language operators

OperatorsPHP ManualPrevNextChapter 10. OperatorsTable of ContentsArithmetic OperatorsAssignment OperatorsBitwise OperatorsComparison OperatorsError control OperatorsExecution OperatorsIncrementing/Decrementing OperatorsLogical OperatorsOperator PrecedenceString Operators Arithmetic Operators Remember basic arithmetic from school? These work just like those. Table 10-1. Arithmetic Operatorsexamplenameresult$a + $bAdditionSum of $a and $b.$a - $bSubtractionDifference of $a and $b.$a * $bMultiplicationProduct of $a and $b.$a / $bDivisionQuotient of $a and $b.$a % $bModulusRemainder of $a divided by $b.PrevHomeNextExpressionsUpAssignment Operators

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language operators comparison
language operators increment
language operators errorcontrol
language operators bitwise
language operators array
language operators execution
language operators arithmetic
language operators bitwise
language operators precedence
language operators execution
language operators errorcontrol
language operators increment
language operators comparison
language operators
language operators precedence

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