Language In Film Reviews

Language In Film Reviews

1. This is a _________ acted film. I was impressed.
a) magnificence
b) magnificent
c) maginificently
d) magnified

2. All the actors give good ________ and the photography is superb.
a) performances
b) performing
c) performers
d) performs

3. The plot develops in an _________ way.
a) interest
b) interested
c) interesting
d) interestingly

4. This is Speilberg's most _________ picture. Critics disagree almost violently about it.
a) controversy
b) controversial
c) convoluted
d) contradictory

5. The story is completely _________ . People fly, animals can talk and some of the characters live to 180.
a) unreal
b) unrealistic
c) unrelated
d) unrealistically

6. The acting seemed very ________ and unconvincing.
a) woody
b) wood
c) wood-like
d) wooden

7. _________ it's a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl who then goes and dies. It's a typical love story.
a) Basically
b) Base
c) Basic
d) Basely

8. There are some amazing ________ in the film. The action is breath-taking.
a) tricks
b) acts
c) stunts
d) dangers

9. You create most ________ effects using computers these days. They are known as computer graphics.
a) speciality
b) special
c) specially
d) specialist

10. Younger viewers are sure to find the crude humour in the film very _________ .
a) appealing
b) appealed
c) appeals
d) appeal

11. There are spectacular car chases and some __________ moments in the film.
a) thriller
b) thrilled
c) thrilling
d) thrill

12. I was ________ from the opening scene right up to the final credits. Brilliant!
a) gripping
b) griping
c) gripped
d) gripper


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