Games Database games database procedures

################################################################################### create or replace procedure procedure_1 as begin declare CURSOR finding is select * from positions where P_RELASE_DATE > sysdate-360; found positions%ROWTYPE; begin LOOP FETCH finding INTO found; EXIT WHEN finding%NOTFOUND; DBMS_output.put_line('1 '||found.P_TITLE||''); DBMS_output.put_line('2 '||found.P_SUB_TITLE||''); DBMS_output.put_line('3 '||found.P_RELASE_DATE||''); END LOOP; CLOSE finding ; END; end; / Create or replace procedure show_games(devid number) as num integer; CURSOR found IS SELECT G_ORIGINAL_TITLE,G_ORIGINAL_SUB_TITLE FROM GAMES where G_DEVELOPER_FK = devid ; no_found EXCEPTION; BEGIN if found%FOUND THEN for num IN found LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Game : ' || num.G_ORIGINAL_TITLE || ' ' || num.G_ORIGINAL_SUB_TITLE); END LOOP; ELSE raise no_found; END IF; EXCEPTION when no_found THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('@@@ No games found from this developer @@@'); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE show_positions AS BEGIN declare CURSOR TAKE_DATA IS SELECT P_TITLE, P_SUB_TITLE, P_RELASE_DATE from POSITIONS; begin FOR var IN TAKE_DATA LOOP DBMS_output.put_line('TITLE: ' ||var.P_TITLE|| ' SUBTITLE: ' || var.P_SUB_TITLE|| ' RELASE DATE: ' || var.P_RELASE_DATE ); END LOOP; end; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE show_positions2 AS BEGIN declare CURSOR jan IS SELECT P_TITLE, P_SUB_TITLE, P_RELASE_DATE from POSITIONS WHERE P_RELASE_DATE between '01-jan-06' and LAST_DAY (TO_DATE ('01','MM')); CURSOR feb IS SELECT P_TITLE, P_SUB_TITLE, P_RELASE_DATE from POSITIONS WHERE P_RELASE_DATE between '01-feb-06' and LAST_DAY (TO_DATE ('02','MM')); CURSOR mar IS SELECT P_TITLE, P_SUB_TITLE, P_RELASE_DATE from POSITIONS WHERE P_RELASE_DATE between '01-mar-06' and LAST_DAY (TO_DATE ('03','MM')); begin FOR var IN mar LOOP DBMS_output.put_line('TITLE: ' ||var.P_TITLE|| ' SUBTITLE: ' || var.P_SUB_TITLE|| ' RELASE DATE: ' || var.P_RELASE_DATE ); END LOOP; end; END; / @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ procedury zwiazane z data @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ################################################################################### ZMIANA DATY WYDANIA GRY WZGLEDEM ID GRY NA SYSTEMOWA ################################################################################### create or replace procedure change_Date1(id number) as num INTEGER; no_position EXCEPTION; begin SELECT count(*) INTO num FROM POSITIONS WHERE P_ID=id; If num=0 then RAISE no_position; Else update POSITIONS set P_RELASE_DATE = sysdate where P_ID=id; dbms_output.put_line('### Position updated ###'); End If; exception when no_position then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ No such position !!! @@@'); end; / ################################################################################### ZMIANA DATY WYDANIA GRY WZGLEDEM ID GRY NA DOWOLNA ################################################################################### create or replace procedure change_Date2(id number, data date) as num INTEGER; no_position EXCEPTION; begin SELECT count(*) INTO num FROM POSITIONS WHERE P_ID=id; If num=0 then RAISE no_position; Else update POSITIONS set P_RELASE_DATE = data where P_ID=id; dbms_output.put_line('### Position updated ###'); ENd If; exception when no_position then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ No such position in databese !!! @@@'); end; / ################################################################################### ZMIANA DATY WYDANIA GRY WZGLEDEM TYTULU GRY NA DOWOLNA ################################################################################### create or replace procedure change_Date3(title char, data date) as num INTEGER; no_position EXCEPTION; begin SELECT count(*) INTO num FROM POSITIONS WHERE P_TITLE=title; If num=0 then RAISE no_position; Else update POSITIONS set P_RELASE_DATE = data where P_TITLE=title; dbms_output.put_line('### Position updated ###'); ENd If; exception when no_position then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ No such position !!! @@@'); end; / ################################################################################### ILE GIER ZOSTALO WYDANYCH W PRZEDZIALE data1 i data2 ################################################################################### create or replace procedure how_many(data1 date, data2 date) as num INTEGER; no_position EXCEPTION; begin SELECT count(*) INTO num FROM POSITIONS WHERE P_RELASE_DATE between data1 and data2; If num=0 then RAISE no_position; Else dbms_output.put_line('||num||'); ENd If; exception when no_position then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ No such position acepting criteria @@@'); end; / @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ procedury zwiazane z dodawaniem nowego elementu do tablicy @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEGO DEVELOPERA ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_DEVELOPER(name char, town char, country char, www char) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from DEVELOPERS where D_NAME=name and D_COUNTRY=country; select count(*) into the_same2 from DEVELOPERS where D_NAME=name or D_COUNTRY=country; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into DEVELOPERS values(1, name, town, country, www); DBMS_output.put_line('### Developer '||name||' '||town||' '||country||''||www||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into DEVELOPERS values(1, name, town, country, www); DBMS_output.put_line('### Developer '||name||' '||town||' '||country||' '||www||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same developers in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same developers in databese !!! @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEGO PUBLISHERA ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_PUBLISHER(name char, town char, country char, www char) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from PUBLISHERS where P_NAME=name and P_COUNTRY=country; select count(*) into the_same2 from PUBLISHERS where P_NAME=name or P_COUNTRY=country; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into PUBLISHERS values(1, name, town, country, www); DBMS_output.put_line('### Publisher '||name||' '||town||' '||country||''||www||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into PUBLISHERS values(1, name, town, country, www); DBMS_output.put_line('### Publisher '||name||' '||town||' '||country||' '||www||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same developers in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same developers in databese !!! @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEGO TYPU GRY ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_type(name char, abb char) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from Types where T_NAME=name and T_ABBREVIATION=abb; select count(*) into the_same2 from Types where T_NAME=name or T_ABBREVIATION=abb; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into Types values(1, name, abb); DBMS_output.put_line('### Type '||name||' '||abb||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into Types values(1, name, abb); DBMS_output.put_line('### Type '||name||' '||abb||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same types of games !