Challenges Placement Test

The Challenges Placement Tests are designed to
help the teacher to place students at the right
level of the Challenges series. Each test contains
100 Multiple Choice questions and is designed
to last for 45 minutes. If students get less than
60% of the answers right, they should use the
level indicated in the title, eg. for the Challenges
1 Placement Test they should use Challenges 1.
If they get more than 70% of the answers right,
they should use the higher level. 60-70% of right
answers puts students in the middle of the two
levels and your decision as to where to place
these students should depend on the level of
the rest of the class.
i i l
ISBN 9782007010138
Placement Test Challenges 1
27 A: Where s dad? B: In _______________ garden.
Choose the correct answer.
a) one b) a c)  d) the
1 He _______________ my friend.
28 Three _______________.
a) am b) is c) are d) be
a) box b) boxs c) boxes d) boxies
2 We _______________ English.
29 Two _______________.
a) isn t b) not c ) aren t d) don t
a) woman b) women c) womans d) womens
3 _______________ they English?
30 Four _______________
a) Do b) Is c) Are d) Be
a) foot b) foots c) feet d) feets
4 A: Are you a student? B: Yes, I _______________.
31 She is _______________
a) are b) is c) be d) am
a) Britain b) England c) the UK d) British
5 A: _______________ your name? B: Maria.
32 Is it hot in ______________________________ ?
a) What s b) Who s c) Is it d) What call
a) Greece b) Greek c) the Greece d) Greeks
6 A: _______________ is that man? B: My father.
33 He is _______________.
a) Who b) Whom c) What d) Which
a) tall b) long c) up d) high
7 A: _______________ are you? B: Ten.
34 There s a big blackboard in our _______________.
a) How b) What age c) How much d) How old
a) bedroom b) kitchen c) garden d) classroom
8 A: _______________ girls are here? B: Eight.
35 3 + 2 =
a) How much b) How many c) Which d) What
a) five b) fifth c) fife d) fifty
9 It s _______________ house.
36 (1st) first, (2nd) second, (3rd) _______________, (4th) fourth
a) they b) them c) theirs d) their
a) three b) third c) thirteen d) thirteenth
10 _______________ are friends.
37 It s (10.30) _______________.
a) We b) He c) Our d) Them
a) thirty past ten b) thirty to eleven c) half past
11 My rabbit is white. _______________ name is Snowy.
ten d) half to eleven
a) It s b) It c) Its d) It is
38 It s (1.45) _______________.
12 _______________ car is black.
a) quarter past one b) fifteen to two c) forty-five past
a) Theirs b) They c) Them d) Their
one d) quarter to two
13 They like _______________.
39 It s (2.40) _______________
a) we b) us c) our d) ours
a) forty past two b) twenty to three
14 The party is _______________ Monday.
c) twenty past two d) forty to three
a) to b) on c) in d) at
40 A: How are you? B: _______________
15 They are _______________ London.
a) Thank you. b) Fine, thanks. c) How are you?
a) to b) on c) by d) in
d) I m Maria.
16 I go to bed _______________ 10 o clock.
41 A: Can he sing? No, he _______________.
a) in b) for c) at d) to
a) can t b) isn t c) not d) doesn t
17 His birthday is _______________ March.
42 They can _______________.
a) on b) to c) in d) at
a) dancing b) to dance c) dance d) danced
18 Susan is _______________ home.
43 We like______________.
a) to b) at c) in d) by
a) walk b) to walking c) walking d) walked
19 _______________ down!
44 Can he ride _______________ bicycle.
a) Sit b) Sat c) Sitting d) To sit
a) the b) a c)  d) on
20 _______________ talk!
