language test 12b (2)

language TeST 12b
unit 12
Name: _________________________________________ Score: ____________ / 30 points
1 Complete the missing words. The lines show you how 4 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the
many letters to use. (5 points) verbs in brackets. (9 points)
This meat is really t o u g h. I can t cut it! A What do you fancy doing (do) tonight?
B I don t know& Would you like 1__________
1 I didn t buy this cake in a shop, I made it
(eat) out or in?
myself  it s _ _ m _ - _ _ _ k _ d.
A Let s go out. Mum doesn t let me 2__________
2 I ve got a new book with _ _ c _ p _ s, there
(use) the kitchen now.
are lots of interesting dishes I would like to
B Why, what happened?
A Well, I decided 3__________ (make) a meal for
3 That smells wonderful and it looks really
everyone. I had just learned 4__________
_ _ p _ t _ _ _ n _ too!
(make) pizza at school and I really enjoyed
4 Fast food is really _ _ t _ _ n _ n _  it makes
__________ (do) it. I made the pizza and then
you put on weight.
I relaxed by 6__________ (watch) a film on TV.
5 There aren t any _ _ t _ f _ _ _ a _ ingredients
B And?
in here, they re all natural.
A I forgot about the pizza and the kitchen
2 Choose the correct answers. (6 points) caught fire. The firemen manage 7__________
(put) out the fire, but we had 8__________
When I go shopping, I never take _____, I always
(paint) the kitchen afterwards.
use my credit card. I think it s safer. I usually go
B Right& well, I don t mind 9__________ (go)
to the high street shops rather than shopping
out, so let s do that!
_____ because they re always busy. I hate
shopping when it s really crowded and there are
5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in capital
lots of 2_____. That s awful! For that reason,
letters. Do not change the meaning of the original
I never go to the sales even though there are
sentences. (5 points)
great 3_____ in prices. What do I spend my
Jenny is obliged to wear a school uniform.
money on? Well, I bought a house two years ago,
so every month I have to pay the 4_____. I also
Jenny must wear a school uniform.
got a personal 5_____ to buy a car last year, so
1 I d like to travel round the world.
I have to repay some money on that too. I m
pretty well-off because I get a good 6_____ from
I ______________________________ round the
my job.
a bill b cash c price
2 Peter s parents don t allow him to go out
1 a dispenser b malls c trolleys
during the week.
2 a treats b campaigns c shoppers
3 a reductions b reduces c refunds
Peter s parents ___________________________
4 a rent b mortgage c wallet
out during the week.
5 a borrow b debt c loan
3 They succeeded in getting a table at the
6 a salary b finance c money
3 Complete the missing words. The first letter of each
They ______________________________
word is given. (5 points)
a table at the restaurant.
I went to the grocer s to buy some salt.
4 It s my intention to learn another foreign
1 The banks are closed. Where s the nearest
c________? I need to get some money out.
I ______________________________ another
2 I need to buy some boot p________ to clean
foreign language.
my shoes.
5 Mark doesn t want to make a salad.
3 I think too many people are g________
 they want too much of everything.
Mark ______________________________ salad.
4 Oh no! I can t find my w________ and I need
to pay for my shopping now!
5 I want to buy some magazines. Let s go
to the n________.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Intermediate 53


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