond of you, honey.”
“Fond of me? You have got to be kidding.” Her ironic tone made Diar smile despite the implications for him with all of this. Every cop in the department would know he was married and Jerome was active again.
“Yes, baby girl. He can see you’ll be good for his son. Kin may always give you a hard time, but that’s his way. He likes you feisty.”
“So do I, James,” Diarmid agreed.
“No doubt.” James sighed on the other end of the line. “Diarmid, take good care of my daughter. You can’t be everywhere, but do your best.”
“I will. When we get her car back, I’ll GPS it.”
“Good man.”
“Now wait just a damn minute…”
Diarmid hid his grin. He knew enlisting her father was a low blow, but it was the only way to ensure she’d go for it. She slugged his arm. “Ow.”
“She hit you, didn’t she? Yup, she’s a feisty one all right. Thanks for calling me, but I need to go help Rik in the barn. I’ll pass the word about the pup and he’ll be happy to hear you’re all right. He wanted to head for Denver as soon as the news came out.”
“Tell him I love him, Daddy, and I love you too.”
“I love you too, baby girl. Watch your back, hon.”
“I will.” Mikaela hung up the phone and turned to him with a frown. “Diarmid, I don’t need GPS.”
“If the bastard had manuevered you into the car, I wouldn’t have known which way to go to follow you.”
“I would have been driving and you could have seen through my eyes.”
“What if he drugs you or blindfolds you? I won’t take a chance with you or our pup. We’ll put GPS in the car, it’s only minimally invasive—no protective custody, no police following you, but it will give me some peace of mind, Mikaela.”
She wilted under the final statement. “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t like it either, but my vehicle has GPS in it. If you’re a cop under fire, they can find your vehicle and hopefully find you…alive.”
“Don’t remind me,” she shuddered.
He kissed her nose then her lips. “Sorry, but it’s important for you to understand.”
She nodded then sighed. “We’d better call your parents too.”
He gathered her close, unhappy to see her joy in the pregnancy dimmed by realities of the situation. “Just remember, my mother will be thrilled about the baby.”
Mikaela brightened. “She will, won’t she? So will your hard-assed father.”
He laughed. “Yes, he will. He’s been after all of us pups to give him more grandchildren for years. He was good with Craig and Ian, and they adored him.”
“Interesting. I wouldn’t have thought he’d be a good grandfather.”
“It surprised me too, but he was.”
Mikaela curled into Diarmid’s arms as she dialed the phone number for his parents with the phone set for speaker.
“Redwolf.” His father’s gruff voice answered.
“Damn, you sound just like Diar does when he answers the phone. It’s uncanny.”
“Mikaela, is that you? Are you all right? You weren’t hurt?”
Mikaela met Diarmid’s eyes, her surprise genuine. “I’m fine, Kin. Really.”
“Thank God. Yes, Jeanie it’s Mikaela on the phone. All right, hold on. I’m going to put you on speaker.”
“We have you on speaker here,” Diarmid glanced at Mikaela, making her smile.
“Are you both okay? I’ve been so worried since I heard.” His mother’s voice sounded strained and a little teary.
“We’re both fine, so you can relax, Jeanie,” Mikaela assured her new mother-in-law.
“Diarmid, Redwolf Security is at your disposal if you want it.” His father’s voice was brusque but sounded as strained as his Mate’s. Diarmid couldn’t quite take it in. He couldn’t remember the last time his parents showed genuine concern.

When’s the last time you let them, Diar?

Mikaela’s tart question had him frowning at her. He swallowed as he realized she was right, damn her. She raised a brow at him, so he knew he hadn’t censored his thoughts sufficiently. He cleared his throat.
“Thank you, F-Father. I appreciate it. Right now, the police and the lab are working the case. This time we have new evidence.” Diarmid’s voice reflected his pride in his Mate’s ingenuity, though he still found it difficult to call Kin “Father”.
“New evidence?”
“I got a piece of him, Kin. I clawed his hand and drew blood. One of the crime scene investigators took the evidence to the lab last night.”
“Good girl. Damn it, I’m proud of you.” Mikaela blushed and looked down, obviously pleased with his father’s approbation. Diar kissed her temple, holding her close as they sat on the bed.
“So am I. She even asked them to send over an impartial crime scene investigator to take the evidence. She used her head to get out of a tough situation.”
“She’s a good Mate for you Diarmid. If you must be a cop, at least you found a female smart enough to think herself out of a tight spot.”
Diarmid felt tears in his eyes. He hadn’t understood how much he wanted his father’s approval, and how badly it had hurt when he didn’t have it. Mikaela brushed her fingers gently over his eyes and kissed his chin. He grinned down at her.
“She’s the best Mate in the world.”
“I have the best Mate in the world, son, but yours is pretty good too.”
Mikaela laughed. “All this praise is turning my head, Kin. Next thing you know, I’ll think you like me.”
“I still think you are a disrespectful female, but you’ll do.”
“Thank you for calling us to let us know you’re well. I’ve been worried ever since we turned on the news this morning and it was the lead story.” His mother’s voice held relief and he was glad they’d called.
“Actually, Mother, we called for another reason altogether.”
“Oh, what is it, dear?”
He looked down at Mikaela and raised his brows. He sensed she wanted to be the one to tell them, so he let her. She grinned.
“I’m going to have a baby!” Her joy filled her voice, and her happiness filled his soul.
Both of his parents spoke at once, overjoyed at the news. “We’re so happy for you both.”
“’Bout time you made me a grandfather again, Diarmid.”
Mikaela giggled. “My daddy said the same thing,” she paused, “I called him first because I’m his baby girl. I hope you understand.”
“You can call us first about the next one, Mikaela,” his mother told his Mate.
“Let me have this one first.”
“Oh, we will, dear. Now when do you want to go shopping for baby things and maternity clothes?”
“You ladies will not be going out alone,” Diarmid ordered them both.
“That’s what drivers are for, boy. Your mother’s driver is a security guard with Redwolf security. I have enemies too, you know.”
“Kincaid Redwolf, what do you mean by having a bodyguard for me without ever telling me?” His mother was outraged and his father was going to have a lot of apologizing to do.
Mikaela gave him a pointed look. I know better than to try to put one over on you, sweetheart. She grinned at his silent words, slightly mollified.
“Jeanie, I have no desire to have you kidnapped. You’ve had bodyguards for years.”
“We are going to have a long discussion about this, Kincaid.” Diarmid winced in sympathy at his mother’s words while he listened to his father sputter in the background.
His mother’s no-nonsense voice cut over his father’s bluster. “Back to business. There is one thing you two have probably not considered.”
“What, Mother?” He heard her take a deep breath and wished he hadn’t been so hard on her through the years. She seemed to really like having him call her mother.
“The news is out about your marriage or Mating, Diarmid. We need to host a Mate reception for you.”
“We’re getting formally married in three months time. Soon enough for a reception,” Mikaela tried to argue, but his mother immediately responded.
“I hate to disagree, dear, but if we don’t do it now, it will appear we don’t approve of you and I won’t have that. We approve of you and are ecstatic about the pup on the way.”
Mikaela sighed, knowing when she was beaten. “All right, Jeanie. When do you propose we do this?”
“Sunday? This Sunday? But how can I get invitations out and arrange catering and everything by Sunday?” Mikaela wailed, turning horrified eyes to Diarmid. He bent his head and kissed her supportively.
“A Mate reception is hosted by the parents, dear, not by the couple. I’ll get in touch with your father and I can arrange the catering and such. We want family there, but we also need to have some business associates. I’m sorry, Diarmid. I know you hate this stuff, but it is important.”
“It’s all right, Mother, I understand. I’d like to have some of my coworkers there, if possible. Captain Osborn, his wife and some of my team. They’re human. My captain is the only one who knows I’m a wolf.”
“I understand, dear, and it should be fine. We’ll just call it a reception and leave it at that. Some of your father’s business associates don’t have a clue either.”
“I’d like my brother’s band mates to be there. They’ve been friends for years. Also, there are a few of my coworkers at the library who I’m close to. I’ll email you a list.”
“Certainly, Mikaela. What about your mother’s pack?”
Mikaela jerked and he could feel her brief surprise as she remembered her mother, Maggie was a Goldwolf. Diarmid rubbed her shoulders.
“Her mother was one of Cameron Goldwolf’s pups.”
“So we need to ask Drew and Ginger’s pack to join us. Excellent. I can arrange it.”
“I’m not sure how my daddy will feel about seeing Cameron again.”
“It’s time, Mikaela.” Diarmid kissed her ear and held her close as he told her this home truth. “Cam did what he did to jerk the life back into James. Your daddy needs to let it go.”
She sighed. “Jeanie, please tell him who you’re inviting, so he can prepare himself. I don’t want him shocked or hurt.”
“All right, dear. I’ll tell him.”
“We can pick a date in the next few weeks to start shopping. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve not had a mother to shop with before.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line, before his mother answered. “I’ll do my best, dear. I look forward to it. In the meantime, be very careful. We want you and the baby to stay safe.”
“I’ll be careful. We should go, both Diarmid and I have to get to work and he ordered me to ride with him so Jerome can’t catch me alone again. Obnoxious wolf.” Her mutter held irritation, but he could feel her appreciation of how much he cared.
“All male wolves are obnoxious. It’s the nature of the beast.”
His mother’s taunt was directed not only at him but undoubtedly at his father too. Maybe even more specifically at his father. Mikaela giggled and winked at him, and he shook his head.
“I’ll be in touch about the reception, Mikaela. In the meantime, get plenty of sleep. Diarmid, take good care of her.”
“I will, Mother.”
“If you change your mind about using Redwolf Security, call your cousin. I’ll tell him anything from you is priority number one.”
“Thanks, Father. I appreciate it.”
They all said their goodbyes and Mikaela hung up the phone. “I’m very nervous about this, Diar. I’ve met some of the Redwolf pack but not all of them. Now we are going to have all of these other people to be introduced to. It’s daunting.”
“It’s why I don’t like these things and why I sounded so negative about a wedding. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to acknowledge you, but I didn’t want to deal with all of these people.” He dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder, making her shiver. Her lids dropped with desire, making him chuckle. “I’d love to, sweetheart, but we have to get to work.”
Mikaela pretended to pout, so he leaned down and gently bit her lip. She kissed him back then he lifted his head. “I do love you, Diar.”
“I love you too.”
They rose together and showered. He couldn’t restrain himself from making love to her under the hot water, fast and furious. He looked over at her as they worked in the kitchen to get breakfast made. She was a seriously hot female. Mikaela looked at him and winked, which made him laugh.
“I’m definitely not able to keep you out of my head, am I?” he asked her.
“Nope. Those kind of comments are easy to hear, whether you intend me to hear them or not.”
“You are hot, Mikaela, and you have the sweetest ass I’ve ever groped.”
Her laughter sounded good to him and they’d both needed it after last night. He wasn’t looking forward to dealing with the firestorm the press brewed up.
“Me either, Diar. I’ll have apologetic librarians tripping over themselves asking what they can do to help, when I need them to do nothing. I don’t want them involved or they could get hurt.”
“Now you know how I feel.”
“Well, the difference is, I’m involved no matter what because I’m your Mate. I can’t stay clear, even if I wanted to, and I don’t want to. You belong to me and your problems are mine.”
He kissed her as he pulled the toast from the toaster and buttered it. “And your problems are mine. I’m more worried about how my team is going to react.”
“You didn’t tell them?”
“No, I didn’t. I was going to work into it slowly. Ossie knows, of course, but the rest don’t. Well, they didn’t, and finding out this way, they’ll be angry or hurt, or both. Plus they’ll be worried because of last night.”
“How do you think the press got hold of it? Could it be whoever leaked the evidence going missing?”
“Could be, but more likely the press was listening to radio traffic last night. After they realized you were my wife, I remember someone saying ‘Lieutenant Redwolf’s wife has been attacked.’ It was just as I was jumping out to find you in the parkade, but the buzzing probably continued for a few minutes.”
“You’re too famous for your own good, Diar.”
“Yes, I agree, but I don’t know about famous. The term I’d use is infamous.”
“Depends on who you talk to. My superiors, at least the ones above Ossie, think I’m a rebel. The DA thinks I’m a pain in the ass.” Diarmid shrugged then chuckled when he heard her mentally agree he was a pain in the ass. He slapped her bottom teasingly.
“Hey!” Mikaela pushed his hands away. “I know why I think you are a pain in the ass, but why do they?”
“Because I’m not satisfied with just indicting a likely suspect, I actually want to get the right one. Put away the right bad guy, what a concept!” He knew his voice was dripping with slightly bitter sarcasm when she wrapped her arms around his waist to offer comfort. He turned and hugged her close.
Mikaela held him tight then leaned back. “We’re going to be late.”
“Okay, sweetheart. Let’s go.”
When Diarmid pulled up at the employees’ entrance of the library, he caught her arm before she could climb out. “What time do you get off?”
“Don’t leave the building until I’m sitting out here.” She frowned at him. “I mean it, Mikaela. No chances. Not now.”
“All right. Just call me if you’re going to be late.”
Diar nodded and she leaned over to kiss him goodbye. He watched her walk into the building and didn’t draw breath until she was through the door. They needed to catch Jerome and soon. This worrying was getting to him. He drove over to the lab and pulled into a parking space and climbed out. Dom Blackwolf was just walking up to his vehicle.
“You’re late getting off shift, aren’t you?” Diar asked.
Dom shrugged. “One of those nights. You’d think it was a full moon or something.” Dom glanced into the back seat of the SUV and grinned. “I guess you had an interesting night too, huh?”
“You heard about the attack then?”
Dom studied him. “Everyone’s heard about it. Your team is less than pleased with you. But I meant the lingerie in the back seat. I assume it isn’t yours.”
Diar looked into the vehicle and swore. He opened the door and grabbed Mikaela’s bra and panties, stuffing them out of sight under the seat. “Yeah last night was interesting.” He slammed the door.
“I smell the scent of female heat.”
Diar growled then clamped his teeth together. “The attack seemed to bring it on.”
Diar grinned, aiming a sheepish look at Dom. “Yeah, my pup is planted in her womb.”
“Congratulations, Diar. I’m happy for you.”
“Me too. Well, I’d better get inside and face my crew and see if I can placate them.”
“They’ll come around.”
“We’ll see.”
He watched Dom walk away with mixed feelings. He wasn’t looking forward to heading inside and facing his people. He sighed. As Diar entered the lobby, he noted officers looking at him and quickly looking away, which didn’t bode well. When he reached the third floor, again the desk officers met his gaze before looking away. He decided to take the bull by the horns and called his staff to his office. Colier and Ally were obviously peeved as they entered. Pilar was icy cool but not overtly angry. However, he knew Pilar well enough to know icy cool was a dangerous mood for her.
Diar took a deep breath. “I know you’ve all heard about last night and that I’m married to Mikaela.”
“I admire your speed, boss.” Colier’s laconic phrasing had Diarmid restraining a sigh.
“As soon as I met her, I knew. We married on Monday.”
Ally sat down hard in a chair, shaking her head. “Three days? You knew each other three days?”
“Yes, Ally. I’ve been waiting to find her my whole life.”
“Last night must have been a helluva gut punch, then.” Colier raised his brow in inquiry.
“It was. I’ve worried about Jerome since he murdered Carly six months ago. Last night brought it into the forefront of my mind and I need to focus in order to get the bastard behind bars as soon as possible.”
“I would wish you had trusted us earlier.” Pilar stood stiffly with little expression on her face.
“I apologize, Pilar. It wasn’t a lack of trust so much as trying to figure out how to explain marrying a woman I just met. All of you know I’m not impulsive. At least not most of the time.” He chuckled and looked down, shaking his head. “I intended to work into it slowly, but Jerome forced my hand.”
“Are you happy, Diar?”
Ally’s question brought his eyes to her face. Her earnest and concerned expression warmed his heart. As he looked into the eyes of each of the people he worked with most closely, he was amazed by the similarities of expression on their faces. He smiled at each of them, his eyes coming to rest on Ally.
“Yes, Ally. I haven’t been as happy as I am right now since my family was murdered ten years ago.”
“Then I’m behind you. You deserve some happiness.” Ally grinned at him.
“I agree.” Colier nodded.
Diar turned to Pilar. He valued her as a friend and a colleague, so he hoped she would be willing to let it go. “And you?”
“She’s a good woman. I liked her when we met on Friday because she was ordering you around like she’d known you for years. You wouldn’t have tolerated it even from those of us who have known you for years. With Mikaela, you not only tolerated it, you liked it. So yes, I can accept it. Next time, when there’s something big, tell us please. We are your team.” Pilar finally relaxed enough to smile at him and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“You deserved to know and I apologize I didn’t tell you first.” Diar noted Captain Osborn ducking into the back of the room just then and leaning against the closed door, so Diar continued. “You guys will shortly be receiving an invite from my parents to come to a reception on Sunday to celebrate the wedding. I understand if you can’t make it. I hate these kinds of things, but my mother was adamant about having a reception.”
“It’s nice to know your mother has the power over you everyone else’s mother has over them.” Colier’s teasing tone allowed Diarmid to relax. When Ally and Colier started to make him the butt of jokes and Pilar started smiling again, things were good.
“Yeah, well, my mother is probably going to be browbeating me for a while because I haven’t given her the privilege for a few years. One other thing…” Diar paused. There was no way they were going to accept this one easy, but they deserved to know. “Mikaela is pregnant so the importance of getting Jerome behind bars jumped exponentially for me.”
“You just met!” Ally cried. “How could it happen so fast?”
“Are you sure it’s yours?” Colier’s remark trumped Ally’s cry.
Diar raised an eyebrow at Colier. “I am positive it’s mine.”
Colier swallowed at Diar’s tone, realizing he’d gone over the line. “Sorry.”
“Accepted.” Diar nodded. “It’s my child and she’s my M…woman. We need to get this guy so he can’t hurt either of them.”
“Congratulations, Diar. Are you hoping for a boy again or a girl this time?” Ossie asked as he strode forward to shake hands. Diar clasped the older man’s hand, grinning.
“I don’t care as long as it’s healthy. But I know if it’s a girl I’ll be even more of a sap than I was with the boys.”
“You, a sap? Perish the thought.” Colier laughed, coming forward to offer his congratulations.
Diar breathed a sigh of relief as his team welcomed the news and offered well wishes. He’d been worried how to explain things to them. Humans didn’t know about pregnancy so fast. Either the group thought it was wishful thinking or they had noticed differences over the years and had their own suspicions about his background. He decided to get things back on track.
“So where are we with the attack last night?” he asked.
Diarmid listened to the reports from his team with mixed feelings. Things were proceeding well but not fast enough for his comfort. He didn’t want to have to worry about Mikaela and their child being abducted and-or killed any longer than he had to. Colier had been reviewing surveillance footage. The DNA evidence they obtained from the attack last night tied the attacker to several unsolved cases around the state. However, they had to prove the man who attacked Mikaela last night really was Jerome Sanders so they could nail him for the additional murders. Unfortunately, they were no closer to actually attaining his whereabouts.
“Good work, everyone. Keep on it and see if you can track down a last-known address for him. He has to be somewhere.”
“Right, Diar. I’ll see if I can find the vehicle he was in from the surveillance footage. I’ll be in the AV lab,” Colier responded and left.
“I’ll keep checking the DNA evidence and see if I can match it to any unsolveds outside Colorado.” Ally rose to follow Colier out the door.
“I’ll continue with trace. Maybe I’ll turn up something unusual yet.” Pilar patted his arm. “We’ll get him, Diar.”
He nodded and smiled, pleased at her support. “Thanks, Pilar.”
Ossie remained seated until they were alone. Diar turned to him waiting for his captain’s assessment. Ossie leaned back in the chair. “I think they have it well in hand. If anyone can break the case they can.”
“I know. I just feel so damn helpless.”
Ossie nodded. “I understand, but let them do their jobs. You need to be away from it so it doesn’t get kicked on a technicality anyway.” Diarmid nodded reluctant acceptance of the order. “About the reception…”
“You don’t have to come, Ossie, but you’re welcome.”
“Oh, we’ll be there. I think your team will show too, but have you considered this might provide a focus for Jerome. He bombed a building to draw you out right after his brother’s death. He could target the rest of your family.”
“I know. But Jerome has never dealt with Redwolf Security before and I guarantee my father will have them on duty for the party. They don’t feel the need to follow all the niceties of the law the way that I do.”
Ossie grinned. “I’m surprised we haven’t lost you to them.”
Diar returned the smile. “I briefly weighed it, but then I realized I’d be under my father’s thumb. Consideration of the idea ended then.”
“So are things on the mend with your parents? Ten years ago you never would have agreed to a reception.”
“Mates change your perspective. Mikaela wants to bring the family together and I think in the end, she’ll succeed. And not just between myself and my parents, but with my brother and sister too.”
“Dealing with your father takes strength.”
“When they met, she all but called him senile. Strength isn’t a problem for her.”
Ossie laughed out loud at Diar’s dry tone. “She has guts, I’ll give her that!”
“She has heart and soul too, and even my father recognized it. We called my parents this morning. They’d heard about the attack and were obviously worried about her. Mikaela has not only wrapped me around her little finger, which is a feat in itself, she’s done the same to my parents.”
“Good for her, and good for you too.”
Diar nodded. “So you’ll be there this weekend?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
“I’ll let my mother know.”
“Tell her I look forward to seeing her again.” Ossie paused, his face pensive. “Diar, I haven’t told my wife about your unusual genetics, but she’s a smart woman. She knows something is off because she’s known you a long time, which means she could be nosy. I just thought I’d warn you.”
“If you don’t think it would freak her out, you can tell her. I’ve known her as long as I’ve known you. You’re both family to me, and I’d trust you with my life. Hell, I have trusted you with my life on many occasions.” Diar smiled at his friend, bringing an answering grin to Ossie’s face.
“I’ll feel her out about it. If I think she’ll accept it, I’ll tell her. It would be better if she refrained from being too inquisitive at the reception.”
“Well, too inquisitive in front of other humans at least. The wolves probably wouldn’t blink an eye at her questions. Mikaela’s asking the same questions herself.”
Ossie shook his head. “Oh?”
“She didn’t know about her background before we met. She’s half wolf, so I know she’s carrying my pup, I can smell it.”
“I’d stick to ‘baby’ in company.”
Diar laughed. “Will do.”
Ossie’s brow crinkled in thought before he turned his deep brown eyes to Diarmid. “Smell. Do you know Jerome’s smell?”
Diar nodded. “Yeah, I do. I knew he’d been tracking us when we first found each other, but I hadn’t caught a whiff of him in days. The crazy thing is he showed up at the library two days in a row prior to the attack, but I didn’t scent him on her.”
“Really? Do you know why?”
“Probably because they didn’t touch.”
“She’d even given him a nickname.” Diar chuckled.
“Yeah, my librarian has a skewed sense of humor. She called him RRG.”
“Really Rude Guy. Said he was an obnoxious library patron who made her and other library users uncomfortable. Mikaela told me a long tale about him after the first run-in that had me laughing out loud. She’s a damn good story teller, but I wish I’d tipped to him then. The second time she dealt with him, he attacked her after work.”
Ossie nodded. “Sounds like he’s getting bolder, but with risk comes error. He screwed up this time.”
“Yes, he did, thank God.”
“We will get him Diar.” Ossie cleared his throat as he stood up. “Do you want an unmarked car on her?”
“I do, but Mikaela would kill me if she found out. One disadvantage of our kind of Mate relationship is there are no little white lies when the female can take a tour through your head whenever she wants to.”
“Ouch. I’m glad Lily can’t read my mind.”
“I thought I’d find it too intimate, but I kind of like it. At any rate, I want to GPS her car when we get it back.”
“I’ll arrange for it to be tagged and registered before it leaves the lab.”
“Thanks. It doesn’t completely cover things, but it helps. God help me if he kidnaps her.”
“If you can get in each other’s heads…”
“I’ll be able to find her, as long as he doesn’t cover her eyes or knock her unconscious. If she ends up unconscious, I won’t be worth shit. If you think I was a mess when my family was murdered, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Losing my family had me racked with grief, which was bad enough, but it was inwardly directed. The loss of a True Mate turns a wolf homicidal and suicidal both, depending on the circumstances. You might find yourself having to put me down like a rabid dog.” Diar stood and started to pace, worried about his reaction to losing his Mate.
“We’ll get the bastard, Diarmid. Hold on to that. Everyone in the lab, hell, the whole department wants to bring Sanders in.”
“Even the guys who carry silver bullets?” Diar laughed dryly.
“Yeah, even them. No perp goes after a cop’s wife and stays uncaught. It’s unacceptable.” Ossie slapped Diar on the shoulder. “Focus on the case and let us help you catch him. It’s not just your job—it’s ours too.”
Diar nodded. “Thanks, boss.”
“No charge. It’s just part of the service. I’ll talk to Lily. She’ll probably invite you both over for supper soon.”
“We’d enjoy it.” Diarmid’s forehead crinkled in thought. “Wait a minute. Mikaela smelled strongly of coffee after the attack. She smelled somewhat of Jerome, but the coffee smell…”
“Could he be trying to mask his scent? Does he know you’re a wolf?”
“Shit, maybe he does. I don’t know how, but if he’s been stalking me…”
“He probably has, Diarmid. Leave the others to follow the evidence from the attack. You need to follow the coffee because you’re the only one who remembers the smell.”
Diarmid nodded. “It might lead us to where he is too.”
Ossie nodded. “Good work. I need to take off. I have an appointment with the chief because he wants to be updated on this one personally. I’ll talk to you later.”
Ossie strode from the room and Diar took a deep breath. He was glad he didn’t have to go fill the chief in on this because the chief was one of those higher-ups who thought he was a rebel. Diar shook his head and sat down at his computer to track down the coffee.
An hour later, Diarmid didn’t feel any closer to an answer and he wanted to pound on something. There were coffee shops all over the city, and Jerome could have picked up the smell in any of them. Diar leaned back in the chair in his office, rubbing his hand over his eyes. In his search, Diar had found a couple of warehouse locations. One warehouse held shipments for a coffee manufacturer and the other was a routing warehouse for a large coffee house chain. Coffee was shipped in from all over the globe for both places, so the warehouses seemed the best bet for locating Jerome, but the question was which warehouse did he start with? There was a knock on his door and he looked up to see the captain there.
“Any luck?”
“A couple of warehouses, but there are coffee shops all over the damn metro area.”
“Scent wouldn’t linger so long if he worked or hung out in a coffee shop. It has to be one of the warehouses. Give me the information and I’ll send some detectives over to both to investigate.”
“Captain, I was going to…”
“I’m sorry, Diarmid, but your wife was attacked. You’re too close to this case and if you handle it, the DA won’t like it.”
“In other words the chief pulled me off.”
Ossie smiled. “I’m pulling you off, Lieutenant.”
“I can’t just leave it, Ossie.” He stood, feeling his gut tighten with panic. Waves of fear hit him and he wanted to run away from everything. He frowned, the fear wasn’t his. “Son of a bitch.” He pulled out his cell and dialed Mikaela’s number. On the way to the library this morning he’d ordered her to carry her cell on her person, even when she was with the public. She’d complained but finally agreed. Mikaela answered on the second ring.
“Mikaela, are you all right?”
“Um…I’m not sure.”
“What’s happening, sweetheart?”
“I need to go to my office.”
“Then go, but don’t hang up on me.” Diarmid sat down on the edge of his desk, barely noticing when Ossie sat down in the chair in front of him.
“Okay. I’m in my office and the door is closed.”
“Did you lock it?”
“Yes,” she told him in a small, frightened voice.
“It’s all right, Mikaela. Just tell me what happened.”
“I was out in the stacks doing roving reference…”
“Roving what?”
“Roving reference, you wander around looking for people to help. Anyway, it was really quiet this morning, but I kept hearing footsteps. When I’d go look for them, there was no one there. Then I started seeing someone out of the corner of my eye, but when I looked at him, he’d walk away. It was the same guy every time. He had dark hair, like the guy you chased on Saturday night.” Her voice was tight, high and squeaky.
Diarmid could feel her fear beating at him. He hoped it wasn’t Jerome’s partner, but he didn’t want to take any chances with his Mate. “Breathe, sweetheart. It’s all right, it was probably someone else.”
“I know, but I’m scared. I feel like such a wimp.”
“You have reason to be cautious, love. I’m coming over to pick you up and I’ll take you home.”
“I don’t want to stay home alone, Diar.”
“I’ll stay with you.” He met Ossie’s eyes, raising his brows. Ossie nodded agreement.
“Okay. I feel so stupid though.”
“Don’t. I love you and I’m on my way. Will you be okay on your own until I get there?”
“Yeah, you can hang up. I’ll call you if I get scared again.”
“Just stay in your office and leave the door locked. When I get there, I’ll introduce myself and have someone direct me to your office, okay?”
She chuckled. “This should be good. They’ve been dying to get a look at you.”
“So happy to oblige. Call me if you need me for any reason, Mikaela. Okay?”
“I love you, sweetheart, and I’m on my way.”
“I love you too. Thanks, babe. I owe you.”
“We’ll think of something.”
She laughed and hung up. Diarmid hung up and closed his eyes. “Damn it. She had a panic attack. I think she’s okay now, but… I have to go.”
“You should go, she needs you. Also, I can’t let you work on this case right now, so if we get you out of here, you won’t be tempted to.”
Diar smiled at Ossie. “I’ll tell her she did you a favor. I printed out the information about the coffee warehouses. Are you going to give it to Rafferty and Toshi?” Ossie nodded. “Okay. They know Jerome, but he has someone working with him, a Hispanic youth, early twenties.”
“How do you know?”
“The kid was looking in windows at the Laughlin ranch Saturday night. I chased him but was a little slow catching him.”
“How do you know he was with Jerome then?”
“The kid climbed into a waiting car, but I was close enough to get a whiff. Jerome was the driver.”
“I’ll tell them.” Ossie’s forehead crinkled in contemplation. “Diarmid, if you can talk mind to mind, why didn’t you just connect to Mikaela mentally?”
Diarmid smiled at his captain’s astute question. “A couple of things. Distance is a factor. It’s easier to connect when you are physically close to one another. Distance requires focus. Her fear is another reason. She was too scared to focus on me, even if I’d reached for her. We are a new pairing, so our connection, though strong, is still forming. Last, I just needed to hear her voice.”
“Makes sense to me. Go to your wife.”
“Right.” Diarmid rose, heading out to get Mikaela.
The drive across town was all stop-and-go traffic, so he reached for her mentally, relieved he was finally close enough to contact her without his cell phone. They connected easily. She was still frightened but controlling her panic. As soon as she felt his mental touch, she grabbed on as if she were a cat and he was the only thing preventing her from freefall. He probably was.