45 I ve got _______________ headache.
a) Don t b) Not c) No d) Didn t
a) a b) an c)  d) the
21 Come here and look at _______________ painting.
46 a) _______________ is it? B: It s five euros.
a) those b) that c) these d) this
a) How many b) How c) What cost d) How much
22 Who are _______________ boys over there?
47 A: What _______________? B: They re doctors.
a) these b) this c) those d) that
A: do they b) are they doing c) do they do
23 Mrs Brown is _______________ teacher.
d) they do
a)  b) an c) a d) any
48 A: _______________ do you watch TV? B: Every evening.
24 Here is _______________ apple for you.
a) How much b) How often c) How many d) Why
a) an b) a c)  d) any
49 A: _______________ bag is this? B: It s my bag.
25 New York is in _______________ United States of America.
a) Whom b) Who c) Which d) Whose
a) the b)  c) an d) a
50 I _______________ a computer.
26 This is a photo of our two dogs. My dog is _______________
a) haven t got b) not have c) don t got d) don t
old dog near the tree.
a) an b)  c) a d) the
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Placement Test Challenges 1
51 A: Has she got a brother? B: Yes, she _______________. 76 He s good _______________ Maths.
a) has b) got c) have d) does a) for b) at c) with d) on
52 _______________ three cinemas here. 77 Are you interested _______________ music?
a) They are b) There are c) There is d) It is a) with b) in c) for d) on
53 Is there a park here? No, _______________. 78 I go to school _______________ train.
a) it isn t b) there aren t c) there isn t a) in b) with c) on d) by
d) they aren t
79 We went _______________ foot.
54 There are _______________ books on the table. a) on b) with c) by d) to
a) some b) one c) any d) a lot
80 The cinema is opposite_______________ the bank.
55 We haven t got _______________ red pencils. a) to b) from c) of d) 
a) much b) some c) a d) any
81 The school is _______________ the left.
56 Is there _______________ water? a) on b) at c) in d) by
a) a b) any c) many d) some
82 They play tennis _______________.
57 He _______________ computer games every day. a) good b) best c) well d) goodly
a) play b) playing c) plays d) is playing
83 He s a _______________ driver.
58 I _______________ speak Italian. a) slow b) slowly c) slowest d) slowed
a) not b) don t c) doesn t d) no
84 It s an _______________ film.
59 Do they play football at school? Yes, they _______________. a) excited b) exciting c) excitedly d) excites
a) play b) are playing c) do d) can
85 He s _______________ boy in our class.
60 I _______________ to school. a) taller b) the tallest c) tallest d) tall
a) usually walk b) am usually walking
86 Maria is _______________ Ann.
c) walk usually d) am walking usually
a) as intelligent b) the most intelligent
61 They _______________ late. c) more intelligent d) more intelligent than
a) aren t hardly ever b) hardly are ever
87 A: Where s her book? B: _______________ is on the table.
c) ever hardly are d) are hardly ever
a) It b) This c) They d) That
62 A: What are you doing? B: I _______________ a book.
88 She can sing _______________ she can t dance.
a) are reading b) reading c) read d) am reading
a) and b) so c) but d) then
63 He _______________ football at the moment.
89 They _______________ French last year.
a) playing b) is playing c) plays d) played
a) don t study b) didn t studied
64 A: Are they watching TV? B: Yes, they _______________. c) didn t study d) not studied
a) are b) do c) watch d) watching
90 A: Did you have breakfast this morning? B: Yes, I __________.
65 I _______________ chess with my father. a) have b) had c) did have d) did
a) do b) make c) play d) have
91 I _______________ John yesterday.
66 I _______________ exercises every day. a) see b) saw c) seed d) am seeing
a) make b) play c) go d) do
92 Maria is eight years old. She _______________ drive a car.
67 I _______________ a shower every morning. a) haven t b) can t c) must d) not
a) have b) make c) do d) go
93 I _______________ my grandparents next week.
68 I _______________ the guitar. a) go to visit b) am going visit c) go visiting
a) do b) make c) have d) play d) am going to visit
69 We _______________ at a party last Saturday. 94 A: Is she going to sing? B: Yes, she _______________.
a) were b) are c) was d) be a) goes b) is c) sings d) is going
70 A: Was he tired? B: Yes, he _______________. 95 It s very _______________ in April in my country.
a) tired b) was c) does d) is a) rainy b) rain c) rains d) rained
71 _______________ a good film on TV last night? 96 My father is a _______________.
a) Was b) Were there c) Is it d) Was there a) science b) scientific c) scientist d) sciences
72 This is _______________ bag. 97 _______________ are my favourite vegetables.
a) Mike b) Mike s c) Mikes d) Mikes a) Carrots b) Apples c) Eggs d) Biscuits
73 Where are the _______________ fathers? 98 There are two swimming _______________ in the town.
a) boy s b) boy c) boys d) boys a) parks b) lakes c) places d) pools
74 The black car is _______________. 99 A: I won a tennis competition yesterday. B: _______________
a) ours b) our c) ours d) our s a) Be careful. b) I m sorry. c) Well done.
d) Very well.
