Michael Sean Revving It Up

&  So what have you been doing with yourself? Jon s gaze was
warm the man s sexiness hadn t dimmed any, that was for sure. Jon
was a thousand-watt bulb, no doubt.
 Working, mostly. We lost a bartender and I didn t think Amy was
ever going to hire a replacement. Thank goodness she did. The guy
started two weeks ago and he s finally trained.
 Is that why you re looking so hot tonight?
His cheeks went fiery and he ducked his head.  Sort of, yeah.
Jon s chuckle was like a caress.  Now, after that reaction, I think I
have to know exactly why you re looking so hot tonight, and I won t
be satisfied with a  sort of, yeah. 
 No? Are you sure? There was a truth or dare game, dude. Truth or
One of Jon s eyebrows went up.  Isn t that like for teenagers who
need an excuse to do stupid shit?
 Well, yes. Or stupid old friends having a bachelor party&  Okay,
now he felt a little dumb.
Jon laughed, touched his hand where it rested on the table.  Tell
me what stupid shit they made you do?
 Oh, Lord. We karaoked. I drank maraschino cherry juice. There
was a plug incident.
 A plug incident? It figured Jon would focus on that. Well, it was
the more interesting of the dares even if he had tried to play it down.
 Uh-huh. He wriggled, the said& incident& shifting inside him&
Carved In Wood
Digging For Gold
Dirty Kisses
Full Disclosure
Office Hours
Working It Out
This book is a work of fiction.
All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the
author s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,
or events is entirely coincidental.
Amber Quill Press, LLC
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or
reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief
excerpts used for the purposes of review.
Copyright © 2013 by Sean Michael
ISBN 978-1-61124-419-9
Cover Art © 2013 Trace Edward Zaber
Bryan headed into the coffee shop, searching for Jon, praying
to God that the man was sitting in one of the soft cushioned booths
instead of the hard wooden chairs nearer the counter. The whole
fucking day had been& insane. In. Fucking. Sane.
Jon s head popped up from one of the booths thank God the
man grinning and waving at him, brown hair a little longer than the
last time they d hooked up, allowing him to see the curls. And
fuck, but the man was stacked. So damn sexy. He made Bryan
drool a little. Why didn t they get together more often? Oh yeah,
they d sort of geared down to slow for some reason.
 Hey, you! Bryan waved, moving closer, each step
feeling& huge.
 Hey. Jon watched him every step of the way and when he got
to the booth, Jon told him,  You re looking& really good tonight.
There s an extra wriggle in your walk.
 Thanks. He sat, gingerly, fighting the urge to moan.  How s
your week been?
 Good. Good. You?
 Not bad. The bar was crazy today. And that was the
understatement of all understatements.
 Yeah? Jon gave him a grin.  You have any good stories?
 Oh, more than I can tell, I bet. Like how he d been involved
in a terrible truth or dare game with his old roommate from college
and Jack s fiancé& Man, he should have known better, but Jack
always knew how to push his buttons and get him to do shit he
probably shouldn t.
 Playing coy? Jon waved at someone.  What do you want,
 White chocolate mocha, please.
Jon gave the order as soon as the waiter was in range.  White
chocolate mocha and I ll have another peppermint latte.
The dude gave Jon a warm smile, but Jon s attention had
already turned back to him. And it felt heavy tonight, Jon s gaze.
 I m glad you were able to get off early, man. It feels like forever
since we went out.
 I know, right? They d been dating hot and heavy, then things
had simmered down. It wasn t lack of interest, really, more that the
spark was just& dimmer lately.
 So what have you been doing with yourself? Jon s gaze was
warm the man s sexiness hadn t dimmed any, that was for sure.
Jon was a thousand-watt bulb, no doubt.
 Working, mostly. We lost a bartender and I didn t think Amy
was ever going to hire a replacement. Thank goodness she did. The
guy started two weeks ago and he s finally trained.
 Is that why you re looking so hot tonight?
