christmas with my grinch blmort Nieznany

Christmas With My Grinch

by BLMorticia

Copyright © 2012 by Sharita Lira writing as BLMorticia

Published by Triad Literary Books at Smashwords

Christmas With My Grinch


Edited by Julie Lynn Hayes

Cover Art Sharita Lira

ISBN: 9781301064779

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Your non-refundable purchase allows you to one legal copy of this work for your own personal use. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload, or for a fee.

Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices and multiple partner sexual practices.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.


BL thanks all the readers for following Nathan and Bryant through their sappy love tales.

Sharita thanks her loving husband Adam, her beautiful kids, Jordan and Nadia, her friends, especially Erika Kristen for the lovely covers and listening to her ramble as well as Adriana, Eloreen and others for being great betas as well as Elicia Stoll for being an awesome editor.

Trademarks mentioned in this book

Grinch Dr. Seuss 1957

Donnie Hathaway Singer śThis Christmas” (Published 1970 Single Atco)

HP Hewlett Packard Development Company

IPad Apple Inc.

Mariah Carey Singer śAll I Want for Christmas is You” (Published 1994 Columbia)

Eternity for Men Calvin Klein

Hallmark Hallmark Cards Inc

śWinter Wonderland” Song Written by Felix Bernard and Richard B. Smith 1934

Serta Mattress Serta Inc

To Follow Nathan and Byrant’s Stories

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Christmas with My Grinch


Chapter One

In the Ellerby-Duncan household, retired Lieutenant Bryant Duncan placed the last few red ornaments on the white Christmas tree while his husband-to-be worked on an important project with his manager. Donnie Hathaway singing This Christmas was on loop and smells of Bryant’s baking sugar cookies filled the air.

śAnd this Christmas will beŚ” Bryant stepped back with a smile to admire his handiwork. He’d been concentrating on the tree trimmings for over an hour. śNathan?” he called out to his lover. śBabe? Come put the star on the tree with me.”

śHmm? Really? Right now, Lieutenant? I’m still talkin’ to Fali,” Nathan responded.

śUgh!” Bryant frowned in disgust and tossed the star back in the box. Nathan’s conversation with his needy friend and manager had been going on for nearly three hours. To pry Nathan away, he’d have to take drastic measures. Ready to do battle, he rolled up his sleeves and went to the next room. śNathan? I’m comin’ for ya!”

He passed through their long hallway to Nathan’s workspace, where he spent the majority of his time when alone. Bryant loved this time of year, putting up the red and green garland around the doorways as well as the windows. He wrapped white lights around the railings from the top all the way to the bottom of the staircase and did the majority of decorating the tree alone. Seemingly, his lover wasn’t into the Christmas spirit like he was. Who doesn’t like Christmas other than Scrooges and people who work in retail? Bryant knew he had to find out what bugged his lover about the holiday.

śYeah, I know, right? That girl has issues, I tell ya.” Nathan kept talking with Fali, never noticing his lover coming from behind.

Bryant wrapped his arms around Nathan’s slender waist and covered his face and neck with tender kisses. He buried his nose into Nathan’s neck and lightly bit the side of his throat while pushing the head of his erection into his lover’s thigh. śGet off the phone,” Bryant whispered in his ear, inhaling the strong scent of Eternity for men. Just the smell of it made Bryant hard, and even though he had plans for today, he couldn’t wait to make love.

śMhmmŚoohh, Bryant. Okay, okay, I’ll come put up the star with ya, honey. Oh Jesus! Calm down, baby!”

śHi Bryant!” Fali’s nasally squeal from the receiver made Bryant wince. Fali always seemed to call at the most inopportune times.

śHey Fali. Could you go back to your own life and leave my man be for the holidays? You guys are comin’ for Mardi Gras so we’ll be seein’ plenty of you then.” Bryant rubbed his man’s middle and dropped his hands down to Nathan’s crotch.

śDamn, Bryant! You’re bossy!” Fali sounded perturbed.

śI am, especially when it comes to you infringing on my family time. Now get off the phone, will ya?”

Nathan nudged him in the ribs and Bryant exhaled sharply. śSorry, Fali, the Lieutenant said I must go right now! I’m under strict orders!” Nathan rolled his eyes and leaned back on Bryant’s chest.

