Point2D Double

Point2D.Double (Java Platform SE 6) function windowTitle() { if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) { parent.document.title="Point2D.Double (Java Platform SE 6)"; } } Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help  Java™ PlatformStandard Ed. 6  PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD java.awt.geom Class Point2D.Double java.lang.Object java.awt.geom.Point2D java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double All Implemented Interfaces: Serializable, Cloneable Enclosing class:Point2D public static class Point2D.Doubleextends Point2Dimplements Serializable The Double class defines a point specified in double precision. Since: 1.2 See Also:Serialized Form Nested Class Summary   Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.geom.Point2D Point2D.Double, Point2D.Float   Field Summary  double x           The X coordinate of this Point2D.  double y           The Y coordinate of this Point2D.   Constructor Summary Point2D.Double()           Constructs and initializes a Point2D with coordinates (0, 0). Point2D.Double(double x, double y)           Constructs and initializes a Point2D with the specified coordinates.   Method Summary  double getX()           Returns the X coordinate of this Point2D in double precision.  double getY()           Returns the Y coordinate of this Point2D in double precision.  void setLocation(double x, double y)           Sets the location of this Point2D to the specified double coordinates.  String toString()           Returns a String that represents the value of this Point2D.   Methods inherited from class java.awt.geom.Point2D clone, distance, distance, distance, distanceSq, distanceSq, distanceSq, equals, hashCode, setLocation   Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait   Field Detail x public double x The X coordinate of this Point2D. Since: 1.2 y public double y The Y coordinate of this Point2D. Since: 1.2 Constructor Detail Point2D.Double public Point2D.Double() Constructs and initializes a Point2D with coordinates (0, 0). Since: 1.2 Point2D.Double public Point2D.Double(double x, double y) Constructs and initializes a Point2D with the specified coordinates. Parameters:x - the X coordinate of the newly constructed Point2Dy - the Y coordinate of the newly constructed Point2DSince: 1.2 Method Detail getX public double getX() Returns the X coordinate of this Point2D in double precision. Specified by:getX in class Point2D Returns:the X coordinate of this Point2D.Since: 1.2 getY public double getY() Returns the Y coordinate of this Point2D in double precision. Specified by:getY in class Point2D Returns:the Y coordinate of this Point2D.Since: 1.2 setLocation public void setLocation(double x, double y) Sets the location of this Point2D to the specified double coordinates. Specified by:setLocation in class Point2D Parameters:x - the new X coordinate of this Point2Dy - the new Y coordinate of this Point2DSince: 1.2 toString public String toString() Returns a String that represents the value of this Point2D. Overrides:toString in class Object Returns:a string representation of this Point2D.Since: 1.2 Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help  Java™ PlatformStandard Ed. 6  PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD Submit a bug or featureFor further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples. Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.


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