75 That s _______________ book.
a) mine b) me c) my d) hers 100 A: Would you like to come to my party? B: Yes, ___________.
a) I d love to b) I love it c) I come d) I like
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Placement Test Challenges 2
26 This coat is longer _______ yours.
Choose the correct answer.
a) than b) from c) that d) as
1 He often ________ swimming.
27 This is the ________ day of my life.
a) go b) goes c) is going d) going
a) bad b) worse c) worst d) better
2 _________ like going to school?
28 What s the ______ expensive DVD player in the shop?
a) Does he b) Is he c) He is d) He does
a) more b) most c) much d) very
3 I _______ want to go out tonight.
29 This walk is very ________. I need to sit down.
a) not b) am not c) don t d) are not
a) tire b) tiring c) more tired d) tired
4 I m very good _______ English
30 I d like to try _____ this dress, please.
a) in b) from c) at d) of
a) up b) in c) on d) out
5 Who are you waiting _____?
31 This room is _______ small.
a) for b) from c) to d) at
a) to b) too much c) enough d) too
6 I can t stand ________ exams.
32 We had a very ______ time on holiday.
a) do b) to do c) does d) doing
a) enjoy b) enjoyment c) enjoyed d) enjoyable
7 I m taking my car to the _________.
33 I love going _______ on holiday.
a) doctor b) dentist c) mechanic d) plumber
a) sightseeing b) seeing sights c) seeing the sights
8 The only vegetables in the house are ________.
d) sightsee
a) cheese b) carrots c) apples d) oranges
34 Hello. Is there ______ there?
9 What _____________? Yoga.
a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody
a) are you doing b) do you do c) you do
35 It s not fair. ______ wants to play football with me.
d) you are doing
a) Nobody b) Somebody c) Anybody
10 I _______ the computer every day.
d) Not anybody
a) use b) using c) not use d) am using
36 I haven t got _______ money left.
11 Mum and Dad are sitting in _______ garden.
a) no b) none c) any d) some
a) a b) an c)  d) the
37 There s a lovely _______ from the window.
12 My friend has got ______ old dog.
a) sight b) view c) look d) see
a) the b) an c) a d) 
38 I ________ be home by 8 o clock
13 Could we look at the _______, please?
a) can t b) can c) haven t d) have to
a) card b) list c) food d) menu
39 I m sorry, I _______ go with you.
14 The police don t know who _______ the bank.
a) can b) don t have to c) can t d) haven t
a) thief b) stole c) robbed d) escaped
40 _________ to phone your mum?
15 My father _______ born in 1960.
a) You have b) You do have c) Can you
a) was b) is c) did d) 
d) Do you have
16 When _________ married?
41 Are you laughing _____ me?
a) did you get b) you got c) you were d) you
a) to b) at c) from d) for
17 He ________ want us to come to the party.
42 The _______ at the circus were really funny.
a) didn t b) wasn t c) not d) hasn t
a) clowns b) acrobats c) gymnasts d) magicians
18 Who s the boy _____ the middle of the photo?
43 This hand_________ computer is very easy to use.
a) on b) in c) at d) to
a) held b) used c) carried d) lifted
19 I saw a very _______ film at the weekend.
44 What ________ do after you leave school?
a) scared b) scary c) scare d) scaring
a) are you b) you are going to c) will you
20 I ________ along the road when I heard a noise.
d) do you
a) walk b) have walked c) walked d) was walking
45 We will _______ here for twenty years.
21 I got an e-mail from Mark yesterday and _______ today.
a) to live b) live c) living d) lived
a) other b) other one c) another one
46 If you _______ any problems, I will come and help you.
d) another ones
a) have b) had c) will have d) do have
22 _______ school, I went home.
47 We won t catch the train if you ______ hurry.
a) Before b) After c) Afterwards d) Later
a) won t b) aren t c) don t d) didn t
23 _______ we were talking, a policeman told us to move.