His cheeks went fiery and he ducked his head.  Sort of, yeah.
Jon s chuckle was like a caress.  Now, after that reaction, I
think I have to know exactly why you re looking so hot tonight,
and I won t be satisfied with a  sort of, yeah. 
 No? Are you sure? There was a truth or dare game, dude.
Truth or dare.
One of Jon s eyebrows went up.  Isn t that like for teenagers
who need an excuse to do stupid shit?
 Well, yes. Or stupid old friends having a bachelor party& 
Okay, now he felt a little dumb.
Jon laughed, touched his hand where it rested on the table.
 Tell me what stupid shit they made you do?
 Oh, Lord. We karaoked. I drank maraschino cherry juice.
There was a plug incident.
 A plug incident? It figured Jon would focus on that. Well, it
was the more interesting of the dares even if he had tried to play it
 Uh-huh. He wriggled, the said& incident& shifting inside
Jon s eyes went hot.  As in you and a plug? And I m not
talking the kind that goes into a wall to conduct electricity.
 Uh-huh. He couldn t believe they were sitting here, in the
coffee shop, talking about this like it was nothing.
 Oh fuck. Are you still& Oh fuck. Jon s eyes had gone hot,
that gaze laser-sharp and focused entirely on him. Entirely.
 I& Our coffees are coming, Jon. Bry wasn t sure where to
look, what to say. He was like a fucking emotional teeter-totter
embarrassed, turned on. Shy, aroused.
Jon paid for their coffees, but was immediately focused on him
again once their waiter left.  Talk to me.
 We ve been talking. You told me about work. I told you about
Jon nodded.  I think you re right. We re done talking. Let s get
out of here.
 What? Our coffees!
Jon leaned toward him, voice all growly.  You want to stay for
coffee or you want to go back to my place and show me what you
got up to at work today?
Oh. Oh& He swallowed. Twice.  Jon? That was sudden,
delicious. Erotic as fuck.
Jon stood, offered his hand.  Come with me.
Bryan stood, fingers curling with Jon s, ready to leave the
coffees behind. The promise in Jon s gaze was worth more than
any number of coffees. Jon s hand was warm, the look in his eyes
even hotter.
The plug inside Bryan moved with every step. Every step, and
he couldn t believe that they d just walked away from fifteen
dollars worth of coffees and that Jon was looking at him like that.
 Fuck, Bryan. I can hardly walk I m so hard.
 Really? Because of him?
Jon growled and pushed him into an alley, taking a kiss that
bruised his lips, stole his breath, and made his knees weak. Thank
God it was already dark or someone would have seen them and
jumped to exactly the right conclusions.
 Yeah, fucking really. You re so fucking hot like this. Jon s
hand pushed between them, rubbing him hard.  Can you feel it
now? Is it heavy? Who put it in you? Tell me.
 Yes. Yes, and I did. He moaned, licking at Jon s lips.  My
old roommate, Jack, brought it for me. A gag gift.
 They set you up and you let them. Jon s nostril s flared.
 Anal man.
 I just& I didn t have time to take it out before our date. It
was a lie, and he knew it. It made him feel sensual, sexual. Hot.
And sometimes he needed that.
Jon smiled at him, slow and wicked.  Good.
His heart fluttered. He d never seen Jon look like that before.
Not even right at the beginning when it had been new and exciting.
After giving his prick one last squeeze, Jon grabbed his hand
and dragged him down to the end of the alley, and back onto the
main street.  Five minutes, Bry. Hold that feeling.
 Uh-huh. Five minutes. He could survive five minutes.
Jon grinned, laughed and hurried along faster. It was starting to
get crowded, but they wound through people like they were on a
mission.  God, who knew you had it in you. Jon made a face like
he was replaying what he d said and started laughing.
 What does that mean, exactly?
 I meant I didn t realize you were the type to be into plugs and
stuff, but the way it came out made it sound like I was talking
specifically about the plug you ve currently got up your ass.
