Java H261 Player


Inline H261 - player in JAVA

Here shell be an Applet. You can't see it because you
don't use a Java capable WWW browser or you didn't enable Java. Please
check: Options --> Preferences --> Languages --> Enable
This is a demonstration of an inline player for H261 files. It is
written as JAVA  APPLET and works in 3 steps:

Loading and parsing of the H261-files;
Reconstruction of the single frames;
Playing of the frames as animation in a thread;

If you have an JIT (Java just-in-time compiler) as with
IExplorer on Windows 95/NT you should also look at a special JIT
version of this player.This is version 1.5.

See also: The Java
inline MPEG Player!
To use the H261 player download
the classfiles and place a text like this on your web page: <APPLET CODE="H261_Play.class" WIDTH=410 HEIGHT=310>

If you don't have a GNU-Tar you can download the classfiles as ZIP archive
Note! Windows-95 users must not use the old 16bit "unzip.exe" because it
cannot handle the 5-letter suffix ".class"! Refer to
or use "winzip" which is available on many sites in Internet!
The (optional) parameter "DELAY" describes the delay (in ms) between 2
images during animation default: 200. If "DELAY" is set to
"user" a control panel appears and the user can determine the
animation speed.
Likewise you can use the player as application. In this case call: java H261_Play <myfile.h26> <delay>

Like in Applet the (optional) parameter "DELAY" can be set to
"user". Again the delay is optional.
How to produce a H261 file from a sequence of images? There exists a
package named "P64v1.2.2.tar.Z" (or so). This packages contains an H261 coder.
The input is a sequence of Y-, U-, V- images.
The software is not free! But you can use it to enhance your Web page with
animations without any fee.
Any commercial use requires an agreement with the author.
Where is the source ?The condition for the source code is: You have to
arrange a publication of an article written by the author of this H261 player.
The topic of this article will be "Java video players" or "The Java
H261 Player" or "The Java MPEG Player" or "The implementation of
the 2D-IDCT in Java" or any other related topic. The sense of this article
will be like the description of the Java
inline MPEG Player. The article can be in German or in English. In the
latter case a revision is certainly necessary because I'm not a native speaker
of the English language. If you send me one exemplar of the paper with my
article I'll send you the source text of the current and all following versions.

This condition seems to be very unfair but what is done to me is very unfair,
too. I wrote a Java
inline MPEG Player and I thought it were very easy to write a small article
about this topic. Although many people wrote me they learned a lot about MPEG
from my Web pages an the source text of the MPEG player nobody wanted to publish
an appropriate article.
At the end of the year I must supply a so-called "list of
publications". But because I haven't any my "list of publications" is
empty. From the point of view of our administration I didn't anything although:

about 1000 accesses per month occur to "";

The page can be found on many sites that present Java tools like:

The page was "The cool site of the month" in June 1997 on;
Because Web publications don't count from the point of view of the
university's administration I slept the whole year.
J.Anders,Professur Rechnernetz
u. verteilte SystemeTU-Chemnitz


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