Conceiving the Impossible and t Nieznany

Royal Institute of Philosophy

Conceiving the Impossible and the Mind-Body Problem

Author(s): Thomas Nagel

Source: Philosophy, Vol. 73, No. 285 (Jul., 1998), pp. 337-352

Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of Royal Institute of Philosophy Stable URL:

Accessed: 26/10/2008 11:10

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Document Outline

Article Contents p. 337

p. 338

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p. 346

p. 347

p. 348

p. 349

p. 350

p. 351

p. 352

Issue Table of Contents Philosophy, Vol. 73, No. 285 (Jul., 1998), pp. 333-534 Front Matter [pp. 335 - 335]

Editorial: People Power [p. 333]

Conceiving the Impossible and the Mind-Body Problem [pp. 337 - 352]

Recovering the Experiment [pp. 353 - 377]

A Bergsonian Approach to A- and B- Time [pp. 379 - 393]

Perceptual Content [pp. 395 - 427]

Aristotle's Alleged Ethical Obscurantism [pp. 429 - 452]

John Grote and Modern Cambridge Philosophy [pp. 453 - 477]

Discussion Localizing Sensations: A Reply to Anthony Quinton's Trouble with Kant [pp. 479 - 489]

Simplicity and Why the Universe Exists: A Reply to Quentin Smith [pp. 490 - 494]

New Books untitled [pp. 495 - 504]

untitled [pp. 504 - 508]

untitled [pp. 508 - 512]

untitled [pp. 512 - 516]

untitled [pp. 516 - 519]

untitled [pp. 519 - 523]

Booknotes [pp. 524 - 526]

Books Received [pp. 527 - 531]

Back Matter [pp. 532 - 534]