śAll right then. I’ll talk to you"”

śAfter Christmas, Fali.” Bryant cut him off. śYou and your bro have a happy holiday!”

Nathan chuckled and shook his head. śBye, babe. Have a great one and we’ll talk soon. MhmmŚ Gosh, Bryant, sometimes you’re soŚ” Nathan playfully pushed off his lover.

śDemanding?” Bryant spun Nathan around to face him. śYeah, I am. I want my baby to put the star on top of the tree with me. This is a very special time for us, love.”

śEvery day with you is special, Lieutenant. Christmas is just another annoying ass holiday created by Hallmark and the retailers to make goo gobs of money. Like Valentine’s Day. Or Grandparents Day. I don’t believe in any of that shit about Christ being born on the twenty-fifth of December!” Nathan scoffed. He folded up his arms like a petulant child.

Bryant’s eyes widened in surprise. śUh, babe, I know that’s not true, but it’s the day we celebrate it anyway. And you’re right. Every day we spend together is special.”

śSo why is this time any different, Bryant? The madness of shopping for gifts people don’t need, people having no respect for anyone else Ś. Well, they don’t anyway, but especially not now. I’ve always hated Christmas! Even when I was younger, I saw no point in it!”

śWhat did your family do when you were a kid?” Bryant cradled his lover closer. He wanted to know what happened to Nathan that hardened him against this special time of year.

śOh, they celebrated, but it was all b.s. A lot of my family members could barely stand to be around one another. I know when you’re a baby or small child, you go along with it because you dunno anything else, but as you grow older and see everyone’s flakiness or faux personality, it wears you down. I know you’re real, baby. Genuine, and I love you for that, but I just don’t have much of the Christmas spirit.”

Bryant stroked Nathan’s reddish-brown curls and twirled the ends around his fingertips. śHoney, did something else happen on or around Christmas maybe you wanna talk about?”

śNope. Nothin’ but the usual fake smiles from my family, and the incessant arguments over gifts and shit. When I moved away and got my own digs, I didn’t have to celebrate Christmas. Once I came out of the closet that was reason enough for me to stay away from the idiots who are supposedly related to me.”

śAnd what about friends?”

śReal friends understood and didn’t bother inviting me to a holiday party until after Christmas. Sure I’d see them for New Year’s Eve or something. That’s the best, when you can witness stupid asses act foolish after they’ve drunk too much eggnog. Now thatŚ” He shook his finger and smirked. śŚis a good time.”

Bryant laughed heartily and pressed his lips against Nathan’s forehead. śOh you’re such a card, babe. You gotta point about people’s fake attitudes and such, but not everyone’s like that. Christmas should be about gettin’ together with those you love. I know it’s just us and instead of talkin’ on the phone with Fali, I want you in the foyer, with me, putting the star atop the tree. That star was a gift from my grandma to my mom and she handed it down to us. It’s a family tradition for the couple to place it together. And this Christmas is more special because I’m with the person I wanna be with forever, the man that makes me ultimately happy.”

Nathan nodded and sighed. śAh, Lieutenant. You’re such a softie. Am I really the Śwoman’ in this relationship? Because I tell ya, some of the things you’re sentimental aboutŚ whew.”

śWell, I’m a sentimental guy. I’ve always wanted to have that special person in my life and now that I got him, I wanna spend the rest of my life doin’ the things I’ve always wanted with the man I love.” Bryant held Nathan close and rocked to the sweet sounds coming from the stereo system.

śAww, Bryant. I swear, if there’s anything that turns me into mush it’s you when you act all sappy toward me. I love it. It’s why I fell so easily for you.”

śSo will ya get into the Christmas spirit for me, Nathan? The flaky stuff is a thing of the past now. You don’t see those people, I’m your family.”

śTrue.” Nathan exhaled and fingered Bryant’s back from underneath his shirt. śI love you, Lieutenant. I really do. And I’ll do my best to be more cheerful for the holiday.”

śGood, now let’s go put it on, honey. And then I’ll show you where I placed the mistletoe.” Bryant winked.

śHmmm, really? The mistletoe, huh? It wouldn’t by any chance be inside your pants?” Nathan forced a hand down the front of Bryant’s trousers and gave his cock a tight squeeze.

śAgh! No, no, not there.” He chuckled. śEven though that’s an awesome idea. C’mon love, let’s go to the great room.”