48 Where ________ if you have a holiday this year?
a) When b) During c) While d) Same time
a) you go b) are you going c) did you go
24 It s a cold day. Put your ________ on.
d) will you go
a) jumper b) tie c) belt d) blouse
49 Can you make _____ a cup of coffee, please?
25 Are you wearing trainers with no ______? Isn t that
a) I b) me c) for me d) to me
50 The window is ________. You see, it has three sides.
a) shoes b) trousers c) skirt d) socks
a) triangle b) rectangle c) triangular d) rectangular
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Placement Test Challenges 2
51 This chair is quite nice but you need some ____ on it. 76 A thousand cakes a week _____ in this café.
a) pillows b) curtains c) carpets d) cushions a) is sold b) are sold c) sell d) sold
52 You should put your clothes in the ________, not on the floor. 77 I m taking medicine because I ve got a _____ throat.
a) shelf b) chair c) bedspread d) wardrobe a) pain b) sore c) hurt d) ache
53 Have you _____ your homework? 78 I m _____ to animal hair.
a) do b) did c) done d) doing a) sneezing b) allergic c) ill d) cough
54 I haven t _______ you your money. 79 I wish people wouldn t drop _____ in the street.
a) gave b) given c) giving d) give a) graffiti b) pollution c) litter d) vandalism
55 Come out of the school and _______ right. 80 Where s Phil? He s never late. There _____ be something
a) take b) along c) turn d) move wrong
a) must b) can t c) will d) may
56 You have to go _____ the cinema.
a) along b) turn c) across d) past 81 This is a _____ nice place to live.
a) quite b) bit c) great d) really
57 You should _______ more exercise.
a) do b) to do c) doing d) done 82 I ve _____ done this before, this is the first time.
a) yet b) already c) ever d) never
58 It was a great _______ to win so many matches.
a) achieve b) achievement c) achieved 83 Have you read the book I gave you _____?
d) achieving a) already b) ever c) yet d) ago
59 You showed incredible ______ to save those children 84 _____ up early on holiday is not right!
a) danger b) preparation c) bravery d) recovery a) Getting b) Get c) Got d) To get
60 ________ to do anything special this weekend? 85 I love _____ films. You know, films about the past like
a) Are you doing b) Will you c) Do you Braveheart.
d) Are you going a) animated b) historical c) fantasy
d) science fiction
61 I _________ to wait here until the shops open.
a) going b) will c) go d)  m going 86 Oh no! He s driving too fast. Look out! He _____ crash!
a) will b) may c) won t d) is going to
62 We________ dinner with our friends this evening.
a) going to have B  re having c) will have d) have 87 I came _____ this book in a little shop in London.
a) over b) up c) across d) through
63 Who ________ this song? It s beautiful
a) did write b) write c) wrote d) written 88 _____ DVDs are good, the cinema is better.
a) Although b) However c) So d) But
64 What _____ usually do at the weekend?
a) are you b) you c) you do d) do you 89 I know you re _____ about your exam results but try not to
worry too much.