It’s okay, Mikaela. I’m almost there. Is there anywhere other than the parking structure I can park? The last place either of them wanted to visit again was the crime scene from last night.

There’s some short-term parking right in front. You might be able to find something. They tend to be pretty full though.

If I have to, I’ll park illegally and turn my lights on.

Oh lordy. They’ll never let me live it down.

You were attacked last night, Mikaela. I would think they’d be amazed you even showed up to work today. She was silent for several minutes. Mikaela?

They were amazed. They thought I’d call in sick.

Tomorrow that’s exactly what you’re going to do. We both will. We need some time together anyway, and if I can’t work this case, I’ll be better off at home.

Can’t work this case?

Diarmid pulled up in front of the library, relieved to find a fifteen minute slot. He pulled in to park and didn’t bother to plug the meter. If he got a ticket, the city could take it out of his hide.

Personal involvement with the victim of a case you’re working is frowned on. He told her as he headed into the building.

I’m sorry, Diar.

It’s okay, love.

No, it’s not. I know how important this case is to you.

Not more important than my Mate. I’m on my way.

Diarmid entered the building and went to the checkout desk to ask for directions. He paused in line when he heard Mikaela mutter in his brain. What?

It’s a circulation desk, Diar. And if you want information, go to your right from where you now stand, you’ll find an information desk and they can direct you. I may be scared but my brain still works, babe.

Diarmid grinned, excusing himself from the line to find the desk she was talking about. He found it easily, pausing when a man standing behind the desk looked Diarmid over in frank appraisal, a slight smile on his face. He was tall, slender, with salt-and-pepper hair and a receding hairline. Reading glasses were perched on the end of his nose.
“You must be Miki’s new husband, Delicious Diarmid Redwolf.”
Diar frowned. “Excuse me?”
The man straightened, holding out his hand. “I’m one of your wife’s closest friends, Lieutenant. My name is Freddy Rhineschmidt.”
Diarmid shook hands. It was a surprisingly firm grip. He’d been expecting a limp wrist sort of thing.

Stereotypes will always bite you in the butt, babe. Mikaela teased him. Diar smiled slightly.
“Good to meet you, Mr. Rhineschmidt.”
“Oh, call me Freddy. My friends do and we’ll be good friends. Your wife is a doll, so I’m sure we’ll get along fine. I’m going to take the lieutenant to Miki’s office, Sara. Hold the fort, okay?”
The young woman nodded at him, grinning at Diarmid. “Will do, Freddy. Don’t scare Miki’s new husband too badly.”
“As if I could. Ha! This way, Lieutenant.”
“Oh, thank you. I feel so privileged. Walk this way.” Freddy led the way, swishing as he walked.
“I don’t think I can,” he muttered. Mikaela, he swishes.

I know. He revels in his ‘fagness’, especially around straight men. Ignore his flamboyance.

I’m not sure it’s possible. Diar could feel his Mate giggle at his dry mental tone. He liked feeling her fear ebb.
“So why did you call me delicious Diarmid?”
“Oh, that was Miki. She’s been gaga over you for almost a year. We were working an evening together about a year ago, and you were interviewed on TV. We were both on break and she couldn’t take her eyes off you. She said, and I quote, ‘He’s one delicious man. ‘Delicious Diarmid.’ Well, you’ve been ‘Delicious Diarmid’ ever since. Whenever they interviewed you on TV, or if there was a quote in the paper, we’d tell Miki to watch or read about her ‘Delicious Diarmid’.”

Oh God. It just had to be Freddy, didn’t it?

He fought a laugh at her remark. ‘Delicious Diarmid?’ I think I like it. Sooo, you’ve been interested for a year, Mikaela?

I swore I wasn’t going to let you think I was a Crime Lab groupie, and now you do.

Anyone in the lab, or just me?

Just you.

That’s okay then. You must have recognized me as your Mate on a subconscious level, sweetheart. It’s too bad you didn’t ask me for a tour then.

Would you have been ready to find your Mate a year ago?

I wasn’t ready now, but I’m glad we’re together.

Me too.

“Miki’s office is over here. How the woman finds anything in there is beyond me, but she does organize some fabulous programs.” Freddy stopped in front of a door and knocked. “Miki, it’s me. Your husband is with me.”
The door flew open. Mikaela was out and buried in Diar’s arms almost before he could think. She was shivering, so he rubbed her back, pressing kisses to her forehead. “It’s okay, Mikaela. I’m here now.”
“I’m sorry. I feel like such an idiot.”
Freddy nodded to the office door, encouraging Diar to take her inside. Diarmid eased her into her office, and Freddy joined them, closing the door behind him. Diarmid rocked her in his arms, holding her close.
“You aren’t an idiot. You were justifiably scared. I’m just glad you let me know so I could come and get you. Is the thing done?”
“You said you had a program?”
“Oh yeah. I taught a class this morning on using library databases. We had a good turnout, but it was when I was out in the stacks… Maybe I’m just imagining it.” Mikaela stepped away from him, looking for a place to pace, but with all three of them in the small space, there was no room. She threw herself into her office chair with a sigh.
“Think back, Mikaela. What do you remember?” He leaned against her desk, looking down at the top of her bent head. She closed her eyes, leaning back to lay her head against the chair back, her fingers gripping the arms.
“I was roaming the non-fiction stacks. There were a couple of people who needed help. One wanted medical books on diabetes and the other asked for books about drawing. It was quiet, so when I heard some murmuring in the one hundreds, I went to look, but there was no one there. I left the row and wandered a few aisles away, but heard the whispering again. I went back, getting a bit spooked because it was coming from the one thirty-threes, so I laughed at myself.”
“The one thirty-threes?” Diarmid was confused by the numbers Mikaela threw out.
“Civilians,” Freddy sighed dramatically. “Dewey Decimal System cataloging, Lieutenant. You can recite legal code, can’t you? Well, this is our version. The one thirty-threes are the occult and supernatural materials.”
“So, you thought you were hearing ghosts?” Diarmid asked incredulously.
“Yes. Well, no. I knew I had to be hearing people because this building isn’t old enough for ghosts and no one died here or anything, but it was like someone was playing hide and seek with me. For half an hour or more, I’d hear voices, go looking for someone, but find no one there. It was freaking me out until I walked into an aisle and there was a mother with her four-year-old daughter. I thought, okay, mystery explained.”
Diarmid nodded. Four-year-olds move fast, so it’s possible the mother had been chasing the little one for some time. “Makes sense, but it wasn’t the end of it?”
Mikaela lifted her head and opened her eyes. “No, it wasn’t. I rounded the next row of books and down at the opposite end, a slender black-haired man turned the corner, walking away from me. I followed but lost him.” She shook her head. “It kept happening, and just before you called me, he turned to look at me. He looked like the man at the window, but Saturday night it was dark. I couldn’t be sure, but when I went after him, he was gone. I started to panic.”
Diarmid took her hand, raising it to his lips. “We’re going home. No one should come to work the day after an attack. It’s just too much stress.”
“I’m fine, Diar. Really. I’m sorry.”
He pulled her to her feet and into his arms, clutching her close. “Quit apologizing, Mikaela. I love you and you matter more to me than anything. I expect you to call me when you need me.” Diarmid took her mouth, enjoying her taste as she responded.
“Oh, he’s so romantic, no wonder you adore him. Maybe André could take lessons.”
Diarmid froze at the gush in Freddy’s words. He eased back from kissing Mikaela, meeting Freddy’s too-innocent eyes. “I don’t think I’ll be teaching André. He might be offended.”
“Oh, I don’t think so. We both think you’re delicious.” Freddy winked flirtatiously at him.
“Hey, buddy, he’s mine. You’ve got your man.” Mikaela laid her head on Diar’s shoulder, holding him close, grinning at her friend.
“Pity. Oh, that reminds me, André told me to tell you your book came in at the shop. Since you’re heading home, you could stop by and pick it up. I’m sure you’d enjoy shopping together.” Freddy’s tone held teasing and insinuation, which intrigued Diar.
“Diarmid isn’t much of a shopper.” Mikaela blushed a deep rose, trying to give Freddy signals to be quiet, which he blithely ignored.
“Oh but, Miki, it is a couple-friendly store. Even if the couple is heterosexual.”
“Store? What’s the name of the store?” At first Diarmid had assumed it was a slightly elitist book store, but he was beginning to wonder.
“Excitations. Good Vibrations was already taken, and André’s a Beach Boys fan.” Freddy shrugged as if to say “It takes all types”.
“Adult book store?”
“Adult emporium. Unfortunately, we don’t get a lot of straight men patronizing the store, but we get the GLBT community and straight women, so André does well. Miki is a regular customer.”
Mikaela groaned. “What ever happened to confidentiality?”
“He’s your husband, beautiful. All of those lovely story ideas will get some hands-on research now.” Freddy turned to Diar. “We carry her books in the shop because they are so hot.”
“I know. I’ve started to read them.”
“You have? When?” Mikaela peeped up at him, and Diar smiled.
“Yeah, I have. I have lunch breaks, you know. So, what book do you need to pick up?” She buried her face in his shoulder so he raised his brows at the talkative Freddy.
“Oh no. She has to explain, Lieutenant Delicious.” Freddy stepped over, tapping on Mikaela’s shoulder. She released Diar to give Freddy a hug, returning to Diar’s arms with a smile for her friend. Freddy turned to Diarmid. “Take care of our girl, Lieutenant.”
“Will do,” Diarmid promised.
“Miki, tell my lover ‘hi’ when you stop for the book.” Freddy winked, slipping out the office door and closing it behind him.
“I think I like him,” Diar decided.
The ease between Freddy and Mikaela relieved his mind. Freddy, for all his swishing, would keep an eye on her to make sure she was safe when she was at work. Mikaela sighed, hugging him tight. He sensed her satisfaction at his acceptance of Freddy.
“So do I, Diar. He and André are so cute together too. I’ve never seen people ‘dote’ on one another before, but they do.”
“We dote.” He patted her bottom and she settled her ass comfortably against his palm.
Mikaela set her chin on his chest, her face softening as she gazed lovingly at him. “I guess we do.” He dropped a gentle kiss onto her lips. When he lifted his head, she sighed. “I’m glad you came, even though I feel silly.”
“I’ll be here whenever you need me, Mikaela.”
“Good.” She pressed into the curve of his neck to hide her face.
Diar reached down and tipped up her chin, raising his left brow at her. “Now what’s this book you have waiting for you?”
She tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her. She licked her lips and swallowed. “I ordered it a few weeks back and forgot about it.”
“I’m not a suspect.”
“No, you aren’t. Title?”
“Anal Pleasure and Health by Jack Morin.” Mikaela muttered, her face bloomed like a rose, and Diar couldn’t suppress a smile.
Diarmid waggled his brows wickedly while gazing into her green eyes. “Really? Intriguing. Let’s go pick up the book because we have plenty of time on our hands for the next day or two.”
Mikaela giggled, her expression shy but hungry. “Yeah, we kinda do, don’t we?”
Diarmid kissed her. “Yup. Let’s go, sweetheart. We’re on a mission.”
She grabbed her purse then they headed out to his vehicle arm in arm.