Nathan nodded and took Bryant’s hand. Their little time playing caused more than a disruption in his trousers, but he had more Christmas fun planned before they made love this evening. He’d make his Grinch love Christmas if it was the last thing he did.

* * * *

Nathan laughed when Bryant lifted him from the floor and into his arms, like he was carrying him across the threshold. śOh Bryant!” In truth, he loved the attention from his lover. No one ever treated him like the love of his life did. His only regret was it took him so long to meet Mr. Right and of course, the Lieutenant would be a man who loved to celebrate Christmas.

Oh Christmas, bah!

To him, nothing was special about the holidays other than sales and the reduced fare of cabs and buses on New Year’s Eve. He had to admit shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday got him some fabulous stuff over the last couple of years. A new flat screen TV, HP laptop, and the IPad he bought as a gift to himself when he sold one of his favorite pieces last year. Yeah sure, the holidays did have their good points. Too bad the bad outweighed the good.

śYou’re such a big kid, you know that?” Nathan kissed Bryant’s caramel-colored smooth head and pinched his cheeks.

śYep. I love Christmas even more now that we’re together.” Bryant picked up two red Santa hats and placed one atop Nathan’s head before putting the other on his own.

śBah humbug!” Nathan pouted and looked up at the furry hat. śDo I hafta wear this?”

śYes, you do.” Bryant pulled it farther down on his head and tapped the remote that belonged to the music deck. More Christmas tunes. This time, Mariah Carey’s rendition of All I Want for Christmas is You. śI’m gonna getcha into it if it’s the last thing I do.” Bryant tapped his foot and reached for the star.

Nathan reached around Bryant and grabbed him, pulling his man in. śMhmm, you know what would really get me into the spirit of Christmas?”

śAnd what would that be?”

śMaking love right now with all the lights on. We could even turn the tree lights on for extra effect. We haven’t had our afternoon romp, and we skipped the post morning run one because I had work to do.”

śYes, that’ll happen, babe, but I’ve got plans for us, Nathan, to put us more into the holiday mood.”

śI don’t think you need it, but what else besides these horrible ass tunes, the lights, and the tree did you have in mind?” Nathan peered at his lover, waiting for the list of nauseating activities.

śWell, the star first. Then we still have more decorating to do outside.”

śWhat?” Nathan held up his hands. śSeriously? How many freaking lights does one house need?”

śChère, I want lights on the fence and the trees in the yard.” Bryant swatted Nathan on the buttocks, making him yelp.

śOw! Look, BryantŚ I know we make good money, but do you seriously want to give all our hard earned cash to Southern Electric Ścause of some damn Christmas lights? We still need to run the air in this house to keep it cool.”

śLove, since when have you been worried about that? You know I got more than enough to support both of us.”

śOh, I dunno, since you wanna put up fifteen hundred Christmas lights?” he chided. śIt’s not necessary to do that, babe.”

śNo, but I want to.” Bryant kissed him quickly and Nathan only shook his head in disgust.

śSo I see, and it seems that whatever Bryant wants, he gets, right?”

śAlmost.” Bryant smiled wryly and pinched Nathan’s ass. śIf you don’t like it, I can use other methods to get you to agree.”

śYes, this I know.” Nathan grimaced, thinking about the instance just last week when he and Bryant didn’t agree on the new paint color in the study. After having a paint fight, they ended up on the floor, butt naked, covered in every shade under the sun and humping like bunnies. They hadn’t placed mats on the hardwood floors which meant pains in the lower back and buttocks for the man on bottom.

śBabe, can we just put the star up and call it a Christmas?” Nathan blew raspberries.

śNo, Ścause Christmas is an event, love. It’s more than just the lights, the trees, the food. It’s about family joy and cheer. I’ve got all this wonderful time to spend with you right now and I don’t wanna waste it. With one of our staff members reenlisting, and your work at the gallery, we’re a lot busier now.”

śYes, I recall, but we can make love instead of doing all these, uhŚ” Nathan picked up more of the lights and dropped them back in the box. śThings. When we’re not horizontal, I tend to get pretty grouchy.”

śAh, you get like that for other reasons too, babe.” Bryant waved his hand. śYou still blow me off when I want you to join me for the mornin’ mile!”

