table of contents

Table of Contents: the Standard Template Library Table of Contents: the Standard Template Library Introduction to the STL How to use the documentation Containers Concepts General concepts Container Forward Container Reversible Container Random Access Container Sequences Sequence Front Insertion Sequence Back Insertion Sequence Associative Containers Associative Container Simple Associative Container Pair Associative Container Sorted Associative Container Hashed Associative Container HashFunction Unique Associative Container Multiple Associative Container Unique Sorted Associative Container Multiple Sorted Associative Container Unique Hashed Associative Container Multiple Hashed Associative Container Container classes Sequences vector deque list slist bit_vector Associative Containers set map multiset multimap hash_set hash_map hash_multiset hash_multimap hash String package Character Traits char_traits basic_string rope Container adaptors stack queue priority_queue bitset Iterators Introduction Concepts Trivial Iterator Input Iterator Output Iterator Forward Iterator Bidirectional Iterator Random Access Iterator Iterator Tags Introduction iterator_traits iterator_category distance_type value_type Iterator tag classes input_iterator_tag output_iterator_tag forward_iterator_tag bidirectional_iterator_tag random_access_iterator_tag Iterator base classes input_iterator output_iterator forward_iterator bidirectional_iterator random_access_iterator Iterator functions distance advance Iterator classes istream_iterator ostream_iterator front_insert_iterator back_insert_iterator insert_iterator reverse_iterator reverse_bidirectional_iterator raw_storage_iterator sequence_buffer Algorithms Non-mutating algorithms for_each find find_if adjacent_find find_first_of count count_if mismatch equal search search_n find_end Mutating algorithms copy copy_n copy_backward Swap swap iter_swap swap_ranges transform Replace replace replace_if replace_copy replace_copy_if fill fill_n generate generate_n Remove remove remove_if remove_copy remove_copy_if unique unique_copy reverse reverse_copy rotate rotate_copy random_shuffle random_sample random_sample_n partition stable_partition Sorting Sort sort stable_sort partial_sort partial_sort_copy is_sorted nth_element Binary search lower_bound upper_bound equal_range binary_search merge inplace_merge Set operations on sorted ranges includes set_union set_intersection set_difference set_symmetric_difference Heap operations push_heap pop_heap make_heap sort_heap is_heap Minimum and maximum min max min_element max_element lexicographical_compare lexicographical_compare_3way next_permutation prev_permutation Generalized numeric algorithms iota accumulate inner_product partial_sum adjacent_difference power Function Objects Introduction Concepts Generator Unary Function Binary Function Adaptable Generator Adaptable Unary Function Adaptable Binary Function Predicates Predicate Binary Predicate Adaptable Predicate Adaptable Binary Predicate StrictWeakOrdering Monoid Operation Random Number Generator Predefined function objects Arithmetic operations plus minus multiplies (formerly called "times") divides modulus negate Comparisons equal_to not_equal_to less greater less_equal greater_equale Logical operations logical_and logical_or logical_not Generalized identity operations identity project1st project2nd select1st select2nd subtractive_rng Function object adaptors binder1st binder2nd ptr_fun pointer_to_unary_function pointer_to_binary_function unary_negate binary_negate unary_compose binary_compose Member function adaptors mem_fun mem_fun_ref mem_fun1 mem_fun1_ref Utilities Concepts Assignable Default Constructible Equality Comparable LessThan Comparable Functions Relational Operators Classes pair Memory Allocation Classes Allocators raw_storage_iterator Functions construct destroy uninitialized_copy uninitialized_copy_n uninitialized_fill uninitialized_fill_n temporary_buffer get_temporary_buffer return_temporary_buffer Design documents Thread safety The meaning of complexity specifications Representations of strings Categorized Index Full Index Copyright © 1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TrademarkInformation


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