ąćąń: BlackSide, -=Mario=- i Deemonru :)
MediasatConnect v3.0.0 added:
The mode of hand sending keys the EMU to the STB:
- the added choice of the new systems of coding
- the possibility of addition in the file MediasatConnect.ini
of the systems of coding of accessible in the future.
You should add new systems in the section [CAS]
in the following way -> NameSystem=$XX
where $XX the byte in the hexadecimal record the identifying system
(Near first starting MCv3.0.0, the programme adds sections [CAS] with suitable registrations)
MediasatConnect v2.9.9 added:
Added new service of the EMU keys.
The index of keys near hand writing down
in the comparison with files SoftCam.Key
00 -> 06
01 -> 46
M1 -> 16
02 -> 01
M2 -> 11
3D -> 3D
00 -> 00
01 -> 01
06 -> 02
80 -> 10
81 -> 11
B0 -> 12
Keys for BISS by MediasatConnect are taken from the format
F AABB1FFF 01 1122334455667788 ;info
( provi.txt -> F ; BISS )
You introduce by hand ident=AABB index=00 len=08 klucz=1122334455667788
Keys for constant_cw by MediasatConnect are taken from the format
W AAAA:BBBBBB:CCFF:DDDD:EEEE::11223344556677881122334455667788 ; info
( provi.txt -> W ; constant CW )
You introduce by hand ident=CCFF index=00 len=12 klucz=EEEE11223344556677881122334455667788
MediasatConnect v2.9.8 added:
Record to the service card of the any file ( tps.bin, RSA_KEYS, ... )
- 'ServiceCard' page
- checkbox 'LOADER'
- press the button 'Open list' and point the file of the list ( ex. tps.bin )
- mark in the list the file which you want to send to STB ( ex. 0: TPS )
- choose COM
- choose baudrate '9600'
- press the button 'Connect'
- press the button 'Save to SC'
This is all.
The reading of the file in STB 'MENU, 8, 1, 4'.
MediasatConnect v2.9.7 added:
'Options' page checkbox 'tps.bin for 6071/6072'
the mark results in the dispatch of the file tps.bin in the format for Philips 6071/6072
The idea sat4all is not paid !!!!
MediasatConnect v2.9.6 added:
1. Support for USb to serial adapters (tested on driver Prolific Technologies
ser2pl-sys v, used by many such devices)
- if using an USB adapter go to Options page and select checkbox "Use USB to Serial Adapter"
- it supports now all program functions including: Pilot, Dump/Send, EMU keys, MHW Patch, subtitles.
- support for Service card reading/saving may depend on functionality of programmer via USB adapter
- under some circustamces when sending a list it may be necessary to send one folder at time.
2. adjusted dump lenght for 1630 channel list and firmware
changes by pippo61 under julekjulek aproval
MediasatConnect v2.9.5 added:
a) Specially accomplished to work in conjunction with mediabox' serial firmware downloader.
To download firmware to the box:
1. Open desired COM port.
2. Run firmware bootloader on the box (menu->8->5 for OFM). You should see
*** BCT-1530 serial DL ready ***
at the trace window and "dLSr" on the box' LED display.
If something is wrong then consult a community ;)
3. Click the button 'Firmware', choose a firmware (or patch) file to download.
4. Choose box' model or directly enter the address at which you are going to write this firmware or patch.
5. Wait for completition and watch the trace window, if everything is OK then you should see 'Done' here.
Downloading process is quite fast (about 6 seconds per flash sector, so 1-2 minutes for the entire firmware).
6. Close COM port at the end, and box should reboot.
Thanks Deemonru :)
b) the correction of taking keys cryptoworks from the file SoftCam.Key
for the altered format, in software STB
MediasatConnect v2.9.3 added:
a) for auto_rool dodges AES near the help of the connection RS(COM)-the tuner
the stop of rolling, on the basis of the signature read from the tuner
b) the correction of taking dodges 'constant_CW' from the file SoftCam.Key
- enough the key would by to be taken to the dispatch,
then provider in the file provi.txt has to be added (W 021C00 ;Redlight)
MediasatConnect v2.9 added:
a) the record of the log in the time the shutdown of the programme
- the logs are written down in the catalogue ' Log' in the the main catalogue of the programme
- the name for files in the format dd-MM-yy_hh-mm.log
- one can switch off the record of the files of logos, in the tuck 'Options'
b) the function ' Au AES ON'
- the key is not sent to the tuner in the case of the incorrect reading of the data of key
(the incorrect working of web page)
- after reading the key, the file SoftcamAES.key (used in auto_rool) is checked,
if there is no read key in him, then he is added to the list of keys automatically
MediasatConnect v2.8 added:
a) the service by the MediasatConnect of the container system TRAY
if you will click the right button in the area ' RS232'
or in the area of the icon MC in TRAY the options will appear you to the choice
b ) auto_rool dodges AES near the help of the connection RS(COM)-the tuner
- please press on tuner
+, MENU, 6, 4 - enabling of RS232 (or also press 2x_A, 4) for:
flash dumping, RSA-keys sending, managing the tuner with help of
virtual remote control from PC ...
- in the catalogue of the programme the file SoftcamAES.key with keys to rolling in the format:
V 007C00 01 11223344556677881122334455667788
V 007C00 01 88776655443322118877665544332211
- turn on the tuner on some channel TPS
- the tuck ' EMU Keys' press the button ' Rool AES ON'
MC what 3 sek undy, he takes keys in turn and sends to the tuner
in the window of the log you have information then:
Rool TPS AES KEY Enable
2 new keys received
Key # 3 for provi 7c00 updated.
Key # 13 for provi 7c00 updated.
