lo iii 1 pp ang

Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą
ul. Rolna 175, 02-729 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2011/2012. JZYK ANGIELSKI, klasa III LO, PP, PK nr 1 semestr I.
pieczątka/nazwa szkoły
& & & ....../2011/2012
PK nr 1 semestr I
Strona tytułowa stanowi integralną część pracy kontrolnej.
Adres ucznia
Wypełnij wszystkie pola czytelnie drukowanymi literami.
& & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
& & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
& & & & & & & & & & & & ..&
.& & & & & & & & & & & & & .
Recenzja pracy
Liczba punktów& & & & /& & &
Liczba punktów: & & & & & & &
Ocena& & & & & .........
Ocena: & & & & & & & & & ..& .
nauczyciela& & & & & & & & & & & & .
nauczyciela: & & & & & & & ..& .
Oświadczam, że pracę kontrolną
wykonałem/am samodzielnie.
podpis ucznia& & & ..& & & & & & & &
Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą
ul. Rolna 175, 02-729 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2011/2012. JZYK ANGIELSKI, klasa III LO, PP, PK nr 1 semestr I.
RAZEM: & & ./107
Zadanie 1. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz aby Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając w nie
uzupełnić zdania. odpowiednio czas present simple lub continuous.
1. Sorry, but the only way to remember irregular 1. What time __________________ Polish
verbs is to learn them by head / finger / heart. students __________________ (start) their
school day?
2. However hard I try, I can t examine / memorize
/ do all those dates! 2. Peter __________________ (attend) a very
interesting conference this week.
3. The subjects you have to take, like Polish
or maths, are called compulsory / optional / 3. The school rock band __________________
important subjects. (meet) at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. A good presentation should combine / review / 4. Janice, stop doing it! You
carry out text and graphics so that it attracts __________________ (always/make) noise
viewers attention. in class!
5. Actually, we re doing / making / creating 5. Students __________________ (borrow) books
a project on schools in different countries. from the school library.
6. We studied / carried out / solved an experiment 6. I __________________ (not stay) at school this
to discover the differences between these two afternoon. I have to look after my little brother.
types of substances.
7. Mary is studying French this year. She
7. The students were asked to browse / watch / __________________ (get) better and better.
memorize several websites to prepare for
8. The Sun __________________ (not go) round
the discussion on human rights.
the Earth! It s the other way round!
8. Today s biology lesson was really interesting.
9. __________________ the girls
We were assigning / examining / designing cells
__________________ (do) their homework
under the microscope.
at the moment?
___ / 8 10. I m afraid I __________________ (not believe)
Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij zdania 1-7 odpowiednimi in ghosts.
___ / 10
1. In some parts of Australia, where the farms are
quite r_ _ _ _ _ (far away from places where
Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij wyrażenia odpowiednimi
other people live), students usually attend
prepositions: at, for, from, on, in or by.
correspondence schools called the School of the
1. take an active part ______________ a lesson
2. eat ______________ lunchtime
2. In Britain, children aged 5 11 go to p_ _ _ _ _ _
3. arrive ______________ a physics lesson
3. If you like singing, you could join the school
4. play ______________ the playground
c_ _ _ _.
5. graduate ______________ university
4. In the Polish school system, students take final
6. be ______________ time
e_ _ _ s every three years.
7. sit ______________ the back
5. If you want to know what time your history
lesson starts, just check your t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
8. graduate ______________ two years time
6. Both boys and girls go to my daughter s school
9. apply ______________ a scholarship
 it s c_-e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
10. go jogging ______________ Friday evening
7. Many students in our school p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
___ / 10
in extra-curricular activities.
___ / 7
Strona 2 z 6
Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą
ul. Rolna 175, 02-729 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2011/2012. JZYK ANGIELSKI, klasa III LO, PP, PK nr 1 semestr I.
Zadanie 5. Przetłumacz wyrazy podane w nawiasach.
1. The students _________________ (rozwiązują) maths _________________ (problemy).
2. Alice loves to know everything about music and painting, so she_________________ (woli)
_________________ (artystyczne) subjects.
3. At the conference, teachers _________________ (rozmawiają) about the ways to help their students not to
_________________ (oblać) the maths and physics tests.
4. _________________ (Z prawej strony) of the picture there is a whiteboard.
5. What are the _________________ (minusy) of _________________ (chodzenia) to a boarding school?
6. I wouldn t like to have a (współlokatora, który) ____________________ listens to loud music.
7. (Czy myślisz, że wycieranie kurzu) ____________________ is typically a woman s job?
8. The picture shows a room ____________________ (który wygląda bardzo przytulnie)
9. ____________________! (Chyba sobie żartujesz!)
10. ____________________ (Po drugie), the Internet is ____________________ (zbyt wolny).
Zadanie 6. Opisz obrazek i uzupełnij tekst z prawej strony obrazka.
The picture 1 __________________ a typical
lesson. There are four 2 __________________
sitting at their 3 __________________ desks.
