SHSpec 020 6106C26 Dealing with Attacks on Scientology

6106C26 SHSpec-20 Dealing with Attacks on Scientology

Scientology doesn't have an Achilles heel, so it's in a good position to
defend itself. People do get upset when confronted with a new idea, but new
theories get accepted fairly quickly, e.g. Harvey on blood circulation,
Socrates on the nature of man. Proponents of new theories don't necessarily
get martyred. The ones that do generally are getting motivators for their
overts as tyrants. Also, if one continually fails to advance an idea, one may
get suicidal and die for it, e.g. Christ (and Socrates). LRH believes in
making an idea effective, not to fail at it and make everybody feel guilty
because they kill you. It's not necessary to sacrifice oneself for a new
idea. That's just a way to protect old ideas. Man is a great believer in
no-change, while he obsessively changes everything. So new ideas are
rejected. Scientology is over the top, but it is still being fought, because
to the degree that one is right, to that degree he is dangerous. We threaten
to upset a lot of beliefs and customs. It's only safe for us to do it because
we can undo what we do. For instance, we can run out bad auditing.

The reason there is a question on sec checks about overts on LRH is that,
if one had a lot of overts on Ron and scientology, one could acquire a
forceful, overwhelming valence called scientology. So this is the first time
anyone has said, "Try it and see." In the early days, people said we should go
big on aesthetics. LRH said no. You can always overwhelm a thetan with
aesthetics, but it's not desirable to overwhelm a thetan. If it's true far
you, it's true, not because we've overwhelmed you. We're attacked because we
have no evil motives. People get frantic because they can't figure out,
"What's the Ditch?" If you can make a thetan commit overts against you or set
him up where he can commit the overts and remove any possibility of running
the overts, you can overwhelm him and get him so stamped dawn with a valence
that he can't even wiggle. [In other words, you set a person up where he
can't receive an overt from you (you won't commit one), and on the other hand,
you set him up where he can commit overts on you and cannot get them run out,
then you've done him in good and proper.] Former efforts at this were
entrapments. It isn't really an effort towards total freedom either, since it
allows for games. Man becomes alarmed at the fact of there being this
selfless philosophy that doesn't demand that one become subjugated and
enslaved by it, and that it doesn't say that the originator of it must be
carried on an an imperishable valence that everyone should bow down to. That
alone is incomprehensible, which alarms man and makes him think there must be

When attacked all one needs to do is to take effective actions, not get
frantic. Just keep up effective pressure, investigate loudly, and don't feel
rushed about it, let it coast. When people are in terror, they make
mistakes. So let them make the mistakes. For instance, a man called Ettleman
had been hired by the AMA and the APA to attack scientology. In this case,
which went on for three years, when it finally came to trial, his attorney
didn't show, so the case was dismissed. All that can be Zone to an
organization or a person is to harass them to the point where they're too
worried to do their job. So keep the reaction to attack to the minimal
effective actions. Don't waste time, and keep the show on the road. The more
you worry about the attacks, the more motion you waste and the less
scientology you get done. So all the enemy can do is to get negative gain by
reducing your effect. See if it's your game before playing it.

(Nothing wastes as much time as the law, because the law has overts
against time.)

If no one anywhere fought scientology, it would be as nothing,
unimportant. Think of all the philosophies that must have been developed in
the past eleven years. None of them have been fought. A sure sign that we
have ignorance and aberration on the run is that there are attacks and
fights. [The process is biting.] Start worrying when there are no more
attacks. Also note that our comm lines are far more rapid and effective than
the enemy's, and must be kept up. This alone discourages the enemy.


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