65 We re going to the tennis _____ for a game.
a) delighted b) anxious c) annoyed d) furious
a) pitch b) room c) court d) studio
90 Please phone me as soon as you _____ home.
66 Are you going to take _____ in the school show?
a) will get b) are getting c) get d) got
a) place b) part c) care d) up
91 What shall we do today? How about _____ to the cinema?
67 Our school is the same _____ it was 50 years ago
a) go b) to go c) going d) let s go
a) than b) as c) like d) what
92 I can t stop singing this song. It s so _____.
68 I d _____ go for a meal
a) repetitive b) catchy c) monotonous d) relaxing
a) prefer b) like c) rather d) want
93 That s the woman _____ children were so polite.
69 He s very good at sports. He s very _______.
a) whose b) who c) which d) that
a) logical b) practical c) athletic d) creative
94 You can _____ have a cake or an ice cream.
70 Hey! Come and look _____ this. Isn t it amazing?
a) both b) also c) not only d) either
a) to b) at c) for d) after
95 My father told my sister _____ her boyfriend again.
71 We won t have another holiday this year, _______?
a) don t see b) to not see c) never see
a) will we b) won t we c) do we d) don t we
d) not to see
72 That was a great meal, _________?
96 Are you happy _____ your grades?
a) isn t it b) was it c) wasn t it d) is it
a) for b) with c) from d) at
73 While I _____, I saw a shark in the water.
97 If you _____ harder, you would be rich.
a) swam b) swim c) was swimming
a) worked b) would work c) have worked
d) have swum
d) will work
74 Do you believe _____ dreams?
98 You _____ be happy if you were alone.
a) of b) at c) for d) in
a) won t be b) wouldn t be c) aren t d) weren t
75 I think this restaurant is the best in town. So, _____
99 This job is a _____ better than my old one.
a) do I b) am I c) I think d) do I think
a) much b) even c) lot d) more
100 There were only a _____ people at the party.
a) little b) many c) lot of d) few
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Placement Test Challenges 3
24 My favourite & is cabbage.
Choose the correct answer.
a) vegetable b) fish c) meat d) fruit
1 Ice cream is not & healthy as fruit.
25 I m & tired to go running.
a) more b) as c) than d) most
a) too b) to c) enough d) more
2 I & TV programmes about animals.
26  I ve got & .   Perhaps you ve got a cold.
a) can t mind b) am minding c) don t mind
a) cough b) headache c) ill d) a sore throat
d) can mind
27 Meat is high in & .
3  Shall we go to the beach?   No thanks. & go shopping.
a) dinner b) beef c) food d) proteins
a) I like b) I prefer c) I d rather d) I want
28 Our dog is very & : he s scared of cats!
4 The sports centre has eight & courts.
a) usual b) usually c) unusual d) fun
a) football b) rugby c) hockey d) tennis
29 You & go swimming if you feel ill.
5 & a fantastic book at the moment.
a) would b) shouldn t c) must d) should
a) I m reading b) I ll read c) I was reading
d) I read 30 The robbers car & at the airport.
a) finds b) found c) was found d) was find
6 We & a lot of time looking for my brother s mobile phone.
a) wasted b) made c) had d) gave 31 He speaks Portuguese. He & be from Brazil.
a) can b) should c) would d) could
7 Our plane took & at 2.30.
a) over b) away c) up d) off 32 You re & listening to me, are you?
a) not b) aren t c) never d) don t
8 John has got an Italian girlfriend so & Italian.
a) he d learn b) he s learning c) he learns 33 There s a big & mall next to the station.
d) he had learned a) shopping b) parking c) centre d) restaurant
9 Watching football is not & as playing it. 34 The clothes in this shop are & cheap.
a) more b) like c) same d) the same a) real b) bit c) more d) quite
10 Peter is very fit. & swimming every day. 35 My brother and I looked at & and laughed.
a) He goes b) He s going c) He went a) each other b) themselves c) us d) together
d) He s going to
36 Living in the centre of London & exciting.
11 My dad & swim until he was 30! a) must b) must be c) might d) can t be
a) can t b) had c) couldn t d) was
37 (phone call)  Hello. It s Linda. Can I & Andy, please?
12 I read your letter & I was waiting for the train. a) speak with b) say to c) speak to d) talk with
a) what b) who c) if d) while
38  & on a moment, Linda. I ll see if he s here.
13  Are you & ?   Yes. I m good at drawing and painting. a) Wait b) Come c) Stay d) Hold
a) an artistic b) artistic c) art d) artist
39 It was a great holiday. I enjoyed & .
14 I saw your sister in the park. She & an ice cream. a) to myself b) myself c) all d) me
a) is eating b) was eating c) doesn t eat
40 & difficult to choose a birthday present for my dad.
d) were eating
a) There s b) It s c) Is d) It
15 Your brother played well, &
41 Spaghetti Bolognese is a & Italian dish.
a) did he? b) do he? c) doesn t he? d) didn t he?
a) well-known b) wellknown c) well-know
16 Could you look & my cat when I go on holiday? d) well known
a) to b) over c) after d) about
42 Have you & to London?
17 When we arrived at Linda s house she & television. a) go b) gone c) been d) be
a) watching b) watched c) was watching
43 How do you & the sports centre?
d) were watching
a) go for b) go to c) get to d) get on
18 Do you & in ghosts?
44 & in the sea is fantastic.
a) hear b) believe c) scared d) think
a) Swim b) Swimming c) Swam d) The swimming
19 There was no bus to the beach so we & walk.
45  Did you come by car?   No. We came & foot.
a) had to b) have got c) have to d) had got
a) on b) with c) in d) off
20  Yesterday I found Å20 in the street.   & 
46 He s my favourite & . I ve got all his books.
a) Did you? b) Could you? c) Were you?
a) novel b) waiter c) model d) writer
d) Are you?