Chapter Nineteen
Miki noted sly approving winks from several of the women she worked with while they walked through the library. As Miki and her Mate passed the information desk, Sara gave her a double thumbs-up, which had her laughing out loud with joy. This hot, horny Alpha male was all hers. Life really was good.
“And don’t you forget it, sweetheart,” Diarmid leaned down to growl in her ear.
“As if I could.” She patted his butt, winking at Freddy as they went out the front entrance.
Diarmid chuckled, leading her to his SUV then lifting her inside. He rounded the vehicle and climbed in. “So, let’s have some directions.”
“Are you sure you want to go there? It might be awkward.”
“It’s not as if we need the book. After all, I have experience enough for both of us, but I think we should just take our time. Spend time together today. And, sweetheart, I’ve been uncomfortable before. I’ll survive an adult emporium.”
Miki laughed, giving him directions to the store. It was in a bohemian shopping area where she loved to shop and Excitations was only one of her haunts there.
“Where else do you shop?” Diar glanced over. She smiled as she realized he’d caught the passing thought.
“Lady Cyn Designs. Plus-size fashions at reasonable prices. Cyn is super, and the clothes are a mix of designs Cyn has created and mass-produced along with one-of-a-kind pieces. Most of my clothes are from there.”
“I like the way you dress. Especially your lingerie.”
Miki grinned, grazing his thigh with the fingers of her left hand. “Cyn’s designs. She creates really hot lingerie.”
“Watch it, sweetheart, or we’ll go straight home.”
“Appealing idea.”
Diarmid raised one of his brows at her. “You won’t get out of our shopping expedition so easily, sweetheart. Give me directions.”
Miki chuckled wickedly, directing him to the shopping area. She’d never teased and played with a man the way she did Diarmid. It was refreshing to have someone on the same wavelength as she was—a man who understood her jokes without her having to explain.
“Feeling’s mutual, honey. Turn here?”
“Yes, Diar. Take a left.”
“Yeah, crossing traffic. Thanks.”
Miki grinned at his dry tone. He was a more than competent driver, so she had no concerns about him making the turn despite the traffic. He parked them near Excitations then paused to study the display in the front windows of the shop.
“That’s bondage gear, Mikaela.”
Miki’s face felt hot so she knew she was blushing. “Yes, I know. André caters to…um…free thinkers.”
“No kidding.” He cocked his head as he surveyed the items on display—harnesses, spreader bars, clamps… Miki wasn’t sure this shopping trip was a good idea. Diarmid turned to her, his blue eyes glowing, a small smile curved his lips. “I’m getting some interesting ideas, sweetheart. Didn’t you say something about doing research for your writing?”
Miki opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Instead, she was flooded with images of her tied to their bed, her ankles parted by a spreader bar while he teased her pussy with the vibrator prominently displayed in the window. She whimpered, feeling her pussy flood with juices of arousal. Damn it. He unbuckled his seat belt then hers, leaning close to her.
“You see it too, don’t you?”
“Any objections?”
Miki licked her lips staring into his mesmerizing blue eyes. “None.”
His grinned widened. “Good. Let’s go shopping.” Diarmid pulled away to climb out of the vehicle while Miki groaned, closing her eyes. She was so screwed.
Her door opened. “You aren’t screwed yet, honey. But you soon will be. Ease over here.” Diarmid lifted her down, setting her gently on her feet. He encircled her waist with his strong arms and took her mouth with his. Miki pressed herself to her Mate, responding to his kiss with fervor.
Diarmid growled, lifting his head. “Damn! I’m going to be dropping a load of cash here. C’mon, let’s go buy what we need to fit out our fantasy.” He caught her hand, leading her to the store.
Miki was caught between chagrin and horniness. His brain was on fire with sexual images, and she was catching the backlash. A part of her was embarrassed, yet she was enjoying every lusty thought he sent flying at her. Miki couldn’t remember having bondage fantasies before, but each vision Diarmid imagined featured Miki restrained and begging for release. As they walked, her breath was short and the folds of her cunt were swollen and wet. She was ready to be fucked. Merely walking across the parking lot increased the stimulation to her body. Diarmid glanced at her with a smile. He knew she was hot. Hell, he could probably smell it.
Diar leaned close, his deep voice husky with desire. “I can smell you, sweetheart. You smell like heaven.”
He pulled open the door, gesturing for her to precede him into the store. Why did she feel like she was contributing to her own doom, she wondered as she walked inside? He caught her waist, bending close to her ear.
“Mikaela, all you have to do is say no. I’ll never force you. Are we clear?”
Miki leaned back against his strength, feeling protected and loved. “Yes, babe. We’re clear.” She smiled up at him then grabbed a shopping cart.
“They have shopping carts?”
She laughed. “Some of this stuff is bulky. Come with me, Lieutenant.”
She took his hand and together they pushed the cart over to the bondage display. His rich chuckle caused her nipples to tighten in anticipation. Diar reviewed the available designs, giving her another look.
“Sure?” he asked, and Miki nodded. “Good. Help me pick out some toys to experiment with.”
Her eyes assessed the items on display, accepting some, discarding others. Those she liked, Diarmid picked up for consideration. He added a stack of items to the shopping cart—straps with furry cuffs for wrists and ankles, several different spreader bars and a couple of blindfolds.
Miki licked her lips, envisioning exactly how Diarmid would make use of these toys when they ended up at home. She might have expected to feel some trepidation, but all she felt was anticipation—even when he picked up nipple clamps and a flogger. Their gazes met. His eyes questioned, Miki gave him permission with a nod to add them to his mounting stack of items to purchase.
He smiled. “More toys this way.” He steered her and the cart over to the display for dildos and vibrators. He picked up several, reading package instructions. Miki restrained a laugh. He raised his brows haughtily.
“You’re reading the directions?”
He grinned. “All the better to tease you, my dear.”
“Don’t forget some cock rings, babe. It’s not all about me.”
“Yes, it is. I promise you, if I make you beg to come, I’ll be hard as a rock, sweetheart.”
Miki pressed against his side, running her fingertips lightly over his stomach muscles, exulting in the quick tightening of his abs at her touch. “And if I want to make you beg?”
He gave her a tight toothy smile. Miki blinked as she realized his incisors were slightly lengthened. “I’m there right now, honey. What did we say about payback?”
Miki shook her head. “It goes both ways, big boy. So what did you have in mind?”
He added a couple of the vibrators to the cart then grabbed a vibrating butt plug. He handed it to her as one of his hands encircled her waist, sliding lower to lightly squeeze her ass cheek. She stared up into his eyes, sharing his visualization of him easing the plug up her tight ass. Her eyes drifted closed as she gasped, trying to control her need to come.
“Miki, darling. I thought it was you!”
She took a deep breath, forcing a smile to her face. She tossed the butt plug into the cart before turning to André, who engulfed her in his warm embrace. Out of the corner of her eye she noted Diarmid slipping a few more butt plugs of varying sizes into the cart. Sneaky devil.
“Girlfriend, you are looking super. I heard about your horrible experience. Are you okay?” André stepped back, studying her face with concern.
“Yeah. I survived it, but it was creepy. André, this is my husband Diarmid Redwolf. Diarmid, this is André Fortier.”
Miki watched them shake hands while Diarmid assessed André as he had Freddy earlier. André was as butch as Freddy wasn’t. He didn’t swish, that’s for sure. André was as tall as Diar but bulkier. He looked like he belonged in a gym instead of an adult emporium. His hair was dark, his eyes gray, and he had the full lips and hooded eyes Miki often associated with French men. André was a stunningly beautiful man. In fact, he was the kind of man even straight men noticed.

I’m noticing, sweetheart, and you can quit drooling.

Miki hid a grin. I can drool over André because he wouldn’t have me, or any woman, on a bet.

Thanks for sharing but quit salivating. Remember, we do have bondage equipment to take home, and I’d get pleasure out of listening to you apologize while I tease your clit with a vibrator.


Yeah, right, Mikaela. Just remember, you started it.

“Lieutenant, it is a pleasure to meet you. Mikaela has been a fan of yours a long time. I’m glad it is finally mutual.”
Miki blushed as the two men stepped away from each other. “Thanks for sharing, André,” she told him in a dry tone as Diar slipped his arm possessively around her waist.
“You are most welcome. So you come to pick up your book, oui?”
“Oui, André.”
“And a few other things, hmmm? Excellent choices, Lieutenant. Freddy is particularly fond of the furry cuffs.”
Diarmid closed his eyes briefly. “Um. No offense, but do me a favor and don’t share those visuals, okay?”
André laughed. “So straight. Very well. I didn’t say how he liked them—receiving or giving…”
Miki burst out laughing at the pained look on Diarmid’s face. She patted his arm consolingly. “It’s okay, dear. We can replace those visuals for you later.”
“Straight men are so fun to tease. Let me go find your book order. I’ll have it at the register for you. Please, continue your shopping.” Miki enjoyed the view as André strode away, muscles rippling in perfection.
“Mikaela, don’t press me.”
Miki looked up into Diarmid’s eyes, grinning. She encircled his neck with her arms, pulling his head down so she could set a loving kiss on his chin. “Don’t be so stuffy. It’s like appreciating a Michelangelo sculpture. Beautiful to watch, but you can’t do anything with it, no matter how hard it is.”
Diarmid barked a reluctant laugh. He dipped his head, pressing a firm kiss to her smiling lips. He leaned back. “Do they really dote on each other? They just don’t look like a couple.”
“They’ve been partners for almost ten years now. In fact, they’re planning a commitment ceremony for next spring. I’m sure we’ll be invited.”
He nodded. “If they’re happy, that’s the important thing. I’ll be pleased to escort you.”
“Good. C’mon. We have more shopping to do.”
They moved through the toys and onto the books and DVDs. She showed him movies by Femme Productions. He seemed surprised by her interest in adult films. “You like these? Most of the females I’ve known don’t get into videos.”
“Candida Royalle directs woman-friendly movies even guys think are hot. I really like them. I have one or two but haven’t purchased many because of the money issues lately. I’ve rented them though.”
Miki watched as Diarmid read through the teasers, describing the plots, adding several to their cart. “You’re easy, Diar.”
“Honey, I’m horny. If it turns you on, it works for me.” He glanced around. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to head for home. We can put off further shopping for today.”
Miki cocked her head at him. “We don’t need additional lingerie for me?”
“Sweetheart, you won’t need clothes on very long once we get home.”
“I may not need sexy clothes, but if we want to get sexy undies for you, we have to buy them here.”
“Excuse me? Did you say for me?”
“Yeah, you would look very hot in a g-string with a black leather pouch for your package, babe.” She stepped back to eye his hard body. “In fact, they have black leather pants and chaps here too. They’d suit you.”
“I don’t do chaps.”
“Chaps over jeans would be sexy. It’s one of Rik’s sure-fire chick magnets.”
“I am not your brother. Black leather pants might be appealing though.”
“Good.” She grabbed his hand to drag him to the pants. She picked through the available supply.
“Perhaps I should choose my own pants.” She could hear the mild irritation in his voice but hid her grin.
“I don’t think so. Are you going to let me pick out which items of lingerie I wear later?” She turned an inquiring glance his way. Miki noted the absolute rejection of the idea on his face with a nod. “Precisely. I’ll pick your pants.” She pulled a pair off the rack, holding them experimentally against him. He looked at the size listed on the tag.
“I’d like to breathe, Mikaela.”
Miki found him a larger size. “You should try these on.”
He gave her a martyred sigh, heading for the nearest dressing room. While he tried on the pants, she grabbed him some sexy underwear, adding them to the cart. He emerged with a pained expression on his face.
“I think they’re too tight.”
Miki surveyed her Mate, unable to keep from licking her lips. “No, they aren’t, Diar.” The leather cupped his cock, making it prominent. “Turn around and lift up your jacket. I want to see the back.”
“Don’t be a baby.”
He growled but turned around, keeping his gun carefully covered. She’d forgotten he was wearing it, but it looked very hot with the black leather. Miki barely restrained a moan when he flipped up his jacket in back. The black leather curved around his tight ass as if it were made just for him. She ran her hand lightly over his ass, his butt cheeks tensed. He looked so hot, she was ready to jump him. He turned back to face her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the fit of those pants.
“Go take them off. We’re buying them.”
“Sweetheart…” She looked up from his cock, knowing her eyes were slightly dazed. His reluctance disappeared. “Right. I’ll go peel them off and we can add them to the cart.”
“Good idea,” Miki agreed. Her Mate was so sexy, she enjoyed just staring at him. He was a pleasure to watch.
He returned to her, tossing the pants into the cart. He tipped her chin up, dropping a kiss on her lips. “I love watching you too, sweetheart.”
Miki smiled at his compliment, marveling to see his weapon again at his waist. “How did you change so fast?”
“Should I ask for details?”
He chuckled, “No, Mikaela. You probably wouldn’t like the answer.”
She harrumphed, but couldn’t keep a smile off her face as she teased him. “Let’s buy our stuff then head home to play.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he whispered as they pushed the full cart over to the cash register where André was in conversation with other customers. Partway there, Diarmid halted.
“What is it?” Miki asked.
“We forgot the most important thing.”
He turned the cart around, so Miki followed, mystified by his intense gaze sweeping the store. He made a beeline to one wall. Miki felt her face grow hot when they arrived at his destination. Lubes. All kinds of lubes. Flavored, heated, whatever, Excitations had it. Diarmid licked his lips, picking up first one bottle then another, making comparisons.
“Are you a lube connoisseur, babe?”
“Absolutely, Mikaela. Certain types are best for pussy and cock play, others are better for ass. We’ll need some of both.”
Miki blinked as he tossed several different bottles into the cart. She picked one up, glancing at her Mate. “Chocolate flavored? Um…please tell me you don’t intend to use it anally.”
Diarmid chuckled wickedly. “No, I was thinking you might enjoy licking a chocolate-flavored cock, unless you’d rather…”
“No. Just…no.” She shook her head emphatically. “However, I like chocolate, so I’ll flavor your cock with it, but nothing else. Okay?”
“Works for me, sweetheart.” He tossed some bottles of massage oils into the cart with the rest. “That should do us.”
“For now. We can always buy more later.”
Diarmid nodded. “True. André has a nice place here. No reason it shouldn’t become a shopping place for straight couples too.”
“Better not talk too loud. He might kiss you.”
Diarmid pursed his lips. “Um…no. He’s a decent guy, but I don’t kiss other men. Well, I’ve kissed family members on the cheek, but no open-mouth kissing with another guy.”
“Yes, dear,” Miki couldn’t keep the laughter out of her voice at his reaction.
“Better watch it, sweetheart, or I’ll give you a spanking.” Miki bit her lip, visualizing it and liking the idea. He leaned close to her ear, growling softly, “Good to know, Mikaela.”
“Shit,” she grumbled.
Their banter earlier had eased her arousal a bit, but she was getting hot again. He nibbled her ear, teasing with his tongue. Miki gasped, tipping her head back to give him access as she held his coat with one hand and his belt with the other. His hand cupped her ass, squeezing lightly. She shivered, straining toward him.
“Ready to go home, madame et monsieur?” Miki jumped focusing on André’s amused face.
“Yeah. I guess so.”
“Then let us check you out. I can not allow too much fun between customers or the police would close my doors. Even if the person responsible was a police officer, n’est pas, Lieutenant?”
“True. Lead the way, André.” Diarmid agreed. Miki pressed her fingers to her warm face. She normally didn’t get wild in public. Where was her lack of control coming from? Diarmid glanced down at her, smiling gently. “Honey, it was always part of you. I think we just bring it out in one another. I’ve never groped a female in public until you, but I just can’t keep my hands off you. I think it goes with being True Mates.” He shrugged, putting a warm arm around her waist, guiding her to the cash register.

