learning to learn

Tekst pochodzi z platformy learningowej https://www.vision2learn.com i jest czescia programu Principles of Business and Administration
How do you think?
The way we think has a big impact on the results we get in life. Some people
believe they have a lot of control over their life and they get good results.
Do you  pull your own strings ?
People like this think that they  pull their own strings or that they are  masters of
their own destiny . They believe that what they do has a direct impact over the
results they achieve.
Do you think like this?
Do you think you are a  puppet on a string ?
Others believe that control lies outside them and this can make them far less
successful. People like this think that they have no control over the results that they
achieve. It s all down to  fate or  luck . They don t think that what they do has a
direct impact over the results they achieve.
Is this how you think?
Quiz  Do you think you are in control of your
Read through the following questionnaire. For each question, rate yourself on a five-
point scale. Give your instinctive answer each time.
There are no right or wrong answers.
·ð 5 = Always agree
·ð 4 = Mostly agree
·ð 3 = Mid point
Tekst pochodzi z platformy learningowej https://www.vision2learn.com i jest czescia programu Principles of Business and Administration
·ð 2 = Mostly disagree
·ð 1 = Always disagree
1. I think I would be more successful if people didn t complicate
1 2 3 4 5
2. I think to achieve a lot you need to be very lucky. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I believe most misfortunes are due to a lack of ability / stupidity /
1 2 3 4 5
laziness or all three.
4. I believe that poor teaching leads to poor results. 1 2 3 4 5
5. I think overall there is always a direct relationship between my
1 2 3 4 5
efforts and my grades.
6. I believe there is not much use in trying too hard to please
1 2 3 4 5
people. If they like you, they like you.
7. I believe becoming a success is a matter of hard work. Luck has
1 2 3 4 5
little or nothing to do with it.
8. I think if you want to get results in life you have to take action. 1 2 3 4 5
9. It is my belief that good teaching guarantees good results. 1 2 3 4 5
10. I think poor results are due to bad fortune. 1 2 3 4 5
Action tip 1: Regularly ask yourself three
·ð What do you want?
·ð What are you doing to get what you want?
·ð Is it working?
Tekst pochodzi z platformy learningowej https://www.vision2learn.com i jest czescia programu Principles of Business and Administration
The focus is on taking action and checking out your progress.
When you believe that other people are pulling your strings, then you may
put off tAction tip 2: Challenges or subjects that
make you feel swamped
·ð Think about the whole of your life. How does your current challenge compare
with it?
·ð How does your current challenge compare with all the things you have
already learned?
For example, you have learned to walk and talk, to read and write and to
master many new experiences.
Action tip 3: Break down tasks into smaller
If people believe that they have little control over their lives, they can often
feel swamped by certain challenges.
If you feel swamped, try the following:
·ð Break your challenge down into 10 smaller chunks.
·ð For one of the smaller chunks find something positive that can be done.
·ð Then do it.
aking decisions or wait for others to take them on your behalf.
Take control by challenging the situation
A great way to begin to  pull your own strings is to challenge your thinking when it
is reducing your control over events or situations.
Tekst pochodzi z platformy learningowej https://www.vision2learn.com i jest czescia programu Principles of Business and Administration
Ideas for challenging an event or situation
Roll your mouse over the thought bubbles for a way to challenge that way of
As you can see in the examples given, it is possible to takecontrol of your life by:
·ð Taking responsibility for your actions and thoughts
·ð Actively trying to change whatever you are unhappy about.
Once you get into the habit of challenging your thoughts and your excuses, you ll
make great progress towards  pulling your own strings . This leads to better results
in your life.
Final round-up
By working through Take control  your learning, your life! you will have found:
·ð The way you think affects the results you achieve in life.
·ð How to take more control of your own life.
As you study for your qualifications, you can apply what you have learned here and
you will greatly improve your chances of success.
If you feel that you are slipping back into old habits have another go at the Quick
Quiz and the Action plan Activity to challenge your thinking and re-take control of
your life.
Good luck with your studies!
Tekst pochodzi z platformy learningowej https://www.vision2learn.com i jest czescia programu Principles of Business and Administration


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