patanjali bk2 12

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - Sutra 12

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - The Steps to Union

12. Karma itself has its root in these five
hindrances and must come to fruition in this life or in some later life.Just as long as man
on the physical plane is subject to, or governed by these hindrances, just [143] so long
will he initiate those activities which will produce inevitable effects, and just so long
will he be tied to the wheel of rebirth and be condemned to form-taking. The student
should carefully note that these five hindrances are the cause of all the activities of
the lower personality or the lower man. Everything he does is based on one or other of
them and there is no action of the average man in the three worlds which is not the
outcome of ignorance and its accompanying erroneous identifications and reactions.
As the hindrances are overcome and ignorance, the field of them all, is superseded by
divine wisdom, there are fewer and fewer effects to work out on the physical plane, and
the chains which link a man to the great wheel of physical manifestation are severed one
by one. These chains are triple just as the field of ignorance is triple, being the three
great planes of consciousness which are the field of human evolution. When the field of
ignorance becomes the field of conscious experience and when the chains are felt to be
fetters and limitations, the would be chela has made a tremendous step forward in the
liberating process. When he can carry the struggle inward into what Ganganatha Jha calls
"the unmanifested life" and which we frequently call "the subtler
planes" he is entering the Hall of Learning and is severing those fetters which kama
(or desire) and the wrong use of the mind have so subtly forged. Later he will enter the
Hall of Wisdom and be taught certain esoteric and occult methods of hastening the
liberating process. [144]

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