Chapter Twenty
Diarmid watched Mikaela out of the corner of his eye as he drove in the direction of home. He could still smell her desire, but her body language was closed. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was quiet. A quiet Mikaela was a bad thing. It meant she was thinking. He pressed his mind to the edge of hers, almost stopping the vehicle when he realized she’d blocked him off. Damn. He pulled into their driveway, pressed the button to open the gate and drove up the paved incline. Diar came to a stop near the front of the house, turning off the engine.
He exited the vehicle, walking around to her side to open the door. Mikaela turned, placing her hands on his shoulders, expecting to be immediately set down. He pulled her against him just holding her until her green eyes finally met his while he gently rubbed her back. With one hand he brushed back the hair from her eyes.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
Mikaela licked her lips. Her fingers on his shoulders tightened slightly as she opened her mouth to speak. Her mouth closed, so he waited. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong,” she finally muttered, looking away.
Diarmid couldn’t suppress his smile. “Any male who’s been in a relationship knows when a female says ‘nothing’ he’s in deep shit. Spit it out, Mikaela.”
She glanced up at him, meeting his gaze then looking away again. “I…” She bit her lip.
Diarmid lifted her down to stand in front of him, tugging her tenderly into his arms. He pressed a light kiss to her forehead, tipping her chin up with his forefinger. “Mikaela, I love you. Nothing you say is going to change how I feel. So what is it, honey?”
“I’m scared. I’ve never… Jeez, I sound like some Victorian virgin,” she shook her head, sounding disgusted with herself. Her body was tense in his arms, so he stroked her gently to ease the stiffness from her. Slowly she started to relax.
“My love, I remember you telling me you’ve never taken a male anally. If you don’t want to, say so, and we won’t. I never want you to do anything you don’t want. It’s about trust…”
“But I do trust you, Diar. Really!” Her face shot upward, meeting his eyes with an earnest expression to accompany her impassioned speech.
He smiled, setting his fingertip on her lips. “Sweetheart, trust takes time. I know it and so do you. Even though we’re True Mates, we still need to work through our trust issues. You’ve had some lousy experiences, and I’ve never been able to tell my human lovers about my real nature.”
“I love you, Diar. I really want to do this, I’m just…nervous.”
“Nervous and not sure how to tell me.” He ran his fingers over her soft face, tracing her lips with his thumb. “Mikaela, we have all the time in the world. There’s no need to worry I’ll pounce on you demanding to get in your pants as soon as we’re inside. Let’s take our toys into the house, get some lunch and take our time exploring each other. In fact, let’s take a shower together. Neither of us have any deadlines, so we can play any game we want for as long as we want.”
Mikaela’s lips twisted in a sheepish smile. “Sounds good to me. So what are the rules?”
“No rules, hon. Except one. If you’re afraid or uncomfortable, I want you to tell me. And, sweetheart, let me back into your head. So if you can’t articulate it, at least I’ll sense it from you. Okay?”
Mikaela’s bright green eyes studied his face, attempting to read his intent while she memorized his features. Finally, she nodded. “Okay. As long as you let me inside your head too.”
“Agreed. C’mon. Let’s grab our purchases and take ourselves inside for a leisurely day of getting to know each other.”
* * * * *
Miki marveled as she followed Diarmid up onto the porch. Not one of the men she’d dated in the last few years would have exhibited half the sensitivity her Mate just showed her. He completely blew her away, and if anything, it made her love him even more…as if that were even possible. In only a few short days her world had narrowed to him and their life together.
She stared at his gorgeous hands as he unlocked the door, noticing golden freckles dotting the backs of his hands. She blinked. How was it she’d never seen those before? His broad shoulders filled out his suit, showing his power and strength, but the cut of his clothing hinted at his taste too. She couldn’t get over the fact that only a week ago, they’d never met before. Life was so confusing, but it was good. She had this amazing man in her life and his child growing inside her. Miki felt so blessed, it brought tears to her eyes.
Diar turned to her, swallowing, his voice a little rough. “Thank you, love.”
She blushed, ducking her head as she realized he’d heard her thoughts and was moved by them, she could see it in his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
He opened the door, stepping back to let her precede him. As she entered their home, he whispered, “The feeling is mutual, Mikaela. You amaze me more each time we’re together.”
She smiled at him over her shoulder. “So do we go directly upstairs?”
He shook his head. “I’m hungry. Let’s get some food to take up with us. We can nibble lunch while we nibble on each other.”
She chuckled. “Sounds good.”
They left their purchases by the stairs and went into the kitchen to put together a platter of food. Together they ransacked their kitchen, looking for snack foods to take upstairs. Diarmid found some strawberries, other fruit, along with both chocolate and white icing. Miki dug out cheese, meat and crackers.
He grinned at her. “Ever practical, my love.”
“Of course. One of us needs to be. Don’t forget honey for the fruit, babe,” Miki laughed. He was thinking of food to eat off her body, but she was thinking of filling their stomachs.
“Excellent suggestion.” Diarmid pulled honey out of the fridge, setting it on the tray she was preparing.
He nudged her against the counter, leaning down to nip at her earlobe. She leaned back with a sigh, running her hands over his shoulders and up to his sensitive neck. While his mouth savored her flesh, his hands explored her curves. Miki moaned when one of his hands cupped her ass, pulling her against his hard cock. With his other hand, he began a leisurely teasing of her already tight nipples through her clothes. Miki pressed close, rocking her hips against Diar’s, dragging a groan from him. She leaned back, and Diar lifted his head, slowly opening his blue eyes. Miki grinned at the hunger revealed in the depths of his eyes. The combination had her thinking of fire and ice.
“Poetic,” he rumbled.
“You think? I think my crime lab hero needs to have blue eyes.”
Diar chuckled. “Better not make him look too much like me or you’ll have people accusing you of writing an autobiography instead of fiction.”
“Good point. Maybe black hair, then?”
He shook his head with a growl, picturing Blackwolf males. Miki couldn’t hold back a teasing laugh as he visualized wolf males he knew who resembled her description. “Thanks for the suggestions, Diar. You’ll probably be jealous when I write the story because I always lust after the hero I create.”
“You’re mine, Mikaela. I don’t share.”
His head swooped down, his lips capturing hers as he pulled her close. Miki strained into his kiss, meeting his tongue with her own. Her hands stroked his chest, her fingers tugging open his shirt buttons, revealing tantalizing glimpses of his sexy chest. One of his hands slid under her shirt, feathering light caresses against her ribs. He reached behind her quickly releasing the clips of her bra. As he lifted his head from hers, he pulled her shirt up. He groaned, dropping his hungry mouth over her taut nipples. Miki whimpered, clasping him close, silently begging for more.
The suction created by his mouth sent sparks directly to her clit, flooding her pussy with her juices. He eased his leg between hers. She rode him like a horse, pressing frantically against the clenched muscles of his thigh. He squeezed her ass, encouraging her frenzy as he continued to draw on her.
“More, Diar. Please…”
He lifted his head. “Take off your shirt, Mikaela.”
She peeled off her top and bra, throwing them on the floor then reached for his head to pull his mouth back to her. He evaded her hands, catching them and drawing them gently behind her. He held them loosely with one hand, using the strength of his arm to keep her close. She groaned, needing his mouth and his free hand on her body.
“Diar…” she wailed.
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
“Suck my tits.” Miki turned her fevered eyes to his expression. His smile was both loving and teasing while his eyes fastened on her tight nipples. He licked his lips, lowering his head with painful slowness. She wanted him now, damn it.
“I know you want me now, Mikaela, but we have all day. There’s no need to rush.”
“Yes there is. I want to come.”
“Patience, my sweet.” Miki bucked her hips demandingly against him, making him chuckle. “That’s my hot girl. I love how you want me, sweetheart.”
He blew his hot breath over her erect nipples, making her hiss and jerk. “Diarmid…”
He traced the very edge of her areola with the barest touch from the tip of his tongue. He tormented her other breast with his fingertips. Miki sobbed as the differing sensations nearly drove her out of her mind. She rocked against him, pressing her swollen clit to his leg. He firmed the touch of his tongue against her breast, lapping at her gently, yet he avoided her nipple. He lightly squeezed her other breast with his fingers, ignoring the tight tip entirely.
Miki tried to get more pressure on her pussy. He controlled her gently, but easily. When they’d been practicing the self-defense moves upstairs, he must have been holding back like he had with his young cousins. Damn him.
He chuckled, glancing into her eyes. “Yes, Mikaela. I held back. I have no intention of hurting you, even accidentally, and I’m far stronger than you.”
“You don’t have to brag,” she pouted.
“I’m not. I’m a shifter and we are physically stronger than humans.” He nipped softly at her areola with his teeth.
“I’ve got wolf blood too, Diar.”
“But I’m a full-blooded male, Mikaela.” He flicked his tongue against her tense nipple.
Miki shivered in need. “Please, Diar…”
“Since you ask so sweetly, honey…” He drew her nipple back into his mouth, biting at the painfully sensitive tip. His fingers plucked the nipple of her other breast, driving her into a frenzy.
Miki jerked, pressing down against his leg, going over the edge. She quivered as her orgasm broke over her body. She gasped, shaking as Diarmid continued to suck and tug on her breasts.
“Diar! Oh God…” Miki couldn’t prevent her strangled moan any more than she could have stopped the tide.
She thrust her hips against his leg repeatedly, cursing the fact she’d worn pants to work because she wanted Diarmid buried to the hilt in her hot, wet cunt. She needed more, but constrained as she was, she wasn’t getting enough stimulation. Diarmid lifted his head, releasing her nipple from his mouth, though he continued to tease her other breast in a leisurely manner with his hand. She whimpered with her eyes clenched tightly closed.
“We’re just starting, Mikaela. It’s going to be fun to tie you to our bed later and torment you until you beg.”
Miki opened her eyes, staring into his as the visions he imagined earlier assailed her again. This time there was far more immediacy because of the way he’d teased her now. He raised his brows inquiringly at her. She licked her lips as she realized she wanted it.
Miki wanted to be at his mercy because she trusted him. “Oh my…” she breathed, recognizing the thought as the revelation it was.
Diarmid kissed her tenderly on the mouth. “I know, honey.” He let go of her arms, holding her while she gained her balance. He helped her to stand on her own but stayed close, pressing hungry kisses against her neck and bare shoulders. “We’ll go slow, Mikaela. After all, we have the rest of our lives to play together.”
Miki smiled at him, wrapping her arms around him to hold him close. His touch was gentle even though she could feel his rock-hard cock nudging her belly. He wanted her badly, but he was in no rush. It felt good to have a man in her life other than her father or brother, who was solid and trustworthy.
Miki pulled away to grab her shirt off the floor to pull it on. Diarmid’s brows furrowed with confusion. She shrugged. “I’m chilly.”
“No you aren’t, Mikaela. You’re on fire.”
“Okay, I’m still not used to running around naked. Anyway, the laundry room is on the second floor. It’s easier to wear it than to carry it.”
He chuckled. “Fine. Let’s grab food and go upstairs. We can enjoy each other while we enjoy the massaging spray and steam of the shower.”
Diar pulled a bottle of sparkling cider out of the fridge, which had been left there by his Redwolf cousins when they moved in. He dug an ice bucket out of the cupboard, packing some crushed ice into the container, adding the bottle. He dug a corkscrew out of a drawer, setting it onto the tray of food. He picked up both the tray of food and the ice bucket.
“Okay, sweetheart, let’s rock and roll. You grab our purchases from Excitations to carry upstairs.”
Miki grinned as he walked in front, shooting teasing yet lusty looks at her all the way upstairs. As she followed him into their master bathroom, she couldn’t help but enjoy the view of his spectacular ass, tight and curved.
Diar set the food tray and ice bucket onto a low table next to a divan near the shower. When Jeanie had suggested putting a divan in the bathroom, Miki had thought her mother-in-law was nuts, but now she appreciated Jeanie’s insight. If Kin was anything like Diarmid, Jeanie and Kin probably played in the bathroom too.
“Mikaela, I really didn’t need to hear your thought,” he groaned.
“Don’t like thinking about your parents sharing wild, bone-jarring, hot sex?”
“Definitely not,” he shuddered, “though I agree with you. Knowing my sire, they probably did.”
“And still do, no doubt. But I bet Jeanie is just as wild as he is. You know what they say, still waters run deep…and horny.” Miki grinned as she watched Diar process the idea of his mother seducing his father.
He shook his head. “Whoa… TMI…”
“Too much information?”
“Way too much,” he laughed. “Let me go put away my gun and badge. I’ll be back.”
She nodded. “I’ll turn on the shower.”
“Feel free to climb in without me.”
Diarmid licked his lips, letting his eyes roam hungrily over her. She grinned as she caught his visualization of watching her masturbate while the water pounded down on her skin. He pressed a kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll consider it,” she teased as he headed into the bedroom.
Miki heard him moving around in the bedroom, divesting himself of his weapon and badge. Diarmid had a gun safe where he kept his weapon and a separate place where he locked his ammunition. He was always careful to follow safety rules, but now, with a child on the way, he had told her he wanted to get the habit ingrained. He never wanted their pups in danger because they’d found his weapon when he was off duty.
Miki peeled off her clothes, dropping them into the hamper, then walked over to the glassed-in shower stall. She loved this shower, she decided as she closed the door behind her. It was huge with benches for seating, multiple shower heads shooting from several sides at once and capabilities for using it as a steam room. It was the pinnacle of luxury showers.
She turned on the water, adjusting the temperature. Miki stood under the spray, letting it soak her hair and drizzle over her breasts. She ran her hands over her body, cupping her breasts as she washed them. With a sigh, she dipped one hand between her legs to tease her clit. She groaned, spreading her legs to make access easier.
Miki brought her other hand to her pussy to ease into her tight cunt, groaning as she played with the slick folds. Her fingers flew over her clit while she pumped the fingers of her other hand in and out of her pussy. The water splashing on her shoulders eased the slip of her fingers over clit. She thrust her pelvis forward, whimpering as her muscles tightened on the ride up to orgasm.
Miki clasped her fingers with her tight sheath, the fingers of her other hand flicking at her throbbing clit. Damn, it felt good. She jumped, gasping as the shower door was pulled open. Her eyes flew open as she almost lost her balance, meeting Diar’s blazing blue eyes.
“Don’t stop, Mikaela. You’re beautiful.” He closed the shower door, leaning back against the glass wall as one of the other shower heads soaked his red hair and pounded on his hard chest.
Miki stared into his eyes as she returned to her pursuit of orgasm. He slowly reached down to his cock, easing his hand down the shaft. Her desire level shot up one hundred percent. It was such a turn-on to know he was aroused by watching her.
“Play with your pussy, Mikaela.”
The gravelly lust in his voice hit her clit as if his fingers had pinched her. She whimpered, teasing her clit, flicking her fingertips against her, increasing the speed. She licked her lips, mesmerized as she watched his hand slowly stroking the length of his cock, head to base and back to the glistening pink head. She drove her other hand into her pussy at the same pace he stroked himself while she circled her clit, applying pressure. Miki moaned, throwing her head back as she let loose and came for him, enjoying the exhibitionistic thrill.
She shuddered, reveling in the orgasm tearing through her and, nearly driving her to her knees. Before she could focus again, Diar lifted her in his arms. She opened her eyes as she set her hands on his shoulders for balance.
“I’ve got to have you, Mikaela.” Diar’s face was tight with restrained need, his skin pink, whether from the hot water or from need, she didn’t know. Nor did she care. Miki just loved seeing his desire for her.
“Yes!” Miki relaxed to let him in as he impaled her, sliding her down onto his waiting erection. She clutched his shoulders, pressing hungry kisses against his neck. Diar pressed her against the slippery cool marble while the hot water streamed over her and his hotter body thrust into the core of hers.
Miki rode his thrusts, feeling as if she’d caught a bronc and they were in rhythm together. She clenched her pussy tight to increase the friction between his cock and her cunt, moaning as he rolled his hips, grinding his pelvis against her already quivering clit.
“Harder, Diar. Oh God, don’t stop.”
“Never,” he grunted, driving home as their combined juices lubricated their intense coupling. He held her ass tight. She thrust back, meeting him stroke for stroke while her body tightened for yet another climax of earth-shattering proportions.
Miki clung to him. When he altered his angle of penetration, she screamed, jerking and biting his shoulder as he pounded into her G-spot. Her belly twitched as she came apart in his arms. Miki shuddered, waves of pleasure beating at her like high tide. Every stroke of his cock into her pussy drove her higher, making her cling to him like a life preserver.
Diar stiffened then with a roar, he shot his come deep into her hungry pussy. Miki whimpered, grasping him in her arms. She licked the wound she’d left on his shoulder, caressing his back while he spasmed, emptying himself into her. Diar buried his head into the curve of her neck with a groan, clutching her tight in his arms.
Miki ran her fingers through the damp hair at the nape of his neck. Diar lapped at the wet skin of her shoulder while she pressed a kiss to his ear, making him shiver. Diarmid slowly lifted his head, meeting her eyes with a slumberous, sexy stare.
“I’ll never get tired of this, Mikaela. Never.” Gently he eased her off him, settling her on her feet.
“I’ll never tire of us either, Diar,” she agreed with a smile.
She brushed droplets of sweat off his brow, turning her head to look for a washcloth. Her eyes fastened on a tube of lubricant sitting in the soap tray instead. Miki’s mouth opened and she started to say something, but nothing came out. Diarmid must have brought it with him when he joined her in the shower, but she didn’t remember him setting it there.
He tipped up her chin so he could read her eyes. “It’s here if we want it, but if we don’t use it, that’s fine too. Okay?”
“Okay.” Images of Diarmid lubing his fingers to slide them in and out of her tight ass set her nipples, clit and ass to tingling with excitement. Miki tried to calm herself, but it just wasn’t happening.
He put his arms around her, turning her so her back pressed against his chest. He cuddled her under the streams of warm water. Diarmid used the handheld shower to carefully wet her hair. He set the shower head back in place, opening a tube of shampoo to squeeze some onto his fingers. He began to work the shampoo into her scalp, massaging gently. Miki groaned with pleasure, closing her eyes. It felt so good she completely relaxed against him as the water poured over her breasts.
“Mikaela, have you ever pleasured yourself anally?”
“Yes…” she shivered, nodding while he ran soapy fingers though her hair.
“Tell me how.”
Miki kept her eyes closed, lulled by the soft pressure. “I’ve used a vibrator.”
“What size?”
“Hmm. Like a small cock—maybe an inch or so thick.”
“Did you enjoy the penetration or the vibrations?”
“Both. It felt so good to be penetrated, but when I turned the vibe on…oh God. I almost came. I could feel it in my pussy as well as my ass.” His fingers paused on her scalp. “Don’t stop, Diar.”
He chuckled, rubbing again. Diarmid took down the shower head to rinse the soap from her hair, only to repeat the process as he stroked creme rinse through her hair. “You like this?”
“You know I do.”
“I do and I’m enjoying it too. It’s the first time you’ve been completely relaxed since we got home.”
Miki blinked open her eyes, looking up at him. “Really?”
“Yes, Mikaela. Really.”
Diarmid washed the creme rinse from her hair then switched the handheld to massage, aiming the water for her breasts. Miki sighed, quivering as the water hit her sensitized nipples. He pointed the spray at her abdomen then reached between her legs to spread her lower folds. She widened her stance, grasping his thighs with her hands as she anticipated the fall of the pulsating water against her clit.
“Do you want it?”
Miki jerked when the water hit her clit square on. He’d changed the setting to a high-speed pulse, which elicited a mewl of pleasure from her as she bucked her hips under the torrent, throwing her head back against his chest. His cock was starting to stiffen again where it pressed into the small of her back. The feel of his cock along with the vibration of the water hit her hard and fast. She hadn’t been expecting her body to react so quickly, yet Miki found herself spasming in climax as she clung to Diarmid’s taut thighs so she could stay upright. He held her close, drawing out her orgasm until it almost hurt before taking the water away. He eased her by gently stroking her clit with his fingers. Miki shivered under his touch.
Diarmid bent forward, kissing her shoulder. “I love watching you come, Mikaela. You’re so responsive.”
“Do I have a choice?”
He chuckled. “You always have a choice and I’m glad you choose to come for me.”
Diarmid ran his hand down her flank and behind to her ass. He stroked her clit with one hand, slipping the fingers of his other into her pussy to take advantage of her natural lubricants. He slid his now-slick fingers up to gently massage her asshole. Miki looked over her shoulder into his blue eyes, questioning.
“You still have a choice, Mikaela. Tell me what you want.”
As she felt his fingers rim her tightly puckered ass, Miki quivered, relaxing under his touch. Diar slipped one finger into her ass, she moaned, clenching down on the invader as their eyes locked. Miki didn’t want to make the decision. She wanted to close her eyes and let him decide for them both, but he wouldn’t let her.
“What do you want, Mikaela? I’m not going to force you. I need your consent or I’ll stop.” His fingers paused in their stroking. Miki whimpered in protest. “Words, Mikaela.”
“Can’t you read my thoughts?”
“Yes, but I’m choosing not to. I want you to make the choice. If you aren’t ready, I’m fine with it. But I need to know.”
“I want to. I’m not sure if I can, but I want to try.”
“Try what?”
“Damn it, Diarmid. You know!”
“Maybe, but we need to be able to talk to one another.”
“I want you to play with my ass.”
Miki felt her face heat up, but she couldn’t seem to drag her eyes away from his compelling gaze as Diar edged his finger deeper into her ass. Her nipples tightened with excitement while he circled her throbbing clit with the fingers of his other hand.
“Play with it? That’s all?”
“No…I…” She looked away.
“Say it, Mikaela.”
“Damn you!” She turned to glare at him, all but shouting, “I want you to fuck me in the ass. Okay?” Diarmid smiled at her, dropping a hard kiss on her mouth while he eased the finger out of her ass with a pop, making her jump.
“That wasn’t so difficult, was it?” Slowly he repenetrated her asshole with his finger, chuckling when she shivered, welcoming his finger.
“Diarmid, you can be such a prick…” Miki was turned-on and irritated at the same time.
He laughed. “So I’ve been told. I love you too, sweetheart.” Diarmid’s hungry eyes roamed her body, as he licked his lips. “Let’s see if we can make your wish a reality. Hand me the tube of lube.”
Miki took the lube from the soap dish, opening it. Diarmid eased his finger out of her ass then held his hand out in front of her. She poured lube onto his waiting fingers until his entire hand was coated and slick. She swallowed, trying to control her combined excitement and trepidation.
Diarmid pressed his open mouth to her neck, licking and kissing his way up to her earlobe. “Relax, Mikaela.”
Miki sighed as she felt him press not one, but two fingers against her asshole. She gasped, yielding to let him inside. The slide of his fingers into her ass sent electricity straight to her clit. Miki turned her head, opening her mouth to him while she clutched the arm he used to tease her clit, flicking at the hard nub until she was panting with need. Diar traced her mouth with his tongue, gently sucking at her lips.
Miki shivered as she realized he’d slid three fingers into her ass when she was distracted. He gently started spreading his fingers to stretch her ass. It was so good, she rocked her hips back, forcing his fingers deeper. With one hand Diar teased her clit while the fingers of the other steadily slid in and out of her tight ass. Miki gasped, dropping one hand down behind her to stroke his hard cock.
“Sweetheart, I need to keep myself in control now,” he groaned. “I refuse to hurt you.”
“I know you won’t hurt me, Diar. I want you turned-on too.”
He nipped her lips teasingly. “God, honey. I couldn’t be more turned-on…”
Miki didn’t know whether to press against the fingers teasing her clit or those invading her ass. They both made her feel incredible. She pumped her hips between the two, shuddering as her body tightened for a climax unlike anything she’d yet experienced.
Miki whimpered. “Diarmid, I’m going to come…”
“Come for me, Mikaela. Now…”
Miki shuddered as she spasmed with pleasure. Her entire pelvis throbbed with excitement. “Oh Diar…” She dug her fingers into his tight biceps while she shook in his arms. He slowed his touch to lower her from the precipice of climax, but he maintained her pleasure so it wouldn’t take much to ramp her need upward again.
“Good?” He kissed her temple then her cheek.
“Yes.” Miki rubbed her cheek against his lips.
“Are you ready for my cock?” Diarmid whispered, rocking his strong fingers in and out of her ass. Miki moaned, clamping on his hand, enjoying the slow friction of his fingers as his hungry beast prodded her in the small of her back. The tip of his cock was moist, and God was it hot.
“Yes. I’m ready.”
“We’re going to take this slow, Mikaela. If there’s pain, I want to know. Do not endure something just to make me happy. Are we clear?”
“Yes, dear.”
He chuckled. “Taunt me now, sweetheart, but I guarantee you won’t be taunting me later.” Miki shivered. “Help me lube my cock.”
She twisted slightly in his arms so she could get her hands on his cock but not lose his talented fingers from their incursion into her ass. She laid her head on his chest as she poured lube onto her fingers. Miki set down the lube, sighing with pleasure as she grasped his beautiful hard cock in her hands. She smoothed the lubricant all over him, taking care to slather extra onto the head.
Diarmid groaned. “Stop, love. Let me catch my breath.”
“I want to see you lose control.”
He shook his head. “Not now. This is too important. Later on tonight, I’ll treat you to an out-of-control wolf. Now you want me in control.”
Miki wanted to pout but knew he was right. “Okay.”
“Turn around and bend at the waist.”
Miki turned away, jutting her ass toward him and bracing herself against the wall. He slid a fourth finger into her as she gasped, amazed she could take it. She could feel how he’d cupped his fingers to approximate a narrow cock. He slowly opened his fingers again stretching her. Miki moaned, shuddering as the muscles sent sparks shooting to her clit. His fingers eased back, replaced by the slick head of his cock.
Miki tightened against him, wincing as she felt pain for the first time since they’d started the anal play. Diar pulled his cock out, returning his fingers to her. She shivered with pleasure, admitting the digits into her ass with a sigh. Miki thrust back onto his hand, loving the feel of it stretching her. Again he eased fingers out and edged his cock into her body. She tensed and he stopped. He used his hand to stroke her asshole but this time he didn’t remove his cock.
Miki relaxed, accepting the head of his cock inside. She licked her lips as she adjusted to the feeling of fullness, arching slightly in surprise as the nerve bundles in her sphincter send shocks of pleasure all over her body like an all points bulletin. Miki waited for Diarmid to move, wanting him to penetrate her more deeply, but he remained stationary except for the gentle rubbing of his fingers where their bodies connected.
She turned her head, frowning at him. “What are you waiting for?”
“This is about your pleasure. You’re the driver, sweetheart.”
“What are you talking about?”
“If you want more of me, take me, Mikaela. I’m not going to force my way in.”
Miki was so used to Diar taking control of their loving, she was nonplused. She actually found herself wondering what to do next. “Diarmid, can’t you…?”
“No, honey. The first time is all you. You decide how far I penetrate you, the speed it happens, or even IF it happens.”
Miki turned to stare at the marble wall in front of her. She pressed back, stopping immediately because it hurt. “It hurts.”
“You tightened up. It feels great for me, but not for you.” He ran the fingers of his free hand lightly down her spine, massaging the small of her back. Miki moaned. “Good. You took more of me.” Miki paused, assessing the sensations in her ass. He was right, almost a third of his cock was buried in her ass and it felt incredible. “Reach down and tease your clit, sweetheart. You open for me when you’re aroused.”
“Can’t you just…?”
“You’re my lover, Mikaela. Not my toy. I want you to participate completely, not blindly submit.”
“But you’re an Alpha.”
“Yes, I am Mikaela.”
“I don’t get it.”
He leaned forward without moving his cock farther into her. His breath brushed the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “An Alpha male gets off on a female who willingly and knowingly surrenders rather than giving up her control so she doesn’t participate in the decision.”
“All Alphas?”
“This one anyway. C’mon, Mikaela. Tease your clit.”
Miki reached down to stroke her clit, closing her eyes as she circled the throbbing nub of nerves. She moaned, pushing back slowly. It was good. There was no pain this time and it felt incredible.
Diarmid growled, his hand tightening on her hip for a minute. She paused, glancing over her shoulder at her Mate. His head was thrown back, his face tight and the veins of his neck showed in sharp relief against the red skin. She couldn’t tell if he was experiencing agony or ecstasy.
“Both. Oh God, both,” his guttural moan went straight to her pussy.
Her nipples were so tight they hurt when she felt his pubic hair dusting the cheeks of her ass. She looked down in shock. His long, thick cock was buried to the hilt in her asshole. Miki shuddered, frigging her clit. She scraped her fingernail lightly over the nub, moaning. She was full of him, but she wanted more.
“Diar, play with my pussy. Please, babe?”
He reached around her, rinsing his hands in the spray of water from the nearby showerheads. Diarmid clasped his arms around her, dipping long fingers into her pussy while his thumb danced over her clit. His other hand cupped her breasts, teasing the tight nipples. She waited for him to draw out and plunge back inside but he didn’t.
He rubbed his chin along her shoulder. “I told you, Mikaela. This first ride is all you.”
Miki sensed his need to pump in and out of her as her mind grazed his, but his control over his own desire was absolute. He wasn’t going to do a damn thing right now. She mewled, rubbing against him. “Please…”
“If you want it, move, Mikaela.”
She arched her hips away from him, gasping as she released his cock. Just before he slipped out altogether, she changed directions, absorbing him back into her body. Miki set up a slow, steady rhythm while Diarmid played her pussy and tits to increase her hunger and pleasure. She reached behind her to grasp his hips for leverage.
The slide of his cock mesmerized her as she focused all of her attention on the fullness and friction, sending shock waves shooting from her ass, to her clit, nipples and pussy. She increased the speed, drawing the steam filled air of the shower into her lungs with a sob.
“Oh God, Mikaela. Yes, sweetheart. Squeeze my cock with your ass. Milk me.”
Miki clenched down as she eased him out and opened to take him back then contracted again as she released him. It was so much better than the vibrator had ever been. The next time she pushed back, she constricted her sphincter muscles on him but it didn’t hurt because somehow she opened at the same time she tightened. Miki threw her head back against his shoulder as the fire torched every nerve in her body.
“Yes, Mikaela.” He buried his face in her neck, every muscle of his body tensing against the fast-approaching orgasm. She wanted it. She wanted to feel him come in her ass.
“Move with me, Diar. Please, babe?”
He groaned, thrusting as she pushed back, withdrawing as she rocked away from him. As if the union signaled her body, her belly tightened as her clit and ass pulsed. She took him deep, arching into him every time he drew his hard cock out of her, intensifying the tingle in her ass and between her legs.
“Almost. Oh Diar. Faster, please.”
They picked up speed. His tight, short jabs sent her over the edge with a cry as she held on to the rails of the shower to keep from sliding to the floor. The sensations of pleasure rocked her to the core as Diar shouted, propelling his cock into her up to the hilt. His damp chest pressed against her back as his cock jerked, sending come deep into her body. She clenched her ass muscles around him, milking his cock and her own pleasure as she took him in. His head dropped to the back of her neck where he gasped, his warm breath stirring the short hair there, sending residual shivers coursing to her clit and ass. He pressed a gentle kiss against the nape of her neck as he continued to shudder.
“Amazing. You’re amazing, Mikaela.” His voice was a hoarse whisper.
“So are you, Diar.” Miki caressed his arms, which wrapped her close in a loving embrace. Every time they made love it was better than the time before. If it felt too much better, she might die of it.
He chuckled. “Heaven forbid, sweetheart. We both have decades of seriously great lovemaking to look forward to.”
“You’re sure of this?” Miki teased, expecting him to be laughing, but he wasn’t. Diarmid lifted his head, his eyes serious.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Her eyes filled with tears at the sincerity she read there. He kissed her gently as she relaxed in his arms.

