Dark Heresy Chargen readme


Using the interface should be fairly straightforward. First, you have a choice of the eight base origins of Dark Heresy. If you click the >> button, you will see the option for the specialized origins presented in the Inquisitor's Handbook.

Second is the Career selection. While origin and career need not be picked in order, note that some career options may be disabled, based on the origin choice. Picking a career first, and afterwards picking an incompatible origin will disable your career choice. Selecting a career will automatically bring you to the Background package screen, where you have the option of picking a particular package for your career. The << button will bring you back to the career selection (note that your background selection will only be reset when you change your career choice).

The random button will do just that. Disregard any selections you may have made, and pick a random character for you, based on the random character tables found in the Dark Heresy core rulebook.

The Roll It! button will roll up a character based on the options you have selected. If you haven't picked an origin or career (or neither, for that matter) the program will randomly select these for you.

Once you have a list of rolled characteristics displayed, you have two options. Double klicking one of the rolled results (under the 'Roll' header) will reroll the selected characteristic. Note that you only have one reroll, so use it wisely! You can also rearrange your rolled stats by simply first clicking one roll, and then clicking the roll you want to swab it out with (be adviced: This is a personal - albeit popular - houserule, and your GM may or may not approve of this method! This feature may be disabled in a future version, depending on user feedback).

The generated characteristics display hold the following information: Roll: This is the result of the 2d10 dice rolls, one for each characteristic. Origin modifier: This is the modifier to your characteristic roll, based on your origin. Misc Modifiers: This is a collection of all other modifiers that may apply to your character, based on origin, career and background package. Result is the final total for the characteristics.

The Export function will export the character to a very rough .txt draft. When you click the export button, you will be prompted to specify the name and location to save the file.

Here you can set various background traits for your character. They will be saved with the character if you opt for one of the save options in the File menu. You can choose to randomize individual traits, and/or edit them as you see fit.

Initially, this page will show the starting equipment of your chosen career. You can edit this list, but changes will only be stored if you save the character, NOT if you change your career.

Known Issues:

*Picking an origin will disable illegal career combinations. Picking a career will NOT disable illegal origin options for that career. This is intenttional, because it felt counterintuitive to the flow of the character creation process (a user might have to change chosen career before being able to change their origin). This could be reevaluated with the introduction of an actual reset functionality. Either way, illigal origin/career options are correctly disabled, so a change would be purely for pedagogic reasons.

*Career talent and skill lists are not checked for duplicates

*Random Skin, Hair and Eye colours are rolled together. May be more appropriate to roll them individually?

To do:
Generate starting gelt and display equipment
Improve user interface (especially relocation and reroll of dice rolls)
Improve the selection option display for talents and skills
Simple export utility
"Cheat" mode to bypass default ruleset entirely (restricted origins/careers/bgs, rerolls, etc.)

Planned for v2:
Create/maintain characters beyond rank 1
Save/export character (to character sheet pdf?)
E-mail setup option to automatically notify GM about rolled stats


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