(10 FREE Secrets Below!)
(52) Mind Power Secrets Help You Grow
Into Genius
"You'll Think Your Way To A Better Life"
Exclusive Private ebook.
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or anywhere else on the internet.
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Subject: "Genius Mind Power Secrets"
From: Terry Goss
52 Mind Power Secrets.com
My dear mental friend, I'm happy to share with you, my powerful mind power
When you increase your mind power, you literally think your way to a better life;
even into genius.
You think and grow better relationships. You think and grow mentally stronger. You
think and grow a successful business or get a new promotion. You can even think
and grow rich!
My name is Terry Goss, founder of The Mental Education Company. I'll share with
you (52) powerful mental secrets that'll help you quickly grow in mind power.
Successful secrets that have worked for me throughout (31) years. Each secret is
proven and tested.
Study each secret carefully. When you apply a secret to your life, you'll begin to
mentally grow into genius. The quality of your life will improve.
Here's what a few happy customers have to say:
Hello Terry,
"Reading 52 mind power secrets gave me a totally different and
empowering perspective on the workings of my mind. It felt great to
finally acknowledge that I had the power to decide what thoughts would
go through my mind, whereas before, my external environment was
solely responsible for this. Surely this is a must read for anyone who
wants to experience new personal power".
-- Duke Anassi
Perth, WA.
"Hi Terry, I love your e-books! Especially the 52 Mind Power Secrets.
They've really helped me out a lot. Now when tormenting thoughts start
flooding my mind, I find myself thinking, "hey, this is my kingdom and
I'll have none of those thoughts." Then I banish them all. Thank you
Terry, for sharing your wisdom, God bless you!"
-- Michelle Royal
Dallas, Tx. USA
"52 mind power secrets in a great book.
Everything in this world has been achieved because someone first
thought about it. If you want to start your life of happiness and success
then the BEST place to start right here.
52 mind power secrets is an amazing, simple straight to the point book.
It gives you simple effective clear ways of how to take control of your
mind and begin the process to a positive life.
Terry Goss done an excellent job at writing this book. I can really go on
and but just GET the book.....period!!
Take control of your life today"
--Craig Benfield USA
"I think the '52 Mind Power Secrets' should be read by everyone who's
looking to understand himself/herself better. This eBook offers a different
way of understanding yourself by viewing yourself as primarily a thinking
The secrets discussed in this eBook have helped me and I believe they
can help anyone who approaches them with an open mind. I highly
recommend this book to all!"
Thanks, Terry!
--Behnam Moradian
Montreal, Canada
"Terry, the information and content of what I have read, is solid, down to
earth and practical. Whoever needs to read your material will come
across it at the right time. Thank you for allowing me to download your
book. I have recommended people to go and check out your site, and
look forward to what you offer in the future".
--Shirley Emilio
Algarve, Portugal
P.S. Results are guaranteed. If you don't grow, you don't pay (but you still get to
keep all (4) Bonuses below).
This is an electronic book you can read on your computer screen, save, or
print and read at your leisure).
Here's How You Benefit :
You Enjoy Peace Of Mind.
You Appear Smarter To Your Family And Friends.
You Enjoy Fresh New Life-Changing Ideas.
You Think Solutions To Your Tough Problems.
You Increase Your Mental I.Q.
Your Mind Starts Working With You, Instead Of Against You.
You Become Friends With Your Subconscious Mind.
You Improve Your Decision-Making Skills.
Below is a list of all (52) Mind Power Secrets, and a
sample of the first (10).
� Copyright 2001 52MindPowerSecrets.com All Rights Reserved.
