SHSpec 63 6506C08 Handling the PTS

6506C08 SHSpec-63 Handling the PTS

LRH is working on the final plots of R6 GPM's. Some corrections have
been needed. He has found three GPM's run out of the middle of the bank by
mistake, which turned on bursitis. He has the first six GPM's of the track
run out absolutely correctly.

Doubt and wonder about ethics is appearing in some places. All we are
doing is developing systems to handle the public. Students and staff are
colliding with ethics, which has the benefit of giving them familiarity with
it. "If you don't have a system of law and order, you will never have law and
order. You will just have cruelty, duress, suddenness, revenge," sudden acts
of surprising retribution, etc. Without uniform justice, you would get chaos,
especially with OT's in operation. Clausewitz said that war is a means of
bringing about a more amenable frame of mind on the part of the enemy. In his
ignorance of this principle, FDR kept World War II going after Germany and
Japan were ready to surrender, by demanding unconditional surrender. This was
a costly and stupid thing to do. If you fail to halt war when a more amenable
frame of mind has been reached, you are a fool. War should not go beyond that
point. This principle should be kept in mind by scientologists and orgs, when
under attack. There are elements of the society that are at war with
scientology, because they are stuck in past incidents of fighting enemies.
You should take action against someone who is trying to keep you from doing
your job, but how much action? Just enough to being about a more amenable
frame of mind. All you want to enforce on the entheta artist in the
environment is a certain degree of politeness. Don't get fixated on the

We want to bring service to the 80+% who are doing well and contentedly.
Since fixating on the 20% who are snarling and fuming takes attention from the
80%, we should simply cut comm with the 20%. Once there is a set procedure
for handling SP's, once the executive can enforce a little more politeness on
his environment, the exec can then reach, because he has a method of doing
so. Now there is something he can do about it.

You want the auditor and the executive in a frame of mind to service the
80%, not the 20%. Execs tend to wind up with the entheta comm, because they
are supposed to handle it.

One tends to get fixated on the "maybe" cases -- the ones that aren't
running perfectly smoothly. There are only two sources of difficulty with

1. The auditing comm cycle.

2. PTS.

You can make mistakes everywhere else and still get by. Of course, there is
also the GAE as a source of difficulty. You can check out both: the auditor
to review to have his comm cycle checked out and the PC to ethics to see if he
is PTS. The D of P doesn't get a chance to talk in detail to the auditor and
the PC. This can be done in Qual. You don't just let the poor comm cycle
continue, hoping that it will get better. If the auditor is uncooperative,
he goes to ethics, until he has a more amenable frame of mind.

In an exec cannot handle the isolated goofers, he will get savage towards
everybody. If you cannot handle the criminal, you pass suppressive laws that
penalize everybody. [Inspection before the fact.] Governments police
everybody because of the goofs of a few. Most arbitrary rulings by any
authority result from failures to handle the guy who goofed, with subsequent
desperation and savagery. [Cf. earlier statement by LRH that an organization
is only necessary when there is a failure to handle an individual. See p.
328, above.]

A PC who just won't run on average processing is PTS or an SP, inevitably
and invariably. LRH found that we couldn't handle the PTS individual with
auditing, especially with processing below the level of Power processing.
PTS's are likely to come to you for help, so you had better know that they
need ethics or power processing. Anything else will make the PTS individual
rollercoaster, because someone is ARC breaking him faster than you can fix him
up. When you say that "a person has been suppressed by the environment faster
than you could process him out of it," what you mean is that there is an SP in
the environment who wrecks his gains. The PTS PC often doesn't spot the SP.

You must get the PTS individual to ethics and find the SP. Suppressive
persons commonly speak in total generalities. They broaden and generalize
entheta, so their identity broadens and generalizes. People commonly can't
spot the SP because of the generality around him. Check the PTS individual
for who he is connected to that doesn't like scientology. Do this check on a
meter, and watch it fall off the pin. Have the PT individual handle or
disconnect. If you get the wrong person, the PC won't handle or disconnect.
If you are right, he will. The PTS gives enough trouble, so that you may not
care to help him forther. But when you do attempt to find the SP, you should
hunt and punch around enough to get a good result. If you find the right
person as the SP, the PC's face will light up, the TA will blow down, and the
PC will then handle or disconnect with VGI's.

No TA = no case gain = PTS or SP. Trying to process a PTS will:

1. Raise his tone.

2. Thereby double the SP's attacks on him.

3. Therefore cave him in worse than he was to begin with.

You can tell a PTS by looking for roller-coaster: periodic gains and
collapse. No gain ever, or no TA (less than ten divs) = SP. That is all you
need to look for. You've got to have ethics to handle this.

With this data, you can make releases, handle students' cases, Free
Scientology Center cases, etc. You don't have to slam the door in anybody's
face. The PTS gets told to handle or disconnect before he gets more
auditing. The SP gets told that he has a very rough case, which can only be
handled at St. Hill. "In a couple of years, we'll have auditors here who can
handle you here," you could say. "In the meantime, stay away, because it's
very restimulative to you." This is true, too!

It is an unkindness not to label someone suppressive, who actually is an
SP. One way to handle someone who sends in entheta comm is simply to deadfile
him. You have to bring about a more amenable frame of mind on his part before
you audit him or comm with him. Don't let auditors go on flubbing. Send them
to ethics, so that they realize the importance of applying the tech right.