śUh huh, Ścause as I’ve said many times, the only exercise I need is when the two of us are together, in the bed, having wild monkey sex!” Nathan yanked Bryant by the arm and pressed his lips on top of Bryant’s.

Seemingly reluctant to stop kissing Nathan, śMhmm, babyŚ okay, okay, let’s just do this, huh? The star first, the lights, and thenŚ”

śSex?” Nathan cocked an eyebrow.

śYes, love. We’ll be gettin’ it on before you know it.” Bryant held the white star up and Nathan put his hand on it. śAnd today we light this tree together, as a couple. Nathan and Bryant Duncan.”

śOh, I love the ring to that! Perhaps I will drop Ellerby instead of doing the hyphen.”

śEither way, love. As long as you’re mine, I couldn’t care less.” Bryant kissed Nathan and they both lifted the star to the top, pushing it down on the pointy branch. śAlways and forever?”

śYep, always and forever, Lieutenant. I’ll never love another.” Nathan reciprocated the embrace and gripped Bryant’s back through the cotton shirt. śI wanna rip this off you, Bryant. Christmas can wait.”

Bryant groaned into Nathan’s mouth and smacked his ass. śI want you too, babe, but we got lots of Christmassy stuff to do.” He laughed.

śAh, whatever!” Nathan didn’t want to wait to be in his lover’s arms. Christmas didn’t have anything to do with him; as a matter of fact, it stood in the way of his personal time. As Bryant said, time off together was a rarity, and spending it in each other’s arms was the common goal. With the opening of the gallery and the various projects Nathan had to do, they couldn’t live up to the usual number of times in bed. Still, Nathan would love to make it up now with the closing of his gallery for the rest of the year.

Maybe there was a good reason for Christmas after all.

śAll right then, now that’s done, let’s head out and put these lights up on the trees in the backyard. I wanna make the place look festive.”

śReally? Even more festive than it already does, Lieutenant? Any more lights outside our house or in our yard and the New Orleans Air Traffic controllers might designate it as a safe place to land a small plane,” he joked.

śHa, ha, very funny!” Bryant pressed the button on the control and changed the song again. This time to Walking in a Winter Wonderland.

Nathan shook his head and shivered at the sound of more holiday tunes. śCan we please turn some other kind of music on? I mean, I think I hear enough of this shit when I go to stores. They’ve been playin’ it since Halloween for God sakes!”

śAw, baby. I love this song! C’mon, let’s get the other lights so we can get finished. My cookies are almost done and we have a gingerbread house to buildŚ”

śWait, wait, whoa, whoaŚyou didn’t have that on the original list.” Nathan grumbled at how his lover was adding things as he went along. Less time to enjoy making love!

śYou were complainin’ so much you didn’t let me finish, Nathan Duncan.” Bryant gripped his palm tightly and pulled him along.

śOkay then, I’m listening.” Nathan pursed his lips and waited.

śTree, decorating the yard, my cookies, the house, dinner, and then sex under the mistletoe. Tomorrow I wanna head out to Café Du Monde for coffee and beignets. Then I thought we’d head to the St. Louis to catch the choirs.”

śWe’re religious now, Lieutenant?”

śAh not really, mostly to see the singers. It’s not mass.”

śOohhhŚ” Nathan slapped his head. śAre we gonna join in and sing too?”

śPerhaps.” Bryant led him to the closet by the back door. He wrapped a scarf that matched the hat around Nathan’s neck, making him pout. When he glanced at the cloth, it was embroidered with the word joy in white.

śOh boy, can anything be gayer than this?” Nathan couldn’t believe it. Matching scarfs and Santa hats with bells on the end? The amount of Christmas cheer was enough to give him a migraine.

Bryant giggled. śMine says peace. I thought it would be cute so I had them made special. Don’t play, I almost went for the names on the brim of the hat but I thought you wouldn’t like that!”

śThank God you didn’t. Ugh. This is pushin’ the envelope right here, love. Let’s do this so we can get closer to the bedroom.”

śMhmm.” Bryant took his hand and they left with the two bags full of lights. Nathan still didn’t understand why Bryant felt it necessary to draw more attention to their house. No question most of the houses in the garden district had outdone themselves and it seemed like Bryant wanted to up the ante. What was the point of that? Nathan failed to get the reasoning.