#1). "Break Up The Mental Mutiny"
#2). "Watch What You Think About"
#3). "Don't Ask,-Command Your Thoughts"
#4). "Run Your Mind Like A Kingdom"
#5). "Repair The Communications System With Your Subconscious Mind"
#6). "Don't Get Out Of Bed Without A Mental Plan"
#7). "Realize That You Think Thoughts You Aren't Aware Of"
#8). "Realize That Some Of Your Thoughts May Be Evil"
#9). "Issue Assignments To Your Thoughts And Expect Results"
#10). "When You Think, Act. Don't Wait For A Second Chance"
#11). "Stop Relying So Much On Chance Or Luck"
#12). "Stop Adopting Alien Thoughts"
#13). "Get Rid Of Your Grain Of Doubt"
#14). "To Make Retrieval Easier, Prioritize Your Thoughts"
#15). "When In A Rush, Stop For Three Seconds"
#16). "Learn To Think Faster"
#17). "Think Better Quality Thoughts"
#18). "Put Your Lazy Thoughts To Work"
#19). "Master The Art Of Programming Your Mind"
#20). "Develop Programs That Create And Manage Other Programs"
#21). "Realize You Think Hundreds Of Thoughts Each Day"
#22). "Always Use A Priority System"
#23). "Stop Letting Your Thoughts Push You Around"
#24). "Start Executing The Death Penalty On Your Unworthy Evil Thoughts"
#25). "Get A Good Mental Education"
#26). "For Goodness Sakes, Turn On The Lights"
#27). "Have Your Subconscious Mind Screen Your Words Before You Speak"
#28). "Issue Arrest Warrants Against Your Fugitive Evil Thoughts"
#29). "Plan Your Mental Events Way Ahead Of Time"
#30). "Start Ruling Your Thoughts With Tenderness And Love"
#31). "Watch Your Self-Talk"
#32). "Stop Leaving The Creator Out"
#33). "Never Stop Growing Mentally"
#34). "Realize Thoughts Use Energy"
#35). "Become A Detailed Careful Thinker"
#36). "Realize Thoughts Give Birth To Other Thoughts"
#37). "Know That Peace And Joy Can't Live With Torment And Sorrow"
#38). "Look At The Big Eternal Picture"
#39). "Develop A Close Relationship With Your Subconscious Mind"
#40). "Keep Creating"
#41). "Face It, It's Think Or Sink"
#42). "Consider Your Thoughts As Citizens Of Your Mental Kingdom"
#43). "Stop Relying So Much On Other People's Thoughts"
#44). "Get Rid Of Your Old Childhood Programs"
#45). "Develop A Program Habit Of Using Your Subconscious Mind Every Day"
#46). "Stop Blindly Trusting That Still Small Voice"
#47). "Question The Origin Of Your Suspect Thoughts"
#48). "Destroy Those Profanity Programs"
#49). "Realize That Your Thought Kingdom Is Huge"
#50). "Don't Forget To Build Your Character"
#51). "Make Sure Peace Reigns Throughout Your Mind"
#52). "Get Rid Of Those Demon Spies"
Deluxe Edition
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Regular Edition
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If within (60) days, for any reason, or no reason at all, you're not satisfied,
I'll quickly refund every penny; without question or dispute (but you still get to
keep all (4) Bonuses below).
"365 Secret Mental Revelations"
You get your free copy of my newly finished e-manual of 365 secret mental
It's an exciting electronic manual of 365 private mental proverbs that reveal the
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Click Here for your sample look inside!
"Will The Real Subconscious Mind, Please Stand Up!"
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This enlightening e-course will arrive in your inbox every other day. Each
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Click Here for your sample look inside!
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It's an intriguing report that gives you deep insight into your subconscious mind
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Click Here for your sample look inside!
"As A Man Thinketh"
You get your free copy of the valuable timeless classic: "As A Man Thinketh". It's
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Deluxe Edition
Click Here For Your (10) FREE Deluxe Edition Samples
Regular Edition
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Terry Goss
Terry Goss
52 Mind Power Secrets
P.S. Remember, you get (52) powerful mind power secrets, (4) free bonuses,
and a 60 day guarantee; which states that for any reason, or for no reason at all,
you're not satisfied, you'll get every penny of your money back, but still get to
keep all (4) bonuses.
P.P.S. Remember, this is an exclusive private ebook. Not available in
bookstores, or anywhere else on the internet.
Terry Goss
52 Mind Power Secrets.com
1921 West Hood Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60660 USA
Another Great Product From:
"The Mental Education Company"
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