- when you will observe, he is reproduced from the vision of the TV
then press ' Rool AES OFF'
1. The file with keys to rolling has to have I will name SoftcamAES.key
2. One can alter the time of sending next keys
in MediasatConnect.ini, section [ConfigAutoInetAES],
parameter TimRoolaes (the time been passed in seconds)
MediasatConnect v2.7 added:
MediasatConnect.ini the section [ConfigAutoInetAES]
making possible writing the parameters of the work, for AutoInetAES
MediasatConnect v2.6
Ł łŁ ęŁ Internet-PC-RS(COM)-
- ę
+, MENU, 6, 4 - ęŁ RS232 (ŁŁ 2x_A, 4) :
ąą łŁ, ńęŁ RSA-ę, óąŁ ŁńąŁę ń PC ...
ĄąŁńęŁ Łńę Ł ąćóęą ąń ŁłŁń
- ćąą ńą ęŁ ę ćą,ęćą Ł Łń ą -ńąŁ
- ąńó ęŁ ( ńęóą) ć ńąŁ MediasatConnect.ini
(ąęóąń AES-ę ąŁńŁ ęąńą/ńęńŁ Ł -ńąŁ)
ŁńąŁ ęę MediasatConnect:
( ć Łą OFM,
ę ę ęó RS)
ń ó꣹ ąŁ ńą ŁńąŁęŁ.
- ę
2x_MENU (ą ąŁ ą) - Ę/Ę
ęóŁęąŁŁ RS,ńńŁ ńŁćąŁŁóń ą LED ą
Ę - CoM1
Ę- CoM0
óą Ł łŁ RS-ńŁŁ
Ł ńŁą ćŁ
+, MENU, 6, 4 - ęŁ RS232 (ąęć 2x_A, 4):
ą ńŁńęą ęąą, ńąŁ RSA-ę ,
óąŁ 'ŁńąŁę' ń ęą ...
- 'Dump'- ńŁąŁ ą ń ą/ą ą. ńŁńęą ęąą
Ł ąŁń ą Ł
(ąćŁ Ł +, MENU, 6, 4)
- 'Open list'- ęŁ ńŁńęą ęąą ń Łńęą
ń ą ńęŁ ąę ąęŁŁŁóń Ł
- 'Send folders' - ńąŁ ą ą Ł łŁ
RS- ńŁŁ (ąćŁ MENU, 8, 3 - COM-RS232,
ńąŁ ńŁńęą ęąą ŁŁ Ł ą ń ęą )
ń ń ńŁńęą ęąą Ł łŁ ńŁń-ęą
EMU Keys
ćń ąąćóęŁ ę Ł ą Ł ąćóęŁ Ł
( +, MENU, 6, 4 ŁŁ 2x_MENU (ą ąŁ ą).
Ł ąóńę ąćóęŁ ę Łóń Ł ą provi.txt,
ę ą ą, Ł ęŁ óó ąćóć.
Ł óńŁ ńęŁ ę ęęć ąą
ń ąŁŁ żć ąą Ó.
MediasatConnect.ini ć Łńą óć Łę ąą SoftCam.Key,
ą ąęć ąŁą ąą ę n2, ó ąęą ń
'Automatic Keys' - ŁŁ ą ꣹Ł Łą:
ąą Ł ą Ł - ęŁ Ł Łą .
'Inet to file' - ęŁ Ł Łą ą ąćóęŁ .
'File to EMU'- ą ę Ł ąą óąŁ ęąąć MC
Ł ąćóęą .
'Choose file'- ó ąą, Ł ęć óć ńŁą ęŁ.
'Not RSA_KEYS'- żó Ł óć Łą ńóą, ęćą HDL
ńó棹 ąą RSA_KEYS (ęŁ n2 ń Łłń Ł)
MC ćą ńąŁ ą ę n2 ęąę n1 Ł ąćóŁ Ł 'ą' EMU.
Ęęą 'EMU Keys manually'- óą ąęŁ ńą ę
ŁŁ Łńą . ż ąńŁ Ł 'to emu' ę 'Nagra'
ą ćń ąęć ńą ęŁ nagra 'ą' EMU.
( ęŁ MENU, 8, 3 - COM-RS232,
ńęą ńŁńęą ęąą ŁŁ Ł ą ń ęą )
ć ńą ą.
ą ć ó ń Łą ą 'File:'
ŃŁąŁ Ł ąą ęń ę Łą Ł Ł Ł ą żęą TV.
( ęŁ C - ńó棹Ł ńóŁ ę Łą).
MC ó ńŁą ą ą:
1 - ą ą, -ęń
00:00:34: ć, ŁŁ .
00:00:39:ćą ćąńŁ, ,ŁńąŁłŁń Ł ęąą
2 - ą ąŁ ąńŁ ńą y
{839}{959} ć, ŁŁ .
{959}{1079}ćą ćąńŁ, ,ŁńąŁłŁń Ł ęąą
3 - ą xxxx.srt
00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:38,000
ć, ŁŁ .
00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:43,000
ćą ćąńŁ, ,ŁńąŁłŁń Ł ęąą
ńŁą MC ą ńóŁ ć ńą Ł ńŁńŁ
ć ęŁ ą ę ęó.
ńąŁ ąą óć ęŁ MENU, 8, 3 - COM-RS232,
ńęó ńŁńęą ęąą ŁŁ óćŁ ą ń ęą ą .
ąŁ ńŁąŁ, ą żęą ęą, ńęą ą
Ł ą żęą TV ńóŁ ć ę ęŁę Windows 1521 (꣣Łą).
ąŁć ąćŁ óńńęć łŁą ć łŁ
Łą OFM óńńę ńŁŁ.
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