page 37

page_37 < previous page page_37 next page > Page 37 6 Increase Leading to Lighten Weight In Chapter 1, I wrote about the weight or color of a type mass. This critical factor can be altered by increasing line spacing. A page that is too dark can be lightened by adding leading. Two points of leading between lines of 10-point type is the addition of 20 percent white space, which dilutes the color of the type mass. 7 Adjust Spacing after Typesetting There are times when you must adjust spacing so that the reader is not misled. A small example? When the last line of a paragraph is short, it can create what appears to be extra white space above the next subheading. By eliminating some or all of this extra space, you make all the subheadings appear to have the same spacing. It's creative "cheating." Here's an example of creative cheating. The line above the first heading is short and would have left too much space above the heading. But a minor adjustment prevented that. Even though there is less space between the lines of text above and below the first head, the visual effect is one of equal spacing.  < previous page page_37 next page >


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