47 My father went on a business & to Rome.
21 It s & eat some fruit every day.
a) travel b) voyage c) trip d) journey
a) healthy b) good c) good for d) good to
48 My brother has & my camera.
22 I m not & to drive a car.
a) borrowing b) borrowed c) borrow d) borrows
a) as old as b) enough old c) old enough d) older
49 I haven t seen their new house yet, but it & fantastic.
23 Many infectious diseases & by mice and rats.
a) looks b) sounds like c) can be d) sounds
a) be spread b) are passed c) are spread
50 Have you & had Indian food?
d) pass on
a) ever b) at all c) again d) yet
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Placement Test Challenges 3
51 I m thirsty. I think & drink some water. 77 This is the street & my friend lives.
a) I ll b) I c) I ve d) I am a) which b) where c) that d) who
52 Look at those black clouds. & to rain. 78 Apples are & cheap and very healthy.
a) It will b) It s going c) It going d) It might a) neither b) either c) nor d) both
53 I think Star Wars is the best science-& film of all time. 79 We looked at some & photos.
a) space b) fantasy c) fiction d) adventure a) funny old family b) old funny family
c) family funny old d) funny family old
54 When I was tidying my room, I came & some of my old
schoolbooks. 80 This is a & song. Who is the singer?
a) across b) to c) up to d) over a) catching b) catch c) catches d) catchy
55 Two police officers got & the car and ran into the restaurant. 81 My dad asked me & help him in the garden.
a) out to b) away c) out d) out of a) to b) for c) about d) of
56  What nationality is Felipe?   I don t know. He & be Spanish. 82 I met your sister & into the library.
a) will b) might c) would d) can a) goes b) go c) going d) went
57 I finished the book, & I didn t enjoy it very much. 83 Our teacher wanted us & our books.
a) so b) while c) although d) because a) to close b) close c) closing d) closed
58 I don t know & call you. Is seven o clock okay? 84 I didn t hear the noise & , but then it got louder.
a) when b) when to c) where to d) where a) anyway b) to begin with c) in the end
d) suddenly
59 Speak loudly & everybody can hear you.
a) for b) that c) so that d) because 85 If you look in an & , you will find maps of different countries.
a) novel b) atlas c) diary d) address book
60 Picasso & some amazing pictures.
a) painted b) is painting c) paints d) has painted 86 I m sorry & breaking your computer.
a) to b) over c) of d) for
61 My dad always wants to dance at my parties. It s very & .
a) lazy b) upset c) frightened d) embarrassing 87 There was a man & in the street.
a) dancing b) danced c) dances d) dancer
62 I didn t & any mistakes in my maths homework.
a) give b) do c) show d) make 88 Dad sent Mum some flowers to & up for forgetting her
63 I won t let you go out & you tidy your room first.
a) do b) give c) make d) take
a) if b) unless c) because d) when
89 The police officer ordered the man & out of his car.
64 When we were in Scotland, my mum & in touch with her old
a) of getting b) for getting c) to get d) get
pen friend.
a) got b) put c) met d) wrote 90 A woman and her son were waiting & see the doctor.
a) for b) of c) so that d) to
65  Are you & ?   Yes. I like being with other people.
a) practical b) honest c) sociable d) independent 91 If I & lots of money, I d buy a boat.
a) have b) had c) having d) has
66  I m bored.   What & helping me to do the washing-up?
a) with b) for c) if d) about 92 There is no & of life on Mars.
a) evident b) evidence c) appearing d) appear
67 & lose your mobile phone if you don t put it in your pocket.
a) You ll b) You can c) You won t d) You don t 93 My brother is studying & .
