Enterprise Social Economy Commission support History of activities

Enterprise - Social Economy - Commission support: History of activities

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support to the Social Economy enterprises (Cooperatives, mutuals,
associations, foundations)
History of
From 1989 to 2000
a Social Economy
Unit existed within DG Enterprise (ex-DGXXIII). The Unit was established
in 1989 in recognition of the need to take account of co-operatives,
mutual societies and associations in the internal market. The focus of the
Unit was further defined at the European Social Economy conferences held
under various EU presidencies (Paris 1990, Rome 1991, Lisbon 1993,
Brussels 1994, Seville 1995 and Birmingham 1998) and through continuous
dialogue with the representative organisations of the social economy
families and their European federative bodies.
The aims of the Social Economy Unit were to:

take initiatives to strengthen the cooperatives, mutual societies,
associations and foundations sector
prepare a European legislation for cooperatives, mutual societies
and associations
analyse the sector
ensure the coherence of EU policy as it affects the sector
liaise with those representative federations which exist
establish relations with those parts of the sector which are
raise awareness of the cooperatives, mutual societies, associations
and foundations sector among decision-makers
assess the problems the sector faces
represent the Commission on relevant matters to the other EU
The work of the Unit adapted to the changing priorities of the
Community. The earliest aim, that of helping the Social Economy to meet
the challenges of the internal market, expanded to incorporate an
approach, which reflects the Community's concerns with competitiveness,
job creation and the demands of the next enlargement of the Union. This
wider range of objectives also reflects the new priorities the Social
Economy itself has identified.
These objectives were translated into a multi-annual Programme
(1994-96) in favour of CMAFs adopted by the Commission in 1994.
Although a majority of Member States were in favour, the Programme was not
adopted by the Council, and it was withdrawn by the Commission in 1997,
after the period envisaged for the operation of the programme had elapsed.

Activities of the Social Economy Unit 
Nevertheless a number of initiatives proposed in the multi-annual
Programme were pursued during the period 1994-1996, some of which reached
their conclusion in 1998. These projects have helped shape the major
actions in respect of the Social Economy up to the present time, notably:

the preparation of the proposed Regulations
for European Statutes for cooperatives, mutuals and associations, 
and supplementary directives
Communication on "Promoting the Role of Voluntary Organisations and
Foundations in Europe", 
The projects can be categorised under the following headings:

Studies on the development of the sector
Creating a favourable environment and evaluating the impact of
Community policies
Consultation arrangements
Support for specific action to assist CMAFs in the Community
Better information
Dissemination of social innovation
Strengthening the role of CMAFs as vehicles of Community policy
Expanding Community statistics
Supporting training
Incentives to expand R&D
Examples of work undertaken include:

Study comparing fiscal systems for associations and conventional
Questionnaire survey of associations
Feasibility of cooperative banking in Greece
Co-financing of development of ARIES information network for the
Social Economy (http://www.aries.eu.int/)
Dialogue leading to the Communication on Promoting the Role of
Voluntary Organisations and Foundations in Europe
Examination of the use of particular forms of social enterprise
adapted to job-creation and combating exclusion
Conference on "The role of Social Economy businesses in the
provision of public services: workers cooperatives, an instrument that
combines efficiency with social responsibility"
Series of seminars in five countries to discuss Structural Fund
priorities, procedures and partnership methodologies
Assisting the establishment of SOFICATRA, a financial institution to
invest in European expansion projects within the Social Economy
Working with Eurostat to produce first survey of cooperative, mutual
and not-profit sectors
Support to the first Johns Hopkins University Study of the
non-profit sector
Support for production of a computer-based self-training package in
accounting for use by co-operative managers
Support to a seminar for managers of co-operatives, mutuals,
associations and foundations on how to make best use of grants available
in the fields of production technologies, material and technologies for
product innovation and transport technologies
A survey of the Social Economy Research centres in the EU
Click here for a full
list of projects co-financed under calls for proposals launched by the
Social Economy Unit and for a list
of relevant documents and proposals submitted from 1992 to 1998.

In July 2000, in the context of the reorganisation of Commission
services, the responsibility for co-operatives, mutuals, associations and
foundations was integrated into Unit B3 of DG Enterprise
"Crafts, Small
Enterprises, Co-operatives and Mutuals". The Unit is concentrating
particularly on the "enterprise aspects" of co-operatives, mutuals,
associations and foundations and its objectives include:

Assisting the Council working groups and Presidency in achieving
agreed texts for the proposed statutes for a European Co-operative
Society, European Mutual Society and European Association;
The preparation of a document on "Co-operatives in Enterprise
Preparation of a statistical study of CMAFs in Europe on the basis
of business registers (with EUROSTAT);
The strengthening of activities in favour of co-operatives, mutuals,
associations and foundations within other Commission policies and
programmes ("mainstreaming");
Consultation with the representative organisations of co-operatives,
mutuals, associations and foundations;
Development of links with public officials responsible for the
regulation and development of the social economy in the Member States
and in candidate countries.
For further information, please write to the Unit's functional mailbox:
Last update:


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