 Are you? he asked.  The type? And why didn t they know
that about each other? Especially if it was this hot. It should have
come up already, shouldn t it?
 I ll show you my collection when we get home and you tell
 Collection? Collection? What? Jon had& They d been
seeing each other for almost six months.
 Yeah. What? Jon shrugged.  It s not exactly something you
whip out to the new boyfriend.
 No. No, I guess not. Byron liked the term boyfriend.
 But once he shows up for a date with a plug up his ass, well,
then it s time to show it off.
 I just& It was a dare.
Jon stopped at the doors to his apartment building, turned to
look him right in the eye.  You re not enjoying it?
 I didn t say that. He felt slinky, sexy, and with the way Jon
was looking at him, desirable, like whoa.
 Good. Then I m glad you were dared. They started moving
again, Jon opening the door for him.
Jon headed for the stairs, then stopped and grinned evilly.
 After you.
 What? You re on the sixth floor!
 I am. And I m going to watch you take every single step. In
fact, Jon looked like he was going to start drooling any second
 No way&  Oh, God. How hot.
 Yes, way. Come on.
Bryan took a step, the plug shifting inside him.
 Mmm, yeah. Look at that.
 Jon&  His arms were covered in goose pimples.
 Keep walking.
Oh, fuck. He made one flight, almost moaning. Jon s hand
landed on his ass, slid across his right cheek.
His steps stumbled and his heart pounded.  Oh, God.
 You seeing God now, Bry?
 I&  He was achingly hard.
Jon patted his ass, hard, managing to jostle the plug.  Five
more flights. Let s go.
 Jon! No touching!
 I don t remember agreeing to that. Jon pushed his ass this
time, encouraging him to keep moving up.
 You ll make me. Be careful& 
 Make you what? Damn it, Bry, I want to hear everything
how every step makes you feel, every touch.
They were moving again, so slowly, up the next flight of stairs.
He d never heard that tone in Jon s voice, never wanted to just
fall to his knees and beg the man. This was like the dirtiest fantasy
ever.  Jon& 
 You heard me. Yeah, he also heard that rough note in Jon s
He moved faster, so fucking turned on. Jon followed him up,
touching and encouraging and distracting the fuck out of him.
 You keep touching& 
 Uh-huh. Jon swatted his ass.
He stumbled a little, that sting stealing his breath.
 Careful, Bryan. I don t want you falling down before we get
to my bedroom.
He made it to the top of the fourth story, sweating with effort.
Jon stepped up right behind him, cock hard as it pressed against his
 One more flight left, Bry.
He pushed back, a deep cry leaving him as they met, rubbed.
Jon licked at his neck.  You can do it.
 I m so hard.
Jon s hand slid around, rubbed his prick through his jeans.
 Yeah, you are.
 Oh, fuck. Jon, I haven t& We haven t been together in
weeks. He was aching for it.
 Then it s about time, huh?
 Yes. He d been worried, a little, that the spark was
completely gone. Looked like it has just been muted, waiting for
the right catalyst.
 Up, Bry.
 I am. Totally.
Jon laughed and pushed him forward. He stumbled up the last
flight of stairs and almost ran to Jon s door. Jon followed, slowly
sauntering down the hall toward him.
 Come on! Teasing asshole.
Jon just grinned, looking hot and sexy. Bryan looked at Jon,
then started rubbing his cock, jacking himself with short, needy
strokes through his jeans.
 Oh, I don t think you should be touching. That s my job.
Jon s voice rumbled through him.
 Your job is to open the damn door. Where had this amazing,
growly man been before?
 I said stop touching, Bry, and I meant it. Don t make me
spank you, although God knows it ll be even better with that plug
in. Jon finally arrived at the door, pulling a key out of his pocket.
 Spank me? Bryan jerked, his fingers tightening instinctively.
 Who are you and what did you do with my sweet, gentle
 You re the one who walked into that coffee shop with a plug
up your ass. Jon unlocked the door and slowly opened it.