They are wearing school uniforms: white shirts
and dark trousers or skirts. They are
__________________ to the
__________________, who is in the
__________________ of the picture.
Zadanie 7. W ramach wymiany międzynarodowej do twojej szkoły mają przyjechać uczniowie ze Stanów
Zjednoczonych. Napisz zaproszenie na przedstawienie, które grupa teatralna twojej szkoły organizuje dla
Poinformuj o tematyce przedstawienia.
Podaj termin wydarzenia.
Poproś o punktualne przybycie.
Zachęć do udziału w przedstawieniu.
Strona 3 z 6
Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą
ul. Rolna 175, 02-729 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2011/2012. JZYK ANGIELSKI, klasa III LO, PP, PK nr 1 semestr I.
Zadanie 8. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrażeniami z ramki. Dwa wyrażenia zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do poniższych zdań.
made a recovery X-ray took off
cut down on ate healthily
wheelchair stayed in shape
operated on
adapted car worked out
1. Have you heard that the surgeons __________ the wrong patient because there were two patients with the
same name? (cut open)
2. He __________ soon after the injury. (became well)
3. I decided to take more exercise and __________ fatty foods and sweets. (reduce my consumption of)
4. Lucy __________ in the gym regularly last year. (trained her body)
5. Chris is disabled; he uses a(n) __________ to get about. (moving chair for people who can t walk)
6. Herbal remedies really __________ a decade ago. (became successful)
7. I had to have a(n) __________ to make sure my leg wasn t broken. (photograph showing bones)
8. He always __________  he went jogging and scuba diving. (kept himself in good physical condition)
___ / 8
Zadanie 9. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz by uzupełnić zdania.
1. Have you seen / Did you see the documentary on TV last Tuesday?
2. I believe I heard /  ve heard that name somewhere before.
3. Lucy, you re here at last! What have you been doing / have you done for so long?
4. I ve consulted /  ve been consulting four specialists and they still don t know what s wrong with me.
5. Where did you buy / have you bought your new jacket? I really love it!
6. He  s had / had his first operation when he was still at nursery school.
7. I see that you don t eat any meat. How long were you / have you been a vegetarian?
8. I ve been taking / took these pills for ages. Sometimes I can t imagine my life without them.
9. At our meeting, Professor Wilkins discussed / has discussed new methods of coping with modern
10. Have you heard / Did you hear about aromatherapy?
___ / 10
Zadanie 10. Uzupełnij wypowiedzi używając wyrażeń w nawiasach w czasie past simple, present perfect lub
present perfect continuous.
Steve Are you very busy?
Claire Yes. I 1 __________________
(write) my history essay for three
hours and I 2 __________________
(not finish) it yet.
Steve Oh, really? I 3 __________________
(not start) mine yet. I 4 __________________ (want) to do it yesterday, but I
__________________ (have to) help my mum with the cleaning.
___ / 5
Strona 4 z 6
Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą
ul. Rolna 175, 02-729 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2011/2012. JZYK ANGIELSKI, klasa III LO, PP, PK nr 1 semestr I.
Zadanie 11. Prztłumacz zdania 1-5 na język angielski.
1. Wydaje mi się, że ta kobieta jest chora.
2. Mama Mike a musi nosić aparat słuchowy.
3. (At the doctor s) Co pani dolega?
4. Proszę brać to lekarstwo trzy razy dziennie.
5. Od trzech dni boli mnie brzuch.
__________________________________ ___/5
Zadanie 12. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słowami związanymi z domem.
1. We can t buy these curtains. They don t m_ _ _ _ the colour of the carpet.
2. In student flats, the bathroom and kitchen are often c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (shared).
3. If you want to buy a house, you need to contact an e_ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _.
4. The rent is Ł300 a month, plus electricity, gas and phone b_ _ _s.
5. All good-quality hotels provide their guests with bed l_ _ _ _.
6. With brown wallpaper and only a small window, the room looked really d_ _ _.
7. The flat is fully f_ _ _ _ _ _ed with all the necessary appliances.
8. The washing machine s broken down; I ll have to inform the l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ about it.
___ / 8
Zadanie 13. Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając enough lub too.
1. I m afraid this house is not big __________ for our family.
2. Have we got __________ money to pay for the tickets now?
3. I decided the job was __________ much for me, so I left the company.
4. The story was much __________ long for a five-year-old child.
5. Is this flat good __________, or do we need to find a better one? ___/5
Zadanie 14. Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając who, which, whose lub where.
1. I don t like people __________ always complain.
2. That man over there is the teacher __________ never comes to school without a tie.
3. I think the house __________ Mr Green lives has the most beautiful garden in the city.
4. She is the lady __________ bag was stolen last week.
5. Is this the letter __________ hasn t been sent yet?
___ / 5
Strona 5 z 6
Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą
ul. Rolna 175, 02-729 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2011/2012. JZYK ANGIELSKI, klasa III LO, PP, PK nr 1 semestr I.
Punktowe wyniki prac kontrolnych przeliczane są wg następującej skali:
0-39% Niedostateczna (1)
40% - 55% Dopuszczająca (2)
56% - 70% Dostateczna (3)
71% - 85% Dobra (4)
86% - 99% Bardzo dobra (5)
100% Celująca (6)
Strona 6 z 6


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