130813122027 bbc tews 138 phone slang

BBC Learning English
The English We Speak
27 August 2013
Phone slang
Finn: Hi, and welcome to The English We Speak. I'm Finn.
Feifei: And I'm Feifei. This is the programme in which we teach English slang,
idioms and new language in general.
(Buzzing sound)
Feifei: What was that?
Finn: Oh sorry, I was going to mention I brought along some sound effects
today from the BBC sound effects cupboard.
(Buzzing sound)
Finn: That one there, was a& well how would you describe it, Feifei?
Feifei: A buzz?
Finn: Yes, a buzz, very good. Now another one, much lighter this time&
(Tinkle sounds)
Feifei: Yes  I'd call that sound a kind of tinkling sound.
Finn: A tinkle. OK, we've had a buzz and a tinkle, now listen to this&
(Bell sound)
Feifei: Well, that's easy  it's a bell.
Finn: Absolutely right. A buzz, a tinkle and a bell&
Feifei: OK  I'm hoping you're going to explain the connection with English
Finn: Well, it's about this&
(Phone ringing sound)
Finn: & phones. All three words can be used instead of the word 'call' in this
I'll give you a call later tonight.
The English We Speak © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Feifei: I'll give you a call. Right  we could say:
I'll give you a buzz later tonight.
Finn: Or:
I'll give you a tinkle later tonight.
Finn: Or, yes, you guessed it:
I'll give you a bell later tonight.
Finn: That's it, easy. Right; so you now have three new ways to talk about
making phone calls. But what about the word for phone itself?
(Dog barking sound)
Feifei: OK  well, that was the sound of a dog!
Finn: That was my dog, Frankie. Shhh, Frankie! Believe it or not  'dog' is a
slang word for 'phone'  it comes from a special kind of London slang
called Cockney rhyming slang&
Feifei: Yes  this is a good one. Dogs like bones, and the phrase 'dog and bone'
rhymes with 'phone'& Dog and bone, phone!
Finn: It does, in some parts of the UK you'll hear it used in the same way as
the phrase: 'on the phone'& So, you'll hear: 'on the dog'.
A: Where's Malcolm?
B: He's on the dog.
A: Tell him to come and find me when he finishes, ok?
(Dog barking sound)
Finn: Be quiet, Frankie! On the dog. Great, so we've heard buzzes, tinkles and
bells  even a dog, and now  one more: listen very carefully&
(Finn blows on microphone)
Feifei: Finn, you're blowing onto the microphone&
The English We Speak © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Finn: I am indeed. Another word for 'phone', used in the same way as 'dog', is
Feifei: As in, you're on the blower&
Finn: On the blower. Perfect.
Marc's been on the blower for three hours!
Philip loves to talk on the phone. He's always on the blower.
Finn: Great  I hope we've learned some useful expressions today! And hope
the lovely BBC sound effects can help you remember them&
Feifei: Actually, I have one sound effect for you:
(Lion roaring)
Finn: A lion?!
Feifei: Indeed&
Finn: Oh, I don't know this slang expression, Feifei. It must be very new! So,
can we say: 'I'm on the lion'?
Feifei: No&
Finn: Or, maybe: 'Give me a lion'?
Feifei: No, again, I'm afraid&
Finn: Or: 'That's the lion ringing'?
Feifei: No. It has nothing to do with phone slang, I just like the sound of lions
(Lion roaring)
Finn: (sighs) Join us again for more The English We Speak.
Feifei: Bye.
Finn: Bye.
The English We Speak © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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