 I was dared.
 But you did it. You did it and you left it in when you came to
see me. Jon went in, then grabbed the collar of his T-shirt and
tugged him into the apartment.
They slammed together, mouths crashing onto each other s,
and Bry wanted to scream with it, just throw his head back and
scream. Jon s hands landed on his ass, squeezed and moved the
plug. Bry cried out, humping Jon s thigh, tongue fucking the man s
 You re so fucking hot, Bry.
He was. He d never felt so hot. Ever.
Jon began to walk backward, dragging him along. His hips kept
rolling, making it hard to walk, hard to focus.
 Should have done this months ago, muttered Jon.
Bryan would have asked what this was, but he was busy.
Really busy.
They moved down the hall and into Jon s bedroom, and then he
was tossed down onto the bed. He undid his fly, bared his needy
Jon shook his head, made a low noise in the back of his throat.
 You keep pushing like that and I ll have to cuff you.
Bryan was suffering from a head injury. That had to be it. A
head injury that made him believe that the dearest man on earth
knew the word  cuff.
Jon grabbed his hands and held them as he was kissed again,
the strong body pressing down against his, rubbing.
 Jon. Jon, please. He wrapped his legs around Jon and
squeezed, hard.
 What are you begging for, Bry? Tell me.
 I need to come. I need you. Now. Now would be great.
Jon shook his head.  You need to be naked first.
 You too. Hurry. Bryan tugged at Jon s shirt, his own.
 No, we re going to take our time. Jon winked and began to
work his T-shirt up.
 I m going to bite you. He wriggled his jeans down.
Jon swatted at his hands.  And I m going to beat you stop
 You said get undressed!
 I said you needed to be naked first, I didn t say you should
tear your clothes off. Jon s fingers slid up along his ribs, his chest.
 Oh, fuck. Your hands are so warm. He stretched, pushing his
shoes off with his toes.
 Maybe we should break out some ice. Jon pinched his
nipples, both at the same time.
 Jon! Bryan s hips slammed up, his hole gripping the plug.
Grinning at him, Jon pushed and pulled, manhandling his T-
shirt off. He sat up halfway, their bodies slamming together. Oh,
fuck. He wanted. Jon kissed him, pushing him back onto the bed
and pressing him down into the mattress. The man s pants were
still on, rough against his bare skin. And his own damn zipper was
cutting into the bottom of his prick.
He fought to undo Jon s pants, to get skin on skin. Jon kept
slapping his hands away.  Patience, Bry. Your job is to lie there
and look needy.
 I am needy.
 I m not. Jon grabbed his jeans, fingers warm on his hips as
Jon oh-so-slowly tugged his jeans down.
 You re not? Bry asked. He d lost track somewhere,
distracted by the sexy growling and the ever-present plug he
couldn t for the life of him ignore or forget for even a moment.
 I m not ready yet. I m still dressed.
Bryan chuckled.  I know! That s why I was trying to get you
 That s why I keep counseling patience. The longer you have
to wait, the better it ll be.
 You keep talking! And he kept needing.
 I do. Jon took off his own T-shirt.
Bryan reached for the broad, muscled chest, fingers curling in
the dark curls. Jon grinned and began working off his jeans.
Finally. Slow asshole. Sexy, studly bastard.
When Jon was finally naked, he tugged Bryan s jeans off
properly, leaving them both completely bare.
 Can we get off now? Bryan s balls were going to explode.
 You d like that wouldn t you?
 God, yes. You ve got me so revved up. The plug had been
exciting, but Jon had made it stunning.
 Good. Jon bent and took his prick in, swallowing him whole.
It was so good that he actually stopped breathing for a second,
his head slamming back. Jon kept bobbing on his cock, fingers
rolling his balls. Bryan spread wide, hips slamming up, cries
tearing from him.
Fingers sliding down, Jon began to hit the base of the plug.