Chapter Twenty-One
Miki stared out the front window of their home, frowning. Diarmid was late. They’d been inseparable since her panic attack, enjoying their time off work. They’d made love so many times in the past few days she thought she could create a best-selling workout tape called Burn Your Way to Fitness with Hot Sweaty Sex. Miki grinned, forgiving her Mate for being late. The muscles in her arms and legs were still a bit sore from straining against the spreader bars, but she’d never come so many times in her life as she had the last three days.
Last night they decided to watch a movie, naked. Unfortunately, Diarmid was called out on a case late in the evening. She knew it had to be a special situation or they wouldn’t have contacted him. Before he left, Diar swore he’d make it back to accompany her to the reception this morning, but it was 10 a.m. and he still wasn’t here. The reception started midafternoon and they’d planned to get to the place early so she could help Jeanie if she needed it. Miki would have taken off already, but Diar had all but ordered her to wait for him because he didn’t want her traveling alone. Males could be such a pain, but sometimes in a good way so she couldn’t complain too much.
Miki walked to the kitchen, hunting in the cupboards for a snack. She was hungry all the time right now. She’d been snarfing down popcorn when she’d wailed to Diar last night that if her appetite kept up she’d be big as a house by the time the baby was born.
He saved himself when he’d responded absently, “There’ll just be more of you to love.”
He’d been focused on a battle scene at the time, rather than what she said while he fought for his share of the popcorn. Miki had sighed happily, actually sharing some of the popcorn.
His cell rang during the movie, and he’d been called to come to a construction site where a body was found. She’d caught the edge of his thought about a murdered female so she leaned over to hug him because she knew Carly’s death still ate at him. He wrote down the address information then promised her he’d be back today to go with her to the reception as he’d thrown on clothes and ducked out the door. At least now she knew how he could get his clothes changed and his weapon on so quickly.
Miki contemplated going brain surfing, but if he was at a really nasty crime scene she wasn’t sure she wanted to see it. After being attacked herself, a dead body had more immediacy because it could so easily be her. She shuddered. It wouldn’t be her because Diar would get the bastard. End of story.
She heard a vehicle pull up and headed for the front window. Diar came loping up the stairs so she unlocked the door to let him in. He kissed her absently on his way to the bedroom.
“Give me five minutes to shower and get dressed then we can leave.”
“Have you eaten?”
“No, but I’m good.”
Miki watched him run up the stairs, shaking her head. She went to the kitchen to make him a sandwich and put the coffee on to drip through. He definitely was no fun when he was decaffeinated, grumpy didn’t begin to cover it. She’d learned fast since they moved in together, and kept the coffee ready for him. She could feel his stomach growling as he stood under the pounding spray of the shower. Miki closed her mental eyes to the image. Water cascading over his hard muscles turned her on, and she had business to attend to because hungry didn’t become him either, so feeding him was an act of self-preservation.
Diar was deliberately keeping his mind off the crime scene he’d just left. Miki could tell from his mental avoidance, it was a bad one. The grimmer the scene the more he tried to keep it out of his mind so it wouldn’t upset her. It didn’t work particularly well though, because they were so tightly knit, whenever he started thinking about work as he inevitably did, she’d pick up what he’d seen.
Miki fixed a ham sandwich the way he liked on fresh bread she’d baked this morning when she couldn’t sleep. She sliced the sandwich up wrapping it, so he could eat while he drove then dug one of the travel mugs out of the cupboard, filling it with hot coffee. Diar came into the kitchen, adjusting his gun and badge at his waist. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her thoroughly. Miki blinked dazedly when he lifted his head.
“What was that for?”
“Thanks for fixing me food and drink. I appreciate it, sweetheart.”
“My pleasure. We should get going.” She grinned, a bit giddy from his brand of appreciation.
Diarmid nodded, giving her a wink. He grabbed the sandwich and mug and they headed out of the house to go to the reception. Neither one of them really wanted to go, but they knew they had to put in an appearance. Miki felt her stomach churning with nerves as Diar helped her into the SUV then came around to climb in to the driver’s side. She looked over at him, noting the dark circles under his eyes with a frown.
“Did you get any sleep?”
“A couple of hours, I think.”
“You think?”
“I crashed on the couch in my office for a while,” he shrugged.
“When we get to your folks’ place, you are going to find a bed and take a nap.”
“It’s not like we haven’t slept a lot while we were home.”
“We slept together, which is not at all the same.”
“It’s not an option, it’s an order. Your Mate has spoken.” His mouth snapped shut and he looked pissed. “Diarmid, eat your sandwich.”
He growled but followed orders. Miki sighed as they drove up into the mountains. Diarmid’s mind drifted as he started going over the crime scene in his head. Miki could see it in his mind—a female tied to a St. Andrew’s cross laid on the floor of a rough construction site. He was mentally going over the scene and looking for clues. The female had been badly beaten and there was a lot of blood. Miki wished her stomach would stop churning from the nerves because the visuals in Diarmid’s mind didn’t help things. She knew she’d have to get used to this stuff, but it was going to take some time.
She felt him tense slightly then Diarmid glanced at her ruefully. “I took you on a tour with me, didn’t I?”
“You can’t help it. She was your crime victim?” He nodded while he ate his sandwich. “Why do you keep thinking of her as a female and not a woman?”
He paused in the process of taking a bite, giving her a cautious look. “Mikaela, I don’t have to tell you…”
“To keep my mouth shut. Yeah I know.” She frowned. “What did you say to me? Humans are women and Wolves are females… The victim is a wolf?” Diarmid set his sandwich down on the dash and picked up his coffee. He took a slow drink. She was right but he didn’t want to confirm it. She whistled low. “It complicates things. Do you know her?”
“No, I don’t.”
Miki caught the visual of the female’s face and her flaming red hair. “She’s a Redwolf?”
“Damn it.”
“She’s not related?”
“She’s not of our clan, no. And it’s no one I’ve ever met. We have to keep this quiet today, Mikaela.”
“I understand. Jerome didn’t do this, did he?”
Diarmid gave her a brief smile. “Colier’s right, you are good at this. No, it’s not Jerome’s work. Scent lingers and it wasn’t Jerome’s scent on her. I’ve never seen anyone take out a female wolf like this. Our females are tough bitches, and it takes a strong wolf to handle them. I honestly don’t know how a human could bind her against her will.”
“Drug her?”
“Possible. They’ll be doing a tox screen on her to check.”
“Are you sure the killer is human?”
Diarmid looked over at her again, shaking his head. He looked impressed yet irritated. “No, I can’t tell just from scent in this case.”
“Could it be a half breed like me?”
“Possible, but it would be more like your brother.”
“My brother wouldn’t kill…”
“I didn’t say it was him, Mikaela. I mean the smell is human but also animal. If it is a half-blood shifter, it’s someone who can change. I’m not even sure it’s a shifter at this point. The crime scene was clean.”
“Sanitized for your protection?”
“Yes, exactly. Very nasty business, and I only caught a bare whiff so I’m not sure of anything. The place smelled heavily of bleach and ammonia.”
“To clean or to cover the smell?”
“Argues in favor of a shifter though. Someone who’d think about confusing the ability of another animal to scent him.”
Diarmid paused in the process of picking up his sandwich. “Yeah. You’re right. Until I have hard evidence though, I’m not going to rule anything out.”
“Right. Follow the evidence.”
“Exactly, sweetheart.”
Miki let Diar’s brain slide back to the crime scene and pulled herself as clear of him as possible. She really didn’t want to take an extended tour of the poor female’s murder scene. Miki closed her eyes and just started to nod off when Diar’s cell phone rang. She jumped and opened her eyes as he put the phone to his ear to answer.
“Redwolf.” He paused and grimaced. “Yes, Mother, we’re on our way. We’re almost halfway up the mountain now.” He frowned over at Miki. “Mother, why don’t you talk to Mikaela so I can concentrate on the road.”
Miki rolled her eyes at him but took the phone, mouthing the word “chicken” at him. He nodded. “Hi, Jeanie, what’s up?”
“Your brother informs me he and his band will be the entertainment for this…shindig. I do not organize shindigs, Mikaela.”
Miki burst into laughter unable to restrain herself. “Sorry, Jeanie. It’s just Rik’s way of talking. He and the Wolf Men are really good.”
“Wolf Men?” Miki heard her take a deep calming breath. “What kind of music do they play? We have some prestigious guests planning to attend.”
“They play country, Jeanie. They are good and they have a huge following in the Denver area.”
“Country? You mean country and western music?”
Miki covered her mouth to keep from laughing out loud at Jeanie’s tone. Your mother is a music snob, handsome.

I could have told you that!

“Well, Jeanie, you’ll have to make the best of it. If it’s any consolation, my brother and the boys will probably want me to sing a set or two with them.”
“My daughter-in-law sings country music? Mikaela, you can’t…” Her voice started to break up just then.
Miki frowned. “Jeanie, you’ll have to say that again, you’re breaking up.”
“Say again?”
“You can not sing!”
“I’m told I have a pretty good voice, so yes, I can sing.”
“That’s not what I…” Static filled the line.
“Jeanie?” More static. “Jeanie?” She turned to Diar, handing him the phone. “I think we’re out of range or something.”
He listened to the lack of reception with a frown. He turned the phone off and back on and tried to dial. No luck. “Shit, we’ve hit a no reception zone. I hate driving around up here.”
“Well, at least your mother can’t tell me not to sing until I show up. What is she, a classical music person or something?”
“She likes rock music too. She’s the right age for the start of rock and roll. She just doesn’t go for twangy.”
“Tell me, were we twangy?”
“No, I have to admit there was very little twang involved.”
“Of course, there will be for this thing. My brother lives to jerk people’s chains.”
Diarmid laughed. “This will be interesting.”
“Well, maybe we’ll have some fun after all.” Miki leaned back and closed her eyes again. “Wake me when we get there, okay? And, Diar?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You will go take a nap after we arrive.”
“I nap now. You nap later. End of discussion.” Miki sighed, relaxing into sleep surprisingly quickly.
Diarmid shook his head with a smile as she started to make soft little puffing noises. He loved to listen to her sleep. The only other people he’d felt that way about had been his boys. He remembered going into the nursery when they were infants and toddlers and just listening to them breathe. He looked out the windows, frowning as they climbed into the clouds. It would just have to be a rainy day for this reception. The meteorologist said the clouds would clear by midday, but move back in for this evening. He needed to make sure they started down the mountain before dark. He didn’t want to drive these damn twisty roads after dark buried in a cloud with zero visibility.
Miki woke with a jerk as the SUV slowed then came to a halt. She looked over at Diarmid, surprised to see a bunch of people surround their vehicle. They were at the gates to his parents’ home, but it was like a guard tower had sprouted up from nowhere.
Diarmid rolled down the window and looked out at the man standing there. His curly red-gold hair hung to his shoulders but was tied tightly back at the nape of his neck. He sported a neatly trimmed mustache. He looked as if he’d stepped out of the 1700s and belonged in a kilt.
“What’s up, Tiernan?”
“Just checking everyone in, cuz. Including you. Do you have ID?”
“I don’t need ID.”
“Everyone needs ID. Is this your lovely lady?”
“Yes.” Diar’s voice was dry with a hint of warning in it. Tiernan grinned at his cousin. “Mikaela, this is my cousin, Tiernan.”
“Pleased to finally meet you.” Tiernan winked at her, making Diarmid growl at him so he laughed. “Don’t worry, cuz. I won’t try to seduce her.”
“Even if you tried, you wouldn’t succeed.” Miki informed him. “I’m a one-wolf female.”
Tiernan nodded, his grin broadening. “She suits you, Diar. You need a mouthy bitch.” He looked at Diarmid, all business. “I still need to see your ID.”
“You are enjoying this too much, Tier.”
“It will definitely be a pleasure to pull rank with some of the bastards who put me on a desk.”
“You’re a cop?” Miki didn’t think cops had long hair, let alone a mustache.
“Don’t sound so stunned, Mikaela. I’m a damn good cop but I opened my mind and was branded a nut case because of it. I’m on leave because of a bad back. Bad back, my ass. I recognize something outside the realm of the usual so they don’t think I can pass a psych eval. Bastards. ID, Diarmid.”
Diarmid handed Tier his ID, which he studied. “You’ll do. Mikaela, your ID, please.” Miki shook her head but dug out her ID, handing it over for inspection. Tiernan studied her ID then returned it to her. “Okay, you two can head up. Your mother’s been fretting ever since the dropped call. She tried to call you back a half-dozen times and was envisioning vehicle trouble. She almost sent out the cavalry for you, which would have been me.” He winked at Mikaela again, turning back to Diar.
“I hope you talked her out of it.”
“Your father did. He said you’d both be fine, but if you weren’t here within the hour, I’d come and fetch you.”
Diarmid rolled his eyes. “She’s always been high-strung.”
Tiernan cocked his head. “You’ve never believed she’s psychic, have you?”
“Psychic? Yeah, right. Thinking I wanted to hurt my brother was psychic?”
“Diarmid, she suffered from postpartum psychosis then, it had nothing to do with psychic intuition. You are way too tied to the physical. Stretch your brain a little.”
“You’ve always been a little too willing to accept the odd.”
“You mean like the concept of shapeshifters?”
“Very funny, Tier. Going to a psychic for a lead is what did you in, not your superiors.”
“It was the lead I got from the psychic that blew the damn case open and allowed us to even find the body. The brass didn’t like my methods and neither did you.”
“I follow the evidence, Tiernan, and I’m not going to change now.”
Tier shook his head. “Skeptics are such a pain in the ass.” He waved the gates open and Diar drove through.
Miki raised her eyebrows at her Mate. “He’s right.”
Diar chuckled. “You already knew I was a pain in the ass.”
“I love you anyway.” Miki leaned over to press a kiss on his cheek before sitting back into her seat.
He glanced at her with a smile. “The feeling’s mutual, sweetheart.”
“Is Tiernan a homicide cop?”
“No, he was with a special victims unit focused on sexual crimes, crimes against children, and child exploitation. They had a missing person’s case. Tiernan was contacted by a medium and figured since they were at a dead end he might as well give it a shot. As he said, it cracked the case.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“It’s hard to get a warrant on a medium’s hunch. It’s also hard to prosecute when ‘witness’ credibility comes up. The bastard nearly got off on a technicality but Tiernan had the Feds testify to using the same psychic. It clinched the case because if the Feds trusted her…” Diar shrugged. “Other cops were with him, but the DA’s office was pissed about the publicity because the District Attorney didn’t like his ass twisting in the wind over Tiernan’s methods of investigation.”
“So why is he still on a desk?”
“Tier wants to transfer to the Cold Case unit but not everyone thinks a psychic is a reliable investigative tool. They don’t want him to use her again. He’s sure she can help address the unsolved cases from the tombs.”
Miki shuddered. “If they are already in the ‘tombs’ why not try something different?”
Diar’s lips tightened. “He’s a good cop, but he’s obsessed with this psychic. It worries me.”
“If Tiernan trusts her, maybe you should give her a shot. You never know.”
“Maybe.” Diarmid shrugged as they drove up to his parents’ house.

Chapter Twenty-Two
Miki’s cheeks ached from faking a smile for the last couple of hours. She had sent Diarmid to bed to get some sleep while she worked with her mother-in-law to complete the finishing touches for the reception. Jeanie was channeling Martha Stewart today because everything had to be “perfect”, making Miki want to scream. The food had to be “perfect”, the flowers must be “perfect” and imperfect blooms were discarded—finally, the music had to be “perfect” to impress the hordes who would shortly descend on them. For the last ten minutes, Jeanie had been pursing her lips while Rik’s band did their sound check.
Rik had been jerking Jeanie’s chain the entire time by playing the most twangy country songs the band knew. Her brother hadn’t reserved his torment for Jeanie alone. He’d made snide whispered comments about monster-in-laws repeatedly since Miki arrived. One more smirk from her brother and he’d be a dead wolf and her Mate would be forced to arrest either her or his mother for murder. Miki glanced over at Rik to see him grinning while Jeanie growled low in her throat at Miki’s side. Miki had finally had enough from both of them.
“Really, Jeanie. You’re just provoking him. He’s trying to annoy you and you are not only letting him, you’re encouraging him. Get a grip.”
Jeanie’s arms were crossed over her chest and she stomped her foot, which seemed to Miki completely out of character. “Damn it, this day is important to all of us. It sets the tone for your whole life together and I want everything to be perfect for both of you. It’s the first time my son has let me do anything for him in years…” Jeanie’s voice cracked and she started to turn away.
Finally, Miki understood and she hugged Jeanie. “Diarmid loves you Jeanie, and our life won’t ever be ‘perfect’. It doesn’t matter if the day is beautiful or it pours buckets of rain, if the food is awful or if my brother decides to do a Buck Owens sound-alike concert. Diar and I are thrilled to have family and friends here to celebrate with us. Nothing else matters.”
“I just wanted to make you both happy.”
Miki leaned back and looked up into her mother-in-law’s damp eyes. “We are happy. We’re happy you love us enough to care, but today is just a nice day, don’t make it do or die. Family is important. Friends are important. The rest is just window dressing. Now let me go smack my brother into line and get this show on the road, okay?”
Jeanie laughed, wiped at her moist eyes and hugged her back. “Okay.”
Miki stalked over to her brother and his band. “How long have you been practicing these songs? You really don’t sing them well. In fact, you guys suck.”
Rik bristled. “Hey!”
“It’s true. Quit playing music just to annoy Jeanie. Do your sound check with what you actually intend to sing because if you plan to go onstage as unrehearsed as this, I’ll pull you myself.”
“You’re such a bitch, Miki.”
“Yes, I am. Now quit sulking and start playing, brother of mine.”
Rik stuck out his tongue at her, which she returned along with flipping him the bird. The guys in the band laughed as did a large group of people behind her. She turned to find most of the Redwolf pack acting as an audience for her sibling squabble. She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, welcome to the family indeed.” She looked over as she sensed Diarmid. He was walking over from the house with his father. Diarmid looked much better for a couple hours of sleep. When he reached her, she walked into his arms for a hug. “Our families are insane.”
“I could have told you that, sweetheart.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“I wanted to let the mystery unfold for you. As a writer, you should appreciate my restraint.”
Miki pulled his head down for a kiss, which was accompanied by laughing and wolf whistles. Diarmid didn’t make it a slow kiss either, he held her close and delved into her mouth, making her nerves vibrate with hunger for him. When he finally lifted his head, Miki slowly opened her eyes to find his expression looking far too satisfied.
“Way to swap spit, Diar!” Kade called, laughing with some other young males about the same age.
Diarmid slowly drew his eyes from hers and looked over at Kade. She waited for the verbal lash to fall. Instead, he said, “Thank you.” She smacked his shoulder.
“You certainly like to live dangerously, don’t you Diarmid?”
“Oh yeah.” He caught her close, kissing her again, and in spite of her irritation, she sank into his kiss. As she resurfaced, she again heard the catcalls and wolf whistles.
He let her go and turned to walk away. They weren’t leaving it there. Oh no. She reached out and gave his ass a squeeze before he slipped out of range. He jumped, whipping around to glare at her.
Miki smirked. “Turnabout is fair play, love.” She flounced away from him before he could get his head together enough to grab her ass back. She blew him a kiss as she walked over to the band. “Weren’t you guys going to do an actual sound check?”
“Yeah, why don’t you get up here and join us for a number,” Rik suggested, laughing at his brother-in-law.
She shrugged. Why not? Rik lifted her up easily, setting her beside him. She smoothed down her dress to make sure nothing was showing that shouldn’t while the guys tuned their instruments. Miki picked up a guitar and tuned too. She had a specific song in mind and told the guys. All of the guys grinned and got ready to blow the crowd away. Miki noticed Diar shaking Ossie’s hand and hugging a beautiful black woman who reminded her of Leslie Uggams. Now they were a fine-looking couple.
Miki hoped her fingers remembered the notes since she was center stage with the guitar. As they swung into the tune, it all came back to her and she was able to remember words and chords, flying high with stage adrenaline as they entertained the crowd. They segued into another number as a follow-up. Jeanie was looking relaxed and happy, so Miki winked at Diarmid, making him smile. He also received the message she was sending and gave Jeanie a hug. The pleased surprise on Jeanie’s face was reflected on Kin’s too. Yeah, this was going to be a good day after all.
As the day wore on, her intuition proved correct. She held her breath when her father was reintroduced to Cameron Goldwolf and the two went off together for a “talk”. She breathed a sigh of relief when the males shook hands and smiled.
Just then she was swung around and was caught in a spicy-fragranced hug, laughing delightedly at Serena’s high spirits. “Girlfriend, I played matchmaker for you even though you never put an ad on my website.”
“Yeah, I guess so. Diarmid said he had an ad on You removed it, didn’t you? If not, do it asap! He’s mine!”
“It’s gone. As soon as I saw the two of you at dinner the other night, I took it off the site. The females I matched him with never seemed quite right anyway. He’s a tough male to match.”
“No kidding?” Miki laughed, watching her Mate out of the corner of her eye.
“Watch it, lady.” Diarmid’s growl sent a shiver down her spine. Damn, she wanted him. She glanced at him to find his eyes reflecting the same desire.
Damien came forward, almost hesitantly, and hugged her. He kept an eye on Diarmid during the brief hug. Miki caught his hand and tugged his head close. “Diar may be older than you, but he’s just as obsessive about movie battle scenes as Serena tells me you are.”
Damien laughed, relaxing slightly. “Thanks.”
“We’re family.”
“We are, aren’t we?” Serena whooped and hugged her again. “This is so cool!” She turned, pulling Miki with her. “This is my mom Ginger and my dad Drew. Dad is your uncle.”
Miki hugged Drew then Ginger. Ginger took a deep breath and smiled at both her and Diar, who had moved to her side to welcome Serena’s parents.
“So, when are the twins due?”
Miki eyes widened and her mouth dropped open at Ginger’s question. “Twins? What twins are you talking about? Are you asking Serena?”
“No, dear. I’m asking you.” Ginger’s friendly smile deepened and her eyes started to twinkle with amusement.
Miki looked up into Diarmid’s eyes in confusion. “Me? What is she talking about?”
“Yes, Ginger, what are you talking about?” Diarmid’s voice sounded strained.
Ginger laughed, delighted to be dropping a bombshell. “You reek of him, Mikaela, and no female broadcasts scent so strongly unless she’s carrying more than one pup in her belly.”
Miki opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She closed her mouth, cleared her throat and tried again. “Twins?” She blushed as her voice squeaked. Why did her voice have to squeak whenever she was nervous or shocked?
“Yes dear. Congratulations. You won’t know for sure until you are far enough along for an ultrasound, but I’d be willing to bet a great deal of money I’m right, because I usually am.”
“Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”
“No. Even I’m not that good.” Ginger smiled at them both. “Start buying everything in pairs.”
“We already have two of everything,” Miki whispered.
Ginger’s brows rose. “If you didn’t know, why did you get two of everything?”
“Because Laughlins birth litters.” James Laughlin’s voice boomed proudly. “My two are twins, and I have several siblings who are sets of twins. Stands to reason.” Miki sighed as she was enveloped in his hug. “Congratulations, baby girl.”
“Thanks, Daddy.” Miki turned to Diarmid, whose eyes were fastened solidly on the ground. Miki tried to figure out if he was happy or upset about this revelation.
“Why don’t we leave them alone for a few minutes to absorb the news,” Ginger suggested kindly.
The others moved away and Miki took a step into Diarmid’s space. He was shielding his mind from her, so she leaned in and looked up into his eyes. She found them swimming in tears he was fighting to keep from falling.
“What’s wrong? Are you unhappy about twins? Ginger could be wrong.”
“She’s not wrong.” He took a deep breath and a tear fell down his cheek.
Miki reached up and brushed it away. Diar pulled her tight into his arms and buried his face in her neck. Suddenly, he let her in mentally and she felt his emotions churning madly. He was thrilled about them having twins, but terrified of losing the three of them in childbirth or to Jerome’s stalking. Miki held him close and rubbed his back, letting him feel her happiness about the babies.
“It’s okay, Diar. You guys will nail Jerome, and we can find an OB-Gyn who knows how to deal with wolves and multiple births.”
He lifted his head and kissed her gently, worshiping her with his mouth. She loved it when she could feel his love in his touch and his kiss. It made her melt to know how deeply committed he was to her. He lifted his head, his blue eyes capturing her green ones intently.
“You can never leave me, Mikaela. You made me promise not to die. Now I need yours.”
Miki smiled at him, caressing his cheek. “I won’t die either, my love. We can be the first immortal wolves around, okay?”
“Okay.” He laughed, relaxing and kissing her again.
The rest of the reception passed quickly and pleasantly. It amazed Miki how many movers and shakers Diarmid’s father interacted with during the day, and he acted as if it were no big deal. Kin repeatedly walked up to them, put his arm around her and introduced them to some bigwig whose presence left Miki incapable of intelligent speech. After the third episode like this, Diar warned her when Kin was headed their way so she could brace herself and respond like a woman with a brain. Once she was capable of coherence, Kin quit bringing people over.

