Transport drogowy rzeczy. Blok 1.3
// The following code should be integrated with your web page in order to open
// the presentation in a new window. To launch the presentation immediately,
// simply copy the code below into your web page. To launch the presentation
// when a button or link is clicked, call LaunchPresentation when the onClick
// event is triggered.
var Safari = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Safari") >= 0);
var g_bChromeless = true;
var g_bResizeable = true;
var g_nContentWidth = 720;
var g_nContentHeight = 540;
var g_strStartPage = "quiz.html";
var g_strBrowserSize = "default";
function LaunchContent()
var nWidth = screen.availWidth;
var nHeight = screen.availHeight;
if (nWidth > g_nContentWidth && nHeight > g_nContentHeight && g_strBrowserSize != "fullscreen")
nWidth = g_nContentWidth;
nHeight = g_nContentHeight;
if (!Safari && !g_bChromeless)
nWidth += 17;
// Build the options string
var strOptions = "width=" + nWidth +",height=" + nHeight;
if (g_bResizeable)
strOptions += ",resizable=yes"
strOptions += ",resizable=no"
if (g_bChromeless)
strOptions += ", status=0, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=0";
strOptions += ", status=1, toolbar=1, location=1, menubar=1, scrollbars=1";
// Launch the URL
if (Safari)
var oWnd ="", "_blank", strOptions);
oWnd.location = g_strStartPage;
{ , "_blank", strOptions);
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