Bryan bore down, the plug rubbing his gland, and he bucked,
coming hard. Jon sucked him down, fingers still rubbing the base
of his gland.
His orgasm went on and on, buzzing through him. The man
slowly pulled off his prick, giving him a shit-eating grin. All he
could do was blink, dazed.
Then Jon pushed the bottom of the plug again.
 Jon&  His eyes rolled.
 Yeah, Bry?
 I. Whoa.
Jon grinned.  No relaxing yet. I haven t gotten to come yet.
 Uh-huh. He couldn t even think.
 Want you. Jon leaned over him, grabbed a condom out of his
bedside table drawer.
 Oh, good, because I want you.
 I m gonna put the plug back in you when I m done, though.
 Uh-huh. Jon worked the condom onto his thick, beautiful
Bryan watched, licking his lips as Jon touched himself.
 You want a piece of this, Bry?
He wanted all of it, in him, filling him up.
Jon grinned, fingers grabbing the base of the plug and rolling it
inside him. The sensation made him moan, made him pull away.
 Where are you going? Jon dragged him back into place,
pulled the plug partway out and then pushed it back in again.
 Jon! His knees drew up.
 God, you re something else. Jon pulled the plug right out this
His hole clenched, uncomfortably empty.
Jon took his legs, put them over the broad shoulders.
 Want you. In deep, he demanded. He was so empty and only
Jon could fill him.
 You were never this pushy before. Jon s prick felt hot against
his hole, pushing but not breaching it.
 I never needed this so bad before.
 This? Or me? asked Jon.
 You. You, Jon. You ve never been so&  Strong. Forceful.
 Ditto. Jon pushed into him, slowly filling him up.
Bryan moaned, entire body shivering.  Fuck, yes.
Jon gritted his teeth.  Fuck you re hot.
Jon pushed in and in, stretching him, spreading him wide.
Finally, the man was all the way in, head pushing against
Bryan s gland.
 Jon. He bit the name out.
That sweet prick rubbed his gland, pegging it over and over.
Then Jon started to thrust, pulling out, pushing back in hard. Bry
met each push, crying out, over and over. Jon s thrusts got harder,
faster, their bodies slapping together. He grabbed Jon s shoulders,
fingers digging in.
 Gonna put that plug back in when I m done, Jon promised.
 Uh-uh. Oh, fuck yes.
 Uh-huh, insisted Jon.
Bryan s ass clenched.  Not gonna let you.
 Don t have a choice. Jon grabbed his hips, pulling him into
every thrust.
His cock started to respond, again. Jon gave him a wicked,
knowing grin. He groaned, pushed up, and covered that grin with a
hard kiss. Still thrusting, Jon kissed him back, taking over the kiss
and everything went a little swimmy. All Bryan could do was hold
on tight.
One hand wrapping around Bryan s cock, Jon began losing the
rhythm, eyes glazing over.
 Good. Fuck, yes. He got his lips near Jon s ear.  So fucking
deep, man.
 Come on my cock, demanded Jon, voice rough with need.
 Fuck, yes. He shot again, and this time it left him shaken,
Jon made a low sound and jerked into him one more time
before freezing. Several shudders made their way through Jon s
body and he rested his forehead against Bryan s.
 Wow. Also, damn.
 Yeah. Fuck. Jon grabbed the plug, put it on his chest.
Funny, how it looked so little out of him.
 We ll trade it out later for something from my personal
Bryan s cock jerked, tried to respond to the words.
 I ve got much bigger ones. I ve got ones that vibrate. Jon
waggled his eyebrows.
 Shh. No talking.
Jon laughed, the sound still breathless.  Why not?
 Afterglow. We re having afterglow.
 But talking about me putting plugs in you, me doing it, that s
a part of the afterglow.
 God&  He hid his face in Jon s throat.
 Turns you on, doesn t it?
 That s a yes, if I ever heard one. Jon wriggled, cock moving
inside him.
He squeezed back.