Chapter Two

Brisk winds blew the tree branches and Bryant tried his best to stay upright on the stepladder. He only had one tree to go before putting the rest of the colorful lights on the gate. It was his dream to be one of the featured houses on the Garden District Home Tour, outdoing a few of his more famous neighbors. They ain’t got nothin’ on us. Having a home to share with his partner was a big part of his joy, and he wanted to show it to everyone.

śBabe, hand me that last string?” Bryant reached down and took it from Nathan who shivered. śI’m almost done, sweets. It is kinda nippy out here.”

śKinda?” Nathan glanced at him and his teeth chattered.

śBabe, it’s colder in New York right now. They’re havin’ freezing winds and temps in the low teens. This is summer compared to them.”

śI know, I know, but I also didn’t stand outside there for more than thirty minutes puttin’ up Christmas decorations.” Nathan rubbed his gloved hands together and blew on them.

śStop your whinin’, babe.” Bryant stepped down and took the bag from Nathan, kissing the back of his hand. śAlmost done, honey. Just the fence, then we can go back inside. The cookies should be done very soon so we need to hurry. I only want it on the front.”

śYou sure about that, babe? I mean, you don’t wanna go all the way around the house with them? I tell ya, we could be an emergency landing strip for Louis Armstrong airport!”

Bryant whacked his lover’s ass. śYou’re such a snarky bastard, you know that? And I love ya’ for it. C’mon, Grinch, let’s go finish.”

Nathan followed close behind him and pinched Bryant’s buttocks as they walked. Once they made it to the front of the gate, Bryant took one end while he handed Nathan the other to complete the task. When Bryant was satisfied with the job, they headed back inside. The moment they went in, the stove rang in time with his phone timer, signaling the cookies were done.

śNow, we need to put the frosting on.” Bryant grabbed the mitts and lifted the pans from the oven, placing them on the laminated counter.

śOh, aren’t you the Martha Stewart? Look at ya.” Nathan removed his gloves and smirked at him. śI’m glad you’re doin’ all the cookin’ Ścause I hate it!”

śYou despise it Ścause you can’t,” Bryant added. śAnd since you won’t let me teach youŚ” Bryant winked in his direction and removed the gloves. He squeezed the frosting tube contents on the top of his desserts.

śNope, I don’t wanna learn. Cookin’ is such a pain. I’d much rather eat out but now that I gotta good man who can cookŚ” Nathan leaned into him and kissed his cheek once before going lower on his neck to his collarbone.

śUh huh. Whew, baby. Hold on until I finish, will ya'?” Bryant attempted to stay focused on the task at hand, but Nathan was making this exceedingly difficult.

Nathan bit his shoulder through the material. śMake me,” he challenged and continued what he was doing.

śDamnit, Nathan.” Bryant dropped the tube and gripped the edges of the counter. Eyes fluttering, his breaths labored, and his cock did more than stir inside his trousers. śBaby, just let me do this, thenŚ”

śNo, the cookies can wait and so can Christmas.” Nathan shifted Bryant around to face him and crushed his lips with a searing kiss.

śFuckŚNathanŚdoŚoohhhŚ” Bryant moved to the other side of the kitchen, away from the delicacies he’d just created. Nathan’s hands all over him, he tried his best to stay upright. śGod, you’re soŚ”

śInsatiable. I know. You do this to me when I’m busy paintin’, drawin, or talkin’ to Fali all the time. Distracting me, making me lose all focus. Now it’s my turn, Lieutenant.” Nathan pressed his lithe body into Bryant’s. Their dicks met through the fabric of their pants.

śMhmm, yeah, I know. I got good reason to do that too. You take a while and I wanna make love.” Bryant reached between them and unbuttoned Nathan’s jeans.

śWell, I wanna make love now so I’m returning the favor.” Nathan’s gaze met Bryant’s. His fingers fiddled with Bryant’s buttons until he was nude on top. Before Bryant could balk, Nathan slipped his trousers from his waist revealing an impressive hard-on, dripping with pre-cum.

śGood God!” Nathan couldn’t help but stare and fall under the spell of his lover. Just as Nathan was about to do the same to Bryant, he grabbed Nathan’s wrists to stop him. śWell okay, if we’re gonna do this; we’ll do it by the mistletoe, m’kay? Let’s put these cookies in the fridge and we’ll put the frosting on Śem later.”

