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pacote do b2evo: Upgrading from WordPress

Mecanismo multiidioma, multiusuários e multi-blog

pacote do b2evo:
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Upgrading from WordPress

Antes de iniciar, por favor repare que algumas funções de rede do b2evolution requerem que vocÄ™ aceite nosso simples Termo de serviço.

The upgrade procedure below has been tested exclusively with WordPress version 1.2.
Though it may not work with other versions,
you can still give it a try quite safely. b2evolution will not harm your data, even if it can't understand it.
The worst you would get is an error message.
Porém, como sempre, é sempre sábio fazer um backup de seu banco de dados atual (dependendo do que vocÄ™ já tenha feito) antes de instalar algo novo.

Uma vez que vocÄ™ descompactou a distribuiçćo do b2evolution:

On your server, locate the mysql database you are already using for WordPress.
You must use the same database for b2evolution to be able to upgrade. Feel safe, b2evolution will
not alter your WordPress tables and data in any way!

Nota 1: Unless you changed the config, all tables created by b2evolution are prefixed with
evo_ . Unless you already have an application using the same prefix, this makes it safe to install
b2evolution in a database shared with other applications. For example, WordPress used tables prefixed with wp_ by default.
Your existing tables will not be affected in any way.
NOta 2: Porque o mesmo banco de dados? Porque o procidemento SQL que usamos para copiar os dados -- que é rápido e seguro -- pode ser feito apenas com um Å›nico banco de dados.

Envie os arquivos do b2evolution para o seu site.

Nota: Only the contents of the /blogs directory need to be uploaded to your site. If you want b2evolution to handle the homepage of your site, upload the contents of the /blogs folder to your website root. However, you could start by uploading the files to a new subdirectory, /b2evo for example; that way your existing WordPress blog remains fully functional while you check out b2evolution.

Vamos assumir que vocę instalou o conteśdo da pasta blogs para http://yoursite.com/b2evo ...

Run the installation script on your server. It is located in http://yoursite.com/b2evo/install . Then, simply follow the on screen instructions.

The installer will ask you a few questions, create required database tables, copy your WordPress data to b2evo (without affecting WordPress) and configure b2evolution for you.
Verifique para se certificar que a nova instalaçćo funciona.
Em servidores de produçćo, é recomendado deletar o diretório/install.
Check the manual or the forums for notes on upgrading your existing WordPress template & skin to b2evolution.

Nota: You can reuse your current WordPress CSS design in a snap by copying your style.css file into any b2evolution skin folder which name starts with wpc_ (which stands for WordPress CSS compatible)
Após a instalaçćo básica ser feita, tem alguns segredinhos com os quais vocÄ™ deve tomar cuidado (manual online).

site oficial ·
Licença GNU GPL ·
contato: François PLANQUE


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