Groaning, Jon took a breath, then slipped partway out.
 Wish you could stay in.
 If we get tested and go exclusive I could leave my spunk
inside you, hold it there with a plug.
 You&  Bryan s eyes went wide.  You d want that, with me?
Jon shrugged, prick sliding out, the plug pushing into him
almost without letting him be empty all.
 I liked you even before I saw this side of you, Bry.
He didn t know what to say to that, how to respond without
seeming like a dipshit. Jon wriggled the plug and nudged it against
his gland.
 Uhn. His shoulders left the mattress.  I can t.
 Can t what? Jon did it again.
He didn t know. Think. Focus.
Jon laughed softly and seated the plug.  Now you re ready for
when I want you again.
* * *
Jon grabbed put the bag of cookies under his arm and grabbed
the coffee cups, heading back into the bedroom. Who d have
thought Bryan had a kinky side? The guy had seemed so vanilla.
 Coffee and cookies, man. And then he was going to show
Bryan a few choice plugs he owned.
 Cookies? Bryan s head peeked up from the covers, looking
all rumpled.
 Uh-huh. They re uh, double chunk chocolate chip. Perfect for
 Yum. Did you cook them?
Laughing, he tossed the bag at Bryan.  God, no.
 Oh, man. So disappointed.
Jon raised his middle finger.
Bry s bright green eyes just danced, the mass of red hair
making the man look like a goofy, wonderful lion. Jon carefully set
the coffees down on the bedside table and pounced.
 Jon! Bryan s arms wrapped around him, holding on tight.
Grinning, he took a kiss, his fingers worming their way under
the covers to slide and pinch at Bryan s skin. Bryan wiggled under
him, laughing madly.
 I bet that s making the plug shift and jostle, he noted.
 Yes. Hush.
 No, I like the way you react when I talk about it. Plug. Plug.
 Dork. Dork. Dork. That laugh turned him on.
 Dork with the plug collection. He couldn t help being a little
bit smug about that.
 You really have a collection? Bryan asked him.
 If you define a collection as more than a few, yes. I mean, it s
not like I display them or anything.
Bryan looked at him.  We ve been dating for months. How did
it never come up?
 It never came up because I thought it would scare you away.
He didn t want to accuse Bryan of being vanilla, but& if the shoe
fit. He could see a mixture of confusion and pleasure in his lover s
face.  Come back to my place and I ll show you my butt plug
collection. Maybe you ll even try some on. How would that have
gone over? Well, I guess in your case it would have gone over
fine. He chuckled.
Bryan pinked, pulled into himself a bit.  I just& It was just a
 You see? This is why I didn t tell you about it. He rolled onto
Bryan.  I m glad you were dared. I m glad we found out it makes
us both hot.
They d discovered that Bryan got off on getting pushed a little
bit, that Bryan responded beautifully to a firm hand. God knew, he
could have that firm hand.
He dropped a kiss on Bryan s nose, on his lips. Bryan relaxed a
little, started chasing his kisses. Humming, he kept everything light
for the moment, teasing. They had cookies, after all.
He rubbed their noses together and licked at Bryan s lips.  You
want a cookie, Bry?
Bryan nodded, that crazy hair bobbing, bouncing. Sexy boy.
Jon took one last lick and grabbed for the box of cookies. When he
moved, Bryan s lips wrapped around his nipple and started
sucking. He groaned, staying stretched, letting Bryan have him.
The man s lips were warm, wet, the suction delicious. Groaning,
he rubbed their hips together.
He slowly pulled back, bringing the cookies along. Straddling
Bryan s hips so their pricks were mashed together, he opened the
cookie package.
 You re so beautiful. Bryan sounded like he meant it.
 Shut up. It felt good, though.
He offered over a cookie. Bry snapped it out of his hand,
making him laugh, tug away.
 No more cookies for you.
 Oh, starving me! Drama queen. Beautiful, sexy, plug-loving
drama queen.
