137 be grammar articles3

businessenglishsite.com | exercise collection
Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Choose the right article 3
Choose the best response for each question:
1. That's __________________________ interesting suggestion.
a) an b) the c) NO ARTICLE
2. How far have you gotten with __________________________ report?
a) a b) the c) NO ARTICLE
3. Every company needs __________________________ good project manager.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
4. Q: Are they reliable? A: Yes, they always deliver on __________________________ time.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
5. We have to draw up _________________ new business plan. The old one isn't good enough.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
6. If we don't follow these regulations, we'll get in _________________ trouble with the local
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
7. I've worked on __________________________ similar projects at my last job.
a) NO ARTICLE b) the c) a
8. Q: Is that your boss? A: No, that's __________________________ CEO. (There's only one)
a) a b) the c) NO ARTICLE
9. I'm not happy with __________________________ logo they designed for us.
a) a b) the c) NO ARTICLE
10. That's not _________________________ good strategy. We have to think of something better.
a) the b) NO ARTICLE c) a
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Business English Grammar Exercise | Topic: Choose the right article 3
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) c


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