śThey don’t need it, babe. They look perfect.” Nathan swiped one and shoved it between his lips.

śYeah, they do. I have to decorate them like little men. Didn’t cha notice the shapes?”

Nathan looked down, seemingly embarrassed. śOh no, I didn’t. Well damn baby, you are talented.” He chuckled and ate the rest of it.

Bryant strolled back over and lifted his lover once again, this time over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He smacked Nathan’s buttocks and walked up the staircase to enjoy the evening with his lover. The Christmasy plans would just have to wait until afterward. Besides, plenty of time remained for these activities. With seven days until the big event, there would be ample opportunity to make Nathan forget being a Grinch.

The cookies will keep, but our hard-ons won’t!

* * * *

śOkay, this is more like it!” Bryant put Nathan down and his lover strolled inside their bedroom. Seemingly this was the only room in the house that showed normalcy until he noticed the mistletoe attached to the headboard. śWhat a nice touch, love.” He yanked his shirt over his head. Nathan had to admit it was very clever.

śMhmm, you like? I figured we could kiss and make love under the mistletoe.” Bryant met him in front of their four poster bed and shoved him on top of the Serta before dropping on top of Nathan. They landed with a thud and Bryant immediately went to work, licking, sucking, and nibbling on his neck prior to going down onto his chest and stomach with pecks.

śOoh, shitŚbabyŚ yes!’ Nathan bit his lip and glanced at the ceiling, enjoying his lover’s affections. śI want you inside me, Bryant. Now!”

śUh huh!” Bryant shoved his pants from his waist. His erection stood proudly amongst a bed of fine black curls with pre-cum frothing from the slit. Nathan desperately wanted a taste, but he rather Bryant be inside of him.

Nathan watched his lover jerk his cock, rubbing the tip with his thumb. śMhmm, Nathan. You’re so bad and I love ya for it.”

With the bottle of lube in his hand, preparing himself for Bryant’s invasion, he looked shocked and offended. śWha? Me? Just Ścause I spoiled your plans to spread more holiday cheer? Fuck that Lieutenant, spread me. I’m a lot more fun.” He laughed. śSplit me in two, baby! Do it hard! I want this bed to rock!” He tossed the almost empty bottle to the side.

śYou do, huh?” Bryant hovered over him, rubbing his dick against Nathan’s pucker. In moments, he shoved it in, grunted, and wrapped Nathan’s legs around his waist. He pushed Nathan up toward the top of the bed, lining them up with the little green bush with the ribbon.

śMhmmŚ” The pressure on Nathan’s groin increased, his breath caught in his chest. He dug his nails into his Lieutenant’s skin and closed his eyes, tightening his buttocks to make it a better fit. śShit, Bryant, I wanna last, but fuck!”

Bryant nodded. śDamn, babe feels amazing as always! Umph. I love you so much, Nathan.” He pressed into Nathan again, pushing his hardness against Nathan’s crevice.

Nathan dragged one of his hands down the side of Bryant’s face, wiping the sweat off his brow. Bryant’s brown eyes met his; passion brewed between them. śI love you too, Lieutenant. And never forget, Christmas don’t mean a whole helluva lot to me. You’re the main source of all my happiness and cheer!”

The End

BLMorticia is currently a published writer with Naughty Nights Press and Rebel Ink Press. She entertains her readers with hot and smexy sex, humor, and lots of swear words. She attempts to incorporate metal music or the military in most of her works. Nothin’ sexier than metalheads or military servicemen and women! She also writes a monthly column on Blak Rayne Books and blogs on the First Thursday of the month at NNP Blog. For more info, please visit, Erotica With Snark


My Lieutenant Rebel Ink Press

Something Fresh Served Hot NNP

Losing My Inhibitions Rebel Ink Press

My Lieutenant 2: In His Arms Rebel Ink Press

Christmas With My Grinch Triad Literary

Candyman NNP

The Wretched Tales Triad Literary

Irish Kiss Triad Literary

Queer Fables Rebel Ink


A Wicked Wanton Hallows Eve śDream of Dalian” NNP

The Boys Club śPanties in a Bunch” NNP

Bad Girl’s Sweet Kiss śCocksucker’s Complaint” Xcite

Men of Honor śServing Under the Gaydar” Sara York/IRM Antho

Only THAT Night śOne Helluva First Date” Triad Literary


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