 I could feed you a plug. He d like to see that, actually, see it
splitting Bryan s lips.
 Wh& what? Oh, look at those big, bright eyes.
 You heard me. He grinned and stood, went to the cupboard
where he kept his box of kink.
Bryan grabbed another cookie.  I m eating cookies.
He snorted  You d much rather be sucking on my plug.
 That sounds perverse.
It did. And it had been meant to be naughty to start with.
 Yeah, dirtier than I even meant it somehow.
Bryan grinned, then they both chuckled.
He found a plug that was shaped and detailed like a cock and
groaned. Oh yeah. This would do the trick.
Bry looked over at him.  That was an amazing sound.
 I was picturing fucking your mouth with this. He held out the
plug for Bry to see as he headed back to the bed.
Bry licked his lips, eyes seeming to light up.
Jon stalked right up to the bed.  Open up.
He leaned in and kissed Bryan, then, holding Bry s gaze, he
spoke against the lovely lips.  I said open up. I m feeding you this
plug. Gonna watch you suck it.
 Oh, God. So needy. Bryan opened, tongue lapping his lips.
He sucked on Bryan s tongue for a moment, before backing
off. He wanted to see those lips wrapped around the plug. It would
be obscene in the best possible way.
He traced Bry s lips, moaning softly as they opened, tongue
flicking out to tease him.  The plug now, Bry. I want to see your
best technique.
He brought the fake penis to Bryan s lips. Before Bryan could
complain, he started gently fucking the sweet lips with the plug.
Those lips closed over the plug like it was an automatic reaction
and Jon moaned at the sight. Fuck, watching the plug going in and
out made him hard. His balls drew up and he crossed his legs.
 God, you re amazing. I ve never seen anything like this.
Bryan moaned, fingers sliding over his belly. Jon sucked in his
stomach, showing off. Bryan s eyes closed, a low moan sounded.
Jon moved the plug faster, fucking Bryan s lips with it. His
sweet lover sucked and hummed, moved for him.
 Fuck, that s the sexiest thing I ve ever seen. Only thing better
would be his own cock in Bryan s mouth.
His lover was& stunning. Just stunning. That was the only
word for it. Why hadn t he seen this before now? It didn t matter,
he d seen it now and he was keeping Bryan.
 I want you to suck my cock like that.
Bryan s mouth popped off the toy.  God yes.
 Let s get this in you first. It was bigger than the one Bryan
had inside him, and more realistically shaped.
 What? Bryan s hips humped up, fucked the air.
 You heard me. God, it was cute the way Bryan was so turned
on by it, but tried to pretend he didn t want it.
 I did. Fuck, I need you.
It was easy to feel the pressure of Bry s gaze, weighing on him.
 Spread for me, baby.
Those long legs parted, opening for him. Groaning, he reached
for Bryan s little hole and the plug already seated there. He
grabbed the end and began twisting as he tugged on it. The lean
body fought him, pulled at the plug. He kept letting it slide back in
before tugging on it again.
 Oh, fuck. Fuck, love& lover. Bryan sounded a little
 It s coming out now. Jon gave the warning before pulling the
plug right out and tossing it aside. Bryan grabbed him, body
slamming against his.  It s okay, he soothed.  I m not leaving
you empty.
 Jon. Jon, I need.
Fuck, that was sexy.  I know, Bry.
He grabbed the plug Bryan had been sucking and slicked it up
with lube before pressing the tip against Bryan s hole. Bryan s
body took it in, eager and needy.
 Sexy fucker. He twisted it, thrust it in and out like it was a
real cock.
 Your sexy fucker. Oh, fuck, lover.
 You d come from this, wouldn t you? He pushed the plug in
 Uh-huh, but I need you.
 I ll feed you my cock once I m finished with this. He kept
pushing the plug in and out.
 Jon. Jon. Jon. Bryan s words were like a song.
It made his balls ache and he pushed the plug in hard, hitting
Bryan s gland.