He did it just to freak me out, didn’t he? Miki asked Diar as she sipped ice water.

Yeah. He gets childish glee from overwhelming folks with the important people he knows. He used to do it to Ileana all the time. It drove her mad. Diar paused, and Miki could sense he was concerned if he talked about his late Mate she’d be upset.

It’s okay. She was an important part of your life and the mother of your pups. I’m aware you love her. As long as you love me too I’m okay with it.

He nodded and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Are you feeling all right? Is the altitude too much for you?

No, I’m fine. Miki watched the move and play of the crowds around them. Somehow, Jeanie had managed to pull this party together out of thin air. I’m never going to be able to do something like this, Diar.

Good Lord, I never want you to. Mom is good at this because it was necessary for my father’s work.

You just called her, “Mom”.

So I did. It must be all this high altitude sun. Miki giggled and elbowed him in the belly. “Hey!” He caught her close and they exchanged another kiss. He lifted his head, his blue eyes dark with passion. “You know we could probably sneak away for a while with no one the wiser.”
His hand slid slowly down over her back, making her groan. “Damn it, Diar. Your mother would kill us.”
“Only if she found us,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck.
“Diarmid, stop it. You’re driving me crazy.”
“Yeah, I know.”
She lifted her head to give him better access to her neck in spite of his knowing chuckle. “You’re playing with fire.”
“If I hadn’t been a cop, I’d have been a firefighter.” He tugged her gently toward the edge of the crowd. “There’s a place we can go.”
“Lover’s lane for wolves?”
“I don’t know if the kids still use it, but it worked great for me.”
Miki chuckled and followed him willingly toward a nearby stand of trees. Diarmid looked around to see if they were under surveillance. He paused as he noted Tiernan leaning against a tree.
“Go have fun, I’ll cover for you. You didn’t act like a teenager even when you were one—just try to keep it quiet. If you start howling everyone will know.”
“I was just going to show her some of my old haunts.”
“Yeah, and I know which one. We younger kids used to spy on you and Sarah Jane back then.”
“You what?”
“Hey, she was hot!”
“Shit.” Diarmid came to a dead stop.
No way was he going to get her all heated up and not deliver. She grabbed his hand and tugged, hard. “C’mon.”
“Mikaela, I don’t want anyone watching us.”
Miki looked at Tiernan, noting his taunting grin and she narrowed her eyes. “You will keep us free of intruders and you will not watch, listen or smell. You’re acting security expert and you’re a cop, so you can secure the area. Thanks ever so much for your help.” Miki grabbed Diarmid and pulled him along, surprised he moved with her, but gratified. She looked up to see him grinning.

Nice touch, sweetheart.

Thank you, now where is this spot where we can have some wild, monkey sex?

He laughed. Follow me, love. I know just the place.
Diarmid led her down a path through the trees that opened onto a clearing by a creek that emptied into a clear mountain pond. A moss-covered spot under some low trees looked like the perfect place for outdoor lovemaking.
“This is it?”
“Yeah. It was great for skinny dipping and for mating a female. It wasn’t monkey sex, it was wolf sex. That’s a lot hotter. Trust me.” He assured her, catching her in his arms and lowering her to the mossy area.
“I always trust you, Diar.” Miki whispered as she pressed hot kisses to his ears and neck. His hands slid up under her dress and cupped her pussy, rubbing teasingly. Miki started to unbutton his shirt, pressing fevered kisses against his throat.
“Diarmid Kincaid Redwolf! What do you think you are doing?”
Diar and Miki scrambled apart like teenagers caught necking on their parents’ couch. Jeanie stood on the path with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face.
“I was about to make love to my Mate,” Diarmid grumped, reminding Miki painfully of Kade, forcing her to restrain her laughter.
“Well, save it for later. People are starting to leave and they are looking for you. You are forty-five years old, not sixteen, son. There is a time and a place, and this isn’t it.”
“Oh, leave them alone, Jeanie. How many times did my mother catch us in a broom closet at one of her fancy-assed parties?” Kincaid asked as he came around the curve in the path.
“That’s irrelevant, Kincaid.”
Miki laughed out loud at the expression on Diar’s face. His eyebrows were damn near to his hairline and his jaw had dropped open. She reached over and pressed on his chin—his mouth closed with a snap.
“Broom closet?” Diar asked.
“They are True Mates, Diar. Did you think they didn’t have hot sex? Sheesh!” Miki levered herself to her feet with a sigh.
“I didn’t think about it. Now the image is playing in my brain, and I really didn’t need it there.” He rose to his feet, pulling her close.
Miki kissed his lips and patted his arm. “It’s okay. One day, our kids will react the same way.” She rubbed her belly with satisfaction, so he pulled her close for a kiss.
“Come along, Jeanie my love. Let’s leave them to get themselves sorted out.”
“You two have five minutes. If you are longer, I’ll be back and I will not be pleased.” Kin winked at them after Jeanie’s dire threat and took her arm to lead her back to the party.
“You think we can get done in five minutes?” Miki breathed, running her tongue over Diar’s lips.
“Not a chance in hell, sweetheart. I get you naked and I get distracted.” He caressed her ass with his fingertips before cupping her and pulling her closer to ride his thigh.
Miki took a deep breath, her eyes half closed in pleasure. “Mmmm, feels good.”
“We’re just tormenting ourselves. She wasn’t kidding, you know.” He ran his tongue over the vein in her neck then sucked gently on her earlobe. He nipped it as she ran her hands up over his shoulders and into his hair.
“What did we do wrong? She shouldn’t have been able to find us.”
“My mother is a bloodhound when it comes to scenting people. When we were growing up, she always knew exactly where we were…well, when she was feeling okay anyway,” he sighed then smiled reminiscently. “She pulled me out of so many scrapes before I could get started, I can’t count them. It pissed me off at the time, but in retrospect, I’m glad she found me. One time I was going to jump off the roof of a shed into some hay.”
“I know. It’s fun.” Miki nipped at his neck.
“The problem was there was a pitchfork in the hay and I would have been skewered.”
“Didn’t you see it?”
“No, it wasn’t visible, but somehow she just knew. She even dug into the hay to find it to make sure no one else was stuck.”
“Sounds like Tiernan’s right. She’s psychic.”
“Maybe. I trust what I can prove.” Diarmid shrugged, catching her mouth with his, delving inside. Miki wrapped her arms around his neck, nipping at his lips with her teeth. He groaned, lifting his head.
“Well, someday you may have to trust your mother’s instincts instead of yours.” Miki ran her fingertips over his full lips. He opened his mouth to nibble on her fingers.
“Probably not. There’s always evidence at a crime scene.”
Diarmid paused in his nibbling and frowned down at her. “No, not always. What are you saying?”
“Nothing, really. I just think it’s kind of cool that your mother has special talents you didn’t know about. Relax. Not everything means something.”
He laughed. “Sorry. Damn, I love you, but I think we are over our five minutes.”
“I think so too.” She adjusted her clothes. “Do I look okay?”
“Slightly mussed but sexy with it.”
“Unmuss me.”
“If I touch you right now, I’ll muss you worse. We’d better just go back to the party.”
“Okay, stud. Let’s go.”
Miki turned, twitching her ass in a sexy sway as she walked ahead of him on the path. Diarmid groaned as he followed along in her wake. Miki laughed as she caught the edge of his thought about taking her from behind.
“Just wait until I get you home, sweetheart.”
Miki glanced back, grinning at him. “I look forward to it.”
The next two hours were spent saying their goodbyes to various business contacts and friends. When only the family remained, Miki and Diarmid exchanged looks and sighs of relief. Miki threw her arms around Diarmid for a hug.
“We survived!”
He hugged her back, smiling at his parents. Miki stepped away because she sensed Diar wanted to talk to his mother and father. He walked over and stood awkwardly in front of them.
“Thank you. You made the day fairly painless for both of us and we appreciate it.”
Jeanie blushed and her eyes filled with tears, her voice cracked. “We’re glad you found your True Mate. Thank you for allowing us to host the celebration.”
Diarmid looked down into his mother’s eyes and hugged her, holding her close. “Thanks, Mom.”
Jeanie pressed a kiss to his cheek, brushing his cheek lovingly with her hand. “You’re welcome, Diarmid.”
He ducked his head. Before he could step away from his mother, his father enveloped them both in a hug. Miki could hear members of her Mate’s pack suppress sobs and see them brush away tears. The strained relationship had affected all of them, and as she looked around, she noted uniformly grateful looks from every Redwolf standing near them.
“You did good, Mikaela.” Lachlan whispered down into her ear.
She looked up at her brother-in-law, hugging him. “When did you arrive? I thought you and Fiona couldn’t make it today.”
“Fi is in the air right now on a run, but we beat our construction deadline, so I was able to get away from the site early. I’ve been here for about an hour.”
“I’m glad you made it.” She turned her gaze back to her now-emotional Mate and his parents. He and his father both wiped away tears and laughed to try to minimize the serious moment.
“So am I. Being estranged from them really ripped Diar apart, and it was tough on them too.”
“Aren’t you estranged from them?”
Lach shook his head. “I fight with the old man, but we get on pretty well. Same with Fi.”
“And your mother?”
“I’m a mama’s boy, but I tried to keep it from upsetting Diar by keeping my distance when he was around. Mom’s always understood.”
“You guys have a very strange family.” She told him, putting her arm around his waist. She grinned when Kin messed up Diarmid’s hair as if he were ten instead of forty-five.
“We sure do,” Lachlan agreed.
Diarmid turned toward her. “I want to get you down the mountain before dark, so we should get going, sweetheart.”
Miki nodded. “Yeah, we better go. I don’t want to mess with fog or anything on the way downhill. At least I don’t have to drive.”
Diarmid walked over and took her hand. He pressed a kiss into her palm. “Glad to be of service.”
They made their rounds saying goodbye to family members then Diarmid lifted her into the SUV. They waved to everyone as Diarmid started the drive out of the Redwolf compound. Miki sighed happily, smiling over at her Mate. She connected mentally with him, feeling his genuine joy over bridging the gap between himself and his parents. He looked briefly over at her before returning his gaze to the twisty roads.
“Thank you, love. If not for you…” He shook his head.
“I know.”
She took his hand and he lifted her hand to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. He released her hand and she leaned back in her seat. They rode in silence for a few miles, enjoying the good vibes from the day. Miki looked out the window and noticed the downhill grade was increasing. As the downhill grade increased, so did the speed of the SUV.
Miki frowned. “Diar, shouldn’t you slow down?” She looked over at him and paled. His face was utterly expressionless and his eyes were completely focused on the road. She looked down at his foot and saw he was pumping the brakes to no effect.
“I’d slow down if I could, sweetheart,” he growled.
“The brakes aren’t working?”
“They were spongy until a couple of minutes ago. They don’t seem to be working at all right now.” He changed to low speed, but it didn’t slow them much. He pulled the emergency brake. The noise was nasty but their speed continued to increase. “Shit.”
Miki bit her lip, noting the speedometer edging over seventy. She reined in her terror so she wouldn’t distract Diarmid from driving. “What can you do?”
“We are coming up on a truck escape ramp around one of these curves. If I can keep us on the road until we get there, we can drive up it. Make sure you’re well belted.”
Miki took a deep breath, tightening her seat belt. The trees were passing at an alarming rate. She wanted to scream but she clenched her jaw as they came barreling around a turn. They were coming to the escape ramp, thank God.
“Hold on, honey. Here we go.”
Diarmid turned onto the ramp. Miki closed her eyes, clenching her fists as they sped along. The SUV bounced over the uneven gravel surface. Miki opened her eyes as she sensed they were decelerating. As they neared the end of the ramp, the SUV rolled to a stop. Diarmid put the vehicle in park and turned off the engine. The both took a deep breath and Miki released her belt and threw herself into Diarmid’s arms. He rubbed her back, kissing her forehead.
“Thank you, babe,” Miki murmured, pressing a kiss to his throat. She could feel his heart beating wildly in the artery of his neck. His skin was moist with sweat, but he’d been cool as a cucumber during the crisis.
She leaned back and looked up into his eyes. “Do you have any idea why the brakes went out?”
“No idea. I just had the damn thing serviced last week.” Diarmid shook his head. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and opened it. He listened with a frown. He turned it off and back on. “Son of a bitch. The cell isn’t working.” He tossed the cell onto the dash.
Miki ran her fingertips over his cheek, turning his face to hers. “Relax, babe. We’ll just have to walk back to your parents’ place.”
“You are not going walking along these roads. What if some vehicle careens around a curve? It could take you out. No way.”
“Do you want to play MacGyver again? Maybe you can get the brakes working.”
Diarmid nodded. “Yeah, we don’t have a lot of options. At least I can see why the brakes went out.”
He released the hood and both of them climbed down. The sky was turning pink as the sun sank toward the west. Miki hoped they could figure something out before it grew dark. Diar opened the hood for light then crawled under the vehicle to try to see if they could salvage the brakes somehow. Miki stood beside him as he inspected the system. He froze and his tension escalated.
“What’s wrong, Diar?”
“The line has been cut.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” He came back up and paused at her side, taking a deep breath. “I smell coffee.”
“Coffee? Your coffee is in the vehicle.”
“Get in the SUV and lock the doors.”
Diarmid looked around them. “Do it.”
Miki stiffened, irritated at being ordered around. She was ready to fight with him about it until he opened his mind to her. We’re in danger, and we’re being watched. I am going to find some tape from my kit and fix the cut.

Is it Jerome?

I can’t tell, sweetheart. I don’t smell him, but I do smell coffee. I smelled coffee on you the night Jerome attacked you.

Oh my God.

Just get in the vehicle and lock the doors.

What will you use for brake fluid?

I keep brake fluid, oil and other emergency stuff in the vehicle, just in case.

Miki started around the SUV, and walked into Jerome. He covered her mouth with a cloth but she screamed mentally. Diarmid! Jerome is right here!
The cloth smelled odd, but she could hear Diarmid start around the SUV as she struggled with Jerome. Her vision began to fade, just as she saw a man come up behind Diarmid and hit him in the back of the head with a rock.

Diarmid! He didn’t answer her, and she sobbed as she collapsed, slipping into unconsciousness.

