Now, that your energy body is emerging and responding to your intentions
You are now ready to consciously induce an out of body experience
You can continue using the Reposition exercise or you can try this next
Use whatever methods feels most natural to you,
Feel free to use whatever method is the most comfortable for you
Imagine lying in your newly emerging and awakening energy body
You are lying in your real room and begin to awaken the eyes of your energy
Just as your physical eyes can see during the day, the eyes of your energy body
can see at night
You can cultivate and awaken your newly emerging eyes
Until you will be able to see through your closed eyelids.
Use the method of repositioning your awareness so that you are now lying right
side up,
Face-up with the ceiling above you and the floor behind you and beneath you.
Picture what you would be seeing if your eyes were open.
Begin to envision your surroundings,
you can begin to actually sense your room from your current viewpoint.
Continue allowing this perspective to evolve
Continue sensing it and continue seeing it until it becomes stable.
As your energy body begins to regain its power of sight
You can see your real room, you can feel your light loose emerging energy body
Positioned in your bed, seeing your real room through your closed eyelids
The room is becoming more and more vivid, more and more real
Spend a few moments right now, adjusting your perception
And allowing it to become more and more clear, more and more visuals,
Becoming more and more real
You can sense it, you can see it,
Your energy body is ready for more
YOU are ready for more.
You physical body is completely relaxed and numbed into a deep sleep
Yet your mind is fully aware, fully conscious, and ready to induce an out of
body experience,
Ready to go with the flow, ready to fully transfer your awareness into your
energy body
Ready to go with the flowing traveling movement that is calling you to cross
Enticing your awareness with endless possibilities that await you, once you
fully cross over,
And allow yourself to fully transfer your awareness into your eager energy body
You are ready to go..ready to have an out of body experience..
Now that you can see your room behind your closed eyelids,
You are ready to begin the process.
Roll over in your energy body so that you are face down, lying in bed
Reposition your perception after rolling over
You are now face down with the ceiling behind you and above you,
You are facing the floor which is directly in front of you and below you,
Your energy body is emerging
Even though you are lying face down, your energy body can pass its arms right
through the bed
And towards the floor, reach out for the floor right now with your arms,
sense and feel yourself stretching, right thru the bed,
you can feel your arms as they pass right through the mattress,
your bed may support your sleeping physical body
but it is perceived much differently by your energy body,
it seems to be more like a liquid, your energy body is suspended in this liquid
but it is capable of passing right through it,
you move your non-physical arms and your legs and they easily penetrate your
non-physical bed
you begin to swim in place using the breast stroke or any other method you feel
comfortable with
you push your hands down towards the floor and then circle them around and push
down again
and circle them around, as your legs seem to be treading water by moving
however you feel most comfortable moving them
you are swimming in place through this loosely supporting liquid bed,

you can sense the non-physical matter, you can feel its light support
as you effortlessly swim through it with you arms and legs
Your awareness is shifting, and you are beginning to move,
As you swim you can feel your perception shifting, your awareness is lifting
with every stroke,
You are lifting up, rising out of your physical body with every stroke
You are getting slightly higher and higher, slowly rising
As your perspective shifts higher, you can feel yourself becoming elevated,
Rising above your physical with every stroke your energy body emerges more
, lifting out of your physical body with every stroke your awareness transfers
more and more into your energy body
Which is face-down rising, right above your physical body, you can feel your
energy body rising out
Lifting out with every stroke, you are ascending and hovering upwards,
you can feel the motion, you can feel your awareness rising
And your perception lifting higher and higher with every stroke, your
perspective is rising,
Looking down, you are leaving your body
Your awareness is capable of existing in this rising energy body
Your perception is able to remain in your energy body as you lift out of your
You are floating in your room, hovering higher and higherwith every stroke
With every movement of your energy body your awareness shifts more and more
into your energy body
Rising higher and higher
You can continue sensing and feeling this shift
As you fully crossover and fully transfer your awareness into your fully
emerged energy body
Lifting out and shifting inwards and upwards
Go with the flow and allow the transfer to occur
Your physical body is completely asleep and completely safe as you rise out of
your body
Slowly shifting higher and higher,
You can return to your physical body any time you desire to do so, simply by
intending to do so,
There is nothing to fear, you are completely protected and safe while you
travel out of your body
As you cross over completely into your new perspective, rising higher and
higher with every motion,
Every movement lifting you, every thought and intnention and impulse you have
is drawing you out of your body, you are now ready to transfer your awareness
into your energy body
You are now ready to travel out of your body,
You have a new perspective now, a freshly emerged traveling awareness
Continue rising and shifting your awareness
Keep lifting and transferring your awareness
until you find yourself completely existing in your energy body
Allow it to happen and it will
Go with the motion, feel the movement and go with the flow
until you find yourself completely out of your body
Hovering and existing, full conscious, and fully aware,
Ready to travel anywhere you choose once you realize that you are out of your
Continue this process of lifting
Continue this motion, moving your awareness upwards and out
Taking your perception with you until you are out of your body
Continue to go with the flow
And concentrate on nothing but the feeling of your rising out,
Focus entirely on the sensing and perception of lifting up and out
Over and over, as it become more and more real
Keep focusing on this sensation and this sensation alone, lifting and shifting,
..continue making this your new “reality" until you realize that you are out
of body
remember that in the non-physical realm your perception is your reality
and you can make it real simply by allowing it to be perceived
and if you keep perceiving this new emerging mode of perception.
you WILL undoubtedly have an out of body experience,
keep experiencing this process of lifting up and out for the rest of this
from this moment on you will continue developing and cultivating and
experiencing this process of rising up and out
until you are out of your body and free to travel anywhere while you are out of
your body
Keep at it from this moment on.
Lifting and shifting up and out


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