a) archaeologist b) archaeological
68 My sister borrowed my sunglasses and then lost them. I m & !
c) archaeologically d) archaeology
a) anxious b) excited c) relaxed d) furious
94 The Earth is & bigger than Mars.
69 My parents always & me do my homework before I go out.
a) more b) a lot c) quite d) lot
a) make b) have c) want d) wish
95 Polar bears are & more dangerous than brown bears.
70 You won t get a suntan & you stay in the hotel all day.
a) even b) quite c) lot d) very
a) while b) if c) until d) unless
96 I & her a postcard if I knew her address.
71 Flared jeans weren t very & in the 1980s.
a) am sending b) send c) would send d) can send
a) fanatic b) fashion c) fantasy d) fashionable
97 I d love to come to the picnic. & I make some sandwiches?
72 Hip hop is often very & .
a) Shall b) Would c) Do d) Will
a) rock b) repetitive c) romance d) repeating
98 If we had more time, we & go and buy her a present.
73 He s neither a good actor & a good singer.
a) were b) can c) will d) could
a) and b) but c) nor d) or
99 Can you & me a favour?
74 This is my friend & mother works in your office.
a) give b) make c) do d) help
a) whose b) who c) with d) which
100 Please hurry up. We have & little time.
75 We can & wait for a bus or take a taxi.
a) very b) a very c) some d) no
a) neither b) nor c) either d) both
76 I m going to tell you & about transport in the 19th century.
a) some b) something c) somewhere d) somebody
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Answer Key Challenges 1 3
Challenges 1 Challenges 2 Challenges 3
1 b 51 a 1 b 51 d 1 b 51 a
2 c 52 b 2 a 52 d 2 c 52 b
3 c 53 c 3 c 53 c 3 c 53 c
4 d 54 a 4 c 54 b 4 d 54 a
5 a 55 d 5 a 55 c 5 a 55 d
6 a 56 b 6 d 56 d 6 a 56 b
7 d 57 c 7 c 57 a 7 d 57 c
8 b 58 b 8 b 58 b 8 b 58 b
9 d 59 c 9 a 59 c 9 d 59 c
10 a 60 a 10 a 60 d 10 a 60 a
11 c 61 d 11 d 61 d 11 c 61 d
12 d 62 d 12 b 62 b 12 d 62 d
13 b 63 b 13 d 63 c 13 b 63 b
14 b 64 a 14 c 64 a 14 b 64 a
15 d 65 c 15 a 65 d 15 d 65 c
16 c 66 d 16 a 66 c 16 c 66 d
17 c 67 a 17 a 67 b 17 c 67 a
18 b 68 d 18 b 68 a 18 b 68 d
19 a 69 a 19 b 69 c 19 a 69 a
20 a 70 b 20 d 70 b 20 a 70 b
21 d 71 d 21 c 71 a 21 d 71 d
22 c 72 b 22 b 72 c 22 c 72 b
23 c 73 c 23 c 73 c 23 c 73 c
24 a 74 a 24 a 74 d 24 a 74 a
25 a 75 c 25 d 75 a 25 a 75 c
26 d 76 b 26 a 76 b 26 d 76 b
27 d 77 b 27 c 77 b 27 d 77 b
28 c 78 d 28 b 78 b 28 c 78 d
29 b 79 a 29 b 79 c 29 b 79 a
30 c 80 d 30 c 80 a 30 c 80 d
31 d 81 a 31 d 81 d 31 d 81 a
32 a 82 c 32 d 82 d 32 a 82 c
33 a 83 a 33 a 83 c 33 a 83 a
34 d 84 b 34 b 84 a 34 d 84 b
35 a 85 b 35 a 85 b 35 a 85 b
36 b 86 d 36 c 86 d 36 b 86 d
37 c 87 a 37 b 87 c 37 c 87 a
38 d 88 c 38 d 88 a 38 d 88 c
39 b 89 c 39 c 89 b 39 b 89 c
40 b 90 d 40 d 90 c 40 b 90 d
41 a 91 b 41 b 91 c 41 a 91 b
42 c 92 b 42 a 92 b 42 c 92 b
43 c 93 d 43 a 93 a 43 c 93 d
44 b 94 b 44 c 94 d 44 b 94 b
45 a 95 a 45 b 95 d 45 a 95 a
46 d 96 c 46 a 96 b 46 d 96 c
47 c 97 a 47 c 97 a 47 c 97 a
48 b 98 d 48 d 98 b 48 b 98 d
49 d 99 c 49 b 99 c 49 d 99 c
50 a 100 a 50 c 100 d 50 a 100 a
© Pearson Education 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE


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