SHSpec 271 6305C30 Programming Cases (Part II)

6305C30 SHSpec-271 Programming Cases (Part II)

[Some of the data in this tape is contained in HCOB 8Jun63 "The Time
Track and Engram Running by Chains -- Bulletin 2: Handling the Time Track".
In particular, p.3 of this bulletin contains a Scale of Case States that is
relevant to this tape.]

There is a gradient scale of cases. It is not complete. There are
interim points that are not shown on this scale. The lowest level on the
scale, Level 8, is that of total unconsciousness. The next one up, Level 7,
is awareness of own evaluations. This is where the "mental sciences" are at.
A psychiatrist listens to someone chatter and becomes aware of his own?
evaluation of the person as crazy. What he perceives is his own evaluation of
what he perceives, or of what is there to be perceived. "It's an incapability
of observation, because it's an observation of own evaluation.... You see it
most flagrantly in the fields of arts and aesthetics.... The less that is
known of a subject, the more [it] has authority or evaluation as its sole
reality or adjudication." This is where most anti-scientology wogs lie. "I
had an uncle who said you shouldn't mess with the mind." That uncle is
perceiving, not scientology, but his evaluation or another's evaluation of

The next level up, Level 6, is dub-in of dub-in. Here, a person has
dub-in of his own? nightmares. That is all he sees. It is someone forming
his opinion on newspaper articles. Actually, that is dub-in (the reader's) of
dub-in (the reporter's) of dub-in (the source's). This level is below, but
approaching, unconsciousness, as a thetan manifestation. The body plus thetan
can go lower scale than a thetan, whose unconsciousness lies just above this
level of dub-in of dub-in. Body plus thetan can apparently stay conscious
longer than the thetan can, as far as awareness of being a thetan is
concerned. A lot of boil-off occurs above Level 6.

Level 5 is dub-in of the time track. The facsimile does exist, but what
the person or PC sees is a dub-in of the facsimile that is there: a second

Above this, at Level 4, is non-perception, where the PC gets blackness,
invisibility, small rockets, etc. It is a non-visibility. What used to be
called the Black V is at this level.

Above this, at Level 3, is spotty, partial-perceptic glimpses of the time
track, with only some visio, no sonic or tactile, etc.

Then, at Level 2, there is a totally visible time track with no
interruptions. There is no blackness in this track unless the blackness was
really there in an incident. A fifty- or sixty-goal clear would be in this
condition; he could monitor the time track the way one monitors the physical

Above this, at Level 1, there is no time track. The lowest two levels
are gross lower scale harmonics of Level 1.

The above is "a Scale of Perception of the Time Track." It is what makes
cases different. Auditing time estimates should be based on PCs' location on
this scale. You could probably use the physical universe to test where a PC
is on this scale. For instance you could have him look at a wall with a
picture on it, close his eyes, and tell you what he gets. The result will be
about half a tone or a tone higher than where he really is. E.g. if he can't
see it: "What wall?", he is at Level 4, above, though actually he will tend
towards Level 5 in running track. There is a tendency to slip one level.

The only levels that are fairly serious are Levels 7 and 8, because it is
very hard to get into communication with those cases. But establishing
communication at one level moves the person up to the next level, and so on up
to the top, ultimately. Don't expect this to be done swiftly and accurately,

Most of the cases that you will be dealing with will have invisibility
and sporadic track. If you consider the amount of auditing necessary to audit
a sporadic track case as one unit of time, invisibility would take two units;
dub-in of track would take four units of time, etc. I.e. the time required to
get a given auditing result doubles at each level, as you go down the scale.
For instance, if it took one hour to audit out one engram on a PC with
sporadic track, it would take thirty-two hours to audit out an engram in an
unconscious case. Actually, that is optimistic at both ends.

The case result that we are interested in is OT. We already have the
fait accompli of clearing, so we are going beyond it. Any effort to get an
ultimate result in processing leads to OT. That upgrades the number of hours
to OT to, say, 500 hours to OT for the sporadic track case.

Insanity, neurosis, or ability to respond to a communication play no part
in that scale of cases, because those conditions are found only at one level
of the scale, the "own evaluations" level: Level 7.

Any "objective" test of case state that has a human observer adjudicating
pass or fail works out poorly where the observer is, himself, at Case Level
7. Have you ever been flunked on TR-1 by a coach that couldn't coach?

The concepts of "insanity" or "neurosis" are contained as goals in the
Helatrobus implants. Therefore, they cannot be used to evaluate state of
case. "Wisdom" based on the Helatrobus implants is nuts. Other goals from
that implant include, "to die", "to be sick", "to move", "to escape", "to 'get
it' " (i.e. to get a sickness, etc.), etc. Almost any one of these goals has
been the source of learned treatises dramatizing them, to "explain all of
Man's ills", e.g. treatises on "escapism". The History of Man contains
references to a few implants. It remains valid, though, and the engrams
described in it did exist. They just got collected together during implants.