 Please! Bryan sobbed, feet drumming on the mattress.
 Come for me, Bry. Come on. Then you can have my prick.
Like his words were all Bryan needed, his lover came, twisting
and sobbing underneath him. He kept nudging the plug against
Bryan s gland, making his lover spurt a few more times. So
fucking sweet, his love.
Jon finally settled the plug inside Bryan s body.  Want your
mouth now, babe.
 Uh-huh. Bry nodded, head just bobbing.
He straddled Bryan s chest, knees digging into the mattress as
he touched his prick to the full lips. Bry opened for him, eager,
easy. He slipped the tip in and then backed away, teasing.
 Get over here. Bryan grinned at him, dragged him closer so
those hungry lips could wrap around his cock.
Groaning, he sank into Bryan s mouth. Fuck, that was the
finest mouth&
He watched his prick disappear and reappear, slick with
Bryan s spit. and he moaned, moving a little faster. Bryan s fingers
dug in, squeezing him tight. He slid on Bryan s tongue, pleasure
increasing. It was like the man needed it, needed to suck and pull
and taste him. He reached for the headboard, holding on as he
moved his hips, slowly fucking that amazing mouth.
His eyes were burning, staring down at Bryan.  Babe. Oh,
fuck. Groaning, he moved faster, hips riding those pretty lips.
Bry s hands dragged him in deep, deeper, holding him close.
He lost control over his hips, humping Bryan s mouth like he was
never going to stop. And his lover took him, in and in. When
Bryan swallowed hard around the tip of his cock, Jon cried out,
come pulsing out of him. Through blurred vision he watched
Bryan swallow, over and over.
He shuddered, shivered, barely managing to hold himself up.
Bryan s tongue slowly cleaned him, sliding over his prick.
 Oh, fuck, Bry. So good. He needed to move, to get
 Mmmhmm. M ere.
Jon managed to let go of the headboard without toppling over
and sort of half fell to the side and wriggled until he was next to
 H& hey. Bry kissed him, lazily.
He moaned softly into the kiss, snuggling in close.
 God, we& we re good together. Bryan sounded almost
He chuckled.  You think? He nodded, though, because yeah,
they so were.
 I do. I think. Bry moaned for him.  You plugged me.
 In all fairness, you came to me already plugged, babe.
 Details, details.
He laughed and took a kiss.  I like your details, babe.
 I like you, Jon.
 And I like you. Like a lot. Like more than he probably
should. Still. He thought maybe that s how Bryan liked him, too.
 Good. Bry kissed him.  Very good.
 Yeah. He cuddled in closer and encouraged more of Bry s
He could get used to this. And he wanted to.
Not to mention Bry needed him because, unless he was
mistaken, he had a size queen on his hands and it didn t get much
better than that.
Often referred to as  Space Cowboy and  Gangsta of Love while
still striving for the moniker of  Maurice, Sean Michael spends his
days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and
fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled
entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage
gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between
dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the Kama Sutra by channeling the
long-lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack
to Chicago.
A long-time writer of complicated haiku, Sean is currently attempting
to learn the advanced arts of plate-spinning and soap-carving sex toys.
Barring any of that? He ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and
rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.
To learn more about Sean, please visit: www.seanmichaelwrites.com.
* * *
Don t miss Wallflowers
by Sean Michael,
available at AmberAllure.com!
Ryan Coulter is a sports science graduate, who s deep in the
closet. Returning to his college town to be in a frat buddy s
wedding, he discovers he still has feelings for his old college lover,
Daniel James Delout. Too bad he s still in the closet and DJ most
definitely is not, the main reason why they broke up in the first
place. To complicate matters further, DJ is now blind, and is,
somehow, almost maddeningly Zen about the blindness, Ryan,
Can Ryan ignore his stronger-than-ever attraction to DJ and just
get through the wedding rehearsal, ceremony, and reception?
Does he even want to? And what happens if he and DJ do
reconnect? After all, he s still in the closet& right?