Know also that we will have an impact on this society; that organizations
will fold up under the onslaught of the technology, no matter how nice and
theetie-weetie we are. We've got to hold the line and give service while we
expand. We would like to have organizations smoothly reorganize.

To run power processing, we need all the back-up of the organizations:
ethics, D of P, and full admin. There is no one nastier than someone who has
been dished by power processes, by the way. It would be disaster to have
someone trying to run power in the field. It isn't the D of P'ing or the
auditing that is hard to do. It is the fact that it needs to become an
assembly line, which requires a high degree of perfection of organization.
Even on lower-level processes, it is best to have a team, to handle PTS's,
SP's, and admin. Psychoanalysis had a certain degree of workability. It got
across the idea that psychosomatic illness stems from the mind. The mind
monitors and dominates structure. "If the mind is left alone, in a large
number of cases, the endocrine treatment [as in the time when LRH
psychoanalyzed half of a group of people who were taking male hormones and
found that those he talked with responded better to the hormones than the
others] will not monitor structure.... But when you remove a few psychic
blocks, ... all of a sudden ... it bites, and monitors structure.... You
could change ... diet, exercise, ... operating environment ... -- anything,"
and it would make no difference. LRH just used Freudian analysis on that
project: "what we would call, today, 'straightwire'." But as a subject,
psychoanalysis has failed, because the individual practitioner had no way to
ride herd on or handle the PTS's and SP's in his practice. Furthermore, he
had no free time or attention to do research. He might have discovered power
processing if he had. The subject never grew, because it never developed an
organization that would carry forward the research.

Our danger is only that, as we move forward, the technology will get
shattered by alter-is. That must be guarded against. Then the technology
must be applied. Now it collides with society, psychiatry, doctors, etc."
You say, "All I want to do is go free.' OK. You go into a condition of
power. Now the most serious thing you can do is to disconnect. It's the
quickest way to bring about a collapse. You have been woven into the race and
the universe too long to just suddenly pack it up. You pack it up; it'll pack
you up."

We have a double route [to enlightenment]: by study and by processing.
We haven't begun to explore what can be done by study alone. One area you
can't go through with study and thought alone is the R6 bank. Mere study
won't help a person, beyond release. He'd finish up at Level V [Grade V].
There is a tiger between release and clear. You aren't going to go through
the H6 bank by just changing your mind. That has to be gotten rid of
utterly. Release might or might not occur just from the cognitions you would
get from increased understanding.

The Gradation Chart actually goes as many as seventy levels below -34.
The interpretation of the scale is tricky, because it is what the person is
aware of, not what he manifests. That a person is always "numb" does not
place him at -10 on the scale [Numbness]. What is important is, "Is this
person aware of the fact that he is always numb?" If a guy could only be aware
of false causes, without knowing that they were false, then he would be at
"false cause" on the scale. If he knew that a false cause was false, he would
be above that level, as when he is willing to accept your statement that
babies come from under cabbage leaves, because it is a false cause. Let's say
the guy says, "Hey: What do you know: I just realized that I'm always after
changes!" Well, there he is, at -4 [Need of Change]. You might say that the
PC's level on the Awareness Scale is his "cognition level". The guy who never
cogs is just not being trained or processed at the level where he could
cognite. He is over his head. Cogs come on a gradient, too.

Power processing takes anyone, no matter where he is, and "yanks them up
with a thud to [Level] IV. "The PC recovers a terrific ability to know, to be
aware, without necessarily attaining any more [knowledge] than [he] knew
before." Probably, this will just be redoubled at clear and OT. Here, also,
he can create things, which he couldn't do before. He will not know more
about how to do that by having been [a clear or an OT], but his present level
of beingness is such that his ability to grasp and act upon the potential [of
a situation], to assimilate and accomplish at that particular line [whatever
line he is in] is just lightning-fast. He only knows what he knew before as
well as he knew it before. No matter how clear you clear him, he only knows
what he knew before. You don't increase his knowledge. You increase his
awareness of his present [environment].

An individual will never make it without being trained in something."
The first thing he's going to be aware of, as he moves out of a comatose Wog
state into a higher level of action, ... is scientology.... It's the first
thing there to be aware of, ... to study, and [it] leads to a higher ability
level." The cruelest thing you could do to somebody would be to audit him all
the way to clear with no auditor training. "He has this terrific potential to
know, and you haven't made it possible for him to assimilate the technology
which has brought him to this state." It puts him in a dreadful confusion.
He has no understanding. He wonders, "How did I get here? Where's "here'?" It
would be better to audit him up to release, then train him up as far as he's
been audited (Level IV), then give him tools to go on up to clear, then give
him an organization to use those benefits in. He needs to know how others
function. Let him know. Then you have given him a familiarity with the
existence around him. He has increased his span of knowledge of what is in
scientology. He has increased his organizational scope. He has come up to an
understanding of the usefulness of the various tools of scientology, and he has also found out that these new states are moving up into a type of civilization that can also exist. This will raise his responsibility.

With all this, you are not going to have a lot of catastrophe. You are
going to have happy people. This is taking a totality of responsibility. You
must take responsibility for powerful knowledge. Look what happened to the
atom bomb. The nut who invented that took no responsibility for it. We have
a powerful technology. for the first time, we have a total grip on knowledge
of the universe and can bring people up with an express elevator. We take as
much responsibility as possible. You have to take responsibility for
knowledge to the degree that it is powerful. We had better measure up to our
power, in all ways.