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same types of games !!! @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEGO JEZYKA GRY ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_LANGUAGE(name char, abb char) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from LANGUAGES where L_NAME=name and L_ABBREVIATION=abb; select count(*) into the_same2 from LANGUAGES where L_NAME=name or L_ABBREVIATION=abb; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into LANGUAGES values(1, name, abb); DBMS_output.put_line('### Language '||name||' '||abb||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into LANGUAGES values(1, name, abb); DBMS_output.put_line('### Language '||name||' '||abb||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same languages in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same languages in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Element with the same name OR abbreviation occured @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEJ PLATFORMY ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_PLATFORM(name char, abb char) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from PLATFORMS where P_NAME=name and P_ABBREVIATION=abb; select count(*) into the_same2 from PLATFORMS where P_NAME=name or P_ABBREVIATION=abb; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into PLATFORMS values(1, name, abb); DBMS_output.put_line('### Platform '||name||' '||abb||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into PLATFORMS values(1, name, abb); DBMS_output.put_line('### Platform '||name||' '||abb||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same platforms in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same platforms in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Element with the same name OR abbreviation occured @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEJ GRY ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_GAME(title char, subtitle char, dev number, type number, lan number, pla number) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from GAMES where G_ORIGINAL_TITLE=title and G_ORIGINAL_SUB_TITLE=subtitle; select count(*) into the_same2 from GAMES where G_ORIGINAL_TITLE=title or G_ORIGINAL_SUB_TITLE=subtitle; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into GAMES values(1, title, subtitle, dev, type, lan, pla); DBMS_output.put_line('### Game '||title||' '||subtitle||' '||dev||' '||type||' '||lan||' '||pla||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into GAMES values(1, title, subtitle, dev, type, lan, pla); DBMS_output.put_line('### Game '||title||' '||subtitle||' '||dev||' '||type||' '||lan||' '||pla||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same games in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same games in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Element with the same name OR abbreviation occured @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### DODAWANIE NOWEJ POZYCJI ################################################################################### create or replace procedure add_POSITION(game number, lan number, pub number, data date, title char, subtitle char) as the_same INTEGER; the_same2 INTEGER; already_exist EXCEPTION; already_exist2 EXCEPTION; begin select count(*) into the_same from POSITIONS where P_TITLE=title and P_SUB_TITLE=subtitle; select count(*) into the_same2 from POSITIONS where P_TITLE=title or P_SUB_TITLE=subtitle; if the_same>0 then raise already_exist; else insert into POSITIONS values(1, game, lan, pub, data, title, subtitle); DBMS_output.put_line('### Game '||game||' '||lan||' '||pub||' '||data||' '||title||' '||subtitle||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; if the_same2>0 then raise already_exist2; else insert into POSITIONS values(1, game, lan, pub, data, title, subtitle); DBMS_output.put_line('### Game '||game||' '||lan||' '||pub||' '||data||' '||title||' '||subtitle||' has been added ###'); commit; end if; exception when already_exist then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same positions in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Identical element was found in the table @@@'); when already_exist2 then dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Cant have 2 the same positions in databese !!! @@@'); dbms_output.put_line('@@@ Element with the same name OR abbreviation occured @@@'); END; / ################################################################################### @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ procedury zwiazane z usuwaniem nowego elementu do tablicy @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ create or replace procedure remove_type(Name CHAR, abb CHAR) as num integer; none exception; BEGIN select count(*) into num from types where T_Name=Name and T_ABBREVIATION=abb; if num = 0 then raise none; else DELETE FROM types WHERE T_Name=Name and T_ABBREVIATION=abb; DBMS_output.put_line('Type : ' || Name || ' ' || abb ||' has been deleted!'); end if; exception when none then DBMS_output.put_line('No such type exists in database !'); END; / execute procedure_1; execute show_games(1); execute show_positions; execute show_positions2; execute change_Date1( 1 ); execute change_Date2( 1,22-JUL-06 ); execute change_Date3('S.T.A.L.K.E.R.',22-JUL-06); execute how_many( 05-JAN-06 , 30-MAR-06 ); execute how_many2; execute add_type ( 'First Person Perspective', 'FPP' ); execute add_language( 'Vietnamiese', 'VIET' ); execute remove_type( 'First Person Perspective', 'FPP' );


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