function swffill NBQWQ6DJ2IH3B4AFB3PKG4EP4E4N6ZB3E5MNVEA

SWFFillPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnySWFFill (PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)SWFFill -- Loads SWFFill objectDescription The swffill() object allows you to transform (scale, skew, rotate) bitmap and gradient fills. swffill() objects are created by the swfshape->addfill() methods. SWFFill has the following methods : swffill->moveto() and swffill->scaleto(), swffill->rotateto(), swffill->skewxto() and swffill->skewyto(). PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnySWFBitmap->getHeightPoczątek rozdziałuSWFFill->moveTo

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