What causes different people to be at different positions on this scale?
It could be the length of time that they have spent in this universe. This
implies a universe that accumulated from the successive collisions of home
universes with it. The MEST universe picks up different home universes at
different points on the track. "Older" thetans are in worse shape. State of
case, then, would be monitored by number of overts, different statuses of
thetans at the time of entry, etc. The why doesn't need to be known? to solve
the situation. How these thetans came to be there in this universe can be
stated easily: charge. This is a quantitative matter. You pump charge into a case when the eighteen (prepcheck) buttons go out, i.e. inval, eval, etc. If there were no thought involved, you could probably short-circuit it all. But there is also thought, which includes volition. As the universe pumps charge into a thetan, he pumps it into other thetans and other things. Then he inhibits himself from doing so. The result is overts and withholds. The charge gets encysted as a composite picture of the number of things done to the being, held in place by the number of things done by the being. This produces X amount of charge on the case that, in the absence of auditing, just keeps on growing. The thetan gets a lot more or a little more in a given lifetime, but it is always additive. That is what makes the universe a trap. If charge didn't keep
accumulating, the universe would be therapeutic instead of aberrative. You
can have an attitude about the charge, too. The attitude doesn't alter the
charge, but it can affect how you feel about it.

In view of the fact that an OT has fantastic power, it is funny that
charge would bother him, until we figure out the basic overt of the thetan.
"Any overt a thetan commits is also mixed up with the energy a thetan is
emitting.... All of his overts have particles connected with [them]. So the
only way to really get him is to hit him with particles, [because that is] the
path of his overts. So most implants are mainly connected with particle flows
of various types."

People, therefore, have different amounts of charge. One person has
quantity A of charge; another person has quantity B, etc. The more charge a
person has, the more difficult it is to release it. That is why it takes so
much longer to get results on the unconscious case. This depends, to a
degree, on whether the case condition is chronic (i.e. lasting more than a
lifetime) or acute (temporary -- one lifetime or less). E.g. the PC may be
spastic now as an acute condition relating to his body. The question is
whether he is always going to be that way, no matter what body he picks up
(chronic). If a condition is chronic, it will add a lot of time to auditing.
You could put a deaf man on a meter and ask him whether he was deaf last
lifetime and the one before that. If he was, you have a deaf thetan on your
hands, not a deaf body, and it will take time to fix.

Charge is what causes a case to be the way it is. Just because a thetan
plus body is low on the state of case scale, the thetan itself is not
necessarily low on that scale. Environmental factors can also make someone
look downscale when they are not. [LRH relates an anecdote of a time when he
audited a girl who was acting very nutty and brought her through in a short
space of time.] You have to estimate this to program someone's case. What you
are going to program is the person's case, so you have to estimate the case to
determine how to get the charge off the case. "A case is programmed in
relation to the amount of charge on the case." That is what determines how you
are going to take the charge off the case. Since auditing requires the
cooperation of the being, you have to estimate his cooperativeness, his
ability, etc. This does affect the ease of auditing and the speed of

Sample program: The case dubs in track. Charge can be run off. We get
dial-wide rocket reads on Helatrobus implants. If the PC can run it, run it!
It is dicey, because the case can easily go to smithereens. It is better to
pull overts on this lifetime and run any stretch of track on which the PC has
reality. Be very sure that the case has no withholds from the auditor, especially this-lifetime ones. Muzzle the auditing. Don't force this PC. Run rocket reading implants as long as they run easily. "When things get difficult, fall back swiftly to patching up roughed-up track. Return to an ARC-type process if the going gets too rough on RI's. Tunning RI's is dangerous. That would be a very extreme and daring programming for this case. It is quick, but dicey. The safe way is using straightwire, havingness, withholds, etc. An alternate approach is: if you got a goal, run all the charge off the goal. Never look for earlier goals when you have found one. Don't try pushing the case to get all the charge off of an implant.

Take a case with sporadic track: You can run it pretty hard. You can
move around on the track from one GPM to another without messing things up
much. This level of case (Level 3) could even stand leaving goals without
running them. He may ARC break, but you can do it. The case can be pushed

The invisibility case (Level 4) can be pushed a bit, but not as hard as
the sporadic track case.

With the dub-in case (Level 5), you need lots of track repair, O/W
running, havingness. You must readily cut and run if implants get rough.

With the dub-in of dub-in case, don't let him near implants. This isn't
a common case (Level 6). Use straightwire and ARC break processes. Run the
case lightly for wins every session. You are running the case too steep if
you are not getting session wins. Unless this case is aware of having regular
wins in session, the case's reality is not coming up.

The aware of own evaluations case (Level 7) is suited only for havingness
and CCH's -- room processes, contacting PT processes. This case can't detect
an overt as such. He has no responsibility. He will tell things to you, but
not as overts. To get daring with this case, run straightwire!

With the unconscious case (Level 8), establish communication. Animal
processing is the same sort of thing: establish comm; get the animal to

Always be a little optimistic in estimating where someone is on the
scale. Then program to get as much charge off as you can, with the PC
winning. How much charge is being gotten off is measured by the TA and needle
action. Charge is important because "it's what restimulates when he tries to
outflow and ... prevents his outflow.... It's what educates him not to
reach." In getting off charge, processing lets him reach and do.

Total self-determinism is only possible at the highest level given above
(Level 1). There there are no automaticities, no time track, no charge on the
case. The result is unlimited reach.


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