anonymous ftp sites list fr 3

Anonymous FTP Sites In Domain FR (3/3) (2003-11-02) Anonymous FTP Sites List / Home ac ai ar at au be bg br by ca cc ch cl cn com cr cx cz de dk edu ee es fi fr ge gov gr hk hr hu id ie il in info int is it jp kg kr kz lt lu lv mil mx my net ni nl no nu nz org pl pt ro ru sa se sg si sk su th tk tr tv tw ua uk us ve ws yu za Version: 2003-11-02 Anonymous FTP Sites In Domain FR (3/3) Parts: 1 2 3 Total file number: 407,319 Total file size: 155.72 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: BSDs/, Linux/, Windows/ Welcome message:--------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd 1.0.14 ---------- You are user number 18 of 25 allowed. Local time is now 12:59 and the load is 0.03. Server port: 21. You will be disconnected after 4 minutes of inactivity. Any password will work Total file number: 5 Total file size: 767.95 KB System: UNKNOWN Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: linux/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.7.0(1) Thu Nov 29 15:04:46 NFT 2001) ready. *********************************************************** Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP de Sdv Plurimedia Vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant les logins : anonymous ou ftp . Dans ce cas utilisez votre adresse Email comme mot de passe. Tous les transferts sont enregistres avec votre adresse email. Si ceci ne vous convient pas, deconnectez*vous maintenant. Tous les fichiers se trouvent sous /pub. si vous avez des problemes avec ce serveur FTP, contactez: *********************************************************** Welcome on the FTP server of Sdv Plurimedia You can connect using logins anonymous or ftp . In this case make sure to use your email address as password. All transferts are logged, if you don't like this, logoff now. All files are under /pub directory If you have any problem using this FTP server, contact: *********************************************************** Please read the file README it was last modified on Mon Jan 26 18:29:24 1998 - 2040 days ago User ftp logged in. Access restrictions apply. Total file number: 200 Total file size: 2.96 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: meteo/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(3) Thu Dec 6 11:51:36 MET 2001) ready. ------------------------------------------------------------ WELCOME to local time is Fri Aug 29 13:06:27 2003. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please report any bug/problem to there are currently [1 out of 25] users of your class. ------------------------------------------------------------ Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 40,100 Total file size: 1.56 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: IETF/, cisco/, linux/, perl/, python/, tool/, usenet/ Welcome message:anais FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon Dec 3 15:28:24 MET 2001) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 220 Total file size: 54.00 MB System: Windows_NT version 4.0 Welcome message:default Microsoft FTP Service (Version 4.0). Anonymous user logged in. Total file number: 2,097 Total file size: 4.54 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-198911 Directories in /pub/: GLCB/, TeX/, cs/, eleve1a/, graphics/, lang/, machines/, sys/ Welcome message: Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de l'Ecole Superieure d'Electricite a Gif-sur-Yvette FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1) Thu Nov 18 02:30:54 EST 1999) ready. Bienvenu sur le serveur ftp de Supelec Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 1 Total file size: 129.57 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(4) Fri Mar 28 16:42:37 CET 2003) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 324 Total file size: 1.86 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: BIA/, ESPript/, WINDOWS/, avignon/, esther/, jlblanc/, netque/, prodom/, xdom/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Tue Aug 12 15:28:41 MET DST 2003) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 6,086 Total file size: 949.11 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: java/, local/, mac/, pc/, rfc/, unix/ Welcome message:Universite de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France FTP server (Version wu-ftpd) ready. Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP anonyme de l'Universite de Paris-Sud. Tous les logiciels a telecharger et les repertoires de transferts de fichiers se trouvent dans /pub. ATTENTION : toutes les operations que vous effectuez sur ce serveur sont enregistrees. Welcome to the anonymous FTP server at Universite de Paris-Sud. All downloadable software and file transfer directories are located under /pub. WARNING: all your actions on this server are logged. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 1,075 Total file size: 11.90 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.0pre10 Server ( [] Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de Ubisoft Si vous rencontrez un quelconque probleme, envoyez un courrier electronique a en decrivant votre probleme Bon jeu! Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 120,417 Total file size: 102.43 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506 Mirror directories: Mysql/, Xfree86/, networking/, security/ Welcome message:FTP server ready. ========================================================================= This site is in France, local time is Fri Aug 29 12:54:47 2003 (MET=GMT+1+dst). This server runs WU extensions: it can tar on the fly and also compress and uncompress on the fly. All transfers are logged with your host name and email address. If you don't like this policy, disconnect now! In case of problem : email to ========================================================================= Ce site est en France, il est Fri Aug 29 12:54:47 2003 (MET=GMT+1+dst). Ce serveur supporte les extensions WU: il peut faire du "tar a la volee" et "compresser & decompresser a la volee" Tous les transferts sont enregistres avec votre nom de machine et votre adresse email. Si vous ne supportez pas cette petite contrainte, deconnectez-vous immediatement ! En cas de probleme : envoyez un courrier a ========================================================================= User "anonymous" connected from "" - number 7 (50 max) ========================================================================= Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 50 Total file size: 104.67 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Flash/, I3S/, Netscape/, cdiec/, logos/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.7 Server (Serveur ftp de l'UNSA) [] ***** Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 127 Total file size: 2.14 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: docs/, ica/, linux/, mac/, unix/, windows/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.7 Server (Serveur FTP Universite de Limoges) [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 50,734 Total file size: 50.67 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: eudora/, linux/, pc/ Welcome FTP server ready. Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP mirroir de Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 641,210 Total file size: 58.72 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: FreeBSD/ Mirror directories: Attic/, files/, scripts/ Welcome message:=(<*>)=-.:. (( Welcome to PureFTPd 1.0.12 )) .:.-=(<*>)=- You are user number 18 of 50 allowed. Local time is now 12:58 and the load is 0.03. Server port: 21. IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Anonymous user logged in Total file number: 1,957 Total file size: 612.03 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: RMN/, an2000/, dept_info/, dept_sdt/, doc/, mac/, messagerie/, netscape/, redhat/, securite/, util/, web/ Welcome message:www FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(3) Mon Jun 24 14:31:19 MEST 2002) ready. ************************************************************** * * * Bienvenue au CRI - UBO * * Centre de Ressources Informatiques * * Universite de Bretagne Occidentale * * Brest - France * * * ************************************************************** Nous utilisons le serveur ftp de l'Universite de WASHINGTON. wu-ftpd-2.6 Si vous rencontrez des problemes dans l'utilisation de ce serveur, adressez un courrier a --------------------------------------------------------------- Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 137,790 Total file size: 91.55 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: gnu/, local/, mail/, misc/, multimedia/, os/, vendor/, web/ Welcome message:You are user number 25 of 500 allowed. Local time is Fri Aug 29 12:56:13 2003. Please report problems to FTP server ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 11 Total file size: 2.33 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:sirius FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2-11.73.1) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 177 Total file size: 1008.24 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: AN2000/, CISCO/, MAC/, PC/ Welcome message:ftp server Login successful. Have fun. Total file number: 812 Total file size: 300.86 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: citu/, deg/, esem/,, tex/ Welcome message:FTP server ready. Serveur FTP Univ Orleans Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 191 Total file size: 1.21 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: CERMSEM/, CRIR/, DI2000/, SAMOS/, mac/, pc/, unix/ Welcome message:Welcome to! Login successful. Have fun. Total file number: 2,344 Total file size: 2.01 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Mac/, MathPsy/, Unix/, Windows/, linux/ Welcome message:helios FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2-11.73.1) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 492 Total file size: 10.14 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: SAES/, doc/, linux/, local/, mac/, mm/, pc/, reseau/, unix/, visioconf/ Welcome message:FTP Server ready. Anonymous login ok, restrictions apply. Total file number: 567 Total file size: 9.83 GB System: Windows_NT version 4.0 Directories in /pub/: Windows/, linux/ Welcome message:goupix Microsoft FTP Service (Version 4.0). Bienvenue sur le Serveur FTP du CRI de l'Universite de POITIERS Anonymous user logged in. Total file number: 1,100 Total file size: 1.14 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: LABOS/, doc/, gut/, incoming/, mac/, pc/, reseau/, tex/, unix/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1(2) Fri Nov 30 17:06:11 MET 2001) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 120,735 Total file size: 77.69 GB Directories in /pub/: Microsoft/, linux/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.5rc1 Server (FTPD Universite de Savoie) [] Total