patanjali bk4 08

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 4 - Sutra 8

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 4 - Illumination

8. From these three kinds of karma emerge those forms which
are necessary for the fruition of effects.In
every life, as it comes into physical manifestation, are latent those germs or seeds which
must bear fruit, and it is these latent seeds which are the efficient cause of the
appearance of the form. Those seeds have been sown at some time and must come to fruition.
They are the causes or skandas which produce those bodies in which the effects are to work
themselves out. They are the desires, impulses and obligations which keep a man upon the
great wheel, which ever turning, carries a man down into physical plane existence, there
to bring to fruition as many of those seeds, as under the law, he can handle or deal with
in any one life. These are the subjective germs which produce the form in which they
fructify, mature and come to completion. If the karmic seeds are black, the man will be
grossly selfish, material, and inclined to the left hand path; if black-white, they will
carry him into a form suitable for the working out of his obligations, of his debts,
duties and interests and the fulfiling of his desires; if they are white they tend to
build that body which is the final one to be destroyed, the causal body, the temple of
Solomon, the karana sarira of the occultist. That body, at the final liberation, is itself
destroyed and [394] naught then separates the man from his Father in Heaven, and nothing
keeps him linked to the lower material plane.

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