Chapter Twenty-Three
Diarmid groaned, his head pounding with pain. He opened his eyes to see his mother above him rubbing his forehead gently.
“Mom? What happened?”
She pursed her lips, looking over at his father standing beside them. Diarmid looked around at those standing above him. His father, Lachlan, Tiernan, Ginger and…James and Rik.
“Mikaela! Oh God, Mikaela.” He surged to his feet, and if his father hadn’t caught him he’d have hit the ground hard. He’d never been this dizzy in his entire life. “Son of a bitch hit me in the head with a rock. Wait… Jerome had Mikaela so he couldn’t have hit me.” Diarmid frowned, trying to figure out what had happened.
Ginger came over and checked his eyes. “You’re looking better, but I think you have a concussion.”
“What happened, son?” Kincaid asked.
“The brakes went out on the way down. I pulled off here and we stopped, but when I crawled under to check the brakes, I found out the line had been cut. Then I smelled coffee.”
Kincaid’s brow furrowed. “You smelled coffee?”
“Drug dealers will pack their drugs in coffee grounds to try to throw off the drug dogs.” Tiernan walked over.
“Why would this Jerome smell like coffee?”
“I think he knows I’m a wolf, Dad. Shit.” Diar rubbed the back of his head. He tested his balance and stepped clear of his father, glad he could stand on his own.
Tiernan’s eyes were keen and he sniffed the air. “The coffee smell has dissipated, I don’t smell it.”
Diarmid sniffed, trying to scent anything. “No, I don’t either.” All he could think about was the bastard who murdered Carly, had his Mate. His gut was tight with fear and rage and he wanted to pound on something. They needed answers, but as he surveyed the evidence around the crime scene, he groaned. It had been compromised and by the time investigators arrived to process things, it would be too late to save Mikaela. He had to find her soon. He reached for her mentally and found blank space. He started to shake and he fought back tears. She had to be alive. If she wasn’t…
“She’s alive, son. I’m sure.” Jeanie wrapped her arms around him and held him. He buried his face in her shoulder and held her tight.
“I wish I knew for sure, Mom. I can’t feel her touch mentally.” His voice cracked as he tried to control his emotions. He’d always been so self-contained, but finding his True Mate opened the flood gates.
“Do you feel like half of you has been amputated? As if there is no reason to live?”
Diarmid lifted his head and met James’ gaze. “Is that how it feels?” His voice was as soft as his father-in-law’s.
“I don’t feel that.”
“Then your mother is right. Mikaela is alive, but she’s probably unconscious. Hold on to your hope, Diarmid. She needs it right now.” Diarmid nodded, and his mother pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“What else do you remember?” Tiernan asked.
Diarmid racked his brain for anything helpful, glad Tiernan was here to help him focus like a cop instead of a wounded Mate. He closed his eyes to concentrate on his memories.
“Mikaela screamed Jerome was here. The bastard covered her mouth and nose with a cloth. He must have used some quick-acting inhalant anesthetic because she collapsed in his arms as I was starting to run over to her. Just as I was on the move, the lights went out. Damn, I smelled coffee then too.”
“So Jerome has enlisted some help. Damn, I’m sorry, Diarmid. They must have tampered with your vehicle at the compound. It’s my fault.”
Diarmid shook his head. “They probably came in over the mountain early. The terrain is so rough up there it would be easy for them to get in. The timber is vulnerable to infiltration.”
“It happened on my watch, and it shouldn’t have. We should have smelled them.”
Diarmid left his mother’s embrace and walked over to pat Tiernan’s shoulder. “Your crew wouldn’t have been sniffing for coffee. Don’t cut yourself up about it, we’ll get the bastards together.” Diarmid’s brow crinkled. “I just don’t get it. Why kidnap Mikaela when he had me unconscious? He could have killed me or even taken me along. It doesn’t make sense.”
“Does anything this nutcase has done make sense?” Tiernan asked him.
“In his mind it does. I just don’t know what his reasons are yet.” He viewed the crime scene with dismay. “There’s no way we’ll be able to get this processed quickly enough to do Mikaela any good. Damn it to hell!”
Tiernan looked over at Jeanie, a clear question on his face. She frowned then nodded slightly. “Aren’t you wondering how we ended up here?”
Diarmid thought. “Someone didn’t call it in?”
“Then how did you guys know we needed help?”
“You know I used a psychic to find Christina’s body.”
“Well, I had corroboration from a second psychic.”
“Someone other than your e-mail medium? Who?” Tiernan looked over at Jeanie. Diarmid’s gut tightened. “My mother?”
“Yes, Jeanie. Jeanie gave me the first tip then I received the e-mail contacts. I went back to Jeanie and she gave me more information. Between the two of them, I found Chrissy.”
“I can’t gamble Mikaela’s life on a psychic tip, Tiernan.” He turned to Jeanie, spreading his hands. “I love you, Mom, but…”
“Damn it, Diarmid, we’re all you’ve got!” Tiernan growled, drawing Diar’s attention back to him. “We are standing here with you right now because your mother demanded we load our asses in vehicles because there’d been an accident.”
Diarmid looked over at Jeanie, who wouldn’t look at him. He went over and stood in front of her. “Do you have any idea where they’ve taken Mikaela?”
Jeanie looked up and into his eyes. “I’ve had some visions, but it’s not clear yet. I can give you some clues.” She spread her hands then clenched her fists and looked down, hunching her shoulders.
“What do you see, Mom?”
Mikaela had told him he might have to depend on his mother’s special talents one day. He just hadn’t expected it to be so soon. He reached out and took her hand. She looked up at him uncertainly. He could see she expected rejection. He sighed, realizing how often he’d hurt her.
Diarmid pulled her close and hugged her. “I’m sorry.” She sobbed in response to his whisper, but she held him tight.
“I’d do better if I could hold on to the stone he used to hit you.”
Diarmid released her. “Okay. Let me get my kit out and swab it for epithelials then you can hold it.”
After Diarmid finished collecting the evidence he needed, he set the heavy stone into his mother’s hand and she sank to the ground on her knees. Her eyes closed and she twitched. Diarmid looked over at his father. Kin was pale but completely focused on his Mate. Studying them, he realized his father acted as a ground for his mother’s abilities.
“A huge warehouse. Crates and crates from Colombia and Mexico. Is Jerome gay? I’m getting a sense the man who held this viewed Jerome as a lover or a hero, maybe both. It’s twisted.”
“I’m not sure what Jerome’s sexual orientation is, Mom, but he could be gay.”
She nodded, still focused. “Your attacker is afraid his father will find out they are using the warehouse. His father beats him when he misbehaves. He hates him but he’s terrified of him. The father is a tall, broad man, wide face, thick black mustache. I don’t know if the father owns or manages the warehouse—just that he’s in charge. Jerome has promised to help him get rid of his father after he helps Jerome with you.”
“Are there any sounds or visuals near the warehouse?”
“Airplanes. Really loud, like take off and landing.”
“Could be customs at Denver International.” Tiernan suggested.
“No, it’s not official. No uniforms. His father doesn’t wear a uniform.”
“Probably still near DIA though. Can you sense anything else?”
Jeanie frowned. “I don’t know if I’m influenced by you, Diarmid, but I smell coffee.”
Diarmid froze. “One of my search hits was a coffee company with a warehouse shipping out of DIA.”
“That could be it, Diar.” Tiernan responded. “Look, what else have we got to go on at this point?”
“True.” He clenched his fist and bit his lip. If they followed it and she wasn’t there, he could get to her too late. If they didn’t follow it and she had been there, he’d never forgive himself. God help him, he didn’t know what to do.
Jeanie opened her eyes and handed Diarmid the rock. He bagged and tagged it. “He hates you because Jerome is obsessed with you, son. He would have killed you but Jerome ordered him not to.”
“If he wanted me dead to even up for Kyle, why not just kill us both while we were vulnerable?”
“Maybe because he wanted you to hurt with loss as he’s hurt without his brother.”
“Maybe, but the pieces don’t fit yet.” Diarmid bent to help her up. “Thanks, Mom. I hope it gets us what we need.”
Jeanie smiled. “I hope so too. I love Mikaela already and I want to spend a lot of time getting to know her better.”
She hugged him then walked over and buried herself in Kin’s arms. Kin kissed her and rubbed her shoulders and back. Diarmid met his father’s eyes and smiled slightly, finally understanding the need to protect a Mate because it was time for him to go protect his. But how? His gut was tight with tension and fear. Should he go with a hunch or follow the evidence? His training told him the clues were here, but he knew he didn’t have time to process them himself. Shit…
“Someone needs to finish processing this crime scene. If it isn’t done right, we won’t be able to hold them when we get them.”
Kincaid met Diarmid’s eyes. “Before we left, I called Ossie. He said he’d send your team up the mountain to process things, and they were the last ones to leave the party. They weren’t far ahead of you.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Diarmid turned his head as he heard vehicles approaching. They stopped and Ossie, Pilar, Ally and Colier piled out. They grabbed their kits, swarming over the scene, processing evidence.
Colier looked over at Diarmid. “We’ll nail ’em, boss.” Diarmid swallowed emotion, choked up by their immediate and total support.
Ossie stopped in front of him. “We’ll have to keep your vehicle as evidence.”
“I know. The brake line was cut, anyway. My family was up at the front of the vehicle where they found me, but I don’t think they walked along the side.” He looked to them for verification.
“We walked around as little as possible,” Kincaid assured him.
“Do you have any leads?”
Diarmid looked over at his mother. Her eyes were tentative but hopeful. They didn’t have anything else right now. He nodded as he made the decision.
“Tiernan and I have a lead I want to follow.” Jeanie smiled at him and he smiled back. “We’ll get going.” He took at step toward Tiernan.
“Wait, Diarmid.” Ossie called out to Pilar, waving her over. “Come and tape lift his clothes before he leaves.”
Diarmid shifted impatiently as his clothes were tape lifted. Now he’d decided he wanted to go, he hated to wait. “Stand still, Diar. You are making it take longer,” Pilar scolded. He wanted to swear when Pilar examined his wound for evidence as time ticked away, wincing when she picked pieces of stone out of the cut.
Diarmid choked back his irritation over her thoroughness. Under any other circumstance he’d be grateful, but he just wanted to move right now. “I swabbed the rock for epithelials and for my blood. My mother held on to the rock that was used for a few minutes. I’ve taken a comparative sample from her and labeled it then I bagged and tagged the rock.”
“Got it, Diarmid. I’m finished with you.” Pilar left him to talk to the captain.
“So, Tiernan convinced you to give your mother’s abilities a shot?”
Diarmid blinked. “You knew?”
“Oh yeah. Your mother has given me tips through the years. I don’t publicize it though. She wants to maintain her privacy, and I don’t want my cases tossed.”
“There’s a coffee warehouse we can check. I hope Mikaela’s there. If you find out anything, no matter how small, I want to know, Ossie. This is my wife…my Mate. I’m okay now, but if anything happens to her…”
“I understand. I’ll keep you informed. My word on it.”
They shook hands and Diarmid walked over to Tiernan. “Okay, cuz. Let’s go track down the bastards who took my Mate.” He checked his pockets for his cell and remembered throwing it onto the dash of the SUV. “Wait. I need my cell.” He went over to the vehicle to get it. He picked up his cell but noticed Mikaela’s purse was spilled all over the floor.
“Hey, I need someone here now.” Ally joined him. He nodded at Mikaela’s stuff. “Someone has been through her purse. It wasn’t like this when we got out. There may be prints on the door and on her things. He wouldn’t have been able to get in without opening the door and I don’t remember a latex glove on Jerome’s hand when he was covering Mikaela’s face.”
“I’ll check it, Diarmid.”
“Thanks, Ally.” He backed off and headed for Tiernan. The rescue party had come down the mountain in two vehicles, so he and Tiernan would be able to appropriate one of them. Rik stepped in front of him, pressing his hands on Diar’s chest.
“I’m going along.”
“Rik, this is a police investigation. I have to go because your sister needs me.” Diar tried to move around his brother-in-law without success.
“Damn straight she does. She needs me too, and I’m not staying behind.”
“Son, leave this to the police.” James set his hand on Rik’s arm.
“Tiernan isn’t on duty now, Daddy. Miki needs me and I’m not hanging back. She’s been my twin a hell of a lot longer than she’s been his Mate.”
Diarmid looked down then he said quietly so only Rik heard him, “Blood might be involved here, Rik.”
“I’ll deal with it. She’d come after me if I was in trouble. I won’t do less for her, Diar.”
Finally Diar nodded. “Okay. Let’s go. But get this straight. I’m in command. If I tell you or Tiernan to back off, I expect to be obeyed. This is a police investigation.”
Rik nodded and Tiernan reluctantly did too. Tiernan put in a caveat. “But we’re still going to have your back.”
“Fine. But my back, gentlemen, not my front. I’m leading.”
“All right, cuz. Let’s go, but I think I better drive. With that head, you might have trouble getting us down the mountain.”
“No shit.” Diarmid growled as the three wolves headed out to hunt prey.

Chapter Twenty-Four
Miki’s eyes fluttered open and she tried to focus with little success. Her stomach was rolling and she felt as if she were going to throw up. She couldn’t be having morning sickness yet, so why was she sick? She remembered the vehicle hurtling down the mountain, but no. Diarmid had brought them to a stop. They hadn’t crashed. So where…
“Well, Mrs. Redwolf. Back with us, are you?”
Miki’s turned her head sharply to the oily voice and wished she hadn’t because she almost passed out again. Whatever Jerome had used to knock her out was doing a real number on her head and stomach. She was dizzy and nauseous. Miki took stock of her situation. She was tied to a very uncomfortable straight wood chair in a warehouse stinking of coffee. Damn, she was just getting to like the smell of coffee too, but here it was overpowering. She looked at Jerome. The bastard was way too smug for her liking, and if she could get loose she’d slap the smile off his face. How dare he treat her this way? She stoked her anger to keep her fear from taking over.
“Us? Are you hearing voices, Jerome?” He was either going to kill her or use her as a lure, either way he intended to use her to hurt Diarmid. She refused to play his game. Maybe she could keep him off balance by using his emotions against him, she just needed to figure out how.
“Listen, bitch…”
“Yes, I am a bitch, Jerome. A seriously pissed one. You’re lucky you have me tied to this chair because otherwise I’d rip your throat out.”
“She’s one of them.”
A male voice behind her hissed. So there were two of them and she wasn’t going nuts. She thought there had been a man who snuck up behind Diar and coshed him on the head with a rock. Damn, he better be okay. She reached for Diarmid, but where he should be, she only felt a blank. She took a deep breath to try to keep herself calm. He was just unconscious. He had to be. From what her daddy said, it felt like an open wound when a True Mate was dead and she didn’t feel wounded. She studied the two men who were her captors. If she could figure out their weak point, she could play them against each other.
“Don’t be stupid, Lucíos. She’s not one of those animals. Not like her husband.” Jerome’s pale eyes, a gray the color of dirty snow, looked her up and down. She repressed a shiver at the deadness she saw in them. “But she likes dogs, don’t you, Mrs. Redwolf. Does he take you when he’s a werewolf? Do you get off on bestiality?”
“You’re sick, Jerome, and my husband is not a werewolf.”
“Yes, he is. I saw him when he was confronting my brother. Before the other cops arrived, he had fangs and claws on his hands. He grew long ears and his hair lengthened—he got all shaggy.” He looked aroused by his description of Diarmid, but Miki wasn’t absolutely sure of anything. First she needed to confirm Diarmid was alive.
“If you’re so terrified of werewolves, why didn’t you kill us both on the mountain? He’s still alive, isn’t he?”
“Is he?”
“He has to be or there’d be no reason to have me here to taunt.”
“Diarmid chased my brother. He pursued him relentlessly, tracking him like a hound on a bitch in heat.” Jerome was breathing hard, his eyes dilating with excitement. “Diarmid is going to chase me. Kyle didn’t want Diarmid to come for him, but I do. I want him to pursue me so I can lead him around like a dog on a leash. My toy.” He giggled.
Miki watched him during this, her brain ticking madly. There was repulsion in his voice, but his body language was the opposite. He was turned-on thinking of Diar chasing him. Jerome shuddered and she could swear he was getting an erection. She didn’t want to check him out there, but she did. It wasn’t solid, but he was aroused. He stood and started to pace with agitation.
“You want Diarmid on you like a wolf on a bitch?” she taunted. Miki knew she had to keep him talking until she could figure out how to use the information he was giving her to beat him with. The man behind her ran to Jerome, throwing his arms around the taller man possessively.
“Jerome doesn’t want your husband. He wants me! Don’t you, Jerome?”
“Yes, Lucíos.”
“See? He’s the best thing in my life! He’s amazing!”
Jerome wrapped his arms around Lucíos and smiled slightly at the young man. Lucíos had to be somewhere in his early twenties, whippet slender, and his Latin heritage was obvious in his dark complexion, jet-black hair and dark brown eyes. Lucíos was quite lovely, and in drag he’d make a beautiful woman.
“Thanks, Lucíos.”
He bent his head and gave the younger man a lingering kiss before setting him aside to focus on Miki. Lucíos smiled happily, for all the world like a puppy dog who’d been held close and petted by his master, while Jerome seemed to have calmed.
Miki had seen healthy relationships between gay men before and this wasn’t one. How many times had she run to her friends André and Freddy after she’d broken up with some guy, ready to give up on love, only to see them together and have her faith in love renewed? Too many to count. Her buddies would be repulsed by these two. This wasn’t an equal partnership, it was one wounded soul using the youth and naiveté of another to prop himself up. She sighed slightly, keeping Jerome off balance meant putting a wedge in their relationship so he couldn’t use Lucíos’ adoration as a way to restore himself. She had to get them fighting. The question was how…
Miki looked at the slender young man, feeling sorry for Lucíos because the kid was being used, only he didn’t seem to know it. Still, this kid had happily smashed her Mate on the head with a rock. Her brain flashed back. Lucíos had a huge grin on his face as he’d hit Diar. He’d stood over him with the rock in his hand, breathing hard. Miki thought he’d wanted to drop down and beat Diarmid’s head in. He had wanted to, but Jerome yelled at him. Hadn’t he? She closed her eyes to concentrate, forcing herself to remember those moments just before she passed out.
“You better not have killed him, you stupid slut.” Jerome shouted, dropping her, sure she was out cold.
He ran over to Diarmid to examine him. Miki remembered the way he’d almost caressed Diarmid. Damn it. There was no almost about it. Jerome had caressed Diarmid. He’d run his hands softly over her Mate’s face, especially those full lips of his, smiling slightly. Jerome was aroused then too. He might claim his focus was on his brother Kyle, but Kyle had little to do with it. It fit with the way Diar reacted to his interrogation of Jerome too. He thought Jerome had been watching him and he had. Jerome wanted Diarmid, only Diar wasn’t gay so he didn’t want Jerome back.
“Having trouble waking up, Mrs. Redwolf?”
Miki opened her eyes with new insight as she looked at Jerome. She had her weapon. Jerome wanted Diar and Lucíos knew it, but he didn’t want to admit it to himself. Miki had to force him to acknowledge how badly Jerome wanted Diarmid.
“No, Jerome. I’m wide awake.”
Jerome had seated himself in the chair across from her again. Miki leaned back in the chair, at least as much as she was able. She wished she knew if Diarmid was on his way though, because what she was thinking of doing was dangerous, and she wanted backup. She reached for him mentally. She felt him, but he didn’t seem focused on her and she couldn’t break through to him.
“Why are you so interested in my husband, Jerome?”
“He’s an animal.”
“Well, yes, he is, when he’s in bed, anyway. He is really good, and his cock is huge.”
She watched Jerome through half-closed lids, trying to read his reaction. Jerome jumped and frowned at her. She was right. This bastard wanted her Mate, and for some reason he’d hurt the people around Diar in order to make it about the two of them—a twisted courtship.
“I don’t want to hear about your sex life, you bitch. Shut the fuck up!” He leaped out of his chair and paced, clenching his fists.
“Yes, you do Jerome. You want him to chase you like you’re a bitch in heat, don’t you?”
Her choices were limited for driving a wedge between the two men, and she hadn’t excelled in high school drama, but she had to stay alive until her Mate found her. Making Lucíos accept Jerome’s obsession was the only way, so Miki leaned forward slightly and licked her lips, ready to play this out.
“Diar growls when he’s really hot.” Jerome stopped abruptly to stare at her. Yup, she had him now. She made her voice husky and insinuating. “Can you imagine being growled at while he’s inside you? It’s the sexiest thing…”
He stared at her, frozen. There was no doubt he had a full erection now. This little prick wanted to be fucked by her Mate, and probably had for ten years.
“Shut up,” he whispered in a strained and breathless voice.
Miki smiled. “Mmmmm. I love having him take me from behind. Sliding into me. Holding me down so I’m at the mercy of his thrusts. He gets so deep, but he’s so controlled.”
Jerome’s face was pale except for a light flush of blood in his cheeks. A fine sheen of sweat covered his face. She glanced at Lucíos out of the corner of her eye. He was looking sick and jealous. Yup, he knew Jerome wanted Diarmid and it was driving him nuts.

Mikaela where the hell are you?

Diarmid? Oh thank God! You’re okay. I thought Lucíos had hurt you.

He did, my head hurts like a bitch. Who’s Lucíos?

Jerome’s boyfriend. You better be warned. This isn’t about Kyle, it’s about you. Jerome wants you, babe.

I need to know where you are.

Some sort of coffee warehouse. Damn it stinks of coffee in here.

Mikaela, I need you to describe things.

I have to concentrate because I’m playing Jerome and Lucíos right now. I have to drive a wedge between them.

Mikaela, it’s not safe…

I don’t have another option right now. Just get here fast, babe.


I love you too, Diarmid. She could feel him grumble in her mind but subside so she could focus. She turned her attention to Jerome.
“Diar’s really sexy naked too. Broad shoulders, taut stomach and thighs. His butt is hard enough to bounce quarters off, and he has a light covering of red hair on his chest that arrows down his belly to his cock. Oh, and what a cock!” She didn’t have to fake a sigh as she imagined her Mate nude so she had a visual to use to drive Jerome and Lucíos nuts. “It’s long and thick and a deep rich pink. He’s uncircumcised, so he’s very fun to play with, and sensitive.”

Mikaela what the fuck are you doing?

Miki knew she was going to catch hell but… I’m trying to distract them, babe, and you’re the best distraction there is. Hurry!
Jerome reached down and adjusted his obviously erect cock. He gasped and rubbed before he caught himself. “You need to shut up. You’re a slut.”
“I may be a slut, Jerome. But I’m a satisfied one. He makes me come and come and come. He controls sex, turning me on with his touch and his mouth until I’m right on the edge then he holds me there until I beg.”
“Quit talking about it.” Lucíos screamed. He ran over and plastered himself against Jerome.
“Why, Lucíos? Can’t stand the competition?”
“What do you mean?”
“Jerome’s horny right now. Horny for my husband, not you. He wants Diarmid to fuck him.”
Jerome jerked as if he’d been slapped. “You’re lying.”
“Your hard-on is stiff enough to hold up a tent right now, Jerome. And all because I’ve been describing the way my husband is in bed. Why else would you be reaching down to rub your cock?”
“No,” Jerome whispered, his hand dropping his cock as if he’d been burned. Lucíos looked down and rubbed at Jerome’s cock, finding it stiff as a flag pole.
“I knew you wanted him. I knew it. Why didn’t you just let me kill him? Then you could have killed her and your brother would be avenged. We could kill my father and be together forever.”
Miki forced herself to laugh. “He doesn’t want you, Lucíos. Jerome didn’t let you kill Diarmid because he wants my husband alive. He isn’t a necrophiliac after all. He wants a live lover, not a dead one.”
Lucíos turned his puppy brown eyes up at Jerome beseechingly. He wanted Jerome to deny it, but Jerome couldn’t. “You want me, don’t you, Jerome?”
“Of course, I do. I love you, Lucíos.”
“You can believe him if you want, Lucy. But I wouldn’t. His cock didn’t stand at attention because I was talking about sex with you. I was describing how Diarmid fucks a lover and Jerome imagined himself as Diar’s lover. Didn’t you, Jerome? He might enjoy topping you, Lucy, but he longs to submit to Diarmid.” Miki took a deep breath. Lucíos was wavering in his devotion and Jerome was having a hard time defending himself. “Diarmid likes anal sex, Jerome. We’ve only done it once so far, but it was the best ass fucking I’ve ever had.” Jerome jerked as if he’d been shot and his face screwed up in anger as she’d known it would. He was jealous of Diarmid fucking her anally. He’d mentioned anal sex the night he attacked her, so she knew it was true.

Mikaela we’re outside the warehouse we think you’re in, but if we’re wrong you are taking a huge risk that he won’t kill you. He doesn’t know we communicate mind to mind, so he can’t know the lure will work.

No, but he may be planning a ransom thing or something so he can talk to you on the phone. Like a school kid with his first crush.

Maybe. Be very careful. You’re doing this real well, sweetheart, but it creeps me out to think this guy wants to fuck me.

Because you’re homophobic?

Shit, no. Because he’s creepy. Both André and Freddy flirted with me and it was no sweat, but this is different.

I understand, but I have to stoke this to shred their relationship. I hate being this manipulative, but if I’m not…

Understood. We’re here, I have his scent so I know we’re in the right place. Keep him going for a bit longer.

Will do.