file number: 36,932 Total file size: 42.09 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: contrib_ut1/, openoffice/, pc/, unix/ Mirror directories: experimental/ Welcome message:FTP Server ready. Anonymous login ok, restrictions apply. Total file number: 230,845 Total file size: 8.56 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506 Mirror directories: Attic/, files/, scripts/ Welcome message: -- Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de l'UVSQ --- Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec votre adresse e-mail comme mot de passe Merci de signaler les problemes eventuels a -- Welcome on the UVSQ ftp site -- Please login as `anonymous' with your e-mail address as password Please report problems to FTP server ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 1 Total file size: 69 B System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.8 Server (Serveur FTP) [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 144,828 Total file size: 69.53 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Wine/, analog/, beos/, cygwin/, debian/, debian-cd/, debian-non-US/, demolinux/, dos/, freebsd-cd/,, gnu/, knoppix/, leon/, linux/, linux-iso/, lyx/, mac/, mandrake/, openoffice-debian/, plf/, python/, qnx/, rfc/, streams/, usenet/, via/, videolan/, windows/, worldforge/, xforms/, zbase/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.5rc1 Server (Debian) [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 11,650 Total file size: 1.92 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message: Welcome to the Software & Porting Archive for HP-UX FTP Service. Please log in as anonymous, and give your E-mail address as the password to access the archive. See the /README and /Conventions files for more information about how this archive is organised. FTP server (Version wu-2.5.0(1) Wed Jul 28 15:28:21 BST 1999) ready. Welcome to the Software & Porting Archive for HP-UX FTP Service. Local time: Fri Aug 29 13:06:57 2003 You are user no. 4 out of a maximum of 30 simultaneous users. All transfers are logged with your host name and email address. If you don't like this, please disconnect now. All HP-UX-ported software is under the /hpux tree. Please e-mail if you have any comments. Details of other archive services, including official sites in Germany, USA, France, the Netherlands, Canada, Italy, South Africa and Japan are documented in /README. Latest package (#1451): RenderPark 1.0 Time/date: 13:59 on 13 Apr Directory: /hpux/X11/Graphics/RenderPark-1.0 Description: A photo-realistic rendering tool. Please read the file /README it was last modified on Thu Mar 25 14:05:00 1999 - 1617 days ago Please read the file /Conventions it was last modified on Thu Dec 19 00:00:00 1996 - 2442 days ago Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 332 Total file size: 64.97 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS Directories in /pub/: cohenbook/, duquesne/, galois/, pari/ Welcome message:megrez FTP server (SunOS 5.7) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 239 Total file size: 6.01 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: cartos/, mapmaker/, pTk/, ruby/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.8 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) [moulon] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 145 Total file size: 7.30 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: ara/, cigaes/, espie/, fare/, madore/, misc/, mxk/, orabidoo/, sbi/ Welcome FTP server (Version 6.5/OpenBSD, linux port 0.3.3) ready. This is the "quatramaran" ftp server on Welcome. This site is maintained by a group of ENS students during their free time. In here, among other things, you'll find: ytalk, sirc, xtris in /pub/orabidoo bav3d, xplasma in /pub/mxk ftpd-BSD, unlambda, shsecret & more in /pub/madore flrn in /pub/masse tbuffy in /pub/quisar xglobe in /pub/espie This site may be unexpectedly down for such ridiculous and futile reasons as: a hard disk breaking all of a sudden, someone stepping on the on/off switch, unexpected power failures, or a sysadmin going in a sudden reinstallation frenzy (all of these have happened at least once during the last year). We apologize for the inconvenience. Even when the site is not down, we have difficulties with our routers (from the Renater network) which sometimes render it inaccessible. We use ftpd-BSD-0.3.3, a Linux port formerly by David Madore of the OpenBSD ftp daemon. You can find it in /pub/madore/ftpd-BSD/contrib/ on this site. In particular, this server handles on-the-fly uncompression of .gz files: if you see a .gz file, and you cannot uncompress it yourself, try to retrieve the same file without the .gz extension, and ftpd will uncompress it for you. (But please try to avoid using this feature. You can find a Windows version of gzip in /pub/misc/gzip.exe that will allow you to uncompress .gz files under MS-DOS or Windows.) Please contact for questions and comments. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 1 Total file size: 263 B System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.4 Server (ProFTPD) [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Parts: 1 2 3 Anonymous FTP Sites List / Home ac ai ar at au be bg br by ca cc ch cl cn com cr cx cz de dk edu ee es fi fr ge gov gr hk hr hu id ie il in info int is it jp kg kr kz lt lu lv mil mx my net ni nl no nu nz org pl pt ro ru sa se sg si sk su th tk tr tv tw ua uk us ve ws yu za