“Diarmid loves having his cocked sucked. Slow and sexy, hard and fast, but what he does best is give head. He has the most amazing tongue. Fast flicks and slow sucking, and when his fingers ease up my ass while he’s sucking me, I go right through the roof.”
Jerome whimpered slightly and it broke Lucíos. He screamed and slapped Jerome. “She’s right! You want to be fucked by that big, horrid, red-haired animal! You want him to fuck you the way you fuck me! You’re sick.”
Lucíos burst into tears but thankfully his outburst covered the sound of a door opening. At least she thought a door had opened somewhere. She prayed a door had been opened somewhere. Lucíos turned and ran away down the corridor of coffee crates.
Jerome ran after him, catching him in his arms just before they turned a corner. “Honey, I need you.”
“But you want him.”
“I want him. Okay, I admit it. But we can tie him up and both of us can use him. Then when we’re tired of him, we kill him.”
She pitched her voice to carry. “You don’t get the benefit of his special skills if you tie him up, Jerome.”
Jerome stalked over to her, leaving Lucíos quivering and alone. Just then she saw Rik and Tiernan grab Lucíos, dragging him around the corner with his mouth covered to prevent a scream. She relaxed somewhat because she knew they were in the building, thank God, and where they were, Diarmid was.
“I don’t need his special skills, I have some of my own.”
“You think you’ll be able to have him lunge into your ass the way you want while he’s tied up? Dream on, my friend. He does the tying, not the other way around. He’s a dominant male.”
“He’ll do whatever we want him to, if he wants you to stay alive.”
Now Miki had the picture. Jerome was planning to use her to control Diarmid’s impulse to rip his throat out. “You think I matter so much to him?”
“He never married any other woman after knowing her only three days. Oh yeah, he’ll do whatever I want him to if it will keep you alive and healthy.” He leaned forward, pressing his face into hers. “Anything I want, and I’ll make you watch him be unfaithful.”
“It wouldn’t be a lack of fidelity. And you damn well better keep me around because if I wasn’t in sight, he wouldn’t get a hard-on. Every time he fucks you, you’ll know it’s me he’s thinking of and it will be me he’s imagining he’s sliding his cock into. You’ll know he doesn’t want you.”
“Bitch.” Jerome hissed, backhanding her. Damn, but that hurt. Just then they heard the door open. Jerome turned, saw Lucíos was missing and assumed his lover had run away. “Damn stupid little slut.” He looked down at her. “This conversation isn’t over by a long shot, bitch, but I need to find Lucíos.” He ran down the corridor and turned the corner, out of sight. Just then she felt Diarmid behind her. He slit the tape on her wrists and her ankles, but when she started to get up he stopped her.
He came around and pressed a warm wet kiss on her and she smiled up at him. “Why can’t I…?” He put his finger to his lips. She heard footsteps returning as he knelt at her side.

I want him to think you are still tied up for the moment. I need to apprehend him.

Diarmid, let’s just get the hell out of here. The cops can surround the place and swarm him.

It will take too long. They aren’t here yet.

This is playing into his need. He wants you to pursue him.

Then his wish is about to be granted, Mikaela. I’m not going to worry about him coming after us during your pregnancy or after our pups are born. It stops tonight. Right now. I’m going to engage him, and as soon as I get between the two of you I want you to get up and run like hell. It will distract him enough for me to get close and cuff him. I don’t want to have to shoot him like I did his brother.

This is unorthodox.

Time to think outside the box, as Tiernan would say.

Stupid, I’d say. Miki wanted to smack Diarmid and keep arguing, but Diarmid kissed her again. Whenever he kissed her she quit thinking.
“Oh how sweet. The lovers reunite.”
Miki jumped and looked past Diarmid to see Jerome standing there looking smarmy again. She pressed her lips together, wanting to pound on Diar for purposely distracting her when he was totally focused on Jerome. Bastard.

I love you too, sweetheart.

You just wait, mister.

With baited breath, my love.

Draw your weapon, Diar.

In due course.


Now it’s your turn to hush, sweetheart.

Diarmid slowly rose and stood slightly in front of her. “Well, Jerome. You have me where you want me. So why did you draw me here?”
“You’re a werewolf! An animal! You killed my brother. You deserve to be put down like a rabid dog!” He pulled a very long nasty knife out of a sheath at his waist. Damn, when did he pick that up? He hadn’t been wearing it before he went to find Lucíos.
“I killed him because he refused to disarm. He wanted to be shot. Do you?”
“Not by your gun, he doesn’t,” Mikaela taunted.
“Shut up, bitch,” Jerome ordered, a blush rising in his cheeks.
“He wants you to put your weapon up his ass, babe. He wants you to fuck him like you fuck me.”

Damn it, Mikaela. Let me handle this.

Then draw your damn weapon, a gun trumps a knife.

“Is that what you want, Jerome?”
Jerome’s face grew hopeful. “If you fuck me, then you can have her back.”
“Really? I don’t remember hearing this from you after you murdered Carly.” Diarmid eased back his jacket, resting his hand on his weapon.
“She was already dead. I wasn’t going to share you with her. You’re mine.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. I own you!”
“The only one who could ever own me is Mikaela.”
Diarmid drew his weapon, but before he could clear it from his holster, Jerome was on him, screaming in rage. They rolled on the ground, Jerome pushing the knife toward Diarmid’s throat, but Diarmid easily held it away. Diarmid pulled his gun clear but Jerome grabbed it with his free hand. They grappled for both weapons.
Miki sat frozen in horror, wanting to scream. Diarmid rolled on top, but Jerome used the momentum to loosen Diarmid’s precarious hold on the gun, sending it skittering across the floor under one of the pallets holding crates of coffee. Their focus changed to the knife. Miki shook herself, pulling away from the chair to stand up. She tore the tape off her arms and feet, knowing she couldn’t come between them without a weapon or she’d just cause problems. Unfortunately, their struggle was occurring between her and where Diarmid’s gun was stuck. She looked at the crates along the corridor and saw a crowbar. Yes, that would work.
Miki ran to it, hefting the crowbar as she watched the struggle. She looked for any opening to take Jerome out of the fight. Jerome’s adrenaline must have been lending him strength because he was holding his own. Jerome rolled them both again so he was on top. Miki frowned as she saw red start to spread on Diarmid’s right shoulder. Jerome must have managed to nick her Mate but she couldn’t see any skin, just a spreading patch of blood.
Diarmid gasped, and Jerome laughed. Diarmid’s arm was shaking. Why was he losing his strength? There was a lot of blood soaking his jacket. Oh God.
“Yes, I got you. If I can’t have you, she won’t either, you bastard.”
Jerome stabbed Diarmid in the chest. Miki screamed as the knife struck all the way to the hilt. Before Jerome could do more damage by pulling it out for a second shot, Miki raised the crowbar like an avenging fury, striking Jerome in the back of the head. He went down like a ton of bricks and didn’t move.
Diarmid tried to speak but couldn’t get anything to come out. Get my cuffs and cuff him, Mikaela. Her first thought was to deal with Diarmid, but he shook his head. Secure the suspect.
Reluctantly, she dragged his cuffs off him, pulled Jerome’s hands behind his back, and cuffed him. She didn’t touch the knife, it stuck obscenely out of Diar’s chest. She swallowed to prevent herself from vomiting.
“Oh God, what do I do?”

Examine the wound.

Miki carefully peeled his jacket back. There were two wounds on his right chest. One looked a bit shallow, but the other had gone in to the hilt. It had to have pierced his lung. The deep wound should be scarier, but it was the first wound, spurting like a pump that truly terrified her.

I think my lung is collapsed. I can’t get any sound out.

Miki nodded, still alarmed about the amount of blood he was losing. She pulled her shirt over her head, folding it into a pad. She set it against Diarmid’s wounds, putting her weight on him to apply pressure.
“Where’s your cell? We need an ambulance!” Miki asked Diarmid.
Miki heard pounding feet. Tiernan and Rik round the corner. Tier took in the situation at a glance pulling out his cell.
“I’ll make the call, Mikaela,” he dialed. “Officer down. Repeat we have an officer down.”
He went on to give pertinent details to get an ambulance to them as soon as possible. Rik stared the blood and staggered away. She heard him throwing up as she pressed the improvised pad harder against Diar’s wound. Blood seeped through the pad, coating her fingers.
Miki stared down at her Mate, rage and fear clawing at her as he grew pale and his lips began to turn blue. “Damn you! You just had to be all macho!” Diarmid blinked as he began to fade out of consciousness from blood loss. “Don’t you leave me, Diarmid. Don’t you dare!”
His eyes fluttered open and she held his gaze, beginning to cry as she listened to him draw wheezing breaths. He had a collapsed lung, at the least, but it was worse. She could feel his mind pulling away from hers, as if a limb was being ripped off.
Miki screamed at him. “You promised me! You can’t die. Damn you! Hold on!” She heard sirens as shouts filled the entrance to the warehouse. Please let them hurry, she moaned to herself. She couldn’t lose him. She couldn’t.
Miki couldn’t take her eyes off Diar’s face. Just then his blue eyes slowly opened and he looked up at her, all of his love there. She grabbed him mentally and held tight.

I love you Diarmid Redwolf. Don’t you leave me alone! I can’t survive without you. I can’t do what my Daddy did. I can’t have our babies and raise them to adulthood without you here to help me. I love you, Diarmid. I need you! Please stay with me. Please. Oh please, babe, please…

Love you, Mikaela. Always will.

His eyes closed and he gave a last breath. She threw back her head and howled. Pain stabbed through her as if someone had reached in and pulled her heart from her chest.

NO! Come back to me! YOU PROMISED ME!

Chapter Twenty-Five
Miki stared at the ceiling of the waiting room and counted tiles, tugging at the too-tight neck of the scrubs she’d been given by one of the nurses. She tried unsuccessfully to block out the nightmare ride from the warehouse to the hospital. The EMTs had arrived on the scene just in time, resuscitating Diarmid, putting in IVs and getting him onto a gurney and out to the ambulance.
Miki gave chase because if she wasn’t with him, Diar would leave her for good. She sighed and opened her eyes to stare at her hands still coated with Diarmid’s dried blood. She was numb, but only because she could feel Diar barely holding his own. If he let go she’d know why her daddy had cried so helplessly all those years ago, feeling his Mate’s lifeblood flow over his hands. As if her words had summoned him, her daddy walked through the door. He was followed by Jeanie and Kin. Her numbness fell from her as she met Kin’s grave brown eyes. It was like seeing Diarmid and she began to sob. He strode over and took Miki in his arms.
“I’m sorry, Kin. I should have protected him.”
“He’s a cop, Mikaela. He’s supposed to protect himself.”
“No. Don’t take on guilt about this, Diarmid wouldn’t want that. Just remember, he’s alive right now because of you.”
“But he could die. I can’t go on if he dies, Kin. I’m not as strong as Daddy.”
“You won’t have to be. Diarmid will make it. He’s too stubborn not to.” Kin hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. “You have to believe it, Mikaela. You’re still connected, even though he’s unconscious. If you believe it, he’ll believe it.”
“Do you think so?” Miki couldn’t stop clinging to Kin, and his strength was an anchor to cling to in stormy seas. Now she understood why Jeanie was so sure of her Mate, and where Diar had inherited his solid core of strength from—Kin was rock solid.
“The link the two of you have is as close as any bond I’ve ever seen, so hold on to him, lass. Compel him to stay. If anyone can, you can.”
Her father was holding Jeanie close as Tiernan and Rik came into the room.
“Where is he?” Rik asked.
“He’s in the examining room.” She smiled gratefully at her daddy for responding to the question. She was almost beyond words at the moment.
“Mrs. Redwolf?”
Miki stiffened her spine to meet whatever news the doctor had for her then rose and moved to the doctor, who was just inside the doorway. “Yes? Is he?”
“Diarmid’s alive. We have him stabilized for now, but he’s lost a lot of blood. The deep wound pierced his lung, but missed major veins and arteries. The shallower stab wound did the most damage. It sliced his axillary artery, on the upper part of the chest, and he’s still bleeding. It’s a major artery, so he’s lucky he even made it here. He’s being taken to the OR as we speak, but I need your signature for the surgery.”
Miki took the pen and shakily signed the permission for them to operate. She looked around the room at all the eyes on them. “Is there another waiting room?”
“I’ll have you shown to a waiting room near the operating theater. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any information.”
“What’s your name?”
“Dr. Goldwolf.” Miki looked up at him, he nodded slightly before asking her, “True Mates?”
“Hold on to him mentally. He’s hanging on by a thread right now. Diarmid may be unconscious but he can feel you, even so, and every little bit helps right now. Talk to him mentally as though he were a coma patient. I’ve seen it help in the past.”
She nodded. “I will.”
He turned and left them. A nurse came to lead them up to another waiting room. Miki told the nurse that if family or any of his police team showed up, to direct them to the waiting room. She agreed and left them alone.
The next several hours were a nightmare for Miki. She focused on Diarmid and at first didn’t know what to say other than “I love you” and “I need you” to connect mentally. The waiting room began to fill with those wanting to wait on vigil with her. She noted Ossie and Lily join them, and one time she opened her eyes and the rest of Diar’s team had arrived. Ally was red-eyed, Colier looked strained and Pilar was more icy than usual. Some of the Blackwolf family joined them, but Miki remained focused on Diar. She was kept company by her daddy, Kin, Jeanie or Rik.
“Baby girl, I think you should wash your hands.”
Miki looked into her father’s eyes, confused. “Why?”
“Honey, you still have your Mate’s dry blood all over them.”
Miki held out her hands and studied them, realizing he was right. As she stared at the rust-colored stains coating her hands, they began to shake. She gasped and clenched her hands. Why hadn’t she washed them?
“It’s a way to hold him close to you, Mikaela.”
Miki met Captain Osborn’s compassionate gaze and nearly crumpled, but she steeled herself. She had to stay strong for Diar. “How do you know?” Her whisper was raspy as if she’d been screaming loudly for a long time. Maybe she had. She didn’t remember much of the ambulance ride.
“I’ve seen it with other people.” He crouched in front of her and took her hands in his, studying them. “You have an advantage Mikaela because you can hold him with your mind. You don’t need his blood on your hands, and he wouldn’t want you to carry the weight of it.”
“I might as well have stabbed him myself, Ossie. He wouldn’t have been there if he hadn’t been trying to protect me.”
“Mikaela, Diarmid is a protector. It’s in his nature to guard the well-being of others. He would have gone after anyone in the same position.”
“But he would have had his gun out instead of being so determined to deal with a psycho mano a mano. Damn him.”
Ossie smiled. “He’s always been a stubborn son of a bitch. I’ll grant you this time he was riding his emotions instead of using his brain, but the blame lies in Jerome’s fixation on Diarmid. You don’t bear any of the blame here, so don’t take it on. Instead, focus on keeping Diar around.”
Miki nodded and Ossie helped her stand, escorting her to the lavatory in the waiting room. She closed the door and crossed to the sink, turning on the warm water. She reached for her Mate mentally as she pushed on the soap dispenser. The rust changed to red and she again saw him lying on the concrete floor bleeding out. No. He wouldn’t die. He promised her.

You promised me, Diarmid Redwolf and you’re a man of your word. Hold on or I’ll come into the operating room and kick your ass.

She felt a mental touch. It was tentative but she grabbed on with everything in her, nearly collapsing as soundless sobs racked her body. Miki was relieved he reached out to her but frightened because his mental contact was so weak. She sat down on the toilet to cry, clinging to their mental link like a drowning woman clutches a life preserver. She calmed herself and washed her face so her red eyes wouldn’t be as noticeable when she returned to the others.
After she finished in the bathroom, she wandered back out to the waiting room and sat back down. The waiting room slowly filled as other police officers and Crime Lab staff swelled the ranks of those waiting. They stopped over to offer to get her food and drink or to offer a kind word, but she was distracted. With her mental hooks in Diar, she wasn’t letting go. Ever.
She wished she knew how to hold him with her. Finally, for lack of any better activity Miki began to tell him stories of her childhood—how her father taught her to ride, Rik teaching her to swim, her first kiss, going to prom. Then she sent him memories of her mother and father and how much they’d loved each other. Miki was surprised by how many memories she had of her mother. She remembered Maggie singing to both her and Rik when they were small. Miki skipped over her mother’s death because she didn’t want to think about death right now. It was looming on her horizon far too closely for her comfort. The irony was Diarmid had been terrified Jerome would hurt her, but it was him being operated on.
Miki resolutely turned her mind to recount to Diar her discovery of her mother’s recipes and learning to cook through trial and error. She was lucky her father and brother had been tolerant because they’d come home to a smoky house more than once when her experiment blew up in her face figuratively and in more than one case literally. She swore she’d felt an echo of laughter along their mental link when she showed him images of a cheese soufflé she’d decorated the family kitchen with for weeks.
She laid her hands over her lower abdomen. Was it only today Ginger had told them they would have twins? What would their lives be like without a daddy? She could see herself as little more than a ghost, the way her daddy had been after her mama’s death. She didn’t think she’d have the will to snap out of her grief if Diar was gone.
She brushed tears away and instead tried to imagine what their life would be like when Diar lived. She closed her eyes and she was overwhelmed by an image of such strength and light she wanted to sob with the beauty of it.
She saw two little girls about five years old comparing notes as they colored in their coloring books. The front door of their house opened and suddenly she was viewing the room from Diarmid’s perspective as he entered. Riding along in his mind, she saw him look down at the twin girls, one red-haired and one with gold brown hair. They looked up as he entered and the redhead with the green eyes and the brunette with the blue eyes broke into huge grins with missing teeth. They scrambled to their feet, screaming, “Daddy!” and raced to him, throwing themselves into his arms. She felt his love and protectiveness enfold the little girls as surely as his arms did.
He looked up from the girls and met her gaze across the room. She was heavily pregnant, one red-haired boy clutched her skirt while she held his identical twin on her hip. The boys appeared to be about two years old. If her belly was an indication, she was probably about to pop out another set of twins. Six children? Good grief, Laughlins birthed litters indeed. She felt his love reach out to her and to the vision of their brood of youngsters. She laughed as tears spilled down her cheek.
Miki opened her eyes and met those of the surgeon as he stood in the doorway. He looked serious but not grim. She brushed her tears away and slowly rose, crossing over to him.
“He’s just coming out of recovery. His condition is guarded but I think he’ll make it. We almost lost him twice during surgery, but he rallied both times. You can go in and see him for a few minutes.”
She gave Dr. Goldwolf a hug. “Thank you, Doctor.”
Miki glanced back at Diar’s parents questioningly. She knew Jeanie and Kin wanted to see their son, but Kin shook his head.
“You’re his Mate, Mikaela. We’ll see him later.”
Miki grinned at him, unable to resist teasing her father-in-law. “I guess you do like me, Kin. Whoda thunk it?”
“Who indeed? Go see him. He needs you.”
Miki followed the doctor to ICU. She stared at her Mate through the windows and felt more tears gather. He was pale and his red hair was like a beacon against the white pillow, but at least his lips weren’t blue any longer. He still had a breathing tube in place and she knew he’d hate it when he came around. She entered the room and moved close to his bed, pressing a kiss to his forehead then one to his cheek. She pulled up a chair and took his hand. His hand was warm in hers—a good sign. She leaned down and kissed it.
“He’s holding his own, Mrs. Redwolf.”
Miki looked up as the doctor handed her a tissue. It was only then she realized she was crying again. “He’ll make it now, Doctor. He intends to father another four children with me.” She chuckled, returning her gaze to his beloved face and brushing her fingertips over his lips. “I love you, you dirty old man.”
His eyelids fluttered and slowly they opened. His laser blue eyes shone at her, but she could see him fighting to focus on her. She could feel him begin to panic when he couldn’t speak, so she shushed him.

I’m right here, Diar. You’re fine, but you have a breathing tube in place.

Why? Miki could feel his brain trying to grasp the implications, but he was still a little groggy.

You had a collapsed lung, so they left the breathing tube in. You won’t be able to talk for a while.

I hate the damn thing.

I know. Concentrate on getting better and they’ll remove it.

He sighed. I love you, Mikaela.

And I you.

Are you okay?

Miki smiled, stroking his face tenderly. Only Diarmid would worry about her when he’d almost died. I’m fine now that I know you’ll survive so we can share our lives.
He glanced down at her lower abdomen and smiled around the tube. We’ll make babies and have a long life together.

But six? She couldn’t resist teasing him, grinning widely into his blue eyes.

Why not six? Why not ten?

Ten. No way. We’re stopping at six. She brushed his hair off his forehead as she gazed into his smiling eyes. Quite a vision, Diar. Maybe your mom isn’t the only psychic in the family. Do you think our kids will inherit it?

I hope not. Our little ones looked like terrors. If they have psychic abilities too, they’ll be unmanageable.

Miki laughed softly. Like father, like babies. Thank God. His smile widened and he squeezed her hand.
* * * * *
Diarmid tugged at the tight collar of his dress shirt. If this didn’t mean so much to Mikaela he would have faked fatigue to get out of it. He looked at the sea of faces staring at him and hid his nervousness behind a stoic façade.
He could finally relax. The saying was right. Today was the first day of the rest of his life. Jerome and Lucíos were in jail awaiting trial on charges of kidnapping, attempted murder, and for Jerome, multiple counts of murder. Since he’d been captured, they’d been able to link him to a series of unsolved murders in Colorado. Neither man would be released any time soon. Diarmid could close a dark chapter in his life.
As the music swelled, Rik started to sing “The Wedding Song: There is Love”. Mikaela had been adamant about her choice of that song, and as Rik sang Diarmid understood why. The congregation turned to look at the back of the church where his Mate entered on the arm of her father. Diarmid gasped then his smile grew wide. He’d always thought she was beautiful, but today with the sun shining through the stained glass windows, she was radiant. Radiant and happy. If she glowed like this for the rest of their lives, he would die a happy man. Everything was worth it.

About the Author
I earned a Master of Arts in Library and Information Science in 2003 and work as a librarian in central Iowa. I’m a member of Romance Writer of America, including multiple special interest chapters. Even in my teens I wrote romances, spending my lunch hours with pen, paper and characters. I love to weave new tales by embroidering and knitting intriguing narratives for the amusement of myself, my friends, and my readers.
My writer’s mission statement is to write about exciting, sensual, plus-size heroines who love and are loved by their intense, passionate and seductive Alpha heroes.
Why create a mission statement, other than because I’m a librarian and it’s something we tend to do? Because I’ve been plus-size all my life and I don’t know how to be anything else. When I started reading romances, almost every heroine had a slender, girlish figure. If she didn’t start out that way, she ended up that way. Plain or pretty, the heroine was thin. I loved those stories and their writers, but I tired of not seeing me in the heroines of my favorite books.
As I started writing, I followed market trends and wrote about slender heroines. Then I thought, am I part of the market? Yes. I am. There must be other readers who want to read about a differently shaped heroine, too. Everyone deserves to find love. So now, I write about plus-size heroines who know, or learn, how to live in their skins. My heroines are authentic and that’s part of the reason my intense, passionate, and seductive Alpha male heroes love them. I hope you will too.
The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at
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